CC WS 2017 09 25
SEPTEMBER 25, 2017
Mayor Laufenburger called the work session to order at 5:01 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Laufenburger, Councilwoman Tjornhom,
Councilman McDonald, Councilwoman Ryan, and Councilman Campion
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Chelsea Petersen, Paul Oehme, MacKenzie Walters, and
Greg Sticha
Todd Gerhardt provided background information prior to Paul Oehme introducing Eric Johnson
with Bolton & Menk who reviewed the study area and corridor goals for implementing safety
improvements. He discussed existing and future traffic numbers along CSAH 61 and CSAH 10
and improvements needed for the increased traffic. Angie Versa reviewed a range of realignment
improvement options to improve the existing alignment. In discussing the LRT trail, options
were explored using the existing trail versus an old railroad bed. Mayor Laufenburger asked
what tools are used to arrived at the estimated numbers. Councilman Campion asked for
clarification between option 9B and 9C and what happens with the existing alignment if
realignment is chosen. Mayor Laufenburger asked about historical preservation work that has
been done and will need to be done in the future. Councilwoman Ryan asked for clarification on
land ownership associated with the different realignment options. Todd Gerhardt asked about
the possibility of adding a roundabout at the Stoughton Avenue intersection. Mayor
Laufenburger asked who makes the decision on which alignment will be picked. The engineers
stated the City Council will make that decision. Angie Versa reviewed the next steps which
include meeting with property owners, open houses and an implementation plan. Mayor
Laufenburger clarified that CSAH 61 is under the jurisdiction of Carver County.
Greg Sticha discussed possible funding sources for increasing the pavement management funds
to meet future demand. Paul Oehme reviewed the history of establishing the practice of
assessing property owners 40 percent and reviewed alternatives for increasing assessments to 50
percent. Greg Sticha reviewed what’s being done currently to fund the revolving assessment
construction fund, and the results of surveying what neighboring cities do for street funding
before discussing four options. Councilman McDonald questioned if the city has the right OCI
number for acceptable roadways. Councilwoman Tjornhom asked about the cost of maintaining
roads in the 60 OCI range. Mayor Laufenburger asked if council members agree that the
City Council Work Session – September 25, 2017
trajectory of funding the pavement management fund needs to change. Councilman Campion
stated he would lean towards keeping the 40 percent assessment. Councilwoman Ryan favored
eliminating the assessment and adding a franchise fee. Councilman McDonald would favor
exploring eliminating the 40 percent assessment. Councilwoman Tjornhom favored keeping the
40 percent assessment, possibly lowering the OCI numbers and that the use of franchise fees
needs to be explored more. Mayor Laufenburger favored keeping the 40 percent assessment
practice through one full cycle of property owners being assessed. Councilwoman Ryan asked
about the use of building permit fees. Todd Gerhardt discussed legal impacts associated with
using building permit fees. Greg Sticha discussed that staff has used surplus money in the past to
help fund the revolving assessment fund and reviewed four options from doing nothing to using
different options as funding sources and assumptions used for those options. Mayor
Laufenburger asked what staff was looking for from council. Greg Sticha stated staff would like
feedback on progressing forward with the use of a franchise fee and starting the process of
educating the public. Council members discussed how franchise fees are established and
implemented. Councilwoman Ryan favored using a franchise fee, no assessment and the use of
surplus money. Councilman Campion favored continuing with the assessment practice in the
near term while implementing a franchise fee. Councilman McDonald favored the use of
franchise fees and use surplus money somewhere else other than streets. Councilwoman
Tjornhom favored lowering the OCI number and continue with the current assessment practice.
Mayor Laufenburger favored perpetuating the assessment practice while implementing a
franchise fee into the future. After further discussion it was the consensus that council feels
comfortable moving forward with a franchise fee after additional information is provided. Staff
stated they would provide additional information and a timeline to move forward. Mayor
Laufenburger asked for numbers associated with the impact to non profit entities.
Todd Gerhardt discussed details of proposed code amendments prepared by MacKenzie Walters
so that this item can be brought forward to the Planning Commission at their next meeting.
MacKenzie Walters discussed specifically the amendments to the pervious pavers code within the
shoreland district. Councilman McDonald asked how inspections would be handled by city staff
and how the City will know if they fail. Mayor Laufenburger asked about the code amendment
regarding small cell.
Mayor Laufenburger adjourned the work session at 7:05 p.m.
Submitted by Todd Gerhardt
City Manager
Prepared by Nann Opheim