CC WS 2017 12 11
DECEMBER 11, 2017
The City Council held executive session from 5:00 to 5:45 p.m. to discuss the City
Manager’s Performance Evaluation. Mayor Laufenburger called the work session to order
at 5:47 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Laufenburger, Councilwoman Tjornhom,
Councilman McDonald, and Councilwoman Ryan
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Chelsea Petersen, Kate Aanenson, Paul Oehme, Todd
Hoffman and Greg Sticha
Lita Cantin 6694 Nez Perce
Todd Neils 990 Saddlebrook
Todd Gerhardt reviewed the work that’s been done to date on this item. Mayor Laufenburger
asked for clarification on the timeline moving forward. Greg Sticha reviewed options for
funding the total amount of $2,704,000 needed in the pavement management fund in the future.
He discussed using a levy contribution, and/or franchise fees and the assumptions used which
includes no longer using assessments. He reviewed his recommended amounts for residential,
small commercial, medium commercial, large commercial, and small Dual Fuel. Todd Gerhardt
explained that a funding source will also be needed to fund playground replacement and park
maintenance in the future. Councilman McDonald suggested leaving the levy amount even, use
of franchise fees to make an even playing field for all users and move surplus money away from
the pavement management fund and use it to fund other items. Councilwoman Tjornhom asked
for clarification on the distinction between the small, medium and large commercial users and
who establishes that definition. She suggested raising the percent impact on the average
commercial user to take the burden off residential users and asked to see the results of lowering
the levy amount. Councilwoman Ryan stated she would like to see the levy be eliminated for
pavement management and the use of franchise fees. Greg Sticha explained that the $5 amount
is on the higher side throughout the state and would suggest that it be more around $3. Mayor
Laufenburger stated he would favor a zero amount in the levy, favored having a consistent levy
and the use of surplus when council sees a need. The consensus of council members favored
having a consistent franchise fee. Councilwoman Ryan favored eliminating the levy
contributions and using franchise fees. Councilman McDonald asked about setting the amount
City Council Work Session – December 11, 2017
of the franchise fees. Mayor Laufenburger stated he would like to hear what citizens say on the
percentage charged between residential and commercial. Councilwoman Tjornhom wanted to
hear feedback on the elimination of assessments moving forward. Councilman McDonald stated
he would support a 50/50 split going forward.
Todd Gerhardt reviewed the work done by Kate Aanenson working with the Hoisington-Koegler
Group. He explained that Hoisington-Koegler is recommending meeting with community
organizations before approving this document. Kate Aanenson reviewed opportunities to meet at
events like Feb Fest and other meetings to get citizen input similar to the process used in the Park
System Plan. After discussion the consensus favored getting more input using the process used
by the Park and Recreation Commission. Mayor Laufenburger asked when it will be determined
when enough input has been obtained, the contract scope with Hoisington-Koegler and requested
definite recommendations be provided by Hoisington-Koegler at the end of this process.
Mayor Laufenburger adjourned the work session at 6:55 p.m.
Submitted by Todd Gerhardt
City Manager
Prepared by Nann Opheim