2018 Sealcoat Project: Accept Bids and Award ContractCITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday, March 26, 2018 Subject Resolution No. 2018­27: Accept Bids and Award Contract for the 2018 Sealcoat Project Section CONSENT AGENDA Item No: D.8. Prepared By Steve Ferraro, Construction Manager/Engineering Technician IV File No: Project No. 2018­05 PROPOSED MOTION “The City Council approves a resolution accepting bids and awarding a contract for the 2018 Sealcoat Project to Allied Blacktop Company for roadway sealcoating in the amount of $220,219.00.” Council approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present. BACKGROUND Annually, the city has completed a sealcoat project to extend the life of its streets and parking lots.  The Pavement Management Program identified the streets, trails and parking lots in the project for maintenance this year.  Staff visited each street to visually review the pavement condition and confirm sealcoating is required.       DISCUSSION A sealcoat program is a cost­effective tool to protect the capital asset of a street and extend the life of the street system.  Sealcoating is the application of asphalt emulsion followed immediately with an aggregate cover.  Sealcoating of streets is beneficial because it: •Can delay or eliminate further aging of pavement due to water and sun. •Seals to provide a moisture barrier. •Fills in raveled pavement areas. •Enriches under­asphalt pavement. •Seals cracks temporarily or permanently. •Performs minor leveling. •Restores surface friction to improve wheel grip. •Economically prolongs the life of existing pavements. It is estimated that a sealcoat application extends the life of pavement from three to six years at a fraction of the cost of street rehabilitation or bituminous overlay projects.  It is, therefore, more cost effective to sealcoat roadways when fewer pavement distresses are present versus letting the pavement deteriorate until major, costly rehabilitation or reconstruction projects are required. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORTMonday, March 26, 2018SubjectResolution No. 2018­27: Accept Bids and Award Contract for the 2018 Sealcoat ProjectSectionCONSENT AGENDA Item No: D.8.Prepared By Steve Ferraro, ConstructionManager/Engineering Technician IV File No: Project No. 2018­05PROPOSED MOTION“The City Council approves a resolution accepting bids and awarding a contract for the 2018 Sealcoat Project toAllied Blacktop Company for roadway sealcoating in the amount of $220,219.00.”Council approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present.BACKGROUNDAnnually, the city has completed a sealcoat project to extend the life of its streets and parking lots.  The PavementManagement Program identified the streets, trails and parking lots in the project for maintenance this year.  Staff visitedeach street to visually review the pavement condition and confirm sealcoating is required.      DISCUSSIONA sealcoat program is a cost­effective tool to protect the capital asset of a street and extend the life of the streetsystem.  Sealcoating is the application of asphalt emulsion followed immediately with an aggregate cover.  Sealcoating ofstreets is beneficial because it:•Can delay or eliminate further aging of pavement due to water and sun.•Seals to provide a moisture barrier.•Fills in raveled pavement areas.•Enriches under­asphalt pavement.•Seals cracks temporarily or permanently.•Performs minor leveling.•Restores surface friction to improve wheel grip.•Economically prolongs the life of existing pavements.It is estimated that a sealcoat application extends the life of pavement from three to six years at a fraction of the cost ofstreet rehabilitation or bituminous overlay projects.  It is, therefore, more cost effective to sealcoat roadways when fewerpavement distresses are present versus letting the pavement deteriorate until major, costly rehabilitation or reconstruction projects are required. This project will also include a double­chip seal for parking lots that are in greater distress.  This sealcoat technique provides additional aggregate to reinforce the distressed pavement surface. As of Bid Alternate #1, a sealcoat emulsion with sand will be utilized on the trails in this project.  This technique will result in a smoother surface for recreational use by bicycles and rollerblades.  BIDS RECIEVED City staff solicited bids by advertising in the local newspaper and QuestCDN three weeks prior to the bid opening.  On March 8, 2018, three bids were received for the 2018 Sealcoat Project No. 18­05.  Bid amounts for the project are shown below: Base Bid Alternate #1 Bid Grand Total Bid Allied Blacktop Company*$211,969.00 $8,250.00 $220,219.00 Asphalt Surface Technologies Corp.$222,976.00 $16,500.00 $239,476.00 Pearson Bros., Inc.$205,058.00 $15,290.00 $220,348.00 *Indicates low grand total bidder Allied Blacktop Company has completed previous projects in the city of Chanhassen.  Their past work has been acceptable. Sealcoating activities will tentatively start in July 9, 2018 with a completion date of August 31, 2018 for streets, parking lots, and trails.  City staff will send out notifications to all affected property owners prior to work commencing.  This project was budgeted for 2018 in the CIP Pavement Management (ST­018).  The remaining funds in this budget item are used for in­house projects such as pothole patching, curb repairs, sidewalk repairs, and other miscellaneous street and trail repairs.  ATTACHMENTS: Resolution CIP Page Streets and Parking Lots Map Trails Map CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: March 26, 2018 RESOLUTION NO: 2018-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: ______ A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE 2018 SEALCOAT PROJECT NO. 18-05 WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the 2018 Sealcoat Project, three bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Base Bid Alternate #1 Bid Grand Total Bid Allied Blacktop Company* $211,969.00 $8,250.00 $220,219.00 Asphalt Surface Technologies Corp. $222,976.00 $16,500.00 $239,476.00 Pearson Bros., Inc. $205,058.00 $15,290.00 $220,348.00 *Indicates low grand total bidder AND WHEREAS, it appears that Allied Blacktop Company is the lowest responsible bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen: 1. The mayor and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Allied Blacktop Company in the name of the City of Chanhassen for the 2018 Sealcoat Project No. 18-05 according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer. 2. The city clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained unto a contract has been signed. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 26th day of March, 2018. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Denny Laufenburger, Mayor YES NO ABSENT Map 1 of 5 Map 2 of 5 Map 3 of 5 Map 4 of 5 Map 5 of 5 Parking Lot Map Trail Map Ü 2018 Seal Coat Project Areas 0 5,000 10,0002,500 Feet Ly m an Blvd ( C S A H 1 8 ) T im berwood Dr Pin e w o o d Circle AcornLaneMaplewoodTerraceOakwoodRidge R e n a i s s a n c e C o u r tBenwoodCircle StoneCr eekRdStoneCre e kDrStoneCreekDr BluffViewCourt C r e e kViewCourt 4 5 6 Stone CreekCrt Andrew Court Co ulter B lvd BridleCreekCircle LukewoodDr S tone C r e e k Lan e W S to n e C r eekLaneEBoulderRoadBridleCreekT ra i l GalpinBlvd(CSAH 15)Gal pi nCr t 0.1 0 0.10.05 MilesÜChip Seal Only Not a Through Street 2018 Street Seal Coat Map 1 of 5 CityCenterParkL a k e S u s a n P a r kPowersBlvd(CSAH17)TargetLaneK e r berBlvdChippewaTrailSantaV e r a D r L a keDriveW.VillageRoad 3 1 KIMBERLY LANE 3 Nicholas Way2 Kelly Court MarketBlvd ParkRo a d Market St State Hw y 5 P i c h a KerberBlvdMarket Blv d KiowaLaredoDrive21 S a n t a VeraDrLaredoLaneC a nyonC urveChan ViewW78thStreet Pon d P ro m e n a d e500 0 500250 FeetÜChip and Crack Seal 2018 Street Seat Coat Map 2 of 5 Lake Minnewashta Regio nal Park (County Park) C athcartPark RoundhousePark HermanFieldPark Minnewashta Heights P ark MinnewashtaParkwayRed O a kLane W hite OakLane Wh i t eOakLane Hallgren Lane CountryOaksRoadStratford RidgeGlendale D r StratfordLn StratfordBlvdStateHwy7Crestview D r Linden C irK i r kw o o dC i r Landin g s DriveLandingsCrtJoshuaCi r CountryO aks RdLes leeCurveGreenbri ar AveGlendale Dr. Maple Cir Maple DrLeslee Curve Chur chRoadMeadowLaneW. 62 nd St.MeadowCourtElmTreeCypressDriveDartm o u th D rFi rTreeS h o r e Drive Bar b erryCirAr borLane DogwoodAveI r o n w o o d P ip e r R id g e L n TanagersPointNorth Man orWash taBay R oadTanagersLnS a ndpiperTrailMin n e washtaW o o d s DrForrestCirForest A v e Ches Mar DrMillCreekLNK ing s Roa d Pipewood Cir O r chard L a n e M aplewoodCirPipewoodCurvePipewoodCrt Country O aksDrPipewoodLane CartwayLanePaddockLn Washta Bay Ct !Rock Island LnStrawbe rry L a ne OHW 944.5 L ake Minn ew asht a 1,000 0 1,000500 Feet ÜChip Seal Only Not a Through Street 2018 Street Seal Coat Map 3 of 5 M eado wGreenPark Pheasan t H illPark C urryFarmsP ark CarverBeachPlayground Greenwood Sh ores Par k SommerGate RingneckDr.Pheasant D rMolineCirStellerCir WhiteDoveDr S t r a t ton CrtCharing Bend H eatherCourtR e d w in gCt.NezPerceCt BuckingwoodCourtRidgeRoadBelm ont LnLakeLucy Lane C r e s t v i e wCir W h ite ta ilR id g e C o u r t L a ke LucyRoad FAWNHILLROADLakewayDriveNorthwoodCourtN ez P erce Dr MelodyHill MurrayHillRoadW. 65th St.Hummingbird RdMelod yHillCirLake Luc y R d TreeTopRdCr es tview Dr. C h estnut L a n e Pinehu rstDrPinehurst Dr W hi teDoveCir Wood DuckCirPintailCir Partridge Cir TealCir West 63rd StCardinal Ave.CreekRu n Tr.AudubonBlue JayK o e h ne n Cir. EastKoehnenCir. West P h easantCir Shadow LaneIthlienAshton CT Te tonLaneBretton WayArlington Ct. WelsleyCt.PleasantViewCoveW illow C reekDevonshireDrPointeLakeLucyMulberryCirEastMul b erryCir W est PeacefulLaneTroendleCircleTecumsehLaneShawneeLa n e RedmanLnUticaLaneUticaTerraceUticaCircleU t i c a L ane Po ntia cCrt.Ponti a cCircle Pon t i a c L n DerbyDrive Pre akness Ln PimlicoLaneRin g o Dr Pi ma LnCh a p a rr al LnRed w i ngL a n eKe rbe r Blvd NezPerceDrWoodhill Dr C r e e D r P o n d e r o s a D r I m p e r i a l L o n e E a g l eRd Carver BeachRd PenamintCtRedwingLnPenamintLnChaparralL N Hiawatha Dr We stern Dr ChaparralCourtMohawk DrPawneeV i n elan d CtFoxPat hH opi R d DeerwoodDrQ uiverDrive P le as a n t V iewRoadFox Pat hFoxCtHolly LaneKNOBHILLLANE Lakew ay Lan eWoodDuckLn HighgateCir BriarwoodCt.Galpin Blvd. (CR 117)LakeL u c y Road Lake Lucy Road D ia m o n d C o urt Melody HillMurrayHillCrt Steller Court Lu cyRidg eCourt E m e ral dL aneLucy Ridge LaneRubyL a n e T o pazDriv eSapphireLane ShenendoahCircle GoldenCourtEdgewoodCt ManchesterDriveLakeH arrisonCircle Lake Harrison Rd A mberwoodL N Alder Way YosemiteYosemiteVioletWynsongLane AnthemPlace OHW 956.1 OHW 993.6 OHW 932.77 Lake Lucy La keHarrison Clasen L ak e ChristmasLake 1,000 0 1,000500 Feet ÜChip and Crack Seal Vacated Road 2018 Street Seal Coat Map 4 of 5 Lake Susan PreserveC han hassenHillsPark FoxwoodsPreserveLakeSusanDriveLymanCourt M aryJ aneCirB ar bar a C r t Quinn RoadOverlookCourt Gree n vie w Dr.Summerfie ld D riveChanhass en Hills Dr NorthC hanh assenHillsDrSouthLakeSusanCrt£¤212 3 4 !Chesterfield Ln Springfield DrCrossroadsBlvdSWVillageDrHWY 101EagleRidgeRdHawkcre s t Cir HawkcrestCtEagleCtCrossroad Court 500 0 500250 Feet ÜChip and Crack Seal 2018 Street Seal Coat Map 5 of 5 Surdex 2016 150 0 15075 Feet ÜParking Lot C hip Seal Coat 2018 Parking Lot Chip Seal Coat Hwy101GreatPla i nsBlvdW94th S T GreenviewD r iv e OverlookCrtSpringfieldDriveKiowa TrailHwy 101 Great Plains BlvdSurdex 2016 250 0 250125 Feet ÜTrail Seal C oat 2018 Trail Seal Coat