CC 2018 06 25
JUNE 25, 2018
Mayor Laufenburger called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. The meeting was opened
with the Pledge to the Flag.
COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Laufenburger, Councilwoman Tjornhom,
Councilman McDonald, and Councilman Campion
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Chelsea Petersen, Kate Aanenson, Paul Oehme, Todd
Hoffman and Roger Knutson
Jon Gilbert 1641 Jeurissen Lane
Gene Kotz Xcel Energy, Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis
Jennifer Zbinden 6460 Bretton Way
Mack Titus 2747 Century Trail
Zhexin Zhang 1455 Bethesda Circle
Mayor Laufenburger: Thank you and I wish to welcome all of you in the chambers, welcome to
this City Council meeting as well as those of you who are watching on Mediacom cable
television at home or via live web stream anywhere in Chanhassen, the city, the nation, the world
for that matter so welcome to all of you. For the record Councilmember Elise Ryan is absent this
evening. Excused absence but the remaining council members are all present. First action
tonight is action on the agenda. Council members are there any modifications to the agenda as
printed this evening? There being none we will proceed with the agenda as printed.
Mayor Laufenburger: First item on our agenda this evening is a public announcement. As I said
today is June 25. Just a little over a week away is the annual 4 of July celebration here in
event of the year. This is the 35 annual 4 of July celebration coming up. The celebration will
be held June 2, 3 and 4. Th
by the City of Chanhassen and sponsored by the 2018 Community Event Sponsors. On Monday
July 2 there will be a family night at the carnival from 3:00 to 10:00 p.m. Pony rides available
from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m. On Tuesday, July 3 activities begin at 3:00 p.m. and they include the
Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce Business Expo. The Rotary Club of Chanhassen
presents the Taste of Chanhassen and the beer and wine garden. Carnival rides, concessions.
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
There will be a kiddie parade. There will be skateboard competition. There will be live music
from the band called Ragtown and the every popular street dance featuring Casablanca Orchestra
from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. and I believe this is the 21 year in a row for Casablanca, is that correct
Mr. Hoffman?
Todd Hoffman: Correct.
about 40 people who come to that fishing contest every year and they catch fish in Lake Ann and
Carnival rides and concessions. Again the Rotary Club Taste of Chanhassen and the beer and
wine garden. The Rotary Club of Chanhasse
the Chanhassen Rotary Club. The continuation of the beer and wine garden of course. And just
a fun event and I think we estimate there are as many as 25,000 or 30,000 people that line the
gs waving
over Lake Ann at 10:00 p.m. Bring your families, neighbors, friends for 3 days of fun and I look
forward to seeing everyone there. 4 of July.
my public announcement tonight.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilman Campion seconded to
1. Approval of City Council Minutes dated June 11, 2018
2. Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated June 5, 2018
3. Receive Park and Recreation Commission Minutes dated May 22, 2018
4. Ordinance 633: Pervious Pavers City Code Amendment (Chapters 7 and 20)
5. Ordinance 634: Beekeeping (Amending City Code Chapters 4, 5, and 20)
6. Conditional Use Permit 2018-08: Approve Xcel Energy Transmission Line to be located
south of the intersection of Audubon Road and Lyman Boulevard
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
Mayor Laufenburger: Did you draw s
first. This is a new face to us right?
Sergeant Tyler Stahn: Yes sir.
Mayor Laufenburger: Alright, give us your name here.
Sergeant Tyler Stahn: My name is Tyler Stahn.
Mayor Laufenburger: Alright, Tyler did Lieutenant Kittelson tell you about the harassment that
the City Council gives all the rookies that come up here?
Sergeant Tyler Stahn:
Sergeant Tyler Stahn:
Mayor Laufenburger: Nice to have you here.
Sergeant Tyler Stahn: Thank you. Good evening Mr. Mayor and council members. I have the
monthly law enforcement update for you this evening. With regards to the month of May, calls
for service that we had, there were Group A crimes, 15 Group B crimes, 468 miscellaneous non-
criminal incidents, 359 total traffic related calls, 87 administrative calls for a total of 969 calls for
service. With regards to arrests, 35 individuals were arrested and charged with 56 crimes in 26
separate incidents. The leaders in those categories being 7 DUI arrests, 7 liquor law violations,
and 4 drug related arrests. There were 71 citations issued and 194 verbal warnings given.
Training update, the following staff recently completed the Minnesota Crisis Intervention Team
Training June 4 through 8. In attendance was myself, Deputy Travis Larson, Deputy Jonathon
Howard, Deputy Mike Felt as well as Sergeant Bones and the remaining staff will complete the
training September 24 through the 28. With regards to community relations. Myself and my
team completed a pedestrian safety detail on Powers Boulevard near Park Road on May 31. We
observed one violation within the hour that we were out there. We observed secondary
violations in terms of speeding through the intersection during our timeframe while we were
there. No citations were issued and educational enforcement was taken. Detective Charles
Possard conducted a presentation at the Senior Center on June 11 that focused on fraud and
scams that target seniors. Deputies and the community service officers worked traffic control for
the Lake Minnetonka Triathlon on June 16. Deputies worked at the Chanhassen Dinner
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
anniversary on June 18. Deputies attended the Night at the Red Birds on June
20. Deputy Adam Hastings and Sergeant Jason Breunig will be conducting a fraud and scam
presentation at Summerwood on June 27. And then finally with regards to that I participated in
the filming of a documentary for an opioid education and abuse prevention that was aimed at
stemming off of a few, many of you may recall beginning of 2016 a 20 year old male died in the
city of a heroin overdoes and at the time I was an investigator and I had worked that case and I
helped get that drug dealer caught so the mother of the decedent had started a non-profit which
has really been picking up steam and sh
that was for. Staffing update. Detective Charles Possard has resigned his position with the
and Deputy Joe DeRosier who was assigned to the city last
year will be replacing him beginning in mid-
reminder that the Fire Marshal or law enforcement may confiscate fireworks and it is a
misdemeanor to sell, discharge or possess those fireworks. That concludes my report and I will
stand for questions.
Mayor Laufenburger: Alright, is it Sergeant is that correct?
Mayor Laufenburger: Okay, Sergeant thank you. Any questions or comments from the council?
No harassment whatsoever. Nice job Sergeant, thank you very much.
Sergeant Tyler Stahn: Thank you.
Mayor Laufenburger: Chief Johnson?
Chief Don Johnson: Good evening like to add onto maybe
of July.
Chief Don Johnson: I cannot guarantee wet conditions so we will work with law enforcement in
to celebrate 4 of July. Fire department staffing is at 43. We had a very successful hiring period
for our 2018 class. We did add 5 new firefighters to our rolls. Additionally we were able to
firefighters to the Station 2 area. Additi
will be leaving the department at the end of the month. I hope to see, bring him to council in the
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
next couple of months and we can celebrate his 20 years of service to the citizens. We did also
Edina starting July 31
around 4
some new faces around town for that. We continue to be extremely busy. We had 86 calls for
service in May. If we stay on this the projection is to be around 850 calls which is 100 more than
board. Within that month of May we had 41
EMS calls. That included 6 motor vehicle accidents. We responded to 4 fires. One in town here
at the Chan View Apartments where there was a deck fire related to cigarette smoking and we
responded to Excelsior, Victoria, and Chaska on 3 separate incidents for structure fires. As I said
with illegal burning which would be violations of ordinances for our rec fires. Again reminding
people that you can have a rec fire. Definition of a rec fire would be sitting around with your
entire yard contents and things like that.
Chief Don Johnson: Correct Mayor. 3 by 3 by 3.
Mayor Laufenburger: There.
Chief Don Johnson: At least 25 feet from combustibles so away from your house. Away from
your fences that would be combustible and you can use clean wood so depending on the logs that
you would use. No construction material. No painted, no treated materials. Those type of
Mayor Laufenburger: Okay so just simply because you have a fire ring in your back yard or a
this recreational fire.
Chief Don Johnson: Correct. Means of extinguishment. It has to be manned and there has to be
Mayor Laufenburger: Good, alright thank you for that clarification.
e, correct Mayor. Training, June officers training.
d a very busy activities. Non-emergency response to the community. April 27
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
was the Chanhassen Elementary Color Run. May 28 the Legion Honor Guard with the
cemetery visits. May 28 also, we staffed the City Memorial Day celebration. June 2 was the
on the 11 and our annual Black Hat on the 18 and celebrated the 5 of our probationary
firefighters passing onto getting out of probation after 2 years.
getting ready for 4 of July, both with the parade, the
office with the street dance and the parade.
some of the other things that we can do. We assisted Lyman Lumber with fire drills for their
employees for the first time in a significantly long time. We provided fire extinguisher training
at Novaspect
24 s all for my report for the month.
Mayor Laufenburger: Alright, thanks Chief. Council any questions or comments for the Chief?
Chief Don Johnson: Correct Mayor.
Mayor Laufenburger: Could you give us the status on that?
Chief Don Johnson: Sure. We were notified that we would probably be taking delivery a month
early at the end of August, which it was due in October 1-
truck is actually ready for that which means the cab, the back end utility portion and the turn
table for the ladder will be all
The truck committee team will do a visual inspection and work through a couple other things
with the builder at that time and take acceptance.
some reports that our current ladder truck may find a
new home, is that correct?
Chief Don Johnson: Correct. Todd Gerhardt, the City Manager and the City Administrator of
Pine City did work out a deal for the purchase of Ladder 11. It works out well for them. They
had a catastrophic failure and as you know it takes time to build the capital for some of these
Manager Gerhardt for working that out.
Mayor Laufenburger: Alright. Thanks Chief. Appreciate your help.
Chief Don Johnson: Thank you.
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
Mayor Laufenburger: Good luck on the 4 of July.
Mayor Laufenburger: Okay.
Mayor Laufenburger: Alright next item on our agenda is new business. This is item number 1.
Paul Oehme: It is.
Mayor Laufenburger: Okay, good evening.
Paul Oehme: Good evening Mayor, City Council members. This is an update and consideration
of passing a resolution in support of the Galpin Boulevard scoping study findings so Jon Horn
with Kimley-Horn and Association who has been helping the City on this project. He is under
background on the project itself. I know the council had reviewed the background and a lot of
so I just wanted to highlight some of those, that information again. I would just like to update
the council on our latest open house that we had with this project back on June 12 and we did
have some good feedback received from the residents and that on this project. Reviewed the
preliminary design recommendations for the intersections, pedestrian improvements and
those and then talk about potential next steps. So the project again is our improvements to
the north city
divided section of roadway from Highway 5 to that first block up to 78 Street and then north of
ay to the north city limits. Some existing
sidewalks, trails are along the corridor and this roadway is potentially a turnback candidate from
Carver County to the City of Chanhassen. Carver County currently owns, maintains, plows the
road and this project if it moves forward potentially would give this section of road back to the
the city standards
that would have to be met in order for that to happen. So again the project, we did take traffic
studies earlier in the year. Completed that. We did look at the existing roadway configurations
and how it would function at an acceptable level potentially in 2040. We looked at you know
potentially growth in the area. How would that impact traffic and congestion on this roadway.
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
consider for improvements. They include West 78 Street, Brinker Street, Lake Lucy Road.
Those are the primary intersections that take the most traffic along Galpin Boulevard. So our
open house again was held on June 12 at the Rec Center. Approximately 1,600 notices were
mailed out for this meeting. We did have fairly good attendance, about 45 residents that came
and viewed our displays and asked questions. We did receive 17 comment cards for the, at the
open house and I believe most of those are included in your packet tonight for your review. And
then overall we did find that there was general support for the improvements. Galpin Boulevard
is in fairly poor condition right now. There are some things along the corridor that residents
would like us to consider improving such as sight lines and drainage and those type of things.
And there was support for the roundabouts at West 78 Street, Brinker Street and Lake Lucy
th end
of the corridor were also discussed heavily with a lot of the residents in that area. There is as
section of the roadway safer. And
then also support for trail improvements as well seemed to be a theme that resonated at the open
house. So just a quick overview of the roundabout proposal. So roundabouts again are proposed
at 3 intersections. Full roundabout would be at 78
at Brinker Street and Lake Lucy Road. Those are a lot smaller. About half the size of a regular
a lot of traffic but want to still calm intersections and for traffic in some of these neighborhoods
so we thought this would be a good opportunity to consider those improvements at these
intersections. Mini roundabouts are becoming more prevalent in the metro area in Minnesota
and this is just something that we think should be considered. The proposed profile is shown
packet. We did look at plan and profile views and tried to tweak the grades as much as we can
shown the roundabouts at 78 Street, Brinker Street and Lake Lucy Road. So just briefly the 3
Street. This is
showing the full roundabout improvements here. Would like to make trail improvements and
trail crossing connections at the intersection here. The right-of-way at 78 Street is fairly well
-of-way at normal
intersections for right-of-way improvements but the right-of-way was dedicated at this
intersection back in when Highway 5 and 78 Street was improved for setting up for a
roundabout. So the center of the roundabout again would be landscaped and similar to what you
Street. So north is to the right here. Brinker Street currently is, has a stop sign. Stop condition
prove traffic
circulation in the area. There is a park just to the west here that we want to make pedestrian
connections to so the roundabout at this intersection would be conducive to achieving all those
goals. Again the stop sign at this intersection i
improvements to acknowledging that there is some pedestrian movements in this area and trying
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
to calm the traffic at this location. Then at Lake Lucy Road, another mini roundabout would be
proposed. Here this is currently a 4 lane, or 4 way stop intersection. Going through the traffic
study the through movement on, or the movement on Galpin hearing north and south, that is
under the analysis we took with the traffic was not warranted for a stop sign but it is for a mini
the trail to the east side of Galpin as opposed to the wes
run through that a little bit on our next slide. So again bicycle and pedestrian improvements
proposing a 10 foot wide trail along both sides of Galpin Boulevard from Highway 5 up to Lake
Lucy Road. This 10 foot wide trail is consistent with our standard trail widths that we make
improvements to throughout the community. Boulevard would be also, would be improved
along with that proposed 10 foot trail along the east side of Lake Lucy Road north of Lake Lucy,
to be or planning to make
trail improvements at that location all the way up to Highway 7 so we want to tie into their future
infrastructure will be. And then we did hear from the community that on street bicycling is
t constructing a shoulder, a 5 to 6 foot wide shoulder in
also looked at a grade separated pedestrian crossing at Galpin Boulevard and that is the next slide
here. So hearing from the City Council and staff and some of the property owners here in
knowing that area to the, on the east side of Galpin will potentially develop in the near future, a
pedestrian underpass was looked at for a grade separated access to that development and then
potentially over to Lake Ann and the park system at that location so staff did look at an
location a
separation work. This drawing here shows kind of the cross section of what the road would look
like. The dashed line here is what the existing grade of the road is today. We would put in, I
today. We have a lot of these throughout the community. We would have to, just due to the
constraints of the right-of-have to build walls on both sides of the road here on the
west side and on the east side and then the trail section along Galpin Boulevard would still
follow the existing grade as much as possible. There would be potentially some additional
retaining walls outside of the right-of-way just for those trail connections on both sides and
double back the trail and not impact wetlands as well so. Storm drainage improvements.
up to the council if they want to go forward with it or not
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
Lake trail or Bandimere?
The -of-
less retaining walls on each side of the road there but that would be I think the closest box
culvert to this one.
nnewashta under Highway 5 at
Minnewashta. Is that not as tall? Do you know?
one is, that one might be 10 feet tall too so.
Todd Gerhardt: And in either case Mayor, City Council members, the cost of the underpass is
about $2.7 million dollars to build so I wanted to stop Paul to kind of not get your hopes up that
Councilman Campion: Mr. Oehme, are underpasses significantly more expensive than an
Paul Oehme: They depend. Overpasses, we looked at that too. I mean it would probably be a
ed as much. You have
situation where the right-of-
location it would be very problematic to go over Galpin.
Councilman Campion: Okay.
Mayor Laufenburger: And just to clarify the number, you said 2 million dollars?
Todd Gerhardt: 2.7.
Mayor Laufenburger: 2.7. A lot of people are thinking, that are watching here, 2.7 to put in a
road to do that, correct?
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
Paul Oehme: Right. Yep.
for a -of-way you
build just to retain the road back up. Yeah and then you have to have the barrier up on top of the
to it.
Mayor Laufenburger: So rather than a grade separated connection between Longacres
development on the west to the potential future development on the east, on the Galpin property,
at grade connection.
Paul Oehme: Yep, exactly. So at Hunter Drive and at Longacres it would be trail crossings
potentially at those intersections. Also we had talked about Brinker Street at that intersection it
would be a pedestrian crossing and then
management and when we go from a rural section roadway to urbanized section roadway we
have to put in storm sewer. We have to treat the water for runoff and water quality so our
-Purgatory watershed
the corridor as well to try to treat the water as best as we can. Some easements, dedicating of
right-of-way would also be required for those stormwater improvements. So this exhibit shows
you basically where the stars are, the approximate location where those 4 ponds would be. One
would be just on the northwest side of 78 Street and Galpin. Starred here so that would be at
some sort of easement or land acquis
one would be closer to Sugarbush Park. That would be adjacent to the right-of-way at that park
potentially a developer at those locations when those pieces are, come in for development as
well. So again this is to construct a stormwater system and try to treat the water as best as we
ck yards. Again I briefly touched
trail from the west side of Galpin to the east side. There is currently a trail crossing at Pheasant
Drive which is not a very safe crossing with the grades and the curve of the road at that location.
area out a
estimate for the road. For Galpin Boulevard into construction costs, contingencies. You know
until we get the final design we always carry a contingency. Escalating construction costs. We
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
estimate this project to be constructed in 2020. Right-of-
potentially need and then indirect costs that would pay for engineering. The wetlands. Other
right around $10 million dollars for those improvements just for Galpin Boulevard. Carver
would pay approximately a third of that cost of improvements. N
that number a little bit more than that. So and then I also, we also talked about the trail
intersection improvement. It just gives us support to move forward with talking to Carver
County and trying to determine or negotiate an equitable cost split for those improvements. You
know if staff is successful with those negotiations we want to draft up a joint powers agreement.
terms would be. And then at that time we could determine what the costs are and look at
budgeting and programming those improvements for a future year and then after that we can start
looking at right-of-way acquisitions and moving onto final design. So those are generally the
next steps th
Mayor Laufenburger: Alright, any questions. Thank you Mr. Oehme. Any questions from
work being done?
2020. There is potentially some developments along Galpin that would take place in the next
place. And also this is a large project for both Carver County and City of Chanhassen so we
need to be mindful of the costs and budget wisely for those future improvements. So right now
Mayor Laufenburger: Alright.
Todd Gerhardt: Paul in your slide it showed 2022.
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
Mayor Laufenburger: So 2022. That would be likely after the timeframe during which the
developer of the Galpin property would likely have all of their infrastructure and the heavy
equipment and stuff like that.
Paul Oehme: Right all the utility work would be in at that time and their new roads, local roads
Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. Mr. Oehme do you have information from Carver County as to
how they intend to fund their portion of the Galpin Boulevard?
Paul Oehme: They, it sounds like they, their main source of funding would be the wheelage tax.
Mayor Laufenburger: And sales tax.
Mayor Laufenburger: Okay so this is the recently, the decision by the Carver County Board
Carver County by a half cent, is that correct?
Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. And so do we have any idea Mr. Oehme or Mr. Gerhardt about
close to tied with Chaska for the largest population. Do we have any information regarding how
much of the sales tax comes from Chanhassen?
Todd Gerhardt: From our research it shows about 46 percent comes from Chanhassen.
calculation. That translates to the half cent
sales tax in Chanhassen is about $2 million dollars a year that Chanhassen contributes to the
county coffers? Are you aware of that Mr. Gerhardt? Do you know?
a need for improvement basis.
Mayor Laufenburger: Okay, alright. Well I just think that if this resolution passes Mr. Oehme
with Carver County an equitable cost split between the two agencies and terms for turnback for
important that the county understands that Chanhassen
it would be important for them to know and understand that we have an expectation that those
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
dollars co
were to pass. Okay?
Paul Oehme: Thank you.
Mayor Laufenburger: And I r
just think some consideration needs to be given as to where the source of the funds are. Okay.
Todd Gerhardt: Yep. Mayor and council, your action on this resolution does not bind you to any
tonight is directing staff to negotiate and draft an agreement and bring it back for your
Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. And I did hear you say Mr
but if something were to change in the next 2 or 3 years that would cause us to reconsider the
placement of roundabouts or even the existence of roundabouts, future council could take action
on that is that correct?
Paul Oehme: Absolutely. Yeah this resolution does not bind this council or any future council.
Mayor Laufenburger: Okay, very good. Alright. Any further questions or comments or actions
from the council?
Councilman McDonald: Well Mr. Mayor.
Mayor Laufenburger: Yes.
Councilman McDonald: I would make the motion that the City Council adopts a resolution in
support of the Galpin Boulevard study findings.
Mayor Laufenburger: Okay, we have a motion. Is there a second?
Councilwoman Tjornhom: Second.
Mayor Laufenburger: Thank you Councilmember Tjornhom. Alright we have a motion to
approve the resolution in support of the Galpin Boulevard study. Is there any further discussion?
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
Resolution 2018-37: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded
that the Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution in support of the findings for Galpin
Boulevard improvements between TH 5 and the north city limits. All voted in favor and
the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Mayor Laufenburger: That motion carries 4-0. Thank you Mr. Oehme. Thank you to Jon Horn.
I hope that he feels better okay.
Mayor Laufenburger:
Kate Aanenson: Yes it is. Thank you Mayor, members of the City Council. Again Avienda is
proceeding with a final plat and grading permit. Typically these are put on consent agenda but
neighbors here that are interested in following along so the applicant, Level 7 is asking for final
plat and permission to grade on the site so the final plat at this time is only dedication of right-of-
way and platting 6 outlots. Again the outlots do not give development rights but it does allow
them to proceed with the grading and also gives us the conveyance of, a way of getting the
conveyance of the conservation easement. So just to refresh everybody back in July, almost a
year ago at this time the City Council did approve the request for the preliminary plat. You
actually rezoned the PUD so we created the 17 lots and then we rezoned it to the regional
commercial and we gave conditional use permit to encroach into the primary zone which was
required for the extension of Bluff Creek Boulevard. We also gave a wetland alteration permit
and I wanted to give a little bit more detail on that alteration permit because those are some of
ay district. In addition the $300,000 for the
applicant to provide some improvements within the watershed district and we talked about those
projects. Potential projects in this project area. They also have to complete the withdrawal of
the backing cred
Water and Soil Resources for withdrawal of the banking credits. And then also engineered plans
he watershed
show those in a minute but this plat actually matches what was kind of in larger chunks. The
approval of the different designs. As you know at their work session, one of your earlier work
sessions this spring the Avienda team came forward and sais they do anticipate making changes
to the PUD and again I want to publicly state that that process does require a public hearing at
the Planning Commission and they will give you a recommendation as that comes forward but
right now the rules that are in place are the ones that you approved almost a year ago today. So
again this is the outlots are being recorded. The grading is only going on at this time and on the
outlots. Again outlots do not have the ability to put a building on or anything like that. Again
the PUD amendment would have to come forward. In addition to that any new buildings do
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
ll turn it over to the City Engineer to talk a little bit about the grading and the
Paul Oehme: So thank you Ms. Aanenson. So this is a high level view of what the applicant is
lot of calculations that have gone
into this design. This is basically one of the most complicated stormwater developments that the
City has looked at. Right now what the plan is for the developer is to mass grade, mass grade the
sites and as Ms. Aanenson had indicated there was going to be several outlots when future
building sites are developed but in order to, for the City and for the watershed district to
understand how all the stormwater features and components can, are going to be constructed in
the future we need to understand you know what interim stormwater systems will be in place
until such time as each of those outlots are developed so potentially down the road if the road
goes in and mass grading takes place, you know potentially a time lag of between maybe 3 to 5
years out before some of these outlots are developed so we need to still try to manage as best as
we can the stormwater runoff from each of these outlots and the road as best as we can so.
Mayor Laufenburger: Mr. Oehme are the red lines, are we looking at current topography or
resulting topography?
Paul Oehme: So this is proposed topography. The red lines are showing the proposed. The gray
the grades
on the north end. Especially on the northeast end of the site and then fill on the south end and
level that. That site off as much more than it is today. Basically build that grading plan so it
are showing infiltration basins. Temporary infiltration basins throughout the site to capture that
runoff from all those outlots and then also after the road is constructed some of these temporary
basins will be used as stormwater ponds until such time as some of these outlots are developed
some pervious pavement systems that would be going in and some other infiltration basins that
there or are not going to be moved or reconstructed. A lot of these ponds are getting, are just
basically temporary at this time and so again at such time as some of these outlots are developed.
plan as outlined in your background. Some of the attachments so the stormwater management is
key and the NPDES permit that goes along with that and will be key for us to manage. The
rading plan so if
the developer and the contractor
turn it back to you.
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
Kate Aanenson: I
residents would like to see the road get built but utilities and the road construction is not a part of
the planned approval at this time so that would be a next step and different security is required
months. So we anticipate, we have been working with the developer and coming back to you
with a phasing plan and so you can see that. I think we have had a smaller version of this type of
phasing plan if you look at Villages on the Pond where they did use some temporary storage
to recommend approval and with that I will put a motion up for you for the City Council but
Mayor Laufenburger: Thank you Ms. Aanenson, Mr. Oehme. Council any questions for staff?
Mr. Oehme I think this is you. Who has reviewed this plan on behalf of the City of Chanhassen?
Paul Oehme: So many agencies have, well the watershed district specifically has reviewed the
grading plan to date and they also have reviewed the stormwater calculations that go along with
some of these basins. The City has also enlisted the help of WSB and Associates to help us
review this system because it is quite complicated and intricate so we just wanted to make sure
temporary format when all the grading is completed and all the roadway is in, and then looking
at the holistic development after all the outlots are developed and making sure that system is
going to be functioning as per designed.
the topography, a lot of dirt needs to be moved from the northeast to the southeast and other
areas. Give us a magnitude here. How much dirt is being moved and more importantly how
much is going to be removed from the site? Do you have any estimate on that? Is that in this
Paul Oehme: Yeah I heard the number at one point in time and maybe the developer who is here
try to balance the site as much as they can so remove the unsuitable soils. The organic soils but
using the clay to, as much as they on site to build up those building pads and flatten out the site
contractor lots of money so they want, the ideal, ideally is to try to balance the site as much as
they can.
Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. You mentioned the applicant is here. Would you like to introduce
and address
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
Services, 105 South Fifth Avenue, Suite 513, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Just to answer your
moved on this site. And it is our intent to provide as close to a balanced site as possible. With
the earth that is going to be removed from the site will consist of the topsoil. That number is
somewhere in the range between 200,000 and 250,000 cubic yards is a very large amount.
e stockpiles
which are indicated on the plan so we can use those for future development but yeah in the end,
once the whole project is complete the bulk of that topsoil will be removed from the project.
Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. Say your first name again?
Steve Sabraski: Steve Sabraski.
Mayor Laufenburger: Steve, so the citizens that will start seeing things happening there, in their
is going to stop so what can we tell the citizens about the elapsed time of all of the grading? You
understand the question?
Steve Sabraski: I understand, yes Mayor. So unfortunate
can be done with or complete with the bulk of the grading activities at the end of next year.
ot of things that happen along the way. Weather plays a big
influence around the construction schedule and of course development deals and those things
that are being handled by the rest of the development team will also influence the timing of
construction of those times as well but we hope to have the bulk of the grading done by the end
Mayor Laufenburger: Yeah it sounds like it.
Steve Sabraski: Yeah.
Mayor Laufenburger: And
Steve Sabraski: Well Mayor we will most likely again the inbound and outbound you know
going or coming from the west. So coming from the west side.
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
Steve Sabraski: Exactly.
Mayor Laufenburger: Or Powers Boulevard right?
Steve Sabraski: Correct, yeah. Powers is probably going to be our main construction entrance
looking to minimize those efforts and restrict all construction traffic from the neighborhood.
Mayor Laufenburger: Well just understand that there will be excitement when you start and then
there will be disappointment when it goes beyond 2 weeks. Just
and we expect that you will work with city staff to insure that steps are taken to be as least
going to have to go through some, a little bit of discomfort for a little while. We just, we
understand that.
Steve Sabraski: Thank you Mayor.
Councilman Campion: Just one more question.
Mayor Laufenburger: Sure go ahead.
Councilman Campion: Mr. Oehme could you go back, Outlot A, where the conservation
Paul Oehme: Yep.
Councilman Campion: Those two red outlined areas within what looked like the, if you go back,
there. Are those holding ponds that are being established within that conservation easement or?
Paul Oehme: No.
Kate Aanenson: Those are outside.
Councilman Campion: Those are outside?
Kate Aanenson: Yes.
Paul Oehme: Those are outside, right.
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
Kate Aanenson: But for the road, right-of-way.
Paul Oehme: This section.
Mayor Laufenburger: Alright. Any further questions or discussion? Do we have a motion
Mayor Laufenburger: Go ahead Councilmember Tjornhom.
plat and grading permit for Avienda subject to the conditions of the staff report.
Mayor Laufenburger: Is there a second?
Councilman Campion: Second.
Mayor Laufenburger: Alright, we have a motion and a second. Steve would you come back to
the podium for just a second? Do you understand all the conditions of the staff report?
Steve Sabraski: Yes I do Mr. Mayor and we agree with the conditions of approval.
further discussion?
Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilman Campion seconded that Chanhassen City
Council approve the final plat and grading plan for Avienda subject to the following
1. Approval of the Storm Water Permit by the Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed
2. Meet all requirements of the WCA approval.
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
3. Receive approval of the plan set for grading and storm water by both the City and the
Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District.
4. Placement of Outlot A in a Conservation Easement. The City shall review the easement
5. Boundary of Outlot A shall be staked and inspected prior to grading.
6. Provide proof of withdrawal of the wetland banking credits from the banks once the
withdrawal is completed.
7. Complete the Withdrawal of Banking Credits form for LGU review and signature.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Mayor Laufenburger: That motion carries 4-0. Thank you staff very much. That concludes our
baseball update I know. Well fortunately due to the successful work of Councilman Dan
Dundas Dukes, the Chanhassen Red Birds pulled out a 4 to 3 victory at a walk off, that means
before the final out right? The bottom of the ninth inning. It was a great ballgame. Great fun.
We had close to 200 people on hand. Many people from the city as well as from the school
district. It was really a great, great fun night so thanks to city staff for helping to coordinate and
plan that. Thank you also to the Red Birds for pulling out a victory. And yesterday I happened
to be in Hamburg where the Red Birds played in the Hamburg-Green Isle Miller Light Tourney
and Thursday night they beat Waconia 1 to nothing. Saturday night they beat the Regal Eagles 4
to nothing. And yesterday they beat Blue Earth in the semi final game 9 to 3 and then they beat
the New Prague Orioles 6 to 5 in a walk off fashion to capture the championship of the 2018
couple of older ones as well that just really enjoy the game and they have fun and they continue
erican is what it is. So Mr. McDonald.
Councilman McDonald: Yes Mr. Mayor I would like to add that this year all foul balls are a
paid for the price of admission so.
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
Mayor Laufenburger: Exactly. We especially like kids chasing the foul balls you know so if
Let the kids do it. Let them earn the dollar which contributes to their hotdog or their college
Mayor Laufenburger: Mr. Gerhardt any administrative presentations tonight?
Todd Gerhardt: I have one. Last year we celebrated our 50 anniversary as being a city and I
of their 50 anniversary.
Mayor Laufenburger: Wow.
Todd Gerhardt: They invited 1,000 employees and actors, anybody that was associated with the
Chanhassen Dinner Theater to attend and I think they got close to 1,000 people to attend. They
had music under the tent. They took a group photo and I think it was in the Villager last
Thursday so the Rotary did very well in beer sales. They had food trucks so I saw a lot of
together and so congratulations to the Chanhassen Dinner Theater for their 50 anniversary party
last Monday.
Mayor Laufenburger: And just to piggyback on that. That was June 18 and that was a party
specifically for current and former employees. Actors and stuff. They have another event
coming up in August. August 13 which
that. And then in October when they actually celebrate the precise day on which the Dinner
citizens pay
a spectacular show and in October they switch to a new performance. I believ
Todd Gerhardt: Sure.
Mayor Laufenburger: Anything else Mr. Gerhardt?
Chanhassen City Council June 25, 2018
Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilman McDonald seconded to adjourn the
meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. The
City Council meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Submitted by Todd Gerhardt
City Manager
Prepared by Nann Opheim