CC WS 2018 08 13 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AUGUST 13, 2018 Mayor Laufenburger called the work session to order at 5:28 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Laufenburger, Councilwoman Tjornhom, Councilman McDonald, Councilwoman Ryan, and Councilman Campion STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Kate Aanenson, Bob Generous, Paul Oehme, Todd Hoffman, Jill Sinclair, and Greg Sticha PUBLIC PRESENT: Tim Erhart Chanhassen Mike McGonagill 2451 Hunter Drive Brian & Donna Strauss 6840 Lucy Ridge Lane Bob & Cheryl Ayotte 6213 Cascade Pass Greg Andrews 6895 Ruby Lane 2040 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE. Kate Aanenson reviewed meetings held with the Planning Commission to discuss the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Bob Generous reviewed highlights of changes made in the 10 chapters. Councilman Campion asked for clarification on the addition of 40 acres in the community. Mayor Laufenburger asked about the sewer, water and surface water management plans. Councilwoman Ryan suggested wording changes regarding infill development specifically in the downtown core area, and expressed concerns with wording for policies regarding density. Mayor Laufenburger discussed wording under transportation, Highway 101 trail, and operations regarding a tobacco use policy. Tim Erhart discussed issues related to a request for land use changes to protect and create a greenway along the Bluff Creek corridor as it relates to his vision for development of a high end office project on his property. Councilwoman Ryan asked for clarification on how the boundary line for the Bluff Creek corridor was determined. Tim Erhart continued with discussion of development potential for his property and his request to get clarity of the Bluff Creek overlay district to add land to the Fox Woods Preserve. Councilwoman Ryan asked for clarification on the progression of shifting the Bluff Creek overlay district boundary line. Mayor Laufenburger recommended that council members get an opportunity to walk Tim Erhart’s property. City Council Work Session – August 13, 2018 REVIEW OF SECOND QUARTER REVENUE ACTIVITY TO DATE AND INVESTMENTS. Greg Sticha explained that revenue numbers for the second quarter are greater than budgeted numbers before introducing Reed Christenson, the investment consultant with Wells Fargo who reviewed results of the investment portfolio. Mayor Laufenburger asked for clarification on how the investment portfolio compares to debt. Councilman Campion asked if the numbers being presented can be compared to key financial strategy cities. PRELIMINARY BUDGET AND LEVY DISCUSSION. Greg Sticha discussed assumptions used in setting up the preliminary budget as related to new growth, wage adjustments, health care, elimination of the crime prevention specialist position, and police contract numbers which results in a levy that is $76,000 above the new growth number. He explained that reduction of the $76,000 is represented in scenario 2. Mayor Laufenburger discussed the three scenarios and asked how the budget and levy schedule will proceed. Councilman Campion stated there seemed to be barely no difference between the 3 scenarios being presented and asked staff to look at presenting more differences in the 3 scenarios. Todd Gerhardt explained how service cuts have been addressed in the past. Mayor Laufenburger asked that Jill Sinclair come back at a future work session to discuss yard waste collection options. Mayor Laufenburger adjourned the work session meeting at 6:57 p.m. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim 2