DECEMER 10, 2018
Mayor Laufenburger called the work session to order at 6:00 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Laufenburger, Councilwoman Tjornhom,
Councilman McDonald, Councilwoman Ryan, and Councilman Campion
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Chelsea Petersen, Kate Aanenson, Paul Oehme, Todd
Hoffman and Greg Sticha
Katherine & Kathleen Wise 2747 Wagner Drive, Chaska
Mayor Laufenburger discussed items scheduled for the consent agenda on the City Council’s
regular agenda such as the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and police contract.
Regarding the budget Mayor Laufenburger asked if there were any services that the council
would like to see changed. Councilwoman Ryan asked about the large salary increases being
requested for department heads of 8 to 10 percent. She would favor performance based increases
versus across the board. Councilwoman Tjornhom asked for clarification on the reason behind
the request for department head increases and costs associated with replacement of department
heads when they leave, comparisons to key financial strategy cities, and benefit comparisons
with new versus older employees. Councilman McDonald asked Councilwoman Ryan to clarify
if her concern is the percentage or that it’s merit based and asked if it was okay to give the city
manager latitude to perform merit review. Mayor Laufenburger asked if market adjustments
have been done in the past. Councilwoman Ryan stated she would like to see specific items on
why an increase of 8 percent is warranted. Councilman Campion explained that in his experience
he hasn’t seen an across the board merit increase of 8 percent. Mayor Laufenburger asked about
allowing the city manager to use specific criteria for market adjustment plus performance.
Councilman McDonald voiced support for an 8 percent increase across the board and is willing
to trust the city manager and his judgment. Councilwoman Tjornhom explained her
understanding of the process involved with replacing a lost manager so she would leave it to the
city manager’s discretion on how to mange his team so she would support the increase. Mayor
Laufenburger explained that the city manager is the only employee accountable to the City
Council and would not favor knowing the criteria used to make this decisions so he would
support an across the board increase. Mayor Laufenburger continued by asking if the council
would like to see any changes to specific city services before asking on how to respond to Mr.
City Council Work Session – December 10, 2018
Amorosi’s request for additional information or funding for mental health issues. Councilman
Campion stated these items can be discussed in the future if warranted. Regarding the capital
improvement program Councilwoman Ryan stated her concern that Lyman Boulevard was
budgeted for 2019 and how the County will view that when negotiations occur. Todd Gerhardt
explained why the County is preferring to proceed in 2019 and how negotiations occurred with
Carver County. Councilwoman Ryan and Councilman Campion stated they would support
moving the Lyman Boulevard project in the CIP at 2021. Councilman McDonald and
Councilwoman Tjornhom would favor leaving it in 2019. Greg Sticha discussed changes made to
the annual street improvement program (ST12) and changing the $1.1 million per year to $2.2
million every other year from the revolving assessment fund. Councilwoman Ryan discussed
Project PK&T-99, the preserve nature trail for $200,000. Todd Gerhardt explained that that item
can be removed from 2019 because there are no current plans for development on the Control
Concepts property. Mayor Laufenburger asked about ordinance amendments regarding fees in
Chapter 4. Councilwoman Ryan asked for clarification about increase in solicitor fees, and that
development fee comparisons with key financial strategy cities be considered next year.
Mayor Laufenburger adjourned the work session at 6:58 p.m.
Submitted by Todd Gerhardt
City Manager
Prepared by Nann Opheim