Creekwood Drive Emergency Road Repair QuoteCITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday, May 13, 2019 Subject Resolution 2019­XX: Approve Quote for Creekwood Drive Emergency Road Repair Section CONSENT AGENDA Item No: D.4. Prepared By Jason Wedel, Dir. of Public Works/City Engineer File No: Project File 2019­03 PROPOSED MOTION “The City Council approves the quote to Northwest Asphalt for the repair of Creekwood Drive." Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present. BACKGROUND This spring a section of Creekwood Drive, west of Mandan Circle, fell into disrepair.  Due to the age of the road, the underlying soils, and the frost coming out of the ground, the street completely broke apart and became severely rutted.  The damage to the street made it impassable and it was therefore necessary to complete an emergency repair. DISCUSSION The City obtained two quotes for completion of the street repairs.  The results of the quotes are as follows: Northwest Asphalt   $39,534.46 GMH Asphalt $40,368.40 The low quote amount of $39,534.46 from Northwest Asphalt was selected and the repairs were completed the week of May 6, 2019. Funding for this work came from the annual pavement management budget.  The 2019 budget included $353,000 for pavement management.  This work includes such items as sealcoating and crack sealing.  The City Council approved a contract for sealcoating in January.  The scope of that project has since been reduced to offset the cost to complete these repairs.  Attached is a map showing the areas that have been removed from the sealcoat project for 2019.  The removal of these areas will reduce the total cost by approximately $50,000.  The impact to the 2019 pavement management budget is therefore neutral. Per the City's purchasing policy, expenditures in excess of $20,000 require City Council authorization.  However, this was an emergency situation and per Minnesota State Statute 12.37 cities can waive standard purchasing policies and procedures for emergency situations. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORTMonday, May 13, 2019SubjectResolution 2019­XX: Approve Quote for Creekwood Drive Emergency Road RepairSectionCONSENT AGENDA Item No: D.4.Prepared By Jason Wedel, Dir. of Public Works/CityEngineer File No: Project File 2019­03PROPOSED MOTION“The City Council approves the quote to Northwest Asphalt for the repair of Creekwood Drive."Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present.BACKGROUNDThis spring a section of Creekwood Drive, west of Mandan Circle, fell into disrepair.  Due to the age of the road, theunderlying soils, and the frost coming out of the ground, the street completely broke apart and became severelyrutted.  The damage to the street made it impassable and it was therefore necessary to complete an emergency repair.DISCUSSIONThe City obtained two quotes for completion of the street repairs.  The results of the quotes are as follows:Northwest Asphalt   $39,534.46GMH Asphalt $40,368.40The low quote amount of $39,534.46 from Northwest Asphalt was selected and the repairs were completed the weekof May 6, 2019.Funding for this work came from the annual pavement management budget.  The 2019 budget included $353,000 forpavement management.  This work includes such items as sealcoating and crack sealing.  The City Council approved acontract for sealcoating in January.  The scope of that project has since been reduced to offset the cost to completethese repairs.  Attached is a map showing the areas that have been removed from the sealcoat project for 2019.  Theremoval of these areas will reduce the total cost by approximately $50,000.  The impact to the 2019 pavementmanagement budget is therefore neutral.Per the City's purchasing policy, expenditures in excess of $20,000 require City Council authorization.  However, thiswas an emergency situation and per Minnesota State Statute 12.37 cities can waive standard purchasing policies and procedures for emergency situations. Despite this work already being completed, this item is being brought forward to the City Council for approval so that the expenditure can be acknowledged. ATTACHMENTS: Northwest Asphalt Quote GMH Asphalt Quote CIP_Page Sealcoat Map Resolution Propooai NORTHWEST ASPHALT, INC "PAVING, EXCAVATION & UTILITIES" 1451 STAGECOACH ROA® SHAKOPEE, MN 55379-2797 PHONE (952)445-1003 FAX (952)445-1056 www.nwasphalt.net Proposal Submitted to: Phone City of Chanhassen Steve Ferraro Proiect Creekwood Drive Chanhassen MN Architect Date of Plans Date Bid Submitted WE HEREBY SUBMIT SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES FOR; ITEM # DESCRIPTION U/M (CITY PRICE EXTENSION Approximately 192'x 20' Remove bit +/- 4" Sy 427 $7.40 $3,159.80 Excavate 22' by 16" section Cy 209 $27.62 $5,772.58 6" of 3" minus limestone Ton 148 $31.52 $4,664.96 10" CI.5 recycled aggregate Ton 247 $24.71 $6,103.37 2" SPNWB330C Ton 50 $120.00 $6,000.00 Tack Gal 25 $5.00 $125.00 2" SPWEA340C Ton 50 $139.00 $6,950.00 Mobilization LS 1 $3,850.00 $3,850.00 Traffic Control LS 1 $900.00 $900.00 Topsoil Cy Iv 15 $34.00 $510.00 Seed & blanket Sy 125 $8.79 $1,098.75 CB adjust Ea 1 $400.00 $400.00 Total $39,534.46 CO to Orchard Lane contract. !LANCE GUENTZEL - PROJECT MANAGER !Vote: This ,proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within 30 The above prices, specifrcat ons and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the u. rk as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. c1r Signature: Date ofAcceplance: ! /Z_ f I l Signatu AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER days. Lake Ann Park Rice Marsh Lake Preserve North Lotus Lake ParkLake Minnewashta Regional Park (County Park)SunsetRidgeParkMeadow Green Park K e r b e r P o n d P a r k Lake Susan PreserveBluff Creek Preserve Chanhassen Recreation Center Hesse Farm Preserve Pheasant Hill Park CurryFarmsPark CityCenterParkStoneCreekPark RoundhousePark Herman Field Park CarverBeachPlayground Park P rairieK n o llP ark Power Hill Park Chanhassen Hills Park BandimereHeights Park Greenwood Shores Park Carver Beach Park Bluff Creek Golf Course Raguet Wildlife Management Area (WMA) MN Valley National Wildlife Refuge Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Sugarbush Park Chanhassen Nature Preserve Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Pleasant ViewPreserveFoxwoods Preserve Minnewashta Heights Park S Lotus Lake Park Bandimere Park Chanhassen Estates Park Lake Susan Park Seminary Fen Scientific and Natural Area (SNA) Park Riley Ridge Park Pioneer Pass Park Raguet Wildlife Management Area (WMA) Bluff Creek Preserve Rice Marsh Lake Park Sand y H o o k Road W82ndStWestL a ke Crt LakeS u s a n D riveL a k o ta LaneSunset TrailSandyHook C irCheye n neBighornDrive HazeltineBlvd(Hwy41)Lyman Blvd (CSAH1 8 )MinnewashtaParkwayCircle JuniperAve.DogwoodRdSommer Gate RingneckDr.Pheasant Dr Hills d a l eC rt S o u t h e r n C r t ForestRidgeCircleHawthorne ChaskaRoadMolineCirS te lle r Cir WhiteDoveD r Stratton CrtCharing Bend H e a therC ourtPowersBlvd(CSAH17)S a ddlebrookPass Trot t ersCirTargetLaneKerberBlvdChippewaCir ChippewaTrailSa n ta Vera DrSaratogaDr SaratogaCirSanta Fe Trail Sie r raT ra ilSierraCourt Sh a d o wme r e Canterbury Cir R e d w i n g C t . NezPerceCt O x b owBendSummit C ircle Stag HornLn Oxbow B e ndD ak o ta D a k ot aC ir cl eBuck in g w o o d C o u rtT i mberwood Dr Pi n e wo o dCir cle A c o rn L a n e M a p le w o o d T e rra ce Oakwood Ridge Ren aissan ce CourtBenwoodCircle StoneCreekRdStoneCre e k D rStoneCreekDr BluffViewCourt CreekViewCourt Lake D riveW estC om m e rce D rValle y RidgeTrail North Valley Ridg eTrail South Valley View Court ValleyRidgeCourtValleyRidge Place ValleyView P lSpoo n b ill C ir M alla r d C r tEgretC rtLakeSusanHills D r FlamingoDrT e rn C rtK ingfis her Crt T h rush Crt M erg a nser C rtOaksid e CircleLyman Court Mary J aneCirBarbara CrtDrakeCrtDove CrtParkDrPark R o a d L a k e D riveDakotaCirErie AveW 8 6thSt Quinn RoadBluffCircleFawnHill Court RidgeRoadB e lm o n t L n W 78th St W.Village Road LakeLucy Lane CrestviewCir W h i t e t a i l R i d g e C ourt MoccasinTrai l W 79th St .Crimson Bay RdG reatPlainsBlvdIndia n Hill R d Yuma Dr KiowaLongacre s D r McGlynn DrMelodyLane P.V.LN.P.V.CirLake LucyRoad CenturyBoulevardLon g a c r e s D rFawnHillR d FAWNHILLROAD82nd Street MainStreetHighoverDriveHighoverCrtS HighoverCrtN 21 3 4 5 6 Grandview RdStone CreekCrt H e ro n Dr AlisaCourtAlisaLaneBentBowTrail GunflintCourt 3 Co u l t e r B o u le v a r d Coulter Blvd Andrew Court Coulter Blvd 1 KIMBERLY LANE 3 Nicholas Way 2 Kelly CourtLakewayDrive Lake D riveWestL a k e D r iv eL a k e D rE .D e e rb ro o k D rH o rs e sh o e L a n e HorseshoeCurveBridleCreek Circle NorthwoodCourt4 Autumn Ridge Ct5 Autumn Ridge Ln6 Autumn Ridge Way S toughtonA veH ennepinC ountyR e g io n a lT r a ilC o r r i d o r W est Farm RoadH e i d i L a n eHesse Farm Cir VogelsbergTrailMandan RaspberryHillBl uff Creek Drive M ills R oad FlintlockT railW. 96th Street Hwy101GreatPlainsBlvdFoxfordRoad W 94th St.KiowaTrailLake Riley BlvdDeerfoot Trail ParklandWay Spr ingfield D rE a stwoodCrt OverlookCourt S u n n y v a le D rGreen v iew Dr. ShoreviewCourt Greenleaf CourtSummerfield DrSummerfieldDrive Lym a n Blvd La k eviewRdE N o rthB ayDr1 Mission Way Hil 2 Marshland Tr 3 Blackbird Ct 4 Hartland Ct 5 Mission Hill Way 6 Rice Ct 7 Monk Ct 8 Mayfield Ct 9 Mission Hills Dr 10 Frisco CtTig u a LaChanhass en Hills Dr NorthCh anh a sse nH illsD rSouthL a ke S u sa nC rtLake Susan Hills D r2 43 1 W 187th StW 77th St 5 P elicanC rtOspreyLnBluebillTrailBitternCourtSwanCourtI bi sCrtWestLakeDr MarketBlv d DellRoadLake Drive E. Cheyenne Spur CheyenneAveLake Dr E .Hid d e nCir ErieCi rcleErie S purDakota Lane Dako ta LaneHiddenCourtMarsh Dr DakotaAveH id d e n L a n e Sinnen CirGreatPlainsBlvdW79thSt 77th StQuattroD r Park Road Park Court Par k Plac e3 Autumn Ridge Avenue 2 Harvest Way 1 Harvest Lane Lukewood Dr S t one Creek Lane W St o ne Cr eekLaneEB o u ld e rR oa dBridleCreekTrail W 82nd St. Arboretum Boulevar d Highway 41State Hwy 5 A rb o re tum D rive77thSt LoneCedarLa n eMinnewashtaC ourt S o u th C e d a r D rive Red Oak Lane White Oak Lane White Oak Lane Hallgren Lane CountryOaksRoadStratford RidgeGlendale D r 6 6 Jersey Way StratfordLn StratfordBlvdS tate H w y 7 Crestview Dr Linden C i r K irkw o odC ir L an d in g s D riveLandingsCrtJoshuaCi rCountryO aks RdLes leeCurveGreenbriar AveN e z P e rc e D r AudubonRd(CSAH15)Glendale Dr. Maple Cir Maple DrLeslee Curve ChurchRoadMeado w Lane W. 62nd St.Meadow C ourtElmTreeCypressDriveD a r t m o u t h D rFi rTreeShore Drive Highover LaneBar berryCirArborLaneDogwoodAveIronwood P i p e r R id g e L n TanagersPointNorth Ma n o rWash t a Bay R o a dTanagersL n S a n d piperTrailMin n ewashtaWo o dsDrForrestCirFore s t AveOrioleAve64th St.Melod y Hill MurrayHillRoadW. 65th St.Hummingbird RdMelod yHillCirHighover Way Ches Mar Farm Rd Ches Mar DrHun te r Dr LodgepolePointHarrisonHillTrailHarrisonHillCourt Re d Fo x Circle Brinker St CrocusCt.TulipCt.Maje sticWay WindmillDr5 BANEBERRY WAY E6 CONE FLOWER CRV S7 BLUEBONNET BLVD 10 BLUE SAGE LN E9 POPPY DR8 CHICORY WAY 13 BUTTER CUP CRT14 BLUESAGE LN WMillCreekLNKings Road Settlers CtTrailsEndRdTrails E n dRdLake Lucy Rd W.78th St Highwood Dr TreeTopRdMarket St Crestview Dr.Ch e stn ut L an e Pinehur s tD rPinehurst Dr 16 SNAPDRAGON DR 4 PRIMROSE PLACE 2 CLOVER 1 BANEBERRY WAY W 3 CONEFLOWER CRV N 12 LADY SLIPPER LANE11 WATERLEAF LANE E 15 WATERLEAF LANE WWalnutCurve 6 7 8 9 10 1115 14 2 3 1 3 1 16 5 5 4 12PrairieFlo w e r BlvdWhiteDoveCir Woo d Duc k CirPintailCir Partridge Cir TealCir West 63rd StCardinal Ave.CreekR un T r.AudubonBlue JayKoehnen Cir. EastKoehnenCir. West Pheasant Cir Shadow LaneIthlienAshton CT Te to nLaneBrettonWayPipewood Cir £¤212 Arlington Ct. WelsleyCt.Pleasan tViewC o v e Wi llo w Cr ee k Devonshire DrPointeLakeLucyMulb erryCirEastMul berryCi r West PeacefulLaneTroendleCircleTecumsehLan e ShawneeL a ne RedmanLnUticaLaneUticaTerraceUticaCircleUt ic a Lane State Hwy 5 Picha KerberBlvdMarketBlv d W 78th St Chan ViewKiowaIroquois AveHuronFrontierTrailWest 76th St Great Plains BlvdSouthShore Dr So u thS h o reCtErieAveF ro ntie rC ourtLaredoDrive2 1 Santa VeraD rLaredoLaneSantaFeCirFrontier TrlIroqu o is Cimarron Cir SantaFeCirC a nyonC u rveS a d d l e b rook Trail Cone s to gaTrailConestogaCourtButte Court Pontiac Crt.Pont i ac Circle Pontiac L n DerbyDrive De lRioDrDel Rio Dr Preakness Ln P im licoLaneF o x Hi ll D rNavajo DrBroken A r r o wDr Rin g oDrCarve r BeachRdP i maLnCha p a r r alLnR e d wi ngL a n e Kerber Blvd NezPerceDrWoodhill Dr Cree Dr Ponderosa Dr Imperial Lone Eagle Rd Carver BeachRd P enamintCtRedwingLnPenamintLnChapar ral L NHiawatha Dr Western Dr ChaparralCourtLotusTr ailMohawk DrLakeAnnParkDrPawneeVinela n dCtFoxPat hH o pi R d DeerwoodDrQuiverDrive NapaDr. Pleasant V iewRoadFox Pat hF o x C t Lake PointPl eas ant Vi e wRoa d T rappers Pass Mountain W a y MountainViewCt NearM ou n t ai nB lvd PiedmontCt Cascade Court S h a s ta C ir.W C a s t l eRidgeC ascadeCir Shasta Cir. E Olympic Cir. CastleRidgeCourtCa s c a d e P a s s Townline Road Trap Line Circle Tim b er Hill Rd RojinaLane T ra p LineLn PleasantParkDrBluffR idgeCrtGr a y Fox C urveFoxtail Crt QuailCrossingGrayFoxLaneH u n tersC rtFox Holl o w D r Chanhassen Rd. HWY. 101PleasantViewWayChoctawCirBrule CircleKruversPointRdWillow ViewC ove TwinMapleLn Basswood CirHorseshoeCurve M e r r y P la c e H o lly L a n eKNOBHILLLA N E L a k e w ay Lan e W o odDuck Ln HighgateCir O r chard L a n e M a p le w o o d C irCactusC u rveSad d lebrookCurveChan View Dakota Lane H ennepinCountyRegionalTrailCorridorF ly in g C lo u d D r ( C S A H 6 1 ) State H WY 1 0 112 3 4 5Highland DrLaredoLn 7 6 Mission HillsCourtMissionHillsCircleMissio n HillsLane1098 Pio n e e r T r a il(C S A H 1 4 )Meadowlark LnHesse Farm Road Sun r i d g eC rtAudubonRdPioneerCircleCreekwood Dr Homestead LaneUplandCi r c l eMalloryCourtBriarwoodCt.Galpin Blvd. (CR 117)LakeL u cy Road Lake Lucy Road Dia mo n dCo u rt Melody HillMurray Hill Crt AudubonRdH ill StLongviewCir GalpinBlvd(CSAH 15)Ce n t u r y Trail CenturyBlvd1 2 34 7 6 5 3 Coach Place2 Coach Lane 1 Coach Court 4 Coach Dr !Chesterfield Ln 5 Village Street6 Village Place !Century Circle Century Ct. Century Place 7 Arboretum Village Trl Big Woods Blvd A rbore tumVill ageCircleWaterTower Place Corporate Place Century BlvdSteller Court LucyRidgeCourt Emeral dLaneLucy Ridge LaneBentBowTrailW 7 8thStreet W 78thS tre e t W78thStree t W78th Street W 78th Stre e tPond P r omena d ePipewoodCurvePip e w o o d Crt Ruby L a n e T o p azDrive S apphireLaneRidgevie w WayRidgeviewPoint Lakerid g eRoadRidgehillRoadTristan Dr T ri st a n KnollVas s erman Trail VassermanPlace Delphinium LaneBramble D r H a n c o c k Pla c e Hickory R o a d ShenendoahCircle GoldenCourtCountry Oaks Dr Edgew oodCt L a keLuc y R o a d BrendenCourtManchesterDriveLakeHarrison Circle Highover T railGal pi nCrt F o x Dr L a k e H a r rison Rd A m b erwoodLN Alder W ay GunflintTrailArrowheadLn G u n flin t T r a ilH i g h c r e s t C ir StonefieldLNPipew oodLaneCartwayLanePowersPlace4 Rosewood Dr3 Burlwood Dr2 Suffolk Dr1 Essex Rd L akeSusa n HillsDr L a k e Drive WestYosemiteYosemiteLilacLane B l u f fC reekBlvd1 2 3 4 5 Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18) PioneerTrail(CSAH 14) B l u ffC re e k Blvd 1 Degler Circle2 Ellendale Lane 3 Pembroke Pass4 River Rock Drive N. 78th St W Beacon Court 5 Bethesda Circle 7 8 9 1011 12 13 13 14 15 15 Roosevelt Dr 16 16 Columbia Lane 17 17 Freedom Lane 7 Lincoln Lane 8 Washington Circle9 Commonwealth Blvd10 Franklin Lane11 Madison Dr12 Jefferson Dr 14 Declaration Dr13 Washington Blvd Springfield Dr Pineview CrtPowers Blvd (CSAH 17)Maple Shores Dr RedCedarPoint Rd PaddockLn Lake Riley DrLake R i ley Trl W a tersEdgeDrFox Hollow Ct CrossroadsBlv d 18 Independance Circle 1819 Colonial Lane 19 20 20 Freedom Lane Dell RoadTanadoonaDrive WestwoodDrSW Village DrApple Tree Lane M oto rple x C tWashta Bay Ct £¤212 £¤212 Flying C lo u d D r(C S A H 6 1 )Bl uffCreekDrH e m lo c k WayM a y a p p le P a s s !Village Ln Riley Ridge !Village Cir !Village Crt !Arboretum Village Ln, Pl, Crt, & Crv!Rock Island Ln VioletReflectionsRdL a k e v i ewRdE!Bellevue Ct 1 Hemlo c k Way C o tto n g ra s s C o u rtM a r i g o ld C o u r t Red CedarCove Reflections RdWynsong Lane Pleasant View Rd Blaze TrlRiver R ock DrS C a m den R id g e DrHenryCrtStrawberryLane HWY 101Mission Hills Street Names P r e serve CT F a wnHill Rd Degler LN B entz CtWindsorCt14-07 EagleRidgeR d Hawkcre st Cir HawkcrestCtEagleCtCrossroad CourtAnt h emPlace 41 32 West Park Street Names 1 Maggie Way 2 Rockburn Rd 3 Wildflower Ln 4 Stonegate Rd OHW 877.0 OHW 699.2 OHW 896.3 OHW 865.3 OHW 944.5 OHW 956.1 OHW 881.8 OHW 955.5 OHW 993.6 OHW 945.2 OHW 932.77 OHW 929.8 Lotus Lake Lake Riley Lake Minnewashta Lake Lucy Rice Lake Lake Susan Lake Ann Lake Virginia Lake Harrison Rice Marsh Lake Clasen Lake Lake St Joe Christmas Lake μ Legend Sealcoat & Crackseal MSA - Lake Lucy Rd Orchard Lane Reconstruction G:\ENG\Erik H\GIS\Street Projects\11x17 Local Street Projects.mxd 2019 Local Street Projects 0 4,000 8,0002,000 Feet This is an interactive map. Click on the project area to be redirected to the related webpage. CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: May 13, 2019 RESOLUTION NO: 2019-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A QUOTE FOR EMERGENCY ROAD REPAIRS ON CREEKWOOD DRIVE WHEREAS, a section of Creekwood Drive, west of Mandan Circle, fell into disrepair this spring due to the age of the road, underlying soils, and frost coming out of the ground; and WHEREAS, damage to Creekwood Drive made the street impassable and therefore an emergency repair was necessary; and WHEREAS, two quotes were received and opened. The quotes are as follows: Total Bid Northwest Asphalt* $39,534.46 GMH Asphalt $40,368.40 *Indicates low bidder AND WHEREAS, it appears Northwest Asphalt submitted the lowest responsible quote. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen: 1. The mayor and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to approve a quote from Northwest Asphalt for emergency street repairs to Creekwood Drive, according to plans and specifications. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 13th day of May, 2019. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT