MAY 28, 2019
Mayor for a Day Amelia Wagner called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. The meeting was
opened with the Pledge to the Flag.
COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilwoman Tjornhom, Councilman
McDonald, and Councilwoman Coleman
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Chelsea Petersen, Kate Aanenson, Jason Wedel, and City
Attorney Andrea Poehler
Mayor Ryan: Good evening everybody. Thank you for being here. As many of you remember
back in March we had a Mayor for the Day contest and we asked fourth and fifth graders to write
in on what they would do if they were Mayor for the Day and at our last council meeting we had
fourth grader Emme Rouse but today we have our fifth grade winner Amelia Wagner.
Congratulations. So we received many letters. A lot of them very awesome but Amelia’s was
particularly detailed. She knew exactly what she wanted to do if she’d be Mayor for a Day and
we all voted at the office and you were the winner so I wanted to share with you some of the key
highlights that Amelia said if she were Mayor for the day. So first she said that if she was mayor
she would accompany me to some of Chanhassen schools to read to students because she thinks
that every student at any age should be encouraged to read. Next she said after we visited the
schools, the kids then we would go to Summerwood of Chanhassen and spend time talking with
the seniors that are living there and then she would report back to the Senior Commission with
any ideas or thoughts that the seniors had so she’s very intergenerational in her thinking. That
was very impressive. Then she said that she would really like to thank the people who work so
hard to make our city of Chanhassen a great place to live. She would have bakeries come in and
do a little event and she is a musician and she would even invite some of her friends and fellow
musicians to come and have a little concert just to say thank you to the city employees which is
such a nice idea. And then she also said that she’s really interested in a lot of the current projects
and so you would come to see the different projects and she said even for an 11 year old I have
great ideas and feedback that she would be happy to share. And then last but certainly not least
it’s something that’s very important to all of us at the city. You said that you would help clean
up the picturesque park of Lake Ann so that there isn’t any trash to make the lake dirty or murky
and that everybody could fully enjoy the beautiful lake and parks in Chanhassen. So we loved
all of these ideas and she definitely deserves for Mayor for the Day so again congratulations.
Could the council come down again for a picture with Amelia. Chief do you want to be in this
picture too? That’d be awesome. Well done Mayor Amelia. You did way better at hitting the
gavel than I did on my first go around so well done. Thank you again and welcome to this
evening’s meeting. To those that are watching at home, we are glad that you can join us. For the
Chanhassen City Council – May 28, 2019
record we have one council member absent. Councilmember Dan Campion is not present
tonight. Our first action is our agenda approval. Council members are there any modifications
to the agenda as printed? If not we will proceed with the published agenda.
Mayor Ryan: Are there any items that the council would like to consider separately? I did have
one. Item D-6. And we will move that to G-1 under Old Business.
Councilman McDonald: Miss Mayor?
Mayor Ryan: Yes.
Councilman McDonald: I’d like to also remove D-7 from the consent agenda.
Mayor Ryan: D-7. Perfect and we’ll have that under visitor presentations. Thank you. Alright
is there a motion to approve consent agenda items D-1 through 5 and 8 through 12?
Councilwoman Coleman moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded to approve the
following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations:
1. Approve City Council Minutes dated May 13, 2019
2. Receive Environmental Commission Minutes dated April 10, 2019
3. Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated April 16, 2019
4. Receive Park and Recreation Commission Minutes dated April 23, 2019
5. Receive Senior Commission Minutes dated April 26, 2019
6. Item pulled by Mayor Ryan for discussion
7. Item pulled by Councilman McDonald for discussion
8. Resolution #2019-27: Recommendation to Carver County Board to Reject Bids for
Lyman Boulevard Project
9. Approve Amendment to Public Purpose Expenditure Policy
Chanhassen City Council – May 28, 2019
10. Construction Cooperation Agreement with the Metropolitan Council Environmental
Services for Construction of Cured In-Place Pipe for Sanitary Sewer I/I Project
11. Approve Special Assessment Agreement for 2625 Forest Avenue
12. Resolution #2019-28: Approve Labor Agreement with Local 49 International Union of
Operating Engineers
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Mayor Ryan: Next we’ll do the visitor presentation and move consent agenda D-7 to the visitor
presentations. Let me pull that up real quickly.
Todd Gerhardt: Your motion included 7 right?
Mayor Ryan: D-7 is, no. Moved to the visitor presentation.
Todd Gerhardt: So after the presentation you need to accept the donation.
Mayor Ryan: Okay gotch ya. Is Audrey doing the?
Todd Gerhardt: Yes she’s in the back row with Old National representatives.
Mayor Ryan: Okay perfect. So then we’ll move to visitor presentations. Visitor presentations
are included with each of our regular scheduled meeting. Anyone wishing to address the council
on a matter that is not specifically on the agenda may step to the podium. Please provide your
name and address for the record and then please address the council. You will have 5 minutes to
present your item. If your request includes an action item from staff or council please complete a
Citizen Action Request Form so that we are clear on what you’re asking and we can
appropriately follow up with your request. However if you are simply making a comment with
no action required a form does not need to be completed. Are there any visitor presentations
other than the one from the Old National Bank? Okay. Well then I will invite Old National
Bank to come forward with their Summer Concert Series. Will they make a presentation?
Todd Gerhardt: Yeah and then we’ll get your picture accepting the check.
Mayor Ryan: Oh okay. Welcome. If you want to make a, say a few words.
Gretchen Holmgren: Well I didn’t plan anything because we didn’t last year but I’m Gretchen
Holmgren. I’m the Banking City Manager for Old National Bank here in Chanhassen and it is
our honor to continue the sponsorship of the Summer Concert Series for the City. It’s something
Chanhassen City Council – May 28, 2019
that I think is just great for the community. It gets everybody together and just creates that
comradery in the community so I’m happy to present the check again.
Mayor Ryan: Perfect, thank you. We appreciate it.
Gretchen Holmgren: Yeah.
Chelsea Petersen: Get a little photo.
Todd Gerhardt: You’re taking on Klein’s past history and doing this so.
Mayor Ryan: Perfect, thank you.
Todd Gerhardt: Thank you. We’ll get this in that tube at the bank.
Gretchen Holmgren: …thank you.
Todd Gerhardt: So Mayor if we could just have a motion to accept the donation from Old
National Bank then we can complete that item.
Mayor Ryan: Perfect. Is there any council member that would like to make a motion?
Councilman McDonald: Well first of all I pulled it off the agenda so what I wanted to do.
Mayor Ryan: Oh, I apologize.
Councilman McDonald: I didn’t see it on the agenda and I wanted to make sure that Old
National got some recognition for the fact that they’re going to continue the concert series
because I do believe that it provides a great benefit to the community. I know it’s well liked. I
hear a lot of things about it. You have great diversity as far as music. It is just amazing. There’s
something for country fans. Rock and roll fans. Even the kids so thank you and I just wanted to
make sure that you got recognized properly. I didn’t see the check ceremony like we did in the
past. I’ll be glad to make the motion unless anyone else has any comments. Then I would like to
make a motion that the City Council approves a resolution accepting a $3,000 donation from Old
National Bank for the Summer Concert Series and staff is directed to prepare a letter of thanks to
Old National Bank.
Mayor Ryan: We have a valid motion. Is there a second?
Councilwoman Tjornhom: Second.
Mayor Ryan: Valid motion and a second.
Chanhassen City Council – May 28, 2019
Resolution #2019-26: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded
that the City Council approves a resolution accepting a $3,000 donation from Old National
Bank for the Summer Concert Series and staff is directed to prepare a letter of thanks to
Old National Bank. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4
to 0.
Mayor Ryan: That motion carries 4-0. Thank you again. We appreciate it and I did want to also
add, I know you had sent an email that you were coming and wanted to do this but we really
appreciate as Councilman McDonald said your continued support of this very popular event. I
think the first event starts on Thursday, June 13th if I’m not mistaken so you have a number of
evening events as well as a couple of noon events but it’s extremely popular so encourage the
community to come on down. Ride your bikes. You can bring a picnic. I believe the park and
rec usually serves popcorn and water and it’s always very well attended so thank you for your
continued support. We appreciate it. Alright. Next on the agenda is our fire department and law
enforcement update.
Mayor Ryan: Chief.
Chief Don Johnson: Good evening Mayor and council. Thank you. This is my fire department
update for this month. We’re currently at 43 of 45 firefighters. I’ve got one firefighter on
military leave. He’s actually completing his MLS school to continue his reserves in the Coast
Guard so hopefully we’ll have him back this summer as well as one in June. We have one
firefighter on medical leave. Hopefully he’ll be back on Saturday. The 2018 hiring group, the 4
of them finish tonight so we’re happy. It’s been a long year for them. I believe they started last
March so it’s been a long year for them and we’re really lucky to get them back on, get them on
the line. And the weekend duty crews went well in both April and May with only Saturdays
scheduled. In June we’ll start Saturdays and Sundays so our first full scheduling month is done
and it went really well so I look forward to continuing to support that. Some of the things that
we’ve done on Saturdays on the weekends with the duty crew is help some of events that are
happening on the weekend so instead of having people come in just for the event we can cover
that event. The Lion’s do a hearing walk at the Arboretum which we’ll be covering with the
duty crew and then we also have them help on the 6K War Vision Walk that we had in
Chanhassen here so finding some things for those folks to do on the weekends as well to cover
some shifts has been pretty exciting for us. April we had 64 calls for service which is the lowest
since about December of 2017 so I’m not quite sure what’s going on out there but the break is
nice so. 34 of those were medicals with one motor vehicle accident and injuries. Six fire related
calls. We had one small garage fire on Mission Hills Way which I’ll get into here in a little bit.
We had 2 mutual aid assists to Minnetonka. One mutual aid assist to Excelsior and 2 minor
cooking fires here. The Mission Hills Way is turning into kind of an important discovery on our
parts here in Chanhassen as the dry sprig in the garage that was installed with the system did not
actuate with the fire so through the Fire Marshal’s investigation as well as going with the State
Chanhassen City Council – May 28, 2019
Fire Marshal’s office we are putting together some notifications for both the townhome
associations, the management companies and the owners for these, these dry sprigs were actually
intended to be replaced after 10 years. The ones on Mission Hills Way West are 25 years old so
we’re trying to get the word out to our community as well as work with the State Fire Marshal’s
office to, this could be a bigger issue so. Most of these systems are checked on an annual basis
and that would be something that these associations and owners could expect from a sprinkler
company to, as part of their annual inspection so we kind of want to get some awareness out
there and we’re working with Amy from the City and we’ll be doing some social media blasts
and things like that for the future so one little fire has kind of taught us that we might have a little
issue to deal with and hopefully we can get that word out for folks that live in townhomes and
some of these apartment buildings so.
Councilwoman Coleman: Chief as someone who lives on Mission Hills Way I want to ask how
critical this issue at this point in time.
Chief Don Johnson: Well the homeowners association there is involved. The occupancy was a
renter. It wasn’t an owner so we’re dealing with the owner and we’re hoping to see them start
looking at those systems in a hurry as far as at least ensuring that the heads are replaced on a
manufacturer’s recommendation so. I know they’ve been in contact with the sprinkler contractor
out there in that particular development so I would think that the homeowners there should be
hearing something pretty soon.
Councilwoman Coleman: Hope so.
Chief Don Johnson: Monthly training. We had an officers meeting and some training on our
new scheduling software. Hazardous materials training with Victoria Fire. We had a live burn at
SCALE and cancer, cardiac, PTSD awareness with MnFire and EMS training tonight so next
week assisted, I’ve assisted Crown College this last going with a mass casualty drill on May 2nd.
Doing some assessments with their incident command process. We had several volunteers help
with the World Vision Walk. Three of our four firefighters assisted the Girl Scouts last Saturday
with a visit and helping them getting their EMS badge so it’s kind of exciting stuff for us over
there. As some of you know we had our annual banquet on May 18th. Happy to say that Rob
Frisbie was reappointed the firefighter of the year for the second year in a row. We’re pretty
proud of Rob in that so thanks to Councilman McDonald and Mayor Ryan for attending and
Councilwoman Coleman for, that was difficult for us because she plays double roles so thank
you for that. Also assisted MFire with their, some training with their tactical medic group. Fire
Marshal’s been extremely busy. We’ve got a lot of major projects in town here that are keeping
us on our toes and hopefully with North Coop and the Lifetime Corporate, Venue and Aldi
project are in full bloom over there as well and then some of the stuff that we’re also working on
with the Bernard Group and their employees for CPR and AED training so we’ve been extremely
busy so the lull in calls has been kind of nice so I can stand for questions.
Chanhassen City Council – May 28, 2019
Mayor Ryan: Thank you Chief. Council any questions? I don’t think so. Thank you, appreciate
Chief Don Johnson: Thank you.
Lt. Lance Pearce: Good evening Mayor, council.
Mayor Ryan: Welcome.
Lt. Lance Pearce: So April. Was a little slow for us but we’re still keeping busy in the city. We
had 54 Group A crimes, 24 Group B crimes, 269 traffic stops resulting in 4 DUI arrests. We had
11 narcotics arrest and for accidents we had 34 property damage and 1 injury crash and in total
we wrote 61 citations for the month and had 848 total calls for service. For training we had
hands on use of force topics. Some evidence procedure review and also review from the
Minnesota DNR and our Carver County Land and Water Services on review for aquatic invasive
species since our boating season’s coming up here so just a review for that to try to prevent any
more infestation. Community relations. Detective Angie Nucci did a presentation at St.
Hubert’s Church for internet safety. That was pretty well attended and got some feedback on.
Then on April 30th the sheriff’s office had our annual award ceremony and just a note for the
City that Chanhassen Community Service Officer Joe LeFevere was awarded a life saving medal
at that event. The City Manager and the Assistant Manager were both in attendance and we
thank them both for showing up. That was nice to see you guys there. Staffing update. We’re at
full staff for the city of Chanhassen and for the sheriff’s office as a whole we have 2 people
currently in field training and our 2 new cadets have moved on to field training as of today. I
stand for any questions.
Mayor Ryan: Thank you. Council any questions? I don’t think so. Thank you.
Todd Gerhardt: Got it all wrapped up. Windows in.
Lt. Lance Pearce: Windows are this week. Got it all shingled and all that.
Todd Gerhardt: Alright.
Lt. Lance Pearce: Couple blisters on my feet…
Todd Gerhardt: Lance is my new neighbor up north so.
Mayor Ryan: How nice.
Todd Gerhardt: It’s a small world when you’ve got a cabin right next to somebody else so.
Mayor Ryan: Now you’ll feel extra safe.
Chanhassen City Council – May 28, 2019
Todd Gerhardt: Yeah. I’ve got a BCA agent and a law enforcement guy so.
Mayor Ryan: There you go you’re all set.
Todd Gerhardt: I’m set.
Mayor Ryan: Perfect, thank you. Appreciate it. Next up we’ll go to G-1 pulled off from the
consent agenda. From D-6 to G-1.
Mayor Ryan: And who will give that report?
Todd Gerhardt: Jason.
Mayor Ryan: Jason? Okay.
Jason Wedel: Thank you Mayor, members of the council. So the item before you this evening is
for the Ithilien Pond maintenance project. That project was approved last fall and the actual
work was done this winter. The original contract was exceeded by $73,592 and that was due to
additional excavation that was needed once they started the pond excavation to restore it back to
it’s original condition. There was more sediment in there than they had anticipated so while
they’re there on site there’s just a need to keep moving forward and get the work done so that
project was completed. The extra sediment was removed but we did exceed the original contract
amount so that’s where we’re coming back to the City Council this evening to ask for approval
on that.
Mayor Ryan: Perfect, thank you and I had pulled this off one because you know the most
obvious is that it was over twice as much of what we had initially budgeted but the other piece of
it was that because of the increase in cost then we now have to put a 2019 project possibly on
hold and we’ve talked about it over the course of the last few years about you know we have 250
stormwater ponds and we’re only going to be able to do them potentially once a year and then
when they come in twice as much as what we anticipate and I had talked to you about this. You
know what is the importance of these? You know how can we better evaluate? I know we have
used an old school tactic in terms of evaluating how much sediment is going to be removed but
how can we measure more accurately so we can be better prepared for that so if you could just
explain some of that I’d really appreciate it.
Jason Wedel: Sure absolutely. Thanks Mayor, council members. So the city has stormwater
ponds. Stormwater ponds really serve two purposes. It’s for stormwater rate control and it’s for
stormwater treatment so the ponds when you build new homes, new streets, you’re adding
surfaces that are impervious. That means the water runs off them. It doesn’t soak into the
Chanhassen City Council – May 28, 2019
ground so it prevent properties downstream from flooding the ponds are there to store that water
temporarily and then slowly release it over time so you don’t have flooding issues downstream.
The other purpose for ponds is for treatment. Sediment that washes off the streets. Phosphorus
that comes from lawns and fertilizers, those things are caught in these stormwater ponds and then
they’re trapped there rather than going downstream and going into our lakes and creeks and
those types of things so it’s to protect our environment and it’s to prevent flooding so those are
really the two purposes. So over time these ponds do collect that sediment and leaves and debris
that get into our catch basins and flow into these ponds so it’s necessary to remove that sediment
when they start filling up to restore them back to their original designs.
Mayor Ryan: And so in the removal process because I know you get a lot of calls and we get
calls as well people in their back yard and it’s starting to smell and can somebody from the city
come out and evaluate you know this pond. If it’s toxic. I mean I know you get a lot of those
questions and so could you just explain the process from the City perspective of how we move
through this and evaluate these ponds.
Jason Wedel: Yeah so every year we have our stormwater, our Water Resources Coordinator
basically coordinates the efforts to inspect our ponds and our stormwater system so they review
wherever we have a stormwater pipe emptying into a pond they get evaluated. That’s part of our
MPCA permit as in MS4 we’re a statutory city where we have to report to the State every year
that we’re doing these inspections so as part of that process we look at these ponds and then we
prioritize them based on conditions and how much sediment has built up in them. Some ponds
fill up quicker than others, depending on the surrounding properties so those inspections every
year are what we use then to prioritize and pick off which ponds we’re going to do each year.
Mayor Ryan: Perfect. Thank you and it was you know important I think to have the discussion
just because I know you do receive a lot of calls especially at this time of year and throughout
the summer so I wanted to highlight that. And then just bring it to, you know I know council is
obviously very well aware of the CIP process and you know as far forward as you can look it
still sits at $80,000 so I just have asked Jason to take another look at that as we begin the
budgeting process going forward so, just because more of these are going to come forward and
when we look at doubling the cost of a project obviously I just want to make sure that we’re
evaluating and preparing appropriately so thank you for your answers. I appreciate it. With that
any council member would like to make a motion.
Councilwoman Coleman: Sure the City Council approves the modification to the contract for the
Ithilien Pond maintenance project in the amount of $73,592.50 to include the additional
Mayor Ryan: We have a valid motion. Is there a second?
Councilman McDonald: Second.
Chanhassen City Council – May 28, 2019
Mayor Ryan: With a valid motion and a second.
Resolution #2019-26: Councilwoman Coleman moved, Councilman McDonald seconded
that the City Council approves the modification to the contract for the Ithilien Pond
maintenance project in the amount of $73,592.50 to include the additional quantities. All
voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Mayor Ryan: That motion carries 4-0. Thank you again.
Councilman McDonald: Mayor I just want to say yesterday was our Memorial Day celebration
and thanks to some very quick thinking on the part of city staff and everything they actually had
a Plan B and that kept everybody dry. We moved into the library. I thought it was one of the
more moving presentations we’ve had in a while. It was really good to hear first hand from
someone who was actually over in Vietnam and I think the trials and tribulations that he
happened to go through so I applaud city staff and the mayor. It was I think very well done and
kept in honor of all the veterans and everyone who’s given their lives that Memorial Day would
celebrate so hats off and thanks to you guys.
Mayor Ryan: I’d like to echo those comments as well Councilman McDonald. It was a fantastic
event. Appreciate the Legion’s participation. Special thanks to Jerry Ruegemer for his hard
work and the overall preparation these last many months but then like Councilman McDonald to
be prepared with a Plan B to make sure that it happened so fluidly and without a hiccup and it
just was fantastic and to Lieutenant Commander Peterson, it was an incredibly moving speech
that he gave. Standing ovation. I think it was extremely well received so I appreciate him being
there so it was a great event and honored our fallen heroes as well as acknowledging our current
veterans. Councilman McDonald thank you for your service but it was just a great event all
around so thank you to staff for being so well prepared for a very important day for all of us.
Any other council presentations?
Todd Gerhardt: Mayor, council members. You may be getting some phone calls on high water,
especially on Lotus Lake. We were out there today. The watershed district did measure the
depth of the lake. It has not reached the high water mark. We’re still roughly 6 ½ inches below
that mark. We’ll monitor it again this week as ponds slowly release the water into the system as
Jason explained. That’s how they’re designed so it may rise but there’s also an outlet from the
lake so, so thank you to the Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek watershed district for going out and
checking the depth for us on that. And I want to also thank Mayor Ryan for her speech. Jerry
for his service. It was a great event. The room was full and it was just I think really one of the
traditions that this city continues to put on in Memorial Day in recognizing our veterans and
Chanhassen City Council – May 28, 2019
allies who put their life on the line to make our freedom as free as we can be so thank you to my
staff for all the efforts that they put towards that. And that’s it.
Mayor Ryan: Perfect, thank you. Anything on the correspondence discussion? If not could we
get the Mayor to join us back up front please.
Mayor for the Day Amelia Wagner: May I have a motion to adjourn?
Councilman McDonald: So moved.
Mayor for the Day Amelia Wagner: Is there a second?
Councilwoman Tjornhom: Second.
Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded to adjourn the
meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. The
City Council meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Submitted by Todd Gerhardt
City Manager
Prepared by Nann Opheim