Agenda and PacketAGENDA CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MAY 11, 2020 CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD A.6:00 P.M. ­ WORK SESSION (City Council Chambers) Note:  Work sessions are open to the public.If the City Council does not complete the work session items in the time allotted, the remaining items will be considered after the regular agenda. 1.Discuss 2020 Parks, Recreation Programming and 4th of July Activities B.7:00 P.M. ­ CALL TO ORDER (Pledge of Allegiance) C.PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS 1.National Public Works Week Proclamation D.CONSENT AGENDA All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the city council and will be considered as one motion.  There will be no separate discussion of these items.  If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately.  City council action is based on the staff recommendation for each item.  Refer to the council packet for each staff report. 1.Approve City Council Minutes dated April 27, 2020 2.Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated February 18, 2020 3.Approval of Lease Agreement with the Chanhassen Historical Society for Old Village Hall 4.Cancellation and Closure of Chanhassen Park and Recreation Events, Youth and Adult Programs, Group Facility Reservations including use of Athletic Fields, the Chanhassen Recreation Center, and the Chanhassen Senior Center 5.Resolution 2020­XX: Haak property transfer to RPBCWD for a Flood Mitigation and Wetland Restoration Project E.VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Visitor Presentations requesting a response or action from the City Council must complete and submit the Citizen Action Request Form (see VISITOR GUIDELINES at the end of this agenda) 1.Wesley Martin AGENDACHANHASSEN CITY COUNCILMONDAY, MAY 11, 2020CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARDA.6:00 P.M. ­ WORK SESSION (City Council Chambers)Note:  Work sessions are open to the public.If the City Council does not complete the worksession items in the time allotted, the remaining items will be considered after the regularagenda.1.Discuss 2020 Parks, Recreation Programming and 4th of July ActivitiesB.7:00 P.M. ­ CALL TO ORDER (Pledge of Allegiance)C.PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS1.National Public Works Week ProclamationD.CONSENT AGENDAAll items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the city council andwill be considered as one motion.  There will be no separate discussion of these items.  Ifdiscussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and consideredseparately.  City council action is based on the staff recommendation for each item.  Refer to thecouncil packet for each staff report.1.Approve City Council Minutes dated April 27, 20202.Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated February 18, 20203.Approval of Lease Agreement with the Chanhassen Historical Society for Old VillageHall4.Cancellation and Closure of Chanhassen Park and Recreation Events, Youth and AdultPrograms, Group Facility Reservations including use of Athletic Fields, theChanhassen Recreation Center, and the Chanhassen Senior Center5.Resolution 2020­XX: Haak property transfer to RPBCWD for a Flood Mitigation andWetland Restoration ProjectE.VISITOR PRESENTATIONSVisitor Presentations requesting a response or action from the City Council must complete andsubmit the Citizen Action Request Form (see VISITOR GUIDELINES at the end of this agenda) 1.Wesley Martin F.OLD BUSINESS G.PUBLIC HEARINGS 1.Resolution 2020­XX: Approve Vacation of Drainage & Utility Easements at 330 and 350 Pleasant View Road H.NEW BUSINESS 1.Amend Components of 2020 4th of July Celebration I.COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS J.ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS K.CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION 1.Review of Claims Paid 05­11­2020 2.Building Permit Data L.ADJOURNMENT M.GUIDELINES GUIDELINES FOR VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Welcome to the Chanhassen City Council Meeting.  In the interest of open communications, the Chanhassen City Council wishes to provide an opportunity for the public to address the City Council.  That opportunity is provided at every regular City Council meeting during Visitor Presentations. Anyone seeking a response or action from the City Council following their presentation is required to complete and submit a Citizen Action Request Form. An online form is available at https://www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/action or paper forms are available in the city council chambers prior to the meeting. Anyone indicating a desire to speak during Visitor Presentations will be acknowledged by the Mayor. When called upon to speak, state your name, address, and topic. All remarks shall be addressed to the City Council as a whole, not to any specific member(s) or to any person who is not a member of the City Council. If there are a number of individuals present to speak on the same topic, please designate a spokesperson that can summarize the issue.  Limit your comments to five minutes. Additional time may be granted at the discretion of the Mayor. If you have written comments, provide a copy to the Council. During Visitor Presentations, the Council and staff listen to comments and will not engage in discussion. Council members or the City Manager may ask questions of you in order to gain a thorough understanding of your concern, suggestion or request. Please be aware that disrespectful comments or comments of a personal nature, directed at an individual either by name or inference, will not be allowed. Personnel concerns should be directed to the City Manager. Members of the City Council and some staff members may gather at Tequila Butcher, 590 West 79th Street in Chanhassen immediately after the meeting for a purely social event. All members of the public are welcome. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday, May 11, 2020 Subject Discuss 2020 Parks, Recreation Programming and 4th of July Activities Section 6:00 P.M. ­ WORK SESSION (City Council Chambers) Item No: A.1. Prepared By Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director File No:  SUMMARY The health and well­being of our community is a priority, and cancelling public recreation events, gatherings and closing public recreation facilities (including athletic fields) is in the best interest of the public. BACKGROUND The City of Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department operates and maintains 28 community and neighborhood parks, 5 public waterfront beaches and 65 miles of paved trails. Annually, we offer over 250 recreation programs and 12 community special events serving over 100,000 participants. The Chanhassen Senior Center sponsors dozens of daily and weekly programs, serving over 12,000 senior citizens annually, and the Chanhassen Recreation Center welcomes hundreds of patrons weekly participating in a wide array of programs, classes and activities.  DISCUSSION The first case of Covid ­19 in the United States was confirmed on January 20th, 2020. As of April 15th, 2020, the U.S. has the most confirmed active cases and deaths in the world, and all fifty states have received disaster declarations from the federal government.  RECOMMENDATION “The City Council authorizes the cancellation and closure of all Chanhassen park and recreation events, youth and adult programs and group facility reservations (including use of athletic fields), the Chanhassen Recreation Center, and the Chanhassen Senior Center until further notice. All public parks, trails and limited facilities­­including tennis and pickleball courts and the skate park­­remain open to individuals and groups of 10 or less for recreation and fitness." ATTACHMENTS: Park and Rec Cancellation Flyer PowerPoint Presentation In light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and recognizing that the health and well-being of our community is our first priority, all Chanhassen Park and Recreation Events, Youth and Adult Programs, Group Facility Reservations (including use of Athletic Fields, the Chanhassen Recreation Center and the Chanhassen Senior Center) are cancelled and closed until further notice. We will publish updates as they become available. To ChanhassenResidents andCommunity: 2020 4th of July Celebration The City of Chanhassen's Annual 4th of July community event will be celebrating its 37th year in 2020. Over 70,000 people traditionally enjoy this annual celebration. Traditional Schedule Of Events Thursday, July 2nd •Family Night at the Carnival •Pony Rides: 3:00-8:00 p.m. Saturday, July 4th •Adult Fishing Contest •Classic Car Show: 10:00-1:00 p.m. •Taste of Chanhassen & Beer & Wine Garden: 10:00 a.m. –5:00 p.m. •Face Painting & Wacky Hair •Midwest Carnival Rides & Concessions •Kids Fishing Contest •Medallion Hunt: 11:00 a.m. until found •Log Rolling: 10:30 a.m. –1:30 p.m. •Sand Sculpture Contest: 11:00 a.m. –12:00 p.m. •Bingo •American Bootleg: 11:45 a.m. –1:45 p.m. •Parade: 2:30 p.m. •Fireworks: 10:00 p.m. Friday, July 3rd •Minnesota Twins Youth Baseball Clinic: 9:00-12:00 p.m. •Water Wars: 3:00-10:00 p.m. •Midwest Carnival Rides & Concessions •Pony Rides: 4:00-8:00 p.m. •Petting Zoo: 4:00-8:00 p.m. •T-Shirt Sales •The Medicine Show: 4:30-6:30 p.m. •Business Expo: 4:00-7:00 p.m. •Airbrush Tattoos, Face Painting, & Wacky Hair •Kiddie Games: 4:30-8:30 p.m. •Taste of Chanhassen & Beer & Wine Garden: 4:30-11:00 p.m. •Stone Daisy Band •Kiddie Parade: 5:30-6:00 p.m. •Tae Kwon Do Demo •Chalk It Up Drawing Contest: 6:00-8:00 p.m. •Skateboard Series: 7:00 p.m. •Street Dance: 7:00-11:00 p.m. Recommended Cancellations for 2020 July 2 •Midwest Carnival Rides and Concessions •Pony Rides July 3 •Water Wars •Midwest Carnival Rides and Concessions •Pony Rides •Petting Zoo •4th of July T-shirt Sales •Airbrush Tattoos, Face Painting, & Wacky Hair •Kiddie Games •Beer & Wine Garden •Tae Kwon Do Demo •Skateboard Series •Street Dance and & Other Music Performances July 4 •Adult Fishing Contest •Classic Car Show •Beer & Wine Garden •Face Painting & Wacky Hair •Midwest Carnival Rides & Concessions •Kids Fishing Contest •Medallion Hunt •Log Rolling •Music Performances •Bingo! •Fourth of July Parade Historic Plane Flyover –2:30pm Coordination for the flyover done through The Rotary Club of Chanhassen. Recommended flyover time is 2:30pm to coincide with the traditional start of the parade. Recommended Events: July 4 Recommended Events: July 4 Fireworks Spectacular –10:00pm Many families can view the fireworks from home. The show will be altered to replace smaller shells with larger shells that can be viewed from a greater distance. This presentation will include social distancing protocols for viewers, such as viewers staying in vehicles, no large gatherings of people, limiting the amount of cars entering the park and distance between cars parked at Lake Ann or other viewing spaces. Planning coordination with the Carver County Sheriff’s Department will occur. Activity Modification Staff could explore the possibility of new events to be added to the 2020 4th of July Celebration that are consistent with current health and safety guidelines. Staff could also explore modifications to the following events. July 3 Minnesota Twins Youth Baseball Clinic Musical Performances: The Medicine Show, Stone Daisy Band, & The Dweebs Business Expo Taste of Chanhassen Kiddie Parade Chalk It Up Drawing Contest July 4 Taste of Chanhassen Musical Performance: American Bootleg Sand Sculpture Contest Minnesota Twins Youth Baseball Clinic Musical Performances •Work with Minnesota Twins organization to see if a virtual clinic is possible. •Provide links to band websites on the City website for people to enjoy individually. Business Expo •SouthWest Metro Chamber of Commerce has expressed interest in a modified Business Expo. •Potential modifications could include: •Online Business Expo with features on each business •Coupon book including coupons from participating businesses •“Challenge” involving visiting or social media engagements with participating businesses Kiddie Parade •Modified to a “Kiddie Car Parade.” Kids and families would decorate their cars, which would parade through a similar route as the original Kiddie Parade. Everyone would remain in their vehicles during the parade. Taste of Chanhassen •During the hours the Taste of Chanhassen normally runs, participating businesses could offer 25% off (or some set discount) takeout and curbside pickup to promote business. Chalk it Up Contest •Participants submit photos online of their chalk drawing. Rules and regulations to the contest would be posted online. Prizes would be distributed with contactless pickup. Sand Sculpture Contest •Modify from an on-location sand sculpture contest to an at-home outdoors sculpture contest. Participants would submit photos online and prizes be picked up curbside. New Activities to Consider 4th of July Virtual 5k •On the designated day, families or individuals would walk or run a 5k. The route is whatever they choose, at whatever time they choose, and it would not be in groups, it would be within the household they’re already quarantined in. •Registration would be online. •Participants would be encouraged to come up with a “team name,” team costume, etc. Social media engagement would be encouraged, with participants posting photos of their team on Facebook. •All participants could go into a prize drawing. New Activities to Consider, continued 4th of July Photo Scavenger Hunt •Chanhassen-wide photo scavenger hunt where people go to notable locations around Chanhassen and take a photo. •Participants would receive a small prize or be entered into a prize drawing •Minimizing exposure •Hunt lasts a full day •Create a list of fifteen possible locations, but only need to visit five to spread crowds out Recommendation The City Council authorizes the modification of the 37th Annual 4th of July Celebration, with the cancellation of all large gathering events and the retaining of the historic plane flyover at 2:30 p.m. and the fireworks display over Lake Ann at 10:00 p.m. on July 4th.Park and Recreation staff will work with event partners to retain other features of the celebration in modified formats. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday, May 11, 2020 Subject National Public Works Week Proclamation Section PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS Item No: C.1. Prepared By Charlie Howley, Public Works Director/City Engineer File No: N/A SUMMARY “The City Council recognizes and designates May 17­23, 2020 as National Public Works Week.” DISCUSSION See attached formal Proclamation to be read by the Mayor. ATTACHMENTS: City Proclamation for National Public Works Week WHEREAS, public works professionals focus on infrastructure, facilities and services that are of vital importance to sustainable and resilient communities and to the public health, high quality of life and well-being of the people of the City of Chanhassen; and, WHEREAS, these infrastructure, facilities and services could not be provided without the dedicated efforts of public works professionals, who are responsible for rebuilding, improving and protecting our nation’s transportation, drinking water supply, waste water collection, public buildings, parks, surface water, and other structures and facilities essential for our citizens; and, WHEREAS, it is in the public interest for the citizens, civic leaders and children in the City of Chanhassen to gain knowledge of and to maintain an interest and understanding of the importance of public works and public works programs in our community; and, WHEREAS, the year 2020 marks the 60th annual National Public Works Week sponsored by the American Public Works Association be it now, RESOLVED, I, Mayor of the City of Chanhassen, do hereby designate the week May 17 – 23, 2020 as National Public Works Week; I urge all citizens to join with representatives of the American Public Works Association and government agencies in activities, events and ceremonies designed to pay tribute to our public works professionals, and to recognize the substantial contributions they make to protecting our community’s health, safety, and quality of life. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City, DONE at the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota this 11th day of May, 2020. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY OF CHANHASSENDate: May 11, 2020 Mayor Elise Ryan NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK PROCLAMATION MAY 17 – 23, 2020 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday, May 11, 2020 Subject Approve City Council Minutes dated April 27, 2020 Section CONSENT AGENDA Item No: D.1. Prepared By Nann Opheim, City Recorder File No:  PROPOSED MOTION “The City Council approves the City Council minutes dated April 27, 2020.” Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present. ATTACHMENTS: City Council Summary Minutes dated April 27, 2020 City Council Verbatim Minutes dated April 27, 2020 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES APRIL 27, 2020 Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilwoman Tjornhom, Councilman McDonald, Councilman Campion, and Councilwoman Coleman STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Charlie Howley, George Bender, Greg Sticha, Roger Knutson, Richard Rice, Matt Kerr, and Kim Meuwissen The agenda was approved unanimously as published. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Ryan read a proclamation declaring Saturday, May 2, 2020 as Arbor Day in the city of Chanhassen. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Coleman moved, Councilman Campion seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approve City Council Minutes dated April 13, 2020 2. Resolution #2020-26: Proclaiming May 2nd as Arbor Day 3. Release of Settlement Agreement Pertaining to RPVCWD Parcel Swap for CSAH 101 Improvements 4. Award of Bids for Chanhassen City Hall Reception Area Remodeling Project 5. Award Low Quote, Power Hill Park and Lake Ann Park Beach Playground Border Concrete 6. 2020 Watercraft Inspection Agreement All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. Mayor Ryan read an email from Jessica Helland who asked about plans for opening parks and beaches this summer. Kurt Fossey asked if the City could look into some weed trees growing along a chainlink fence on Highway 101 just north of Cheyenne Trail. David Erickson, 7095 Northwood Court asked if the City could do anything City Council Summary – April 27, 2020 2 about advertisement flyers being stuffed into mailboxes. A Citizen Action Request form was received from Mr. and Mrs. Halama at 670 Creekwood Drive regarding the status of a release of relocation study. Another resident asked if contingencies were being made in case of loss of a revenue stream and is the City Council and staff analyzing wants versus needs. PUBLIC HEARING: MINNEWASHTA PARKWAY REHABILITATION PROJECT NO. 20-02; AWARD CONTRACT AND APPROVE ASSESSMENT ROLL. Mayor Ryan reviewed the guidelines for how the City Council will conduct the virtual public hearings. Finance Director Greg Sticha reviewed the use of franchise fees and options for paying assessments. Councilwoman Coleman asked for clarification on how staff notifies residents regarding assessments. Mayor Ryan opened the public hearing. Kevin Zahler, 6651 Minnewashta Parkway expressed confusion over how the City is determining the assessment roll, the increase to a 9 ton design road inviting more truck traffic, concern with people speeding on Minnewashta Parkway, and explained that this is a residential neighborhood and they should not have to put up with industrial traffic on their road. Mayor Ryan read emails regarding the Minnewashta Parkway rehabilitation project from Judy and Rick Berglund, Matt and Pam Moran, Peter Moe, 7161 Minnewashta Parkway and Kevin Zahler, 6651 Minnewashta Parkway before closing the public hearing. After questions and discussion among council members the following motion was made. Councilman Campion moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded that the City Council adopts Resolution #2020-27: accepting the bids for the Minnewashta Parkway Rehabilitation Project No. 20-02 and awarding the contract to Lametti and Sons Inc. in the amount of $3,691,889; and the City Council adopts Resolution #2020-28: adopting the assessment roll for Minnewashta Parkway Rehabilitation Project No. 20-02 with the correction made by the City Engineer/Public Works Director in paragraph 2 of the resolution. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: LAKE LUCY REHABILITATION PROJECT – ORDER IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Charlie Howley presented the staff report on this item. Councilwoman Tjornhom asked for clarification on the status of state aid funding. Mayor Ryan asked about plans for evaluating speed concerns on this road and around the city before opening the public hearing. She read emails from Stephen Kerkvliet, 2201 Lake Lucy Road stating his concerns that he believes the City should be paying a higher assessment for this road improvement project. Barbara and Marv Miller, 2340 Lake Lucy Road asked for clarification on the use of franchise fees and the definition of benefiting properties. Adam Lukens expressed concern with the City’s assessment practice and the definition of benefiting properties. Bruce and Holly Olson, 2432 Lake Lucy Road expressed concern with the City’s assessment practice, who to contact about snowplow damage, and the designation of Lake Lucy Road as a collector. Charlie Howley presented City Council Summary – April 27, 2020 3 information with phone calls from Suzanne Schaer, 2360 Lake Lucy Road who commented she did not agree with the City’s assessment practice, questioned the use of franchise fees and requested a speed limit reduction. Matt Kramer, 2165 Lake Lucy Road expressed support for the project moving forward and would like to see a reduction to 25 miles per hour speed limit. Mayor Ryan closed the public hearing. Resolution #2020-29: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded that the City Council orders improvements and preparation of plans and specifications for the Lake Lucy Road Rehabilitation Project 20-03. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: 2020 CITY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT NO. 20- 05: ORDER IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Charlie Howley presented the staff report on this item. Councilmembers McDonald and Campion asked about conflict of interest since they live in the project area. Mayor Ryan clarified the timeline before opening the public hearing. Mayor Ryan read emails from Deb Roberts at 86 Castle Ridge Court asking about the payment timeline. Eric and Kathy Anderson at 6580 Troendle Circle voiced support for the project and assessments. Mike Carr and Nancy Claremont Carr stated they are very much in favor of this rehabilitation and understand the cost will result in an assessment. Cord Brashear asked for clarification of the 6 neighborhood projects. Paul and Tony Schoupp asked about a city maintenance plan, the use of the franchise fees. Bill Manning had some concerns about sewer on Hoppe Street. Angela Schlender asked about an interest free grace period to pay the assessments, and Frank Zimmerman submitted an email that George Bender stated he will answer his questions in writing. Mayor Ryan closed the public hearing. Resolution #2020-30: Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilwoman Coleman seconded that the City Council orders improvements and preparation of plans and specifications for the 2020 City Pavement Rehabilitation Project No. 20-05. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS. None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. Charlie Howley announced the closure of Highway 101 beginning on May 11th. Todd Gerhard thanked the Chanhassen Fire Department for volunteering to participate in the Governor’s mask collection request. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION. None. City Council Summary – April 27, 2020 4 Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilman McDonald seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The City Council meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING APRIL 27, 2020 Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilwoman Tjornhom, Councilman McDonald, Councilman Campion, and Councilwoman Coleman STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Charlie Howley, George Bender, Greg Sticha, Roger Knutson, Richard Rice, Matt Kerr, and Kim Meuwissen Mayor Ryan: Again good evening everyone. Thank you for joining us tonight for our second virtual council meeting due to COVID-19. I would again like to review the guidelines for this meeting. While this isn’t the first run at a virtual meeting this will be our first meeting with a public hearing. We actually have 3 of them this evening so I ask for everyone’s patience. As we work through the agenda I will be asking each council member for a verbal acknowledgement throughout the agenda item and then ask for a roll call vote if required before moving onto the next agenda item. I want to make sure that everybody is aware that no council member will be holding chats or discussions on the side through the Zoom application and all discussions will be made public. When we get to the public hearing portion of the agenda I will explain further guidelines. For the record we have all council members present tonight. I am here in the council chambers are our 4 council members are joining via Zoom. Our first action is our agenda approval. Council members are there any modifications to the agenda as printed? As I call your name please state aye or nay. Councilman McDonald? Councilman McDonald: Aye. Mayor Ryan: Councilwoman Tjornhom? Councilwoman Tjornhom: Aye. Mayor Ryan: Councilwoman Coleman? Councilwoman Coleman: Aye. Mayor Ryan: Councilman Campion? Councilman Campion: Aye. Mayor Ryan: And I don’t have any changes as well so we will proceed with the published agenda. Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 2 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT: Mayor Ryan: Next we have a public announcement and it’s for Arbor Day. The City of Chanhassen has been celebrating Arbor Day each for 25 years. This year will be a little bit different yet it can be the same in spirit. We will not be gathering for Arbor Day this year but I invite all area residents to celebrate Arbor Day in Chanhassen at home. Plant a tree. Take a walk in the woods. Do a nature craft or donate to a restoration organization and take a moment to recognize how trees make our city a better place to live. In times of stress nature provides a respite from the worries and an opportunity to refresh our spirit so please celebrate Arbor Day in your own way safely at home. And so the proclamation is I, Elise Ryan, Mayor of the City of Chanhassen do hereby proclaim Saturday, May 2, 2020 as Arbor Day and the month of May, 2020 as Arbor Month in the City of Chanhassen. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Coleman moved, Councilman Campion seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approve City Council Minutes dated April 13, 2020 2. Resolution #2020-26: Proclaiming May 2nd as Arbor Day 3. Release of Settlement Agreement Pertaining to RPVCWD Parcel Swap for CSAH 101 Improvements 4. Award of Bids for Chanhassen City Hall Reception Area Remodeling Project 5. Award Low Quote, Power Hill Park and Lake Ann Park Beach Playground Border Concrete 6. 2020 Watercraft Inspection Agreement All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. Mayor Ryan: Next we have visitor presentations. Visitor presentations are included with each of our regularly scheduled council meetings. Recognizing that a stay at home order you may not feel comfortable attending a meeting we have created an email address and the link is on our website to submit questions or comments and we did receive a few of them this week so I will read those visitor comments and direct them to the appropriate staff. We received, Mr. Knutson do I need to recognize their name of the visitor as part of the record? Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 3 Roger Knutson: Yes. Mayor Ryan: This one came from Jessica Helland and she was wondering if, what the plans are for the parks and lakes, if they will be open and will the beaches be open at Lake Ann Park this summer and so what is our overall plan for the parks and recs this coming summer. Mr. Gerhardt. Todd Gerhardt: Mayor, council. Right now we’re kind of in a holding pattern waiting for the Governor’s stay in place policy or order and he is to modify that or not reinstate it this coming Monday so we expect to hear something Thursday or Friday of this week. From that we will start making decisions and bring them back to your May 12th meeting so we’ll have a better understanding of where we stand on May 12th. Mayor Ryan: Perfect, thank you Mr. Gerhardt. Our next question came from Kurt Fossey, F-o- s-s-e-y and the question was about there are some weed trees growing along a chainlink fence and will the City look into that? Mr. Gerhardt. Todd Gerhardt: Yes. We will look into that and I made a note of that earlier and I believe it’s the 101 trail and that’s our responsibility. Mayor Ryan: Yes 101 and just north of Cheyenne Trail. Todd Gerhardt: Right. Mayor Ryan: Perfect. Alright thank you Mr. Gerhardt. And Mr. Knutson this one is coming to you. This is from David Erickson at 7095 Northwood Court. He is concerned about the additional or the amount of litter from mailbox stuffers coming to our residents and wanted to know is, does the City have any ability to ban any type of advertising especially with, during COVID-19 and is concerned about some of the transmission of germs. Can the City do anything? Roger Knutson: Short answer is that the U.S. Postal Service takes care of what goes into the mailbox. Something has to be stamped to go into your mailbox. If it isn’t stamped it shouldn’t be put in there and if they have any complaints they should bring it to the postal services. Mayor Ryan: Okay. Todd Gerhardt: I think to add to it Roger they’re putting it in the newspaper boxes. Roger Knutson: Okay. Todd Gerhardt: And I think isn’t that a First Amendment type. Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 4 Roger Knutson: Yeah they could put it there. Mayor Ryan: So like in the mailbox they’re stuffing the newspaper slots and can the City ban anybody, landscapers, anybody from doing that? Roger Knutson: No. Mayor Ryan: Okay. Thank you for that clarification. Thank you Mr. Knutson. We also had a Citizen Action Request form from Mr. and Mrs. Halama at 670 Creekwood Drive and regarding a Release of a Relocation Study. Mr. Gerhardt. Todd Gerhardt: Yes Mayor, council members. The Halama’s are one of the residential homes along 101 and Creekwood and we are working with an appraiser. He did initial report as of March 31st. Charlie Howley, our Public Works Director and I met with the real estate specialist and we wanted to get at lease 2 more additional comp’s for that study. That was completed last week and we received a copy of that relocation report today. Our Public Works Director Charlie Howley and myself had reviewed that. Sent it over to Carver County for their review and I expect to get that back before the end of the week and then she should be hearing from the attorney on the project and get a copy of that report. Mayor Ryan: Alright thank you Mr. Gerhardt. And the last one goes to Mr. Sticha. The question and I will get the name of this because it was part of a separate email. Are contingencies being made in case of loss of a revenue stream and is the City Council and staff analyzing wants versus needs? Greg Sticha: Thank you Mayor. The answer to that question is yes. Staff has been monitoring the performance of the City’s general fund for about 3 or 4 weeks since the arrival of COVID-19 and the State shutdown. We are constantly monitoring the City’s revenue streams as well as expenses. We are monitoring what revenue losses we might anticipate and also some expenses that might come in a little under budget because of canceling of certain events. As the next few weeks progress and more decisions are made by the City Council as to what programming going forward might be happening we’ll have a little clearer picture of any potential deficit the general fund might experience but at this point in time we are monitoring all of the revenues and expenses. If there is the need to make adjustments to the 2020 budget staff will be coming to City Council immediately with those recommendations in the upcoming months but to answer that question is yes. We are daily and weekly monitoring all of those revenues and expenses. Mayor Ryan: Perfect. Thank you Mr. Sticha. And I know we did receive one other Citizen Action Request form but that was actually for one of the street projects so we included that and that will be addressed during the public hearing portion of the street projects. Again I just want to thank those that submitted their questions. That link is on our website so over the course of the next 2 weeks if you have something specific that you would like to address at a council Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 5 meeting please feel free to submit those letters or emails that way or you can reach out to staff or council directly to answer some of those questions but we appreciate your engagement. PUBLIC HEARING: MINNEWASHTA PARKWAY REHABILITATION PROJECT NO. 20-02; AWARD CONTRACT AND APPROVE ASSESSMENT ROLL. Mayor Ryan: No old business so we will move to F, the public hearings. Tonight we have 3 public hearings for various road construction projects. Like I stated in the beginning while we’ve done a virtual meeting before, this is our first public hearing and we have 3 of them so I’d like to explain how we’re going to conduct these hearings. We have made a concerted effort to ensure that our residents can participate in this process. Tonight after the staff report and any council questions I will open the public hearing. We were planning on beginning by taking phone calls but hopefully you got our notification that fiber lines have been, a fiber line has been cut and so no phone calls are able to come into city hall but please instead continue to send emails. I am still getting those emails so I will make sure that those questions get addressed as part of the public hearing. And if the phone calls come, if our phone lines come back up we’ll obviously take those public hearings but I’m getting the not likely going to happen nod. Next after, well so we’ll actually start with those that are here in the chamber so please wait to come forward when you’re addressed and then after everyone has spoken I will read the questions that we have received via email. After all comments and questions have been addressed I will close the public hearing for that project. We ask that you pay close attention while we’re discussing this project because there are 3 separate ones and so we want to make sure that you’re coming forward at the appropriate time. We ask for your patience and flexibility as this is new to all of us and we do want to make sure that all of you have an opportunity to be heard this evening so we will begin with whoever’s in the chambers. If you want to come forward and then after that I will go through the list of emails per project. Before I turn it over to our finance director who will speak specifically about the finance component of these public hearings I do want to acknowledge that getting an assessment notice during these unprecedented times may have been daunting, frustrating, overwhelming, or concerning and in some cases I know a little confusing to some. I along with city staff and other council members have received numerous calls and emails expressing concern and some suggesting that you know we’re being insensitive by moving forward with projects during this time and I can assure you we are not being insensitive. Council recognizes the financial impact that this does have on our residents in general but specifically during such a stressful time. This is something that we do not take lightly and we have asked our finance director to explain some of the background information about the assessment process, franchise fees as well as review the different scenarios for council to consider when we’re evaluating these projects. I think and I hope that by understanding the process better the payment options, the challenges and financial impact to residents if we wait to do the projects you will understand that we, and we always have, take careful consideration with each decision that we make. We absolutely do appreciate hearing from all of you and after tonight if you still have further questions do not hesitate to reach out. With that and before we get into the staff presentation on our first public hearing I’ve asked our Finance Director Mr. Sticha to go through some of the financing. Mr. Sticha. Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 6 Greg Sticha: Thank you Mayor. First I’d like to make some comments about the franchise fee and I think there’s still some confusion from some of the public at least on why the franchise fee was implemented and what purpose it serves. In October of 2019 the City Council implemented a $5 per utility franchise fee to pay for the City’s share of doing $3.6 million dollars per year in construction projects. Prior to that point in time the City had been doing just under $2 million a year in construction projects. Local street construction projects. The need was presented by the engineering department as to why the increase was needed for the share of all of our local roads so I’m not going to get into a lot of detail on that. Early on in the process, so the City Council spent 3 years reviewing all funding sources for consideration to increase the funding for our local roads to the $3.6 million that was ended up on. During that time the City Council had dozens of public meetings including two public listening sessions and two public hearings before instituting the franchise fee. Early in the process the City Council did give some consideration to the possibility of not, of eliminating the special assessment practice of assessing 40 percent of the street project to the benefiting property owners. It became evident very early in the process that that was not going to be an equitable system going forward so the City Council quickly removed that item from a possibility of discussion. Over the next 2 years the City Council reviewed the use of a franchise fee and levy to help pay for it’s share of the $3.6 million. By it’s share I mean the 60 percent of the $3.6 million. The remaining 40 percent of the annual $3.6 million would still be supported by the special assessment repayments. The $5 franchise fee is enough to cover the City’s share or their 60 percent of the $3.6 million plus the additional levy that the City Council instituted last year and is going to consider another small potential levy increase this year. All of that information was presented over the 2 years during the dozens of meetings, the two public listening sessions and the two public hearings we had over the past couple of years. A couple of other items of note financially there have been some comments made as to the City’s property tax levy and tax rate. While is always a concern of the City Council and staff we would like to note that the City of Chanhassen has the lowest tax rate in Carver County. It has among the lowest tax rates in all the Twin Cities being in the upper 2 percent in terms of having the lowest tax rate. In addition the City has the lowest per capita spending of all of Carver County and has the lowest per capita spending of all of it’s comparable KFS cities. In regards to this year’s proposed assessments. The first payment for this year assessments will not be due until May 15, 2021 as part of your 2021 property tax bill. In addition staff is recommending the delay of the interest free full payment deadline from October 1st this fall until November 23rd of this year. The latest date that we can still then get the assessments on the rolls for the 2021 property taxes. Delaying this will give all property owners the ability to pay the full assessment with no interest by nearly 2 months. In addition it would also give a delay in the deadline will give all residents an additional 2 months of interest free if they do decide to have the assessments assessed to their property in 2021. Over the last several months because of varying reasons. Interest rates have fallen by nearly 2 ¼ percent. If this project had been issued last year the special assessment interest rate would be over 2 percent higher than it is at today’s time. Keeping in mind the current assessment practice, and previous assessment practices as well is to calculate payment of assessments with simple interest. Not compounded interest. If the City Council wanted to delay all special assessment principal and Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 7 interest payments it is something they could consider. However that additional burden to the revolving assessment construction fund would require an additional funding source from a different fund to be transferred in to do so. Under that scenario the assessments would be delayed to the property taxes for 2022. Lastly I would like to point out to any resident that is still having some confusion about the assessment process, about the franchise fee, about the funding for our local streets or about the City’s general fund budget in general I would encourage them to email or call me directly. I would be happy to schedule a lengthy meeting to discuss any or all of those items at their convenience. Thank you Mayor. Mayor Ryan: Thank you Mr. Sticha. Alright next we will move onto the first public hearing and for Minnewashta Parkway Rehabilitation Project number 20-02. Mr. Howley I will let you begin with the staff report. Charlie Howley: Thank you Madam Mayor, council. I’ve got a power point here so hopefully that will show up on the computer for the public to see. There we go. We’re off and running. Okay. Why are we here? We’re here to approve the assessment roll for the project. Tonight is where residents have the option to formally contest the proposed assessment due to their perception of not receiving the added benefit of the improvement. To date we have not received any formal contests in writing so public if you still feel you want to contest in writing you need to submit an email to publiccomments@ci.Chanhassen.mn.us which is in the bullet point on the screen or you could come into the council chambers by the time tonight’s public hearing is closed to formally contest the assessment. The other main thing we’re here to do tonight is award the construction contract. So just a reminder of the proposed project area and scope is Minnewashta Parkway on the west side of the lake inbetween State Highway 5 and State Highway 7. It’s 1.5 miles of full depth pavement reclamation including trail rehabilitation. ADA pedestrian ramp improvements, watermain replacement, sanitary sewer replacement, sanitary force main replacement, storm sewer rehabilitation, stormwater pond improvements and retaining wall improvements. This is an MSA dedicated collector route and there’s a few requirements we need to live up to to make sure that we can receive the state aid funding which you’ll see later in the presentation is the lion share of the funding for this project. The roadway must be classified as a collector or arterial. This one is. It’s identified as a collector. The roadway must connect to another state aid or trunk highway facility. This road does connect to the north and south two trunk highways. A state aid program is intended to provide an integrated street system consistent with projected traffic demands. A state aid street system acts as relievers to MnDOT’s trunk highway network. Roadway must be designed to the state aid standards. Minimum 30 MPH design speed. Certain standards as far as typical section, lane width and clear zones. Horizontal and vertical alignments and pavement design meeting minimum 9 ton where our city standard local road is a 7 ton pavement design. And we cannot restrict vehicle use on a state aid roadway. Watermain rehabilitation. I don’t think we need to go into the weeds here being that the project is already bid out but we do have a mix of ductile iron pipe, cast iron pipe. We have had a lot of issues over the years with cast iron watermain and in this stretch of watermain we’ve also had some documented break history with the ductile iron pipe. So we’re Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 8 planning on using a pipe bursting method to reconstruct the watermains which is a trenchless technique that we don’t have to open cut the entire linear feet of the watermain. Todd Gerhardt: Charlie sorry to interrupt but going from the residential 7 ton to 9 ton I think was your slide and that is not being assessed back to the residential equivalent properties. They’re paying for the 7 ton… Charlie Howley: That is correct. We normalize it down to and only assess to the 7 ton design as if they were in any other neighborhood in the city. Todd Gerhardt: And you’ll get into that. Charlie Howley: We’ve got a little bit of that later. Todd Gerhardt: And then the watermain and sewer lines are also not a part of their assessment. Charlie Howley: That is correct. Those are completely funded by the City’s other funds. Sewer and water funds, yep. Todd Gerhardt: Sewer and water funds, yep. And then the trail portion is not being assessed back either. Charlie Howley: Correct. Todd Gerhardt: Okay. Charlie Howley: Sanitary sewer rehabilitation. We’re going to line 6 segments. We’re going to replace force main in and out of lift station 6 and 7 due to them being cast iron pipe and having documented break history and we are going to rehabilitate the sanitary manholes to reduce our I and I. Stormwater, we verified the capacity of the existing storm pipes is adequate. There are 69 stormsewer structures along the corridor. 35 casting and ring replacements. 14 manhole reconstructures and 20 structures totally replaced. We’re doing some work on the stormwater ponds. One of the ponds near Lake St. Joe has completely failed. We designed to eliminate and replace it with a sump structure and new piping. Two other ponds near Lake St. Joe have a sediment accumulation and we’re going to dredge these ponds and remove voluntary tree growth and do some miscellaneous grading. The Minnehaha Creek watershed district rules are not triggered due to the creation of less than 10,000 square feet of new impervious. Construction phasing. This is a big part of this project. There’s a lot of work to be done and too much work for one construction season. We want to lessen the impact to the residents and the users so building this in two construction seasons seemed like the best approach. The southern half of the project will be constructed this year which is 77 Street up to Kings Road which I believe is also where Roundhouse, is it called Roundhouse Park George? Yeah. The northern half of the project will be constructed in ’21 and that goes all the way up to Trunk Highway 7. And there Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 9 will be a temporary signal installed at the intersection with Trunk Highway 5 to allow traffic to get out onto Trunk Highway 5. As we all know that is nearly impossible to do. The hopes are that that temporary signal remains permanent after the construction based on a few other factors involved. Schedule moving forward is tonight we have the hearing for the assessments and the potential award of the construction contract. If that happens tonight the contractor has indicated that they want to move quickly and potentially a pre-con could get set for next week and start construction potentially the second week of May and the entire project would be complete by October of ’21. Here are the bid results. We had 5 bidders. The low bidder was Lametti and Sons, $3.7 million dollars which was below the estimate so we got good bids. Real good bids. Mayor Ryan: Do you recall what the. Charlie Howley: Estimate was? Mayor Ryan: That’s the word I was looking for. Charlie Howley: George? George Bender: I believe it was $4.2. Charlie Howley: We’re thinking $4.2. George Bender: Let me ask Chadd quick. Charlie Howley: Chadd are you on the phone at all that you can remember? Chadd Larson : Yes the engineer’s estimate was $4.2 million. Charlie Howley: There we go. I just got to the staff report and I see it now, thank you. Mayor Ryan: A voice out of, no. Thanks Chadd. Perfect. So the original estimate was what they would have gotten their letter on was $4.2 and now. Charlie Howley: Yep. Mayor Ryan: Okay thank you. Charlie Howley: And we’ll show that difference. Mayor Ryan: Okay thank you. Charlie Howley: So here’s the assessment calculation. Again as Manager Gerhardt mentioned is we’re basing the street improvement cost as a 7 ton design. We also therefore are reducing the Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 10 assessable frontage based on some non-single family residential properties. That amounted to be 61 percent of the total frontage would be assessed. We then take 40 percent of that amount which is the amount we assess per our assessment practice and then we divide that by the number of properties and so the current assessment for the roll is $4,080. That would be the same amount for all properties along the right-of-way regardless if they’re in Phase 1 or Phase 2 construction. The preliminary assessment amount which you were alluding to Mayor was $4,610 so $530 less. Here is the map showing the properties. Yellow single family. Orange would be kind of a homeowners association and then green is public and what’s unique about this project is there’s actually two properties within the city of Victoria and not in the city of Chanhassen. Those are the A and B there in the upper left. And then there’s the north half of the project. What I’m going to do is on this map learned this last week, was it this one? Laser pointer. Again the split between Phase 1 and Phase 2 is going to be right here so everything left of that would be Phase 1 and every right of that would be Phase 2. The proposed funding for the project, as you can see and stated earlier the MSA is funding the majority. Certainly for the roadway costs and then there’s a break out of the surface water, sewer and water funds and then the special assessments there at the bottom for the total project cost. A little bit of what we’ve heard over the last couple of weeks since the official notice was sent out is we’ve heard a lot about speed limits and we’ve heard a lot about the road being a collector and why should it be assessed. Why should the residents on a collector roadway be assessed if it serves you know a larger region. And our response to that, if you would like me to tackle that now or wait til actual questions arise. I can take a stab now if you’d like. Mayor Ryan: Sure if you’re ready to answer it. Charlie Howley: Okay. Concerning the speed limit. We pulled up some old data as far as what, we’ve had some speed studies done over the year and how speed limits are generally looked at is, there’s what’s called an 85th percentile speed. There’s always going to be people who speed so the 85th percentile speed on this came in to be somewhere between 33 and 35 miles per hour. So the City acknowledges that we do have a bit of a speeding problem. I don’t think that’s a surprise to anybody. We’ve heard that from the residents. We heard it at the open house and we’re still hearing it today so a couple of things. One is I think the sheriff’s department has always known that we need enforcement out there and I think that’s been ongoing. But what this project is doing, and it’s already in the project as part of the bid is we are putting two electronic speed signs. One on the north end as you’re traveling south and one on the south end as you’re traveling north that I’m sure you’ve seen them in other communities or around town where you’re driving and it’s a speed limit sign. Speed limit 30 mph and then it will start flashing at you. Blinking when you’re speeding and that usually catches people’s attention and they really slow down pretty quickly. At least I know I do. They’re proven to work pretty good so we already have that in the project to again take a proactive, a step towards trying to helping the speed control out there. Again we will remind the sheriff’s department of increased enforcement without question and that’s going to be an ongoing thing. So that’s kind of our response to the speed limit question. As noted earlier we really changing speed limits last year, the State legislature passed the ability for cities, local governments to address and change speed limits. Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 11 Previously it had to be done at MnDOT level so it’s in our purview if we so choose to look at a reduction of speed limit but there is a process involved and you likely would do that on a citywide basis, not just on one street. And if you go through the process of doing a study to see if a reduction in speed limit is warranted you might at the end of the day still say it’s not warranted and stick with the 30 mph so I think maybe more to come on not only that corridor but the city in general. I received some other inquiries into speed limits across the city and I think that might be maybe a work session or something that the council might want to hear about sometime in the future. And then the MSA guidance about not having lower than a 30 mph. You might have to battle that fight too. The one thing we do not want to do is lose MSA designation on this route. Mayor Ryan: Understood. Charlie Howley: An interesting anecdote about whether this road should be seen as a collector or whether it should be a private, you know sleepy little residential street that nobody should use as a cut through from one trunk highway to another. One of the first emails or phone calls I received when I started here, and that was the first of the year was a lady who was representing the Excelsior Lake Minnetonka Historical Society said you know we are interested in putting up some signs in your city and on Minnewashta Parkway to recognize what was it called? Yellowstone Trail. Yellowstone Trail back in 1912 was, and the first interstate highway. It went from Boston to Seattle and when it came through the cities it came along 7 and came down Minnewashta Parkway and west on 5 and west on 212 so it’s been a collector since 1912 if not greater so I just thought that was an interesting historical anecdote to share with everybody. Concerning putting up those signs they still want to do it. They just need to provide us with the signs and we were going to accommodate that. Mayor Ryan: And it was called Yellowstone Trail. Charlie Howley: Yellowstone Trail and there’s a website called YellowstoneTrail.org. It’s got this cool map that goes all the way across the country so, anyways I thought that was interesting. Another note on that is in 1971 is what we can gather is when it was paved originally. It was known as County Road 15 so it was a county road back then. And it was paved. Had bituminous curb. It had a thicker street section than the roads around it. In 1971 it was totally reconstructed and brought up kind of to what you see today. Sidewalks. Put you know a much thicker street section, what have you and that is what we can gather is when it was turned back from the County to the City and became an MSA route because MSA dollars were used to do that 1971 reconstruction. So further evidence that this thing has always been kind of a collector roadway and not meant to be just a little residential street so just for the record. So those were about, those were the two biggest items we’ve heard to date so I’ll move on. Here is the proposed motion. There’s two of them remember. One is accepting the bids and award of the contract and the other is to adopt the resolution for the assessment roll. Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 12 Mayor Ryan: Thank you Mr. Howley. I will, before I open the public hearing I will go around with council and ask if you have any questions for staff. Councilman McDonald any questions? Councilman McDonald: Not at this time. Mayor Ryan: Councilwoman Tjornhom? Councilwoman Tjornhom: Not at this time. Mayor Ryan: Councilwoman Coleman? Councilwoman Coleman: I had one quick question. A number of the emails and calls that we’ve received it talked about changing the process for which we notify residents about an assessment. Is there any discussion amongst staff of addressing those concerns? Mayor Ryan: Mr. Howley? Charlie Howley: Yeah thank you Mayor, council. We think that we can make a small improvement to the notification process. We think that once we have a project on our 5 year pavement management capital improvement plan which is a map that annually we’re going to update and look 5 years out and we plan on updating that map in the early fall time period. After we get our pavement evaluations done right around Labor Day and that’s a map that we would work with council on a work session. Once we have next year’s areas identified that’s an opportunity to where we can get something out to residents. Meaning that would be about 6 months ahead of when we’re in this process now going through feasibility. Designing the project. Getting bids and doing assessment rolls so any further ahead than 6 months may be a stretch because information changes. We could certainly strategize that and talk through with the council on maybe a better approach but right now it seems like we kind of wait until that initial public open house which is about 3 months ahead of the project so we can increase that maybe to 6 months and that would be our recommendation and something we could easily do. Mayor Ryan: Perfect. Anything further Councilwoman Coleman? With your questions. Councilwoman Coleman: Not for now thank you. Mayor Ryan: Okay Mr. Gerhardt. Todd Gerhardt: Just to add to Councilmember Coleman’s comments. Charlie is exactly right. We need to narrow our focus and it’s one of our key financial strategies to talk about future projects but we did have a neighborhood meeting on Minnewashta Parkway so it was an open house and people were invited to it. I want to say it was probably July-August of last summer. And then typically we have another open house similar to that where we talk about the assessments when we have some bids and fine tune the plans and specs and sit down and get into Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 13 the dirty details of those plans and specs but COVID-19 kind of eliminated that neighborhood meeting that we typically have and that’s where a lot of these questions get hammered out and really educate the public on the whole bid process that Charlie went through right now and, but not trying to blame COVID-19 for this. It’s already getting a hit pretty good today but because of that social distancing we didn’t do that and we tried to do it over the phone and have public contact with our staff and for the public to call in with any questions so. Typically it’s two public open houses that we have and this year we did not get that second open house in. So I just wanted to make that clarification. Mayor Ryan: Thank you Mr. Gerhardt. Anything further Councilwoman Coleman? Councilwoman Coleman: Not at this time, thank you. Mayor Ryan: Alright thank you. Councilman Campion, any questions? Councilman Campion: No questions at this time. Mayor Ryan: I have one question and this is directed at Mr. Sticha and it pertains specifically tonight because you know we’re calling the approval of the actual assessment and I know the other two public hearings speak more to the call for you know to start with the specs but tonight we’re talking about the specifics around the assessments and I’m, I know I had asked you this earlier but you know what are the options because we’ve heard of people saying you know can you delay? Can you defer interest? What are some of those options and is it something that the city staff has looked into? Greg Sticha: Thank you Mayor. Yes staff has looked into a multitude of financing options for this year’s projects. Due to the amount of reserves within the revolving assessment construction fund we’re somewhat limited by being so flexible as to delay all of the assessments for this year’s projects in an entire year. That would drain all of the reserves and we’d be in a negative cash position. In order for council to consider that option, in other words delaying not only Minnewashta but the 20-05 project and Lake Lucy projects you would have to find a substantial cash transfer from another existing fund to make that happen. Still could be done. That transfer would probably have to be in the neighborhood of about $250,000. A couple of other options and one of which I spoke at the beginning of my presentation is we are delaying the interest free period related to this assessment from October 1st to November 23rd. So if you want to pay your assessment in full without it going to your property taxes in 2021 you now have until November 23rd rather than October 1st. In addition anybody that is having their property taxes assessed for this rather than pay it in full by November 23rd you’re receiving the same benefit of an additional 54 days of interest free payments. One last option that the City Council could consider would be to offer all the assessments this year for next year’s assessment payment at a zero percent interest rate. In other words negating or not charging an interest rate for the first year of the assessment in 2021. That cost is, if all payments were delayed. If all payers decided to not pay their assessments in full the cost to the City would be right around $100,000. While Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 14 some portion of this year’s assessments will most likely be paid in full the real impact to the City’s revolving assessment construction fund would be about $80,000. That $80,000 is something that the revolving assessment construction fund could manage without making an additional transfer. What that would involve would be an amendment to the resolution that’s in front of you this evening indicating that you would like to have a zero percent interest payment for the first year of the assessment and then at the stated rate of 5 ¼ for the years thereafter. On the Minnewashta assessment that would save about $236. On the other assessments. Mayor Ryan: For the year? For the first year. Greg Sticha: For the first year. On all of the other assessed projects the savings would vary between about $113 and to as much as $250 for the Kurvers Point rehab project. So each project is a little different as they have a different number of parcels and a different cost structure to each so the cost savings would be a little different for each of those projects but on Minnewashta Parkway if you decided to defer the zero percent interest for just the one year you would save the residents the $236.50. Deferring all of those projects, all 8 of them would like I said probably cost the revolving assessment construction fund in the ballpark between $80,000 and $100,000 which is something and I think the revolving assessment construction fund could absorb and still maintain a positive cash balance. Mayor Ryan: Okay thank you. Something to consider. Thank you Mr. Sticha. With no further questions I hereby open the public hearing. Please if you’re here for the Minnewashta project please come forward to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Kevin Zahler: I guess that’s me. Okay I’m Kevin Zahler. 6651 Minnewashta Parkway. Mayor Ryan: Thank you. Kevin Zahler: So first of all thank you very much for allowing me to come here and talk to you especially under these conditions. I know you had to make special arrangements and I appreciate that. We also appreciate that you’re fixing the road. Minnewashta Parkway really needs repair and I’d suggest that it probably needs repair because of the industrial traffic that goes over it as well and you’re taking care of the infrastructure underneath and we appreciate that. So tonight’s more kind of about assessment and I’m not really here to talk assessment. I’m here for other reasons. However there’s some disconnect in your whole assessment program I think. Your documents say all benefiting properties and yet only the people on Minnewashta Parkway are being assessed and there’s a whole ton of people that have no way out of that neighborhood without going on Minnewashta Parkway so confused by that but not looking for an explanation tonight. I’m just stating that there seems to be a disconnect. There’s several HOA’s. One in particular has somewhere between 100 and 150 homes that have access to a half acre property on Minnewashta Parkway. That’s a big impact and that HOA’s are not charged anything and that is to me a disconnect as well but again I’ll say I’m not here about assessments. And then the increasing tonnage. Charlie clarified something tonight that was a surprise to me. Your Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 15 documents say you’re increasing to 10 tons that you’ve published on your, on the city website and Charlie just said it’s 9 tons. And in any case it’s an increase and so it’s inviting even more heavy trucks going down Minnewashta Parkway so why am I here? I’m here because it’s a residential neighborhood. Charlie talked about it and I don’t, sorry I don’t remember the date. 1901 Yellowstone Trail. 1971 something so we’re in a new normal. Highway 41 probable didn’t exist in 1901 or 1971. There are better ways to get from Highway 5 to Highway 7 than using our residential parkway. And so the reason I’m here is what I think, I personally would like to partner with the City to find a better way. I also was enlighten by Charlie’s dialogue. You know in the past a year ago you folks said no, no change on 30 miles an hour. Tonight I heard there is room for change on 30 miles an hour and that’s a big deal for us. There are a lot of people with houses very close to that street and Charlie admitted himself that the traffic is high speed. Higher than it should be. There’s no sheriff ticketing people. We haven’t seen one in years. So we need to do something about, for the safety of the people. One of my neighbors two doors down last winter was almost hit by a car that crashed into a snowbank. And there are other families on the, along Minnewashta Parkway that have told me that they fear for their children because of the speeds and they’re not sharp curves on Minnewashta Parkway but there are curves. Blind curves that can put people at risk. You folks, well all of us actually. We’re all part of Chanhassen but you have walk, running bike path. You have Roundhouse Park. You have the beach. You have the fishing pier. This is a residential neighborhood. It doesn’t need industrial traffic. In one day last summer I counted 30 multi-axle trucks go past my home within one hour. That’s not acceptable. Not for a residential neighborhood and we’re being assessed, again it’s not about assessment. I’m happy to pay the assessment if we can have a residential neighborhood. A true residential parkway neighborhood but we’re being assessed the same as any other street and nobody else has to put up with that kind of traffic. You also used the term arterial. That’s exactly what the City of Minneapolis and St. Paul used. They have arterial roads that are now 25 miles an hour so we know it’s possible and we’d just like to work together with you to, well ideally we’d like to have controlled access. That may be very difficult so what steps can we take to improve our lot in life and I’d like to work more closely with Charlie and George in accomplishing those things. Mayor Ryan: Wonderful, thank you sir. Kevin Zahler: Thank you. Mayor Ryan: Appreciate it. Thanks for coming tonight as well. My first question is going to be Mr. Knutson, is there some legal reason behind the word benefiting properties that you can explain? Is that used across the state? Is it a city term? Could you clarify for me please. Roger Knutson: It is a statutory term and a Constitutional term. Mayor Ryan: Okay. Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 16 Roger Knutson: What it means is that the value of the property has gone up in value by the assessment. By the amount of the assessment or more. Mayor Ryan: Thank you. And then Mr. Howley can you explain or clarify the reference to the HOA and the half acre. I mean obviously somebody, the homeowners association owns that and they were not assessed? Can you explain that? Charlie Howley: Mayor, council. Can I go back to the benefiting properties? Mayor Ryan: Okay. Charlie Howley: My take away is the term is benefit, all benefiting properties will be assessed. And maybe we’re getting into the weeds of language there but maybe our assessment policy could be tweaked to just say all benefiting properties of the project shall be assessed so it’s not inferred that all benefiting properties are across the city. And just a little maybe something we can look at tweaking the language. Roger Knutson: I’ll just comment on that. Every street you have people who don’t live on that street use it. That’s universal. Or almost universal. Charlie Howley: So Mayor back to your question, on the assessment roll, and I might have to defer to Chadd or George here, the list of the 18 properties does not list the HOA properties as being assessed. Now I just want to verify that that’s a true statement. George Bender: The assessment map shows them being assessed. Charlie Howley: Okay. George Bender: And I’m not looking at the roll. Charlie Howley: So maybe the roll has an owner to it but the owner doesn’t say you know homeowners association of whatever so. Chadd can you verify quickly if you’re on the phone that these HOA properties that are on the map are on the list? Chadd Larson: Yeah I’m trying to verify that right now here. Charlie Howley: Okay sorry Chadd. The list I was looking at is just the 2020 so the Phase 1 assessment rolls. I’m not looking at the ’21 assessment rolls. So on the ’21 assessment rolls the HOA properties are on the list and they do get assessed. Mayor Ryan: And they do get assessed, okay. And then was it just an error in terms of 9 tons, 10 tons? Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 17 George Bender: Yes it’s been listed as both. It should have been listed at 9 ton the entire time. Mayor Ryan: And it just was a mistake that it was 10 tons? George Bender: It was listed at 10 tons sometimes that is correct. Mayor Ryan: But it is 9 tons? George Bender: Yep. Mayor Ryan: And what was it previously before we constructed, how was this road construction? George Bender: It’s always. Mayor Ryan: It’s always been 9 tons so we’re not going up in. George Bender: No. Mayor Ryan: It’s always been 9 tons, okay. And I think Mr. Howley to your point in acknowledging that you know the speed situation I would agree because this isn’t the, this isn’t the only project that we hear about speed. We’re moving right into the next one on Lake Lucy and that is also a major concern about speed and so I would make a recommendation that we have a work session on evaluating city wide speeds so. Charlie Howley: You bet. Mayor Ryan: So if we could get that on the docket that would be great. And I think that’s it for follow up for the public hearing. For those questions. Is there anyone else in the council chambers or senior center that is here for the Minnewashta public hearing? No. Okay. We did receive some emails so I’d like to read those. Acknowledge those. I think some of the questions may have been answered but I want to make sure that we get them on the record. I don’t have an address associated with this but this is from Judy and Rick Berglund. Again please incorporate a plan to reduce and slow traffic, increase safety and protect the new pavement. And so I think that has been asked and answered on some of the measures that we’re going to take. We have the flashing speed or speed limit signs and then we’ll take a look at the overall, the traffic study with that. The next question is from Matt and Pam Moran. M-o-r-a-n. And if you can again just address the, you know the difference between an arterial road and a collector road and just quantify the difference of that, that would be helpful please. Charlie Howley: Sure, happy to Mayor, council. Collector and arterial are traffic engineering terms and they mean things. An example of an arterial, there’s even principal arterial and minor arterials so like Trunk Highway 5 and 7 are principal arterials. Or even Powers Boulevard would Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 18 be considered a minor arterial so an arterial is the big road. The big 4 laners that have you know 50 miles an hour. Then there’d be some subtle you know nuance statutory requirements but I don’t want to get into that. A collector is a step down. A collector is kind of what it sounds like. It’s collecting traffic from local areas to get it out to the arterials and that’s exactly what Minnewashta is. It is not an arterial but it is a collector. Mayor Ryan: Okay. And then is there anything that we as a city knowing that it’s a collector road can do to limit who drives down that road? Charlie Howley: No. Mayor Ryan: And then the last question as part of this email, and this would go back to Greg and I know you addressed it earlier but if you could again acknowledge about the high taxes in our city and that the taxes continue to go up in the city. Greg Sticha: So I would point to a number of metrics that the City uses but the first thing to keep in mind when you’re looking at your property tax bill and in particular in the city of Chanhassen, roughly only 20 percent or 20 cents on the dollar actually goes to the city so your largest portion of your property tax bill is going to the school district and county. So that’s one thing to make sure that you have a complete understanding of. Secondly the City’s tax rate as it compares to all of it’s neighbors in like communities, etcetera is among the lowest in the entire Twin Cities. So I can assure the City’s property tax rate not only is the lowest within Carver County at just over 21 but it’s also the lowest among the entire Twin Cities. Similar communities like Eden Prairie, Minnetonka, some of our larger neighbors have property tax rates that are 1 ½ to 2 times higher than our’s so in terms of your property taxes on your city portion of your property tax bill I can assure you, you are paying among the lowest tax rates in all of the Twin Cities. That’s also evidenced by our per capita spending which is an item we share with the City Council every year when we go through the budget process. We have the lowest per capita spending in the county. We have the lowest per capita spending of all of our 10 comparable cities that are like in identity to us. So from that standpoint as well we compare very favorably if not at the top of the list in most occasions in terms of property taxes and spending. Mayor Ryan: Thank you Mr. Sticha. Todd Gerhardt: Greg do you have those slides from the budget that you can show some of the same. Greg Sticha: I have one that I can put up here and this is, compares property tax rates for the Twin Cities and let me just put it up on the stand and show you as a comparison. How we compared. These are 2019 tax rates so these are dated by a year but our tax rate changed very little this past year. Zoom in. Mayor Ryan: Nann can we do the overhead please? She’s working on it. There we go. Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 19 Greg Sticha: You kind of want to zoom in on it a little bit. Mayor Ryan: Yep she’s working on it. I can read her mouth. She said zoom in. We’ve got a lot of zooming right? Zoom meeting. Zoom in. Perfect, thank you. Greg Sticha: So as you can see by this graph and this compares to all the major suburbs in the Twin Cities, the Chanhassen tax rate is 21.104. You take a look at Eden Prairie at 31.7. Minnetonka at 30, almost 35. St. Louis Park at 46. The City of Chanhassen’s tax rate compares extremely favorable across the entire Twin Cities communities. In addition the tax rate for Carver County, again the 21.104. The next closest city in terms of tax rate is Chaska and they’re at 27 so again in terms of property taxes the City of Chanhassen compares very favorably in terms of spending and property taxes. Mayor Ryan: Perfect, thank you Mr. Sticha. And then this is from Peter Moe, 7161 Minnewashta Parkway and he stated that he lives on Minnewashta Parkway and supports the staff’s recommendation and approval of this project and assessment roll. And then Mr. Zahler we have your Citizen Action Request form as well and that one, did you, let’s see here. Similar concerns about safety and assessment practices so those are the same ones and that was Kevin Z- a-h-l-e-r at 6651 Minnewashta Parkway. And that is it for the emails that were submitted for this public hearing. If there is anybody else that is wanting to come forward, and I don’t see anyone else so therefore I will close the public hearing and turn it back to council if you have any further questions or comments I will again put out there Mr. Sticha’s comments in terms of offering a first year interest, interest free as part of the assessment. One year interest free. Greg Sticha: One year. Mayor Ryan: One year interest free for, and if we do it for this then it would be for all of the, all of the projects that we’re discussing tonight so I wanted to put that out there for thoughts or feedback and other questions from council. Councilman McDonald we’ll start with you. Councilman McDonald: Thank you Mayor. Yeah I’d like to explore this a little bit better as far as the interest free. This is kind of new. I understand and we could absorb this cost within the pavement management plan, is that correct Mr. Sticha? Greg Sticha: Yeah the anticipated loss of revenue of somewhere between $70,000 and $80,000 up to as much as $100,000 I think we can absorb within the pavement management fund. Councilman McDonald: So then in reality instead of giving the people til November of this year we’re actually giving them until is it November of the following year to pay off interest free? Greg Sticha: In theory yes. They would have to pay their principal payment with their property taxes next year but then at that point in time by November 23rd of 2021 if they wanted to pay off Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 20 the remaining portion, the remaining 7 years of their assessment without interest they could do so. But they would have to do it at that point in time. They could not wait until going into 2022. Councilman McDonald: Okay. And this would be just I would say one time deal with these particular projects that we have coming up this year. Is that your recommendation? Greg Sticha: Yes it would be in regards to the current financial situation that this and all communities are facing right now we would consider this a one time recommendation for one year’s worth of interest. Councilman McDonald: Okay. I have no questions about the project. I think that was explained pretty thoroughly so I have no further questions. I just wanted to explore the interest free aspect of this. Thank you. Mayor Ryan: Thank you Councilman McDonald and I would also like to clarify in my discussion before this meeting when Mr. Sticha and Mr. Gerhardt and I were talking about the interest free. We would want to make sure that we are very clear that this was, we would state it as COVID-19 because we know it can present some challenges going forward and so we just, you know this is in response to the challenging situation we are in today. So we would make sure that we specified the reason for the one year interest free, you know interest free payment so, I just wanted to clarify that mister, or Councilman McDonald. Councilwoman Tjornhom any thoughts or questions? Councilwoman Tjornhom: Yes. My first thought was to start by thanking staff for your presentations tonight. You know trying to keep us out of the weeds as much as you can and to kind of try to stick with the details of what’s really important and on our minds tonight which is not if this project needs to be done. It’s how it should be done and the concept of no interest for a year is new and I think it’s definitely something we should look at. Greg I was writing stuff down quickly as you were talking and did you say that the average, the Minnewashta project that we’re talking right now, what was the yearly savings a resident would see with this zero percent interest? Greg Sticha: For this one year they would receive roughly a $236.50 interest reduction. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Okay and so when I heard you describing all of this, I mean we’re talking that if you took all projects if it was going to be used for one project it would be for all of them. Is the cost is staying roughly between $80,000 to $100,000? Greg Sticha: Yes if we were to go ahead and charge interest for this first year for all the projects it’s to the tune of nearly $100,000. Keeping in mind that there will be some early payments. There always is so we wouldn’t have recognized that revenue either way so the number’s probably a little closer to $70,000 or $80,000 dollar hit to the pavement management fund by giving zero percent for this one year but that is correct. Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 21 Councilwoman Tjornhom: And then how would we make up for that money moving forward with the pavement management fund? Greg Sticha: I don’t think there would be a need to necessarily change any plans within the pavement management fund. It would just be a use of reserves within the pavement management fund. The City Council knowing fair well there are not a significant amount of reserves in that fund and we would probably be barely getting by but I think it is something that the fund reasonably still sustain for one year and one year only. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Thank you and that’s part, I think part of my concern is digging into those reserves when we don’t necessarily understand or know when we might need those reserves moving forward for something else and you know what really is that timeline or the resources we have to come back and fill that fund up with the zero percent interest. While the savings is probably beneficial to the homeowner, I’m trying to weigh in my mind what’s beneficial for the City and for the residents as a whole and you know will this mean that at some point we have to come back to the residents and say alright we are now you know $100,000 behind in our pavement management program and we’re going to ask you to contribute in the form of a tax increase or whatever it may be so those are some of my thoughts about it. I want to be considerate with the crisis that we’re facing yet I still want to be cautious knowing that we just don’t have that crystal ball to know what next year looks like and if we once again could be in the same boat where people are still struggling and we have another assessment coming up and you know what does next year look like? Would we decide to do the same practice? That puts us you know now we’re $200,000 in the hole with our pavement management fund so maybe I don’t think I can clarify some of my thoughts or tell me if I’m on the right track or yeah. Mayor Ryan: Mr. Sticha. Greg Sticha: Yeah. I think the answer is you’re on the right track. The $80,000 to $100,000 the fund can absorb without us making any changes. Going forward for years past this one year, if you were to continue this practice in future year’s assessment rolls then we would have an issue and we would have to make some changes to accommodate that going forward but this one time zero percent interest for one year the fund could sustain that amount. But future years the answer is no. The fund probably cannot sustain that. Mayor Ryan: And could you clarify when you say absorb? Maybe that helps. Sorry cut you off councilwoman. Greg Sticha: Sure. That essentially means the use of reserves without delaying or changing any of our projections or scheduled projects. Todd Gerhardt: Mayor, council, just one other area to keep in the back of your mind is, is how you’ve treated previous assessment projects too and you know we’ve seen people when we sillily Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 22 considered a rebate and you know we heard from people from 30 years ago that got assessed that wanted a rebate and so somebody can always find some type of hardship but not to the level of COVID-19 so I think you’re in a position to make an adjustment because of this and, but like most leaders you’ve got to stand strong with your conviction of making that change because of COVID-19 and so with that said I just wanted to make sure you fully understood both sides of the story. Mayor Ryan: Councilwoman Tjornhom do you have further questions for Mr. Sticha or Mr. Gerhardt or Mr. Howley? Councilwoman Tjornhom: You know I’ll let them all listen to this one. When we call it the bids have come in but do you see anywhere that there’ll be any more future cost savings that maybe we haven’t seen yet with this project? Todd Gerhardt: Mayor, councilmembers. Charlie if you want to jump in. I do not see any cost savings on this project. We got the bids. The bids are based on unit prices in most case. Lineal pipe prices so I don’t think, you know usually you go out in the field and you find something. It’s usually a change order because it’s poor soils. It’s not because you go out there and you find oh my gosh this is all sand underneath here. If it was that case the road wouldn’t be breaking up so, so I don’t see any future cost savings. Charlie if you want to add anything. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Can I say something before Charlie adds something? Mayor Ryan: Go ahead. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Yes. I noticed in the bids when they came in there were, the top, the lower two were you know within the same kind of ballpark of each other but then the other 3 that came in seemed so much higher. Is there a reason for that Charlie that there was kind of such a wide spread of estimates that came with the bids that came in? Charlie Howley: Mayor, council, let me get to the bid amounts here. One reason for a potential explanation, and I don’t know that we talked a lot about this internally is the contractor Lametti and Sons, the low bidder is more of a utility contractor because of how much watermain work there is on this project. They’re not normally a roadway contractor so they would sub out the pavement so whereby some of the other, Northwest Asphalt and some of the other bidders they’re roadway guys so then they sub out the watermain work and so that delicate balance of the watermain scope versus the roadway scope, they can sharpen their pencils and if the other, the roadway guys were all using a different sub for the pipe bursting the watermain stuff and his bid was this, all they can do is up and down their pricing on their pavement and the curb and what not. Whereas by Lametti self performing the watermain work they can save a lot of money so I think George if you, yeah that the risk of that watermain work is quite high so that’s why having that utility contractor the low bidder is where we saw the savings. At least that’s my guess. Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 23 And then to answer the question, yeah normally we’re not going to see a bunch of savings once the project’s there. Normally change orders come in and the price goes up. It’s just kind of how construction works unfortunately. Todd Gerhardt: You said it not me. Charlie Howley: Even if savings weren’t realized our City is making the assessment roll based on the bid price and it is what it is right. We don’t then do it at the end of the project and see where we came out but some cities do that. We don’t do that so even if there were some savings it doesn’t show up. Mayor Ryan: Councilwoman? Councilwoman Tjornhom: That’s it for me now, thank you. Mayor Ryan: Next we’ll go to Councilwoman Coleman. Any thoughts, comments, questions? Councilwoman Coleman: Yeah just one. I just want to make sure I’m clear on this. So there’s no way to change the interest option later if we wanted to hold off for now and say because we don’t know where this tunnel is going to end. We think…end of this COVID tunnel and if we see an increasing number and how many projects will this end of up engulfing over time. Is there an option once people are back to work to then address the interest issue? Mayor Ryan: Mr. Sticha. Greg Sticha: I think I understand her question. I think, and correct me if I’m wrong Ms. Coleman, your question is so if we were to give zero percent for this first year to Minnewashta and if the economy improved and when we had the assessment hearings later this summer for the other projects we could reconsider doing that. Yes the council could reconsider doing that but from a consistency standpoint I think your best practice here would be to offer the same zero percent for one year for all projects this year and while market conditions and the overall health of the economy could change over the next couple months I think the safe route is to be consistent for all the 2020 projects. Minnewashta, Lake Lucy and the entire 20-05 project and across all 5 projects that is what the $80,000 to $100,000 is so when I mentioned that dollar amount that was not just for Minnewashta. Let me bring up a spreadsheet and this will show you the interest that we would be foregoing for one year for all 8 projects and you can take a look at how each, each of the projects are impacted. I’m going to ask her to zoom in again. Mayor Ryan: Nann could you zoom in again on the overhead please? There’s a lot going on. Thanks everybody for your patience with people on Zoom and a lot of moving parts. Thank you. Greg Sticha: But if you look at this spreadsheet you can see the total cost of all 8 projects is $100,000. The amount that we’d be foregoing on Minnewashta is $87.50 and it varies by project Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 24 size. Number of parcels. And then you simply take the interest earned on each assessment amount and relay it across the column to the total amount so when I’m talking about the $80,000 to $100,000 that I was talking about earlier, that would be assuming zero percent for all of these projects for one year. Not just Minnewashta. Mayor Ryan: Councilwoman Coleman does that answer your question? Councilwoman Coleman: Yeah and I appreciate the insight on that thank you. No further questions from me. Mayor Ryan: Great thank you. Councilman Campion? Councilman Campion: One follow up question. This would be for Mr. Sticha. So in the first year no interest option, under that if any property owners decided within that first year or you know by the end of the first year to pay off their full assessment would they, would there be any I guess penalties for that? Greg Sticha: So I’m assuming your question is if they decided to have the 2021 assessment payment be principal only which is what this would essentially do and they decided to pay off the remaining portion of their assessment sometime in ’21 would there be any penalties to pay off the remaining 7 years. The answer is no as long as they paid it off by November of next year so if we do not receive that payment at the City by November of next year we cannot then remove it from the assessment rolls at Carver County and then it would be too late so if they wanted to completely pay no interest on this assessment at all they would have to pay the remaining 7 years paid off by November of next year, 2021. Councilman Campion: Okay. And so otherwise are we expecting residents that are electing to pay their assessment in full, would they ideally be paying by this November still or we would not expect any payments until. Greg Sticha: I imagine there will be some that will still pay it off in full this, by this fall. They either simply don’t want it to, want to deal with their escrow or for whatever reasons. They might have a pending sale on their property but I do anticipate that a small percentage of them will pay it in full by November 23rd of this year and that’s why I’m not anticipating a full $100,000 hit to the fund because of that because I think there will be some instances where people will pay it off regardless of what the City Council decides tonight and a portion of those assessments will be paid off by November 23rd of this year. Councilman Campion: Okay understood, thank you. Mayor Ryan: Anything further? Councilman Campion: Nothing further. Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 25 Mayor Ryan: Mr. Sticha I have one question as it relates to the no interest and you say that the, the budget or payment management program would take a hit anywhere from let’s say $70,000 to $100,000 give or take. And that’s based on what we have budgeted that we’re going to spend correct? Or does that not impact, or does it only impact the reserves that we have in the fund at this time because we’re absorbing it. Greg Sticha: It would only impact the reserves because we would be absorbing it into, out of the reserves within the fund so it would not impact any future project. Mayor Ryan: But if you know right now we have $3.9 million budgeted, right? $3.7, somewhere in there right? Somewhere around there. Greg Sticha: All of the projects that we are discussing this evening, including the ones later this summer that are to be assessed, we could pay for all of those as well as $3.6 million in projects for next year. Mayor Ryan: Right, okay. Thank you. Todd Gerhardt: Yeah Greg showed the interest for each one of those 6 neighborhood projects, Lake Lucy and Minnewashta on that sheet and the interest lost as a part of each one of those. Mayor Ryan: Okay. So council before, because it would be part of the motion I think we need to bring it back and state if you’re in favor of offering for 2019, 2020 projects only a zero percent interest for the year because that would then change the proposed motion. So if we could go through and get everybody’s thought on that so we can move forward with any further questions or a motion. Councilman McDonald. Councilman McDonald: Thank you Mayor. You know I was leaning towards being in favor of doing this until Councilwoman Tjornhom brought up some interesting questions. This whole thing we’re doing it because of COVID-19 but yet what everybody tells us is that there’s going to be a rebound so this time next year we could be faced with a similar problem again and now what do we do? We would have no reserves to offer the same deal going forward. I’m a little concerned about that because I’m not sure this is just a one time thing and again while no one can look at a crystal ball to decide what’s going to happen I think it’s something that needs to be discussed and thought about. I think as all the council members have said this was something that was brand new to us. We had not discussed it previously or had a chance to really go through it so because of that I’m a little concerned about wanting to do it. I really want to do it but I’m concerned about the future because if we do it one year I know there’s going to be a lot of pressure we need to do it the next year and we won’t have the funds available. I’m just, I’m not sure where I want to go with this now. As I said before I thought it was a good idea and it would be very helpful but in the long run the City may be, it may not be so helpful you know for the City so I guess I’m still taking it under consideration as to which way I would want to go on Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 26 this but I do need some assurances that I think down the road how would we address a similar problem if we use up all our reserves this year. One thing I’ve learned from street projects if you begin to give special consideration in one year’s project people expect it in the previous years and they will expect it going forward so even if we vote on this somehow it needs to be worded as such that you know this was a one time deal. That it would not be considered in the future. I mean I would like some of those guarantees around it or else we’re going to be faced with this same thing every year because we have in the past, if you’re an elderly person and you’re on a fixed income people have come to us, that’s a big crisis to them. This year it just spreads out a little bit more than just the elderly or people on a fixed income but those kind of problems never go away. They’ll always be there so I want some assurances that if we’re going to do this it is clearly stated as being strictly a one time deal and as a matter of fact maybe it should even be a separate thing that the council votes on and then applies it to all the different projects. Instead of being part of each project maybe what it should be is a special assessment or a special consideration on the part of council for projects in this particular year. I’ll wait and listen to see what the rest of council’s ideas are but that’s kind of what I’m thinking of going forward. Thank you. Mayor Ryan: Thank you Councilman McDonald. Councilwoman Tjornhom? Councilwoman Tjornhom: I bringing up the points that I brought up earlier I think that this is a gesture to residents, letting then know that we do understand and we are aware of the hardship that they are facing not only with city assessments but just sometimes with life in general. But with the dollar amount that they’re saving or would not be spending on interest I’m concerned about the ramifications of our fund for the pavement management fund that we have and how we’re going to make that back and what is the impact if for some reason next year we’re, whoever’s on council is still talking or has to address this again and then they’re in even double the amount. $200,000 or more and where does the City find that? I worry sometimes about the City’s finance structure and the little pots of money that we do have to use in times like these but at some point those pots are going to be dried up and I want to make sure that we use that money in the best way possible to make the biggest impact for our city and our residents. Mayor Ryan: Thank you. Thanks for your thoughts on that. Councilwoman Coleman? Councilwoman Coleman: Thank you Madam Mayor. I definitely share the concerns that people are feeling about COVID-19 and the funding. Where we’re going to find money for special projects and assessments like this but I do share Councilman McDonald and Tjornhom’s concerns about the precedent that this is setting. In my previous comments I mentioned how we don’t know where this tunnel is going to end. When we’re going to be out of this. …this virus to know that we’re not going to be sitting here in a year from now and talking about the projects for that year in the exact same spot and then have to do this again and then we’ll be depleting all of our funds so at this point in time I feel that it’d be best for the city as a whole to not move forward with it. The interest free portion that is. However I would like to have a special working session to have a conversation as a council about efforts we can make to offer some sort Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 27 of assistance or help once we are able to meet in person again to kind of look back and see where the City’s needs with the COVID-19 are as a whole so those are my thoughts with this. Mayor Ryan: Great. Thank you councilwoman. Councilman Campion? Councilman Campion: Yes I agree with many of the comments made by my fellow council members. I sincerely empathize with you know the…of those that are going through financial hardship because of COVID-19. Whether that be decreased pay or furlough or you know heaven forbid they lost a job. And so I was leaning towards the idea of the one year interest free but then as you know we’ve discussed it more I believe that the precedent that it would set you know could have some negative consequences down the road and we have seen it you know as we discussed possible structure changes over the last couple of years that anything we change with a given point in time isn’t fair to all those you know prior that had paid under a different structure so all that being said I’m now I think against the first year interest free. Mayor Ryan: Great, thank you Councilman Campion. And I share all of your sentiment. I know Councilman McDonald you had mentioned that you know it hadn’t been brought up in any of the material from staff or had really been presented and it was I’m sure a favorite of Mr. Sticha because it was an eleventh hour request on my behalf just to explore that option and part of the reason why I wanted or asked him to kind of explore that as an option as we consider all of, you know what this means to our residents was really to encourage this sort discussion amongst council. You know for residents one to see if the impact would be great enough to move forward with it with you know for our resident’s sake but not have it be a financial burden on the City but also I think it’s important for all of us to be acknowledging, which we have, the situation that our residents are in and as Mr. Gerhardt said and we all know when we went through the franchise fee conversation you know we implemented the franchise fee because of our fund balance and by you know providing a zero interest for a year then it puts us in a challenging predicament which we were hoping to get out of with the franchise fee and so I am concerned that that puts us in a challenging situation and again I think just setting precedent that we can fluctuate on what interest and how much interest and when we’re going to charge interest I think is a dangerous precedent to set so I appreciate Mr. Sticha you taking the time to explore that option so we as a council understand not only the zero interest for a year but delaying the projects for a year what that does to our fund balance and just have a better understanding of the impact to our residents but the overall impact to the City because it does affect all of us as we continue to move forward with road projects. I know not only for this project but the two projects that we’re going to be discussing next you haven’t had an opportunity to have public meetings but you know these are the conversations that you also have at your public meetings to understand the assessment process and practice which hopefully you’ll have an opportunity to have in the future but again I agree with the rest of council, or I guess Councilman McDonald you hadn’t finalized your thoughts on it but I do believe that the zero percent interest for a year is not the best option going forward so with that I welcome any further comments or motions as it pertains to the Minnewashta Parkway Rehabilitation Project. Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 28 Councilman Campion: I will make a motion. Mayor Ryan: Alright Councilman Campion. Councilman Campion: I move that the City Council adopts a resolution accepting the bids for the Minnewashta Parkway Rehabilitation Project No. 20-02 and awarding the contract to Lametti and Sons Inc. in the amount of $3,691,889 and the City Council adopts a resolution adopting the assessment roll for Minnewashta Parkway Rehabilitation Project No. 20-02. Mayor Ryan: Is there a second? Councilwoman Tjornhom: Second. Todd Gerhardt: You can ask for questions. Mayor Ryan: Alright who, oh Bethany okay. Councilwoman Tjornhom with the second. I saw somebody raise their hand and alright go ahead Mr. Howley. Charlie Howley: Thank you Madam Mayor, councilors. The resolution concerning the assessment roll that was in the packet, paragraph number 2 had one typo in it so I want to make sure that’s noted in your motion just to make sure that it’s clear. And it’s, what would this be, the second sentence of paragraph 2 where it says this assessment will appear on the first property tax statement for 2020. That should be 2021. Councilman Campion: Alright so I acknowledge and would like to include that correction. Mayor Ryan: Is that valid Mr. Knutson? Roger Knutson: Yes. Mayor Ryan: Okay. Alright we have a valid motion and a second. Councilman Campion moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded that the City Council adopts Resolution #2020-27: accepting the bids for the Minnewashta Parkway Rehabilitation Project No. 20-02 and awarding the contract to Lametti and Sons Inc. in the amount of $3,691,889; and the City Council adopts Resolution #2020-28: adopting the assessment roll for Minnewashta Parkway Rehabilitation Project No. 20-02 with the correction made by the City Engineer/Public Works Director in paragraph 2 of the resolution. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Mayor Ryan: That motion carries 5-0. And Mr. Howley you’ll continue to work with the residents on some of the speed concerns and we will get in touch with the sheriff’s office to make sure that we have heighten oversight on that road please. Thank you. Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 29 PUBLIC HEARING: LAKE LUCY REHABILITATION PROJECT – ORDER IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Charlie Howley: I think we’re just waiting for the people to come in if there are anybody. Mayor Ryan: Yes we’re just waiting to see, we have folks separated in the council chambers as well as the senior center so we just want to check to see if there’s anybody. Okay we are good to go. Alright Mr. Howley. Charlie Howley: Okay thank you. Another short presentation here to get things kicked off, there we go. Lake Lucy Road Rehabilitation Project. City Project 20-03. Again why are we here? We’re here to conduct a public hearing concerning the feasibility of the project. We then are here to order the public improvements to allow for the preparation of plans and specifications and to bid the project. What we are not considering tonight is approving the assessment amounts or authorizing the construction of these improvements. So Lake Lucy, last council meeting this was in the consent packet so we didn’t talk about the project in any depth at all and the last meeting was merely to accept the feasibility report. So now that we’re here for the public hearing and ordering the project just a little background for the public. It’s the highlighted yellow portion on the map is the roadway in question. About .7 miles of street and it’s inbetween Galpin and Trunk Highway 41. It involves a reclamation of the adjacent trail and does include ADA pedestrian curb ramp improvements. As is typical we do spot curb and gutter replacement. We do minor utility repairs including replacement of bolts on valves. We repair or replace deficient storm sewer manholes. And we replace existing storm and sanitary manholes that do not meet current standards to help with our I and I. And on this project after we did the analysis of the stormwater we need to add 3 additional storm structures to prevent localized flooding during a 10 year event with is our design event to keep the road clear. The rehabilitation summary is we did do a geotechnical report. What we did to analyze the best method of rehabilitation is we review the geotechnical report. We review the overall pavement condition index and we make engineering judgment to determine the appropriate rehabilitation technique. Based on those items on this project we recommend a full width 2 ½ inch mill and overlay with an additional Texas Underseal and what the Texas Underseal is, is it merely is we do a chip seal which is what you see on the top of a roadway every year. We do chip seal but we do that on the milled surface and then we pave on top of it. This is a newer idea. It’s been around for a few years and it’s been used by our neighboring neighbors to good applause so it’s a way to make a mill and overlay even better without going to the next step of a full depth reclaim. Mayor Ryan: Longer wear and tear? Is that the. George Bender: Hoping to get 2 to 3 extra years of delayed crack seal. Mayor Ryan: I know you love those guaranteeing questions. Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 30 Charlie Howley: Again we did on the trail itself we did evaluate options. Whether we reconstruct it. We just do a quick overlay or we do the full depth reclaim on the trail itself and it made the most sense to do a reclaim on the trail. The trail cost as noted earlier and we’ll address later is not included in the assessment amount. Watermain rehabilitation. Again bolt replacements. There’s not any cast iron watermain in this area and we haven’t had any break history in this area so we don’t, we aren’t proactively going in and replacing any main line piping. Sanitary sewer. It was televised and analyzed. The existing piping is not in need of major repairs. We reviewed the manholes and again we generally will just do I and I improvements with the castings. Stormwater. As I mentioned earlier we do need to add 3 more structures to get some of the water off the roadway in a 10 year event. Other than that we addressed, we reviewed the existing structures and need to make improvements to the castings and rings as is typical when we do a road recon. Similar to Minnewashta this does not trigger any water quality or treatment requirements from the watershed district due to the not increasing our impervious. So estimated cost summary is in front of you. A total project is $722,500 and these are feasibility costs of course so they include some contingency factors and also include indirect costs for hiring the consultants and the like. Funding will be through utility funds, state aid funds and special assessments. The assessment summary. The map shows the properties that are in the assessment roll and what is there, 20 of them. The red one is actually our own parcel. I think that’s well house, is it number 10? George Bender: 7. Charlie Howley: 7. So that’s our property. It’s a collector so again we look at the front footage and we eliminated for example, I’m not going to use this little laser pointer again. That didn’t work laser pointer. Like this for example was taken out of the frontage to again as I’ve been using the term normalize the front footage for these properties and then of course being a collector road we normalized it to a standard local street width of 31 feet and of course the trail is not in the assessment so the map is in front of you and breaks down to a per unit assessment rate of $3,490 which is right in line with the average cost for an assessment on an elevated mill and overlay project. Our schedule. We did do an informational meeting back on January 28th. We accepted the feasibility report last meeting, the 13th. Tonight is where we’re considering ordering the project and holding the public hearing and then there on out lays the project schedule. We want to jump into design. We’re going to put pressure on the consultant to get it done as soon as possible so we can get it out to bid. Bidding climate is very good. We estimate opening bids in early June. Then moving forward in July with the assessment hearing and awarding the contract and then by the end of July hopefully starting construction and we’ll be done by fall. What we’ve heard on this project from the public over the last couple weeks has primarily been, I live on a busy road that serves the entire city. Why am I being assessed so very similar to what we heard on Minnewashta. And I will I think generally I explained the normalization factor but there is another piece of information that I thought was pretty interesting and give me one. Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 31 Mayor Ryan: How far are we going back? Todd Gerhardt: I lived on the road when it was gravel. Charlie Howley: To further just justify the point of what I’m referring to as normalizing the assessments since that’s what we’ve heard I wanted to delve into that a little bigger and explain it a different. If we assess this per the cost that we’re estimating to build this road the assessments would be $8,420 per unit. Because of our normalization to just as if it were a local road that they live on it’s down to the $3,490 so almost 60 percent less just by the way we do the calculation so I wanted to bring that up. So our recommendation is from engineering and financial perspective the project is feasible, necessary and cost effective and we recommend that the City Council order the improvements and authorize preparation of plans and specs. And there’s the proposed motion when we get to that. Mayor Ryan: Thank you. Mr. Howley could you before I turn it over to council questions could you go back on your slide when you talk about the public on your power point. Can you pull up your power point or does Nann pull up your power point? Charlie Howley: I have it here. Which? Mayor Ryan: On just the process. Charlie Howley: Oh the schedule. Mayor Ryan: Yes. Charlie Howley: Right here yep. Mayor Ryan: I just again I think it’s important since the project before it was actual final assessments. This is not, this is in preparation for your plans and specs and even though we’re holding a public hearing tonight once you get those final numbers in and like you said the assessment hearing, accept and award contract, that will be an opportunity for residents then to come back into another public hearing. I just want to make sure I got that. Charlie Howley: Yep Mayor that is correct and in the schedule we also have outside of the formal public hearing we have a public information meeting that we would like to do. Mayor Ryan: Perfect, right. Charlie Howley: That’s normal what we do. Mayor Ryan: Yes. Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 32 Charlie Howley: We just didn’t get it done on Minnewashta so that would be in June as well. Mayor Ryan: Perfect thank you. Alright before I open the public hearing we’ll go through and ask council if you have any questions of staff at this time. Councilman McDonald? Councilman McDonald: No questions at this time. Mayor Ryan: Councilwoman Tjornhom? Councilwoman Tjornhom: So yes I have a question regarding the State Aid funds. I know that there is some question about state aid funds when it comes to roads because of the situation where people just aren’t driving as much so some of those revenues they’re expecting to come in aren’t coming in so does someone want to address that situation with us as far as what we know regarding what we can anticipate seeing from that fund? Mayor Ryan: Mr. Howley. Charlie Howley: You bet. Mayor, council. You probably don’t remember but our last council meeting consent agenda we had a resolution that we passed that was meant, we needed to do that to send to MnDOT to reserve our state aid funding for 2020. We did that. We got that to them and they responded. Not only did we reserve the amount of money we were requesting but we held our place in line so the state aid funds, you’re right are funded by gas tax and it gets filtered down. Normally what this, what MnDOT does is they have a green, yellow, red kind of order and the MSA funds have been green forever. Meaning it’s a solvent account. There’s tons of money there. They want people to use it. The day of the last council meeting I got an email from MnDOT lowering that to yellow meaning it’s guarded because of exactly what you’re asking. They have no idea what it’s going to look like you know with gas tax revenue so they‘re just playing their cards right and saying it’s elevated. It doesn’t mean it’s going away. But for 2020, because we submitted that resolution and the request to hold it we’re solid for 2020 and I have that in writing so this project would be withdrew on 2020. Next year’s state aid if we had one, you know who knows. But as of right now this project certainly is guarded, or sorry has the money to move forward and pay for it. Mayor Ryan: Okay thank you. Did that answer your question Councilwoman Tjornhom? Councilwoman Tjornhom: Yes it did thank you. Mayor Ryan: Anything further at this time? Councilwoman Tjornhom: Not at this time. Mayor Ryan: Alright thank you. Councilwoman Coleman? Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 33 Councilwoman Coleman: No questions at this time. Mayor Ryan: Councilman Campion? Councilman Campion: No questions at this time. Mayor Ryan: I have one Mr. Howley. Again I know we’re going to evaluate speed over across the city. Are there any plans in, or part of these plans are we going to ask for bids for those flashing speed signs or are we holding off until we do a full city assessment? Charlie Howley: Mayor, council. On this one during the public open house that was really the one comment we got was speed and we did a speed study as a result of that. Just internal so not a real engineered study but the data we saw during that time was that we don’t really have a speeding problem, meaning the 85th percentile didn’t rise to a level that we would say we’ve got a speeding problem. However because we got the input from the public I think as we go into design, meaning not as a work session about a citywide speed limit reduction. We certainly during design can entertain putting those flashing speed signs on this project, absolutely. If it makes sense to put it in here we’ll do that and include it in the bids. And you know there’s other traffic calming measures that can be incorporated that we could evaluate during design but I don’t think we need to wait til we do kind of a larger city wide speed work session. Mayor Ryan: Right. Charlie Howley: I think there’s things on this road that may be worthwhile and we’re certainly going to look at that if we move forward into design. Mayor Ryan: Okay perfect because I would say that outside of the assessment practice the number two comment was the high rate of speeds on that road so that would be great if you could look into that. Alright with that I will open the public hearing. If you’re here for the Lake Lucy public hearing if you’d please step forward and state your name and address for the record. Okay, with nobody here. Nope I have to read the emails before I close it so I apologize about that. The first one was, let me get the name. Stephen Kerkvliet, S-t-e-p-h-e-n K-e-r-k-v-l-i-e-t and he lives at 2201 Lake Lucy Road. And his concern was, he believes that the City should be paying more for the cost associated with such roadwork. Does any, Mr. Howley or Mr. Sticha want to again talk about the 60/40 assessment practice? Charlie Howley: Well I would go back to the way we evaluated it and we normalized it to a local road as if they lived in any neighborhood in the city and I used the amount of money it would be costing him if we were charging them even 40 percent of the full cost. And we’re cutting it by 60 percent so we’re not charging these residents, these 20 lots for the entire cost. The City is picking up the remainder. Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 34 Mayor Ryan: Okay thank you. The next one was from Barbara and Marv Miller at 2340 Lake Lucy Road. Their questions were around the franchise fee for road improvements. The understanding was franchise fees were to eliminate the need for assessments and I know Mr. Sticha addressed that in your opening comments that the franchise fee covers the 60 percent that the City pays. The second question was benefiting property definition is inaccurate and I believe Mr. Knutson answer that previously that it’s, say it again. It’s in state statue, that’s the language. Roger Knutson: Yes that is the language in state statute. Mayor Ryan: Thank you. And I think that this has been a common comment and again something that I think we will address is just about the communication and we’re going to work to see if we can evaluate something in advance and just continue to improve our communication to residents because we obviously recognize the challenge of getting, getting those assessment bills so we’ll see, we’ll work on that. The next email is from Adam Lukens but I only have his work address so we don’t need to share that. He talked about the assessment practice which I think and benefiting which has been asked and answered. Benefiting again surround homes. Who is actually the real benefit and the new construction that’s going on. They’re also benefiting but as we’ve addressed before what benefiting actually means. And let’s see here. This one is from Bruce and Holly Olson at 2432 Lake Lucy Road. We again talking about the increased level of traffic and who’s paying for it. The funds that are used. The 60 percent/40 percent general and what’s, how we budget from a pavement management practice has been addressed. And you addressed that the trails are taken out of their assessment so they’re not paying for the road and this is kind of an aside but I heard this a couple times. If a snow plow damages property what does the City do? Like when you know with the grass or something on their property. Who should they contact? Todd Gerhardt: They should contact Charlie Howley and Charlie will get ahold of Charlie Burke and if we can find another Charlie we’ll give it to him but typically our practice is we highlight areas. It’s usually that first snowplow in the beginning of the year where the turf is still warm and we kind of roll it up and so we’ll come back and lay black soil down with seed and repair the area is our practice so if there is any sod damage we will fix that. And curb damage occasionally we’ll come back and fix that. And then of course potholes. Mayor Ryan: Perfect. And asking again about the connectivity of the road between 41 and Galpin and a collector road and it’s designation has been asked and answered. And again just the information just to clarify for everybody that’s watching. All of this information, the Minutes from this meeting. The, all of the information as it relates to the project is on our website. And updated. Go ahead Mr. Howley. Charlie Howley: Mayor, council I do have some documented phone logs on this one. Mayor Ryan: Okay. Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 35 Charlie Howley: We had 1, 2, 3, 4 but two of them were also ones that you already mentioned. The email then called so I won’t, but two that you didn’t mention was a Suzanne Schaer, 2360 Lake Lucy. They don’t believe they fully agree with the City’s practice as written for assessments and should be spread out so again I think asked and answered. Franchise fee question and then requesting a speed limit reduction. Again asked and answered. And then the other one was a Matt Kramer, 2165 Lake Lucy Road. He supports the trail rehabilitation project but he does want to recommend a hard look at 25 miles per hour but he supports moving forward. Mayor Ryan: Alright. Charlie Howley: I wanted to get that one in. Mayor Ryan: Perfect thank you. Todd Gerhardt: His dad is an ex MnDOT engineer. Mayor Ryan: And those were all the emails that were submitted for public comment for the public hearing for Lake Lucy and I don’t see anyone else here so I will close the public hearing and return it to council if you have any further questions, comments or a motion. Councilman McDonald? Councilman McDonald: I have no further questions. If you’re willing to take a motion I’ll make a motion on this one. Mayor Ryan: I’ll come back to you Councilman McDonald. I want to go through and make sure no one has any questions. Councilman McDonald: Okay. Mayor Ryan: Thank you. Councilwoman Tjornhom, any questions? Councilwoman Tjornhom: No further questions. Mayor Ryan: Councilman Coleman. Councilwoman Coleman? Councilwoman Coleman: No further questions. Mayor Ryan: My apologies. Councilman Campion? Councilman Campion: No further questions. Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 36 Mayor Ryan: And I don’t have any questions either. Councilman McDonald if you’d like to make that motion. Councilman McDonald: Thank you Madam Mayor. I would make the motion that the City Council orders improvements and preparation of plans and specifications for the Lake Lucy Road Rehabilitation Project No. 20-03. Mayor Ryan: We have a valid motion. Is there a second? Councilwoman Tjornhom: Second. Mayor Ryan: Councilwoman Tjornhom with the second. We have a valid motion and a second. Resolution #2020-29: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded that the City Council orders improvements and preparation of plans and specifications for the Lake Lucy Road Rehabilitation Project 20-03. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Mayor Ryan: That motion carries 5-0. Thank you everyone. PUBLIC HEARING: 2020 CITY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT NO. 20- 05: ORDER IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Mayor Ryan: And our last public hearing for this evening is for the 2020 City Pavement Rehabilitation Project No. 20-05. Nobody here? Okay. Thank you for checking George. We will start with a staff report. Mr. Howley. Charlie Howley: Thank you Mayor, council. I’ll wait for it to come up on the screen. Alright 2020 street rehabilitation projects. City Project 20-05. I guess I’ll say right off the bat that where we are in the process for this project is exactly where we’re at for the one that we just talked about. The Lake Lucy project. So our actions for this evening are to conduct a public hearing concerning the feasibility of the project. We want to order the public improvements to allow for preparation of plans and specifications and to bid the project. What we are not considering tonight is approving the assessment amounts or authorizing construction of the improvements. The schedule to date, I threw this in here based on our comments about communication. The RFP was released on November 27th. We approved the agreement on January 13th. We mailed a public open house on January 28th. We conducted the public open house on February 11th and then last council meeting we accepted the feasibility report and called for the public hearing and we mailed out the public hearing notice on April 16th so tonight is the public hearing and ordering the project. The proposed project areas on this map highlighted in orange. It’s about 6.2 miles of pavement rehabilitation. Spot curb and gutter replacement. Public utility rehab similar to the other project and replacing water gate valve Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 37 bolts, I and I improvements, the sanitary sewer, storm sewer structure rehabilitation and adding in drain tiles in areas of concern. There are not any trail or ADA pedestrian ramp improvements necessary on this project. Something else worth noting is in an area, in some of the area in the Trappers Pass neighborhood in the northeast corner of the city we, was it last year or 2 years ago we went ahead and already did some spot curb and gutter work and some drain tile work. In 2017 so, almost 3 years ago now so that was in preparation of this project so we already invested what we normally do as part of this project ahead of time so we’re not recouping those costs and bringing them back into this thought that’s done and gone so. Here’s the area of Trappers Pass. As you can see it’s recommended as a full depth reclaim. It’s a large area of all these roads. Here’s the Marsh Drive area. Again yellow indicates full depth reclaim. Lake Lucy on the left. Full depth reclaim and Redwing area on the right so that’s just a mill and overlay. Kurvers Point on the left, full depth reclaim and Choctaw Circle on the right mill and overlay. Again the summary of what we did is we commissioned a geotechnical report to evaluate the existing pavement and the subsoil. We did pavement cores. We reviewed the recommendations. We reviewed the OCI’s and we used engineering judgment to make an informed decision regarding the rehabilitation technique. There’s 4 areas for full depth reclaim and 2 areas for mill and overlay. Again watermain rehabilitation bolts. We don’t have any main sections of pipe within these project areas that require replacement. Sanitary sewer was televised. Existing piping is in good repair so again we’re just limited to I and I work on the manholes and castings. And then stormwater, we did review you know some emergency overflow rates. We do need to do final survey to verify a few other things. We’ve reviewed the storm manholes and catch basins and again similar to the other two projects we don’t have any triggers for additional stormwater quality or rate control because we’re not adding the threshold of impervious surface. Here is the budget summary from the feasibility report. Here are the estimated cost summary broken up into roadway, storm, sanitary watermain and the indirect costs. Again only the roadway is the assessable portion. Here’s a summary on assessments. What we did is each of the 6 neighborhoods were looked at individually and based on their individual costs, rehabilitation, scope of work and the utility scope of work and we did the assessment rolls based on those neighborhoods and we didn’t do it as one large project over the 6 because that was the more equitable way to do it. So as you can see there each neighborhood has a different assessment amount with the two mill and overlay neighborhoods being the lowest and then the 4 full depth and reclaims as the highest. The final assessments of course will be based on actual bid pricing which again is expected in mid-June and we’re looking for good bids. Our recommendation is to order all 6 project areas subject to the use of alternative bidding scenarios and contract award scenarios to fit available budget. We’re trying to cram a lot of work with a limited budget and we want to make sure we can do it all but we want to bid it out maybe with alternatives is what I mean by bidding scenarios and contract award scenarios but the plan is to get a price for all 6. So the proposed schedule moving forward is tonight we’ve got the public hearing and ordering of the project. In late May we’ll come back and approve the plans and specifications and order ads for bids. Have a bid opening in June. Have a neighborhood meeting open house hopefully at the end of June ahead of the formal assessment hearing at a council in July. Start construction in late July and be finished in November so the same schedule as Lake Lucy that we just talked about. What we’ve heard on this project over the last couple weeks is, we’ve heard a lot. Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 38 George has done an admirable job calling people. Responding to all emails. He deserves a lot of kudos in being patient with people. This one seemed to stir up a lot of public comment and I think the council has heard a lot too. But the 3 big take aways we’ve heard is that frankly just due to COVID-19 you know maybe consider not doing the project. The lack of notice. First time they’ve heard about it. And we have heard a number of people say do the project. The roads need it so again we’ve heard both sides. So here would be the proposed motion should you authorize moving ahead in ordering the project. Mayor Ryan: Alright thank you Mr. Howley. Before I open up the public hearing we’ll go through and ask council if you have any questions. Starting with Councilman McDonald, any questions? Councilman McDonald: Yes Madam Mayor. I’ve got a question. It may be more directed toward our legal counsel but since I live in the area at what point do I need to recuse myself or do I need to recuse myself? Roger Knutson: I think you can participate in this part of the program but I don’t think you should act on adopting the assessment roll. Councilman McDonald: Okay. Adopting the assessment roll wouldn’t take part until July by the schedule is that correct? Roger Knutson: That’s correct. Councilman McDonald: Okay. Then in any case I have no questions right now. Mayor Ryan: Thank you councilman. Councilwoman Tjornhom? Councilwoman Tjornhom: I have no questions at this time. Mayor Ryan: We’ve just got a different picture that’s why we’re giggling so part of the fun of Zoom meetings. Alright Councilwoman Coleman? Councilwoman Coleman: No questions. Mayor Ryan: Councilman Campion? Councilman Campion: I’m in a similar situation to Councilman McDonald relative to living in the project area but based on the legal recommendation I’m glad to hear that and no more questions at this time. Mayor Ryan: Perfect, thank you. I have two questions and I guess this is applicable to all the projects and I don’t know if we specifically addressed this Mr. Howley but the, you know a lot Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 39 of the sentiment is don’t do the projects and so I think we should just talk about what happens if we don’t do these projects this year and what happens going forward and the impact. Charlie Howley: Well the internal term that we’ve been using is we’re damming up the river or the pipeline if you will. We have a lot of needs out there in the community. A lot of needs and that was evident as of the last 3 years and our decision of implementing a franchise fee because at the rate the City traditionally was putting money into pavement rehabilitation wasn’t, it was not sustainable at all so we needed more funding and you guys came through so now we lined up some projects and we’ve got them lined up to over the next number of years and if we delay these let’s say 6 neighborhoods or even 1 of them or 2 of them or 3 of them it just you know dams up the river and just creates budgetary issues in the future so you know the proverbial kicking the can down the road right. Mayor Ryan: Right. Charlie Howley: So I, our recommendation is we’ve got a great bidding climate so let’s make some hay and let’s knock out some needed pavement rehabilitation. Mayor Ryan: Perfect. And then my last one had to do with your schedule and are you still anticipating it be done, all of these projects to be done in November or is it just, you think it can carried. I know it’s weather dependent so that’s always a risk. I know George again loves those questions but there was just some wording on there but you still anticipate that it will be done in November. Charlie Howley: Yes. Mayor Ryan: Okay perfect. Alright with that I will open the public hearing. We don’t have anyone in the chambers so I will address, we got as Mr. Howley said we did received a number of emails and phone calls and Mr. Bender you are owed a lot of appreciation for your time and energy that went into all of these projects and correspondence with our residents so very much appreciate that. The time you take. I know it’s hours on the phone sometimes so I really want you to know how much we appreciate that but the ones that I will read tonight are the ones that were submitted as public comments. I know that there were some emails that were exchanged between either council as a whole or Mr. Howley or Mr. Bender and they responded but these were part of our public comments so first up is Deb Roberts at 86 Castle Ridge Court in Chanhassen. And wanted, and Mr. Sticha I just will ask you to repeat the timeline for this because she was requesting more time to prepare and pay and then obviously reduce the cost. We don’t know what those bids are quite yet so we’ll, or we don’t know them yet but if you could again just repeat the timeline of when, I think there’s some misunderstanding that when the project starts the payment is due so if you could just reiterate that please. Greg Sticha: Sure. With this project, all these project areas you will be able to pay the assessment in full without any interest until November 23rd of this year. If you decide to have Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 40 your assessment put on your property taxes for 2021 the first payment will be made as part of your property taxes May 15th of next year. That will include interest but it would only include interest from November 24th til the time of the assessment payment next year. Mayor Ryan: Okay perfect. Thank you Mr. Sticha. The next one was from Eric and Kathy Anderson at 6580 Troendle Circle and they support this being approved and assessed as proposed. So wanted to get that on the record. And this is Mike Carr, C-a-r-r and Nancy Claremont Carr and they are very much in favor of this rehabilitation and understand the cost will result in an assessment but the patching has been, the life of the road has been extended and it’s now time to replace. This is from Cord Brashear. B-r-a-s-h-e-a-r and just quickly discuss I know initially these people thought or some residents were under the impression that there’s only going to be 3 projects and now it’s all 6 projects and I know you asked for some bid alternatives just in case the numbers come in high but with the budget as it is we were able to make 6 projects work for this bidding season and then depending on what the numbers are will determine what the final projects are and residents will be notified in advance of the assessment hearing and they’ll be acknowledged at that time. This is from Paul and Tony Schoupp. S-c-h- o-u-p-p. There’s a list of questions. Does the City have an overall maintenance plan in place for the city streets? Yes we do. We’re going to go through it and kind of revamp it again next year and evaluate it in the fall. Is the franchise fee instituted specifically set aside for road maintenance or is it a slush fund for other projects? It is not a slush fund for other projects. It is specifically used for pavement management program. And did we even look at a higher franchise fee? Greg Sticha: I don’t believe we at any point looked at a higher franchise fee than $5. The $5 per residential, per utility is among the higher franchise fees within the Twin Cities. I know we looked at adding property tax revenue stream to that fund and I think the City Council is still going to consider doing that as part of this project but the $5 franchise fee I think was pretty close to the highest that we considered at one point in time. Mayor Ryan: Right I recall the same and that was because we, when we were looking at how many roads were coming due and what we needed to get done and the dollar amount associated with that, that was how we, because initially it was $3. We were looking at $3, $4, $5 I think when, 3 years ago when we started this. Todd Gerhardt: Yeah Mayor, council members. We did look at trying to do a higher commercial rate and Xcel kind of balked at that number and we had to sit down and discuss that they felt it was too burdensome onto the commercial properties so that was lowered to be more in line with our neighboring cities who also have franchise fees so we want to make sure we’re consistent with our neighbors. Mayor Ryan: Perfect, thank you. Alright I’m just going to read the question verbatim. Will newer neighborhoods reap a higher benefit from the franchise fee because in theory their roads Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 41 will be maintained on a more consistent basis? In other words will they be able to avoid being assessed in the future. Greg Sticha: I can answer the assessment question. The answer is the City Council was pretty clear last year that we are going to continue our assessment practice going forward of assessing 40 percent so unless a future City Council decides to come in and make that change, which I don‘t anticipate, the answer is yes we will continue to assess 40 percent. In terms of will the roads be better in total if we do more roads? I guess Charlie can answer that. Charlie Howley: Mayor, council. No. Just having a franchise fee does not mean your assessments will be lower in the future but I will say this, the way we build roads now versus the way we used to we’re building them better so in the future how we rehabilitate them will be less costly but every road eventually needs to be redone even if that’s 70 years in the future so there will be an assessment. Mayor Ryan: Perfect. And again the same question, how soon do we need to pay the assessment? I don’t think obviously you don’t have to answer that again but can we make sure your kind of bullet point Word document that you had created, I think you shared it, can we get that on the website just so people are clear to understand just the overall you know details of actually paying this assessment. This is from Bill Manning. I don’t have an address. Oh and we talked about this Mr. Howley there is some concerns about some sewer on Hoppe Street and you’re going to connect with him later this week. Perfect. And I think this is the last one. This is from Angela Schlender, S-c-h-l-e-n-d-e-r. Wanted to, had the question about a grace period or interest free and the council has made their decision on that earlier. And this is the last one. Frank Zimmerman and he, I don’t know George did you respond to him already? George Bender: I believe that I did. Mayor Ryan: Okay. I think similar questions about how the City budgets the overall management of our pavement management program and just the assessment practice but it was a lengthy email so just want to make sure that we follow up with him. George Bender: I can follow up and answers the questions individually. Mayor Ryan: Okay perfect. Thank you. And that was it for the emails. I know again like I stated before there were a number of emails that came in directly to staff or council and those will be handled individually but I wanted to make sure the people that sent emails to the public, for public comment as part of the record that those were read and so with that I will close, if nobody else is here I will close the public hearing and return it to council for any further questions. We’ll start with questions. Alright Councilman McDonald any questions on the project? Councilman McDonald: I have no further questions. Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 42 Mayor Ryan: Alright thank you. Councilwoman Tjornhom? Councilwoman Tjornhom: No further questions. Mayor Ryan: Thank you. Councilwoman Coleman? Councilwoman Coleman: No further questions. Mayor Ryan: Councilman Campion? Councilman Campion: No further questions. Mayor Ryan: And I do not have any questions either so with no further questions would anybody like to make a motion? Councilwoman Tjornhom: I’ll make a motion if it can come on the screen. Mayor Ryan: Alright we need, there we go. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Thank you so much. I’d like to make a motion that the City Council approves, oh sorry. Orders improvements and preparation of plans and specifications for the 2020 City Pavement Rehabilitation Project No. 20-05. Mayor Ryan: Alright. Would anybody like to second? Councilwoman Coleman: I’ll second the motion. Mayor Ryan: Great, Councilwoman Coleman with the second. And I will now take the vote. Resolution #2020-30: Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilwoman Coleman seconded that the City Council orders improvements and preparation of plans and specifications for the 2020 City Pavement Rehabilitation Project No. 20-05. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Mayor Ryan: Again I would like to thank the residents for all of your emails and feedback and just participation in part of the process. I know it’s a little bit different you know doing it this way. Maybe not having a neighborhood meeting yet and I know a lot of people aren’t comfortable coming into council chambers so really appreciate your willingness to send in emails. Again we apologize if you were planning on calling in that you were unable to because of the cut fiber line and so we didn’t have access to receive your phone calls but again as we continue to move forward we are all available if you do have any further questions regarding this process or any of these projects and we will do our best to answer those questions for you so Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 43 please stay involved and stay connected to us and we will do what we can to help get that answer so, and thank you again Mr. Howley and Mr. Bender for your time you know connecting with the residents. I know this has added onto your plate with not having people with the ability to come in or even just talking to them at those neighborhood meetings. I know a lot of these questions get addressed or asked and answered so I appreciate your time and energy and of course city staff thank you. IT for making this work for all of us and Kim for being helping me stay organized with all of the emails that are coming in so appreciate it. It’s definitely a team effort around here and I really appreciate it. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS. None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. Mayor Ryan: Are there any comments on the Administrative Presentations? Yes, thank you for raising your hand. Go ahead. Charlie Howley: Thank you Mayor, council. Just one quick thing. As you know the CSAH 101 project is well underway. I’m sure many of you have driven by there but hot off the presses 2 weeks from today, May 11th is when the tentative closure of the 101 is going to happen so the detour will kick in and that’s been put out on social media. It’s on our website. It’s on the County’s website so we need a 2 week advance notice and I wanted to use this platform to also mention that so from 61 up to Creekwood will be closed starting in 2 weeks so follow the posted detour which is 61 to Audubon back to Pioneer. Mayor Ryan: Perfect thank you. And I know it got put out on our, all of our social media today too so that’s great. Any other administrative presentations? Todd Gerhardt: I’ve got one. I want to thank the Chanhassen Fire Department for volunteering to participate in the Governor’s mask collection request. He sent out a request last week that all residents who have access to masks or make masks please drop them off at all the fire stations in their communities and our firemen and people collected 700 to 800 masks and our volunteer coordinators, Mary Blazanin is working with St. Hubert’s to divide up the masks and distribute them to our senior housing facilities throughout the community so thank you to everybody that participated in that program. Mayor Ryan: Absolutely. That’s amazing. Todd Gerhardt: And that’s all I have. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION. None. Chanhassen City Council – April 27, 2020 44 Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilman McDonald seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The City Council meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday, May 11, 2020 Subject Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated February 18, 2020 Section CONSENT AGENDA Item No: D.2. Prepared By Nann Opheim, City Recorder File No:  PROPOSED MOTION “The City Council receives the Planning Commission minutes dated February 18, 2020.” Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present. ATTACHMENTS: Summary Minutes Verbatim Minutes CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES FEBRUARY 18, 2020 Chairman Weick called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Weick, Mark Undestad, Mark Randall, John Tietz, and Michael McGonagill MEMBERS ABSENT: Doug Reeder, and Laura Skistad STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; and MacKenzie Walters, Associate Planner PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR SIGN VARIANCES FOR THE EXISTING MONUMENT SIGN LOCATED AT 306 W. 78TH STREET (CHAPEL HILL). MacKenzie Walters presented the staff report on this item. Ben James with Blue Label Creative spoke on behalf of Chapel Hill and discussed the need for this signage. Chairman Weick opened the public hearing. No one spoke and the public hearing was closed. Undestad moved, McGonagill seconded that the Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments recommends approval of the variance request to allow a 6 foot high ground low profile sign with 35.33 square feet of total display area of which 16 square feet may be an electronic message center, subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Decision: 1. The applicant must apply for and receive a sign permit from the City. 2. The Electronic Message Center (EMC) must comply with the City’s Electronic Message Center Standards, save that it may have an EMC Display percentage of 46.29 percent. 3. The ground low profile sign must meet the City’s design standards. 4. The ground low profile sign shall be located in the same position as the existing monument sign. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Planning Commission Summary – February 18, 2020 2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner McGonagill noted the verbatim and summary Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated February 4, 2020 as presented. COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS. None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. Kate Aanenson discussed action taken by the City Council at their February 10, 2020 meeting and the upcoming schedule for the Planning Commission. Undestad moved, Randall seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Nann Opheim CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 18, 2020 Chairman Weick called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Weick, Mark Undestad, Mark Randall, John Tietz, and Michael McGonagill MEMBERS ABSENT: Doug Reeder, and Laura Skistad STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; and MacKenzie Walters, Associate Planner PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR SIGN VARIANCES FOR THE EXISTING MONUMENT SIGN LOCATED AT 306 W. 78TH STREET (CHAPEL HILL). Walters: So this is a sign variance request. Chapel Hill Academy is requesting a variance for a 6 foot high ground low profile sign with a total of 35.33 square feet of sign display area. 16 square feet of that is proposed as an electronic message center so a little overview of the site. Chapel Hill is right downtown, pretty close to city hall and the proposed sign location is about where this blue star is. It would be the location of the existing sign so the sign location wouldn’t be changing. Only the height and size. Just to give a sense of the surrounding context, Chapel Hill is zoned office institutional. They have residential single family to the north and east. We have some preserve open space, A2 to the south. Another office institutional and then central business district over here so it kind of is at the end of the commercial section of downtown. Just to compare and provide some context for the sign code because we don’t see too many sign variances, under the office institutional district business and institutional signs are allowed to be up to 5 feet high with a maximum display area of 24 square feet. Electronic message centers are an allowed type of signs, however the EMC’s and then governmental signs are allowed to be larger so it’s for instance a public school or the Chanhassen library, even though it’s zoned office institutional it’s allowed to have a larger sign. Up to 8 feet high and 120 square feet. In the case of those 40 square feet of that display area can be electronic message centers. Right here is the section of the city code that governs electronic message centers for signs up to 24 square feet up to 50 percent of their display can be the EMC. If they’re over 24 feet but less than 64, 45 percent of the display can be the EMC. There’s a few other rules that are in play. They can’t be within 50 feet of a street intersection. The sign itself cannot be within 125 feet of a residential district and if they’re within 500 feet of single family homes they cannot be on between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. There also are regulations in the city code that govern the maximum brightness of EMC’s as well as preventing them from having moving or animated images so it has to be a static display under the code. The applicant is proposing a 6 foot high sign so that’d be a 1 foot variance from the height and the 35.33 square feet would be an 11.33 square foot Chanhassen Planning Commission – February 18, 2020 2 variance from the maximum display area size. That would allow them to have a 16 square foot electronic message center. Full disclosure that is a quarter percent larger than the display area ration they’d be allowed but staff doesn’t consider a .1 square foot deviation to be significant. So Chapel Hill believes that because they have a large number of different users that use the building as well as a bunch of variable after school events and meetings that it is very difficult for them to communicate the programming at their facility with a static display and that’s why they’re requesting a larger electronic message center. They did note that the office institutional zoning does allow public schools and similar government agencies to have much larger signage than they are requesting. So comparing the existing sign to the proposed sign, the existing sign is 5 feet tall. Has 24 square feet of display area and the EMC is about 9 ½ square feet and as mentioned what they’re proposing would be a little over 11 square feet bigger in display area. A foot taller with a 16 square foot electronic message center. I will mention before I get into the staff assessment we were contacted by a resident who did express concern that this sign would have much more of a visual impact than the existing sign. Predominantly due to the increased lamination and they expressed some concern that pedestrians walking might find it distracting along the sidewalk. When staff evaluated the proposal we do feel that this is a unique use in the community and that the multiple different uses for the building and the variable programming did justify or make a case for why a larger electronic message center may be appropriate. The applicant had originally came in requesting a variance for an 8 foot tall sign with I believe it was 48 square feet of display area. Staff asked them to revise it to try to minimize the extent of the variance and that’s what resulted in the current proposal which is a much smaller deviation from the standards. The site’s location and orientation do place the sign near a lot of the commercial uses in downtown and the building prevents it from being seen from the residential properties and that’s one of the reasons why staff is comfortable recommending approval on this as well as the sign being in the same location and does not believe that there will be any traffic safety risks posed with this sign. With that I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have. Weick: Thank you MacKenzie. Couple questions I do have. If you could, if you go back to page 4 of 7 and you don’t have to flip there but it’s the chart. Underneath the chart there were 3 bullets. Yep. Of those 3 do any of those currently apply? Walters: The sign meets all current ordinance so it’s 50 feet back from the intersection. The sign, even though the border of the parcel is within 125 feet the sign itself is not within 125 feet. It is within 500 feet so they would have to turn off the EMC between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Weick: Okay. That was the only question I had. Anyone else for MacKenzie at this time? No? I would invite the applicant to come forward. Just state your name for the record and tell us about your project. Ben James: Hi my name is Ben James and with Blue Label Creative and my kids have gone to Chapel Hill. The oldest one is in eighth grade this year and the youngest is in third grade so I do a lot of different projects from coaching sports. From basketball and soccer for the school as Chanhassen Planning Commission – February 18, 2020 3 well as volunteering for other sun runs and other activities that they have. So with the school it’s an important amenity and we are an important amenity and partner with the City of Chanhassen and the sign would provide not only announcement of important school events but for the also the churches and clubs and organizations that UCHA. It would also be used, could be used for public service announcements and city event promotions as well so we would be open to working with you guys on that. And MacKenzie did a great job kind of summing it up that it doesn’t face any residential areas as well. We would be keeping the same pad that you see right there. The brick and the electrical and everything it’s there. Part of the old display, there’s some safety concerns with the fire wall. It’s not supported for the computer system that’s there anymore so it is, we don’t want to have, open that up to any hackers or anything like that so hopefully they’re not watching tonight. Whoops. You know so that’s really what we’re looking to do in a nutshell. Did you have any questions? Weick: Sure. Do you consider the sign to be more advertising or more, I’m going to draw a blank but like location identification. Ben James: It is more location identification. Trinity Hill Church right now, they take a banner off of the front entrance every Sunday. Weick: Okay. Ben James: You know so it is for these clubs and organizations that are using it. There are opportunities in the near future with some expansion. I’m sure that will be a different meeting to bring other clubs and so forth in there so it’d be a way for notifying and identifying that. And then there would be some for sporting events. You know when other teams come into play games you know it’s just a good identification that that’s where the soccer or the, not soccer I should say but basketball or volleyball games would be at. Weick: Okay. And then if you were going to replace the sign if it needed to be upgraded, to be within code you could, you could go and correct me if I’m wrong MacKenzie but we could go to 12, 12 square feet from an increase from the 9 ½ today they could go to 12 square feet and be within code. Walters: Yes they could, that’s what the city code would allow. Weick: Is that something that you guys considered and I apologize I don’t have a real good dimensional mind so I don’t know if there’s a huge difference between those or. Ben James: Yeah, so with the panels that we’re using for the high resolution, they come in 12 inch square panels that can interchange. So having to customize and go into, they don’t make like an 18 inch so you know we’d have to do some custom work on that with the LED’s to do that so this is a less expensive solution than doing a custom size. Chanhassen Planning Commission – February 18, 2020 4 Weick: Smaller size, okay. Anyone else with thoughts or questions? For the applicant. Nothing? McGonagill: It’s not 6 foot high white letters. Weick: No. Well thank you then. I appreciate you coming forward and certainly clarifying some of those items for us. Ben James: Thank you for your time. Weick: Thanks a lot. At this time we will open the public hearing portion. Anyone wishing to come forward and offer an opinion on this item is welcomed to do so at this time. I thought maybe we had someone moving but no, okay. Then seeing nobody come forward I will close the public hearing portion and open for commissioner comment or a motion. Judging from the lack of questions I’m assuming everyone’s you know tracking with this one. Undestad: Yeah I think so. McGonagill: It’s tastefully done. Like I said it’s not 6 foot high white letters so I’m, it’s not bright. They’ll turn it off. It’s what it’s supposed to do and you know I will, for sure they use that facility a lot for volleyball and basketball and be able to put that up. Who’s playing when and at what time. It’s a great thing to have because they turn that facility around a lot I know that. Randall: Oh I’m sorry. Oh I was a little concerned about the residential impact but after seeing how the building actually blocks the light from it so I know some of these signs, especially at night they get really bright you know and with our hours that they’re going to be operational. Weick: Yeah there’s some houses there on 78th maybe that just because of the angle. Like that one on the corner maybe is, would be the one that I would certainly be, yeah. They seem to have a pretty good, although it is. Undestad: It’s at the other angle too though. Weick: It is a different angle and I think there’s a little bit of a hill and then some trees and stuff, I mean it’s not a straight shot. I’ve been along there quite a bit and it basically just, I mean we’re a little less than doubling kind of what’s there today. As far as the electronic portion of it so. McGonagill: I’m good with it. Randall: I am too. Weick: I certainly would entertain a motion. Chanhassen Planning Commission – February 18, 2020 5 Undestad: I’ll make a motion that the Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments recommends approval of the variance request to allow a 6 foot high ground low profile sign with 35.33 square feet of display area of which 16 square feet may be an electronic message center, subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Decision. Weick: Thank you. We have a valid motion. Do we have a second? McGonagill: I’ll second it. Weick: We have a second from Commissioner McGonagill. Any further comment at this time? Undestad moved, McGonagill seconded that the Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments recommends approval of the variance request to allow a 6 foot high ground low profile sign with 35.33 square feet of total display area of which 16 square feet may be an electronic message center, subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Decision: 1. The applicant must apply for and receive a sign permit from the City. 2. The Electronic Message Center (EMC) must comply with the City’s Electronic Message Center Standards, save that it may have an EMC Display percentage of 46.29 percent. 3. The ground low profile sign must meet the City’s design standards. 4. The ground low profile sign shall be located in the same position as the existing monument sign. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Weick: Hearing none the motion passes unanimously 5 to 0. Thank you everybody for presenting this evening and coming. Appreciate it. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner McGonagill noted the verbatim and summary Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated February 4, 2020 as presented. COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS. None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. Weick: Kate I certainly would open it up for City Council update. Chanhassen Planning Commission – February 18, 2020 6 Aanenson: You on your next agenda scheduled for March 17th. I’ll be looking at an amendment to the PUD for Paisley Park that was linked to 12 events so they would like to try one outdoor event and then we’d just kind of, MacKenzie put together that we use for all special events, the permits on those so we’re only permitting ones that are over a certain volume and how they’re regulated so we’ll have that public hearing. And then they talked about yard waste update just because the County closed where you could take your yard waste so just kind of looking at that so you won’t see anything on that but just ongoing discussion. Just want you aware of that. Trying to get some additional days spring and fall. The council also approved an interim use permit for the wetland for the very technical report on the slide we had on the light rail, on the trail. The LRT trail so that got approved so that work should begin this spring and then also we, the council passed a resolution adopting the Comprehensive Plan so that’s on the work session for your April meeting that we are, first meeting with new commissioners but we’ll go through that. Some of the significant changes. Kind of next steps so we actually have quite a few things for that if it’s okay Chair I’ll just kind of jump to our upcoming agenda. We talked about PUD on for that. We don’t have a meeting in 2 weeks, that March 3rd. That is the Presidential nomination primary so we will not be meeting so our next get together for our last meeting with John and Mark so I hope they’re both here on the 17th. Then on April 7th again we adopt the bylaws, a Chair, Vice Chair. We’ll talk a little bit about development review process. I think there were some questions on that. If there isn’t much on the agenda we might move that one up but it’s kind of helpful for some of the new people there too. We’ll talk about the comp plan. Some of the little tweaks we had to make or I guess kind of explaining our methodology, yeah. Kind of more of what that was a lot of back and forth this last year and then we were asked to look at some of the other goals of the other commissions on what they’re working on and how we can be integrating that into what we’re doing and I think that will be helpful too when we do our annual all commissions tour so that might be helpful too. McGonagill: When is that all commissions tour? Aanenson: Usually we do like in August. The first or second week in August. McGonagill: Okay. Aanenson: The other thing I do not have on your calendar and I apologize is, I will get that out to you so you can put it on your calendar and that is the annual meeting with the City Council. After they do their appointments then they’ll set that one so I’ll get that out to everybody to put that on their calendar but with that we have candidates here so after you adjourn we’ll go into the Fountain Conference Room and I’ll kind of be the gate keeper and get you set up and then direct people when you’re ready. Weick: One question, did you mention the item that we heard on the 4th. Did that go in front of City Council? Aanenson: The memory care? Chanhassen Planning Commission – February 18, 2020 7 Weick: Yeah. Aanenson: Yep that’s going next Monday. Weick: They haven’t heard it yet? Aanenson: Yep, a week from yesterday. Yes they have not heard it yet. Good question. They have modifications to it and they know they can meet all those so based on what you saw, some of the input you gave them so I think you’d be pleased with that. McGonagill: What are some of the modifications they did Kate? Aanenson: Pardon me? McGonagill: What did they modify? Aanenson: You know I haven’t gone through all the details with Sharmeen but Sharmeen said they met pretty much all the criteria that was in there so I haven’t looked at that but I’ll share that with you at your next meeting and show that to you. McGonagill: Okay, thanks. Tietz: Hey Kate I have a question. Sign variances. Didn’t we, wasn’t it a year and a half ago when we approved the Youngstedt’s sign, electronic sign and that never has changed has it? Did they back off of that? Walters: That variance has lapsed. I unfortunately do not know why they decided not to proceed with it. I had been under the impression they were good to go and they chose not to ultimately. Tietz: Okay, yeah. Aanenson: I’ll to circle back to Mark’s comments on NIT’s on signs. That’s the intensity so we do ask the architect of those to measure those. So when there was a variance on those sometimes the Planning Commission will go one way and the council will go another but the intensity of those, yeah there is complaints on especially on Highway 5 when you’re driving by and they’re very bright at night so we know the residents are sensitive to that so I appreciate that question. So to the comment that this has to be shut off between 6:00 and 10:00 that kind of helps mediate some of that. That’s all I had. Weick: Great, thank you. With that I would entertain a motion to adjourn. Chanhassen Planning Commission – February 18, 2020 8 Undestad moved, Randall seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Nann Opheim CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday, May 11, 2020 Subject Approval of Lease Agreement with the Chanhassen Historical Society for Old Village Hall Section CONSENT AGENDA Item No: D.3. Prepared By Greg Sticha, Finance Director File No:  PROPOSED MOTION The City Council approves the attached agreement for the lease of Old Village Hall to the Chanhassen Historical Society for a two­year term. Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present. BACKGROUND A Lease Agreement has been prepared for the lease of Old Village Hall to the Chanhassen Historical Society.  The lease has a two­year term effective June 1, 2020 with annual required updates to the city council.  The lease is for $500 per quarter ($2,000/year) and will cover over half of the total costs to operate the building in a typical year (See attached previous years expenses). RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the approval of the attached lease. ATTACHMENTS: Previous Years Utilities Costs ­ Old Village Hall Lease Agreement Average Monthly ChargeAverage Quarterly Charge Yearly Total2017 Parking Lot Fees (Quarterly Average)$548.44$2,193.762018 Parking Lot Fees (Quarterly Average)$417.92$1,671.692019 Parking Lot Fees (Quarterly Average)$255.38$1,021.512017 Monthly Electric Average$95.34$1,144.082018 Monthly Electric Average$111.75$1,341.002019 Monthly Electric Average$35.95$431.36 2017 Monthly Gas Average for$40.42$485.04 2018 Monthly Gas Average for$46.79$561.48 2019 Monthly Gas Average for$46.51$558.10Parking Lot Fee$1,021.51Electric$431.36Gas$558.10Total$2,010.97391 W 78th StreetUtility Information2019 Old Village Hall Yearly Fees LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE AGREEMENT ("Lease") is entered into and made as of the 1 lth day of May, 2020 by and between the CHANHASSEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a public body corporate and politic under the State of Minnesota, ("Landlord"), and CHANHASSEN HISTORICAL SOCIETY a Minnesota nonprofit corporation ("Tenant"). The parties mutually agree as follows: 1. LEASED PREMISES. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Lease, Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant rents from Landlord, the premises known as the Old Village Hall, including the land and building ("Building"), legally described in the attached Exhibit A, hereinafter referred to as the "Leased Premises." 2. TERM. The term ofthis Lease (the "Term") shall be for a period of twenty-four (24) months, commencing June 1,2020 (the "Commencement Date"), and ending midnight on May 31,2022 (the "Expiration Date"), unless this Lease shall be sooner terminated as hereinafter provided. Tenant shall provide a yearly written update to the Landlord conceming the use of the Building during the year. Written updates shall be provided in June 2021 artdMay 2022. 3. RENT. Tenant shall pay the Landlord as "Rent" for the Leased Premises the sum of Five Hundred and No/I00 Dollars ($500.00) per quarter. Rent is payable in advance, on or before the first day of the month of each quarter through the Term provided with the first payment due on June l, z}2},however, that if the Commencement Date shall be a day other than the first day of a calendar month or the termination of the Lease shall be a day other than the last day of a calendar month, the Base Rent installment for such first or last fractional month shall be pro-rated accordingly. Tenant's failure to make any monetary payment required of Tenant hereunder within five (5) days of the due date therefore shall result in the imposition of a service charge for such late payment in the amount of $25 In addition, any sum not paid within thirty (30) days of the due date therefore shall bear interest at arate equal to the lesser of eighteen percent (18%) or the maximum amount permitted by law from the date due until paid. 4. UTILITIES AND SERVICES. (a) Tenant shall be solely and exclusively responsible for making arrangements for, and solely and exclusively responsible for, the cost of the following utilities and any other building services necessary for Tenant's comfortable use and occupancy of the Leased Premises for general office and/or retail use or as may be required by law or directed by govemmental authority: i. Cleaning and janitorial service; ii. Cleaning, care and maintenance of the Leased Premises and the walks, driveways, parking lots and landscaped areas adjacent to the Leased Premises, including the removal of rubbish, but excluding snow removal. 1 209207v7 (b) Utility Charges. Landlord shall responsible for providing to Tenant the following utilities Cost of all heating, ventilation and air conditioning of the Building including electrical and gas; Cost of all electricity for lighting and operating business machines and other equipment in the Building; Cost of all gas; Cost of all water and sewer; and Replacement of all lamps, bulbs, starters and ballasts used on the Leased Premises. (c) Parkine Lot Fees. Landlord shall be responsible for maintenance and snow removal of sidewalks and parking lot for the Leased Premises, including inigation and stormwater fees for parking areas pursuant to an Agreement with Independent School District No. 112 ("District"), which provides the services for the parking area of the Leased Premises. (d) Intemrption of Services. Tenant understands, acknowledges and agrees that any one or more of the utilities or other building services identified above may be intemrpted by reason of accident, emergency or other causes beyond Landlord's control, or may be discontinued or diminished temporarily by Landlord or other persons until certain repairs, alterations or improvements can be made; that Landlord does not represent or warrant the unintemrpted availability of such utilities or building services; and that any such intemrption shall not be deemed an eviction or disturbance of Tenant's right to possession, occupancy and use of the Leased Premises or any part thereof, or render Landlord liable to Tenant in damages by abatement of rent or otherwise, or relieve Tenant from the obligation to perform its covenants under this Lease. (f)Payrnenlfor Utilities and Services. The cost of additional utilities and other building services fumished by Landlord at the request of Tenant or as a result of Tenant's activities shall be borne by Tenant, who shall be separately and/or additionally billed therefore and who shall reimburse and pay Landlord monthly for the suune, at the same time the next monthly installment of Rent is due. Tenant agrees to give reasonable advance notice, in writing, to Landlord of its request for additional services. S. TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS. Tenant shall be responsible for the payment of any taxes and assessments levied or assessed upon or with respect to the land or improvements comprising the Property including the Building or Rent or other sums payable hereunder. If, at any time during the Term of the Lease, a tax or excise on rents or income or other tax however described is levied or assessed by the United States or the State of Minnesota, or any political subdivision thereof, on account of the Rent hereunder or the interest of Landlord under this Lease, such tax or excise shall constitute and be included as a tax hereunder. Should the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision thereof, or any other govemmental authority having jurisdiction over the Property impose a tax, assessment, charge, or fee, which Landlord shall be required to pay, wholly or partially, in iubstitution for or as a supplement to such real estate taxes or levy against the land, or Building, l. ii. iii. iv. 2 209207v7 to the extent that the same is in substitution for or as a supplement to said real estate taxes, such taxes, assessments, fees or charges shall be deemed to constitute taxes hereunder. 6. LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS. Tenant shall be solely and exclusively responsible for the cost of any leasehold improvements that Tenant may choose to make. No improvements shall be made by Tenant or Tenant's agents or contractors without Landlord's written consent. Tenant, or its contractors or agents, shall complete construction of any and all improvements in a good and workmanlike manner, utilizing new and first grade material, in conformity with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, building codes, fire regulations, and applicable insurance requirements. 7, DELIVERY OF POSSESSION. Tenant acknowledges that it has inspected the Leased Property and accepts the Leased Property "as is". Landlord makes no representations as to the repair of the Leased Property and that no promises to alter, remodel or improve the Leased Property have been made by the Landlord except as provided under this Agreement and Tenant agrees to make any repairs necessary for Tenant to use the Leased Property. 8. USE OF THE LEASED PREMISES. (a)Specific Use. The Leased Premises shall be occupied and used exclusively by Tenant as a historical museum. (b) Covenants Regarding Use. In connection with its use of the Leased Premises, Tenant agrees to do the following: i. Tenant shall use the Leased Premises and conduct its business thereon in a safe, careful, reputable and lauf.rl manner; shall keep and maintain the Leased Premises in as good a condition as they were when Tenant first took possession thereof, ordinary wear and tear excepted, and shall make all necessary repairs to the Leased Premises other than those which Landlord is obligated to make as provided elsewhere herein. 11.Tenant shall not commit, nor allow to be committed, in, on or about the Leased Premises any act of waste, or use or permit to be used on the Leased Premises any hazardous substance, equipment or other thing which might cause injury to person or property or increase the danger of fire or other casualty in, on or about the Leased Premises; permit any objectionable or offensive noise or odors to be emitted from the Leased Premises; or do anlthing, or permit anything to be done, which would, in Landlord's opinion, disturb or tend to disturb the owners or tenants of any adjacent buildings. Tenant shall not overload the floors, ceilings, or wall of the Leased Premises beyond their designed weight-bearing capacity. Landlord reserves the right to direct the positioning of all heavy equipment, furniture and fixtures which Tenant desires to place in the Leased Premises so as to distribute properly the weight thereof, and tor require the removal of any equipment of furniture which exceeds the weight limit specified for the Building. J 209207v7 lll. iv. Tenant shall not use the Leased Premises, nor allow the Leased Premises to be used, for any purpose or in any manner which would, in Landlord's opinion, invalidate any policy of insurance now or hereafter carried on the Leased Premises or increase the rate of premiums payable on any such insurance policy. Should Tenant fail to comply with this covenant, Landlord may, at its option, require Tenant to stop engaging in such activity or to reimburse Landlord for any increase in premiums charged during the term of this Lease on the insurance carried by Landlord on the Leased Premises and attributable to the use being made of the Leased Premises by Tenant. (c) Tenant shall not use the Property, Building, walkways, sidewalks and parking area adjacent to the Premises, or other parts of the parking and common areas forming part of the Building, for business purposes (including, without limitation, the distribution of handbills or advertising of any type), except for ingress and egress and parking, without the prior written consent of Landlord, which consent may be withheld or denied for any oI no reason. (d) Compliance with Laws. Tenant shall not use or permit the use of any part of the Leased Premises for any purpose prohibited by law. 9. SIGNS. Except for a Tenant logo sign placed within the existing frame at Heritage Square, Tenant shall not inscribe, paint, affix or display any signs, advertisements or notices on the Leased Premises or in the Leased Premises and visible from outside the Leased Premises, except for such signage, advertisements or notices as Landlord at Landlord's discretion specifically permits by written consent. All signs shall comply with all ordinances, rules and regulations of the Landlord. 10. REPAIRS, MAINTENANCE, ALTERATIONS, IMPROVEMENTS AND FIXTURES. (a) Except as set forth herein, Landlord shall, at its expense, make any necessary repairs to the Building and Property and every part thereof, ordinary wear and tear excepted, including the heating, air conditioning, electrical and plumbing equipment and facilities servicing the Building, except repairs which may be required by reason of acts or negligence of Tenant, its agents, employees, customers or invitees, or the particular nature of Tenant's use of the Property. Tenant shall be responsible for repairing any damage to the Property and Building caused by the installation or moving of Tenant's furniture, equipment and personal property. (b) Upon expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, Tenant shall surrender the Leased Premises to Landlord broom clean and in good condition and repair, normal wear and tear excepted. (c) Tenant shall, at Tenant's expense, promptly repair all damage caused by the Tenant to the Leased Premises and replace or repair all damaged or broken fixtures, equipment and appurtenances with materials equal in quality and class to the original materials, under the supervision and subject to the approval of Landlord, and within any reasonable period of time specified by Landlord. If Tenant fails to do so, Landlord may, but need not make such repairs and replacements, and Tenant shall pay Landlord the cost thereof, including Landlord's Costs, forthwith upon being billed for same. As used in this Lease, the term "Landlord's Costs" shall mean five percent (5%) of any costs or expenses paid by Landlord, in order to reimburse Landlord for all 209207v7 4 overhead, general conditions, fees and other costs and expenses arising from Landlord's actions or involvement. (d) Trade Fixtures. Any trade fixtures installed on the Leased Premises by Tenant at its o1lu1t expense, at Landlord's request, shall be removed upon termination of this Lease provided that Tenantls not then in default. Tenant agrees that Tenant will bear the cost of such removal, and further that Tenant will repair at its own expense any and all damage to the Leased Premises resulting from the original installation of and subsequent removal of such trade fixtures. If Tenant fails so to remove any and all such trade fixtures from the Leased Premises on the Expiration Date or upon earlier termination of this Lease, all such trade fixtures shall become the property of Landlord unless Landlord elects to require their removal, in which case Tenant shall promptly remove same and restore the Leased Premises to their prior condition. In the event Tenant so fails to temove same, Landlord may have same removed and the Leased Premises repaired to their prior condition, all at Tenant's expense. (e) Wirine and Cablins. Any wiring or cabling installed by Tenant in the Leased Premises or in shafts or ducts shall, at Landlord's request, be removed by Tenant at Tenant's expense on or before the Expiration Date or earlier termination of this Lease. If Tenant fails to remove any such wiring or cabling, Landlord may have the same removed at Tenant's expense. (f) Reserved Rights. Landlord reserves the right to make, at any time or times, at its own expense, repairs, alterations, additions and improvements, structural or otherwise, in or to the Leased Premises and the Building, and to perform any acts related to the safety, protection or preservation thereof, and during such operations to take into and through the Leased Premises or any part of the Building all material and equipment required and to close or temporarily suspend operation of entrances, doors, corridors, or other facilities, provided that Landlord shall cause as little inconvenience or annoyance to Tenant as is reasonably necessary in the circumstances, and shall not do any act which permanently reduces the size of the Leased Premises. Landlord may do any such work during ordinary business hours and Tenant shall pay Landlord for overtime and for any other expenses incurred if Landlord agrees to conduct such work during other hours as requested by Tenant. 11. DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION. (a) If the Leased Premises is damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty to the extent that the Tenant's enjoyment of the Leased Premises is substantially impaired, Tenant may (a) immediately vacate the Leased Premises and notify Landlord in writing within ten (10) business days of Tenant's intention to terminate this Lease, in which case the Lease shall terminate as of the date of the Tenant vacating the Leased Premises; or (b) if continued occupancy is lawful, vacate a part of the Leased Premises rendered unusable by the fire or other casualty, in which case Tenant's liability for Rent is reduced in proportion to the diminution in the fair rental value of the Leased Premises. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Lease is not terminated by the Tenant as provided herein, and the Leased Premises cannot reasonably be repaired within thirty (30) days from the date of such damage, or if the Landlord elects in its sole discretion not to repair such damage, the Landlord may give the Tenant written notice that it is not going to repair the damage to the Leased Premises and that the Landlord is terminating the Lease and the Lease shall there upon be terminated effective as of the date of the damage and the Tenant shall remove all of its property and/or equipment from the Leased Premises. 5 209207v'7 Tenant shall, at its expense during the term of this Lease, keep in full force and effect a policy or policies of property insurance with an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota, covering its personal property, furniture, machinery, equipment, supplies, stored goods, trade fixtures installed by or paid for by Tenant or any additional improvements which Tenant may construct on the Leased Premises which coverage shall be no less than eighty percent (80%) of replacement value. Tenant shall furnish Landlord with a certificate evidencing that such coverages are in full force and effect. No reduction in Rent required under the term of this Lease shall be allowed for any period that Tenant experiences an interruption in business for any reason. (b)Waiver of S ubrosation.Landlord and Tenant hereby release each other and each other's employees, agents, customers and invitees from any and all liability for any loss, damage or injury to property occurring in, on or about or to the Leased Premises, improvements to the Leased Premises or personal property within the Leased Premises, by reason of fire or other casualty which are covered by applicable standard fire and extended coverage insurance policies. 12. GENERALPUBLICLIABILITY,INDEMNIFICATION,ANDINSURANCE. (a) All insurance, liability and indemnification certificates are subject to review and approval by the Landlord. (b) Except for the negligence or intentional misconduct of Landlord, Landlord's agents, servants or employees, Tenant shall indemnify Landlord and hold it harmless from, any and all liability for any loss, damage or injury to person or property, arising out of use, occupancy or operations of Tenant and occurring in, on or about the Leased Premises, including use of the Leased Premises by Landlord's guests and invitees during the Landlord Usage Time, and Tenant hereby releases Landlord from any and all liability for the same. Tenant's obligation to indemnify Landlord hereunder shall include the duty to defend against any claims asserted by reason of such loss, damage or injury and to pay any judgments, settlements, costs, fees and expenses, including attorney's fees, incurred in connection therewith. (c) Tenant shall at all times during the Term carry, at its own expense, for the protection of Tenant and Landlord and Landlord's management agent (if any), as their interests may appear, one or more policies of commercial general liability and property damage insurance, issued by one or more insurance companies licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota and acceptable to Landlord, covering Tenant's use, occupancy and operations providing minimum coverages of $1,000,000 combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage per occurence with $2,000,000 aggregate coverage together with an Umbrella Liability Policy with a minimum of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $1,000,000 aggregate. Such insurance policy or policies shall name Landlord, its agents and employees, as additional insureds and shall provide that they may not be canceled or materially changed on less than thirty (30) days prior written notice to Landlord, or ten (10) days' notice for non-payment of premium. Prior to Commencement of the Lease, Tenant shall fumish Landlord with certificates of insurance evidencing such insurance for approval by Landlord. (d) Landlord and its officers, agents, servants and employees shall not be liable for any damage to person, property or business or resulting from the loss of use thereof sustained by Tenant or by any other persons due to the Building or any part thereof or any appurtenances thereof becoming out of repair, or due to the happening of any accident or event in or about the Building, including the Leased Premises, or due to any act or neglect of any tenant or occupant of the Building 6 209207v7 or of any other person. This provision shall apply particularly, but not exclusively, to damage caused by gas, electricity, snow, ice, frost, steam, sewage, sewer gas or odors, fire, water or by the bursting or leaking of pipes, faucets, sprinklers, plumbing fixtures and windows and shall apply without distinction as to the person whose act or neglect was responsible for the damage and whether the damage was due to any of the causes specifically enumerated above or to some other cause. Tenant agrees that all personal property located in the Leased Premises shall be at the risk of Tenant only, and that Landlord shall not be liable for any loss or damage thereto or theft thereof. 13. LIENS. Tenant shall not cause or allow any mechanic's lien or other lien to be filed against the Leased Premises or against other property of Landlord (whether or not such lien is valid or enforceable as such). In the event any mechanic's lien shall at any time be filed against the Leased Premises or any part of the Property by reason of work, labor, services or materials performed or fumished to Tenant or to anyone holding the Leased Premises through or under Tenant, Tenant shall forthwith cause the same to be discharged of record. If Tenant shall fail to cause such lien forthwith to be discharged within five (5) days after being notified of the filing thereof, then, in addition to any other right or remedy of Landlord, Landlord may, but shall not be obligated to, discharge the same by paying the amount claimed to be due, or by bonding, and the amount so paid by Landlord and all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by Landlord in procuring the discharge of such lien, shall be due and payable in full by Tenant to Landlord on demand. 14. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING. Tenant may not assign or otherwise transfer its interest in this Lease or sublet the Leased Premises or any part thereof without the express, prior written consent of Landlord, which consent may be granted or withheld in Landlord's sole discretion. Any sublease of the Leased Premises must be consistent with Tenant's use of the Leased Premises. Sub-leases must provide the same level of insurance required under this Lease and must be reviewed by Landlord's legal counsel prior to final approval by Landlord. 15. DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES. (a) Default by Tenant. The occurrence of any one or more of the following events shall be a default and breach of this Lease by Tenant: Tenant shall fail to pay any monthly installment of Rent or any other charges set forth in this Lease within fifteen (15) days after the same shall be due and payable. Tenant shall fail to perform or observe any term, condition, covenant or obligation required to be performed or observed by it under this Lease for a period of thirty (30) days after notice thereof from Landlord. Tenant shall vacate or abandon or fail to occupy for a period of thirty (30) days, the Leased Premises or any substantial portion thereof; Tenant files for bankruptcy or makes or attempts to make an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or substantially all of Tenant's assets in, on or about the Leased Premises or Tenant's interest in this Lease are attached or levied upon under execution (and Tenant does not discharge the same within thirty (30) days thereafter); or l. 1l l1l. iv. 7 209207v7 Tenant causes or permits a hazardous condition to exist on the Leased Premises and fails to cure such condition immediately after notice thereof from Landlord. (b) Remedies of Landlord. Upon the occurrence of any event of default set fonh in this Lease, Landlord shall have the following rights and remedies, in addition to those allowed by law, any one or more of which may be exercised without further notice to or demand upon Tenant: i. Landlord may re-enter the Leased Premises and cure any default of Tenant, in which event Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for any costs and expenses which Landlord may incur to cure such default; and Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant for any loss or damage which Tenant may sustain by reason of Landlord's action, regardless of whether caused by Landlord's negligence or otherwise. ll Landlord may terminate this Lease as of the date of such default, in which event: ( I ) Neither Tenant nor any person claiming under or through Tenant shall thereafter be entitled to possession of the Leased Premises, and Tenant shall immediately thereafter surrender the Leased Premises to Landlord; (2) Landlord may re-enter the Leased Premises and dispossess Tenant or any other occupants of the Leased Premises by summary proceedings, ejectment or otherwise, and may remove their effects, without prejudice to any other remedy which Landlord may have for possession or arearages in rent; Landlord may terminate Tenant's right of possession of the Leased Premises and may repossess the Leased Premises by unlawful detainer or eviction action, by taking peaceful possession or otherwise. Landlord may sue for injunctive relief or to recover damages for any loss resulting from the breach. Any agreement for an extension of the Term or any additional period thereafter shall not thereby prevent Landlord from terminating this Lease for any reason specified in this Lease. If any such right of termination is exercised by Landlord during the Term or any extension thereof, Tenant's right to any further extension shall thereby be automatically canceled. Any such right of termination of Landlord contained herein shall continue during the Term and any subsequent extension hereof. (c) Default by Landlord and Remedies of Tenant. Landlord shall not be deemed to be in default under this Lease until Tenant has given Landlord written notice specifying the nature of the default and Landlord does not cure such default within thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice or within such reasonable time thereafter as may be necessary to cure such default where such default v l1l 1V 8 209207v7 is of such a character as to reasonably require more than thirty (30) days to cure. Landlord failure to cure its defaults under this Lease shall entitle Tenant to terminate the Lease immediately, and pursue claims for any damages caused Tenant by Landlord's default hereunder, in addition to such other rights and remedies as may exist under applicable law. (d) Waiver of Covenants. Failure of Landlord to insist, in any one or more instances, upon strict performance of any term, covenant, condition, or option of this Lease, or to exercise any option herein contained, shall not be construed as a waiver, or a relinquishment for the future, of such term, covenant, condition, or option, but the same shall continue and remain in full force and effect. The receipt by Landlord of rents with knowledge of breach in any of the terms, covenants, conditions, or options, of any of this Lease to be kept or performed by Tenant shall not be deemed a waiver of such breach, and Landlord, shall not be deemed to have waived any provision of this Lease unless expressed in writing and signed by Landlord. (e) Attorney Fees. If Tenant defaults in the performance or observance of any of the terms, conditions, covenants or obligations contained in this Lease and Landlord placed the enforcement of all or any part of this Lease, the collection of any rent due or to become due or the recovery of possession of the Leased Premises in the hands of an attorney, or if Landlord incurs any fees or out-of-pocket costs in any litigation, negotiation or transaction in which Tenant causes Landlord (without Landlord's fault) to be involved or concerned, Tenant agrees to reimburse Landlord for the attorney's fees and costs incurred thereby, whether or not suit is actually filed. 16. ACCESS TO THE LEASED PREMISES. Landlord, its employees and agents of the Leased Premises shall have the right to enter any part of the Leased Premises at all reasonable times for the purposes of examining or inspecting the s€une, showing the same to prospective purchasers, or tenants and for making such repairs, alteration or improvements to the Leased Premises as Landlord may deem necessary or desirable. If representatives of Tenant shall not be present to open and permit such entry into the Leased Premises at any time when such entry is necessary or permitted hereunder, Landlord and its employees and agents may enter the Leased Premises by means of a master key or otherwise, Landlord shall incur no liability to Tenant for such entry, nor shall such entry constitute an eviction of Tenant or a termination of this Lease, nor entitle Tenant to any abatement of rent therefore. 17. SURRENDER OF LEASED PREMISES. Upon the expiration, or earlier termination, of this Lease Tenant shall surrender the Leased Premises to Landlord, together with all keys, access cards, alterations, improvements, and other property as provided elsewhere herein, in broom-clean condition and in good order, condition and repair, except for ordinary wear and tear and damage which Tenant is not obligated to repair, failing which Landlord may restore the Leased Premises to such condition at Tenant's expense, which shall be payable upon demand. Upon such expiration or termination Tenant's trade fixtures, fumiture and equipment shall remain Tenant's property, and if Tenant shall not then be in default under this Lease, Tenant shall have the right to remove the same prior to the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, Tenant shall promptly repair any damage caused by any such removal, and shall restore the Leased Premises to the condition existing prior to the installation of the items so removed. Any of Tenant's trade fixtures, furniture or equipment not so removed shall be considered abandoned and may be retained by Landlord or be destroyed. 18. HOLDING OVER. If Tenant remains in possession of the Leased Premises without the consent of Landlord after the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, Tenant shall be deemed 209207v7 9 to hold the Leased Premises as a tenant from month to month, terminable on thirty (30) days' notice given by one party to the other and subject to all of the terms, conditions, covenants and provisions of this Lease (which shall be applicable during the holdover period), except that Tenant shall pay to Landlord twice the last current Rent, and additional charges or expenses, which shall be payable to Landlord on demand. In addition, Tenant shall be liable to Landlord for all damages occasioned by such holding over. Tenant shall vacate and surrender the Leased Premises to Landlord upon Tenant's receipt of notice from Landlord to vacate. No holding over by Tenant, whether with or without the consent of Landlord, shall operate to extend this Lease except as otherwise expressly provided herein. 19. QUIET ENJOYMENT. Except as may be provided in this Lease to the extent that it may be applicable, if and so long as Tenant pays the prescribed Rent and performs or observes all of the terms, conditions, covenants and obligations of this Lease required to be performed or observed by it hereunder, Tenant shall at all times during the term hereof have the peaceable and quiet enjoyment, possession, occupancy and use of the Leased Premises without any interference from Landlord or any person or persons claiming the Leased Premises by, through or under Landlord. 20. FORCE MAJEURE. All ofthe obligations of Landlord and of Tenant under this Lease are subject to and shall be postponed for a period equal to any delay or suspension resulting from fires, strikes, acts of God, and other causes beyond the control of the party delayed in its performance hereunder, this Lease remaining in all other respects in full force and effect and the Term not thereby extended. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the unavailability of funds for payment or performance of Tenant's obligations hereunder shall not give rise to any postponement or delay in such payment or performance of Tenant's obligations hereunder. 21. NOTICE AND PLACE OF PAYMENT. (a) All rent and other payments required to be made by Tenant to landlord shall be delivered or mailed to Landlord at the address set forth below or any other address Landlord may specify from time to time by written notice given to Tenant. (b) Any notice, demand or request required or permitted to be given under this Lease or by law shall be deemed to have been given if reduced to writing and mailed by Registered or Certified mail, postage prepaid, to the party who is to receive such notice, demand or request at the address set forth below or at such other address as Landlord or Tenant may specify from time to time by written notice. When delivering such notice, demand or request shall be deemed to have been given as of the date it was so delivered or mailed. Landlord:Chanhassen Economic Development Authority 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 Attention: Executive Director Chanhassen Historical Society 220 West 78th St Chanhassen, MN 55317 Attention: Paula Atkins 209207v7 Tenant: 10 22. MISCELLANEOUSGENERALPROVISIONS (a) Applicable Law. This Lease and all matters pertinent thereto shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. (b) Entire Agreement. This Lease, including all Exhibits and Addenda, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto and may not be modified except by an instrument in writing executed by the parties hereto. (c) Binding Effect. This Lease and the respective rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties hereto as well as the parties themselves; provided, however, that Landlord, its successors and assigns shall be obligated to perform Landlord's covenants under this Lease only during and in respect of their successive periods as Landlord during the term of this Lease' (d) Severability. If any provision of this Lease shall be held to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions hereof shall not be effected or impaired, and such remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. (e) Landlord/Tenant Relationshio. Nothing contained in this Lease shall be deemed or construed to create the relationship of principal and agent or that of partnership or ofjoint venture or of any association between Landlord and Tenant, and neither the method of computation of rent, nor any other provisions contained in this Lease, nor any acts of the parties hereto shall be deemed to create any relationship between Landlord and Tenant otherthanthe relationship of Landlord/Tenant. (0 Waiver of Jury. To the extent permitted by Law, Tenant and Landlord hereby waive any right either may have to a jury trial in the event of litigation between Tenant and Landlord pertaining to this Lease. (g) Rieht to Change Name and Buildins Address. Landlord reserves the right to change the name or street address of the Building. (h)Time of Essence. Time is of the essence of this Lease and each of its provisions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Lease as of the day and year first written above. [Remainder of page intentionally left blankJ [Signature pages to followJ 209207v7 11 By LANDLORD: CHANHASSEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Its Chairperson And Its Executive Director TENANT: CHANHASSEN HISTORICAL SOCIETY By Paul A+k im<[print name] Its Pr^z g il znt- ttitlel 209207v7 t2 rtr,/" EXHIBIT A Legal Description of the Propertv Parcel No. 255700030 Outlot B, Old Village Hall, Carver County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof. 209207v7 13 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday, May 11, 2020 Subject Cancellation and Closure of Chanhassen Park and Recreation Events, Youth and Adult Programs, Group Facility Reservations including use of Athletic Fields, the Chanhassen Recreation Center, and the Chanhassen Senior Center Section CONSENT AGENDA Item No: D.4. Prepared By Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director File No:  PROPOSED MOTION “The City Council authorizes the cancellation and closure of all Chanhassen park and recreation events, youth and adult programs and group facility reservations (including use of athletic fields), the Chanhassen Recreation Center, and the Chanhassen Senior Center until further notice. All public parks, trails and limited facilities­­including tennis and pickleball courts and the skate park­­remain open to individuals and groups of 10 or less for recreation and fitness."  Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present. SUMMARY The health and well­being of our community is a priority, and cancelling public recreation events, gatherings and closing public recreation facilities (including athletic fields) is in the best interest of the public. BACKGROUND The City of Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department operates and maintains 28 community and neighborhood parks, 5 public waterfront beaches and 65 miles of paved trails. Annually, we offer over 250 recreation programs and 12 community special events serving over 100,000 participants. The Chanhassen Senior Center sponsors dozens of daily and weekly programs, serving over 12,000 senior citizens annually, and the Chanhassen Recreation Center welcomes hundreds of patrons weekly participating in a wide array of programs, classes and activities.  DISCUSSION The first case of Covid ­19 in the United States was confirmed on January 20th, 2020. As of April 15th, 2020, the U.S. has the most confirmed active cases and deaths in the world, and all fifty states have received disaster declarations from the federal government.  RECOMMENDATION CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORTMonday, May 11, 2020SubjectCancellation and Closure of Chanhassen Park and Recreation Events, Youth and AdultPrograms, Group Facility Reservations including use of Athletic Fields, the ChanhassenRecreation Center, and the Chanhassen Senior CenterSectionCONSENT AGENDA Item No: D.4.Prepared By Todd Hoffman, Park and RecreationDirector File No: PROPOSED MOTION“The City Council authorizes the cancellation and closure of all Chanhassen park and recreation events, youth andadult programs and group facility reservations (including use of athletic fields), the Chanhassen Recreation Center,and the Chanhassen Senior Center until further notice. All public parks, trails and limited facilities­­including tennisand pickleball courts and the skate park­­remain open to individuals and groups of 10 or less for recreation andfitness." Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present.SUMMARYThe health and well­being of our community is a priority, and cancelling public recreation events, gatherings and closingpublic recreation facilities (including athletic fields) is in the best interest of the public.BACKGROUNDThe City of Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department operates and maintains 28 community and neighborhoodparks, 5 public waterfront beaches and 65 miles of paved trails. Annually, we offer over 250 recreation programs and12 community special events serving over 100,000 participants. The Chanhassen Senior Center sponsors dozens ofdaily and weekly programs, serving over 12,000 senior citizens annually, and the Chanhassen Recreation Centerwelcomes hundreds of patrons weekly participating in a wide array of programs, classes and activities. DISCUSSIONThe first case of Covid ­19 in the United States was confirmed on January 20th, 2020. As of April 15th, 2020, theU.S. has the most confirmed active cases and deaths in the world, and all fifty states have received disasterdeclarations from the federal government.  RECOMMENDATION “The City Council authorizes the cancellation and closure of all Chanhassen park and recreation events, youth and adult programs and group facility reservations (including use of athletic fields), the Chanhassen Recreation Center, and the Chanhassen Senior Center until further notice. All public parks, trails and limited facilities­­including tennis and pickleball courts and the skate park­­remain open to individuals and groups of 10 or less for recreation and fitness." ATTACHMENTS: Park and Rec Cancellation Flyer In light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and recognizing that the health and well-being of our community is our first priority, all Chanhassen Park and Recreation Events, Youth and Adult Programs, Group Facility Reservations (including use of Athletic Fields, the Chanhassen Recreation Center and the Chanhassen Senior Center) are cancelled and closed until further notice. We will publish updates as they become available. To ChanhassenResidents andCommunity: CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday, May 11, 2020 Subject Resolution 2020­XX: Haak property transfer to RPBCWD for a Flood Mitigation and Wetland Restoration Project Section CONSENT AGENDA Item No: D.5. Prepared By Charlie Howley, Director of Public Works/City Engineer File No: SWMP 19­88­02 PROPOSED MOTION “The City Council approves a Resolution approving conveyance of real property to the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District.” Approval requires a 2/3 Vote. SUMMARY This action is the next step in formally transferring the Haak property to the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District (RPBCWD) in support of their flood mitigation and wetland restoration project. DISCUSSION On March 12, 2018, the City Council approved an application for a DNR Flood Damage Reduction Grant for the properties at 730, 750, and 770 Pioneer Trail. On August 30, 2018, the City entered into an agreement with the DNR for a State of MN General Obligation Bond Grant to acquire Flood Prone Property. On March 1, 2019, the City Council approved the acquisition of the property at 770 Pioneer Trail (Haak Property). The RPBCWD obtained the properties at 730 and 750 Pioneer Trail In November 2019, the house and other improvements on the Haak property were demolished by a City­hired contractor. On March 9, 2020, the City Council approved a Resolution stipulating the 770 Pioneer Trail (Haak Property) was no longer needed by the City. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of this Resolution. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORTMonday, May 11, 2020SubjectResolution 2020­XX: Haak property transfer to RPBCWD for a Flood Mitigation and WetlandRestoration ProjectSectionCONSENT AGENDA Item No: D.5.Prepared By Charlie Howley, Director of PublicWorks/City Engineer File No: SWMP 19­88­02PROPOSED MOTION“The City Council approves a Resolution approving conveyance of real property to the Riley Purgatory Bluff CreekWatershed District.”Approval requires a 2/3 Vote.SUMMARYThis action is the next step in formally transferring the Haak property to the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek WatershedDistrict (RPBCWD) in support of their flood mitigation and wetland restoration project.DISCUSSIONOn March 12, 2018, the City Council approved an application for a DNR Flood Damage Reduction Grant forthe properties at 730, 750, and 770 Pioneer Trail.On August 30, 2018, the City entered into an agreement with the DNR for a State of MN General ObligationBond Grant to acquire Flood Prone Property.On March 1, 2019, the City Council approved the acquisition of the property at 770 Pioneer Trail (HaakProperty).The RPBCWD obtained the properties at 730 and 750 Pioneer TrailIn November 2019, the house and other improvements on the Haak property were demolished by a City­hiredcontractor.On March 9, 2020, the City Council approved a Resolution stipulating the 770 Pioneer Trail (Haak Property)was no longer needed by the City.RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of this Resolution. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 20­XX ­ Haak Property Transfer Location Map 209995v1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. _____ A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONVEYANCE OF REAL PROPERTY TO THE RILEY PURGATORY BLUFF CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen is the fee owner the property located at 770 Pioneer Trail and legally described as follows in fee simple as follows: The South Half (S1/2) as measured along the East and West lines thereof, of the West 155.0 feet, as measured along the North and South lines thereof, of the East 10 acres of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S1/2 NE1/4) of Section 26, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota “Property”; and WHEREAS, the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District (“RPBCWD”) is a local government with boundaries based on the watersheds of Riley, Purgatory, and Bluff Creeks; and WHEREAS, the RPBCWD is charged with protecting and improving our communities’ water resources; and WHEREAS, the City desires to convey the Property to RPBCWD by quit claim deed for $1.00, for RPBCWD to take on the responsibility for flood management and wetland restoration on the Property; and WHEREAS, the property located at 770 Pioneer Trail was obtained by the City through a General Obligation Bond, the conveyance must first be approved by the Commissioner of the Minnesota Management and Budget; and WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. § 462.356, subd. 2 requires that the Planning Commission review the City's proposed acquisitions and dispositions of property, and; WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. § 462.356, subd. 2 provides for an exception from the Planning Commission review requirement upon 2/3 vote of the City Council dispensing with the requirement and finding that the acquisition or disposal of the property has no relationship to the comprehensive municipal plan. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota: 209995v1 1. The City Council finds that the conveyance of the Property to the RPBCWD has no relationship to the comprehensive municipal plan; 2. Review by the Planning Commission of the conveyance of the Property is hereby dispensed with, the proposed transaction is hereby approved, and the Mayor and City Manager are authorized and directed to execute the Deed and take all measure to convey the Property to RPBCWD. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _____ day of ________, 2020, by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota CITY OF CHANHASSEN By, ________________________________ Elise Ryan, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________ Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Lake Ann Park Rice Marsh Lake Preserve North LotusLake ParkLake Minnew ashta Regional Park (County Park)SunsetRidgeParkMeadowGreenPark K erb erP o n d P a rk Lake Susan PreserveBluff C reek Preserve ChanhassenRecreationCenter Hesse Farm Preserve Pheasant HillPark CurryFarmsPark CityCenterParkStoneCreekPark RoundhousePark HermanFieldPark CarverBeachPlayground Park PrairieKnollParkPowerHillPark Ch an hassenHillsPark Bandi mereHeightsPark Greenwood Shores Park CarverBeachPark Bluff Creek Golf Course RaguetWildlifeManagement Area (WMA) MN Valley NationalWildlife Refuge Minnesota Landscape Arboretum S ugar bushPark ChanhassenNaturePreserve M innesota Land sc ape Ar bor etum Pleasant ViewPreserveFoxwoodsPreserve Minnewashta Heights Park S LotusLake Park B andim erePark Chanhassen Estates Park Lake Susan Park Seminary FenScientific andNatural Area (SNA) Park RileyRidge Park PioneerPass Park Raguet WildlifeManagement Area (WMA) Bluff CreekPreserve Rice MarshLake Park OHW 877.0 OHW 699.2 OHW 896.3 OHW 865.3 OHW 944.5 OHW 956.1 OHW 881.8 OHW 955.5 OHW 993.6 O HW945.2 OHW 932.77 OHW 929.8 Lotus Lake Lake Riley Lak e M innew ashta Lake Lucy Rice Lake Lake Su s a n LakeAnn Lake Virginia LakeHarrison RiceMarshLake C lasen Lake La ke St J o e ChristmasLake C astle Rid g e C a s c a d e P a s s Town Line Road Pleasant View Road C asca de Pass Trapp e r s P a s s Timber Hill Road St a gHornLane Trap Line C ircle TrapLineLane O xbowBendOxbowBend Oxbo w B e n d Shasta Cir E C a s c a d e Circle MountainViewCourtP i e d m o n tCourt TrappersPassOx bowBendO x b o w B end FoxHollow Dri v e Pleasant View Road FoxH o l l ow DriveHuntersCourt BluffRidgeCourtFox H ollowDrive Gra y FoxCur v eFoxta il C o urtQuailCros si n g GrayFoxCurv GreyFoxCurv e Gray F oxCurveGrayFoxCurveBruleCircleChoctaw Circle S a n d y HookRoad Hwy101GreatPlainsBlvdFox Pa th F o xC o u rtLakePoint Lotus TrailN a v a j o D rCar v e r B e a c h R o a d Ponderosa Drive Broken Arrow D r Lo t u s T r a i l Lotus Trail RojinaLanePlea s a n t V i e w R o a d PleasantViewRoadHorseshoeC urvePleasantView Road F o x P athFox Path Vineland Court H ollyLaneHolly Lane W illow CreekP o w e r s B l v d ( C . R . 1 7 )PleasantViewCov e Pleasant View Road Peaceful LanePleasant View R o a d Nez Perce DrivePowers Blvd (C.R. 17)DevonshireDrWelsleyCourtArlingtonCrt.DevonshireDriveStratton C o u r t Bretto n W a y Teton L a n e BrettonWay Ashton Court Teton LaneIthilienTroendle CircleCharingBendShadowLaneYosemite AveYosemite AveLakew a y Lane PointeLakeLucyKerber Blvd Kerber BlvdPowers Blvd (C.R. 17)PimlicoLaneK e r b e r B l v d P o n tia c L a n e BuckingwoodCtTrotter sC ir cl ePon t ia cCirclePontiacCourtButte Co u r tPont i ac Cir cle Pontiac Lane Redman LaneDeclarationDrShawnee LaneU t i c a L a n e Pow e r s B l v d (C .R . 1 7 ) C actusCurve CanyonCurve Powers Blvd (C.R. 17)Santa Vera DriveTargetLaneW 78th St Hwy 101 Great Plains BlvdHwy 101 Great Plains BlvdHwy101GreatPlainsBlvdWest Village Road S a n d y Hook Road San d y Hook C irCheyenneDakotaDakota C ircleDakota Cheyenne Basswood CirKurversPointRoad W illow ViewCove Twin Maple Lan e S o u th S horeCourtChan View Erie AvenueErieAvenueSouthShoreDriveSouth Shore Dri veHill StreetW 77th St Canterbury Circle DerbyDriveBelmont LnKerber BlvdKe r b e r B l v d Laredo Drive(W 78th St)ChanView StoneCr e e kDr AudubonRoadCommerce DriveAudubonRoadP arkR oadP arkR oadPark Court P arkPlace Park DrivePark Road PowersBlvd(C.R.17)Valley View Crt ValleyRidgeCrtValleyRidge Trail North Coulter Boulevard Tim berwoodDrPi n e w o o d C i r Oakwood R i d g eTimberwoodDr Ti mberwoodDrBluffView Crt StoneCreekDr CreekviewCrt StoneCreekDrRenaissance Crt Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18)BoulderRoadStoneCreek Dr Bethesda CirWa s h i ngt onBlvdWashingtonBlvdCommonwealthBlvdLincoln Ln Wa shingtonCirFranklin LnJefferson DrMadison DrTWIN CITIES & W E S T E R N R AI L R O A D LakeRil eyTrlHighover LaneJerse y Way Lake Ann P a r kDrIroquois AveHuronKiowaGreatPlainsBlvdW 78th St W 76th St Frontier TrailW 78th S t r e e t S ta te H w y No .5Hill StreetChippewa Cir Chippewa TrailS a n ta V e r a Drive SaratogaDriveSaratoga DriveSaratogaCir Laredo L a n e Laredo LaneIr o q u ois Santa Fe TrailDelRioDrive Del Rio Drive Cimarro n Circ leLaredoDrive FrontierTrailFrontier CourtFr o n t i e r T r a i l Kurver s P oint Road Frontier Trail Highland DriveLaredoDriveLongview CircleSierra Court SierraTrailConestogaCourtConestoga TrailBighor n DriveF rontierTrail KiowaFrontier TrailHighland Drive S h a d o w m e r e Bighorn D r ive State Hwy 5 Arboretum Boulevard Shasta Cir W Olympic Cir Castle Ridge Cast l e R i d g e C o u r t Casc a d e C o u r t NearMountainBlvdNear M o u nt ai n Bl v d Ne ar MountainBlvdMountain Way Su m m i t C i r c l e Pleasant View Road Indian Hill RdPleasantParkDrGrayFoxLaneMarketBl v d MarketBlv d S t a t e H w y 5 A rb o re tu m B oulevardStateHwy5ArboretumBoulevardKerberBlvdPicha Chan ViewVioletRoadCarverBea c h R o a dCree DriveYuma D r ive Ri n g o D r i v e Y um a D r i v eDeerwoodDrNe z P e r c e D r i v e Imperial Dr Ponderosa DriveNezPerceDrive NezPerceCtHeatherCourt Ho p i R d Carver Beach Road Penamint Court P enam intLaneRed wing LaneChaparral LaneChaparral CtRedman LaneUtica CircleTecumsehLanePreakness Lane R e d w in g L a n e Redwing Lane Pi ma L aneUtica LanePre akness Lane Carver Beach Road RooseveltDrLake Lucy Road Western Drive Hiawatha Dr Cree Drive Woodhill Dr Redwing CrtC ha p arr al L a n e Utica LaneUticaTe rr a c eLakewayDriveLake Lucy Road Lake Lucy Road West 63rd StAudubon CirCreekRu nTr ailCardinalBlue Jay CirWest 63rd St Koehnen Circle East Koehnen Circle West Ringneck D rive P hea santCirRi n g n e c k D r i v e WoodDuc k L anePartridge Cir WhiteDoveDrive PheasantDrive S te lle r Cir WoodDuckCirWood D u c k LaneTea l C i r PintailCir WhiteDoveCirWood Duck LaneL a ke L u cy Road Lake L u c y L a n eMurray Hill RoadGal pi nBl vd. (C.R.117)ChaskaRoadMelody Hill Lake Lucy RoadHummingbird RoadMolineCirMelody HillCirGalpinBlvd.(C.R.117)Melody H ill West 6 5th St re etMurrayHillRoad W h ite T a ilR id g e C t Crestv i e w C i r GalpinBlvd.(C.R.117)Crestview Dr Steller C o u r t Galpin Blvd. (C.R. 117)Highgate Cir Briarwood Ct.ManchesterDriveLakeLucyRoadLakeLucyRoadB r e n d e n C r t Lake Lucy Road HighoverDriveHighoverWay HighoverCrtSH a rris o nHillTrailHa rriso n H illCrtHazeltineBlvd(Hwy41)Galpin Blvd. (C.R. 117)NorthwoodCrtLonga c re s D riv e FawnHillRoadRed F o x C i rLodgepolePointLongacresDrive Hunt er Drive HunterDrive GalpinBlvd.(C.R.117)Hunter DriveFawnHillRoad FawnHillRoadFawnHill C rtL o n g a c re s D riveS o u th e rnCrt GunflintCrt GunflintTrailHillsdaleCourt MoccasinTrl BentBowTrail M o cc asinTrlBentBo wTrailLongacresDrive HazeltineBlvd(Hwy41)Tanadoona Drive Ma j e s tic W ay Windmill DriveBrinker StreetTulip CrtCrocusCrtWalnutCurve PraireFlowerBlvd Galpin Blvd. (C.R. 117)S t at e Hw y 5 Arboretum Boulevard S t a t e H w y 5 A r boretum Boulevard Ca ctus Cu rveSaddlebrookC u r v e SaddlebrookPass Can yon C u r v e State Hwy 5 A rbo re tum Boulevard ArboretumDrCri m sonBayRoadDogwood RdDogwood RdTanadoona Drive Chaska RoadHazeltineBlvd(Hwy41)Sommer Gate Hazeltine Blvd (Hwy 41)North M anor R oad Tanager sPoi ntPiper R id g e L a n eTanagers LaneS a n d p iperTrailMinnew as hta WoodsDriveO rc h a rd Lane ForestCirFor estAve Foxford RoadEastwood Court Foxford RoadP ioneerTrail(CSAH14)Pioneer CirD eerbrookDriveMead o w l arkLaneHwy101GreatPla i nsBlvdW94th S TSummerfieldDriveSummerfieldDriv eGreenviewDr iv eStone Creek CtLake Drive East Lake Drive East Ess e xRdSuffolkDrBurlwood DrR ose w o odDrRo s e w o o d D r Po wers PlacePowers PlacePowersPlaceLake Riley BlvdLake Rile y B l v d W 78th Street 6 4 t hStreetState Hwy 7 O r c h a r d L a n e Oriole AveState Hwy 7W.62nd St.S t a t e H w y 7 Fi rtreeAveDogwoodAveState Hwy 7 B a rberr yCircleCy p r e s s D riv e El mt reeAveMaplewood CirGr een b ria r AveShore Drive ShoreDriveStateHwy7Church Road Meadow Crt MeadowL a n eCartway LaneW. 62nd St.StateHwy7LandingsCourtLandingsDriveL a n dingsDriveMinnewashtaParkwayK irkw ood Cir L in d e n Circle J o s h u aCir LindenCircle PipewoodCurveP a d dock Lane StateHwy7Leslee CurveGlendaleDrive LesleeCurveCrestview Dr Crestview Dr Maple DriveMaple Cir Glendale Drive Glendale Drive MinnewashtaParkwayCountryOaksRoadWhite Oak Lane Red Oak Lane CountryOaksRoadKings Road MinnewashtaParkwayJuniper AvenueRed Cedar Point Road South Cedar DriveRed Ce d a r P o i n t R o a d Maple S h or e s D r i v e Hawthorne Cir Lakeridge R dMinnewashtaCrt MinnewashtaParkwayLake ridgeRd Laker i d geRdF o rrestRidgeCir77thSt 77th St LoneCedarL a ne StateHwy5 W82ndStW 8 2 n d S tHighway 41W 82nd St CenturyBlvdGalpin Blvd (C.R. 15)BridleCreekCir Stone Cre e k L n W LukewoodDr BenwoodCi rS t o n e C r eek L n ESt oneCreekRdGal pi nBl vd(C.R.19) Stone Cr e e k D rStone C re e k D r LymanBlvd(C S A H 1 8) L y ma n B lv d ( C S A H 1 8 )ValleyViewPlaceValley Ridge Place ValleyRidge Trail South Sunrid g eCourtAudubon RoadAudubon RoadAudubon RoadLake Drive WestLyman Blvd (CSAH 18) LymanBlvd(CSAH 18)Alisa LaneAlisaCourtOsprey Lane Osprey LaneO spr e yLaneBluebill Trai lSpoonbillCirB luebill TrailHeron Dr HeronDrBitternC ourt SwanCourtHeron Dr M allardCrt Ibis C o ur t SunsetTrailFl amingoDr He r o n DrLakeSusa n H ills D rive EgretCourtPelican CrtM erganserCrtTern Crt Lake Susan Hills D riv e PowersBlvd(C.R.17)Lake Drive W estLake Drive W e stMallo ry C r tUp l a n d C i r c l e Lake Drive WestLak e Court LakeSusanHillsDrive West Lake DrLakeS u s anHillsDriveDove Court Lake Sus a n H illsDriveWestLak e D r DrakeCourtL a k e S u s a n Hills DriveLake Susan Drive Mary J a neCirLake Susan DriveChanhassenHillsDrNorthBarbara Crt LymanCourt L a k e S u s anDriveLyman Blvd (CSAH 18)PowersBlvd(C.R.17)OaksideCirLakeSusanHills Drive FlamingoDrThrush Crt Kingfisher Crt FlamingoDrLyman Blvd (CSAH 18)AudubonRoad(CSAH15)Audubon Road (CSAH 15)Pione e r T ra il(C S A H 1 4) Bluf f C r e e k D r i v e Bluff Creek Drive WestFarmRoad W est F ar mRoadHeidi Lane West F a r m R o a d Bluff CircleWest Farm RoadH e sse FarmRd Hes s e F a r m C i r c l e Blu f f C r e e k D r i v e Hesse Farm Rd CSAH 6 1 / F l y i n g C l o u d D r i v e Stoughton Ave (C.R. NO. 10)StoughtonAve(C.R.NO .10)CSAH 61/Flying Cloud Dr CSAH 61/Flyin g Cl o u d Dr CSAH 61/Flying Cloud Dr Hwy101GreatPlainsBlvdState High w ay 101 C S A H 6 1 /F ly in g C lo udDrCo Rd 61/Flyi n g Cl o u d Dr Vogelsberg T r l Hwy10 1 G r e atPlainsBlvdLakota LaneMandanCreekwood Drive Hwy101 G r e a t Pl ai nsBl v dBrambleDriveDelphinum LaneRaspberryHillHwy101GreatPlainsBlvdPioneer Trail (CSAH 14) Homestead LaneHomesteadLane FlintlockTrailH o me s t ea dLaneW. 96th Street Hwy101GreatPlainsBlvdPioneer Trail (CSAH 14) Pineview Court FoxfordRoadOverlookCrtSpringfieldDriveSpringfieldDriveS u n n y v a le D riveSunnyvale Driv e S h ore vie w C rt P a r kla n dWa y GreenleafCrtDeerfoot Trail DeerfootTrail Lyman Blvd (CSAH 18)Kiowa TrailLyman Blvd (CSAH 18)Quinn RoadL y m a n Blvd Lakev i e w R o a d E N orth B a yDr W 8 6 t h S t Ti g u a L a n e Mission H illsCrt MissionHillsLaneHwy101GreatPlainsBlvdHwy10 1 G re at Plains Blvd Lake Drive Main StreetHidden CourtHiddenLaneH iddenLaneHiddenCourtSinne n C irMa r s h Dr iveD a k o t a LaneLake Drive EastHi d d e n C i r DakotaLaneErie CirDakotaLaneErie SpurErie AveErie AveC h eyenneAveDakota Av e CheyenneAveDakota AveErie AveLake Drive East LakeDriveEastDell RoadDell RoadW 78th St. W 7 9 t h S tDakotaAveDakotaCir C heyS p u rMar sh Drive Grandview RdDakotaLnSantaFeCirES a d d le b r ookTrail Sadd l e bro o k T r a ilHighoverDriveChes Mar DrLilac Lane Lilac Lane Ridge RoadIndi a n H i l l R d Quiver Dr Napa Dr Fox Hill Dr Autum nRidgeC tAutumnRidgeW ayAutumn Ridge LNHarvest Way AutumnRidgeAveHarvestLaneAndrew Court McGlynn Drive 77th St.77th St.W 187th Ave.QuattroDrDell RoadDell RoadDell RoadBlue Sage LN E S n apdragonDrLadySlipperLN B lu e B o n n e tB lv d BlueBonnetBlvdPoppy Dr C o n e f lo w e rCrvSBane b e r r y W ay E BaneberryWayE Butt ercupCr tConeflower CrvNPrimrose PlChicory WayCentury BlvdTrailsEnd RdTrailsEndRdTrailsEndRdArboretumVillageCt.Highwood Dr MarketSt Crestview Dr ManchesterDriveChes t n utLN EdgewoodCt Expl o r e r T r .TrailsEndRdBridleCreekTr a i l BridleCreekTra i l TWIN CITIES & WESTERN RAIL R OAD TWIN CITIES & WESTERN RAILROAD TWIN CITIES & W E S T E R N R A I L R O A D W 86th St Marshland Trl Mo n k C r t R i c e CrtMissionWayHillW Mission W ayHillEHeartlandCrtBlackbirdCrt M a y f ieldCrtLake Susan DriveLake Riley DrMissionH illsDr. MissionHills Dr.Frisc oCrtCoulter Blvd.Coulter Blvd.Acorn LaneMaplewood TerMissionHillsLane MissionHillsCircleMerry Place Lone Eagle Dr Mel o d y H i l l Melody LaneCypressDriveTopaz D ri v eSapphireLaneDia m o n d C rt RubyLaneRuby La n e BaneberryWayW Clove r Cou rt Clover Court B l u e S a g eLNW WaterleafLane EWaterleafLaneW Century Cir W78thStre et Arbo r e tumVillageCir(pvt. rd)Pleasant View WayRedCedarCoveRedCedarCove Ches Mar F a r m R d Big Wood s Blvd KimberlyL n Kimberly LN Kelly Ct N ic k olasWaySantaFeCirWMulberr yCircle WMu lberry Circle EC hanhassenHillsDrSouthLakeSus anCourtHallgren Lane Country Oaks Drive Stratford LnStratfordBlvdStratfordRidge HorseshoeCrvState Hwy 5 Arboretum Boulevard W78THStreet W 7 8 T H Street Chanh assen Hills Dr North T.H.212T.H.212 T.H.212T.H.212T.H.212Centur y T r a ilArboretumVillageCirLucyRidgeCourtLucyRidgeLan eCoulter Boul e v a r dCentury BlvdCorporate Place Village Lane Village Crt Powers BlvdWestwood DrVillage Cir Village PlVi l lage S t CoachCtC oac h D r Arboretum V illa geTrCoachLnCoach PlArboretum Vill. Ln.Century CtCentury PlArboretum Village Crv ArboretumVillagePl.W78TH Street Murray Hill Crt LakeDrive P ond P r o m e n a dePipewoodCurvePipewood LanePipewood Curve Leslee Curv e Emerald L a n e RubyLaneTopaz Drive Ridgeview Point WaterTower Place VassermanTr RidgeviewWayRi d g e v i e w W a y Mohawk DrPawnee DriveArbor LaneWashtaBay Ct D a rtm o u t h Drive Ridgehill RdTristin K n ol l TristinDrive Wash t aB ayRoad KNOB HILL LANE Vasser manTrailVassermanPlace Hickory Rd Hickory Road Shenandoah GoldenCourtTreetop RoadMill Creek LnKings Road Kings RoadPipewoodCrt PipewoodCir W79th S t Great Plains BlvdGreat Plains BlvdS te llersCtPinehurstDrAmberwoodLaneAld e r W a y Fox D r LakeHarrison C ircle Lake HarrisonRoad High o v e r T r a ilGal pinCourtL ongacresD riv eArrowheadLnGunflintTrailHighcrestCirHighoverDrHighoverCrtNPipewood Lane StonefieldLaneB luffCreekBlvdColonial Ln Plymouth Ln Freedom LnIndependence CirI n d e pendenceCirHorseshoe LnBlaze TrlBluffCreekBlvdEllendale LnPembrokePass DeglerCircle RiverRockDriveN78thStW BeaconCrtWatersEdgeDrWaters Edge DrFoxHollowCtCrossroadsBlvdCo lu mb ia Ln Com monwealth Blvd Bluff Creek BlvdHwy 101 Great Plains BlvdWestwoo d D r Westwood DrSouthwest Village Dr Southwest Village DrApple Tree LaneBluffCreekDriveM a ya pplePassH e m lo ckW a yMills DriveMills Drive Lake Riley DrHallgren Ct 682 9RockyIsl a ndLN RileyRidge Arrow-head Ct ReflectionsRdChesterfieldLnMotorplex CtC o u l t e r Boulevard Reflections RdBellevueCtL a k eviewRoadEDegler CircleHemlock Way Hemlock Wa y Cottongrass Ct M a rig o ld C o u rtWyn s o n g L N Jeurissen LnRiverRock D r SRiver Rock Dr NRive r RockDriveS C a m d en RidgeDrHenryCo urtSouthWestVillage LoopStrawberryL a n e S t r aw b e r r y L a n e Fa wnHi llRoad Pres e r v eCtDegler LNRiver Rock Dr N StateHWY101EagleRidgeRdHawkcrestCir HawkcrestCtEagle CtEagleRidgeRdCrossroad Ct AnthemPlace Potential Property AcquisitionTaxparcel µ 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,0001,000 FeetDelphinum LaneRaspberryHillPioneer Trail (CSAH 14)FlintlockTrailH o me s t ea dLanePioneer Trail (CSAH 14) Pictometry 2017 0 500 1,000250Feet Potential Property Acquisition K:\NickLH\Projects\PW\Engineering\For Paul\2018\January\PropertyAcquis\Property Acquistion_V2.mxd CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday, May 11, 2020 Subject Wesley Martin Section VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Item No: E.1. Prepared By File No:  ATTACHMENTS: Citizen Action Request Form City Cou n cil - Citizen Action Request Form Select the date of the City Council meeting you plan to attend to make your visitor presentation.* Printable 2020 City Meeting Calendar Resident Informati on Phone Number*Email* Council Action Reques te d* Summary o f I n f ormation* What Happens Next? Ques tions? City Council Work Session Discussion Date Action City Council Meeting Date Action CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday, May 11, 2020 Subject Resolution 2020­XX: Approve Vacation of Drainage & Utility Easements at 330 and 350 Pleasant View Road Section PUBLIC HEARINGS Item No: G.1. Prepared By Erik R. Henricksen, Project Engineer File No: Vacation Case No. 2020­01 PROPOSED MOTION “The City Council adopts a resolution approving the vacation of public drainage and utility easements at 330 and 350 Pleasant View Road, Chanhassen.” Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present. BACKGROUND The property owners of 330 and 350 Pleasant View Road have requested the city vacate drainage and utility easements (D&U), lying 6 feet and adjacent to the westerly, southwesterly and southerly lines of Lot 3, Julius Addition, Carver County, Minnesota. Public Hearings are required any time easement or ROW vacations are proposed. The D&U is being vacated as the property line has been relocated through the administrative procedure of a lot line adjustment, filed with the city as Administrative Subdivision No. 2019­01.  When the property line was adjusted the D&U adjacent to the old property line was not vacated nor was a new D&U recorded over the adjusted property line.  The applicants have petitioned the city to vacate the existing D&U as it now bisects the properties erroneously.  They have also agreed to record a new 5­foot D&U along both sides of the newly adjusted property line to conform to city standard D&U policies; this is a condition of the proposed resolution. No existing public or private utilities or public appurtenances are within the requested vacation area. Staff agrees that this vacation is reasonable based on the applicant's statement of need, review of the site, and as conditioned in the resolution. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends granting the vacation of the drainage and utility easements, lying 6 feet and adjacent to the westerly, southwesterly and southerly lines of Lot 3, Julius Addition, Carver County, Minnesota, subject to recording new 5­foot drainage and utility easements along the adjustment lot line. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORTMonday, May 11, 2020SubjectResolution 2020­XX: Approve Vacation of Drainage & Utility Easements at 330 and 350Pleasant View RoadSectionPUBLIC HEARINGS Item No: G.1.Prepared By Erik R. Henricksen, Project Engineer File No: Vacation Case No. 2020­01PROPOSED MOTION“The City Council adopts a resolution approving the vacation of public drainage and utility easements at 330 and 350Pleasant View Road, Chanhassen.”Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present.BACKGROUNDThe property owners of 330 and 350 Pleasant View Road have requested the city vacate drainage and utilityeasements (D&U), lying 6 feet and adjacent to the westerly, southwesterly and southerly lines of Lot 3, Julius Addition,Carver County, Minnesota.Public Hearings are required any time easement or ROW vacations are proposed.The D&U is being vacated as the property line has been relocated through the administrative procedure of a lot lineadjustment, filed with the city as Administrative Subdivision No. 2019­01.  When the property line was adjusted the D&Uadjacent to the old property line was not vacated nor was a new D&U recorded over the adjusted property line.  Theapplicants have petitioned the city to vacate the existing D&U as it now bisects the properties erroneously.  They havealso agreed to record a new 5­foot D&U along both sides of the newly adjusted property line to conform to city standardD&U policies; this is a condition of the proposed resolution.No existing public or private utilities or public appurtenances are within the requested vacation area.Staff agrees that this vacation is reasonable based on the applicant's statement of need, review of the site, and asconditioned in the resolution.RECOMMENDATIONStaff recommends granting the vacation of the drainage and utility easements, lying 6 feet and adjacent to the westerly, southwesterly and southerly lines of Lot 3, Julius Addition, Carver County, Minnesota, subject to recording new 5­foot drainage and utility easements along the adjustment lot line. ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Vacation Area Vacation Application Statement of Need Gopher State One Call Verification Resolution Approving Vacation Affidavit of Mailing CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA DATE: May 11th, 2020 RESOLUTION NO: 2020-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE VACATION OF PUBLIC DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTS 330 & 350 PLEASANT VIEW ROAD, CHANHASSEN WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 412.851, after two (2) weeks’ published and posted notice of the hearing and after mailing written notice of the hearing at least ten (10) days before the hearing to each property owner affected by the proposed vacation, the Chanhassen City Council has conducted a hearing to consider the vacation of the public drainage and utility easements legally described on the attached Exhibit “A”; and WHEREAS, following the hearing and consideration of the proposed vacation, the Council has determined that it is in the public interest to vacate the public drainage and utility easements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen: 1. The public drainage and utility easements legally described on the attached Exhibit A is vacated subject to the conditions provided in this Resolution. 2. The vacation of the Easement is conditioned upon the following: a. The Applicants granting an easement to the City for drainage and utility purposes 5 feet on each side of the shared property line of 330 and 350 Pleasant View Road. 3. The vacation shall not affect the authority of any person, corporation, or municipality owning or controlling the electric or telephone poles and lines, gas and sewer lines, water pipes, mains and hydrants thereon or thereunder, if any, to continue maintaining the same or to enter upon such way or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace, remove, or otherwise attend thereto. 4. The City Clerk shall transmit a certified duplicate of this Resolution to the County Auditor and County Recorder together with the easements identified in Paragraph 2 of this Resolution. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 11th day of May, 2020. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT EXHIBIT “A” to RESOLUTION NO. 2020-___ Drainage and utility easements, lying 6 feet and adjacent to the westerly, southwesterly and southerly lines of Lot 3, Julius Addition, Carver County, Minnesota. CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COLINTY OF CARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on April 21,2020,the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached Notice of Public Hearing for the Vacation of Public Drainage and Utility Easements No. 20-01, to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver and Hennepin Counties, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Kim T Deputy Subscribed and to before me this-J l'dl- day of 2020 otarv CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR VACATION OF PUBLIC DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Chanhassen City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, May I fh,2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Chanhassen City Hall,7700 Market Boulevard, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes $412.851 to consider the vacation of public drainage and utility easements located at 330 & 350 Pleasant View Road, legally described as follows: Drainage and utility easements, lying 6 feet and adjacent to the westerly, southwesterly and southerly lines of Lot 3, Julius Addition, Carver County, Minnesota. All interested persons are invited to attend this public hearing and express their opinions with respect to this proposal. Erik R. Henricksen, EIT, Project Engineer Phone: 952-227-1165 (Publish in the Chanhassen Villager on April 3Oth & May 7th,2020) Advance {';\ Gffi_- ,ffi* I 'e,i.t ici l\IN(</ it 9,e {; $' ,t;l .,1 *"" ,; iot ErBE35r0r Or LNa otoEAaMEnl rO E AUXDONED :c] / S2 PIN TAX-NAME DANNY JOE SHELDON JOHN R TRETTEL CHARLES D & LINETTE L BETTS FRANCES M O'BRIEN REV TRST PAUL A BAUTISTA DAWN MARIE PRYMAS JOHN OTTO KLINKENBERG MARY C BABEL KALLEY T YANTA JAYNE NELSON ARABANOS CHARLES A SCHAEFER MICHAELS & STEPHANIE R DILLE MARK E ARDEN NICHOLAS J P PERKINS JOSEPH PAVELKO PHILIP B SAILOR JAMES M VOGELSBERG LEN J GROSCHEN JEN NIFER ] HOMMERDING MICHAEL J WENDORFF CHANHASSEN CITY FRANCES M O'BRIEN REV TRST LORI LD ROOVERS REV TRUST HEIDI GROVEN JOHN O HOLLAND MARK A HODDER BRACE D HELGESON JAKOB I BALLER MARY E ROJINA ETAL BRET BARHOOVER TODD R KOLAND TIMOTHY M WEST TAX_ADD_11 350 PLEASANT VIEW RD 19280 MCKINLEY CT 5331 OXBOW BND 17235 33RD AVE N 6601 BLAZE TRL 310 PLEASANT VIEW RD 6351 OXBOW BND 320 PLEASANT VIEW RD 365 PLEASANT VIEW RD 6420 ROJINA LN 501 INDIAN HILL RD 291 TIMBER HILL RD 6602 BLAZE TRL 339 PLEASANT VIEW RD 6580 PLEASANT VIEW WAY 5430 PLEASANT PARK DR 395 PLEASANT VIEW RD 6451 PLEASANT PARK DR 370 PTEASANT VIEW RD 6341 OXBOW BND PO BOX 147 17235 33RD AVE N 6410 ROJINA LN 420 PLEASANT VIEW RD 6603 BLAZE TR 301, TIMBER HILL RD 11455 VIKING DR STE 2OO 335 PLEASANT VIEW RD 480 INDIAN HILL RD 6421 ROJINA LN 311 TIMBER HILL RD 6601 HORSESHOE CURV TAX_ADD_12 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9524 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9110 PLYMOUTH, MN 55447.1258 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9508 CHANHASSEN, MN 5531 7-9524 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9110 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9524 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9524 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9132 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9533 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9129 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9508 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9524 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8804 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9524 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8804 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9524 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-0147 PLYMOUTH, MN 55447.1258 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317=9576 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9508 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9129 EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344-7253 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317- CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8325 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9129 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.9526 'Du?l 253700040 253700035 258640060 258640100 253810020 2s3700010 258650140 253700020 257560030 258650160 256300040 258640090 253810010 254000010 2s4000020 255570010 257660010 255570100 250012600 258550130 -255580020 i.al&e56300030 258650170 2s6300020 253810030 258640080 254000030 250072700 2s0013200 258650150 258640070 253090023 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday, May 11, 2020 Subject Amend Components of 2020 4th of July Celebration Section NEW BUSINESS Item No: H.1. Prepared By Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent File No:  PROPOSED MOTION The City Council determines a schedule of events for the 2020 4th of July Celebration, either amending, removing, or adding specific event components as needed to remain consistent with current health and safety guidelines.  Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present. SUMMARY In order to remain consistent with current health and safety guidelines, it is necessary to reconsider the current schedule of events for the 2020 4th of July Celebration to be held on July 2 nd, 3rd and 4th. This may include amending, removing, or adding specific event components as needed to provide a quality event to the Chanhassen community while protecting the health and safety of all.  DISCUSSION The City of Chanhassen's Annual 4th of July community event would be celebrating its 37th year in 2020. The signature community event is a topic of discussion throughout the year and has brought much joy and a sense of pride to our community.  What our world is experiencing with a worldwide Coronavirus pandemic has forced our community to adjust and adapt to changes in our normal way of going about our business, and we as a city must look at what's best for the community regarding this large­scale event. Staff recommends the following components remain and be included with the annual 4th of July Celebration but with amendments to ensure it's conducted in a safe and enjoyable fashion. July 4 Historic Plane Flyover Coordination for the flyover would need to be done through Rotary Club of Chanhassen contacts. Fireworks Spectacular This presentation would need to include strict guidelines on social distancing for viewers, such as viewers staying in vehicles, no large gatherings of people, limiting the amount of cars entering the park and distance between cars parked at Lake Ann or other viewing spaces. Coordination with the Carver County Sheriff’s Department would be required for safety and enforcement of these guidelines. Additional steps could be researched to encourage social distancing CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORTMonday, May 11, 2020SubjectAmend Components of 2020 4th of July CelebrationSectionNEW BUSINESS Item No: H.1.Prepared By Jerry Ruegemer, RecreationSuperintendent File No: PROPOSED MOTIONThe City Council determines a schedule of events for the 2020 4th of July Celebration, either amending, removing,or adding specific event components as needed to remain consistent with current health and safety guidelines. Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present.SUMMARYIn order to remain consistent with current health and safety guidelines, it is necessary to reconsider the currentschedule of events for the 2020 4th of July Celebration to be held on July 2 nd, 3rd and 4th. This may includeamending, removing, or adding specific event components as needed to provide a quality event to the Chanhassencommunity while protecting the health and safety of all. DISCUSSIONThe City of Chanhassen's Annual 4th of July community event would be celebrating its 37th year in 2020. Thesignature community event is a topic of discussion throughout the year and has brought much joy and a sense of prideto our community.  What our world is experiencing with a worldwide Coronavirus pandemic has forced ourcommunity to adjust and adapt to changes in our normal way of going about our business, and we as a city must lookat what's best for the community regarding this large­scale event.Staff recommends the following components remain and be included with the annual 4th of July Celebration but withamendments to ensure it's conducted in a safe and enjoyable fashion.July 4Historic Plane FlyoverCoordination for the flyover would need to be done through Rotary Club of Chanhassen contacts.Fireworks SpectacularThis presentation would need to include strict guidelines on social distancing for viewers, such as viewers staying invehicles, no large gatherings of people, limiting the amount of cars entering the park and distance between cars parked at Lake Ann or other viewing spaces. Coordination with the Carver County Sheriff’s Department would be required for safety and enforcement of these guidelines. Additional steps could be researched to encourage social distancing while watching the display.  The City contracts with Pyrotechnic Display to present the 4th of July Fireworks Spectacular. The cost of the Fireworks display would be $23,000.  This budgetary number was approved in the 2020 (1600) Recreation Program budget.  Staff is recommending the following components of the annual 4th of July Celebration be cancelled in order to observe current guidelines put forward by the Centers for Disease Control, such as avoiding large gatherings, remaining 6 feet apart from others, generally social distancing, frequently washing hands, wearing masks, etc. July 2 Midwest Carnival Rides and Concessions Pony Rides July 3 Water Wars Midwest Carnival Rides and Concessions Pony Rides Petting Zoo 4th of July T­shirt Sales Airbrush Tattoos, Face Painting, & Wacky Hair Kiddie Games Beer & Wine Garden Tae Kwon Do Demo Skateboard Series  Street Dance and & Other Music Performances July 4 Adult Fishing Contest Classic Car Show Beer & Wine Garden Face Painting & Wacky Hair Midwest Carnival Rides & Concessions Kids Fishing Contest Medallion Hunt Log Rolling Music Performances Bingo! Fourth of July Parade Additional Activities or Modifications  If the City Council desires, staff can explore the possibility of new events to be added to the 2020 4th of July Celebration that are consistent with current health and safety guidelines. Staff can also explore modifications to the following events (under direction of the Council). July 3 Minnesota Twins Youth Baseball Clinic Musical Performances: The Medicine Show, Stone Daisy Band, & The Dweebs Business Expo Taste of Chanhassen   Kiddie Parade Chalk It Up Drawing Contest July 4 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORTMonday, May 11, 2020SubjectAmend Components of 2020 4th of July CelebrationSectionNEW BUSINESS Item No: H.1.Prepared By Jerry Ruegemer, RecreationSuperintendent File No: PROPOSED MOTIONThe City Council determines a schedule of events for the 2020 4th of July Celebration, either amending, removing,or adding specific event components as needed to remain consistent with current health and safety guidelines. Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present.SUMMARYIn order to remain consistent with current health and safety guidelines, it is necessary to reconsider the currentschedule of events for the 2020 4th of July Celebration to be held on July 2 nd, 3rd and 4th. This may includeamending, removing, or adding specific event components as needed to provide a quality event to the Chanhassencommunity while protecting the health and safety of all. DISCUSSIONThe City of Chanhassen's Annual 4th of July community event would be celebrating its 37th year in 2020. Thesignature community event is a topic of discussion throughout the year and has brought much joy and a sense of prideto our community.  What our world is experiencing with a worldwide Coronavirus pandemic has forced ourcommunity to adjust and adapt to changes in our normal way of going about our business, and we as a city must lookat what's best for the community regarding this large­scale event.Staff recommends the following components remain and be included with the annual 4th of July Celebration but withamendments to ensure it's conducted in a safe and enjoyable fashion.July 4Historic Plane FlyoverCoordination for the flyover would need to be done through Rotary Club of Chanhassen contacts.Fireworks SpectacularThis presentation would need to include strict guidelines on social distancing for viewers, such as viewers staying invehicles, no large gatherings of people, limiting the amount of cars entering the park and distance between cars parkedat Lake Ann or other viewing spaces. Coordination with the Carver County Sheriff’s Department would be requiredfor safety and enforcement of these guidelines. Additional steps could be researched to encourage social distancingwhile watching the display. The City contracts with Pyrotechnic Display to present the 4th of July Fireworks Spectacular. The cost of theFireworks display would be $23,000.  This budgetary number was approved in the 2020 (1600) Recreation Programbudget. Staff is recommending the following components of the annual 4th of July Celebration be cancelled in order to observecurrent guidelines put forward by the Centers for Disease Control, such as avoiding large gatherings, remaining 6 feetapart from others, generally social distancing, frequently washing hands, wearing masks, etc.July 2Midwest Carnival Rides and ConcessionsPony RidesJuly 3Water WarsMidwest Carnival Rides and ConcessionsPony RidesPetting Zoo4thof July T­shirt SalesAirbrush Tattoos, Face Painting, & Wacky HairKiddie GamesBeer & Wine GardenTae Kwon Do DemoSkateboard Series Street Dance and & Other Music PerformancesJuly 4Adult Fishing ContestClassic Car ShowBeer & Wine GardenFace Painting & Wacky HairMidwest Carnival Rides & ConcessionsKids Fishing ContestMedallion HuntLog RollingMusic PerformancesBingo!Fourth of July ParadeAdditional Activities or Modifications If the City Council desires, staff can explore the possibility of new events to be added to the 2020 4th of JulyCelebration that are consistent with current health and safety guidelines. Staff can also explore modifications to thefollowing events (under direction of the Council).July 3Minnesota Twins Youth Baseball ClinicMusical Performances: The Medicine Show, Stone Daisy Band, & The DweebsBusiness ExpoTaste of Chanhassen  Kiddie ParadeChalk It Up Drawing Contest July 4 Taste of Chanhassen   Musical Performance: American Bootleg Sand Sculpture Contest RECOMMENDATION The City Council authorizes the cancellation of the 37th Annual 4th of July Celebration, except for the historic plane flyover and the fireworks display over Lake Ann on July 4th at 10:00pm.  Council may also direct staff to amend or modify other portions of the schedule of events to enhance the celebration for our residents. ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation 2020 4th of July Celebration The City of Chanhassen's Annual 4th of July community event will be celebrating its 37th year in 2020. Over 70,000 people traditionally enjoy this annual celebration. Traditional Schedule Of Events Thursday, July 2nd •Family Night at the Carnival •Pony Rides: 3:00-8:00 p.m. Saturday, July 4th •Adult Fishing Contest •Classic Car Show: 10:00-1:00 p.m. •Taste of Chanhassen & Beer & Wine Garden: 10:00 a.m. –5:00 p.m. •Face Painting & Wacky Hair •Midwest Carnival Rides & Concessions •Kids Fishing Contest •Medallion Hunt: 11:00 a.m. until found •Log Rolling: 10:30 a.m. –1:30 p.m. •Sand Sculpture Contest: 11:00 a.m. –12:00 p.m. •Bingo •American Bootleg: 11:45 a.m. –1:45 p.m. •Parade: 2:30 p.m. •Fireworks: 10:00 p.m. Friday, July 3rd •Minnesota Twins Youth Baseball Clinic: 9:00-12:00 p.m. •Water Wars: 3:00-10:00 p.m. •Midwest Carnival Rides & Concessions •Pony Rides: 4:00-8:00 p.m. •Petting Zoo: 4:00-8:00 p.m. •T-Shirt Sales •The Medicine Show: 4:30-6:30 p.m. •Business Expo: 4:00-7:00 p.m. •Airbrush Tattoos, Face Painting, & Wacky Hair •Kiddie Games: 4:30-8:30 p.m. •Taste of Chanhassen & Beer & Wine Garden: 4:30-11:00 p.m. •Stone Daisy Band •Kiddie Parade: 5:30-6:00 p.m. •Tae Kwon Do Demo •Chalk It Up Drawing Contest: 6:00-8:00 p.m. •Skateboard Series: 7:00 p.m. •Street Dance: 7:00-11:00 p.m. Recommended Cancellations for 2020 July 2 •Midwest Carnival Rides and Concessions •Pony Rides July 3 •Water Wars •Midwest Carnival Rides and Concessions •Pony Rides •Petting Zoo •4th of July T-shirt Sales •Airbrush Tattoos, Face Painting, & Wacky Hair •Kiddie Games •Beer & Wine Garden •Tae Kwon Do Demo •Skateboard Series •Street Dance and & Other Music Performances July 4 •Adult Fishing Contest •Classic Car Show •Beer & Wine Garden •Face Painting & Wacky Hair •Midwest Carnival Rides & Concessions •Kids Fishing Contest •Medallion Hunt •Log Rolling •Music Performances •Bingo! •Fourth of July Parade Historic Plane Flyover –2:30pm Coordination for the flyover done through The Rotary Club of Chanhassen. Recommended flyover time is 2:30pm to coincide with the traditional start of the parade. Recommended Events: July 4 Recommended Events: July 4 Fireworks Spectacular –10:00pm Many families can view the fireworks from home. The show will be altered to replace smaller shells with larger shells that can be viewed from a greater distance. This presentation will include social distancing protocols for viewers, such as viewers staying in vehicles, no large gatherings of people, limiting the amount of cars entering the park and distance between cars parked at Lake Ann or other viewing spaces. Planning coordination with the Carver County Sheriff’s Department will occur. Activity Modification Staff could explore the possibility of new events to be added to the 2020 4th of July Celebration that are consistent with current health and safety guidelines. Staff could also explore modifications to the following events. July 3 Minnesota Twins Youth Baseball Clinic Musical Performances: The Medicine Show, Stone Daisy Band, & The Dweebs Business Expo Taste of Chanhassen Kiddie Parade Chalk It Up Drawing Contest July 4 Taste of Chanhassen Musical Performance: American Bootleg Sand Sculpture Contest Minnesota Twins Youth Baseball Clinic Musical Performances •Work with Minnesota Twins organization to see if a virtual clinic is possible. •Provide links to band websites on the City website for people to enjoy individually. Business Expo •SouthWest Metro Chamber of Commerce has expressed interest in a modified Business Expo. •Potential modifications could include: •Online Business Expo with features on each business •Coupon book including coupons from participating businesses •“Challenge” involving visiting or social media engagements with participating businesses Kiddie Parade •Modified to a “Kiddie Car Parade.” Kids and families would decorate their cars, which would parade through a similar route as the original Kiddie Parade. Everyone would remain in their vehicles during the parade. Taste of Chanhassen •During the hours the Taste of Chanhassen normally runs, participating businesses could offer 25% off (or some set discount) takeout and curbside pickup to promote business. Chalk it Up Contest •Participants submit photos online of their chalk drawing. Rules and regulations to the contest would be posted online. Prizes would be distributed with contactless pickup. Sand Sculpture Contest •Modify from an on-location sand sculpture contest to an at-home outdoors sculpture contest. Participants would submit photos online and prizes be picked up curbside. New Activities to Consider 4th of July Virtual 5k •On the designated day, families or individuals would walk or run a 5k. The route is whatever they choose, at whatever time they choose, and it would not be in groups, it would be within the household they’re already quarantined in. •Registration would be online. •Participants would be encouraged to come up with a “team name,” team costume, etc. Social media engagement would be encouraged, with participants posting photos of their team on Facebook. •All participants could go into a prize drawing. New Activities to Consider, continued 4th of July Photo Scavenger Hunt •Chanhassen-wide photo scavenger hunt where people go to notable locations around Chanhassen and take a photo. •Participants would receive a small prize or be entered into a prize drawing •Minimizing exposure •Hunt lasts a full day •Create a list of fifteen possible locations, but only need to visit five to spread crowds out Recommendation The City Council authorizes the modification of the 37th Annual 4th of July Celebration, with the cancellation of all large gathering events and the retaining of the historic plane flyover at 2:30 p.m. and the fireworks display over Lake Ann at 10:00 p.m. on July 4th.Park and Recreation staff will work with event partners to retain other features of the celebration in modified formats. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday, May 11, 2020 Subject Review of Claims Paid 05­11­2020 Section CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION Item No: K.1. Prepared By Greg Sticha, Finance Director File No:  SUMMARY The following claims are submitted for review on May 11, 2020: Check Numbers Amounts 173078 – 173137 $103,661.36 ACH Payments $136,788.71 Total All Claims $240,450.07 ATTACHMENTS: Check Summary Check Summary ACH Check Detail Check Detail ACH Accounts Payable User: Printed: dwashburn 5/1/2020 1:29 PM Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number Check No Check DateVendor NameVendor No Void Checks Check Amount AE2SCON AE2S CONSTRUCTION LLC 04/24/2020 0.00 1,423.71173078 AMEPUM American Pump Company 04/24/2020 0.00 1,155.15173079 ANDEDAIS DAISY ANDERSON 04/24/2020 0.00 35.40173080 ASPMIL ASPEN MILLS 04/24/2020 0.00 311.15173081 BauDes Bauer Design Build 04/24/2020 0.00 3,000.00173082 BERCOF BERRY COFFEE COMPANY 04/24/2020 0.00 337.77173083 CENENE CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 04/24/2020 0.00 701.07173084 EmbMinn CENTURYLINK 04/24/2020 0.00 59.02173085 CORMAI CORE & MAIN LP 04/24/2020 0.00 494.80173086 CreDan Dan Creydt 04/24/2020 0.00 40.00173087 DalMar Marilyn Dale 04/24/2020 0.00 24.00173088 GalCan Candice Gallipo 04/24/2020 0.00 20.00173089 gonhom GONYEA HOMES 04/24/2020 0.00 2,100.00173090 GossBev Beverly Gossard 04/24/2020 0.00 60.00173091 HanMarg Marg Hand 04/24/2020 0.00 60.00173092 ISCCom ISC Companies Inc 04/24/2020 0.00 23.16173093 JohnJer Jerre Johnson 04/24/2020 0.00 60.00173094 KapaPat Pat Kapaun 04/24/2020 0.00 60.00173095 KENGRA KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 04/24/2020 0.00 1,690.00173096 KoeChr Chris Koehler 04/24/2020 0.00 20.00173097 LawJef Jeffrey Lawrence 04/24/2020 0.00 20.00173098 MarMari Marie Marlier 04/24/2020 0.00 24.00173099 MetGar Metro Garage Door Company 04/24/2020 0.00 348.00173100 METCO2 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 04/24/2020 0.00 7,437.11173101 MeyJoa Joann Meyer 04/24/2020 0.00 40.00173102 MINROA Minnesota Roadways Co 04/24/2020 0.00 366.32173103 NEWSIG NEWMAN SIGNS INC 04/24/2020 0.00 542.32173104 NORASP NORTHWEST ASPHALT INC 04/24/2020 0.00 21,683.62173105 SCSUP SC Supply Company, LLC 04/24/2020 0.00 3,088.21173106 SOFHOU SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 04/24/2020 0.00 9,068.87173107 STRINS STRATEGIC INSIGHTS INC 04/24/2020 0.00 750.00173108 TayEle Taylor Electric Company, LLC 04/24/2020 0.00 16,314.00173109 TimShe Sheridan Timms 04/24/2020 0.00 40.00173110 ThrEmb Pamela Turpin 04/24/2020 0.00 152.00173111 VilDea Dean Villella 04/24/2020 0.00 80.66173112 WallJJ James Wall 04/24/2020 0.00 89.98173113 WATHEA Water Heaters Now Inc 04/24/2020 0.00 22.64173114 WINGRICH RICHARD WING 04/24/2020 0.00 100.00173115 POST POSTMASTER 04/30/2020 0.00 1,209.80173116 BOUMED BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 05/01/2020 0.00 834.15173117 caltex Cal-Tex Technologies 05/01/2020 0.00 141.36173118 CORMAI CORE & MAIN LP 05/01/2020 0.00 1,030.29173119 DAVIDIAN DIANA DAVIS 05/01/2020 0.00 100.00173120 DeiBro Brooks Deibele 05/01/2020 0.00 100.00173121 FACMOT FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 05/01/2020 0.00 206.30173122 FerEnt Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. #1657 05/01/2020 0.00 252.47173123 GRABAR GRAYBAR 05/01/2020 0.00 115.68173124 Page 1AP Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number (5/1/2020 1:29 PM) Check No Check DateVendor NameVendor No Void Checks Check Amount GreHar Greg's Hardware 05/01/2020 0.00 110.00173125 hach Hach Company 05/01/2020 0.00 1,188.91173126 INDLIG INDUSTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LIGHTING, INC05/01/2020 0.00 60.00173127 KENGRA KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 05/01/2020 0.00 4,412.82173128 KirJer Jeremy Kirschbaum 05/01/2020 0.00 100.00173129 SHEWIL SHERWIN WILLIAMS 05/01/2020 0.00 389.76173130 Shred Shred-It 05/01/2020 0.00 433.05173131 SIGNSO SIGNSOURCE 05/01/2020 0.00 1,928.50173132 SliDan Dan Slinden 05/01/2020 0.00 100.00173133 TFOFIN TFORCE FINAL MILE 05/01/2020 0.00 47.67173134 triedeea DeeAnn Triethart 05/01/2020 0.00 68.64173135 Vinco Vinco Inc 05/01/2020 0.00 18,424.00173136 VOLFIR ASSOC OF MINN VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS BENEFIT05/01/2020 0.00 565.00173137 Report Total (60 checks): 103,661.36 0.00 Page 2AP Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number (5/1/2020 1:29 PM) Accounts Payable Checks by Date - Summary by Check User: dwashburn Printed: 5/1/2020 1:31 PM Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Void Checks Check Amount ACH Z-ADOBE Adobe 03/17/2020 0.00 (535.80) ACH z-aldi ALDI 03/17/2020 0.00 115.73 ACH z-Amazon Amazon 03/17/2020 0.00 5,962.28 ACH Z-APPLE Apple.com 03/17/2020 0.00 0.99 ACH Z-ARRRES Arrowwood Resort 03/17/2020 0.00 95.16 ACH z-batplu Batteries Plus 03/17/2020 0.00 75.80 ACH Z-BESBUY Best Buy 03/17/2020 0.00 342.48 ACH Z-BLOWAL Blocker & Wallace Service LLC 03/17/2020 0.00 176.68 ACH z-bootba Boot Barn 03/17/2020 0.00 109.99 ACH Z-CABFEV Cabin Fever Sporting Goods 03/17/2020 0.00 255.49 ACH z-carcof Caribou Coffee 03/17/2020 0.00 69.69 ACH z-cdwg CDW Government 03/17/2020 0.00 915.06 ACH z-Cenex Cenex Cooperation 03/17/2020 0.00 13.88 ACH z-Chandi Chanhassen Dinner Theatre 03/17/2020 0.00 2,522.00 ACH z-citcha City of Chanhassen 03/17/2020 0.00 3.00 ACH z-corfee Corporate Card Annual Fee 03/17/2020 0.00 24.00 ACH z-costco Costco Wholesale 03/17/2020 0.00 17.88 ACH z-cubfoo Cub Foods 03/17/2020 0.00 432.40 ACH z-davann Davanni's 03/17/2020 0.00 832.13 ACH Z-DAYINN Days Inn 03/17/2020 0.00 475.92 ACH z-dkhard DK Hardware Supply 03/17/2020 0.00 138.55 ACH z-doltre Dollar Tree Stores Inc 03/17/2020 0.00 25.81 ACH Z-ENAELE Enabling Elements Inc 03/17/2020 0.00 15.00 ACH z-facboo Facebook 03/17/2020 0.00 30.00 ACH z-grain Grainger 03/17/2020 0.00 632.81 ACH z-gsdire GS Direct 03/17/2020 0.00 402.18 ACH Z-HACCOM Hach Company 03/17/2020 0.00 148.89 ACH Z-HALCOM Hallock Company 03/17/2020 0.00 52.52 ACH z-harhar Harney Hardware 03/17/2020 0.00 157.75 ACH z-harrin Harrington Industrial Plastics LLC 03/17/2020 0.00 1,041.74 ACH Z-HOLSTA Holiday Stationstore 03/17/2020 0.00 70.50 ACH z-homdep Home Depot 03/17/2020 0.00 448.14 ACH z-IOBit IObit Online Shop 03/17/2020 0.00 13.37 ACH z-jermik Jersey Mike's Subs 03/17/2020 0.00 51.63 ACH z-junkin Junk King 03/17/2020 0.00 2,800.00 ACH z-kwitri Kwik Trip 03/17/2020 0.00 124.55 ACH z-lunbye Lunds & Byerly's 03/17/2020 0.00 39.47 ACH z-M&MCon M and M Control Service 03/17/2020 0.00 191.64 ACH Z-MENARD Menards 03/17/2020 0.00 17.59 ACH z-mercho Merchology 03/17/2020 0.00 (128.99) ACH Z-MERLIN Merlins Ace Hardware 03/17/2020 0.00 24.64 ACH z-michae Michaels 03/17/2020 0.00 39.19 ACH z-MINSTA Minnesota State Fire Chiefs Association 03/17/2020 0.00 770.00 ACH z-mses Minnesota Surveyors and Engineers Society 03/17/2020 0.00 42.00 ACH z-mntrop Minnesota Trophies & Gifts 03/17/2020 0.00 46.67 ACH Z-MNAWWA MN American Water Works Association 03/17/2020 0.00 290.00 ACH z-mnassn MN Assn of Asphalt Pavement Tech 03/17/2020 0.00 100.00 ACH Z-MNLABO MN Dept of Labor and Industry 03/17/2020 0.00 19.00 ACH z-MNGFOA MN Government Finance Officers Association 03/17/2020 0.00 280.00 ACH Z-MNPOLL MN Pollution Control Agency 03/17/2020 0.00 390.00 Page 1 of 3 Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Void Checks Check Amount ACH Z-MNREC MN Recreation and Park Association 03/17/2020 0.00 1,380.00 ACH z-mybind MyBinding.com 03/17/2020 0.00 219.45 ACH z-natmah National Mahjongg League 03/17/2020 0.00 108.00 ACH z-natreg National Registry Of EMT 03/17/2020 0.00 80.00 ACH z-offmax Office Max/Office Depot 03/17/2020 0.00 569.57 ACH z-parbak Paragon Bakery 03/17/2020 0.00 2.15 ACH z-parcit Party City 03/17/2020 0.00 240.70 ACH Z-PAYPAL PayPal 03/17/2020 0.00 219.57 ACH Z-PILDRY Pilgrim Dry Cleaners 03/17/2020 0.00 48.71 ACH z-post Postmaster 03/17/2020 0.00 4.05 ACH z-potbel Potbelly Sandwich Shop 03/17/2020 0.00 123.55 ACH z-rescom Reservations.com 03/17/2020 0.00 19.99 ACH z-revdan Revolution Dancewear 03/17/2020 0.00 259.80 ACH z-rivhou Rival House 03/17/2020 0.00 11.02 ACH z-rotclu Rotary Club 03/17/2020 0.00 53.00 ACH z-schele Schneider Electric 03/17/2020 0.00 130.78 ACH z-senlan Sensible Land Use Coalition 03/17/2020 0.00 96.00 ACH z-SepSol Septic Solutions Inc 03/17/2020 0.00 448.00 ACH z-setra Setra Systems Inc 03/17/2020 0.00 593.79 ACH z-solwin Solarwinds 03/17/2020 0.00 454.79 ACH z-spectr Spectrum 03/17/2020 0.00 (519.66) ACH z-SteToe Steel Toe Shoes 03/17/2020 0.00 139.99 ACH Z-SUBWAY SUBWAY 03/17/2020 0.00 13.71 ACH z-target Target 03/17/2020 0.00 203.49 ACH z-tarps Tarps Inc 03/17/2020 0.00 76.45 ACH z-pace The Media Factory, Inc 03/17/2020 0.00 44.00 ACH z-theBla Thermal Blade LLC 03/17/2020 0.00 112.41 ACH z-tobies Tobies Restaurant 03/17/2020 0.00 25.00 ACH z-UOFM U of M Contlearning 03/17/2020 0.00 600.00 ACH Z-UFCFAR UFC Farm Supply 03/17/2020 0.00 59.02 ACH z-weissm WEISSMAN 03/17/2020 0.00 463.31 ACH Z-YEOCOM Yeoman & Company 03/17/2020 0.00 238.50 ACH A1ELE A-1 ELECTRIC SERVICE 04/24/2020 0.00 1,455.84 ACH BOYTRU Boyer Ford Trucks 04/24/2020 0.00 33.38 ACH carcou Carver County 04/24/2020 0.00 3,785.00 ACH Avesis Fidelity Security Life 04/24/2020 0.00 202.14 ACH GRANIC GRANICUS INC 04/24/2020 0.00 6,501.60 ACH HAWCHE HAWKINS CHEMICAL 04/24/2020 0.00 4,723.12 ACH HydKle Hydro-Klean LLC 04/24/2020 0.00 2,177.50 ACH IMPPOR IMPERIAL PORTA PALACE 04/24/2020 0.00 849.75 ACH InnOff Innovative Office Solutions LLC 04/24/2020 0.00 179.56 ACH METCO Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 04/24/2020 0.00 4,920.30 ACH MINGER MINGER CONSTRUCTION 04/24/2020 0.00 12,215.00 ACH MNLABO MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 04/24/2020 0.00 2,180.66 ACH MRPA MN RECREATION & PARK ASSOC. 04/24/2020 0.00 1,459.00 ACH MVEC MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 04/24/2020 0.00 167.45 ACH NAPA NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 04/24/2020 0.00 461.57 ACH OPESHU OPEN AND SHUT ENTERPRISES INC 04/24/2020 0.00 175.00 ACH PinPro Pine Products Inc 04/24/2020 0.00 380.00 ACH RUFJOH RUFFRIDGE JOHNSON EQUIPMENT CO 04/24/2020 0.00 252.82 ACH STRGUA STRATOGUARD LLC 04/24/2020 0.00 176.00 ACH UniFar United Farmers Cooperative 04/24/2020 0.00 637.49 ACH UNIWAY UNITED WAY 04/24/2020 0.00 30.40 ACH USABLU USA BLUE BOOK 04/24/2020 0.00 2,183.44 ACH WMMUE WM MUELLER & SONS INC 04/24/2020 0.00 151.39 ACH WSB WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 04/24/2020 0.00 34,751.75 ACH WWGRA WW GRAINGER INC 04/24/2020 0.00 273.96 ACH XCEL XCEL ENERGY INC 04/24/2020 0.00 6,751.26 ACH ADAPES ADAM'S PEST CONTROL INC 05/01/2020 0.00 131.25 ACH AFLAC American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus 05/01/2020 0.00 39.78 Page 2 of 3 Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Void Checks Check Amount ACH ANCTEC ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS 05/01/2020 0.00 453.70 ACH BOYTRU Boyer Ford Trucks 05/01/2020 0.00 388.04 ACH CivPlu CivicPlus 05/01/2020 0.00 752.46 ACH CLASAF CLAREY'S SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC 05/01/2020 0.00 130.00 ACH ColLif Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 05/01/2020 0.00 99.16 ACH CRYINF Crystal Infosystems LLC 05/01/2020 0.00 181.80 ACH DALCO DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC. 05/01/2020 0.00 66.97 ACH EMEAPP EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINT. INC 05/01/2020 0.00 103.90 ACH EmeRes Emergency Response Solutions 05/01/2020 0.00 978.23 ACH FASCOM FASTENAL COMPANY 05/01/2020 0.00 988.81 ACH HAWCHE HAWKINS CHEMICAL 05/01/2020 0.00 1,575.00 ACH JEFFIR JEFFERSON FIRE SAFETY INC 05/01/2020 0.00 810.69 ACH MADGAL MADDEN GALANTER HANSEN LLP 05/01/2020 0.00 68.00 ACH MNLABO MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 05/01/2020 0.00 10.00 ACH MVEC MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 05/01/2020 0.00 112.11 ACH NAPA NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 05/01/2020 0.00 236.90 ACH POMTIR POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC 05/01/2020 0.00 862.56 ACH PUMMET PUMP AND METER SERVICE INC 05/01/2020 0.00 50.87 ACH QUAFLO Quality Flow Systems Inc 05/01/2020 0.00 992.48 ACH SOUSTP SOUTH ST PAUL STEEL SUPPLY CO 05/01/2020 0.00 2,046.86 ACH UniFar United Farmers Cooperative 05/01/2020 0.00 8.20 ACH WMMUE WM MUELLER & SONS INC 05/01/2020 0.00 2,723.10 ACH XCEL XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 0.00 9,203.91 Report Total: 0.00 136,788.71 Page 3 of 3 Accounts Payable Check Detail-Checks User: dwashburn Printed: 05/01/2020 - 1:39 PM Name Check Da Account Description Amount AE2S CONSTRUCTION LLC 04/24/2020 700-0000-4300 Project P05126-2020-002 1,423.71 AE2S CONSTRUCTION LLC 1,423.71 American Pump Company 04/24/2020 700-0000-4550 Grindex Mini 1,155.15 American Pump Company 1,155.15 ANDERSON DAISY 04/24/2020 101-1220-4290 Clocks for duty crew rooms 35.40 ANDERSON DAISY 35.40 ASPEN MILLS 04/24/2020 101-1220-4240 Clothing for Fire Department 82.95 ASPEN MILLS 04/24/2020 101-1220-4240 Clothing for Fire Department 228.20 ASPEN MILLS 311.15 Bauer Design Build 04/24/2020 815-8221-2024 Security Release - Meter 3,000.00 Bauer Design Build 3,000.00 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY 04/24/2020 101-1170-4110 Coffee 337.77 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY 337.77 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 05/01/2020 101-1220-4260 Trauma Bag 834.15 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 834.15 Cal-Tex Technologies 05/01/2020 101-1220-3309 Permit 2020-00747 - 8921 Crossroads Boulevard 70.68 Cal-Tex Technologies 05/01/2020 101-1220-3309 Permit 2020-00748 - 2201 West 78th Street 70.68 Cal-Tex Technologies 141.36 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 04/24/2020 101-1220-4320 Monthly Charges 416.15 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 04/24/2020 101-1530-4320 Monthly Charges 187.19 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 04/24/2020 101-1171-4320 Monthly Charges 54.73 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 04/24/2020 601-0000-3080 Monthly Charges 43.00 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 701.07 CENTURYLINK 04/24/2020 700-7043-4310 Monthly Charge 59.02 CENTURYLINK 59.02 CORE & MAIN LP 04/24/2020 700-0000-4550 Pipe Support 494.80 CORE & MAIN LP 05/01/2020 700-0000-4550 Vacuum 1,030.29 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-Checks (05/01/2020 - 1:40 PM)Page 1 of 5 Name Check Da Account Description Amount CORE & MAIN LP 1,525.09 Creydt Dan 04/24/2020 101-1560-3637 Driver Safety Course Withdrawal 40.00 Creydt Dan 40.00 Dale Marilyn 04/24/2020 101-1560-3637 Driver Safety Refresher Course Withdrawal 24.00 Dale Marilyn 24.00 DAVIS DIANA 05/01/2020 720-7204-4901 WaterWise Rebate 100.00 DAVIS DIANA 100.00 Deibele Brooks 05/01/2020 720-7204-4901 WaterWise Rebate 100.00 Deibele Brooks 100.00 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 05/01/2020 101-1220-4140 Parts 206.30 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 206.30 Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. #1657 05/01/2020 700-0000-4550 Parts 252.47 Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. #1657 252.47 Gallipo Candice 04/24/2020 101-1560-3637 Driver Safety - Refresher Course Withdrawal 20.00 Gallipo Candice 20.00 GONYEA HOMES 04/24/2020 815-8202-2024 750 Hawkcrest Circle 2,100.00 GONYEA HOMES 2,100.00 Gossard Beverly 04/24/2020 101-1560-3637 Vikings Museum Tour Withdrawal 60.00 Gossard Beverly 60.00 GRAYBAR 05/01/2020 701-0000-4530 Supplies 115.68 GRAYBAR 115.68 Greg's Hardware 05/01/2020 700-0000-4550 Service 110.00 Greg's Hardware 110.00 Hach Company 05/01/2020 700-7043-4530 Supplies 1,188.91 Hach Company 1,188.91 Hand Marg 04/24/2020 101-1560-3637 Vikings Museum Tour Withdrawal 60.00 Hand Marg 60.00 INDUSTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LIGHTING, INC 05/01/2020 101-1190-4510 Light Trap Holder 60.00 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-Checks (05/01/2020 - 1:40 PM)Page 2 of 5 Name Check Da Account Description Amount INDUSTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LIGHTING, INC 60.00 ISC Companies Inc 04/24/2020 101-1370-4510 Return V-Belts -30.16 ISC Companies Inc 04/24/2020 101-1370-4510 V-Belts 30.16 ISC Companies Inc 04/24/2020 101-1370-4510 V-Belts 23.16 ISC Companies Inc 23.16 Johnson Jerre 04/24/2020 101-1560-3637 Vikings Museum Tour - Withdrawal 60.00 Johnson Jerre 60.00 Kapaun Pat 04/24/2020 101-1560-3637 Vikings Museum Tour - Withdrawal 60.00 Kapaun Pat 60.00 KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 04/24/2020 300-0000-4300 Frontier Building Redevelopement 1,690.00 KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 05/01/2020 605-6501-4300 Project 14-08 Hwy 101 4,412.82 KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 6,102.82 Kirschbaum Jeremy 05/01/2020 720-7204-4901 WaterWise Rebate 100.00 Kirschbaum Jeremy 100.00 Koehler Chris 04/24/2020 101-1560-3637 Driver Safety Course - Withdrawal 20.00 Koehler Chris 20.00 Lawrence Jeffrey 04/24/2020 101-1560-3637 Driver Safety Course - Withdrawal 20.00 Lawrence Jeffrey 20.00 Marlier Marie 04/24/2020 101-1560-3637 Driver Safety Course - Withdrawal 24.00 Marlier Marie 24.00 Metro Garage Door Company 04/24/2020 101-1220-4510 Fire Station 1 Garage door repair 348.00 Metro Garage Door Company 348.00 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 04/24/2020 701-0000-4509 ICC 7,437.11 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 7,437.11 Meyer Joann 04/24/2020 101-1560-3637 Driver Safety Course - Withdrawal 40.00 Meyer Joann 40.00 Minnesota Roadways Co 04/24/2020 420-0000-4751 CSS-1H Asphalt Emulsion 366.32 Minnesota Roadways Co 366.32 NEWMAN SIGNS INC 04/24/2020 101-1320-4560 Signs 542.32 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-Checks (05/01/2020 - 1:40 PM)Page 3 of 5 Name Check Da Account Description Amount NEWMAN SIGNS INC 542.32 NORTHWEST ASPHALT INC 04/24/2020 601-6044-4751 Bluff Creek Trail Rehab 21,683.62 NORTHWEST ASPHALT INC 21,683.62 POSTMASTER 04/30/2020 700-0000-4330 April Utility Statements 452.41 POSTMASTER 04/30/2020 701-0000-4330 April Utility Statements 452.41 POSTMASTER 04/30/2020 700-0000-4330 April Utility Statements 152.49 POSTMASTER 04/30/2020 701-0000-4330 April Utility Statements 152.49 POSTMASTER 1,209.80 SC Supply Company, LLC 04/24/2020 701-0000-4150 Safety Cones 3,088.21 SC Supply Company, LLC 3,088.21 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 05/01/2020 700-0000-4550 Paint 389.76 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 389.76 Shred-It 05/01/2020 101-1160-4300 Shredding Services - Fire Dept Files 433.05 Shred-It 433.05 SIGNSOURCE 05/01/2020 101-1550-4560 Parks Dept - Animal Ordinance and Ball Field Signs 1,928.50 SIGNSOURCE 1,928.50 Slinden Dan 05/01/2020 720-7204-4901 WaterWise Rebate 100.00 Slinden Dan 100.00 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 04/24/2020 101-1160-4220 Bluebeam Revu Renewal 96.87 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 04/24/2020 400-4117-4703 Software Renewal 8,972.00 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 9,068.87 STRATEGIC INSIGHTS INC 04/24/2020 101-1160-4300 Plan-It License renewal 750.00 STRATEGIC INSIGHTS INC 750.00 Taylor Electric Company, LLC 04/24/2020 700-0000-4552 Conduit Repair - 78th St W 4,654.00 Taylor Electric Company, LLC 04/24/2020 101-1350-4565 Light Pole Service 11,660.00 Taylor Electric Company, LLC 16,314.00 TFORCE FINAL MILE 05/01/2020 101-1120-4300 Delivery Service 47.67 TFORCE FINAL MILE 47.67 Timms Sheridan 04/24/2020 101-1560-3637 Driver Safety Course - Withdrawal 40.00 Timms Sheridan 40.00 Triethart DeeAnn 05/01/2020 101-1170-4110 Silverware, Plates, Dishsoap, Tums 68.64 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-Checks (05/01/2020 - 1:40 PM)Page 4 of 5 Name Check Da Account Description Amount Triethart DeeAnn 68.64 Turpin Pamela 04/24/2020 101-1260-4240 Tactical Polo/CSO Embroidery 152.00 Turpin Pamela 152.00 Villella Dean 04/24/2020 701-0000-2020 Refund Check 3.86 Villella Dean 04/24/2020 720-0000-2020 Refund Check 4.14 Villella Dean 04/24/2020 700-0000-2020 Refund Check 72.66 Villella Dean 80.66 Vinco Inc 05/01/2020 700-7051-4751 Project W-061, Chanhassen City Reinstall 18,424.00 Vinco Inc 18,424.00 VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS BENEFIT ASSOC OF MINN05/01/2020 101-1220-4300 Annual renewal 565.00 VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS BENEFIT ASSOC OF MINN 565.00 Wall James 04/24/2020 101-1550-4240 Clothing Allowance 89.98 Wall James 89.98 Water Heaters Now Inc 04/24/2020 101-0000-2033 Overpayment on Permit 2020-00729 22.64 Water Heaters Now Inc 22.64 WING RICHARD 04/24/2020 101-1220-4350 Station 2 cleaner 100.00 WING RICHARD 100.00 103,661.36 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-Checks (05/01/2020 - 1:40 PM)Page 5 of 5 Accounts Payable Check Detail-ACH User: dwashburn Printed: 05/01/2020 - 2:00 PM Name Check D Account Description Amount A-1 ELECTRIC SERVICE 04/24/2020 701-0000-4551 Del Road Lift Station Panel 1,455.84 A-1 ELECTRIC SERVICE 1,455.84 ADAM'S PEST CONTROL INC 05/01/2020 101-1170-4300 Monthly Service 131.25 ADAM'S PEST CONTROL INC 131.25 Adobe 03/17/2020 101-1160-4220 Adobe Refund -535.80 Adobe -535.80 ALDI 03/17/2020 101-1560-4300 MLK Party meal supplies 82.52 ALDI 03/17/2020 101-1560-4300 Valentines Day Party food 33.21 ALDI 115.73 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1550-4120 Recoil Starter with Winter Pulley 28.44 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1550-4120 Recoil Pull Starter 27.98 Amazon 03/17/2020 700-7043-4150 Ice Melt Dispenser 16.99 Amazon 03/17/2020 700-7043-4150 Organizer 27.74 Amazon 03/17/2020 700-7043-4530 Surge Protector 21.99 Amazon 03/17/2020 700-7043-4530 fixed height workbench 349.00 Amazon 03/17/2020 700-7043-4530 Rotating Combination Pipe and Bench Vise 183.76 Amazon 03/17/2020 700-0000-4240 Safety Goggles 14.98 Amazon 03/17/2020 700-0000-4240 Safety Glasses 48.99 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1220-4290 Popcorn 33.97 Amazon 03/17/2020 701-0000-4150 3m Particulate Respirator 241.84 Amazon 03/17/2020 701-0000-4150 3m 8511 Respirator 87.50 Amazon 03/17/2020 701-0000-4150 Streamlight Stinger Replacement Battery Stick 42.98 Amazon 03/17/2020 701-0000-4150 Laminated Label Tape 13.69 Amazon 03/17/2020 701-0000-4240 Construction Boot - Clothing Allowance - Brett Martinson 87.48 Amazon 03/17/2020 701-0000-4240 Pants - Clothing Allowance - Brett Martinson 67.49 Amazon 03/17/2020 701-0000-4150 3M 8511 Particulate Disposable Respirator 355.00 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1130-4300 Amazon Prime Annual Membership 499.00 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1170-4110 office supplies 49.69 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1170-4110 office supplies 4.99 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1170-4110 office supplies 56.31 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1170-4110 office supplies 5.49 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1170-4110 office supplies 17.97 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1170-4110 office supplies 128.66 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1170-4110 office supplies 15.99 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1170-4110 Office supplies 136.74 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1170-4110 Office supplies 44.23 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1170-4110 Office supplies 11.04 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1310-4120 Stamp 22.99 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-ACH (05/01/2020 - 2:00 PM)Page 1 of 13 Name Check D Account Description Amount Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1530-4120 Speaker stand 25.72 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1530-4120 Portable screen 89.99 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1530-4120 Speaker stand 25.72 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1220-4290 Frames for awards 30.01 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1160-4530 Replacement Bluetooth Headset 79.95 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1160-4530 Replacement Bluetooth Headset Rice 33.99 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1160-4300 AWS Service Sewer Videos Jan 0.74 Amazon 03/17/2020 720-7202-4130 Arbor Day supplies 9.88 Amazon 03/17/2020 720-7202-4130 Arbor Day supplies 104.75 Amazon 03/17/2020 720-7202-4130 Arbor Day supplies 13.98 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1170-4110 Spare USB flash Drives for Staff 27.99 Amazon 03/17/2020 400-4126-4703 Car cell phone chargers 33.51 Amazon 03/17/2020 400-4126-4703 Replacement wireless keyboards mice 389.94 Amazon 03/17/2020 400-4126-4703 TV Building Camera Counter 272.49 Amazon 03/17/2020 400-4126-4703 New PC Eng Conf RM TV 254.90 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1160-4530 Replacement Keyboard 58.47 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1160-4150 Under desk PC mounts cable management clips 70.42 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1160-4260 Saw for drywall 69.50 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1160-4150 Cables for switch management 33.90 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1160-4150 cable management building department 60.39 Amazon 03/17/2020 400-4126-4703 PC wall mount Eng Conf Rm 37.03 Amazon 03/17/2020 400-4126-4703 AV Cart rec center projector 105.05 Amazon 03/17/2020 400-4126-4703 TV wall mount building department 29.98 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1160-4530 Replacement TV Building dept camera PC 279.99 Amazon 03/17/2020 400-4126-4703 Video cards wrong size this was pending a return 1,044.70 Amazon 03/17/2020 101-1170-4110 office Supply Return -18.58 Amazon 03/17/2020 700-0000-4240 Construction Boot - Clothing Allowance - Brett Martinson 87.47 Amazon 03/17/2020 700-0000-4240 Pants - Clothing Allowance - Brett Martinson 67.48 Amazon 5,962.28 American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus 05/01/2020 101-0000-2008 April 39.78 American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus 39.78 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS 05/01/2020 101-1220-4260 Parts 453.70 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS 453.70 Apple.com 03/17/2020 701-0000-4310 iCloud Storage 0.99 Apple.com 0.99 Arrowwood Resort 03/17/2020 101-1220-4370 Lodging for School 305.58 Arrowwood Resort 03/17/2020 101-1220-4370 Lodging for School 305.58 Arrowwood Resort 03/17/2020 101-1220-4370 Lodging for School - Refund -516.00 Arrowwood Resort 95.16 Batteries Plus 03/17/2020 101-1160-4530 Replacement Batteries for UPS 75.80 Batteries Plus 75.80 Best Buy 03/17/2020 700-0000-4520 HandFree Devices Installation 342.48 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-ACH (05/01/2020 - 2:00 PM)Page 2 of 13 Name Check D Account Description Amount Best Buy 342.48 Blocker & Wallace Service LLC 03/17/2020 700-0000-4170 Food Grade Synthetic Blower Oil 176.68 Blocker & Wallace Service LLC 176.68 Boot Barn 03/17/2020 701-0000-4240 Work Boots - Joseph Gillen 55.00 Boot Barn 03/17/2020 700-0000-4240 Work Boots - Joseph Gillen 54.99 Boot Barn 109.99 Boyer Ford Trucks 04/24/2020 101-1220-4140 Hub Cap 33.38 Boyer Ford Trucks 05/01/2020 101-1220-4140 Parts 113.86 Boyer Ford Trucks 05/01/2020 101-1320-4140 Parts 274.18 Boyer Ford Trucks 421.42 Cabin Fever Sporting Goods 03/17/2020 101-1550-4120 Propane Tank refills for Feb Fest 255.49 Cabin Fever Sporting Goods 255.49 Caribou Coffee 03/17/2020 101-1611-4130 Feb Fest Volunteer Food 69.69 Caribou Coffee 69.69 Carver County 04/24/2020 700-7043-4320 CarverLink Fiber 500.00 Carver County 04/24/2020 700-7043-4320 Annual Maint LS-24 Fiber Pro Rated 45.00 Carver County 04/24/2020 101-1210-4300 Carver County Sheriff - Liquor License 200.00 Carver County 04/24/2020 101-1160-4320 CarverLink Internet - April 540.00 Carver County 04/24/2020 701-0000-4300 Fiber Construction - Lift Station 24 2,500.00 Carver County 3,785.00 CDW Government 03/17/2020 400-4126-4703 New Computer Monitors for end users 915.06 CDW Government 915.06 Cenex Cooperation 03/17/2020 101-1120-4300 Phone Cord - Pd Todd Gerhardt 13.88 Cenex Cooperation 13.88 Chanhassen Dinner Theatre 03/17/2020 101-1560-4300 Tickets to Chan Dinner Theater Music Man 1,500.00 Chanhassen Dinner Theatre 03/17/2020 101-1560-4300 Tickets to Chan Dinner Theater Music Man 1,022.00 Chanhassen Dinner Theatre 2,522.00 City of Chanhassen 03/17/2020 101-1160-4300 Credit card test after firmware update 1.00 City of Chanhassen 03/17/2020 101-1160-4300 Credit card test after firmware update 1.00 City of Chanhassen 03/17/2020 101-1160-4300 Credit card test after firmware update 1.00 City of Chanhassen 3.00 CivicPlus 05/01/2020 210-0000-4300 Chan Parks & Rec Website Annual Fee for Hosting 752.46 CivicPlus 752.46 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-ACH (05/01/2020 - 2:00 PM)Page 3 of 13 Name Check D Account Description Amount CLAREY'S SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC 05/01/2020 101-1220-4530 Monitor Service/ Calibration 130.00 CLAREY'S SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC 130.00 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 05/01/2020 101-0000-2008 April 60.72 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 05/01/2020 700-0000-2008 April 19.22 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 05/01/2020 701-0000-2008 April 19.22 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 99.16 Corporate Card Annual Fee 03/17/2020 101-1130-4300 Annual Fee- Beers, Adam 12.00 Corporate Card Annual Fee 03/17/2020 101-1130-4300 Annual Fee - Matt Kerr 12.00 Corporate Card Annual Fee 24.00 Costco Wholesale 03/17/2020 101-1560-4300 Food supplies MLK party 17.88 Costco Wholesale 17.88 Crystal Infosystems LLC 05/01/2020 101-1170-4110 Toner Admin HP Printer 181.80 Crystal Infosystems LLC 181.80 Cub Foods 03/17/2020 700-7019-4150 Distilled Water 5.34 Cub Foods 03/17/2020 101-1220-4290 Meeting Food 10.98 Cub Foods 03/17/2020 101-1560-4300 MLK Party meal supplies 24.95 Cub Foods 03/17/2020 101-1611-4130 Feb Fest Volunteer Food 6.00 Cub Foods 03/17/2020 101-1700-4130 Sweetheart Dance Food 83.00 Cub Foods 03/17/2020 101-1700-4130 Sweetheart Dance food 4.99 Cub Foods 03/17/2020 101-1530-4130 lobby coffee 25.97 Cub Foods 03/17/2020 101-1560-4300 Valentines Day Party food 172.39 Cub Foods 03/17/2020 101-1110-4370 Water for city council meetings 98.78 Cub Foods 432.40 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC.05/01/2020 101-1370-4350 Buffer Floor Pad 53.58 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC.05/01/2020 700-0000-4350 Buffer Floor Pad 6.69 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC.05/01/2020 701-0000-4350 Buffer Floor Pad 6.70 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC. 66.97 Davanni's 03/17/2020 701-0000-4370 Food - Chad S 19.65 Davanni's 03/17/2020 101-1110-4370 City Council dinner 140.05 Davanni's 03/17/2020 101-1700-4130 Sweetheart Dance Food 672.43 Davanni's 832.13 Days Inn 03/17/2020 701-0000-4370 Hotel Confirmation - Chad S 475.92 Days Inn 475.92 DK Hardware Supply 03/17/2020 700-7019-4530 Kick Plate 138.55 DK Hardware Supply 138.55 Dollar Tree Stores Inc 03/17/2020 101-1560-4130 Valentines Day Party supplies 25.81 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-ACH (05/01/2020 - 2:00 PM)Page 4 of 13 Name Check D Account Description Amount Dollar Tree Stores Inc 25.81 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINT. INC 05/01/2020 101-1220-4140 Parts 103.90 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINT. INC 103.90 Emergency Response Solutions 05/01/2020 101-1220-4530 Equipment 978.23 Emergency Response Solutions 978.23 Enabling Elements Inc 03/17/2020 701-0000-4310 Broad Band internet Service 15.00 Enabling Elements Inc 15.00 Facebook 03/17/2020 101-1806-4375 Floor Hockey Ad 15.00 Facebook 03/17/2020 101-1807-4375 Floor Hockey Ad 15.00 Facebook 30.00 FASTENAL COMPANY 05/01/2020 101-1370-4260 Parts 109.99 FASTENAL COMPANY 05/01/2020 700-0000-4552 Parts 878.82 FASTENAL COMPANY 988.81 Fidelity Security Life 04/24/2020 101-0000-2007 May 2020 167.07 Fidelity Security Life 04/24/2020 700-0000-2007 May 2020 13.49 Fidelity Security Life 04/24/2020 701-0000-2007 May 2020 13.47 Fidelity Security Life 04/24/2020 720-0000-2007 May 2020 8.11 Fidelity Security Life 202.14 Grainger 03/17/2020 700-0000-4150 Stainless Steel Anchor 253.47 Grainger 03/17/2020 701-0000-4530 Pressure Gauge 125.87 Grainger 03/17/2020 700-0000-4150 Stainless Steel Anchor 253.47 Grainger 632.81 GRANICUS INC 04/24/2020 210-0000-4300 Granicus Annual License Renewals 6,501.60 GRANICUS INC 6,501.60 GS Direct 03/17/2020 101-1310-4120 engineering plotter 238.38 GS Direct 03/17/2020 101-1310-4120 paper for engineering plotter 163.80 GS Direct 402.18 Hach Company 03/17/2020 700-7019-4160 Chlorine packs 119.10 Hach Company 03/17/2020 700-7019-4160 Alkaline Cyanide 29.79 Hach Company 148.89 Hallock Company 03/17/2020 701-0000-4530 Relay Plug-In 52.52 Hallock Company 52.52 Harney Hardware 03/17/2020 700-7019-4510 Panic Exit Device 157.75 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-ACH (05/01/2020 - 2:00 PM)Page 5 of 13 Name Check D Account Description Amount Harney Hardware 157.75 Harrington Industrial Plastics LLC 03/17/2020 700-7019-4550 Tubing 1,041.74 Harrington Industrial Plastics LLC 1,041.74 HAWKINS CHEMICAL 04/24/2020 700-7019-4120 Azone 15 4,723.12 HAWKINS CHEMICAL 05/01/2020 700-7043-4160 Chemicals 1,575.00 HAWKINS CHEMICAL 6,298.12 Holiday Stationstore 03/17/2020 701-0000-4370 Dinner - Chad Syverson 13.05 Holiday Stationstore 03/17/2020 701-0000-4370 Beverages - Chad S 5.40 Holiday Stationstore 03/17/2020 701-0000-4370 Gas 52.05 Holiday Stationstore 70.50 Home Depot 03/17/2020 700-7043-4120 Glass Cleaner, Pipe, Door Seal 29.95 Home Depot 03/17/2020 101-1220-4260 Small Tools 279.05 Home Depot 03/17/2020 700-0000-4260 Wire Stripper and Cutter, Electrical Tape 20.32 Home Depot 03/17/2020 101-1160-4150 TV wall mount Surge protectors 118.82 Home Depot 448.14 Hydro-Klean LLC 04/24/2020 701-0000-4551 Televise Lines 2,177.50 Hydro-Klean LLC 2,177.50 IMPERIAL PORTA PALACE 04/24/2020 101-1550-4300 Portable Restrooms 849.75 IMPERIAL PORTA PALACE 849.75 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 04/24/2020 101-1170-4110 Office Supplies 179.56 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 179.56 IObit Online Shop 03/17/2020 101-1160-4220 Driver Booster License Renewal 13.37 IObit Online Shop 13.37 JEFFERSON FIRE SAFETY INC 05/01/2020 101-1220-4260 Equipment 810.69 JEFFERSON FIRE SAFETY INC 810.69 Jersey Mike's Subs 03/17/2020 101-1220-4290 Dinner for Candidate Interview Panel Foster 51.63 Jersey Mike's Subs 51.63 Junk King 03/17/2020 400-0000-4300 Junk removal from storage 1,600.00 Junk King 03/17/2020 400-0000-4300 Junk removal from storage 1,200.00 Junk King 2,800.00 Kwik Trip 03/17/2020 701-0000-4370 Food - Chad S 6.88 Kwik Trip 03/17/2020 101-1560-4300 Coffee Conversation treats 14.53 Kwik Trip 03/17/2020 101-1539-4130 Pickleball tourney 100.00 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-ACH (05/01/2020 - 2:00 PM)Page 6 of 13 Name Check D Account Description Amount Kwik Trip 03/17/2020 101-1539-4130 Pickleball Tourney 3.14 Kwik Trip 124.55 Lunds & Byerly's 03/17/2020 101-1520-4130 Park and Rec Comission meeting 21.99 Lunds & Byerly's 03/17/2020 101-1120-4370 Bakery items for meeting 17.48 Lunds & Byerly's 39.47 M and M Control Service 03/17/2020 700-7019-4150 SS Handle 191.64 M and M Control Service 191.64 MADDEN GALANTER HANSEN LLP 05/01/2020 101-1140-4302 Legal Services 68.00 MADDEN GALANTER HANSEN LLP 68.00 Menards 03/17/2020 700-7019-4150 Parts 4.83 Menards 03/17/2020 701-0000-4120 Bolts and Screws 6.87 Menards 03/17/2020 701-0000-4530 Washers and Nuts 5.89 Menards 17.59 Merchology 03/17/2020 700-0000-4240 Return- PPE - Brett M -128.99 Merchology -128.99 Merlins Ace Hardware 03/17/2020 700-7043-4150 Sprayer, Scour Pads 24.64 Merlins Ace Hardware 24.64 Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 04/24/2020 101-1250-3816 March 2020 SAC Payment -49.70 Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 04/24/2020 701-0000-2023 March 2020 SAC Payment 4,970.00 Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 4,920.30 Michaels 03/17/2020 101-1565-4130 Memory Cafe crafting supplies 39.19 Michaels 39.19 MINGER CONSTRUCTION 04/24/2020 720-7025-4751 Majestic Storm Sewer Relining 12,215.00 MINGER CONSTRUCTION 12,215.00 Minnesota State Fire Chiefs Association 03/17/2020 101-1220-4370 Alexandria FOTUS Olsen 285.00 Minnesota State Fire Chiefs Association 03/17/2020 101-1220-4370 Rindahl Attendee NFA Class F0349 200.00 Minnesota State Fire Chiefs Association 03/17/2020 101-1220-4370 Weidman Duluth FOTOS Attendee 285.00 Minnesota State Fire Chiefs Association 770.00 Minnesota Surveyors and Engineers Society 03/17/2020 101-1310-4360 MSES annual membership 42.00 Minnesota Surveyors and Engineers Society 42.00 Minnesota Trophies & Gifts 03/17/2020 101-1611-4130 Feb Fest Medallions 46.67 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-ACH (05/01/2020 - 2:00 PM)Page 7 of 13 Name Check D Account Description Amount Minnesota Trophies & Gifts 46.67 MN American Water Works Association 03/17/2020 700-0000-4370 Operator School Registation - Jake Casebeer 290.00 MN American Water Works Association 290.00 MN Assn of Asphalt Pavement Tech 03/17/2020 101-1310-4370 2020 Workshop Public Sector 100.00 MN Assn of Asphalt Pavement Tech 100.00 MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 04/24/2020 101-0000-2022 March 2020 Surcharge Payment 2,225.16 MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 04/24/2020 101-1250-3818 March 2020 Surcharge Payment -44.50 MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 05/01/2020 101-1220-4300 Pressure Vessel - Chan Fire Station 1 10.00 MN Dept of Labor and Industry 03/17/2020 701-0000-4370 License Fees - DOLI B42 - Jerry Johnson 19.00 MN Dept of Labor and Industry 2,209.66 MN Government Finance Officers Association 03/17/2020 101-1130-4360 Greg Annual MNGFOA Membership 70.00 MN Government Finance Officers Association 03/17/2020 101-1130-4360 Kim MNGFOA Membership 70.00 MN Government Finance Officers Association 03/17/2020 101-1130-4360 Ashley MNGFOA Membership 70.00 MN Government Finance Officers Association 03/17/2020 101-1130-4360 Danielle MNGFOA Membership 70.00 MN Government Finance Officers Association 280.00 MN Pollution Control Agency 03/17/2020 701-0000-4370 Training Certification 390.00 MN Pollution Control Agency 390.00 MN RECREATION & PARK ASSOC.04/24/2020 101-1520-4360 2020 MRPA Membership 1,459.00 MN RECREATION & PARK ASSOC. 1,459.00 MN Recreation and Park Association 03/17/2020 101-1550-4370 Certified Playground Safety Inspector - Berg and Heinen 1,380.00 MN Recreation and Park Association 1,380.00 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 04/24/2020 101-1350-4320 Monthly Charges- Cty Rd 61 & St Hwy 101 167.45 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 05/01/2020 101-1350-4320 Monthly Charges- Bluff Crk & Flying Cloud Dr 112.11 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 279.56 MyBinding.com 03/17/2020 101-1170-4110 office supplies 219.45 MyBinding.com 219.45 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 04/24/2020 101-1220-4140 Brake Rotor 327.58 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 04/24/2020 101-1220-4140 Brake Pads 133.99 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 05/01/2020 101-1550-4140 Supplies 195.11 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 05/01/2020 101-1550-4140 Supplies 41.79 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 698.47 National Mahjongg League 03/17/2020 101-1560-4130 Game supplies Mah Jongg 2020 Cards 108.00 National Mahjongg League 108.00 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-ACH (05/01/2020 - 2:00 PM)Page 8 of 13 Name Check D Account Description Amount National Registry Of EMT 03/17/2020 101-1220-4370 EMT Application for Written Test 80.00 National Registry Of EMT 80.00 Office Max/Office Depot 03/17/2020 700-7019-4150 Surge, APC 128.24 Office Max/Office Depot 03/17/2020 700-7019-4120 File Folder, Planner, Sharpie 62.80 Office Max/Office Depot 03/17/2020 700-7043-4150 Notebook 38.22 Office Max/Office Depot 03/17/2020 101-1170-4110 Office Supplies 29.66 Office Max/Office Depot 03/17/2020 101-1170-4110 Toner HPM477 Rice Office 229.77 Office Max/Office Depot 03/17/2020 101-1170-4110 Toner Feb Fest Printer 71.60 Office Max/Office Depot 03/17/2020 101-1170-4110 Expo Markers Feb Fest Board 9.28 Office Max/Office Depot 569.57 OPEN AND SHUT ENTERPRISES INC 04/24/2020 101-1220-4510 Shim Doors on Fire Dept entrances 175.00 OPEN AND SHUT ENTERPRISES INC 175.00 Paragon Bakery 03/17/2020 101-1700-4130 Sweetheart Dance Food 2.15 Paragon Bakery 2.15 Party City 03/17/2020 101-1600-4130 Red Ticket Roll 25.77 Party City 03/17/2020 101-1700-4130 Sweetheart Dance Decor 214.93 Party City 240.70 PayPal 03/17/2020 101-1220-4370 IAAI class registration Ulrich 319.57 PayPal 03/17/2020 101-1220-4370 Refund of part of IAAI Fee -100.00 PayPal 219.57 Pilgrim Dry Cleaners 03/17/2020 700-0000-4240 Name Tapes & Flag for Jackets PPE 48.71 Pilgrim Dry Cleaners 48.71 Pine Products Inc 04/24/2020 101-1550-4150 Washed Sand 380.00 Pine Products Inc 380.00 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC 05/01/2020 101-1550-4140 Tires 862.56 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC 862.56 Postmaster 03/17/2020 700-0000-4330 Certified Mail 4.05 Postmaster 4.05 Potbelly Sandwich Shop 03/17/2020 101-1110-4370 city council dinner 123.55 Potbelly Sandwich Shop 123.55 PUMP AND METER SERVICE INC 05/01/2020 101-1370-4170 Diesel Protection Nozzle - Return -268.00 PUMP AND METER SERVICE INC 05/01/2020 101-1370-4170 Parts 318.87 PUMP AND METER SERVICE INC 50.87 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-ACH (05/01/2020 - 2:00 PM)Page 9 of 13 Name Check D Account Description Amount Quality Flow Systems Inc 05/01/2020 701-0000-4551 KSB Impeller 992.48 Quality Flow Systems Inc 992.48 Reservations.com 03/17/2020 701-0000-4370 Chad Syverson Reservations.com booking fee. 19.99 Reservations.com 19.99 Revolution Dancewear 03/17/2020 101-1535-4130 Dance Costumes 259.80 Revolution Dancewear 259.80 Rival House 03/17/2020 701-0000-4370 Dinner - Chad S 11.02 Rival House 11.02 Rotary Club 03/17/2020 101-1520-4360 Rotary Club Membership 53.00 Rotary Club 53.00 RUFFRIDGE JOHNSON EQUIPMENT CO 04/24/2020 101-1320-4120 Parts 252.82 RUFFRIDGE JOHNSON EQUIPMENT CO 252.82 Schneider Electric 03/17/2020 700-7019-4530 APC Replacement Battery Cartridge 130.78 Schneider Electric 130.78 Sensible Land Use Coalition 03/17/2020 101-1420-4370 Registration for seminar 48.00 Sensible Land Use Coalition 03/17/2020 101-1420-4370 SLUC 48.00 Sensible Land Use Coalition 96.00 Septic Solutions Inc 03/17/2020 701-0000-4551 2 and 4 foot TruCore Sludge Sampler with Case 448.00 Septic Solutions Inc 448.00 Setra Systems Inc 03/17/2020 701-0000-4530 Parts 593.79 Setra Systems Inc 593.79 Solarwinds 03/17/2020 101-1160-4220 Network Topology Mapper Renewal 454.79 Solarwinds 454.79 SOUTH ST PAUL STEEL SUPPLY CO 05/01/2020 101-1320-4120 Parts 682.29 SOUTH ST PAUL STEEL SUPPLY CO 05/01/2020 101-1550-4120 Parts 682.29 SOUTH ST PAUL STEEL SUPPLY CO 05/01/2020 700-0000-4120 Parts 682.28 SOUTH ST PAUL STEEL SUPPLY CO 2,046.86 Spectrum 03/17/2020 101-1120-4370 Credit for fraud charges on Jake CC -519.66 Spectrum -519.66 Steel Toe Shoes 03/17/2020 700-0000-4240 Work Boot - Bill Kistner 70.00 Steel Toe Shoes 03/17/2020 701-0000-4240 Work Boot - Bill Kistner 69.99 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-ACH (05/01/2020 - 2:00 PM)Page 10 of 13 Name Check D Account Description Amount Steel Toe Shoes 139.99 STRATOGUARD LLC 04/24/2020 101-1160-4300 Proofpoint Email Filtering Service 176.00 STRATOGUARD LLC 176.00 SUBWAY 03/17/2020 701-0000-4370 Dinner - Chad Syverson 13.71 SUBWAY 13.71 Target 03/17/2020 101-1550-4240 Clothing Allowance - Adam Beers 121.98 Target 03/17/2020 101-1611-4130 Feb Fest Supplies 21.84 Target 03/17/2020 101-1700-4130 Sweetheart dance Supplies 59.67 Target 203.49 Tarps Inc 03/17/2020 101-1550-4530 Tarp Repair 76.45 Tarps Inc 76.45 The Media Factory, Inc 03/17/2020 701-0000-4370 Analysis of Change 2017 NEC - Jerry Johnson 44.00 The Media Factory, Inc 44.00 Thermal Blade LLC 03/17/2020 101-1550-4120 Wiper Blade 112.41 Thermal Blade LLC 112.41 Tobies Restaurant 03/17/2020 701-0000-4370 dinner - Chad S 25.00 Tobies Restaurant 25.00 U of M Contlearning 03/17/2020 101-1310-4370 CEAM Conference 375.00 U of M Contlearning 03/17/2020 720-7202-4370 Forestry conference recertification 225.00 U of M Contlearning 600.00 UFC Farm Supply 03/17/2020 700-0000-4260 Tools 59.02 UFC Farm Supply 59.02 United Farmers Cooperative 04/24/2020 101-1550-4120 Toro BBC 637.49 United Farmers Cooperative 05/01/2020 101-1550-4120 Nut 8.20 United Farmers Cooperative 645.69 UNITED WAY 04/24/2020 101-0000-2006 PR Batch 00424.04.2020 United Way 30.40 UNITED WAY 30.40 USA BLUE BOOK 04/24/2020 700-0000-4550 Brass Wye and Ball Valves 569.95 USA BLUE BOOK 04/24/2020 700-0000-4552 Buna-N O-Ring Making kit 93.10 USA BLUE BOOK 04/24/2020 700-0000-4550 Parts 443.18 USA BLUE BOOK 04/24/2020 700-0000-4550 Parts 192.71 USA BLUE BOOK 04/24/2020 700-0000-4550 Parts 740.70 USA BLUE BOOK 04/24/2020 700-0000-4550 Parts 68.80 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-ACH (05/01/2020 - 2:00 PM)Page 11 of 13 Name Check D Account Description Amount USA BLUE BOOK 04/24/2020 700-0000-4550 Parts 75.00 USA BLUE BOOK 2,183.44 WEISSMAN 03/17/2020 101-1535-4130 Dance Costumes 157.89 WEISSMAN 03/17/2020 101-1535-4130 Dance Costumes 305.42 WEISSMAN 463.31 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 04/24/2020 700-0000-4552 Gravel 151.39 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 05/01/2020 420-0000-4751 Asphalt 485.46 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 05/01/2020 420-0000-4751 Asphalt 527.22 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 05/01/2020 420-0000-4751 Asphalt 1,710.42 WM MUELLER & SONS INC 2,874.49 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 04/24/2020 720-0000-4300 LGU - HCRRA MN River Bluff 384.00 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 04/24/2020 720-0000-4300 RPBCWD Pioneer Trail Wetland Restoration Project 600.75 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 04/24/2020 601-6047-4752 2020 Water System Remodeling 1,500.00 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 04/24/2020 601-6046-4752 Lake Lucy Road Rehab - Project 20-03 13,236.00 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 04/24/2020 601-6046-4752 Lake Lucy Road Rehab - Project 20-03 19,031.00 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 34,751.75 WW GRAINGER INC 04/24/2020 700-0000-4150 Utility Container 273.96 WW GRAINGER INC 273.96 XCEL ENERGY INC 04/24/2020 700-0000-4320 Monthly Charges- 1720 Lake Lucy Rd 1,480.76 XCEL ENERGY INC 04/24/2020 601-0000-3080 Monthly Charges- 1720 Lake Lucy Rd 40.00 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 101-1350-4320 Monthly Charges -2.83 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 601-0000-3080 Monthly Charges 28.00 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 700-7043-4320 Monthly Charges- 6910 Galpin Blvd 4,634.02 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 601-0000-3080 Monthly Charges- 6910 Galpin Blvd 290.00 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 101-1350-4320 Monthly Charges- 9000 Audubon Road Signal 7.47 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 601-0000-3080 Monthly Charges- 9000 Audubon Road Signal 14.00 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 101-1350-4320 Monthly Charges- 1532 Lyman Blvd -0.08 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 601-0000-3080 Monthly Charges- 1532 Lyman Blvd 14.00 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 101-1600-4320 Monthly Charges- 7700 Market Blvd (Parks) 13.19 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 601-0000-3080 Monthly Charges- 7700 Market Blvd (Parks) 14.00 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 101-1350-4320 Monthly Charges 72.46 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 601-0000-3080 Monthly Charges 28.00 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 101-1350-4320 Monthly Charges- 6328 Hazeltine Blvd 11.41 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 601-0000-3080 Monthly Charges- 6328 Hazeltine Blvd 14.00 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 101-1350-4320 Monthly Charges- 6412 Chanhassen Rd Pedestrian Flashers 11.32 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 601-0000-3080 Monthly Charges- 6412 Chanhassen Rd Pedestrian Flashers 14.00 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 700-0000-4320 Monthly Charges- 6431 Hazeltine Blvd Water Tower 59.48 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 601-0000-3080 Monthly Charges- 6431 Hazeltine Blvd Water Tower 14.00 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 101-1600-4320 Monthly Charges- 7599 Minnewashta Pkwy -4.83 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 101-1540-4320 Monthly Charges- Parks 94.25 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 101-1600-4320 Monthly Charges- Parks 58.56 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 101-1550-4320 Monthly Charges- Parks -21.95 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 601-0000-3080 Monthly Charges- Parks 388.00 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 101-1170-4320 Monthly Charges- City Properties 266.91 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 101-1190-4320 Monthly Charges- City Properties -169.65 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 101-1220-4320 Monthly Charges- City Properties 1,000.13 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-ACH (05/01/2020 - 2:00 PM)Page 12 of 13 Name Check D Account Description Amount XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 101-1370-4320 Monthly Charges- City Properties 1,321.74 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 101-1171-4320 Monthly Charges- City Properties 15.88 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 700-0000-4320 Monthly Charges- City Properties 165.21 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 701-0000-4320 Monthly Charges- City Properties 165.22 XCEL ENERGY INC 05/01/2020 601-0000-3080 Monthly Charges- City Properties 688.00 XCEL ENERGY INC 04/24/2020 700-7019-4320 Monthly Charges- E Water Treatment Plant 2,370.86 XCEL ENERGY INC 04/24/2020 601-0000-3080 Monthly Charges- E Water Treatment Plant 290.00 XCEL ENERGY INC 04/24/2020 601-0000-3080 Monthly Charges- Wells 330.00 XCEL ENERGY INC 04/24/2020 700-0000-4320 Monthly Charges- Wells 2,239.64 XCEL ENERGY INC 15,955.17 Yeoman & Company 03/17/2020 101-1550-4120 Poly Scoop 238.50 Yeoman & Company 238.50 136,788.71 Accounts Payable - Check Detail-ACH (05/01/2020 - 2:00 PM)Page 13 of 13 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday, May 11, 2020 Subject Building Permit Data Section CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION Item No: K.2. Prepared By Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director File No:  SUMMARY Attached is the 2020 Year­to­Date Building Permit Activity. Revenue for 2020 is at 33 percent of budget, which is slightly ahead of the revenue at this time in 2019 and 2018. There are a number of single­family lots that are still available for construction and a number of office industrial remodeling permits that have been issued. The Moments of Chanhassen Senior Housing project could begin construction in 2020. ATTACHMENTS: 2020 Building Permit Activity ­ April YTD April 2020 Revenue 2019 Revenue 2018 Revenue City of Chanlassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-227-1t00 2020 Building Permit Activity April YTI) 2922'7Residential Single-Family 000Residential Townhomes 000Apaftments/Senior Facilities 292'7 2Total Residential 000New 000Redeveloped l9l09Remodeled l9l0sTotal Commercial 154156Single-Family Lots 24Residential Townltome Lots 180 178Total AYailable Lots 29t040554948Singte-Family 0618t2560Townhomes 0 02680760Apartments/Senior Facilities 57 19675816r09 4843132115233134 ciusers\kareabppdatauoca\rflicrosoft\windows\inetcache\conle .outlook\6w6tysg6\building permit activity 2020 ytd (002).doc TY fl[ \ +., S/y 0 Residential Building Permits I'r Quarter 2nd Quarter 3'd Quarter YTD 4!h Quarter Total YTD Commercial Building Permits I l't Quarter I z"o Qu".t".3'd Quarter YTD 4th Quarter Total YTD Available Lot lnventory (end of Ouarter)I'r Quarter 2nd Quarter 3'd Quarter YTD 4rh Qu arter Total Permit History 2016 2017 2018 Jan-Apr. 2019 2019 2020 Commercial Total Number of All Permits General Ledger Revenue Budget vs Actual User: dwashbum Pritrred: 05/05/20 09 Period 0l - 04 Fiscal Ye.r 2020 ffTTOT ffiII{HNSHl1:42 l0l-1250-3301 l0l-r 250-3302 l0l-r 250-3305 l0l-1250-3306 l0r -1250-33 r 6 l0l-1250-3390 125{) r 0t-12t0-3308 t2l0 t0l-r220-3302 l0l-t220-3309 1220 l0r-1420-33r r l0l-r420-3390 1420 t59.905.09 79,663.16 46,578.63 29.57 s.87 436.s0 10.00 3r 6,169.25 1.360.00 r360.00 91.14 97.14 40.00 40.00 Plan Check Fire Suppression FIRE PREvE\TION & ADMIN Building Plan Check Heating & AC Plumbing Septic Tanl Miscellaneous Permils CODE EIFORCEME\T Sign Miscellaneous Permits PLANNING ADMI]\ISTRATION PER\IITS r.500.00 .000.00 r 2500.00 520,000.00 253.500.00 l 19,100.00 90.000.00 0.00 0.00 982,8m.00 360,094.91 173,836.84 72.12t.37 fi.424.13 -436.50 - 10.00 666,530.75 17.96 6 t.22 63.23 t0l-1260-3320t2il Stablc CO]IINIUNITY SERVICE l0l-t310-3307 r0l-t310-3390 l3t0 Trenching Miscellaneous Permits ENGINEER-I\--G 30.000.00 1.500.00 3l,500.00 100.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 100.00 t00.00 t 00.00 8.4r2.40 355.00 t,761AO 21,587.60 1.145.00 22,732.60 11.96 -t6.33 72,ti 5.000.00 1.500.00 6,s00.00 1.080.00 325.00 t,405.00 3.920.00 r,175.00 5,095.00 78.40 78.13 783r Grand Total CL - Revenue Budget vs Actual (05/052020 - 9:l? AM)Page I Account \umber D€scription Budgel End Brl Dollsrs Uncollecled 70 Uncollected Gun POLICECAR!'ER CO CONTRACT 1..100.00 t,400.00 I,035,000.00 l,035,000.00 r,169.18 6,"134.08 7,m3.46 704.02t.81 704,02t.81 69.2s 6E.57 60.96 61.14 0.m 0.00 57.t3 68.02 0.6802 330.62 4,265.92 4,59654 330.97E.19 330,978.19 General Ledger Revenue Budget vs Actual User: dwashbum Printed: 05/052t-091I8:2 7 Period 0l - 04 Fiscal Year 20l9 IITIOT [T[{fl|$sH AccountNumber Description Budget EDd Bal Dollsrs Uncollected 7o Uncollected l0r -1210-3308 l2I0 l0l-r220-3302 l0r-1220-3309 r0r-r 220-3331 Gun POLICECARVER CO CONTRACT r.400.00 r.400.00 160.00 160.00 2,000.00 r 1.000.00 0.00 t-240.00 1,240.00 88.57 tt.57 Plan Check Fire Suppression Fir€work's Application Fee FTRE PREVENTION & ADMIN Trenching Miscellaneous Permits ENGINEERING SiCn Miscellaneous Permits PLA:i:iING ADMINISTRATION PERl\IITS 297.94 3,434.45 200.00 3,932.43 t,7u.02 7,565.55 -200.00 85.10 68.78 0.00 l0l-1250-3301 l0l-r250-3302 r0r-t250-3305 l0l -12s0-3106 l0l-1250-3390 t r50 l0l -1310-3307 l0r -13t0-3390 l3l0 l0l-r420-3311 t0t-1420-3390 t42t r220 Grand Total 520,000.00 253,000.00 l r 9,100.00 90.000.00 0.00 982J00.00 t45,319.54 73,515.99 64,358.52 27,971.29 80.00 3lrJ6s34 314,620.46 t79,424.01 54,94r.48 62,028.7t -80.m 610,93/.6 9-067.57 69.?5 't2.04 70.92 46.05 6E.92 0.00 6tJ0 100.00 300.00 t0l-r 260-3320 t260 Stsble COMMUNITY SERVICE 300.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 30.000.00 2.500.00 32.500.00 10,816.60 300.00 l l,t t6,60 5.000.00 500.00 s.so0,00 2.460.00 1.150.00 3,610.00 2.540.00 -650.00 r,890.00 19,183..t0 2,200.00 2lJ83.40 63.94 88.00 65.80 50.80 - 110.00 3436 GL - Revenue Budget vs Actual (05/05/2020 - 9:l8 AM)Page I 13.000.00 r.035,000.00 r,035,000.00 330,1t437 3t0,184J7 704,8rs.53 ?04,815.63 Buildiry Plan Check Heating & AC Plumbing Miscellaneous Permits CODE ENFORCEMENT t00.00 100.00 68.t0 0.6Er 0 General Ledger Revenue Budget vs Actual User: dwashburn Printed: 05/05/20 09 Period 0l - 04 Fiscal Year 2018 ITIT OT ffiff{HtssHl8:.{3 -Account\umber Description Budgel End Bal Dollars Uncollected 7o Uncollected l0l-1250-330r l0r-r250-3302 l0l-1250-3305 l0l-1250-3306 l0t-1250-3316 l0r -1250-3390 r 250 l0l-1210-3308 I2t0 l0l-1220-3302 l0l-1220-3309 t220 Gun POLICECARVER CO CONTRACT 1.400.00 I,,100.00 r60.00 160.00 t.240.00 r,240.00 8E.57 t8.5? 7 t.10 68.40 39.8r 55.84 0.00 0.00 66.63 300.00 300.00 r00.00 r 00.00 PIan Check Firc Suppression FIRE PR.EVENTIOT- & AIIMIN Building Plan Check Heating & AC Plumbing Septic Tank Miscellaneous Permits CODE ENFORCEMENT Trenching Miscellaneous Permits ENGINEERING Si8Ir Miscellaneous Permits PLANNING ADMINISTRATIOT* PERIIITS 629.11 6,91 L6E 7,54t,45 370.23 4.088.12 4.458.55 37.02 31.t7 3?.15 500.000.m 234,000.00 82,E00.00 65,000.00 0.00 0.00 881,&n.00 358.5t4.55 t60.052.19 32.9A.18 36296.43 -222.N -20.00 587J8535 r 41,485.45 73947.8t 49.835.82 28,103.57 222.00 20.00 294),t1.63 l0r-r260-3320 t260 Srable COMMU:\-lTY SERVICE 300.00 300.00 30,000.00 3.000.00 33,000.00 l?,981.90 2.655.00 20.638.q) 59.95 88.s0 62.54 6,500.00 0.00 6,500.00 2.005.00 650.00 2.655.00 4.495.00 -650.00 3,845.00 69.15 0.00 59.15 3t6.932.20 3!6,932.20 0.00 0.00 t0l-1420.33r I r0l-t420-t390 1420 Grrnd Totel GL - Revenue Budget rs Actual (05/052020 - 9: | 8 AM) t.000.00 r 1.000.00 12,0,00.00 935.000.00 935.000.00 6r8,067,E0 6r8,067.80 66.10 0.6610 r2,0r6. r 0 345.00 l2J5r.l0 l0l-13t0-330? l0r-1310-3390 llt0 Page I