77-39 I' , t,J ~ JII/fIIIII'o., CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION Dated: August 1, 1977 Motion by Councilman Pearson Resolution No. 77-39 Seconded by Councilman Waritz WHEREAS, the City has received a petition from Hanson & Klingelhutz Construction Company, Inc., for the vacation of Saratoga Lane, which public roadway abutts certain lands owned by that corporation, and which public roadway is more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on said petition and on said proposed vacation on July 11, 1977, and said hearing was continued to August 1, 1977 and closed on said date; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was preceeded by two weeks' published and posted notice as required by ~412.851 of Minnesota Statutes; and '" WHEREAS, this Council has found that there is no public interest to be served by the continued public ownership of that portion of the above described roadway which is described on Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That all that portion of Saratoga Lane as more particularly described on Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof is hereby vacated. Passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Chanhassen this 1st day of August, 1977. Attesbdl Qv:. City Clerk/Manager ~ Voting Yes Mayor Hobbs Councilman Pearson Councilman Neveaux Councilman Waritz Voting No. Councilman Geving was absent .. ",... EXHIBIT ^ Descript~_~~f Sar~_~oCJ~.!..iv.e_ y Sara toga Drive, more particularly descr ibed as follows: A public rO.'id 20 feet in width over and across, the following described property: Those parts of the East 1/2 of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the East 1/2 of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 116 North, Range 23 West of the 5th Principal Meridian described as follows: Commencing at the most northerly corner of Outlot A, Western I Hills 2nd Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof; I thence on an ~ssumed bearing of North 31 degrees 00 minutes OOsecond81 West, on the northwesterly extension of the northeasterly line of I. said Outlot A, a distance of 81.77 feet; thence North 10 degrees . 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 140.28 feet; thence North I , o degrees 58 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 250.00 feet, I to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence South ! o degrees 58 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 250.00 feet; I thence South 10 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of I 140.28 feet; thence South 82 degrees 43 minutes 3' seconds Weat a I distance of 169.42 feet; thence South 0 degrees 58 minutes 22 seconds! West a distance of 160.88 feet; thence southeasterly a distance of t 216.56 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the southwest ~ having a radius of 794.00 feet and a central angle of 15 degrees ! 37 minutes 39 seconds, to a point on the westerly ri9ht-of-way line t of Laredo Drive as dedicated in the plat of said Nestern Hills I 2nd Addition distant 6.01 feet southerly from the most southerly _I corner of said Outlot A; thence southerly, along said westerly I right-of-way line, to the south line of said East 1/2 of the North- I west Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence westerly alon9 said sout line to the southwest corner of said East 1/2 of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence northerly along the west line of said East 1/2 of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter to the northwest corner of said East 1/2 of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence North 83 degrees 14 minutes 33 seconds East a distance of 551.40 feet; thence South 53 degrees 32 minutes 51 seconds East a distance of 68.43 feet to the point ~f be9innin9. - ,... The center line of said road is described as follows: ,... Commencing at the southeast corner of said East 1/2 of the North- west Quarter of the Southwest Ouarter; thence on an assumed bearin9 of North 0 degrees 58 minutes 22 seconds East, along the east line of said East 1/2 of the Northwest Quarter of the Southweat Quarter, a distance of 658.36 feet to the beginning of the center line to be described; thence northerly, northwesterly and westerly a diatance of 172.97 feet along a tangential curve concave to the southweat hav a radius of 110.32 feet and a central angle of 89 degrees 50 .inutes 00 seconds; thence North 88 degrees ,51 minutes 38 sicQnd~ W~8t~ tangent to said curve to the West llne of the East /2 of the North- west 1/4 of the South~est 1/4, and said center line there terminating. ; j I a 'A .. 1"'" EXHIBIT B Q~SCRIP!IO~ OF ~~ TO~nE VACATF.~ 1.11 of Saratoga Drive asaescrroca in "'!"xl:llDIrAatTached hehr~tho and made h f except that portion of sa1d Saratoga Drive W ~c is Q part er~o,______ dc~criLed as follows: A puLIIC road 20 feet in width OVf"r .1nc1 ilcro". the fOllOWing described I,rol'l'rty: Tho!le parts of the Ea~t 1/2 of th~ South"'f'~;t Ou..rter of the Northv..t 0uart~r and the En~t }/2 of the.' Northwest Quarter of the Southwe.t Qua r t ('r of S<,ct 1 Oil 12, To....n5h 1 p 116 N(lrt h, R...nqe 2..) West ot the 5th Prlncipal J..1crldian d€'scribed as t-ollows: ,-. COr'\1r.encing at thE" rno~t northerly corf!<,r of Outlot A, We.tern Hills 2nd Addition, acc0rdinq to the r~corded plat thereot, th(,IH'(~ on .1n .l~~~~lm('d LeiHillq of North )1 df'':Ir('~~ 00 "'1nutes OO..condE n't'st, on tl1l~ nOI'lhwcstl'rly t'"xh'n~;ioll of lh~ nort~a.terly 11ne of . Sdld Outlot ,\, ,'di~tallc~ of 81.)7 feet; thf"nce North 10 degr... JO minutes 00 ~.('C'on(h W('~d . dislance of 140.;l8 feet, thence North o deqret:'s 58 r.llnutf-'S 22 ~t'cond~ E"~l cJ diPlt.n,:,e of 250.00 teet, Lo 'he 1"'>11' "f beqinni'H, Dr 'h" land to hf> duc.ll>.dr th..nc.louth o deYTc>es ~H minutes 22 !;I'conds West a dist.nce of 250.00 te.t, tllL'nct.' SOUl!l 111 d('<Jrf'("~ 00 ",in\ltf"~ 00 8~conds r.a.t . ell.tanee of HO.2& feet: ttWlll..'(' SOllth Rl <1~qree!i 4) "'inut... ), ..cond. ....t . distance or 1(,9.42 feet; th('nc(" ~outh 0 ct"9ree. 51 -1nute. 22 .econd West b d.l5Llnce of 160.~8 teet; thellc(, ~Outhea!tterly a di.tanee of 21 b . 5 b f t:'e tal O:1y a non- t ""<}f'n t i...1 ell rye concave to the .outhwe.t h~lvlnq a I'ad.iu:i of 794.00 f('et and... cf'ntral an91e of 15 degr... 37 mlnU'es 39 s"~ond.. '0 0 voint on the we.t..ly '19ht-of-wey 11ne ot Laredo Drive- as dpdic.'lled in the plat ot !laid Me.tern Hill. 2nd Addition dist"nt ~.Ol fe.'t SOllthe,ly f."", th.. ..,at aouthe..y CC1rn,'r of s.lid O\.olt lot A; th('nc(' SOl/therly, alonq .aiel we.terly i n 1ht -of -way 1 j ne. to I he "011' h line of uj d hat 112 of the Ilorth- i . ~.. s. Qua n e r of 'h.' 50U' h,"'" ou. r ter, then"" w...t..1 y 010n9 add aO\1' line to 'h0 sou'hw".t corn...r oC ..id P.a.t 10 of the North..... ClIYrtet ul L hc Sou 'h,,, st l'U' nCt; 'hcn"... nonhe.ly alon'J tha weat Un. of , ,.: ">lJ East If] of 'h~ N""h...e9t Ou,"t('r of th.. South_at Ouart.r to I, 'h." northwest e"rncr of sa id I:.", I/} or the Northweat Ouart.. of th,! su u t hw~ 51 Qua rt "r, 'h ence Nor' h R 1 <1 ('q r..., a 14 '" i nu t.a )J ..conda I:..~ i d dl.'.n"" of 551.40 fee" 'hence ~o"lh 53 d..g...... 32 Mlnut.. 57 l! s""onds Ea., a dlS',nee of (.8.<3 fee. '0 th" point of b<t'Jinnin9. i I I The center lint' of said ro~d is d~scribcd as follow~: ! Cl"Jrnmenc i ng il t t he sou thea s t corner of ~aid Ea ~ t 1/2 ot the North- ....est QU.3rter of the Southwf'-'9t QU<lrtf'r; thence on an a..u.ed bear1nq of North 0 degrees 58 minutes 22 seconds East, alonq the .a.t line of sdid East l/l ot the Northwest Quarter of the Southve.t Ouuter, a diatance of 658.36 [~~t to the beyinninq of the eenter 11n. to b. dl!~cribcd; thence northerly, northwf'sterly and we.terly a eli.unc. of 172.97 feel along a tangential curve concave to the .outhwe.t having a radius of 110.32 feet and... central ftngl. of 89 d.qr... 50 mi nu tea 00 s('conds,. thence North 88 degrees 51 minutes 38 seconds West tangent to said curve a distance of 6 feet, and said center line ther~ terminating. i I I I I f J ,.... lc! I Cc,!>~~ ... .. ,... NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF PROCEEDINGS TO PARTIALLY VACATE SARATOGA LANE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, by a resolution of its City Council dated August 1, 1977, a certified copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, completed pro- ceedings to partially vacate Saratoga Lane, a/k/a Saratoga Drive. Said Saratoga Lane is more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. The portion of Saratoga Lane which was so vacated is more particularly described on Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof. Said vacation affects those certain lands which abutt on the vacated portions of said Saratoga Lane. BY o;~ THE ~.c~u~ City Clerk Manager I"'- Dated: August 1 , 1977. ~ ""