1e Approve Amendment to Resolution 98-01 1e CITY OF CHANHASSEN MEMORANDUM 10 City Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 TO: Phone 612.937.1900 General Fax 612.937.5739 FROM: Engineering Fax 612.937.9152 )ublic Safety Fax 612.934.2524 DATE: \.Veb www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us SUBJ: {,~. "f;J:' Approve Amendment to Resolution No. 98-01, Establishing Council Rules of Procedure I modified Section 1.01 of the City Council Rules of Procedure (see attached) to reflect when the City Council was meeting for what purposes. The City Attorney reviewed those revisions and endorses my language. However, in the process of proofing my changes, Roger noted that Section 1.02 regarding special and emergency meetings did not conform to state law. The attached modifications to Section 1.02 are recommended by the city attorney. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the city council modify Sections 1.01 and 1.02 as attached. .~ he City of Chanhassen. A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a cha/ming downtown, thriving businesses, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play City of Chanhassen Carver and Hennepin Counties, Minnesota DATE: January 12. 1998 RESOLUTION NO: 98-01 MOTION BY: Berquist SECONDED BY: Mason A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE CONDUCT OF CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS The following rules of procedure shall govern the conduct of City Council business: SECTION 1. MEETINGS. f.: ,~~:' 1.01. Meetings. The City Council shall hold regular meetings the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. If a regular meeting falls on a legal holiday, such meeting shall be held at the same hour on the Tuesday succeeding the Monday holiday. However, in December the Council 'rill have only one regular meeting which will be on the second Monday, December 14. Work sessions will be held on the first, thir-d, aRd fifth every Mondays of the month at 5:30 p.m.; however, no work session will be held on a legal holiday or the third and fourth Monday in December. 1.02. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Council may be called by the Mayor or by any two members of the Council in writing filed with the City Manager. At least one day before the meeting, the Manager shall notify each member of the time, place and the purpose of the meeting by causing written notice thereofto be delivered to them personally if he/she can be found, or, ifhe/she cannot be found, by leaving a copy at the home of the member with some person of suitable age and discretion. Special meetings may be held without prior written notice when all Council members are present at the meeting or consent thereto in writing. Such consent shall be filed with the City Manager prior to the beginning of the meeting. Any special meeting attended by a majority of the Council members shall be a valid meeting for the transaction of any business that may come before the meeting. 1.03. Place. All meetings shall be held in the Council Chambers of Chanhassen City Hall unless there is a published or posted notice designating another location. 1.04. Presiding Officers. The mayor shall preside at all meetings of the Council. In the absence of the mayor, the acting mayor shall preside. In the absence of both, the Council members shall elect one of their number as temporary chairman to so preside. 1.05. Quorum. Three members of the Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction ofbusines&~ofthe Council, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time. 1.06. Order of Business. At the hour appointed for meeting, the members shall be called to order by the Mayor, or in his absence by the Acting Mayor, or in the absence of both by the City Manager. In the absence of the City Manager, the Mayor shall appoint a Secretary pro tern, as the case may be, shall call the roll, note the absentees and announce whether a quorum is ----- ~,~ ,. day befafe the mooaag, the Manager shall natify each member af the ame, plaee, aoo the purpose of the mooting by ctltlsing -;;ritten notice thereaf ta he deWlefOO to them personally if he/she can be f'6und, ar, if he/she cannot be fouoo, by leaving a eopy at the home of the member -;/ith some person of suitable age aoo discretion. Special_Ii meetings may be held without prior -;;ritten notice when all Council members are present at the meeting or consent thereto in writing. Such consent shall be filed with the City !~; majority of the Council members shall be a void meeting for the traasaction of any business that may come before the mcetiag.