5 1998 Trail Project
I City Center Drive, PO Box 147
'hanhassen, Minnesota 55317
Phone 612.937.1900
General Fax 612.937.5739
~gineering Fax 612.937.9152
,Jblic Safety Fax 612.934.2524
Veb www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us
Don Ashworth, City Manager .2i1
Todd Hoffinan, Park & Recreation Director 71 f
March 4, 1998
1998 Trail Project; Approve Plans & Specifications, Receive
Authorization to Bid
On Monday, February 23,1998, Mr. Dave Nyberg of Howard R. Green Company
presented proposed plans and specifications for the 1998 trail project to the city
council. Since that time, the project team has participated in several resident
meetings that l1ave resulted in modifications to the proposed plans. Additional
minor changes unrelated to resident meetings have also been made to the plans.
Proposed plan amendments are outlined in the attached memorandum from Dave
Nyberg, Project Manager with H.R. Green Company. Mr. Nyberg will present the
City council with updated copies of the project plans on Monday night.
The Park & Recreation Commission and Planning Commission have reviewed
this project a total of five times. Both commissions recommended construction of
all six segments as designed. In order to accomplish this, additional dollars above
the $1.24 million original budget will be needed. On January 27, the Park &
Recreation Commission recommended the city council allocate up to $300,000 in
reserves from the park and trail acquisition and development fund to accomplish
the 1998 trail project. This budget amendment would raise the total budget
estimate to $1.54 million.
It is recommended that the City council approve the plans and specifications for
the city's 1998 trail project and authorize bidding. Concurrent with this action, it
is recommended that the city counCil allocate up to $300,000 in reserves from the
Park and Trail Acquisition and Development Fund to accomplish the project.
This amendment would raise the total budget estimate to $1.54 million.
g: \park\referen\p lans&specs3-9cc ,doc
City of Chm/hassen. A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a channing downtown, thriving businesses, and beautiful parks. A great place to lhle, work, and pldy.
MRR-04-1998 15:40
Howard R, Green Company
March 4. 1Q98
File: 801380j-0060
Consulting Engln8Brs
Mr. Todd Hoffman
Park and Recreation Director
City of Chanhassen
690 City Center Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear MI. Hoffman:
We will be in attendance at the March 9th City Council. meeting to present final plans for
approval and authorization for bidding. If the City Council authorizes advertisement for bidding
at that meeting, we will open bids for the project on April 9th.
As you <now, we met with City Engineering staff yest~rday to discuss final changes to the plan
set. We are now in the process of making these final changes. We also met with some
residents on Tuesday and are incorporating some of these revisions into the plan set.. We will
provide an update to the Council, on some of the issues discussed at the. Council meeting, on
Februar~l 23rd and changes that occurred as a result of these comments.
We ha~e been in contact with both Mn/DOT and Carver County this week to discuss this
project. Mr. Bill Warden, Mn/OOT, indicated to us that any changes they have at this time are
relativel'i minor, and could be incorporated ir'lto the project as changes during construction. Mr.
Warden said he did not see a problem with approving the. plans and authorizing advertisement
for bidding at this time. The plan set has been revised to incorporate the comments from Carver
County. We have met their requirements to provide final plans ready for bidding.
In a similar fashion to the Council meeting on February 23rd, we will distribute final plans to the
Council members at the meeting on March 9th and provide a brief presentation on each
segment. answering questions before proceeding to the next segment If you have any
questions before the March Qth meeting, please don't hesitate to give us a call.
Sincerely t
r\'oward R. Gr-ee.n Company
f \nA.C (AN"\/,
',UWV.-L.V Vd 15
David E Nyberg, P.E.
cc: Ms. Anita Benson, City of Chanhassen
Mr. Bill Weckman, Carver County
Mr. Bill Warden, MnlDOT
1326 Energy Park DrIve · St. Paul, MN 55108 . 6121644-4389 fax 612/644-9446 toll free 8881388-4389