4 Interview Park & Rec Commission Candidates /~...- "-".? /_" / r--.... CITY OF Lf CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission F ! ./:'-:?'.l / .P. .. ,//:// (1..11> .-' t......," FROM: Todd Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recreation DATE: January 6, 1998 SUB]: Commission Candidate Interviews " I have scheduled all eight interviews with commission candidates for Tuesday, January 13, 1998, from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Your special meeting to review the Bandimere Park and City Center Park plans is scheduled immediately after the interviews. To be fair to the candidates, attendance at the interviews should be an all or nothing proposal. lfyou are unable to attend, please call and leave a message. Commission discussion and your recommendation to the City Council will have to be tabled until after the special meeting unless interviews proceed more quickly than anticipated. Attached please find the interview schedule and applications. I understand that commission demands on your time in the month of January are extraordinary. I considered splitting the interviews over two nights (13th and the 20th), but reasoned that an "all or nothing" schedule was the best option. We have some qualified candidates who are excited to go to work for the commission. Please take the time necessary to review the applications prior to the 13th. Update January 28, 1998: Over the past eight candidates for the vacancy on the commission recommended that the council candidates: Kurt Papke, Jennifer Linn, will be present at your work session on two weeks, the commission interviewed commission. On February 27th, the interview the following three and David Moes. These three people February 2 beginning at 6:30 p.m. G: \jJark\th\C ommCandidate I nterviewsJan98 TH ,~ FROM CITY OF CHRNHRSSEH 12.313.1997 11:113 P. 1 ; \ . PAil:; : /1- ,/s, 6 {01- CO~SSION APPLYING FOR: ?o.. r k:- ( e .;-.. j2-<-~ . i I ! , I . ! i I I AL'tERNATE: I . N~:~ r: v (' +- A W - AD*tutSS: I 111 Ii ~ ';'""' e. J ~.....-( . HO~ 'HONE: Lf 1-( S - "1 t 71- WORK PHONE: 50'7-"1 1.-( oJ T nOw tfoNG IIA VE YOU BEEN A RESIDENT OF CHANHASSEN?: I t ~ ~.. .. .I r. , '. 1I1QIiJ$T LEVEL OF EDUCA TJON ATTAINED, PLUS DEGREES, IF ANY: :]'''''P__[l''':.l-J- Y1-'c:.s-fe~r~ F~oc(.""l~--! E';'').;'".c.e.-.....', rv1...\t.." -ii"'J''''''o A-AI-'Y'\','->. . ; I ; I C~NT EMPLOYMENf: (State position, employer & brief deicrlpdon of duties. If wit"; pr~seht employer for only a short time, llst previous employment as weD.) ~./) ~ ,;)c--h... ) s;. ~f-+~c...~ ~ ~{u h ~-V+ A ",,,-Li 4 - Co... r' .' .I IJ -' ~ '.J Y1'\ " ..... '", <., c- J" f-~) ... -<-.. e. '" <':. .. \ h.r_, ~ ....{ "- ~ r!-. - " "'" f) l ... ",-.f- 4.. ~ ~ 0-6 ?i. L.. r-: It.... ~ ..._ !, 'v I ~. --::;:7. I . P~pl~ L '" CITY: c ~ '" ~,,~~ "- -- ZIP: S S 3 I'} ~~ oc-- , I I j I I I i I 1 I ACfIViTlES AND AFFILIATIONS: (Include ele.ttlve orocell, honors and recognition. rece~ve~,ltftny.) ~D..':,+-'rP""+- I L L-c> "'\ no"" '"-,L Vi..... ~;...., -j...,jk.. t. ";L--<- ... I ( i"i IF} ')} II . \ (.., " ~~ ~ ~f ~-.. e ..... ~- J r-o.... -f-L. <; '"'- "". ~ / ,/ J" >-_,:", .~-b...- L. v{_-. - : '- -7.)>,\+ -, .-1- Ii '- , \ \, l. RE~SO~S FOR SEEKING THIS POSITION AND YOUR QUALIFICATIONS: I ~ ~c.{: .(._+-'~"'.s: -\-....",\.oo...i"'.< """.{... 01..:1.1'......;,_ '._I_~_. ;.... /''''-~""'-c..;....( . c -:. .A.. i .~ __ ..\ :--......."-1<1/.) .. .,. ~ r TL 1 . ~ . ...J-1;!:\~--:'_:L . 7>" ~.5 e..... V... ~~"" ... ~~ k--,.-""l....4' lW- 1 <-,......-1 J J U I .. ( I f , d--t.. <: ~1. ...--'- . t:.... ... a. _J k (~'.:.\ \ .~........~. c. ..... ,( e" (.,,, "- ... '-<.. '^"<. _.+-- 0 1-. C f,.. q '" ~ J 9 II IIW"W ",,"''':-+''r~1.. ......"'J<''''V-<-L-J/ J?4-t--L ~' -+........./ hvJ>.(o,Itl...........f ("vr-^- b /(....~ <-~ _ ) re. c- .. -f-... c: I :VeJ ( pi., "'- "''' I... t< -- d j l.-1 ...... ,,--41ft- t J h..': "'" / .,-,( _ ! f r _ . -j J. JT _ .. - J A IN J.~' a THIS APPLICATION, 1 UNDERSTAND THAT A COMMITMENT OF MY TIME, E l\G, INTEREST AND PARTICIPATION WILL DE INVOLVED, AND I AM PREPARED TO . SUCD A COMMITMENT IN THE EVENT 1 AM APPOJNTJtD TO THE ABOVE A . / - co SSlvN./</./// . 1'. ../;:;/ I -! /." / .//./ .. / / //,f:.;...:../-----.. ._.._,__.,~...... V . . .........r" SIGNA TURIt/ ../ ' I. *'* *' E tlD *'* *' APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN COMMISSION DATE: \\.\~\ \:-" COMMISSION APPLYING FOR: ~.~~" <."....~ "~v.J.~'\...'<"" ~ \......(':,..,. '" .(~~~\t.~\ ALTERNATE: NAME: \...~'<'\.~.~\'\ ~(v... \ \ ADDRESS: \~'}). ~~\\(.'\ ~\~,\0,~~ \\.",I(~ \ I CITY: ~ \......""~~-Q\"....'C. ~~ ZIP: SS ~\""\ HOME PHONE: ''-\'\\,'- \'-\"\\J WORK PHONE: C\~~ - 't ,\,,)... HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN A RESIDENT OF CHANHASSEN?: ~ \j\VI'<~ '" (\ / HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION ATTAINED, PLUS DEGREES, IF ~ w\-~'" '-'\~\,. ~. ~,~.).I."~""""", >" ,""". ;..~~ '- "S' '" \. \.)..,!-.,,'" ,- \'\~\ . CU~NT 'EMPLOYMENT: (State position, employer & brief desAiPtiOn of duties. If with present employer for only a short time, listprevious employment as well.) ~&.'" ~(~,~.~ ~;..'t\\~"1-.".,\\ K',,~~" '\.'':'\~''t)'~ .ft. C~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ \ ",;; ,~,.~~ \\ ~-... ~,^"~,, ~..-""..."-"",,, . \r~-. ~.~ ~~~~, ~ \ ACTIVITIES AND AFFILIATIONS: (Include elective offices, honors and recognitions received, if any.)\~\'l<~\\ ~..:;~~~.~ \:.,,~~.>'''' ~~~-'J0 (-)~. '\,....,'~~\ \~\'h". \, \:.~ 'X\t,\~':, 1 ~'\ ....... - - .. - - - \ - ;\'\. - \" ,.. \\ ;- \.,).",~, ':SJ"';-:N ." ~"-S"",,~, \\(...;.,~_\ v-.. ,,2\ \: ~\,~~,.: :(. ~".. . ~ \j I'~''I:''''''''~ \...,~) '-- ~.r\,)'..:f_\.,.-'\:) l;:::~ ~.....~''''<,.. v\\,....~"<, Sf".::\.. ~'tJw:\:~" \\..,' """ -\.'0\'\ \:::..".,\ .:. ~,. ':s.;;~", lS,u.;,,,\ ':.,~~,~~..., \~~~'\10.\-'\\;~~..\\ REASONS FOR SEEKING THIS POSITION AND YOUR QUALIFICATIONS: ~ ~~~6 '?^"'\~.~ '\"-'~',..." .~ ~., \:,./'-"'......}.r.................., ~~., ~"'\ ~~~.{'. .' \ . \ . 'h C>.,~""'o,\y '-:.., ;-y~~~ ~.. ...v"..,~),.~ ,\ C,......~-~~~.....,' ~_*.M ~t,,,-.. :x"x.';J~ ~ " \. , ~..\( ~"r,,-__, , '.'- <....l.( '",I ,'U: ~v "w"~~,,,,,,,,,,j t~0 ~ C', ~ . 0, "-:~A,' ,,,,.\ vA....- ~'\....,,....,'''~ ~:,) 0~-:-.~~\e.. ~. t;\c \ \^ ., ~ 1'-.\'-1..". ~), ....'" IN FILING THIS APPLICATION, I UNDERSTAND THAT A COMMI NT OF MY TIME, ENERGY, INTEREST AND PARTICIPATION WILL BE INVOLVED, AND I AM PREPARED TO MAKE SUCH A COMMITMENT IN THE EVENT I AM APPOINTED TO THE ABOVE COMMISSION. ~ ~~, ~ ~~~.} SIGNATURE t., .' '.~'~ f'l't (", ~ LiY', r.".).: ,';-j: 'rn . '- ,j; 1997 CITY Of Gh.... .~E,'\. UEC :3 1 1997 APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN COMMISSION CITY Uf CH^NHASSEN DATE: I,~ - ~3C>- q 7 COMMISSION APPLYING FOR: PC:Lv k Clnd Recveeth'un (Ornml~JjLhr) ALTERNATE: NAME: r yn+hirA- (C,I-ncl~) A, WrtVi50n ADDRESS: (-,;}.Of ~lA.J('(',d Ave.. CITY: EXcr/s/ov ZIP:CjC)33I, HOME PHONE:-=t 7 Ll - 011 , I WORK PHONE: 4 7 D - ~ b C)() HOW LONG H.4. VE YOU BEEN A RESIDENT OF CW.....l\ffiASSEN?: IO!0. yr.') HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION ATTAINED, PLUS DEGREES, IF ANY: I-h"f)h .:5CntY-' ( CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: (State position, employer & brief description of duties. If with present employer for only a short time, list previous employment as weU.)T 'n~ (L 7"}l/b~H-h)4e DClV'CL Df()f(<)<..icna.l +0'( H+l<.o.. S[}xob. -r W(lYk. I , in rn~u~ y rAY-fat,: (i~r?1~___e, .' June/I r OOrll r ,n ~ rourn .")upeA''vi'j(j'{ /11')(/ ,SPJCic.J (dUCCLhtlr7. .1 nJ CU(I'en-fly V_k)(I(((/fj Oilly f--'1/flrlt'IA.L\sh-k ACTIVITIES AND AFFILIATIONS: (Include elective offices, llonors and recognitions received,ifany.) -1'101 {L VO/Ul'I-l-ca-- {t..-J- i--1lnr)f~V{(-::,h'hl (end h~\/,,--,,-. VJo\'~f(1 ()\ 1 (i.. nurvlhh' (l-r C;d)c(!/ -f--;)rdf'r'(li'-i'J~. ~J- u.../so (O-t f?{u~' -fh€ c.;{hco/ s MrC'J- hU I' . REASONS FOR SEEKING THIS POSITION AND YOUR QUALIFICATIONS: A ~ L nlo-/-he' .f " :111 11 +he 'v'vfS+cvn (lI'v)f'f {1-{' IC')f [' d-\f T h (H'){' -J (\ r P pV.f1 <. (In-!- -Fhi"5 (t (eeL of' J I C +f~ (()11101(jni.J-\./. L helitl/e. rY7D~+ of -fi')f D-!hev I IYlf Hl bu"::", live C { o.s...c -I-h -H0e (() (e N .+he (' t.J-..t/. ~ I I rl {e ~(.'n)( -hV\1P ~ v-et( tyee( -it} . (1 <s -1-1-,( -h:'wBcrffEn (;r"t'S_ IN FILING TillS APPLICATION, I UNDERSTAND THAT A COMMITMENT OF MY TIME, ENERGY, INTEREST AND PARTICIPATION WILL BE INVOLVED, AND I AM PREPARED TO MAKE SUCH A COMMITMENT IN THE EVENT I AM APPOINTED TO THE ABOVE COMMISSION. (IL':n~L #CUYL(JOlJ SIGNA APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN COMMISSION DATE: /;2 -/?-?-"7 COMMISSION APPLYING FOR: /,~/ ~~/ ~/'~~-a~ ALTERNATE: ECEIVED DEe 22 1997 CITY OF CHANH"'SSEN NAME: ~J.<?47 G " /?7 #7 c., /c9.P7 -E'( _ /' ADDRESS:r6 7C> (:LQ#~ /7f7,d {Jr',A/ CITY: C4~~ ZIP: 5?~/ ? HOME PHONE: 7~ ~- 5C/Y7" WORK PHONE: t,/ r r-_~ G,;J 6 c HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN A RESIDENT OF CHANHASSEN?: / (//,c,. ,- 4~~~~~1~~,~):~:r~~O~A~D;!;~~G~~:~;~~;~~~2 ;:;""L C-v '5t CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: (State position, employer & brief description of duties. If with present employer for only a short time, list previous employment as well.) MrZ-idq~;? ;-:c: /~?"&';,,,.- ~ A/q7; :;, /<$.bJ'/~ C-:;' - ~ . . &~,?, ~z -z:-~ ~r}6:f:#-< ~ et..so-€---7'k-l' .~~ ..&~r)?:f-/~6n.', (~cr( t:~?M ~~c'~~~;:::Z;-z..t':"'''~-Cf'' ACTIVITIES AND AFFILIATIONS: (Include elective offices, honors and recognitions received, ifany.)~?"J--t'-~7 "'-~, '''?;?~~t.~dd (~/hz:~.z..k S-</,.a7/:,~6r-~~ ,4 ..J,/r'rC! . J.-- '~Zo'r.?~../4~ (m~c:'>/r ~ GCS/W) REASONS FOR SEEKING THIS POSITION AND YOUR QUALIFICATIONS: 2-' -7"'~::.c#/ A.I/ ;~ <2-A?;T ....&~;~~~/ .r~..:a '~?,/ Q-7r/-/ A::.-""'!..<0~~ a~/ /t,,N"/, f 4~;{' 7 ~.~~d/& C< :kk:d'-~ 4"~~ .d ...g,p r-- / /J " # '7 ~ - ~ . --?;-~;!n?U-d17 c.ce::.c.,P~, '-?"'7 ~~..#~ .e~~~d.. _~,;.,... ,:f- ,~24rz/G-'71C;'- ,oof ~-id' ~:;,;t- L~~4t'~>'6-t' ~~-7! (f <::"~ .---c~ -~"..-2-~;".7 ....vT:~~r7~~<' ,,~:n?U;:'<" ~ ;?~ ~r:~-, ~ ,-4{ /'Y/j <t' ~-XYAA..#?-:/-r_ IN FILING TIDS APPLICATION, I UNDERSTAND THAT A COMMITMENT OF MY TIME, ENERGY, INTEREST AND PARTICIPATION WILL BE INVOLVED, AND I AM PREPARED TO MAKE SUCH A COMMITMENT IN THE EVENT I AM APPOINTED TO THE ABOVE COMMISSION. .---" ,{I .' LY/1~II7;'//~" l'--~,>",/,_~ aye., .;2; ~~7 SIGNATURE OBJECTIVE: EDUCATION: WORK EXPERIENCE: ADDITIONAL SKillS: PERSONAL: REFERENCES: Joseph Matthew Maloney 8690 Chanhassen Hills Drive North Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612) 934-5044 Appointment to the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission. 1996, Diploma, Anoka-Hennepin Technical College, Anoka, MN. >Turf management, irrigation, landscaping, equipment maintenance. >One of 36 students in the United States selected to attend the 1995 JACOBSEN Future Turf Managers Seminar in Racine, Wisconsin. >4.0 GPA 1983-1994 attended various automotive repair seminars and clinics. >Specialized Brake Repair, Computerized Engine Management Systems, Four Gas Analysis, Anti-lock Brake Systems, etc.. >1988 ASE Certified Master Automotive Technician 1983, Diploma, Dunwoody Industrial Institute, Minneapolis, MN. >Computer and Digital Systems Technology. >Electronics 1980, Diploma, Southwest High School, Minneapolis, MN. >Science, Electronics, Shop and General Classes. 1996 - Present, Hazeltine National Golf Club, Chaska, MN. >Irrigation Technician >Apply fertilizer and pesticides. >Golf course maintenance. >Snow plowing 1994-1996, The Wilds Golf Club, Prior Lake, MN. >Irrigation Foreman >Supervise other employees. >Operate all types of golf course equipment. >Apply fertilizer and pesticides. >Experience with new construction. 1994, Automobile Technician, Minikahda Union 76, St. Louis Park, MN. >Performed a wide range of repairs and maintenance on many different types of vehicles. >Responsible for snow plowing on 5 parking lots. >Current Minnesota Pesticide Applicator's License. >Recently completed First Aid and CPR training. >Computer literate. >Gas and Arc welding. >Carpentry >Nature/Science, Golf, Travel, Fishing, Scuba diving, Golf club building and repair, Woodworking/Home improvements. Available upon request. APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN COMMISSION DATE: t1...;{" If 7 COMMISSION APPLYING FOR: ()~/L5 -v-- .K€-c-J2..e"? -h o:-J I ALTERNATE: NAME: B.eu~ ~tPHA.J5~ ADDRESS: d837 7JbV '\7~ LA.; CITY: C-1/~4~) ZIP: 5533/ HOME PHONE: S'e/ -~7/7 WORK PHONE: HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN A RESIDENT OF CHANHASSEN?: / y'~ , , ... HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION ATTAINED, PLUS DEGREES, IF ANY: CG~.P- .A~D" CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: (State position, employer & brief description of duties. If with present employer for only a short time, list previous employment as well.) ,dJlt..v~.s ~~ ~cleJ2 ~~/ox...s r (..A 0(2. +~oJJ K~V#t.e...) ACTIVITIES AND AFFILIATIONS: (Include elective offices, honors and recognitions received, if any.) Pt!J7Z1-tZy C/(...pf3 - YouA 5eA'vu:.k?J /VOCe2 *~o.Q / 'o11l~- ~,/2ec-~ IU,~€- Gl!//-r::- ~U~~ ./ ~/)/e.ec-~ +- o:e~/~ ,J? 16 8e......;cC' ///u,JT-;~ rrKlck, ~ ;/~ C-~~. /~--~~ -k~..ee REASONS FOR SEEKING THIS POSITION AND YOUR QUALIFICATIONS: .:x- ~~-f-- ?4, 9/l/€ ""~k ~ rue ~#~u-/U~~v V. // €.-A.) J d:J v ~ Q I ~ 072 f:... /.-.J,--" v-' / ~ c..J /7::s +- J " V 77~ €- Ar0;- ....:z2 /e~Cj v-€ 77.,c .... //7; / h ) ~) /.-~.A - ~ ..c.c~ /r:--~ / .5" ~r-~ . r>-//"? ~_.I/ / h<;-<.//I7?Q<:; ~ ~-~) / IN FILING ~'itW:i~ON, f~ERSt'~1&T [co~~~ffiff TIME, ENERGY, INTEREST AND PARTICIPATION WILL BE INVOLVED, AND I AM PREPARED TO MAKE SUCH A COMMITMENT IN THE EVENT I AM APPOINTED TO THE ABOVE COMMISSION. <i ..e;e..[/ I ~_ - .:r::- ' v~_ /L I -Ii ,- . ~~;::<; / /N ~\h~ SiGNATURE nEe: ',J i BJ BACKGROUND EDUCA nON INTERESTS MEMBER ORGANIZA nONS BRUCE JOHNSON 2837 Tanagers Lane Chanhassen, Minnesota 55331 · 612-401-0049 Partner 1988 - Present Commercial Furnishings Tallahassee, Florida A Steelcase Turn-Key dealership. Responsible for all phases of running the dealership including 12 full-time employees, 200 vendors, overall sales and operations totaling $3-4 million annually. Initiated the Steelcase dealer world class performance, work place performance and Steelcase Ontrack Software Program. · Steelcase team player. Steelcase state of Florida.contracts were initially held by dealers, initiated Steelcase to handle contract and have participating dealers throughout the state increasing Steelcase sales. Upon leaving Commercial Furnishings, 95% of Steelcase price and product manual on state contract. · Member and past president, Florida Circle Group of Dealers. This group responsible for over 90% of Steelcase Florida sales. · Committed sales of over 85% total furniture volume to Steelcase and design partnership accounts; Vecta & Brayton were top five vendors. · Attained 40% market share in Tallahassee, Florida. The previous owner had a 10% share. · Through networks, worked with national accounts such as: Coca-Cola, Target, Green Tree Acceptance, Dean Witter, Sprint, Bell South, Unisource, Merrill Lynch, 3600. · Achieved and maintained dealer world class performance the past two periods, with levels above the national average. · Attended last two dealer conferences and utilized several tools available that Commercial Furnishings put into place. Commission Salesperson General Offi.ce Products A contract furniture dealership. 1985 - 1988 Minneapolis, Minnesota Manufacturer's Representative 1981-1985 Simmons U.S.A. Minneapolis, Minnesota Representative for Minneapolis and surrounding territory. Hillsdale College Major: Political Economy, Bachelor of Liberal Studies Hillsdale, Michigan Kirk (my son), golf, tennis, outside activities, gardening Capitol Rotary Club; Grace Lutheran Church; Big Bend Punt, Pass, Kick Competition; Tallahassee Nike Golf Tournament. APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN COMMISSION DATE: De(.sLl""o~ dO. \C\q~ . COMMISSION APPLYING FOR:r-p 0--1 k 9- Kccx ~cd, (Tv", C.OIY\\Y\'L2>~ \ 0 v, ALTERNATE: NAME: ..... ) e.n ~\\ ,,-Lv- L-~\ 'n Y\ ADDRESS: L\OO\ Cc:.'-.u-c\ry ()o..(;) Qy- CITY: CJ'\O..I~hQv/:)o\ ZIP: 55 '~~l- -y~ \ ) \ HOME PHONE: Ll'":rO'''' q ~C) C\ WORK PHONE: HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN A RESIDENT OF CHANHASSEN?: G) \ \ d ~CL r-~ HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION ATTAINED, PLUS DEGREES, IF ANY: '?:::1 ,~~ ~\--,,--Y'r.-'-t"..QO-t~'-~~J. ~lC\~O-.-\::" O~ ~l;VY, LLbJ C\.C rt)~ r.~ e.-' ( ~ \':;,CQ"'{"U~ CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: (State position, employer & brief description of duties. If with present employer for only a short time, list previous employment as well.) ,<><-Q. o..~v, C 1.....,-, ,I:.. .,,-~'-~ Q ~ &,-vv'-C h,,-:\..\: d. \X='- '-'..J . v~" ACTIVITIES AND AFFILIATIONS: (Include elective offices, honors and recognitions received, if any.) \\,-^-cvR' d:::: ,-'~'-'~\.\."'.. ( \)-\ Ct.. ,-,,,c. "":-\-(G \}i'_,- >'l"j C)")?_>:,',--.:0 CiV\. i\'-'I...'-ej C 1"....'\.1.... ~ '-~ v\ . ::.:.......C:... dC. \. )~\.._\. \_,'-":\::.~( '--. ' f'-.Q..C(}'- \:.c\ '-~L6 ~~ C'---\'-.-"_-'_A_0 '^--.') " REASONS FOR SEEKING THIS POSITION AND YOUR QUALIFICATIONS;\? e ('u (",,\\<-0 \..D ... \.).u..c..y.,.. 0-. ""' l. r~ ,?l\~-o..',,-,- -t>. \)0. t --\::, Cb Q.i.: ), ~ XU 0-.[l -.Q.R..~O ~VJ\..Q ~ ~ ~..'-.~'\-\'--O '--\..~~, · <:>a-C. l \..'0.,,-,-,) -\~' --kl\.. P \~~L - 'v~ --\..i,~ Cl.... '\ '- OY'O.. ~ \._ \-'('., ,r-J~.} (' 1'\ Cc.".......,-\~_\ \. \, C 'J ~') ~~>_ lA~ (N-_Y\)~fv''-CL.. ,,-C 0.""'- C-'- t/~[\. ~:)_<L\.JO,'CtQtl...~ ~-\:..~ '-(/)~, c\ '-'-''- \<Lt. plY"\.\' ~"-- ~ \.\;? c\C\:-\--C- O~ \.,J.,")"c. () ~ . IN F~g Tm~AP~~~~I~~~~T~ T~~~O~~~~~;~~OO, ENERGY, INTEREST AND PARTICIPATION WILL BE INVOLVED, AND I AM PREPARED TO MAKE SUCH A COMMITMENT IN THE EVENT I AM APPOINTED TO THE ABOVE COMMISSION. G ~'-'_-~ _ . 7: /-5 March 29, 1997 ~ -,-... I ., r', .'\ 1:~ " 7 City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Board of Commissioners, I am writing to seek an appointment and serve as a committee member on your "Park and Recreation" Commission. Commission l\pplying For: Park and Recreation Commission Name/Address: David J. Moes 6241 Near Mountain Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Home: (612) 470-1699 '. . '. 'J! 1../ Work: (612) 397-5718 (d..i.ll- ;:lt~) j Resident of Chanhassen: Since 1988 EducationIDegree's: Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Marketing/Finance Employment: !NTERPRISE Networking Services From U S WEST Current Title: Group Manager - Service Programs Responsible for Developing, Pricing and Implementing Service strategies to support our Data equipment product line. These service strategies support National activity and we have begun evaluating International opportunities. The service strategies I develop range from Large (Fortune 50) corporate needs to ''Home Office" solutions for the individuals working out of their homes. Activi ties/Affiliations: Minnesota Society of CPA's - Member Since 1993 Unites States Power Squadron - ~ember Since 1996 II- 1997 Boating Activities Chairperson YMCA, Volunteer Youth Basketball Coach, 1996 Volunteer Youth Soccer Coach, 1997 Volunteer Youth Baseball Coach, 1997 Member of St. Hubert's Catholic Community I have been a member of the Chanhassen community and Carver County since 1988. Through this time I have seen some very exciting and strategic change occurring within the Chanhassen Community. It is this change and foresight that will be critical to the livelihood and continued success of our community. Just as there has been significant change since my wife and I joined the co~unity, my 5 year old and 6 month old boys will experience even more dynamic changes as they grow up in Chanhassen. The ability of Chanhassen to balance the needs of Long time residences, ~ewfamilies,;i~d the associated park and recreation requirements will be an exciting time. These are some of the dynamics requiring attention to assure the success of Chanhassen, and where I have a committ~d interest in playing a role in shaping. I read with interest the article in the March 21, 1997 Chanhassen Villager on Todd Hoffman (Director- Chanhassen Parks and Recreation). Todd raises some extremely iIl)portant issues requiring attention and action to assure the success and ongoing health of the ChanhasseJ,\ Community. It will be critical to address the "Trail Construction and Development" and"''Park Development" opportunities while balancing the economic, environmental, social and personalimpact to the Community. In my employment with U S WEST I have been responsible for analyzing the Market conditions and proposing, developing and implementing initiatives to keep us successful through dynamic changing times. These efforts have been performed from an array of positions and functional groups. I have lead efforts from a financial perspective, performed audits on our major subsidiaries making strategic recommendations, and currently directing our strategy for competing in the Services environment for our Data Equipment organization. These experiences and capabilities I believe is what the Park and Recreation Commission requires to continue moving forward in the year 2000. I know I can bring considerable insight and initiative to this Commission and add to the current group dynamics. In addition, my position with U S WEST takes me across the Co~tinental United States and into many communities. It is this exposure to different environments and communities which allows me to experience how other areas are dealing with growth and community development. My exposure to these communities will be a significant benefit to the existing Commission members. My dealings also require intense negotiation with our Vendors and Service Providers to meet and exceed. our customers expectations. These relationships are critical to all parties success. These are also skills required in developing the Park and Recreation Commission strategy and communicating with both the Citizens of Chanhassen as well as the parties involved with this development. My interest in the success of the Chanhassen community, and experience I bring to the Park and Recreation Commission provides the capabilities I believe you are looking for to help formulate the Communities strategy. I would like to discuss this opportunity with you further at your convenience. Please give me a call if I can provide any additional infOrmation ,to assist in your decision maki~g process. Sincerely: k ~_ , b;do~/l'~ 6241 Near Mountain Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Day #: (612) 397-5718 .~,. I ,.~ ..' . ': : ~ ~, ':, -~". ~ COMMISSION APPLYING FOR: 'fA {Z+L -r f2[ c DATE: APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN COMMISSION ~c::?~ /j-;;-? ALTERNATE: NAME:(J1t CFh1-*'C-L-- tu, (Vi u t---/~ / J. J .S ADDRESS: 25'1-7 CPJ/DU C[2E.6t::-~~{LCITY: CHiJtJ ZIP: 55"3/7 HOME PHONE: +7 () J 1/1 {; WORK PHONE: c; 3 0 . if f; ;L. 7 HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN A RESIDENT OF CHANHASSEN?: (j A/i,/1 /J '/ HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION ATTAINED, PLUS DEGREES, IF XNY: 1.1 '751::): '." '.1-Z:, .- /1,;/1>- (Y' c::-~{. .tP7t1<<.,/ FlY 2.- CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: (State position, employer & brief description of duties. If with present employer for only a short time, list previous employment as well.) fI c' /.) '- " / ;1.:1- dt:/l,~v/.h'J( )</1. rr -7 X,;7 ,,/7;-,; t .; I/{/ : (O' ! 'if. .~ (~J l .-- (~'7 .i/ (/ -r A~:?t;.; /h?; / .I ,>'/ ;1;& i!/ ~ll/ (;t /') -q'- f:/)2 ? (f( i/17 (f)/~//K J ACTIVITIES AND AFFILIATIONS: (Include elective offices, honors and recognitions received, if any.) /' /t;r. <'1 "7 \}{i1.t~ J/,':'/'11 '5; ~/?'.-(I a,? -r:-r r..1.}~' /2l />1'; If "!;I;I." " \ I /i I (//('1,'.:, (17 If- 'tL Ii; ~\II /'4 lit ""-r" P , /J '. I l ,J '. . -7-1 ~ . J-I/ /' /) /) _, ,7., ,111 11 .iMA9-t ~ 1/--1(~//J... -;-',-;:/'J:l--"-V <i-:"j"/</JJ!/!C:/ ("I-, " !., (), . " 4r' (?'T/--1/;;141>/ /f j;J1 IN FILING TillS APPLICATION, I UNDERSTAND THAT A COMMITMENT OF MY TIME, ENERGY, INTEREST AND P ARTICIP ATION WILL BE INVOLVED, AND I AM PREPARED TO MAKE SUCH A COMMITMENT IN THE EVENT I AM APPOINTED TO THE ABOVE COMMISSION. ~~ I?t/!a~___ SIGNATURE Ie CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O: BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 December 17, 1997 Ms. Jennifer Linn 4001 Country Oaks Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Ms. Linn: Enclosed please find an Application for Chanhassen Commission. I look forward to receiving your completed application. Remember, the closing date is December 31, 1997. Again, thank you for your interest in serving on the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, - ~~ .~~ / /r//: ! /,/,,-?{.:; ; ,,/ '- , Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:ns c: Park and Recreation Commission CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O: BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 December 17, 1997 ~~~ p~~~ Ms. Jo-Ann Neff 2150 Majestic Way Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Ms. Neff: Thank YOll for your past interest in serving as a Park and Recreation Commissioner. I would like to make you awarc that a position is cU1Tently open. Jane Meger has resigned from the commission and will be moving from the area. Applications will be accepted through December 31, 1997. An application is cnclosed for your use should you wish to rcapply. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, .-.---:/. ------- ,/. ,/"" ~/( c:e( j Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:gmb c: Don AshwOlth, City Managcr Mayor and City Council Park and Recreation Commission g pal~'lh .PRC\'ac<lncyLtr CITY OF CHANHASSEN January 5, 1998 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 // (612)}~)37-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 ~74~ /:;tj~1Jit C~:;// dtJ ~(l'.J ~ - 1;t;:--'~J t /?' ~A::;6 A'/0/ ////'AJ;y,6/C S' -,~? V .< AlD5G"/-G ,A:/(j r~//t/K5 -tf~ Mr. Kurt Papke 1131 Homestead Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Papke: Thank you for your interest in serving the City of Chanhassen in the capacity of Park and Recreation Commissioner. We have scheduled interviews with the Park and Recreation Commission on Tuesday, January 13, 1998, as follows: -------- 6 30 J h M I ,//,,' -'\ ,--6~45 ~:~: "';~~-Mo~ine~p~' ~if? 7t.lt,~{_..! 7:00 p.m. Mike Mullins ---'/ /' -J)_~j}~ /7/.~,~K~rt_;~p~e-:;; -~~,-' ~ ---~/.~- ~;:;; -'\ .<:.. ~./ -,'(..'r'/.(:.I/f.,~ :::_/ /' (./ r ~<... (. f ..f ~~__ ' The Commission will meet with each candidate in the City Council Chambers in the lower level of City Hall. Following these interviews, the Commission will select three candidates to be interviewed by the City Council. These interviews will most likely be held on February 2, 1998. 5:30 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. Lyndell Frey Cindy Hanson Bruce Johnson Jennifer Linn Again, thank you for your application. If you have any questions or would like to discuss a particular issue prior to your interview, please contact me at 937-1900, extension 121. Sincerely, ~~ Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:gmb g:\park\ t h \P R C Vacancy LtrJ an 9 8 g: \parkl! hIP ReV aeaney FldsJ an 9 8 C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 January 5, 1998 Mr. David Moes 6241 Near Mountain Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Moes: Thank you for your interest in serving the City of Chanhassen in the capacity of Park and Recreation Commissioner. We have scheduled interviews with the Park and Recreation Commission on Tuesday, January 13,1998, as follows: 5 :30 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. Lyndell Frey Cindy Hanson Bruce Johnson Jennifer Linn 6:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:15 p.m. Joseph Maloney David Moes Mike Mullins Kurt Papke The Commission will meet with each candidate in the City Council Chambers in the lower level of City Hall. Following these interviews, the Commission will select three candidates to be interviewed by the City Council. These interviews will most likely be held on February 2, 1998. Again, thank you for your application. If you have any questions or would like to discuss a particular issue prior to your interview, please contact me at 937-1900, extension 121. Sincerely, ~. ... ~q~+- Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director -- TH:gmb g: 'park\th \PR C 'Ii acancy LtrJ an 9 8 g: \park\t h \ PRe V acul,cy FldsJ an 9 8 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 January 5, 1998 Mr. Joseph Maloney 8690 Chanhassen Hills Drive North Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Maloney: Thank you for your interest in serving the City ofChanhassen in the capacity of Park and Recreation Commissioner. We have scheduled interviews with the Park and Recreation Commission on Tuesday, January 13,1998, as follows: 5:30 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6: 15 p.m. Lyndell Frey Cindy Hanson Bruce Johnson Jennifer Linn 6:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:15 p.m. Joseph Maloney David Moes Mike Mullins Kurt Papke The Commission will meet with each candidate in the City Council Chambers in the lower level of City Hall. Following these interviews, the Commission will select three candidates to be interviewed by the City Council. These interviews will most likely be held on February 2, 1998. Again, thank you for your application. If you have any questions or would like to discuss a particular issue prior to your interview, please contact me at 937-1900, extension 121. Sincerely, ~~ Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:gmb g: \park \ th \ PRe Vacancy LtrJ an 9 8 g: \park'th \P R CY acancy Flds] a n 9 8 C ITV OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 January 5, 1998 Ms. Jennifer Linn 400 I Country Oaks Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Ms. Linn: Thank you for your interest in serving the City ofChanhassen in the capacity of Park and Recreation Commissioner. We have scheduled interviews with the Park and Recreation Commission on Tuesday, January 13, 1998, as follows: 5:30 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. L yndell Frey Cindy Hanson Bruce Johnson Jennifer Linn 6:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7 :00 p.m. 7:15 p.m. Joseph Maloney David Moes Mike Mullins Kurt Papke The Commission will meet with each candidate in the City Council Chambers in the lower level of City Hall. Following these interviews, the Commission will select three candidates to be interviewed by the City Council. These interviews will most likely be held on February 2, 1998. Again, thank you for your application. If you have any questions or would like to discuss a particular issue prior to your interview, please contact me at 937-1900, extension 121. Sincerely, ~~U- Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director --.. TH:gmb g: \park\th \P Rev aeaney Ltd an 9 8 g:\park\th \P Rev aeaney FldsJan 9 8 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 January 5, 1998 Mr. Bruce Johnson 2837 Tanagers Lane Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Mr. Johnson: Thank you for your interest in serving the City ofChanhassen in the capacity of Park and Recreation Commissioner. We have scheduled interviews with the Park and Recreation Commission on Tuesday, January 13, 1998, as follows: 5:30 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. L yndell Frey Cindy Hanson Bruce Johnson Jennifer Linn 6:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7 :00 p.m. 7:15 p.m. Joseph Maloney David Moes Mike Mullins Kurt Papke The Commission will meet with each candidate in the City Council Chambers in the lower level of City Hall. Following these interviews, the Commission will select three candidates to be interviewed by the City Council. These interviews will most likely be held on February 2, 1998. Again, thank you for your application. If you have any questions or would like to discuss a particular issue prior to your interview, please contact me at 937-1900, extension 121. Sincerely, ~~" Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:gmb g:\park\th IPRC VacancyLtr Jan98 g: Ipark\th \P R C V acancyFldsJ an 9 8 C ITV OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN. MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 January 5, 1998 Ms. Cynthia Hanson 6201 Dogwood Avenue Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Ms. Hanson: Thank you for your interest in serving the City of Chanhassen in the capacity of Park and Recreation Commissioner. We have scheduled interviews with the Park and Recreation Commission on Tuesday, January 13, 1998, as follows: 5:30 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. Lyndell Frey Cindy Hanson Bruce Johnson Jennifer Linn 6:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:15 p.m. Joseph Maloney David Moes Mike Mullins Kurt Papke The Commission will meet with each candidate in the City Council Chambers in the lower level of City Hall. Following these interviews, the Commission will select three candidates to be interviewed by the City Council. These interviews will most likely be held on February 2, 1998. Again, thank you for your application. If you have any questions or would like to discuss a particular issue prior to your interview, please contact me at 937-1900, extension 121. Sincerely, ~~ --. Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:gmb g: \park It h IP Rev ae aney LtrJ an9 8 g: \parklt hIP Rev aeaney FldsJ an9 8 CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 January 5, 1998 Mr. Lyndell Frey 1822 Valley Ridge Trail North Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Frey: Thank you for your interest in serving the City of Chanhassen in the capacity of Park and Recreation Commissioner. We have scheduled interviews with the Park and Recreation Commission on Tuesday, January 13, 1998, as follows: 5:30 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. Lyndell Frey Cindy Hanson Bruce Johnson Jennifer Linn 6:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:15 p.m. Joseph Maloney David Moes Mike Mullins Kurt Papke The Commission will meet with each candidate in the City Council Chambers in the lower level of City Hall. Following these interviews, the Commission will select three candidates to be interviewed by the City Council. These inte'rviews will most likely be held on February 2, 1998. Again, thank you for your application. If you have any questions or would like to discuss a particular issue prior to your interview, please contact me at 937-1900, extension 121. Sincerely, , -~~< Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:gmb g: \park'l h \P Rev a<:ancy LtrJan 9 8 g: \park\l h \P ReV acan<:y FldsJ an 9 8 PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION INTEREVIE\V QUESTIONS 1. What are your reasons for applying for the commission? 2. What is your impression of the current park and trail system? 3. What do you feel you can contribute to the work of the commission? 4. What challenges do you see lying ahead of the commission? 5. What park and recreation issues are you particularly concerned about? 6. What do you believe are the community's greatest assets? 7. How would you explain the role of the Park & Recreation Commission? 8. Are you aware of the time commitment required to be a commissioner? Are you completely comfortable making that commitment? PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION INTEREVIE\V QUESTIONS ./ I 1. What are your reasons for applying for the commission? 2. What is your impression of the current park and trail system? 3. What do you feel you can contribute to the work of the commission? 4. What challenges do you see lying ahead of the commission? 5. What park and recreation issues are you particularly concerned about? 6. What do you believe are the community's greatest assets? 7. How would you explain the role of the Park & Recreation Commission? 8. Are you a\vare of the time commitment required to be a commissioner? Are you completely comfortable making that commitment? PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION INTEREVIE\V QUESTIONS 1. What are your reasons for applying for the commission? 2. What is your impression of the current park and trail system? 3. What do you feel you can contribute to the work of the commission? 4. What challenges do you see lying ahead of the commission? 5. What park and recreation issues are you particularly concerned about? 6. What do you believe are the community's greatest assets? 7. How would you explain the role of the Park & Recreation Commission? 8. Are you aware of the time commitment required to be a commissioner? Are you completely comfortable making that commitment? PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION INTEREVIE\V QUESTIONS .! I 1. What are your reasons for applying for the commission? 2. What is your impression of the current park and trail system? 3. What do you feel you can contribute to the work of the commission? 4. What challenges do you see lying ahead of the commission? 5. What park and recreation issues are you particularly concerned about? 6. What do you believe are the community's greatest assets? 7. How would you explain the role of the Park & Recreation Commission? 8. Are you aware of the time commitment required to be a commissioner? Are you completely comfortable making that commitment? PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION INTEREVIE\V QUESTIONS 1. What are your reasons for applying for the commission? 2. What is your impression of the current park and trail system? 3. What do you feel you can contribute to the work of the commission? 4. What challenges do you see lying ahead of the commission? 5. What park and recreation issues are you particularly concerned about? 6. What do you believe are the community's greatest assets? 7. How would you explain the role of the Park & Recreation Commission? 8. Are you aware of the time commitment required to be a commissioner? Are you completely comfortable making that commitment? PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION INTEREVIE'V QUESTIONS ./ J 1. What are your reasons for applying for the commission? 2. What is your impression of the current park and trail system? 3. What do you feel you can contribute to the work of the commission? 4. What challenges do you see lying ahead of the commission? 5. What park and recreation issues are you particularly concerned about? 6. What do you believe are the community's greatest assets? 7. How would you explain the role of the Park & Recreation Commission? 8. Are you aware of the time commitment required to be a commissioner? Are you completely comfortable making that commitment?