6 Water Supply Well, Project 97-4 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 6 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Don Ashworth, City Manager Charles Folch, Director of Public Works ~ January 20, 1998 DATE: SUBJ: Approve Acquisition of Land for Water Supply Well No.8; Authorize Preparation of Plans and Specifications for Drilling Contract - Project No. 97-4 / Last spring, consistent with the Comprehensive Water Supply Plan, the City Council authorized test drilling exploration work to begin for the siting of Water Supply Well No.8. The desired location for this new well was in the high pressure zone somewhere between Galpin Boulevard and Trunk Highway 41 north of Trunk Highway 5. Since the City did not own any property in this region which would also meet the criteria necessary for siting the well, the search began for a favorable site to acquire. During the summer of 1997, the Highover subdivision located immediately south of Lake Lucy Road and east of Trunk Highway 41 was platted and the construction of the improvements commenced. Since it is often times more feasible to integrate a well site in a developing neighborhood than retrofitting into an existing one, and given that this subdivision is located a desirable distance from Well No.7, staff focused their efforts on locating a site within the Highover subdivision. The developer of the Highover subdivision, Mr. Jerome Carlson, gave the City permission to conduct test drilling exploration on the site to verify that indeed the geologic conditions were favorable for siting a Jordan aquifer well. The test boring, which was completed in September, indicates that the Highover site is a good location for a Jordan aquifer well. In November, staff received a price list from the developer indicating the marketing prices of all the lots in the development. Lot prices ranged from a low of $74,000 to a high of $144,000. The lot prices were higher than anticipated, therefore, staff began to brainstorm for alternatives within the subdivision. Using the criteria that the new well site should be in a discrete, accessible, and economical location, the focti~ narrowed to Lot 2, Block 4. This lot has a gross area of 31,300 square feet. It has been graded for a buildable pad on the eastern half of the lot fronting the new internal city street, with the western half containing a significant slope down to the Trunk Highway 41 right-of-way. The west half of this lot also has an old existing "field access" driveway from Trunk Highway 41. Based on the lot size, topographic features, and the existing access to Trunk Highway 41, it became apparent that Lot 2, Block 4 could be subdivided into two lots with the westerly (new created) lot to be purchased by the City for the well site. Don Ashworth January 20, 1998 Page 2 This scenario has some ideal characteristics being that the ground elevation for the well site would be some 17 feet lower than the home to be built on the eastern half of the subdivided lot, and the well site would have its own individual access from Trunk Highway 41, thus, keeping the well site as a separate, individual, and discrete feature from the rest of the subdivision. This proposal may require a variance to the well lot size being 13,300 square feet. Staff has also spoken to MnDOT officials who indicated that they would permit the existing field access to be improved to a paved driveway exclusively for the well house. Staff has met with Mr. Carlson on site to discuss the proposal and has received favorable response. Mr. Carlson has agreed to a purchase price for the subdivided lot of $30,000 plus agreed upon a landscaping plan for the well site which would provide natural year-round tree screening for the higher elevated adjacent lots which would have views down on to the well site. The landscaping planjs estimated to cost approximately $15,000. As was done with Well No.7 located in the Brenden Pond subdivision, the City would be responsible for administrating and the costs associated with subdividing Lot 2, Block 4. The Fund 710 (sewer and expansion) of the approved 1998 budget allocated $50,000 for purchasing the land for Well No.8. With this proposal, the overall cost for the well site is anticipated to be some $30,000 to $35,000 less than acquiring and developing the least expensive existing lot in the development. In conclusion, it is believed that the splitting of Lot 2, Block 4 into two lots for which the westerly lot would be the location of new Well No.8, is an ideal scenario since this would meet the three key criteria of, discreteness (new lot would be located in the least inhibiting area of the subdivision), good access (exclusive from Trunk Highway 41), and economical (nearly 50% of the cost of developing on an existing lot in the development). Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council authorize staff to initiate the subdivision of Lot 2, Block 4 into two lots, acquire the newly created westerly lot for Well No.8 at a purchase price of $30,000 plus the agreed upon year-round landscape screening plan, all of which are conditioned upon obtaining an approved lot split of Lot 2, Block 4, Highover Addition, and be it further recommended that the City Council authorize Bonestroo & Associates to prepare the plans for the drilling contract portion of the project. jrns Attachments: 1. 2. 3. Location Map. Proposed Lot Split of Lot 2, Block 4. ,f Project Schedule. c: Anita Benson, City Engineer Phil Gravel, Bonestroo & Associates Jerome Carlson \'dsl\voI2'eng'charlcs'cc\wcll no. 8 land acq.doc r<t;::.:;" D Lake 14iZU:Zl!Wash ta Regional Park ',c>' (CollZJtY,IJar1:J",,, -'~"::.,:,.~~:.-, :'.~' .'. :. ," """'.~~?,' \:.: -"'-"':",.w,..,...,,,.-_ .. .u.'.,.,.,,,..__...._............ / ! ~ ,~ 'fJq~~ r'I-e ~ LlUldscape LOCATION MAP YiZU'1esota Arboretum I I I i I --------- T H .5. ArborPt\lllLBoul~.".." 1- I'~ :;'-:_::';;":'':'';'.~'-~:J' ....._~-. "~,.~~:;.\-J:...--,.-,,.,_'''......~...~.m.._... BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK :J 'it 6126361311 01/21/98 15:14 15I :03 NO:7~ r") ,,"' :"';":i:::~ ' ~""~'.1"""'" l;;?:'h:><.' " " (~ \.. \ , \ ~-- ........... "......-..-.".._.~ /"'~':E' //-~ ,./ .,/ /-"""':;I;. "//,,, U .>' ...-....G:" o ............. .. .." ~.._--........... j' ,..........................-.,'. .... .... .-... .... 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C.P.II.. ~"n'nr (<In!U1t,INI 04".,,,,,1<: I'rtnrll,.II" Hm....",'" ~.'"lor.1. ~.. . ~...,Hl J'.. COldnn. I'j. . l{ulo"ll/l. pr"IIe"", I'~ . II,rh,,," \4f. ('j>t"r, l>h . "..",11 O. L"'kOf... pr. . Rl)bert C. RUlS~k ^ J ^ . 1,4.". A. H~"",", r~~ . M,ch,'I'1 /'. II"U[III...",. I'~ . n'd ~.r'~lrJ. I'E. . Kem"lh P And"",)". P~ . ""d'. R. Ro'ls. PC. . ~;cJlH:"Y ,., WWi.1f'rnnn."'~ L.S.. Rot>C"rt ,.. kO(Jf1"'ut'" Ollie",.. 'I. p""'. IIf)Ch"ill!r. WillmM "nd St. (loud. lOIN . 1,4'''''''lIkel!. \III January 2 I, 1998 Mr. Charles Folch City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive, PO Box: 147 Ch<lnhass~n, MN 55317 Re: Well No.8 Sile Plan City Projecr 97-4( 1) OUf File No. 39348 Dear Charles: Attached for your review is the latest revi,ion to the proposed lot split for the possible well #8 site. This rt:=vision reflects rhe changes that We discussed at our recent site meeting, The residential lot has approximate! Y 17,980 square feet and at least 125 feot of depth at all poims. nle standanllot easements would apply 10 this lot including a 10-foot easement on the line betwcen the residential lot and (he wel1 sire lot The well sit 101 has apprOXimately 13,360 square feel. The standard lot easements should also be included with this lor. If the City reache, an agreement With Mr. Carlson, a formal plat should be prepared to accomplish the 'plit It may be beneficial to include Lor I in the new plat 10 make lot numbers more clear. It would really be nice if it would be possible to amend and resubmit the original Highover plat We would also Want to work with Mr. Carlson on the gedding, restoralion, and building plans for the site. A possihle schedule for the project is showo helow. Note that rhe well drilling willnol he complered until July 1998, Begin WeJ] Plans and Specifications Approve Well Plans and Specific8liulIs Award Well Bids Begin WeJJ Construction Prepare Pumphouse Plans Approve Pumphouse Plnns Award Pumphouse Bids Complete Well COIlSlruc.:tion Oegin Pumphuuse Construction Complere Pumphousc Cunstnlction February 9, 1998 March 9, 1998 April 13, 1998 April 20, 1998 May-June 1998 J Ul1e 22, 1998 August 10. 1998 October 23, 1998 October 26, 1998 June 1999 2335 West Highway 36 · Sr. Paul, MN 55J13 . 6'2-636.4600 . Fax: 612-636-'3" BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK 1i 6126361311 01/21/98 15:14l5! :02 NO : 7~ Mr. Clwrle~' Foldl January 2/, /998 Page 2 Some of {he landscaping work could be completed this spring along with the well drilling- This would help get th~ lr~t:S established and provide some screening for the adjacent lots. Feel free to contact Dick. Foster or me if you have any questions or require any further assistance. Sincerely, BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK AND ASSOClA TES ~~ Phil Gravel, P.E. Attachment cc: Mr. Jerome Carlson Instant Web 9751 Powers Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317