8c Trail Along Galpin Boulevard
'0 City Center Drit1e, PO Box 147
-:;bal/!Jl1i.ien, MilllteSota 55317
Pbol/c 612.937.1900
Cenci'll! Fax 612.9375739
:I/gil/I'eril/g f~IX 612.937.9152
'ublie' 1'4'1)' ;;/\ 61.2934J5l1
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Don Ashworth, City Manager
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Directorlf-I / ~fL/
August 19, 1998
On Monday, August 17 at a city council work session, Mr. Sam Mancino, 6620
Galpin Boulevard made a presentation to the city council regarding the affect of
the 1998 trail project on his property. Mr. Jim Ronning, 6640 Galpin Boulevard
was also present. Mayor Mancino left the room during the presentation.
Mr. Mancino would like to see the 8 ft. trail aligned directly behind the curb in
front of his property. This alignment would deviate from the approved plan which
includes a 2 ft. bituminous boulevard between the curb and 8 ft. trail. The
majority of the city council members indicated their support of this change in
design. Staff was also asked to consider the ramifications of making this change
uniform from the Mancino property north. Staff does not believe this unilateral
change is in the best interest ofthe project for the following reasons:
1. Considerable time, effort, and resources have been expended planning for the
approved alignment.
2. Easements have been drafted, surveyed, acquired, and paid for based upon the
original design.
3. Some new design drawing and engineering documents would be required.
4. A new round of meetings with property owners would ensue.
5. Maintenance efforts become more difficult, e.g. a pickup truck and plow fits
nicely on a 10 ft. pavement section. A pickup's outside tires routinely drive
off and crack the edge of an 8 ft. trail when aligned adjacent to a curb.
6. Trail user safety is compromised.
7. The resulting positive impact of reducing the trail cross section by 2 ft. north
of the Mancino property is negligible.
luith dttlJ! Irl/'(I,
{1 e'h1l7lling dOlI'IItO/il/i, t/lriring busilles,"ci, and beautifit! ['llrki. A gmn p!t/e'e to li,'I', [{'ork, alld pia)'
Mr. Don Ashworth
August 19, 1998
Page 2
In light of the city council direction at the August 17 work session, it is
recommended that the Galpin Boulevard trail be narrowed to an 8 ft. section from
the south property line of 6620 Galpin Boulevard north to the driveway entrance
for said property and 6640 Galpin Boulevard. North of that point it is
recommended that the trail be constructed per the approved plan.
g: \park\referen \galpinlrail.doc