1i Approval of Summary Ordinance for Cable TV
Mayor and City Council
o City Center Drive. PO Box 147 FROM:
':hanhassen. Minnesota 55317
Phone 612.937.1900 DATE:
Gmeral Fax 612.937.5739
1zgineering Fax 612.937.9152 SUBJ:
rlb/ic Safeo' Fax 612.934.2524
Yfeb WWIMi.chanhassm.l!lIl.us
Don Ashworth, City Manager
June 3, 1998
Approval of Summary Ordinance for Cable TV Franchise Renewal
for Publication Purposes
Attached please find a summary of the Cable TV Franchise Renewal Ordinance
that was adopted by the City Council at the May 26th meeting. The summary
ordinance was prepared by Brian Grogan of Moss & Barnett and is published in
lieu of the entire large document.
Approval is recommended.
City of Chanhasseu. A growing community with clean lakes. quality schools. a channing downtown. thriving businesses. and beautifitl parks. A great place to live. work, and play.
Jun-03-99 03:52pm From-MOSS & BARNETT
T-296 P.02/0S F-419
On May 26, 1998, the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota adopted a Cable Television
Regulatory Ordinance which will govern the operations of the City's currenr cable
television operator, Triax Cablevision, as well as any other providers which may seek to
provide service wIthin the City. The Regulatory Ordinance addresses general operating
requirements for cable television systems, and includes a procedure to obtain a cable
television franchise, consumer protection, and Customer service standards, technical
standards, and extension of service to new developments.
The Regl.llatory Ordinance also addresses several standard operating requirements
for cable television operators including the provision of insurance and indemnification to
the City, procedures for enforcement of the Ordinance and any cable television franchise
agreement and procedures to be undertaken to consider a transfer of ownership of tile
cable operator and renewal of cable television franchises. A complete copy of the
Regulatory Ordinance is on file with the City Clerk at 690 Coalter Dnve; Chanhassen, MN
Jun-03-98 03:53pm From-MOSS & BARNETT
T-286 P.03/03 F-418
On May 26, 1998, the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota renewed the Cable Television
Franchise of Triax Midwest AssociaTes, L.P., pursuant to applicable Minnesota State Laws. A
copy of the complete franchise agreement is on file with the City Clerk, located at 690
Coalter Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317, and,s available for inspection during normal
business hOl.lrs.
The term of the franchise shall be for a period of Fifteen (15) years and the City shall
receive from T riax a franchise fee of Five Percent (5%) of T riax's gross revenues. The City
will also receive public, educational, and governmental access facilities and equipment as
more fully descnbed in Exhibit E to the agreement.
The Franchise Agreement requires Triax to rebuild its cable system within 18 months to
provide up to 79 channels of programming with tile capability to provide advanced data
services. The cable system will use fiber optic technology ro improve SIgnal quality and
reliability as well as Increase the number of available cable channels.
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