2 Reconsideration of Disignation of 2.2 Acre Parcel, Villages on the Ponds d- -- CITY OF CHANHASSEN MEMORANDUM Cio'CCIlterDri/le,POBox147 TO: 1i/Il!Jr/iSfI1, Millllesota 55317 Phoile 612.937.1900 FROM: -;l'Ileral Fax 612,937.5739 gillmillg Fi/x 612.937.9152 DA TE: \Iic Stifft), Fi/x 612.934.2524 {>/J ll'li'li',ci,rAlilhi/iSCIl.IIIJI,lIi SUBJ: Mayor and City Council Don Ashworth, City Manager February 4, 1998 Request to Reconsider Establishing a Conservation Easement Over a 2.2 Acre Parcel in Villages on the Pond On October 13,1997, the city council acted to give final plat approval and other actions regarding Villages on the Pond. One of the conditions was that a conservation easement be placed on a 2.2 acre outlot within the Villages plat. The request to reconsider this action has been made by St. Hubert's Church (see attached correspondence, including a summary of previous actions). Should a motion be made and approved to reconsider, City Council procedures require that the item be tabled so as to allow the item to be published. Reconsideration itself would then occur at the next regular meeting. Should a motion for reconsideration not occur, or if made and failed, this item could not reappear on a City Council agenda for at least six months. g: \mgr\st hl! bcrtrecollsider ,doc /' (.'\.t~ ~. / (~ ~:J("I'i <'-;l/ \ d " .' ,,", t'c~. /1/ /.; "-:/ '(il\, O!'(/J,/II!,i/iii'l!, ~ '''''111;'''' ')1"'111"';"11';,1, -/ ,. /,1". , /'. 1 I 1 '! 1 " I' 'I 'f'/ I . I ~. II fll I. t.I",l ,,,1./, 11//:1 If! i/'III/lli "t' 1.':r,'i/l;jfT/fH,"iltf}lt'il t li'/f'lile J.'I,Iilf',i/'l". tli!(l }l>,'il't/::'I: (l,;n,', ,i I.'i;';";' !I'~"i'i' (I) /';!','. :~".. ;.(. I,';/t/ ['/i!: ~ Updates from City Hall--December 11-17,1997 ~~ Public Safety Department . Permits and revenue for inspections should be the same or higher than last year. . Team CRASH is helping address statistical safety/accident data for the intersections of Highway 5 & 101 and Highway 5 & 17 as part of our traffic safety effort. . Elementary school crossing patrol has been increased. . Newly elected fire chief John Wolff has already distributed a detailed question- naire to the membership to seek feed- back as the new fire administration prepares to take command. Finance Department . Attached is the November 1997 budget and revenue report. Planning Department . Old Town District: The Planning Commission reviewed the staff"issue paper" regarding the old town (historic) district. The commission is interested in designating and prescrving an old town district. Planning staff will be further defining some issues, developing a vision statemcnt, working with the neighbors, and creating design stan- dards. It is anticipated that the report will be fOlwarded ot the council in late spnng. Administration . Steiner Deyelopment: A question arose Monday night as to whether an agrecment exists betwecn Steiner and the city to repurchase part of the Wrase property. At the time of presenting the purchase agreement for the Wrase property, I was convinced that the city council would not want to move ahead with that purchase unless they knew that they would be able to resell a part of the property to Steiner. Steiner had earlier prepared a list of items that he felt were important if they were going to be able to move ahead with their development, i.e. the north/south road, full entry from Highway 5, etc. That letter also included an offer to purchase the easterly 100 feet of the Wrase property for $210,000. I did call Mr. Steiner before presentation of the Wrase item to verify that offer.. They stated that they had re-reviewed potential uses for the property and found that its value was very marginal to their development, but would honor the commitment that they previously had made. During discussion of Wrase, it was very clear to staff that that decision did not include any approval or agreement to resell any portion of the Wrase property. Monday evening's decision to move the tower to the east presents a whole group of new options as it deals with the Wrase property. Staff intends to place those options into writing and to include this itcm as a future work session item. . Lakeview Hills: Attached please find a copy of the most current proposal from Steve Liefsehultz, owner of Lakeview Hills Apartments. This should be a priority work session item as Mr.. Liefschultz would like to pursue other options if the current proposal is not considered viable by the city. Nancy, Mark Senn, and I met with Mr. Liefschultz to review the proposal and developed a group of questions that I am presenting to Springsted. I am anticipating that Dave MacGillivrary from Springsted will be present at a future meeting to discuss proposed refunding of several of our existing bonds. Although it is antici- pated that this would be scheduled on a regular agenda, I would recommend that we also include on that agenda the Liefschultz proposal so that Mr. MacGillivrary can respond to questions that Mark, Nancy and I had as well as those that the council may have. 1- ~ _ . St. Hubert's Church: I am again enclosing last week's News Alley together with the correspondence that had been received from St. Hubert's Church. They have formally asked that this item be reconsidered by the city council and, accordingly, I have no choice but to put them onto a future council agenda. Does the city council wish to have a work session in advance of that formal presentation? -- . Other Enclosures: The following is ~ list of other documents attached to the News Alley, including a brief descriptior of each: - Postal Service: Requests Postal Service to complete fence. - Fisher vs. City of Chanhasscn: Wc won. - Southwcst Transit: Rcsolution passed by city doesn't imply agreement to a park and ridc in Chanhasscn. - Building PC011it Memo: Total 1997 permits and value of such will cxceed 1996. - State Highway 101: Hennepin County letter summarizing meeting with council. - County Tobacco Ordinance: Request- ing they add a section prohibiting 18 year olds from selling tobacco products. Park & Recreation Dept. Planning and construction schedules for the referendum trail and community park projects are attached. Please contact me ifhave any questions. · Happy Holidays! ~ Updates from City Hall--December 3-10, 1997 ~ --;v .# ~ f#c- Administration . 2.2 Acre Parcel in Villages on the Pond: As of a week ago, the issue as to whether or not the Wards needed to dedicate the 2.2 acres to the city vs. the city having to purchase such appeared to be clear. Specifically, Bob Generous showed me the proposed plat, at the time that the wetland alteration pennit was being considered, wtrictI clearly includes the 2.2 acres. The Planning Commission! City Council discussions were also clear in that the city was providing significant concessions to the developer in regards to wetland alteration and that their dedication of the 2.2 acres for conserva- tion purposes was reasonably justified. These conditions/approvals were known by St. Hubert's and can be attested to by their own letter stating, "In taking this action, the council did so with the understanding that the church and the developer of the Villages would need to renegotiate their land purchase agree- ment to implement the nOl1herly soccer field concept." What appears to have muddied the water is the fact that the Wards didn't want to renegotiate. The church appears to be in the position of purchasing either 8 acres or lO acres, but the price stays the same. I am suspecting that the church sees that the only means by which they can reasonably be reimbursed their perceived value of the property ($90,000) is to convince the city that it is their property and that they should be compensated the $90,000 if they are being forced to conserve it. As of the current time, the 2.2 acre outlot is in the Ward family name. Adding to the confusion is the fact the actual plat filed with the county now has the 2.2 acre parcel designated as Outlot L and the former Outlot H is a much smaller parcel. The paper trail could become very confusing if this issue ends up in court. I have submitted the updated issues to the city attorney and have requested him to prepare a confidential opinion to the city council as to our chances of being sus- tained if this does go to court. . TIF: Final impacts of the state legislature's reduction in commercial! industrial taxes should be completed by early this next week. Those reports have been prepared primarily by Pam, but under the direction of our city auditors. Addi- tionally, the city's financial consultant has been reviewing alternatives as it may deal with refinancing one or more issues likely to be impacted by this legislation. The League of Minnesota Cities has scheduled a meeting for next Wednesday whereat we will explore a common means by which to present what the impact of the state legislation has been on many cities, similar to Chanhassen, having districts that are nearing their expiration date. Changes in state law as it deals with school referen- dums and how that impacts tax increment districts has also hindered Springsted's/ Tautges' ability to prepare a final report for city council consideration. A work session in January is highly likely. . Position Classification & Pay Compen- sation Plan: This plan has been updated and will appear on the first agenda in January. . Philadelphia: I had a couple questions as it dealt with reimbursement for council costs in attending the NLC Conference. I am attaching a copy of my expenses. I have not included vehicle costs for November. Hopefully this will help you remember all of your expenses. . Christmas Party: Remember that the staff Christmas party is on Thursday, December 11 at 12:30 p.m. at the Recreation Center. Park & Recreation Dept. . About 125 people attended the city's annual tree lighting ceremony last Saturday. New features of this event included a bonfire, a decorated conces- sion trailer, and Santa's arrival on the aerial ladder truck. . We served 817 people at the annual Breakfast with Santa at the Recreation Center last Sunday. Engineering Department . Deadline for compliance with Sump Pump Ordinance is February I. 1998. · Loren Engelmann (Heavy Equipment Operator) to start employment with the City on 12/15/97. · Retirement luncheon for Art Kerber tentatively scheduled for February 3. 1998 at 12:00 noon. RSVP to Nikki Dummer (474-4127) by 12/18/97. · Initiating preliminary in-house study for water quality improvelllcnts along Lotus Trail. -- Public Safety Department . No news to report. Planning Department . At the April 14, 1997 City Council meeting, the Solid Waste Grant Agree- ment with Carver County was tabled due to the Council's request of more information as to whether or not the grant covered all of the costs of the compost site. A breakdown of costs was provided at the following April 28 meeting. It showed the compost site was indeed fully covered by the grant. Now that the season has ended and the curtain is being pulled on the compost RECE\VED DEe 09 1991 CITY Of CH^NHASSEN December 8, 1997 Nancy Mancino Mayor, City of Chanhassen P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Nancy: The purpose of my letter is to follow up on our recent discussion concerning future parkland credits for St. Hubert's Church and ASMAR regarding Villages on the Pond. First, I would like to thank you and Don Ashworth for taking time to meet with Father Steve Ulrick, Dave Bangasser and myself to discuss the history of this issue and attempt to clarify previous discussions. I personally felt that we had a very productive meeting. First, I will begin by summarizing the agreement that the Church feels it reached the Mayor and city staff in the fall of 1996. Specifically, that agreement was: A) St. Hubert's or the Wards would agree to deed to the Ci(v of Chanhassen for Public Open Space pUlposes the 2.2 acre parcel located south of the Church and east of Highway 101. B) At the tjme of flling the inWal plat for the VjJlages, the Wards or the Church would agree to pay $16,000 park/trajJ fees. C) At the thlle of obtahling a bujJding permjt for the Church, no addWonal park or trajJ fees f-flOUld be cdjActed from St. Hubert',; gfnce St. HuIF'Tt's is CD!1stn!cting f! pArk and playground as part of'the project. D) The Wards would be granted future parkland credjts equal to 590,000 wMch wjJl be credjted agahlst paddand land lees due in the future when addWonalland is flnal platted wjthin the VjJlages subdivision. The $90,000 was intended to offset a portion of the additional Church costs associated with the relocation of the soccer field. In 1995, St. Hubert's executed a letter of understanding with the Ward family to acquire 10.2 acres for its Church and education complex. The letter of understanding was conditioned upon the Wards receiving approval for their planned unit development which was obtained in the Fall of 1996. The approved PUD did reflect a 10.2 acre site for the Church and approved the construction of a soccer field on the southerly wooded knoll. Based on that approval, the Church proceeded to execute a purchase agreement with the Wards. Through the site plan review process for the St. Hubert's facility, there was discussion and disagreement among Planning Commission, Park Board and City staff as to whether the soccer field was an appropriate land use for the knoll. Specifically, the issue revolved around the conflict of the perceived need for an additional soccer field and Church open space as opposed to preserving the wooded area. In light of this conflict, the City Council at its meeting of August 26th took action continuing discussion of the site plan and asked representatives of the Church to meet with City staff to develop a plan that could address each of these concerns. Given that request, we did revise our site plan to provide for a future soccer field north of the knoll, while at the same time preserving the wooded area. In dcvelopil1g the c:::nccpt though, it is cleaf that not only would the Church have less usable land, but there was a significant expense in implementing the revised. grading and development plan. In a letter to Mayor Chmiel, Father Steve Ulrick indicated the Church's willingness to proceed with the revised plan provided the City follow through with its commitment to grant future parkland credits. Attached is a copy of the letter from Father Ulrick to Mayor Chmiel. On SepteLlber 9, 1996, the Chanhassen City Council approved St. Hubert's site plan based on moving the soccer field to the north. In taking" this action, the City Council directed the staff to "work out an acceptable agreement" with St. Hubert's relative to the relocation costs. As one of the representatives of the Church, I did meet with your staff and we reached agreement on how the knoll area would be preserved in exchange for parkland credit to the Wards. This agreement VJas summarized in my letter of December 2, 1996 to Don Ashworth which is attached. Mr. Ashworth has confirmed that the letter accurately reflects the agreement reached between the Church and the City. Further. St. Hubert's amended their purchase agreement with the Wards which provided that the Church would acquire 8.2 acres and would be responsible for all costs associated with redesigning grading and development of the revised site plan. The additional site development cost incurred by the Church based on the revised site plan were in excess of 590,000. The Wards agreed to pay the Church [or parkland credits received as a result o[ the Imol/ dedica{jon, consequentlx anx beneDt [01111 the credits will accrue 100% to the Church and not to the Wards. Based on the acceptable agreement with the Mayor and City staff as outlined in my letter of 12/2/96. St. Hubert's proceeded to acquire the land and construct our new facility with the clear understanding was that the City Council would be approving future Villages on the Pond Additions with the condition that parkland cash payments would be waived up to 590,000. As we discussed this issue, it became clear that one of the points of disagreement was the requirement in pre,'ious City apprm'als for a conservation easement on Outlot H and the perceived assumption that Outlot H included the wooded knoll. First, I have reviewed the approval conditions for the PUD and there was clearly no requirement for a conservation easement on Outlot L which is the wooded knoll.. The Wetland Mitigation Permit does specifically require a conservation easement on Outlot H. Recently, I did ask Vemell Clayton of Lotus Realty to review with BR W whether they prepared a Preliminary Plat showing the wooded knoll area included in Outlot H. They indicated that all of the submittals that they had made to the City clearly identified the wooded knoll area as a separate outlot and thus, at no time did either the City approvals or the wetland permits require such a conservation easement. A conservation easement was required across the wooded area south of Hwy. 101 but only if it was determined to be feasible to relocate the soccer field to the north. The Church did determine that the relocation was economically feasible based on the City's commitment to provMe park land credit. . In conclusion, St. Hubert'.s would i:~sk that the City Council reconsider its action on the Villages on the Pond Second Addition and provide the previously agreed to parkland credit. Upon receipt of the 2.2 acres of parkland credit, St. Hubert's and ASMAR remain committed to dedicating to the City for parkland and open space Outlot L. St. Hubert's truly looks forward to resolving this misunderstanding and looks forward to meeting with the full City Council in the near future to discuss these agreements. Thank you fOF?your cooperation. /l?f/~?/ Sinye~/r6'l:.;. / 1// / 1/' .' . ,/~>::pr~_-- (~rncv '/.... - ~;.Buiiding Committee ~....-. DP:jms Enclosure 15/97 12:21 To:DON ASHWORTH From:Dave Pokorne Page 4/5 October 13, 1997 li~ UF Do AJ~ I 0 - 1-0 -C( '7 ?Jf- Don Ashworth. City ~Ianager Cit" of Chanhassen P.O. Box 1--17 Chanhassen. .\L', 55317 Dear Don: The purpose of my letter is follow up on our recent discussion concerning t.he acquisition of Out.lot L of the \'illages on t.he Pond by the City of Chanhassen. It. is m~' understanding that t.his item will be considered again by the City Council at its October 13 th meeting. Because of other commit.ments. I will be unable to attend t.hat meeting. It. is my understanding though. based on your .\lemo of October 8. 1997. that there is agreemem that the understanding between the City. the \ \ 'ards and Sr. Hubert's Church is gencrall.\' as outlined in the letter of December 2, 1996. In re,'iewing the history of this mailer witlI Daye Bangasser. who represented the Church through the Site Plan appro\'al process. he concurred t.hat the final Site Plan "lNaS apprm'ed with the understanding tlIat the 2.2 acre omlot. would be preserYed as open space and further. that the st.alr ,vas instructed b.\' t.he Cit\' Council to work out adequate compensation. If tilt.' City Council has additional questions for the Church or if they do not concur wit I} .\'our recommendation. I would ask that I be allmved to attend a future Cit.~' Coullcil meeting to re\'ievl the Church's position again in greater detail. If the Council concurs with ~'our recommendations, the Church would be supportiYe of either a direct paymclH or future parkland credits as was originally agreed to. Thank you for your continued cooperation. If you hm'e any questions concerning SI. Hubert's position on this matter. please feel free to contact me at your conYellience. Si ncere1\'. Da\'id Pokorne~' DP:jms 10/15/97 12:2~ To:DON ASHWORTH From:Dave Pokorne Page 2/5 October 15, 1997 l\ annT \1 ancino ~ r ayor. City of Chanhassen P,O, Box 147 Chanhassen. :\1:-: 55317-01-17 Dear ~laYor ~lancino: It is my understanding that the Chanhassen City Council. at its October 13th meeting. took action approying Villages on the Pond 2nd Addition with a condition that a conser-ration easement be proYided across Outlot L. As you are aware. I do beliew that this action is inconsistent with the preYions agreement between the City of Chanhassen. the \\Tards and St. Hubert's Church regarding the outlot. Thc purpose of my letter is two-fold. First. I would like to request a meeting with you and ot her appropriate City ofikials to discuss this matter to assure that the preYious agrecmcnts arc understood and implemented, Secondly. I 1vill attempt to again layout the history of the understanding between the Church and the City on this matter. In 1995. St. Hubert's Church entered into a letter of understanding with the "\ \'ards to acquire 10.2 acres for the site of its future Church and School facilit,-. This letter or understanding was contingent upon the "\ \Tards obtaining Concept Plan apprO\'al from the City. The City Council approved the Villages on the Pond Concept Plan on December] ]. 1995. Attached is a copy of the Concept Plan which did incorporate the construction of till' soccer Held on what is now Outlot L. Based on that apprO\'al. St. Hubert's proceeded to execute a binding purchase agreement and subsequently presented to the City a Site Plan for the Church and School concept. Through the reYiew process. there was disagreement among the yarious City reyiew entities on 'whether the soccer ileld should be constructed on the knoll. or \vhether the knoll should be preserwd as public open space. The City Council originally considered St. 14ubert's Site Plan at its meeting in August of 1996 and took action continuing the maLlei" with the direction to the Church and City stair to develop a reyised plan eliminating tIll' soccer 11eld on the knoll and instead, preserving this area. Based on that direction, St. Hubert's worked with the developer and your stan' to dewlop all alternatiw plan based on the concept of preselTing the wooded knoll as public open space. 0/15/97 12,21 Tc~OON ASHWORTH From:Dave Pokorne Page 3/6 Through those discussions, we were assured by City representath'es that either the Chmch or the dewloper would be appropriately compensated for creating the public open space. On September 9, 1996, the City Council took action approi'ing the amended Site Plan. In taking this action. City stair was directed to work out an appropriate agreement with the \ Vards and the Church concerning the acquisition of this Outlot. Subsequent to discussions with representatiws of the Parks, Planning and Administratiw stan~ an agreement 'was reached whereby the outlot would be dedicated to the City and the \\'ards or the Church would receiw future parkland credit. This agreement is summarized in the attached letter to Don Ashworth, City .\Ianager dated December 2, 1996. Following this agreement. the Church proceeded to amend its purchase agreement with the \\'ards to reflect that understanding. I do beliew that ;\Ir. Aslrworth ,,-wuld concur that the Decem bel' 2nd letter accurateh. reflects the agreement reached at that time. It ivas not until approximateh' 30 ~ - . - da-,'s ago that we became aware that the City Council was considering action inconsistellt \vith that agreement. It should be noted that the other elements of the December 2. 1996 letter han' beCll implemented. The Church and the \\ 'ards amended their agreement to create a separate out lot for the knoll. the S 16,000 of park land fees ha\'e been paid and a building permit was issued to the Church with no additional park fees required. Both the \\'ards and the Church are prepared to complete the original agreement and deed the Outlot to the CiW Based on our past dealings 'with the City of Chanhassen. Sr. Hubert's is cont1dent that this misunderstanding can be resolwd and that prETious commitments li'OlB both partif's will be adhered to. I look forward to meeting with you in the near future to discuss these mailers ill greater detail. Thank -,'ou for your continued cooperation. Sincereh'. Da\'id Pokorney Building Committee DP:j ms Enclosure c: DOll /\shivorth. City .\Ianager Sr. I Iubert's Building Committee .\Iembers Father SteH' Clrich. Pastor City Council Meeting - October 13, 1997 Mayor Mancino: Thank you. Anyone else wishing to address the Council? Okay, seeing none I'll bring this back to Council. Councilman Senn: I would move that, in that we've now had the presentation from the Association and the public input, that we table this and ask staff to prepare a response that can be presented before Council and the public next meeting. Mayor Mancino: Okay. And that would be when? On October 27th? Is that our next meeting? Councilman Senn: I think that's our next regular meeting, isn't it? Mayor Mancino: At the next regular meeting. Don Ashworth: That would be the next regular, yes. Mayor Mancino: Okay. Any discussion on that? Councilman Berquist: That's absolutely fine with me. I'm frankly amazed at one person speaking, except for the two of the three tri-chairs and the Minnetonka gentleman in favor of it. I really expected more people to speak to it. Mayor Mancino: Is there a second to the motion? Councilman Berquist: I'll second the motion to table. Councilman Senn moved, Councilman Berquist seconded to table the request for a donation to the Chaska Community Hockey Association and direct staff to prepare a response that can be presented before Council and the public next meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Mayor Mancino: The motion canies. It will be tabled and we will have a written decision at our next Council meeting October 2ih. Thank you. Thank you for coming. VILLAGES ON THE PONDS DEVELOPMENT, NORTHEAST CORNER OF HIGH'" A Y 5 AND GREAT PLAINS BLVD: A. CONSIDER ACQUISITION OF OUTLOT L (2.2 ACRES). B. FINAL PLAT/REPLAT OF OUTLOT C INTO TWO LOTS. C. APPROVE ADDENDUM A TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT. Don Ashworth: During the development of Villages on the Pond there's been a number of questions as to what really transpired with Outlot L. St. Hubert's Church would like the City Council to consider actually purchasing that. I believe that through the process the City and Council has considered this as an area that should fall under conservation easement. In fact went so far as to require that the developer include that as a part of another document that was entered into between the developer and the City. Staff really was unclear as to what the City Council's intent was and accordingly have returned the item to the City Council to tell us whether or not it is to be continued to be looked at as a conservation easement or are we to move ahead with some form of attempt to in fact acquire that parcel. 13 City Council Meeting - October 13, 1997 Mayor Mancino: Any questions at this time? Comments from Council members on this. Which way we would like to see it go. It has been stated in the wetland alteration permit that was taken out for the Villages on the Pond PUD, that Outlot L be set aside as a conservation easement. It has also been stated in the conditions of approval for site plan for St. Hubert's church that this be a conservation easement. Councilman Senn. Councilman Senn: As I understand it, and I guess that's what I want to clarify. The only action that would be necessary is if we were going to take an action to change our minds as to what we've already said, correct? Don Ashworth: I believe that is correct. Councilman Senn: Okay. So effectively if we take no action we are effectively keeping our position which is reflected 1 believe in a couple of city documents already saying that it will be a conservation easement and will not be paid for. Don Ashworth: Do you concur? Councilman Senn: Okay. That would be my opinion. Mayor Mancino: Okay. Do we need to make that into a motion? Roger Knutson: No action is necessary if you don't want to do anything other than what you've already done. Mayor Mancino: Okay. Then we will leave it as is. (There was a tape change at this point in the discussion.) Bob Generous: .. . approval and from the addendum A to the development contract. Staff is recommending approval of the final plat. Mayor Mancino: Okay, thank you. Any questions? Is the applicant here tonight, and would you like to address the City Council? Okay. The applicant is not here tonight. Then let us take action. Are there any comments first from any Council members? Councilman Senn: Move approval. Councilman Mason: I second it. Mayor Mancino: Excuse me. Would you clarify. Are you including number 1 or are you deleting condition number 1? It certainly doesn't hurt us to be redundant, does it? Roger Knutson: No. Councilman Senn: Leave it. Councilman Mason: Yeah. 14 City Council Meeting - October 13, 1997 Mayor Mancino: Leave it, okay. So just to make clear, it would be all 8 conditions. Councilman Mason: As stated in the staff report. Councilman Senn: Yep. Yeah, as per staffs recommendations. Councilman Senn moved, Councilman Mason seconded to approve Villages on the Ponds Second Addition final plat, PUD 95-2, subject to the following conditions: 1. The developer shall grant to the City of Chanhassen a conservation easement over Outlot L, Villages on the Ponds as described in the conditions of approval for the Villages on the Ponds. 2. Provide cross access easements and maintenance agreements which shall be dedicated over Lots I and 2, Villages on the Ponds 2nd Addition for access and utility purposes. 3. The appropriate drainage and utility easements will need to be dedicated on the plat over the stormwater basins and wetlands on the property. Drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated on the final plat for the storm water basin and wetland up to the 100 year flood elevation. 4. The applicant shall enter into an addendum to the development contract/PUD agreement for Villages on the Ponds. 5. The applicant shall pay the City GIS fees in accordance with City fees at time of recording the final plat. 6. The proposed commercial development of 2.13 net developable acres is responsible for a water quantity fee of $9,287. This fee is due payable to the City prior to the City filing the final plat. 7. All utility improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Upon completion of the utility improvements. the applicant or their successors shall supply the City with a mylar set of as-built construction plans. All utilities installed within the plat shall be owned and maintained by the property owners and not the City. 8. The developer shall pay full park and trail fees pursuant to City Code. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Mayor Mancino: 6C. Approve Addendum A to Development Contract. Staff report please. Dave Hempel: Mayor, City Council members. The replat of Villages on the Ponds Phase 1, which is Villages on the Pond Second Addition results in the necessity to amend the original development contract to include this new plat. No additional public utility or street improvements will be necessary in conjunction with this replat. The attached Addendum A extends the conditions of approval from Phase 1 to also apply to the Second Addition. It is therefore recommended that the City Council approve Addendum A to the development contract for Villages on the Ponds conditions upon the developer supply the City with administration and recording fees. One other point I'd like to raise is I did have three additional conditions to add to this particular development contract to bring it up to our current 15 City Council Meeting - October 13, 1997 development contract standards. One of them has to do with construction hours. To make it uniform with other development contracts. Noise amplification and development signs. Mayor Mancino: Thank you. Any questions for staff at this time? Any comments from Council members? May I have a motion. Councilman Senn: Move approval with the three new conditions added. Councilman Engel: Second. Councilman Senn moved, Councilman Engel seconded to approve Addendum A to the development contract for Villages on the Ponds conditioned upon the following conditions: 1. The developer supplying the City with an administration and recording fees in the amount of $100.00 2. Construction hours consistent with other development contracts. 3. Noise amplification consistent with other development contracts. 4. Development signs standards consistent with other development contracts. All voted in favor and the motion carried. POSTAL SERVICE VPDA TE: Mayor Mancino: Moving right along. The next item on the agenda is item number 7, Postal Service update. Mr. City Manager please. Don Ashw0l1h: The City has received bids for the trail, the landscaping and the fence. r think it's fair to say that we do have a budgetary problem that we're going to need to discuss and work out in terms of how do we stay within the $32,000.00 limitation, potentially using additional materials from the City's tree farm to reduce the materials, etc. However, all of those discussions are really moot until such time as the Postal Service grades the south side of that berm, the 2: I slope that they agreed to in writing between the City and the Postal Service earlier this year. That has not been completed. We're basically presenting this item so as to allow the City Attorney to inform the City Council as to how we might pursue getting them in compliance. With that I guess r would ask the City Attorney to speak. Roger Knutson: Mayor, members of the Council. We have been, I'll be blunt about it. We've been beating them over a head about once a week with repeated phone calls to their architect saying, when are you coming? It's snowing out there. We didn't tell them that because it just started now. We have been beating them. And unfortunately I have to report to you what they tell me is, they don't know. Why don't you know? Because they haven't gotten the job done. They should have gotten the job done and we will keep beating on them until, I'm convinced, well they know they have to do it and they will do it because they signed a contract with us saying they will do it. This is not a matter of negotiations anymore. It's a done deal. It's just a matter of getting them out there and doing it and we will continue to beat on them. At some point I suppose if worse comes to worse, we'd have to recommend we start a lawsuit against the post office. I'm not recommending that tonight because a lawsuit would take a lot longer hopefully than it will take them to finish the dam job. They've just got to get at it. 16 09/11/97 09:27 To:DON ASHWORTH From:Dave Pokorne Page 2/4 Memo To: From: Date: Re: Don A.shworth, Vernell Cla)'ton Dare Pokorney.', St Huberts Church Building Committee September 10, 1997 Soccer Field Outlot Recently I became aware that the City was considering requiring the \Yards to place a consenation easement across Outlot L of the Villages on the Pond as a way to presene the outlot as a public open space. This outlot is the property that St. Hubert's Church had originally intended to acquire and dn'elop a soccer field on. During the ITyieW process for the original plat and site plan for the Church, the City asked the Church to reconsider its plan and presene the area in its natural enyironment. An agreement was reached at that time \\'hich pro\'ided that the Church would modi~y its plans and assume additional expenses in order to construct a field area to the north of Outlot L, with the understanding that the City would proyide future parkland credits of up to $90,000 for "the taking" of this parcel. Attached is a copy ofa letter to the City outlining these understandings. This agreement was discussed at the time that the fmal site plan \\'as approwd by the City Council and the Church has relied on that understanding as \\'e\e proceeded \\'ith our project. The Church has appreciated the cooperation it has receiwd fi'om both the City and Lotus Realty during the dew lopment of its new [.lCility and thus. our hope is to ayoid a conflict OWl' this particular issue. Consequently, I would suggest that we arrange a meeting in the near future to resolye the 0\\11ership of Outlot L and to deyelop a strategy to implement our pre\'ious lmderstanding. I will be contacting you in the near nlture to arrange a meeting to resolw this matter. Thank you for your continued cooperation. City of CH.ISK.4 One City Hall r!,m Cha,:ka. \1:\ ;; 318-1962/ P!lOne (612)4.4-8-28; 1 Fax (61 ~ )+4-S 9,00 i I . j .;...... ".' '1 ., , ,,1,',:'.:' (:'.:'.'il!: ... :,' . 'i. I. t, -, " , , ~ . ,.. " : F C nHi~HHS",SE'l 10.~:(1.1.;..~7 1 :,: :' ~ ......... ...--- ... '" ";. " # - fi;~ I} 7~ f " Cln' OP CHANHASSlN eM VErt ANo HE.~'l\'EP::N COVNTIB$, Mn-c'NESorA \II! TI.A.No AI. TE RATIO N ~ P:P..Mrr ~96.S I, b.an1.l. 'u~,Je.;t 10 the term. l\."Id ~ol'ld1tloM let rQ['~ hr.Il.rt, ~Cl Ci:y of Che.rJas8t'h h~roby J;n."lU .. w~IlUl<J tllenulon pennJ! for lh~ followlnr \lse: Wetland A!tfr1lio:\ ?mn!ll:) (ill tll41Xc1V41~ Wttla..'\d: 0:. ,Ire 2. ~Irv. 111& porTnit II {~r prOrttTy (1t'...~!0<l ib the City Q( Cb~aHen, CUyc;r COII.."Il)', MiMOS ela,Gi\lfrtial!>, dmr.bl4 u ft.ll~w.: All ~ts, B1.~~, A..~ O'.:t1o~ vLt.Io.ih \,~ oa n:!: ~:lS ::So ~, The fJttnlh is iNtlld ,~bJcct 10 tblt pIll! d.4t6d "1\~Gl....d Sap!(rJ'.OH l~, 1 ~9~lTIl\d \he foUc\lo,t!" wodltIQJ\l: a, Thare ,bill be M Imptcl! to wrtltl\~ 60:>0, The ~py1!,a::t II ;ro~s!nii 10 flU I well'l\d ro, a bwldlnl pad th6t de>u Mtu,lst, S~!fttcO:T\.'nttldt that the cC:Gfigllr"ltlon orth~ bUl/dlng, be I:b.!..'lttd Co evoid Wet.l~'ld 1rnpICU. The lo'-elion or Wellln!!., "'blllnd rnltle&Mrt, "lId atorm water p~nc!J \.I.'il! clti\'C ~c klCt:ictl or ~1I11c!ltl8 J*~t. A!ld p~kJnllots. ~eeer neld should pC plHed no~b. ",( JUley Crc.;k 'M t. tOc.SC~'ll!on t1jIUnODI &hould be r.leetd en O\;Clol H. !:l th~ put tbo CIl}' bas ceq:Jl..~ 2: 1 tep!t1;l:m~:;t rot ill Wet and Imp~c1.$. Cll'j ,!~rrc.r:t~ to ee.!t1,?! \lplan~ b~rreN r.l'1d .Iom) WII~r por.dJ fot mltlg&llon u eJlowclf by 19P6 rc\1rlcM to th~ Wetland CCtlteNIlII~h Aet. 1lh "~emer,t wu mcda Ln L'i ~ffort tt! PCf:lOr.'t tAf\JnJ c..'tU f."CIUnd t.l-tll!r:;'UNM Wll.terw~>" ~'ld lVold clll1:nB cewn. ltt~, 10 mrJc. rn:-rr. [c-r wct!"l'lds. b. e. No wl!!lllld mJtl'~llon 'r.t-!.il will bl> tllowt.t! ro~ lb~ reCtto','ll of all the llc~ In the "O~tUt cCorner of the &.Ie. Tb.!r a.rea tCFt'uenl.$ tbe c:J)I L"d c-( prc:sen'ed lItes in the llertbem poniol"l oftbe flroJocc. d. All WIlllnd millStl!on, Urlalld buffm ~O~ ,Iortn\.,'~t~r p~n~~ tnun ~c ou: cflbe p:c.p~sed t\ItWI H\l,~. to riibt.o(-""~. . My wel/I~4 irn;'lctJ a,l.:ired fer IQ;a:11\l the ~~Ctr Geld will ~c ~Q,:n!c:d agab! tb. ah!lte .llf. UQe P1Oiec[ OCt(ds tho,. 5er.;, ~rwltlir.d I.rr~(e!l, L"lIr;dlvldIJlI p~f'lT,lt tball boe toquu(d ,tom the: U, S. ~'Corp. Clt EJl,alnU(1'. Th, ap~IQL."l1 wUll'norJtur l.lJe tep. luemcnt lM t'e4tol'lllon for Q ;>eriQ<! ofti\'c >u..'" It rcq,\1 ed by ~. WCA, MQN10t\n& ibmu will he: ~omplll~ ~t\~ hlbrrdlie.d to the Ciey It b end ~f ueh ~o"""l'll U~JOn 'l>rith dt.\erlpt:Ct;~ or ll" t;l& IIfj;etlllor'l, wCI!&llcf twlr, ADd ~u.tld P~OIO', 4. ~tiOI'l ~ ft.trmlJ. The City may trl'oh th.o pfrr.'Jt (oUOW\C~ a pu~llo htMio, for ' "iolatlon 0 . ll:rtlil of I. pcttnll, .. (, s. ~, Uwllhln or.. ~Lf oftbt Imm'jco ofil:Js pcnrJl Ulll &uthoriud CCNl't\Icrl"n hu F' ., ~(J(J2 "'. ,. 4' " -:f , I ~ ~ 1 I , f i I " , " " I , I, I . " :ljl.~ .:'~ , . " .. ,... ':'.t "'hotl!' Dr..I-L y . I , I I I , , : I nOllx-en IlJba11rll;ally COll'lpleled or tilt \110 ct'rr.mIMtcl, tNt flermlt shnlll::p60. unle_, an e~:~nllch I~ ~rM!cd in ~CCCn:fDlIolI with the ChAMas1C/l Zunitl~ Ordirlllllce, . 6. ~(lmlll.l l>etlfJ!x, Vlo!lIlion or till (unna or (hl~ condItional \at parmll IJ .. trlmJnll Inild~l'l'\urlor, Oatt<l: Sllltenl~~r n 199t: CITY OF CHAJ-:!iASSEN ~~" By' ~ '., 0011 d . ~I. ')'Of I 8Y;_~ Q~ on , war.,b. II)' Mano..cer ST,^ TS Or: ML'i'l':ESOT ^ ) (u COUNli' OF CAJ.. VB}\. ) Thll (l)f.ltolrlK In.ltNm~r,1 wu ,ck."l'J\l,'I~i:Cd bafort 1M this ~ ciA). cf ~_ , 1 rf.!:. t-..... Dons!t I, Cr.:nl~l, MW:'t d.~d t1~l: Ashworth, Ciry tI."!jIt;;:i~lJlt Cj~cF.lnhu-l~n, (! M,".'lClHll.l mWlldpllJ corpore:loll, on bchl\!r or :lie corpor;t1on anQ ~UW.lM! to l\ltnQrl:y i:7'nlcd by It, City COlJn,a. DMPno. BY, Cllm>bDlJ, Knul.$t>rt. ScOtt t:. ruehl, P.A. 'Suit.311 f 380 Ct>g>orlID Ctntcr CIUVQ E.,g-.n, Mll\l1uotl ~5121 ~~J 4$MOOO If:= 6 me'" J, f*3r;)l,l.. ~~T ~A;>.v ~oa:~r^ ~~~oIr.l1.~ c'::~",l~ OOJII'TY ArS!9 l:;r ~ .,... ~... ". 201 CtIU':'~lll ' " ",0. 00)( f~ e.f"~If,~.. .'.'~ I ,~"''''(\ Ooeument No: ~(JS~18 STAT/! 0' MI!'JNe~O""" c"IWllR OOUNTY ~~vO"Ol!f11 (~b'lr.", ~'pflt\mAn'l '~II'~ ''': ,q ~ e,,~y ,..: __ Cht~1<, ~Jo: I Jf I ~ .~ oull _____ r~M1On L ~--'.'a~ R91D ,,_.3.~~_ t4r' W, "1~Wl^ Jr,. bounty RtQ;!'du e/:~~~~.. . , .. ".. \' ,. . ~Ol ',", , " . .:"r. I' ., , , .. I ~.,. . . ~ , , ' '" . .... " ,\" '.' .." ~ ~ '~.".~ I l '" , ~ I ; , i ,..:...( ) "'~ . l"',\';l ~ ,".':l~~ I .. .'~ oJ.J. . I' . I 1 I. , I I ~ . t . . , i , , , " /15/97 It'?l T~:DON ASH~ORTH From:Dave Pokorne Page 5/6 December 2, 1996 Don Ashworth City.\Ianager City of Chanhassen Chanhassen City Hall P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, .\ II\ 5 5 31 7 -0147 Dear Don: The purpose of my letter is to summarize our recent discussion concerning parkland dedication and payment of park fees for St. Hubert's Church. Specifkall~'. we agreed: . A) St. Hubert's or the irards would agree to deed to the City of Chanhassen for Puhlic Open Space purposes the 2.2 acre parcel located south of the Church and east of Highway 101. B) At the time of Illing the initial plat for the rillages. the \\'ards or the Church \vollld agree to pay 516.000 park trail fees. C) At the time of obtaining a building permit for the Church. no additional park or trail fees would be collected from St. Huben's since St. Hllbcrt's is COllstrLlcting a park and pla~'ground as pan of the project. Dl The i \'ards would be granted future parkland credits equal to 590,000 Wllich \vill be credited against parkland land fees due in the future \vhcn additional land is 11nal platted within the rillages subdh'ision. Thcse items I beliew represent the agreements between the City. the 'Wards and St. Hubert's Church relatiw to the donation of the 2.2 acre parcel. It is the Church's intent to obtain its building permit for the project in early December. Funher. we understand the Church will be responsible for paying 5110.000 in sewer and water a\'ailability charges, Our intent will be to request that these costs be assessed based on normal City policy. r trul~' appreciate your stall's cooperation in assisting the Church as \ve ha\'e dewloped our o\'crall master plan and look forward to truly creating a special project. rr ~'()ll han' any questions concerning these understandings please feel free to cOlllact llle at. \'our cOIlH'llience. Sinccrcl\', 10/15/97 12:21 TG:DON ASHWORTH From:Dave Pokorne Page 5/5 Dan' Pokorney Building Committee St. Hubert Catholic Community Parish Office: 7707 Great Plains Blvd. · Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 . (612) 934-9106 September 23, 1996 Don Chmiel Mayor. City of Chanhassen 7100 Tecumseh Lane Chanhassen MN 55317 Dear Mayor Chmiel: At the September 9 Chanhassen Council meeting, the City Council took action approving the St. Hubert's Church Site Plan with a condition that the proposed soccer field be located north of the creek as opposed to the originally approved site on the southerly knoll. In taking this action, Council did so v.'ith the understanding that the church and the developer of the Villages would need to renegotiate their land purchase agreement to implement the northerly soccer field concept. The Council stated that if an agreement could not be reached between the two parties, the Council could hold a special meeting to consider an amended Site Plan based on original PUD approvals. Both the Ward's, the land owner. and St. Hubert"s Church have recognized the City's Staff and Natural Resources Commission's preference has been to preserve the wooded knoll area even though the existing terrain would be changed significantly in the future as a result of the Highway 101 relocation. Consequently, in developing the church's Site Plan, we did prepare a concept that showed the northerly soccer field location. Following the Council's action both the Ward's and the Church directed their consultants to pursue further this alternative and to identify the related costs and planning implications. Based on that analysis, the two parties have now reached agreement regardi ng a plan and purchase agreement which would allow for a slightly smaller field area to be developed north of the creek. To implement the agreement, though, we would need the City's cooperation in addressing the following issues: , A) The developer's would be granted two acres parkland dedication credit with the understanding that the \\looded knoll area would be dedicated to the City B) The NURP pond located west of Highway 101 would be expanded with the smaller NURP pond located east of Highway 101 and north of the creek being eliminated C) These changes cou Id be implemented in a ti mel y manner so as to assure that si te grading could begin by October 1, with footings for the church being started by November 1 The Grading Plan. Option 5. dated 9/5/96. which has been reviewed by the City Council, has subsequently been reviev,'ed and approved by both the Church and the Wards, with minor modifications. I truly appreciate the assistance that we will receive from the City and your Staff in developing what we feel is a win-\vin situation for all. If though, the City Council determines that these plan modifications are not in the best interest of the City, we would ask that the Council approve the original church Site Plan locating the field area south of the creek which is consistent with the original PUD approval. Sincerely, Fr. Stephen Ulrick, Pastor St. Hubert's Church