7b 1998 Trail Project, Contract Amendment CITY OF CHANHASSEN I City Center Drive, PO Box 147 'hanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 General Fax 612.937.5739 ngineering Fax 612.937.9152 ,blic Safety Fax 612.934.2524 '(~b wlUll'.ci.chanhassen.lI1l1.llS "7 I:J MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager 11 FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE: February 4, 1998 SUBJ: Contract Amendment, Howard R. Green Company, 1998 Trail Project On Monday, February 2, 1998, the city council tabled action on this item and directed staff to review and renegotiate the proposed contract amendment with Howard R. Green Company. On Tuesday morning, February 3, I contacted Mr. Dave Nyberg, our assigned Project Manager, to present the city's concerns. We discussed the surprise that a proposed contract increase of $60,500 brought with it and the city's desire to see the number reduced. Mr. Nyberg recognizes that the proposed contract amendment represents a significant increase in their firm's fee. However, it is his position that the city is the benefactor of the work proposed to be completed under this amendment, and furthermore that the price increase is in alignment with the city's contract with Howard R. Green. 1 directed Mr. Nyberg to prepare an amendment to his letter of December 17, 1997 fmiher clarifying his position on this proposed budget amendment. This amendment will be presented to the city council by Mr. Nyberg on Monday evemng. c: David Nyberg, Howard R. Green Company g: \park\th \hrgreenamend.doc 7Je Ci(y ofCh/lllhassen. A growing communit)' with dei/nl/lkes, qualit)' sc/;ools, a chalining downtown, thriving businesses, and beautiful parks. A great plaet' to !iue, work, alld play ! .. CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 City Cmur Dril'(, PO Box /47 CholJhoJUIJ, Millll(JOtO 55317 Pholl( 612.937./900 Gm"ol FdX 6/2.937.5739 Engillming FdX 612.937.9/52 Public Safety Fox 612,934.2524 ntb U'Il'Il'.ci.dlilllhllJ"UIl.1i1l1,IIJ "" oLJ MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager . _ ~ Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director ~ January 21, 1998 . FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Contract Amendment, 1998 Trail Project, Howard R. Green Company On October 20, 1997, the city council entered into a contract with H.R. Green Company to perform professional services associated with the 1998 trail project. A copy of this contract is attached. On December 17, 1997, Dave Nyberg, Project Manager addressed the attached letter to me regarding a budget update and request for an amendment to their contract with the city. Mr. Nyberg discussed this amendment with the council on January 12, 1998. The contract changes presented in this letter would result ina revised scope of work for hourly services of $116,400. The design phase of the project remains at $73,800 for"a total revised fee of$190,200. The original estimated fee was $129,700. RECOMMENDATION Approval of the amended contract in the amount of $190,200 is recommended. g: \par k\referen itra i Icon tracta mend.doc 7/Je G~i' of O,I1IJUtl.'Jt'II, ;J groli'iiig COllllll1l11i~)' with cklll Itd'CS, qUI/lit)" sc/lool.., 1/ chal7l/ing dOll'lltO/llIl, thril'il/g bwil/meJ, alld bWtfift! park.'. A git'll! pl.l(( to lil't', uwl, /7i:r!p r Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS \Mm ro~snmc E.'iClIDJS Formerly'MSA Consulting Engineers December 17, 1997 File: 801380j Mr. Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation 'Director City of Chanhassen P. O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: BUDGET UPDATE AND AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT 1998 TRAIL PROJECT Dear Mr. Hoffman: We would like to take this opportunity to update you on the engineering budget of the above referenced project. We have invoiced the City the following amounts through the end of November: Design Phase (Hourly not-to-exceed, $73,800) Sub-Total Design Phase through 11/30 $47,742.13 $6,657.50 $54,399.63 Final Design Wetland Delineation and Permitting Property Acquisition and Public Process (hourly basis, $22,400) Sub-Total $3,456.86 $12,898.90 $16,355.76 Public Involvement Easements The $22,400 original budget for property acquisition and public process is part of a total hourly budget of $55,900 that also includes construction staking, inspection, and administration. Based on the current project design, anticipated clear zone requirements, and prescriptive rights issues of Carver County and MnlDOT we anticipate a much greater effort on our part then originally estimated for preparation of easements for this project. We originally estimated a fee of approximately $14,000 for the preparation of easements. This was based on preparing 20 easements at a cost of' $500 per easement, with another $4,000 for plat research and coordination. At this stage in the project, we are anticipating preparation of approximately 95 easements, according to the table below. Based on the above estimate of $500 per easement, we anticipate costs for preparation of the easements alone to be $47,500. Below is a total estimate of our anticipated costs for easement preparation: 1326 Energy Park Drive . St. Paul, MN 55108 . 612/644-4389 fax 612/644-9446 tolllree 888/368-4389 December 17,1997 Mr. Todd Hoffman Page Two Powers Boulevard Lake Riley Galpin Boulevard Highway 7 Bluff Creek Connection Trail Total Easements 45 6 15 5 5 19 95 Prepare Easements Survey Staking Control (Easements) Plat Research and Review $47,500 $7500 $10.000 $65,000 Sub-total We also anticipate additional labor and expense efforts for the public involvement portion of this project. This task includes public correspondence, follow-up, and indivi,dual and neighborhood meetings. We originally budgeted $8,400 for this task, including public meetings and providing information to the City for mailings to property owners. We anticipate that we will require an additional $9500 to complete this task for a revised estimated budget of $17,900. These expenses are due to the large volume of individual responses to residents along the proposed segments. To date, we have sent out over 50 memos of information to residents. We continue to receive regular phone calls from residents that require a response and documentation. We anticipate that this effort will continue throughout the duration of this project. The above changes would result in a revised scope of work for hourly services of $116,400. The design phase of the project remains at $73,800, for a total revised fee of $190,200. We would like to talk to you about this proposed revision to the contract. Please give us a call after you have had time to review the above information. Sincerely Howard R. Green Company j/) /1 ^ 11" ~ ! ,/ f I 1/ "Ii' '.,J" C' W,- {. L' 117 -. "..f (j David E. Nyberg, P.E. Project Manager DEN/et 0:\proj\80 1380\380-1707 .dec Howard R. Green Company CONSULTING ENGINEERS r--.-'.-.". .~.. . ....-----..---~ ., fJ C: l' ~~t. ~! \ ~:~ (:j i' HOWARD R. GREEN COMPANY PURCHASE ORDER ._~_...__.--.-.. -... ..- -" . THIS AGREEMENT, made this 20th day of October, 1997 by and between, the CITY OF CHANHASSEN (herafter "CLIENT', and HOWARD R. GREEN COMPANY (hereafter "HRG"), for professional services concerning the 1998 Bike Trail Improvements Project. HRG Project Number 801380P The CLIENT agrees to employ HRG to perform the following services: . Preliminary Surveying: As required to complete plans and specifications. The preliminary survey will encompass areas that are not sufficiently covered with aerial topography sufficient to develop a plan and profile for bike trail construction. Areas with sufficient aerial topography coverage will not be surveyed in an effort to reduce costs on behalf of the CLIENT. . Project Design: Design will include the preparation of plans and specifications for the construction of six segments of bike trail. Plans will be prepared in stages to allow at least WO reviews by the public prior to final approval of the plans by the City of Chanhassen. . Property Acquisition: HRG will prepare easement descriptions and exhibits on the City's behalf for property required to complete the project. This shall include both permanent and temporary easements as required for the project construction. . Project Management: HRG will assist in the coordination of public information meetings to facilitate the project design. It is anticipated that these meetings will be held in November of 1997 and January of 1998. Additional project management responsibilities will include coordination of the surveying, inspection, construction staking, wetland delineation, permitting, and bidding. . Construction Staking: HRG will provide construction staking as required on the project. Staking will be completed on an as needed basis in areas where construction from the plans is not feasible as determined by the Engineer. Staking will include the establishment of line and grade in such areas. . Project Inspection: HRG will provide a project inspector to the City of Chanhassen for the coordination of field activities during construction. The inspector will be available to address contractor inquiries, City staff inquiries,and public concerns related to the project. In consideration for these services, the CLIENT AGREES to pay HRG on the following basis: (Indicate Payment Method) ( ] Lump sum in the amount of ( ] Per current Rate Schedule with an estimated fee not to exceed 02113/95 O:\proj\801380p\Purchase Order Pace 1 of 4 [ J Other as stated here: · Per current Rate Schedule for the design phase with an estimated fee not to exceed $78.600. · Per current Rate Schedule on an hourly basis for the property acquisition portion, and for the construction staking and inspection phases. with an estimated fee of $51,100. The Schedule of Fees and Conditions of HOWARD R. GREEN COMPANY (attached hereto) are incorporated into this AGREEMENT and made a part of it. By: CITY OF CHANHC)/ a ~-5[;6 f1] [kbL 7 (0t-tA<-:JuJ o / By: HOWARD R. GREEN COMPANY ~ PWi Its: Its: