1q Empak DC Release CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Bob Generous, Senior Planner ~. DA TE: December 12, 2005 SUBJ: Release of Development Contract Empak Addition EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CSM Equities is in the process of purchasing the Emplast Building at 950 Lake Drive. CSM Equities has requested that the City release the development contract for Empak Addition. CSM Equities requesti/ his release in order to finalize the process. Staff has reviewed the files and finds the project c with the d lopment contract. The Plat of Lot 1, Block Chanhassen L Release of De Development Con The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. RELEASE OF DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT RELEASE granted this 12th day of December, 2005, by the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"). WHEREAS, the City has been requested to release and discharge a certain lot from a Development Contract; and WHEREAS, there is no present need to have the Development Contract recorded against the lot. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota: Lot 1, Block 1, EMPAK ADDITION, is released and discharged from the Development Contract dated 12/13/88, recorded 12/15/88 as Document No. T59491 in the office of the Carver County Registrar of Titles. Dated this _ day of ,2_. CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor (SEAL) AND Todd Gerhardt, City Manager/Clerk 122285v01 SRN: 12/0712005 1 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 2_, by Thomas A. Furlong and by Todd Gerhardt, respectively the Mayor and City Manager/Clerkof the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to authority granted by the its City Council. NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFfEDBY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association 1380 Corporate Center Curve 317 Eagandale Office Center Eagan. Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (612) 452-5000 RNK:sm 122285vOl SRN:12/07/2005 2 \. .....1. . t.~' . , .,\0 , I/~","", '. \ r . ~... II \It CITY OFCHANBASSBN 'DBVELOPMBltT CON'n~ (Cit.y Il1stalled.Improvements> CHANHAS5!N WES 80SlRBSS PAal SBCOND ADDII'IOH SPECIAL PROV1SLONS . AGRfiEMBN~. dated Dect't~r r~. , 1911, by.and between the CITY OF CHANHASSBR, &M~nneBotamunrcipal corporation, (the .CitY~)rand'ALSCOR INVBSTORS JOINT VERTURE NO. 2ia M~nne8ota. General Partnership whose generalpar~ner is ALSCOR ISVBSTORS JOIN~ 'I1ENTURB, a MinnesQt.a General Partnersbipwhoaegeneral partner is OPUSCORPORAt'ION, 'a Minnesota corpgration and fee owner of the plat (here1nafte~ cQl1eo~iv81y referred to as the HOevelo'per") . 1 ~ I\equest fOl: Plat a.ppI'Qval. '1'be Oeveloper h.. aaked the City to approve 4 plat for CHANBASSBN LAKES BOSINESS PARI ~E.eOND AD1U,.IM (referred to in. this Contract a8 the Dplat-). The land 1.8 legally described on the attac:he4 .Bxl1.1b:tt "A". 2.. CoJ)di tlons of Plat. Approval.. T"ne C1 ty hereby . approves the plat on cond1tlon that the Deyeloper enter into,th~s Contrae.t' and furniahthe s~cutity requixeQ by it. ..... . J . Deve1apment Plana. Tbe pIa t shail be developed' ~n a~cordance w~th tne follo~ing plana. Tbe plans sball DDt be attached to t~a Contract. With the exception of PlAn A, the plana may be prepare~, subject to City approval, after anter1Dg the contract.. but before coameDCell'lent of any war" in the plAt. If the plana vary f~om the written terms of ~his Contract, tbe wr1tten terms ahall control. 'The plans are: Plan A--piat dated December 5. 19S8, prepared by Sunde Land SurvBying, Inc. Plan ~-~Trunk Highway 101 Rea1tg~nt/Lake Drive Peasibility Study dated November 23. 1988, prepared by SRst, Ino. . '4. 'Priva~e IIIIprcvemeDts.. The Developex sball install 1.n accordance with City' ordin~lnces and stand.arcls and PAY for ~he following I A. . . UnderCJround Utilities (e.g. gas, electric, telephone, CAtv) necessary to service any improvemen'ts constructed on the lots wi thin ~be plat, to the extect the same ate not prov1de4 for iQ Plan B. B. setting Df Lot and Block Monuments wlthin the plat SP-l J of l!:I- ;q- Pega t S- 't.t..( ~ \ - --. iffY .. . ."... ,1 S., Public 1mp(OVU'lentB.. !'he City shall design and' construct the pUblic l~provement, within the plat as described in PlanS.. ,6. A8aelSame~t of CDsta. The Citysha.l1 aSS058 the cost Df t.hepublic: il1lprovementa referred to In paragraph ~. above- ~oqetherwithad~1nistrativerplaftnlng,eAgi~eering, capltalile4 J.ntereat,legal and bonding c:otJt8.a9ain~t .t.t1e plat. .ft1~ ass8ssme.ate incluch..og the actual amount, term aDd Intefest rate, shall ~ determined at.tbeaS8essment hea:!ng following comple- t1oDof~he project. TbeaS8SS8JDent.B ahall be deemed adopted on lb. date tbis Contract is signed by the C1ty. Tbe assessments, .ballbe paid over an a-year 'perIod without defsrment, toqetner wit::b interest at a rate aetby the Cl~y. Befof~ tb& City issues a Certificate of Occnpancy for AstructQrQ built on a lot, all of the af Qr\UDent.l oned assessments agaiost tba lot tIlust be paid in full, but odly ifan4 to the extent aaid assessments are subject to and eligible for reduction under the Speelal Assessment Reduction Program currently admdnistered by the Chanhassen . Bousioq and~edevelopment Authorlty. Tbe Developer waives any aDd all procedaral and substantive objections to the installation of the publ1c iJlprove.anenta .od the spee!al &S88Bsments, includingbl1tnot 'limited to hearing roqui~ement8 and any claim that thaasaessments exceed the Q8ne- fltto the property. ~e Developer' waives aD~ appeal ~19bt. otheitwise aval1abl~ pursuant toM.S.A. 5429.081.. 7. Bxist.1J19' A..UDe.nta. The Developer acknowledq.. the o~is~ln9 special assessmentl pr8Ylou&ly levied &gain.t said property and 49reeG to tberearrangeme4t of these asseSSMents to t.he newly created lots in the Plat in accordance w1th CltystaD- dardpol1cies. . . 8. Time of Performance. Those portioDs 'o.t tbe p.tlvate .impl'ov@lRE!nts referred. to in paragraph 4 which ,impact t.be . in.tal1at~onof the public Improvements aball be coord1nated.and ift4talled with the.cltylQ prc]ec~ fA o~der to avoid di~ruptl0n to completed ele~nta oftne pablic ~provement8. . . 9~ SecurIty. TO guarantee complianc6 wi~h tbe terms of tbl$ Co~tract# paymont'of special l:l$seSsment8, paYmQQt of tbe costs of all public impro~ement8 and const~uctioQ of all public improv~enta, the oe9~loper Shall furnish the City wIth a lette~ of credit from a bank, cash egerow, or eQuivalent C.Securltyft) for $491,750.00. Tbeamoant of the secur1ty was calculated as follOWSt 91'-2 Page ;( of -I-:i- Psg., '- Estimated principal amount 'ofspe<:ial assessments for publ~c ~BProvements One year of interest at 8' $ 41),922.41 $ 33r1ll.79 $ , 447,036.20 . x 110' I , ' I TOTALSBCORITY AMOOH~ $ 491,750.00 'This breakdownisforbistorical refer8l1ae, i.t ia not.arestric:- t.ian on the use of thesecurit.y. The security shall ,be subject to the approval of the City., Thesecurlty shall remain i.n force until all specialas8E!1s8ments levied'and aBBe.sed fort:bepublla !Jlp~ov~nt.bave been paid. Tbe security may be for a one-year term p.rov1.de.d it is automat.ically rcoewablefoc'suQCess!ve one.. year periods from the p~.s.nt'or any futuree.piration dates" unless six~y (60) days prior to an expiration date the bank noti- fies the C1ty that it elects not to renew for anaaaitlonal' per~o<J. 'lhe city may d~aw dOtln the $Gcurlty, wi.thout notice to : the Developerr fo% any violation of th& te%.s of this CODtraet or upon receiving notice tbat the secuxity will be allowe4 to lap~e befoz:esatiafaC'tial1 of t.bet.erms 01 this contrace. If any installment. of special assessments lev.1.ed anda8Bessedfor tbe publi<: improvements IS not paid oDany lot when due, and In any event'beforeany penalty 18 att4ched, the city-may draw down the $e,curity to payoff the b'a,lance,whather due Ot" not, on all epe- cial assessments lev1ed and assessed for the publ1C lmprovements in the,plat:.. If the aecur.lty is drawn clown, the draw shall be used to CUre the default. with C1ty approval the security mar he reduced from time to time as financial cbl1qatlona are pald, bu~ in no case $hall the secu'rlty ~e r'educed eo a point lssst:han the ,value of the oatstand1nq asse$Sments levied and assessed for the publlC imprcvement~ aqainst 'the plat. Tbe security requl,redhere1.nmay .be provided in ,the form of separate instru~ents and/or escrows, and, may be delivered by the resp~ctive owners (fram time to ~l.e) of the Iota .ithin the plat.. provided that the aggregate a.mount. of stich '~ecurity shall never be 1e.& than the total amount of the security ~equired' uade~ this paraqraph 9 and prov1d~nq such owaera agree io writing to be bound by the ,terms of this agre~ent. ~ 10. Rotiees. Requi~ed notices to the Developer shall be in writ:.lng, a.nd shall be either hand-de~ivered to the Developer, ~t.s employees or agents, or mailed to the Oevelopar by reqistered mail at 'tbe following adQ~es6: c/o Opus Corpo~ation Attn: LawDepartGJent 800 Opus Center' 9900 Bren Road Bast MlnnetonJc.a,.' MN 55343 ,Telephone: (612) 936-~444 Pag. ~ or d.i!-paga SP-3 MAltING AODR5SS: C/o OpUS Corporation Attn: LawDepartment P.o. 20% 150 Minneapolis,Mlt 55440 l;;ot1ces totheClty eballbe iri writ..i.ngand sballbe eIther band delivered to the City Maoaqer,or mailed to the C1tyby regi.stered mail in care of, the City.Managsr at thefollow1.ng address t ". Chanhassen City Hall 690 Coulter Drive P.O.. Box 147 ChanbasseDI .MinD$Bota 55317 ~elephoDe: (612)937....1900 11. OthQr.Special Condit-iotl.. A.. Miaor modifications in the easements dedicate4 in the plat as rGaeonably deemed necesaa~y, by the Cltyfor installation of the pUblLc i~provements shall be'granted by tbe Develope~ ~t no' cost to thaC~ty. 8. The Davaloper &greee that construction of improvements upon Lot. 1, Block 3 shallbepermit1:.ed only!f. the Developer' can demoastrate to the reaaonableaati$faction of the .City tha~ development of tbe site can occur wbile mainta1nlng tbe standard City setbacks from the roads and wetl~nd. c. The'applican~.shali obtain and comply with all cond1~ion8.of the Watersbed D1strlat permLt and DNa parm~t. D. The Developer 89tees.to work with the City and repreaentatlves of the Lutheran Church of the LiviD~ Chri~t to reasonably resolve the speclal aSseSsment concerns for the church property~ . E. Drainage'ellsementa necessary for the wetland a~ea9 on ~ot.l, Slock 1 as aet~r~1ned by the approved 4ite plan shall be recorded wLtb Carver:county. 12. General Conditions. The general prov18~on8 of this Contract, approved by the C~ty Couneil on Peb.ruary 22, 1988, .4J:e . attached as 8xhlbit -S- and lncorporated berelo. END OF spacIAL CONDI~IOIS SP-4 U of ) U pag.. ,.;o.--J-- -I-I- (SBAL ) L BY: " Don ALSCQR INVBS'1'ORS JOINT VSNTUURO. ~ By ALSC:ORI~VBSTORS JOIN1' VBIITORB, i tfl General Partner By Partner .BY: Its STATE 0' MI~NBSO~A ), ( 88. COONTY 01' CARVBR l ; On this: I~~ 'day of ~~, 1988, bef~r. me, a Rotary Publ1a within ana for 9a1d County, per.onally appeared ThcmaaL.. Hanu~tcll and Don AShworth, tome personally known, Who bein9'each by me dulysvorn d~d say that they ar. respectIvely thsKayor and City Manager-of the munlc~4l corporation named in the lozeqclng instrument, and that the ~eal affixed to Bald instrument is tbe ~rpor4te s9al of sald munioipal corporation, and that lIIaid i.nstt"U.meDt was signed_cd aealed in behalf of Ba1.d ~uniclpal eorporation by authority of its CIty Council and Said Thomas L. Haml1toD and Don Ashwo~th acknowledged Baid lftstrumeAt to be the free act and dee~ of said Mun~c~pal corporation. ~~h e ttr'\PEN J SfGn"'&~T _orA"" ftIIl.i:: . t.'l) ..r;en. ....G"AV.EA COl.l"TY - -, -...... 1IQIw. 1Q.-.et sP-s r) if ~age ~of --L..+-P~ . ,. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COtlNTYOF HENNEPIN) Oft th1.s 13th day of December , 19881' before JU8, a .' NctarYPubliCw.lthln and. for said .ColJnt:.y,personal;t.y appeared Gene haugland , . tbe PresIdent . of OPUS CORPORA1'IOd, a Minnesota corporat~on, ,to. me personally known, "'ho, being duly swor:h by me didaay tba t said corporation . is a General Part:.ner of ALSCOR ~NVBSroRS JOINT VENTURE, a . Hinl'lesotaGeneral Partnershlp, which Is a General part.ner of ALSCOR INVESTORS JOINr V.8NrOR2NO.2,aHinneaotll General Partne~s.h.lPI one of the parties named .Lnthe foreqQ~n9 'instru-. ment, and tbat8a~d instrument wAeslgned .a;nd sealed as &'frQ~ ac~ and deed of 8a~dgeneral partnership. - ~ta7!r p~ ,~...'\...~~ ; ~1S.. 'IRlHf V.. AN Dl:RSON .. ; · .. MOlARY PUJUC.tlt'., .. : . . HENNEPIN COU~TV1_ ~ ~ III ec...DIt.bpna - ... l ... r '".. .. I , i ! i I DRAFTED BY, City ofChanbaasen 690 Coulter Drive P.O. Box 1'47 Chanhassen, MN 55317 . (612) 937-1900 SP-6 P""';l. Co tlr -Li- ?J')lJS I CITY OF CHANHA5SEN OEVBLOPHBtrrCOHTRACT (City InstalleO Dnp~ovements) JUIBI'!' -8.- GBNEBAL COMDITIORS 1. Ri9h~ ~o Proceed. Within the plat or land 'to be platted, tbe Developer may not grade or otherw1s~ disturb the eatth,removetrees, construct sewer l1nes, water lines, streets, \1t.llitLes,public orpriva~e improvements, or any bUl1d1ng8 until alltbe fOllDwing QOnditions' have been satisfied; 1) this 4ireement.basbeen fully-executed by both part.ies and filed with the City Clerk, 2) tbenecesaary security bas been received by the Cit.y, ,l)tbe plat baa be911recordedwith the Councy Recotderls Office of t.he Cot1nt:.yYbrare t.heplat. is located, aDa 4) theC1ty Bngl.neer has issued a written lette~ that the foreCjoinq condit1ons have been sa.tisfied and then the Developer naay proceed. 3., Pbased Development; If the plat ~s a p~ase of a . _Ult!-phased preli~inary'plat, the city may refuse to approve fl..ftal plats of subsequent. phases if the Developer hasbreaehed thlaContracrtand ~bebreach has not be-en remedied.. Development ofsubeequent pnases may not proceed,unt11 DevelopmentContract8. for such pbases' a~e approved by the Ci';y ~ 3. Bffect of Subdivision Approval. For two (2) years from the date of tbis contract, no amendments to the Clty's " comprehensive Plan, except anam~~dment placing the.plat In the current urban service area, 91' .official'C!ontrols shall apply to or affect t.he use, dev,elopment densl ty I lot si ze" lot layo'Ot or dedications of the approved'plat unless requited by state or federal law or agreed to in writIng by the city and the , DevelQper. The~eafter, notwithstanding anyt.hing in this Contract, to tbeeontrarYrto the fnll eKtent permitted by state law t.he C1ty may requLre complIance with any amendments to the City's Comprebens1ve Plao, official controls, platting or dedlcation requirements enacted after the date of this Contract. " 4. Private Improvements. The private LmproveRents apecified in the Speetal Provlsl.oRs of this Contr;&.c:t sballbe installed in aeeorda~ce with City staodards, ordinances, and plans.whlcb bave been prepared and siC]oed by the Developer, fur- nished to the City, and app~oved by the City Enq1neer. . S. License. The De~loper hereby 9rants the City, its agents, employees, offlcers and contractors A l.1.c:enGe t.o enter tbeplat.'t.o perform all wa.rk and inspectIons deemedapproprlat:e by the city in conjunction with pl~t development.. '6. Erosion Control. Before the site 18 rough graded, and before ~ny u~11~ty co~struct1on 18 c~enced or'building, per.mlts "GC-l Paae ") o~ 4'pages I I : I ! i I , , I I I I I ! are issu~, anerosJ.on. cqntrplplan shall be 1.mplemented, inspected, and approved by the City. The 'Cltymay impose addi- tional ero'J3.on control requlrements if t.hey.would be beneficial. All areas dl&turbedby the excavation and backfilling operations ehallbe reseeded forthwith after the completion of the work.in .tbat area~ 'Except as .otherwise provided i~tbe erosion control plan, seed $hall be certified seed to provide a tempo~ary ground cover as rap~dly as possible. All seeded' areas shall be fer-' tilized, mulched, and d.isc anchored as necessary for seed reten- tion. The partles recognize that time 'is of the essence in control- 11.119 erosion. IftbeDeveloper does'ootcomply with the erOSion control plan.andsch~dule of supplementary instructions received from the City. the City may take such 4ction as it deems appro- priate to control erosion at the Developer's expense. The City'': will endeavor to notify the Dev~loper in ad!anc@ of any proposed action, bu~ failure of the Clty to do so.wl11 not affect the Developerls and City's rights or obllqatlons hereunder.. No devel- opment will be allowed and no bUIldIng perm~ts w~ll be issued unless the. plat 18 l.n fUll compliance with. the erosion contro:J. requ.irements. Erosion control needs to be ma1nta1fted unt.11 vege- tative cover bas been restored, even if constructlon has been . completed and accepted. After the sIte ~a8 been $tabil!zed to. where in toe opinion of the C1ty there is no lODger a need fox . erosion control, tbe C1ty w111 remove the erosion control measures. ,. II Clean up. The Developer shall maintain a neat and orderly.work site and shall daily clean, on and off site, dlrt and debris, including all blowables, from streets and the surrounding ar~a that has resulted from construction work by the Develo~rr its agents or assigns. 8. Acceptance and OwnerShip of pUblie DDprovements. . :Upon completion. and acceptance by the City of the work and construc~ion requ1red by this Contract, the 1.~rovements.lyin9 within public easements shall become City property. Before the . city.accepts the improvements, the.City BDgineer'shall be s~tisfied that all work is satisfactorily completed in aacotdanee with the approved plans and specificatlona. P1nal acceptance.of . th~ publ~c .i~prov~ments shall DB by City COUDc11 re801ut~on. 9. . Claims. . In the event that tha City re.;zel Vas claims from la.borers, materialmen, or otbers that work requ1red by tlu.S Contract to be performed by the Developer has been performed, the sums due them have not been paid, and the laborers, materialmen, or others are seeking payment out of the financial guarantees posted witbthe Clty.t and l.f the claims are not resolved at least ninety (90) days before the secur~ty requlred by 'thls Contract. 'wlll exp1re, .tbe Developer hereby autboriz~B the Cl~y'to commence an Interplead~r'action pursuant to Rule 22, M~nnesota Rules of Civil Procedure for the Distr1ct Courts, to draw upon the letters of credit In an amount up to 125'.of the cla~m(s) and deposit ehe funds ~n comp11ance with the Rule, aDd upon su~h depo8~t, the 'Developer shall releaae~ dlscbarge, and dismiss the C1ty from ~ny' further proceedings as it perta1ns to the letters of credit depo~ s~ted with the Oistrict Court, except that the Court shall retain jurisdlct~on to determine attorneys' fees. GC-2 Pag~ --L Of..L.!l- Ptgee . 10. . Park aDd Trail >>.dioatlon. Prior,to the 1sauance af DUlldinCj permita for lot cOQst.ruct1.0Jl within the plat, tbe Developer, it9sucr::essors.or'lI.'.i9n~,.shall pay to.the City the 'park and 'trail'dadlcation fees then 10 force plJrs~a.n.a; to Chanhassen cltYOrdlna.ncesandcityCouncl1resolutlons. . 11. warreuty. The Developerwarrant.s all work required to beperfoned .by it &qainst poor IlUlterlal and faultyworlt- unship for 8. perIod afone (1) year after itscOOlpletioftand. . acc:eptanceby the City. All trees.. 9J:ass, and sod Ib~llbe warranted to be alIve, of goodgual~ty, ana disease free at the tilDe of plilnting'. Allt..rees shall be war~anted lor twelve (12) months from the time of planting_ Tbe Developer orh18 CODcraetor(s) 8ha~lpclt,QiDtenance bonds (Miller-Davia ccmp~ny Form ~o. 1636 ot equal) or other security aceeptabletotbe C1ty to aecute the warrantl.esat the tlme of flnalacceptance_ 12. ResponsibIlity fo~ Costs. A. The Developer shall hold the CIty andlts offl." cere and employees harmless from claims made by 1t.self and third . parties for damages sustalfted Or costs incurred resultinq from plat approval and development. Tbe Developer shall in~emnlfy ~be CitY'cmd ltaofflce:r:B ande.mploye~8 f91: all costs" da.fI&gesr or' e~eD8eswb!ch the City may payor Loour in conseqUeneeof such. Claims. lncl ':ld.1.ng resl50nablea t torneys · fees. B. The Developer ahall reimburse the'City for costs incu~red ln' the enforcement of this Contract, includinq engineering and reasonable attornay.t leBa. Coo The Oeveloper shall' pay in. full all bl.l1s f.lub- mitted to it by the Cl.ty for obligations incurred under taia Contra~t. If the billa are not paid on time, the City may halt all pla~ ~evelopment work and CDnst~uct1on, including but not limited to t.he issuance of building permita lor lots which ,t.he Developer .ay or may not have sold, until tbe b11ls arepald in full. Bills not paid wlthinth1rty (30) dat8 shall accrue int.erest at t.he rate o.t8\ per year. .0. In addition to the charges and special as~eS8ment8 referred to hQreln# other cha~gea and special aSBeasmeDte may be Lmposed inacco;dance withpub1ished. City pro- cedgres and/or ordinances fro. tlme to time enforced, aoch as but. not l1mlted to sewer ava~lability charges (MSAC.).. City. ~ater- cOhQaction cnarqes. City sewer oonnectlon charge., and building , per~it fees.. 13. De~elape~'8Def.ult. In toe event of default by t~e O~veloper as t.o any of the ..ro.r:k to be periorlOed by It hereunder, . the'C1ty may, at lta option, perform the work and the Developer shall'promptly reimburse ~he'Clty tor any" expense incurred by thB C1tr, provlded the Developer is f~rst qiven notice of the work in default, not less than fou,r (4) days in advance. 'l"h18 contract is al1.cense for the City eo act,. and it shall 'not be necessary fo~ the City to seek a Court Order for permiss!oD to entertbe Pa,." i of I Y PaotI . GC-J , . . lana. . When the City does 'any suah work, the C1.t:.y'may', In. addi- tion' to lt$ othetremedl~s, assess the CQ:;Jt. in whole or in part. 14. Miscellaneous. A. Construotion Trailers. Placement of on-site constructi.on trailers and temporary JOb site offlces'shall be approved by theCitY.Bnqineeras a part of the.pre-construction meeting fo~ installation of public improvements. Trailers $hall be remov~dfromthe Subject property within thirty..( 30) days followln~ the,acceptanc~ of tba pUblic impro~eme~tB unless otber- w~~eapproved.by theClty Engineer. . , . a.. Postal Service.. The Oeve1oper shall provide. fot' the maintenance ofpostalserv.1.ce 1n accordance .wit.hthe local Postmaster's request. c. Third Parties. Thlrd parties shall have no recourse against the Clty und~r'tb.1s Contract. D. Breach of Contract. Breach of the terms of this Contract by the Developer shall be qrounds for denlal of bUilding perna1ts, l.nc!Ud1.ng lots' sold to third parties. E. Severabil~ty. If any portion, sect1on, subse~- tion, sentence, clause, parag4Apb, or phrase of this Contract is . .for any reasoh held inva11d, such aecision'shall not affect the va11dity of the remaining portio~ of this Contract. , F. Delays. If bU11ding permi~s are issued prior to the completion and acceptance ofpub11c lmprovements, the Developer assumes,all t:esulti1')<] l1abillty and costs from delays .in completion of publie ilbp~ovements and damage to 'public impro- vements caused by the Developer, its contractors, subc~ntractor8, materialmen, employeesr agents,' or thirc1 parties except where such liability 'orcosts are caused by willful mlscondaot by the Ci~y, lts officers or ~nployees. G. oCcupancy. On~ess appro~ed in writ~n9 by the City Ebgineer, no one may occupy a building for which a bU~ldlnq permit ~6 48sued on either a tempor~ry Qr permanent baa~s unt~l' tbestreets needed foraceess bave been paved with a b1tuw1nOU$ surface. -' B. WaiverS/Amendments. Tbe aotlon or inactlon of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provi- sions of th~s Contract. ro be binding, ame~dments O~ waIvers shall.be lnwri~ing, si9ned by the parties and approved by writ- ~en r~so~utlon of the City Council. The Cityts failure to . promptly take leqal action to enforce this Contract shall not.be a waive~ or release. I. Durat.1.on" of Contract/Release. .ThlS contract. shallrernain 'in effect untJ:! such time as the Developer bas fully performed all duties ~nd ob11gations under this contract:. ~cepe for. ~ot 1, Block 1, this Contract.shall run with ~he land aod may GC-4 P8110 J ()"" of 4pauIJS , , I I I l ' , I I i I I i i I I be cecordeCl against the tItle to the property. After the Develop~r haa cOIllpleted .the wor~.~ecJuit'ed of.. it under thIs Contract, at the Devaloperts request tbeC.t.ty will ,exeoute and deliver to' theneveloperarelease.-rurthermore,' to.tbe extent that a sUbsequent- owner of any of tbe lots W4thln the'plat a88ur.teS in writing the oblIgations of ,the Developerundu 1;h.ia Contrac~,~hicbrelate to said lot and provlde& ther~qulr&d security for sald lot, the Oevelop~.r shallbe'released from Bald obliqat.iODu._ " J. Insurance.' Developer shall take out and lIsin- t:ai~ uotll 81X (6) Jl\onthe,aftec the City has acc:eptedtbe public improYemcnts,publlC 11ab11ity and property dutage lneurallce . covering personal ~DJury,includin9 death, and ela1me lor pro- party damage W'h1Cb may arise out QfDeveloper'awork or ,tbe work Df its.ubaontrac~or8 or by one directly or indirectly employed by any of, tbem. Lilt1itaforbodily injury and death shall, be not less than. $500,000 for one per150n and $l,OOO,OOOfoceach occur.rence: 'limlts fo~ property damage ahall be not less t~aft $200 ,000 fo~ each OccttrrttQCe: cr,it C>OUIb1nation sl11g1e liru.t, POlicy of $1,000,000 or more. Tbe City shall be ~a.m.ed, as an addlt~onal insured oDtn~ policy, a~d the Developer shall flle . with ~he C1ty a 'certificate evidencing Coverage prior ,to tb~ Clty signing the-plat. The ce~tlf!cate shall pzovlde that the City must "be given ten (10) days advanee wr~tten notice of the cancellatlon ot the lnauraace. The certificate may not contain any diaclaimerfor fal1ureto give the 4eqbired notice. ' ~. Remedles. - Bachrigbt, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City ~scumulati~e and'ln addItion to every other riqhtr poweror.remedy, ex~res~ or Implied, now O~ he~eafter arlsLnqr available to,Clty# at la~ or in equitYt or un~er GDY other aqreementr and e4~h and every right, power and ,. remedy herein set forth or.otberwise so exiatinq may be eXetci~ed. frOm ti~ ~o time a. often ~n4 insucb'order a~ may be deemed expedi'!!nt by the City ands;tall not be a wa,iver of tbe .r1qht to eXQr~18e at any time tbereafterany other right# p~er or remedy. L. A8S1qnabl1itr. Tbe Developer may not assign this Contract without the wrltten pe~m~s81on of theClty Couneil. The Ceveloper's ob11gatlon bereunder shall continue ~n full force and effect even if the Develope~ sella ona or more lots, the entire plat"or any part of it. M. Construction' Hours. Consttuctlon egtlJ.pment .may only .be operated in tba plat between 7:00 a.m. an~ 6:00 p.m.., MODday thro~9h Saturday. Oper~tion ol construction equipmeot is also prDhib~ted on the fOllo~1nq holldaya: ~ew Year's Day, Memol:~al Day,. July'4th,.t.aboroa.y, 'l'hanksqlVit'lg DaYr Chrlstmas. Bve ~ay, and Cbr~9tmas Day. N. Variances. By ~pprov~ng the plat, with the exceptlon of Lot 1, Block 3, the Developer rep~esft~ts that all lots in the plat are buildable without thene~ for variances from the CitY'$ ordlnances. GC-s p~o J I of E p'aof!" I "1'1'" " ~ o. Com hance IU toh Laws Ordil1ances ulations. In the deuelopment p the plat the DlIveloper shal COllIply !o'1th all laW's, ord1nances. and regulahons of tile follolling aut.horities: 1. City of Cbanhaasen, 2 · Sta t.e 0 fIU,nnesot.a, 1 t.s agenc.1es, depa rtlllen tS and coaunissl.on$; .3. ,gnltedStates Army Co.rps of Enqineers; 4. Watershed Distr~et(s)J 5. 'MetroPo11tan,GoVer~ent, 1tsagencles, departments and commissions. P. Proof of Tltle. Opon request, the Developer shall furnish theCitt.W1 thevtdencesa tisfactoryto the City that it has th..authodty of the fee Olomers and, contract for deed purchasers to eDter iDto l:hisDeVe1.opment COil tract. , ~ END' OF GENERAL CONDIfIONS _ _ _ GC-6 Pllg~ '-lid. 'o,-..!J!.:.. P/IfI.. fl>", of~ . :-._ EXHIBIT -A- Lot ir Block 1 and Outlot A, CBANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK. THIRD liDDITIOB,accordinq to'theplat thereof on flleand of record in ,t~e office of tbeRe9'~strar of Titlea, .Carverc'ounty , Minnesota. And That part .of LAKB DRIVS as dedicated in ~ald CHANHAS~gN tAKBS BUSINESS PARK THIRD ADDlrI~ lying easterly of a line described as" commencing at themostnorth~rly nort.hwest corner .of Lot 1, , Block 1, of aaid CHANHASSES LAKiS BVSINBSS PARK THIRD ADDITIONJ thence North 86 deqrees 38 mlnutes 42 secondBWe.st,a8.umed bearing, along the southerly line of 'said LAKE DRIVE.a distance of 132..09 feet; thence westerly 152..83 feet alonga' tangent,fal curve, concayo-etothe sonth havlnga radius of 370.00 feet and a central angle of 23 degrees 40 minutes ODseconds tothe..point of beginning-Of the line to" be aescr1bed; thence ,tJort.b 20 degrees 18. minutes 42 seconds Mest, radially from the last desc:ribed curve, a di.stance.of SQ.,ao, feet and said line "there terminatinq.. "EXClP'lLot 1, Block 1 ,CBMHASSEN LAKES aUSINESSPARK SECOND ADDITION. Page /..1 or -L!i- "11II" .. . . 'or\~\MlIt~Ol>' ~Ct ~~~:a4. Silrte '6l~ 1\1\1S1~.~~'S31! .....~~ . o"l q, " C!,I . ,.. i · I 0= L.:& t;a I .'......0111. ..'..........,.'. h....".. · ... a l' ... p I i I i :II , ... ..- ~ ... !-... a 1.C I i.. s 0 If . ., I ... r ~ ::J ., i n . I. :3 I z. I: a . f .. ".~...}~' :6 . l""'\. .f( ~ .-\ . \J) ~ ~ ~. "'" ., . Paj:l-, .fl- or ..l!i-pttgn