96-94 A AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN AND INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 112 RELATING TO TIF REVENUE SHARING AGREEMENT made this 20th day of February , 1997, between the HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN (hereinafter "HRA") and INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 112 (hereinafter "School District"). RECITALS · The School District and HRA have previously discussed the disposition of Tax Increment Financing (hereinafter "TIF") funds arising out of additional tax levies relating to the issuance of the School District's General Obligation School Building Bonds, Series 1993C in the amount of $15,300,000.00 and bearing a date of original issue of July 1, 1993, and the School District's General Obligation School Building Bonds, Series 1994B in the amount of $31,980,000.00 and bearing a date of original issue of May 1, 1994; and · Certain TIF funds have in the past been transferred by the HRA to the School District; and · The parties desire by this Agreement to formalize the sharing of TIF funds generated as a result of current and future Sc.,~oi District~,~:c..u~ and resulting levies; and · The parties recognize that this Agreement is based upon present state law and that the HRA must retain the ability to modify or terminate this TIF revenue transfer in the event of changes in state law; and · The Chanhassen City Council has approved this Agreement. 43763.02 r04/22/97 NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Commencing with payable 1995 taxes and terminating with payable 2000 taxes, the HRA will transfer to the School District TIF revenues as calculated according to Exhibit "A" hereto which is incorporated herein by reference. 2. The HRA will not transfer any TIF revenues to the School District unless and until the HRA actually receives the TIF revenues. 3. The HRA shall have the right to terminate this Agreement if changes occur in state law which directly or indirectly effect the amount of TIF revenues received by the HRA. Dated: February 20 , 1997. Approved by the Chanhassen City Council danuar¥ 27 , 1997. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN And '~:'I(s'~~~~~ It~-~xecutiv~ector Don Ashwor~hTCity Manager/Clerk Dated: ,1997. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 112 By: Its: By: Its: 43763.02 r04/22/97 18-Apr-97 EXCESS LEVY DISTRIBUTION TAX INCREMENT REVENUES FROM: CITY OF CHANHASSEN TO: lSD 112 14:36 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 . BASE YEAR 1992 TIF lSD DIFF TAX 112 TAX CURR YR- CAP (1) RATE (2) BASE YR 3,695,795 62.658 3,488,337 57.172 -5.486 3,556,465 62.883 0.225 3,736,225 71.220 8.562 3,764,225 71.201 8.543 3,764,225 70.000 7.342 3,764,225 70.000 7.342 3,764,225 70.000 7.342 3,764,225 70.000 7.342 ADD'T TAXES GEN. ($191,370) $8,002 $319,896 $321,578 $276,369 $276,369 $276,369 $276,369 ANTIC. PYMT lSD 112 (3) $350,000 $600,000 $366,000 $343,000 $365,000 $343,000 ACT, PYMT TO lSD 112 (4) $350,000 $600,000 $276,369 $276,369 $276,369 $276,369 NOTES: 1) Although the city and School District 112 agreed to share excess tax increment generated as a result of the school's referendum of 1992/93, significant disagreement occurred in 1993-1995 as to how the "excess" would be calculated. During this time frame, the HRA entered into various "incentive agreements" essentially agreeing to return three years of "full increment" created by the prospective firms (1995-2000). All of this occurred during a time frame of substantial deterioration of the existing base valuations of commercial/ industrial properties. (Fallout of the S & L failures of the late 1980's.) Accordingly, the total tax capacity, as presented in this agreement, is the base tax capacity of $3,736.225. The City of Chanhassen will consider increasing this base value to a value between $3,736,225 and any current value if the total debt obligations incurred prior to July 1, 1996 and administrative costs (defined by state statute) and reimbursement agreements (prior to July 1, 1996) is less than the tax increment which was actually received by the HRA. [Note: The calculation in any year that this phenomenon occurs shall be to adjust the "TIF TAX CAP" column to the current value, but the result of that calculation shall not exceed the amount of debt, as defined above, incurred prior to July 1, 1996, including administrative costs and reimbursement agreements.] 2 & 3 The base tax rate prior to the referendum was 62.658. As the school district levies 1½ years in advance of receiving property tax receipts, an overpayment was agreed to by the city, even though the city did not receive the monies in 1995 and 1996 as anticipated in 1992/93. The city, by this agreement, agrees that future capital, operational, or other increases to the school district's total tax levy shall be governed by this agreement through the year 2000 so as to ensure that excess tax increment (current and future) is returned to the school district. [Note: a) The amounts overpaid by the city to ISD 112 will be repaid to the city from future excess levy calculations as a result of a future referendum; and b) The resolution adopting this worksheet as to the city's ability to make payments to ISD 112 shall override calculations presented here as it would relate to changes in state law regarding calculation of taxes, tax increment received by the city/HRA, calculation of tax capacity rates or tax capacity, etc.] 4) The "Act Pymt to ISD 112" shall be adjusted each year to represent the "T!F TAX CAP" (as referred to above) times the difference between the current total tax rate and the base year tax rate. Stipulations described in 1-3 above, shall apply. g:\mgr\isd I 12levy. (seal) YES Chmiel Dockendorf Senn Mason Berquist NO None City Clerk City of Chanhassen ABSENT None