6b Villages on Ponds, Outlot C ..... ST"r't', OF.: .' '.' C. BD.", I' ,1" ." II' "I' . - . .. .' ". , - " '~-. ...'- ',,' '..' - ~;.~, ~- -.." : ' . ""- < ' .', ':,~,'- " . , , . ,. , . . , ,-.-.' , .'.. -' -. . , . 6,h' PCDAT:E: September 3, 19~7 " ,.:"'1' 'r "'j", t"Jlr(';,";~" ~'f\ j" C"C(;:pAT:~: September 22, 1997 4 " ,'; 'Octbber'13. 1997 ' CASE #:PUD#9S~2' , , , '", ,l'. J3 ,:G<m~:y ;';"r(" " "[f;'rJ1 m":;:!" trff:::i(ftl~lfJ::: :1 n':;':;';r ,; "", ,,,.ie,', , "L,' ,: :;',;"",.",',.l;, . ,., ", :,',.' '" . 11.[ ..., STAFF 'REPORT " '" . " ~, PROPOSAL: .. FtmtlPlat ~pproval for O~t1ot,C into. Lats .1 and ,2, 'Bltick 1, and Outlat A, Villages ontlte Ponds 2nd Addition. ' .. LOCATION: Southwest Comer ofHwy. 5 and Or~t Plains Blvd. Outlot C, Villages 'On th~ Pond APPLICANT: J..otus RealtySe:rvlces, me; P. o. BoXi~J5 ' Chl:\t1h~t MN:553t 7 (6120;9,34-45~8 AUSMAk r.>evdopnn~m Co.. LLC &0, l.Qtus'R~1tY;S~fYfces. Inc. ' , ' .,,". ,.: ,'<'. ,'^, .$ - - ~.,.- ~ . . " .l(,~.. <, ~ . ..~;.. .' ~~"$' ~~." ,\ .. ;..:';" . ~ _ ,~. f PRESENT ZoNING: pun ACREAGE: 6~095 A.ores: Outlot A = J.-%Jc., Lot t :;:. Q.941 ~c.~ Lot 2 = 1.192 ac. .. ' ..}' . ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N:-:Bij~ Hi8hway S ,', , S - c PUD. Villag.es ontheJ.i"tJ;1d$ " . 'E'~ aN'fGteatPl3inS Bo~lecvartl 'w - PUO~ Villages on tbePonds WATER AND SEWER: A vailableto the si:te PHYSICAL CHARACTgR: The site has been p~pared (Qf develOpment as ~ af the - Villages on .tbePon4S',develOp~nt. Abutting the-site to the west , is the Villagepondwhi~h wraps ,araund 'the site to the IlQrtb. , - 2000 LAND USE,PLANt Mixed' Use: Co~ercialjmsti!\1ti~J~, Qtfi~e~ and Residential -,' "'1.,. - '.,. ,- ' . ' :-~' -! ,,~ ..~., ,'" .-':,. .' '.,., " " '. . , Villages on thcfPQnds 2nd Addition October 1 ~l 1991 Page 2 )"; ',-.:' .~ ';-.. ;- '.> '. ~ ';"--;," ''< P~OPOSALISIJM}\IARY >,,"- :.- ~'~ ...; '" " ;; .- ::11:, , The applicant .$~g.fmetplattiatJof~~:~(O~rmit,tl1e,~~~t;ofLoJ$J,an,d ~., The City may not iSsue buildingpennlts'Wl otdOtSutltilthey ari'ptattedint6 blocks' and ~1s~ - City CoUncil tabled thts.ilem onSeptetnbel"22,1"7,~tbat]th~i_6~ptdfug OUtlot Lc0\11;:' be resolved. ' .. B;A.CJ{G89t1ND , ' On August12~ 1?96, the City Council grantedptelitnilUlfY approvaf()fP\1D #92~1 including a Comprehert$ive uDd'U~Plan atl'lendmeni ,~,om~~il~~Jn$ti~t1l1,R~idential : ' MediU11'l bensity~Residetttlaltow~l1$ity to Mixed: U$~~i4l; 'HilltDen$ity Residentia~ Institutional andomc~ PretiininarY~unif"el()P~'tbt"Upto2~J)OOO~tt of , commerciaUofficebuit~~, 100,000 $q. f\.of'instiMiottal'bl;li~tamt a:Z4 dWelling units; Rezoning trom fOP and RSF to POD, I,Jlann~-l{tlj;t'~et~ (ruSt ~g); Pte'itninary plat, for 13 lots, a114 3: out1ots,and:~k ~~~,W~~,r~l ~o fiUand exdavate ' wetlands on si~Va~qn ofqgl\t~f.~y ~~d,~"r~~_lAs5eS$inent Worksheet (EA W) findings ofNeptive Qeclal'lltion of ~,nc:ed tor additional 'enviroritnental investigation; aild Indirect SO\trCe'!PsmifReView f()ttbeVill_01rthe,Po~~.' '; ;, ' . ~ ' -/ ' . . On S~ptetnber 23, 1996~ tbe Cjty C01.1nt~l approved f'UD9S..2. VmasesoltthePonds, including 'a'ComprehenSive Land U~ Plan 'amendm~\tromO~UiikaSiri~, _ututieitat, Residential' Medium DenS\ty, Residential Low OettSiw'to MiX<<l:tJ~~~iatl'Higld)tnsity R~idential, Institutional and omce~; Preliminary planned ui1it~tlOpln. rC#\lp to~91 ~OQ~fsq; ft~ 'of co~mercial/ofticebuildin8s~ lOO~OO(hq. ft:ofi~titU~~*j ~)22 aw~lting,unit$;, Rezoning from lOP and RSF,to PUD, ,Ph\l.ned\ttrtli~"~veklpm.((:flnat reading); and final plat dated 44~ivedSept~ber19, 1996'!'fottwo~~ ",~:"',~icrigbt..of.way. ,< '" "" i:' ';/} The city has also approved site iJlans for St FJ~bet,tC.lioCommunity~ Arnericbm, and an ofti.~ building (building # 11) within the Village'on tluf P()ntls ~ <' " " . SU8~IYISI~ WETLANDS "" t ;' f , ' ,f The issue ofwetl1Uldimpaot$udwetA@ndmitiptiQnJl&ve~:~ addressed in tbeove"lll ' Vi~~th"I!ondPUD. The,app~~~", '".".:' ye.dfol"\y~tJandimpactsand mitigation. OruH,f;t!1e c~:ot'~Ytl:'. ...... ',."<,, . '.'>~ pttmit"da > _ ,-<.'>_' '. .r.'- . ~ - ~ .~,~ -', " ;J., <.' 'c'.... -~, .' , ',? " .. L ! ! ~ t ., ! , -? " Villages on the Ponds 2nd Addition October 13, 1997 Page 3 conservation easement be granted over Outlot L, Villages on the Ponds. Since the applicant has not yet done this, staff recommends that completion of the conservation easement be included as a condition of approval. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (SWMP) Storm Water Quality Fees The SWMP has established a water quality connection charge for each new subdivision based on land use. Dedication shall be equal to the cost ofland and pond volume needed for treatment of the phosphorus load leaving the site. The requirement for cash in lieu of land and pond construction shall be based upon a schedule in accordance with the prescribed land use zoning. Values are calculated using market values ofland in the City ofChanhassen plus a value of$2.75 per cubic yard for excavation of the pond. The proposed SWMP water quality charge for commercial developments is $5,909/acre. The applicant has designed storm runoff (NURP) ponds for the entire Villages on the Ponds site, and therefore, water quality charges will be waived. Stonn Water Quantity Fees The SWMP has established a cOlmection charge for the different land uses based on an average city-wide rate for the installation of water quantity systems. This cost includes land acquisition, proposed SWMP culverts, open channels and stonn water ponding areas for runoff storage. Commercial developments will have a connection charge of $4,360 per developable acre. The total area of this portion of the Villages on the Ponds proposed development is 2.13 acres. Therefore, the applicant would then be responsible for a water quantity connection charge of$ 9,287. These SWMP fees will be due payable to the City at time of final plat recording. UTILITIES The utility layouts appear to coordinate with the preliminary utility plans for Villages on the Ponds. Utility services to these lots will need to be extended by the property owners and/or developer. Utilities within the subdivisions will be privately owned and maintained by the property owner, therefore, no detailed construction plans will be necessary with final plat approval. The individual site plans will be reviewed by the City's Building Department. Building permits will be required for installation of the utility improvements from the City's Building Department. All utility improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Upon completion of the utility improvements, the applicant or their successors shall provide the City with a mylar set of as-built construction plans. The appropriate drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated on the final plat over the stormwater ponds and wetlands up to the 100-year flood elevation. Villages on the Ponds 2nd Addition October 13, 1997 Page 4 MISCELLANEOUS In conjunction with Villages on the Ponds 151 Addition, the applicant has entered into a development contract with the City which stipulates conditions of approval. An addendum to the development contract will be necessary to include Villages on the Ponds 2nd Addition. Conditions of approval from the 2nd Addition will be incorporated into the amendment for the development contract for Villages on the Ponds 151 Addition. This document will be prepared for City Council approval along with the final plat. The City has recently adopted an ordinance requiring developers to reimburse the City for updating City base maps, GIS database file, and converting plat and record drawings into electronic format. The fees associated with this work is $10.00 per parcel. Based on the final plat, the applicant will be charged $30.00 (two lots and 1 outlot) at time of recording the final plat documents. PLANNING COMMISSION UPDATE The Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 3, 1997 to review the proposed final plat for Villages on the Ponds 2nd Addition and site plan review for the 14,849 square foot retail buildmg on Lot 2, Block 1, Villages on the Ponds 2nd Addition. The Planning Commission voted five for and none against with one abstention on the motions approving the final plat. RECOMMENDA TION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the following motions: Subdivision "The City Council approves Villages on the Ponds Second Addition final plat, PUD 95-2, subject to the following conditions: 1. The developer shall grant to the City of Chanhassen a conservation easement over Outlot L, Villages on the Ponds as described in the conditions of approval for the Villages on the Ponds. 2. Provide cross access easements and maintenance agreements which shall be dedicated over Lots 1 and 2, Villages on the Ponds 2nd Addition for access and utility purposes. 3. The appropriate drainage and utility easements will need to be dedicated on the plat over the stonnwater basins and wetlands on the property. Drainage and utility easements shall be Villages on the Ponds 2nd Addition October 13,1997 Page 5 dedicated on the final plat for the stormwater basin and wetland up to the 100-year flood elevation. 4. The applicant shall enter into an addendum to the development contract/PUD agreement for Villages on the Ponds. 5. The applicant shall pay the City GIS fees in accordance with City fees at time of recording the final plat. 6. The proposed commercial development of 2.13 net developable acres is responsible for a water quantity fee of $9,287. This fee is due payable to the City prior to the City filing the final plat. 7. All utility improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Upon completion of the utility improvements, the applicant or their successors shall supply the City with a mylar set of as-built construction plans. All utilities installed within the plat shall be owned and maintained by the property owners and not the City. 8. The developer shall pay full park and trail fees pursuant to City Code." A TT ACHMENTS 1. Deyelqpm/ent Revie .:Applic~Jion ."'"! 2. kliblic'f:Ie'ari~g ice anj,Maili,ngJdSt! 3. ~lannirig Con ission Mll1utes or 9/3/97/'\ 4. City Council Minutes of 9/22/97 . .' CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 (612) 937-1900 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION APPLICANT: i..OTUC; l?~4LtV SO:?f,I/CE<:.. /Ne OWNER: ;/!l51V/l/(2Jf'v~"-flP/t/~/v7' ~. Ltc ADDRESS: fJ,o. 73 cJ.< 235 ADDRESS: d ,JOTC/~ ?t:,(/ L.-7 (/ , C ,/.I /I ,(/ /.I // _~ G /f/, /Lf/u ..5:53/"/ TELEPHONE (Day time) figC/o ~.5 3 cP TELEPHONE: 1. _ Comprehensive Plan Amendment 11._ Vacation of ROW/Easements 2. Conditional Use Permit 12. - Variance - 3. - Interim Use Permit 13. - Wetland Alteration Permit 4. _ Non-conforming Use Permit 14. _ Zoning Appeal 5. _ Planned Unit Development 15. _ Zoning Ordinance Amendment 6. _ Rezoning 7. _ Sign Permits 8. Sign Plan Review _ Notification Signs - 9. ~ Site Plan Review #-..; /'1000 1/ /c..;o --2L Escrow for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost" #-:s .5.;;0CI ~ @() ($50 CUP/SPRlVACNARlWAP/Metes &>.$() 77 -- and Bounds, $400 Minor SUB) ~..50 10.-L Subdivisior. rFif TOTAL FEE $ 6 (J() 00 A list of all property owners within 500 feet of the boundaries of the property must Included with the application. Twenty-sIx full sIze folded caples of the plans must be submitted. 8W' X 11" Reduced copy of transparency for each plan sheet. . NOTE _ When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. .. Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract \TION VILUI G Fs 2(1-' 'IN" 1?,&LDS- B/n? '.r. 3"- </ j{; 3 ~ dClmoC/& lJO'pes - <-/~ ,fer~n.) t1 p. 7 if f,I!. IV P /J ,e.,.. cJ ~ 6./ ,.. to (J ".. (! JECT NAME U. DESCRIPTION (l)C/TLor ~~ - 70 be I?r,P/././L'TCD A-S ')/5 II!.. 2 Q!. tJu.rL_C/'I' /I" I//LLA7@F5 C>.N r//c P()..{J/J~ ~ n d /J l).D / 'I'ioN SENT ZONING P tI 1) - JlII.x € lJ UESTED ZONING /UM 3ENT LAND USE DESIGNATION S ee.. Ii fJ, Ov& UESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION IV /4 . /,1st?; " Slr~5 lJES/(;IUArc(.) 4S Re."/'4/I- SON FOR THIS REQUEST application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the ning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party m the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the orized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further erstand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees. feasibility studies. etc. with an estimate prior to any lorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best ,y knowledge. ~-ras /.I~t Y I NC. '7hl'/97 Date nature of Fee Owner Date llication Received on Fee Paid Receipt No. ~ applicant should contact staff for a copy of the staff report whIch will be available on Friday prIor to the etlng. If not contacted. a copy of the report will be mailed to the applicant's address. City Hall Council Chambers 690 Coulter Drive I , L.---LJ..1.......-1.L I I...--J 1 ~ I j , I I , TEl ~i~=1f,~-='~~::~~~-:-: J~'::*i\Sfi~s:/-_-----_.:; --- _-----.---~ \---.---\ ~j/' '\ ~.. /,7,.'-/ ,/(. ---- ,/--..1.... \ / /\ -) \.J ,/; ,~} \ (\'-",,:--i--// \ \ // ..--(/' , ~'0 '. \ --....,.. \___--" a 'e.." ----,_ ~ \ \...................... ~ " :-1 / " >-.r~:-------._-- "'-.--------=~=:/ ~...~~9;~~(;!S:?~;;:i / StQt~_.H'!YY_.r\5-- i~_v~,;<\\>'::((, ,c__~ -......-~.--..- l I ; :I:; :\" ,,' .' > " ---~~:::::'" I, i L- r~~ c~;::~<\:,~;(?-t-~1 ,,__J \ I /",. \' r' ........-\ F--. \ \ \ /'"-,', ". "_.. \-.-...-.-- ..\ \ ;>"-7~~ ; \.i - -, , , w/'- ......._~ )//' / ", , ~ /<::=~ ,-----/ .li ~5r,(~~:~~;,t,~( : ~-t// ; I i U '->\.,-< ~,\/V i ! /'~; J :\.._~ i l~::f\~~\~~~:{<~;.z L- ,<:>>/ " .--./ ----..- . , , '/h '. :-.. ' ' i "0' I'" : 'y'., c- \ \ \ ; r' l ~---.-m.---."';,>'''_,. ,~.~.-,--....- r' ,\ \ /'! I /' -- - \ \~.\\, \-./,\,..._'.._.-....__.~.,..._._._._..._',.".__. /.-.- _.:::::'..:::.::._.~=:-...=:==-::~1-,'''- , ,,' ' L. - '\ \ \ -~ .~ \ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING COMMISSION Wednesday, September 3, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. SUBJECT: Site Plan Review APPLICANT: Lotus Realty LOCATION: Northeast Corner of Hwy. 5, and Great Plains Blvd. I ~..:::. r--- NOTICE: You are invited to attend a public hearing about a proposal in your area. The applicant, Lotus Realty, is requesting final plat of Outlot C, Villages on the Pond, into 2 lots and site plan review for 5,300 sq. ft. Famous Dave's BBQ Restaurant and a 14,848 sq. ft. retail building located in the northeast corner of the Village on the Ponds development, Lotus Realty. What Happens at the Meeting: The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the developer's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Commission Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The Developer will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses project. The commission will then make a recommendation to the City Council. Questions and Comments: If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please stop by City Hall during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Bob (ext.141) or Sharmin (ext.120) at 937-1900. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. Notice of this public hearing has been published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 21, 1997. ._ I" ._' rlJ-ljCf1 -1lfcb-'y-,J Cl/ .. SSEN POST #580 264 SSEN, MN 55317 CITY OF CHANHASSEN C/O CITY TREASURER 690 COULTER DR PO BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 ..:-;~t . RANDY G & KIMBRA J GREEN 8103 MARSH DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 J KOKESH & . ECOFF I\NDVIEW RD SSEN, MN 55317 CITY OF CHANHASSEN C/O CITY TREASURER 690 COUL "tER DR PO BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 MICHAEL M & PRUDENCE L BUSCH 8113 MARSH DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8. JEAN SINNEN \NDVIEW RD SSEN, MN 55317 DONALD F MCCARVillE 3349 WARNER LN MOUND, MN 55364 MARK C & ALEXANDRA M lEPAGE 8123 MARSH DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 I A & LINDA G ANDERSON \NDVIEW RD 3SEN, MN 55317 JAMES P ADANK 350 HIDDEN IN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 ROBERT J & LOIS A SAVARD 8080 MARSH DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 3ERNIER INDVIEW RD BOX 157 3SEN, MN 55317 JAMES A & CAROL A UDSTUEN 360 HIDDEN LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 JAY SANDERS 8090 MARSH DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 & ROSEMARY WILL .NDVIEW RD ,SEN, MN 55317 PETER A KNOLL & MARY Z STAUDOHAR-KNOLL 370 HIDDEN LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 MARTIN J & TIMAREE FAJDETICH 8100 MARSH DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 )F MARTIN J WARD )ME RAIDT PERS REP NCE AVE S-STE 113 N 55435 BISRAT & DENISE ALEMAYEHU 380 HIDDEN LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 YAGUI WEI & YUYI L1N 8110 MARSH DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 JNT INC NTROLLER ~HNOLOGY DR I\IRIE, MN 55344 WILLIAM R & DEBRA E PRIGGE 390 HIDDEN LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 DARRYL T & SANDY L WROLSON 8120 MARSH DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 JNT INC r. NTROLLER )HNOLOGY DR \JRIE, MN 55344 ANDREW G & JEANNINE R CONE 321 HIDDEN LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PAUL F & RITA A KLAUDA 8130 MARSH DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 :HANHASSEN rREASURER rER DR PO BOX 147 SEN, MN 55317 BRIAN E SEMKE & DEBORAH C DUETSCH 331 HIDDEN LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 WALT K & PAMELA S CHAPMAN 8140 MARSH DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 . ' 4.~~~~J 77CJ 7 /iu~ G?tCtUz,d ~ cA cuz./1 C/..A.A--UU mUCE 0 & CYNTHIA J MARENGO \150 MARSH DR ;HANHASSEN, MN 55317 OHN P & BRENDA K LUND 140 DAKOTA LN 'HANHASSEN, MN 55317 il~~ 6~~~ /P~O~ ~U~cU ~ ~a-<.,U~7, /nr; 0'0391 ;lTY OF CHANHASSEN ;/0 CITY TREASURER ,90 COULTER DR PO BOX 147 ;HANHASSEN, MN 55317 ;LUE CIRCLE INVESTMENT CO '25 BLUE CIRCLE DR lJNNETONKA, MN 55343 ;HANHASSEN NH PARTNERSHIP 00 2ND AVE S 11 00 INTERNATIONAL ;ENTRE 1JNNEAPOLlS, MN 55402 lOll DAY STATION STORES INC 567 80TH ST W LOOM1NGTON. MN 55437 HADDEUS E KORZENOWSKI 0645 RADISSON RD XCELS10R, MN 55331 ITY OF CHANHASSE"N /0 CITY TREASURER 90 COULTER DR PO BOX 147 HANHASSEN, MN 55317 .-." HANHAS5EN INN 31 79TH 5T W HANHASSEN, MN 55317 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3, 1997 LOTUS REALTY SERVICES - PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF H\VY. 5 AND GREAT PLAINS BLVD \VITHIN THE VILLAGE ON THE PONDS DEVELOPMENT: A. FINAL PLA T/REPLA T OUTLOT C, VILLAGES ON THE POND INTO T\VO LOTS. B. SITE PLAN REVIE\V FOR A 5,300 SQ. FT. BUILDING FOR A FAMOUS DAVE'S RESTAURANT. C. SITE PLAN REVIE\V FOR A 14.848 SQ. FT. RETAIL BUILDING LOCA TED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER. Public Present: Name Address Gary Disch Rhonda Collins Cindy Marengo Dale & Zob Klabande Susie & KelTY Blake Vernelle Clayton Scott D. Schlachter Lois Savard 8170 Marsh Drive 8060 Hidden Court 8150 Marsh Drive 8160 Hidden Court 8040 Hidden Circle 422 Santa Fe Circle 5633 Morgan Avenue So. 8080 Marsh Drive Bob Generolls presented the staff report on this item. Peterson: Help me understand the roof issue a little bit better. Walk me through it again, or walk me through it if you would. Generous: Okay. If you look at the roof elevation on the Building 4 you see that it has a flat roof cross area Il1 the middle that is actually a flat roof elevation. The slope roof elevation on that building, observable from someone standing on the street is approximately 70% of the building. However, if you look at it from a birds eye view, it's probably maybe halfofthe building. The roof area. So we need clarification whether or not we should interpret it to mean that it's, was \'isible from the ground or what's visible from above. Peterson: And your rationale for that position, the rationale for their position was? Generous: Well that with the higher peak that would be in it, we were looking, primarily when we werc doing the design we were looking at larger units and making it look consistent with our downtown arca The office, the Mcdical Arts building down on West 78th Street. Peterson' ,-\nd that's thc standard wc've followed with the other buildings? Generous' So far. 24 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3, 1997 Peterson: Other questions of staff? Joyce: On this handout, remember this part of the handout. What exactly is this? Generous: That just shows you the sectors. If you look at the design standards, there are different, with any.. . slightly different standards Joyce: Oh, I'm sorry. Okay. All right. I was just wondering, the dotted line looked like a thoroughfare or something through. Can you actually take your car and go through that whole dotted area? Through parking lots and everything like that. Generous: You can't get out to Highway 101 that way. Joyce: Okay. All right. Generous: It's just to delineate the different sectors within the plan and the signage standards are slightly different than some of the requirements. Joyce: Okay. Sidney. I ha\ e another question about the flat roof portion of that building. Would that be \ iSlbk from other buildings in the Villages? .. .see higher elevations. Generous: We may in the Village corridor develop up to four story or 50 feet. Sidney: Oka), so that might be visible then. Peterson: Other questions of staff? Joyce: Just one. Now that I understand what I'm looking at here. You said that we're adding 14,000 square feet of retail to Section 2 and taking it out of Section 1 then. Generous. Right. Based on the additional, there's a Building 2 that will come in the future that's approximately 7,500 square feet. Joyce: And you're, there isn't anything confirmed but we're looking at a restaurant on that site too. Generous: COITect. Joyce: Tkll1k you. Peterson The only other thing Bob, I think I don't nonnally preach this but within the p::lcket I know It's some within your control but we didn't have a proportionate rendering. It's pretty 25 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3, 1997 difficult to get.. .tonight so.. .points his finger at staff or the development team. It's pretty important that we have that for our packet so. With that, does the applicant or their designee wish to address the Commission please? Vemelle Clayton: Good evening Mr. Chairman and members of the Commission. My name is Verne lie Clayton and I'm with Lotus Realty. I would like to have the rest of the group in here before we start but let me talk first just a little bit about the, are you going to do this one by one? Do the plat and vote on that and... I didn't say vote yes. I just said vote. Do you want me to talk about the plat first and then you talk? Okay. I would like to just, just a couple of comments. We don't have any problem with the change in number 5. Backing up to number 2. I just want for the record to say that I believe that we already have adequate cross access easements as a part of the covenants that are filed, but this is a good test. We should take a look at them before the plat's recorded and see that they fit. I do also want to state for the record that I would like, I will not actually fonnally object to item number I, but given that we picked up the copy on Tuesday. I read it. ..that night. Caught it last night and we were still busy with Famous Dave's today, I didn't rcally get a chance to talk about it. But we'll have a chance to talk about it between now and the Council meeting and it's probably fine. I just want to understand what the ramifications might be And that's all the comments I have on that. Peterson: Any questions? Kevin, any comments on replatting? Joyce, 1\0, I clon't have any. Sidney: 1\0 comment. Peterson: Ladd? Nor do I. With that, may I have a motion and a second please. Blacko\\'lak: I'll move the Planning Commission recommend approval of the Villages on the Ponds 211J Addition, PUD #95-2, subject to conditions I through 8. Condition 5 shall rcad, the applicant shall pay the City GIS fees in accordance with City fees at time ofrecordll1g final plat. Joyce. I'll make a second on that. Blacko" iak moved, Joyce seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of Villages on the Ponds Second Addition, PUD 95-2, subject to the follo,,'ing conditions: I, The developer shall grant to the City of Chanhassen a conservation easement over Outlot L, Villages on the Ponds as described in the conditions of approval for the Villages on the Ponds. 2 Pro\'ide cross access easements and maintenance agreements shall be dedicated 0\'Cf Lots 1 and 2. Villages on the Ponds 2nd Addition for access and utility purposes. 3, The appropriate drainage and utility easements will need to be dedicated on the plat over the ston11water basins and wetlands on the property. Drainage and utility easements shall 26 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3, 1997 be dedicated on the final plat for the storm water basin and wetland up to the 100 year flood elevation. 4. The applicant shall enter into an addendum to the development contract/PUD agreement for Villages on the Ponds. 5. The applicant shall pay the City GIS fees in accordance with city fees at time ofrecording of final plat. 6. The proposed commercial development of 2.13 net developable acres is responsible for a watcr quantity fee of$9,287. This fee is due payable to the City prior to the City filing the final plat. 7. All utility improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Upon completion of the utility improvements, thc applicant or their successors shall supply the City with a mylar set of as-built construction plans. All utilities installed within the plat shall be owned and maintaincd by the property owners and not the City. S. Thc dc\'cloper shall pay full park and trail fees pursuant to City Code. All ,otcd in favor, except Conrad \Vho abstained, and the motion carried. Pcterson: l\c\:t item. Vemelle, do you want to? V crnelle Clayton: I guess one of the things that I will talk about after we talk about the building itsclf, is landscaping. Bob and I have talked about that a little bit and we can deal with that after \\ e talk about the building. I would like to say that we have Mika Milo with us. Most of you, I thll1k all of you know Mika Milo from our prior presentations. We have Ken Merriman who is our e"\pcrt leasing person and a delightful person to know. And we have Scott Schlachter from Famous Da\'c's. I wouldJust like to say that I did invite all the folks that were here for the last session to come and sit in on this presentation, number one because they were so successful. And number two, because they all said oh, Famous Dave's. When are you going to open? But that is, aside from, the only other comment I want to make about Famous Dave's is, number one. Evcrybody seems to like them and want them here. Number two. I want to publicly express my appreciation for their patience with us as we have wrestled with their design. They've been not only patient. They've been understanding. They've been flexible and so far they haven't even gotten angry as far as I know. We have been working with them, not because their design was bad. But because it didn't quite fit what everyone's ideas and assumptions were as to what would be built in the Villages. To that end they've been very flexible. They are also under a little bit of a time line. They want to get going as soon as possible so staff has been actually bending the rules on when we can get the last copies of things into them and we appreciate that. Wc got ;-,lIka il1\'olved in some redesign. He got that copy to us in time to get it to staff and to Famous OJ\ e's at the same time. We wanted both to review it. Famous Dave's had a few cklllges thJt they wanted to make and thanks to Mika who learned of a couple of them at 4:00 27 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3, 1997 this afternoon and has been out in the hall making the color copy as you discussed car dealerships, I think we have a fairly complete presentation. You will see that there are some things that are completely different from the way it was described or set forth in the packet. We'll try to point those out to you as we go and I would like to introduce Mika Milo to discuss the elevations. Mika Milo: Mika Milo, principle of Milo Architecture Group in Eden Prairie. And your Honorable Chairman and Planning Commissioners, it is my pleasure to present now the two projects here that are really like one project. All on one site basically, sharing the same parking lot. One is the Famous Dave and then the retail building #4. I guess we'll first address the Famous Dave building, and you will see that there is some relationship, some visual relationship and cOlTelationship between these buildings and color schemes. When we, like Vemelle said, initial design that was a typical, proto typical design for Famous Dave and they approached us here, in essence was a good design that would fit to the Village character in general terms. In tenns of massing and the slope roofs and the size of the building and bulk and shape of the building. And the restaurant is obviously very welcome use for the Villages.. .in and outdoors. The problem we had is more, it was the character of the finishes and the materials that they are proposing 111 a typical design, and we have been working quite a while with them and they worked until we received, until we arrived to that point to present to you these change design that I belic\'c now much closer matches the intent with the Villages and what we are trying to achieve there. I will show you what the material that was presented... This is the last roof, sheet metal roof and wood siding that was proposed. It was rather.. .raw wood appearance like northern... farmhouse combination with very... But in any case, we felt it is not really matching what we are trying to achieve here at the Village and we would like that building to blend more \\ ith the 0\ erall.. .design that we have, that are not so strongly, how would you say, woodsy. They're a ltttle bit more sophisticated... and so we suggested to change the color of the roof as wcll as to change the finishes, the color of the roof would be darker than this red one and we suggested that also we finish for the wood siding becomes a solid stain rather than a transparent stain.. and wc also created a base that we propose of being.. .so this is basically what happcned and I will show you the design that we are now proposing. I think you have the smaller, rcduced copies. You havc received that. Pctcrson: Bob, does the copy that youjust gave us differ from...? Does the copy you just gave us diffcr from the one that's in our packet? It seemed to. Generous: Just the trash enclosure. Petcrson: Oh okay, sorry. AI-Jaff: Thcre wcre some changes that were made to the plans that you have attached so they are dl fferent. So what you have is the latest revision. :, lib !\ 1110: .. .substantial change from these initial materials. The red roof that you see is marc of thc brO\\'lllSh color, darker... we are suggesting that darker color.. .stained color. The stain is a ltght brO\mish.. .and the wood frame around the windows to take a darker tone of this. . .darker 28 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3, 1997 one would be for the frames and around the... Then to have as a base of that.. .of approximately 6 inches above the ground and we use that teal green, teal color for.. .and we are considering or re-using that teal color because it might not be... Any questions that you might have? Vemelle Clayton: I think they might have some questions as to how it's different from what you had in your packet. Is that a reasonable assumption? The differences are four. The roof. Over the kitchen.. .here was too small for their HV AC... Peterson: Other questions of the applicant? Brooks: I have a question. In your design.. .you state, in no case shall the architecture lead to the... This really does not, it's inconsistent with where you're going. I realize that Famous Dave's has an image that... when I look at that building that you presented... boy these are really far apart in architectural styles. We're talking about compatibility in Villages on the Ponds, and \\e're going from sort of very modem and glass and it was very nice to sort of rustic, western theme and I don't feel that, I just want your opinion on this. This doesn't seem to follow the design character reference book of what you... ~'1 ika Milo: ... that text reads like that and the intent is not to copy. Can you please read one more time that particular important sentence? That couple sentences. Brooks: Howe\'Cf, in no case shall the architectural. ..of a Disneyland street or... The main goal is to create a pleasant.. .highway pedestrian oriented streetscape that has the base qualities of a traditional \ illage. The building architecture... r-lika Milo' Obviously I wanted to say, we don't any. ..temporary architecture dealing in the Village. However, we are basing the architecture on the traditional value, and traditional symbol and e:\.pressions of the architecture of the past times and especially the beginning of this century. Small town America and the intent would be very simply... we like to have some cohesiveness in the Village and a certain direction and. ..materials and design but I don't think that our intent is to really ha\'e vcry unifom1, very similar everything. I think we do welcome some varieties. We do welcome some different architectural.. .and expressions that suggest building a village o\'er the period of time that is composed of various.. .and not just the one single developer who is doing everything very uniformly. In that respect I think that yes, this is a very different than the office buildl11g, though the function is also very different. It is more rustic and woodsy and so on but it's also on the other end of the village and not directly next door to the office building. I think it's more now in an environment where that will fit rather well. Where we have the restaurant next, in opposite side of the pond is another restaurant and then we have also the AmericInn which are using all the siding and wood shingles and they are a little more rustic and woodsy type of design. I think that will blend with this area in general tenns so I think. Brooks: But this is not small town Wyoming land.. .but it's just very, very different flavor from \\ hat I see being presented so far... I guess my question would be, when we're doing Famous Dave's, is this rustic wooded look the only look that they have for their restaurant because I 29 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3, 1997 believe Alison.. .Maple Grove. Also this is right next to Highway 5 and all of a sudden we have this mstic, Wyoming look right on Highway 5. Mika Milo: Let me explain one thing only. We are talking about rustic. I would like to point out that... We talking about the creamy, beigey color... So I do think that I feel comfortable that we are close enough to.. . different. It still has some of that Wyoming flavor... I think there has been a tremendous transformation... Brooks: .. .on your last building, you did such a great job of going beyond form.. .and even here you're saying, you know you don't want to guided...selfexpression but which does not... I mean it was going so great and now it's seems like we've gone back to traditional restaurant... This probably is a, I'll stop because it's probably a moot point anyway because.. .but I just wanted to make the point that I think that we're going in one direction and... this doesn't quite fit with what you were doing architecturally to start out with. Mika Milo: I have just one more thing to say. That this...they really have to more fit with the product. ..arc of the Villages is more isolated and... Aanenson: I'm sorry I have to stop there because I think we have to be really careful about that type of thinking because we really tried hard to tie those pieces together architecturally. I understand what you're saying. We had the same discussion on the motel. Different.. .sitting out there and \\'e worked really hard. We spent a lot of time reworking the hotel to get it to fit in so I'd be really careful about going down that path. It is part of the project. It is...Highway 5. To say well, it's not part of it. That's not tme...staffand Shannin spent an inordinate amount of tllne. We did give them a benefit. We were working up until, delivering plans until the last minute. We have changes tonight that we're not... we want to work with them. We've tried really hard. We got something that was completely different than what our PUD standards are. Sharmin spent a lot of time trying to get it to where we thought it worked. They can do different things They can. They have. What is acceptable under the standards and that's where we're struggling Wc're hoping to get a read from you tonight and that's part of the reason \\'c put it on here tonight is get some direction. W c 're kind of at a standstill as far as some of these issues, but it IS hard It does, it is important what it looks like. Joyce. This was the same issuc as American Inn. This is the same thing. Aanenson: Exactly. That's why what Mika says concerns me because we did spend a lot of time putting togcther. ..standards and the mission statement just as you read, that is important what it looks like...as a staffwe were concerned... Brooks: And I do.. .architectural standards provided by.. .by other reasons. Aancnson: Franchises do have a certain style. We understand that but then we have to say well tlm PUD also has a certain style. Petcrson' Well, we can sort out those issues as we continue the evening. 30 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3, 1997 Vemelle Clayton: I just want to say one thing. That I agree with Kate that this is an important part of the Village. Just because it's on the edge and it's not a part of the core doesn't mean it's not important. It is also the first thing, and sometimes the only thing, not just this one but evelything along Highway 5 for some people will be the only thing that they see. We hope that because of what they see there they'll come into the Village. However, I would like to point out one thing that we haven't brought out and that is, perspective. That we keep this in perspective too because just for example, the 30,000 square foot building that we saw on the south end was six times as big as this and Americlnn is eight times as big as this. So we need to keep the relationship of the mass and the overall impression in line too. This looks as big as the 30,000 square foot building, because they put it on the same size paper, and we all get carried away by that. Just looking at it in relationship to the building that we're coming, that we'll be talking about in a few minutes. It's less than half the size. It's in square footage it's one-third. One elevation is a little longer than the other. So the issue is, can the Village absorb this without being disad\'antaged? Maybe we're too close to the issue because we've gone through many versions and this one, we feel it can absorb. Does it look a little westem, or if you're from the south, does it look like a road house? Which is what they want. They want people to say oh there's a Famous Dave's road house. Can it be adapted to another use? Veah. One of the things if you're looking for flexibility, then it's better not to have it brick. Brick is a very hard medium to change, Once you have a brick wall, you've got a brick wall unless you simply take the walls dO\\'11, That's one of our concems. The other concem is that in considering brick it really doesn't get at what everyone's issue is. The issue really is the design. But we've added a lot of elements to tie it in so I guess what we'd like to have you do tonight is think about, can the Village, because of it's mass, and it's relationship to this relatively small building, can we absorb it? 1 guess as a developer we're comfortable that we can. It's not perfect but we\'e come a long way and I don't know that we can make it much different and still have Famous Dave's in town I'm not 100% sure we can do this and have Famous Dave's in town so. Peterson: Any questions? Blacko\\ iak: Yes 1\1r. Chairman, Could we pass around the color rendering, the changcs so that wc can see. I'd like to see lip close what has been changed. Peterson: As we're passing that around, this item is open for a public hearing. May I have a motion to open and a second please. Joyce moYCd, Sidney seconded to open the public hearing. The public hearing was opened. Peterson: The public hearing is open. Anyone wishing to address the Commission, please come forward and state your name and address please. Gary DIsch: ),1)' name is Gary Disch, 8170 Marsh Drive. I'm fairly close to this building that's gOll1g to be going in. One of the concems that I have with the restaurant. I have no problem with famous O::\\'I:'s and stuffbut I'm very close to it. I'm wondering ifmy back yard's going to be smellll1g lIke barbecue and I'm not the one doing it. Vou know. We're talking about huge fans, 31 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3,1997 ventilators, whatever. What types of things are they going to do for our neighborhood. You know if we get all the smells all the time, the same thing on the other retail, somebody said there was going to be another restaurant there. I guess do we know what's going in there or are we just building it and see what comes? As far as the brick and stuff, you know she says we're over budget. Famous Dave's may not build here. I don't believe that. It seems like everybody wants to come to Chanhassen. It's getting to be a very viable space. You're right. There's brick. I like the brick, or the rock face. Why are we cheapening it up I guess. There's brick in Maple Grove. We shouldn't be pressured into making a western house, as what you said. I don't like the design either. Thank you. Peterson: Thank you. Anyone else? Lois Savard: Hi. My name is Lois Savard and I live at 8080 Marsh Drive and the look of this building is very important to me because I'm going to see it right out my back door. I live right on the comer. The looks of the building is fine with me. I like the wood. I like the western look. That doesn't bother me. The restaurant bothers me a little bit. I'm concerned about hours of operation. We like to have our windows open in the summertime. The smell, the barbecue smell is probably nice and that doesn't bother me as much. I'm concerned with the traffic and the nOise and the evcrything that goes with a restaurant. I'm concerned about the view. Which side of the building we're going to see. Are we going to see the back of the building. Where is the trash going to be taken out, etc., etc. We have had the commitment made that we will have some bndscaping done in our backyard. What it is we don't know so I don't know how conccrncd as homcowners we should be with the view. We don't know yet what the landscaping in our back yard \\ ill be. So those are my primary concerns. Peterson: Thank you. Aanenson Let me just cbrify cxactly where this is... Joyce: So the retail would block any kind of views from their window Kate? Aanenson There still may be an... Lois Savard: You'd be looking from the east elevation. Audience: The office building would not block her. Pcterson: Anyone else? Scott Schbchter: My name's Scott Schlachter. I'm with Famous Dave's. Ijust wanted to answer a couple of the concerns the residents had as far as the smell. If we are a restaurant, there IS going to be some smell from our charbroiler. As far as the smoking of the meat we have speci::illy made ovens and we use about 3 ounces of wood to smoke. It's smoked for a very long tIme ~lIld because they'rc cncloscd in smaller ovens, we don't use.. .wood and so thcre isn't going to be puffs of smokc going up and pem1cating the neighborhood. Well maybc a little bit but 32 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3, 1997 nothing that's going to be huge. Hours of operation. We open at 11:00, Monday through, seven days a week and we close, typically we close at 10:00. We're very family oriented, both for our customers and for our staff. Any other questions I can answer for anyone? Joyce: Yeah, I have a question. What about, one of the conditions on this is the applicant shall provide detailed sign plans to staff and obviously you don't have today. Could you tell us what, is the sign going to use that logo on the side of your shirt right there? Scott Schlachter: Famous Dave's, the letters, the script is what we'll use on the front of the building. Joyce: What about the pig? Scott Schlachter: No. Just the script. Joyce: Okay. So that's the sign then, right? Aanenson. Similar to what's shown on the... Joyce: But it will be a separate sign somewhere, correct? Aanenson: Scripted wall sign. Joyce: Okay, so there's no other pylons or anything else around there? Okay. Right, exactly. I'm trying to think of, okay. Generous: The only place it could be is on the directional signs. The little finger. Joyce. Oh, okay. All right. Peterson' Anyone else? Seeing none, may I have a motion to close the public hearing and a second please. Sidnc~ l11o\'Cd, Blackowiak seconded to close the public hearing. The public hearing was closed. V crnelle Clayton: Do you want to talk about the landscaping? Peterson: Pardon? Vernclle Clavton: Did we want to talk about the landscaping a little bit? Or do you not want me to talk anvmorc? Peterson' Can you do it briefly? 33 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3, 1997 Vernelle Clayton: Yes, I can do it briefly. The conditions are listed for Famous Dave's start on page 11 and basically what I have to say affects item number 2. A little bit of item number 3. Item number 4. And item number 5. And that will, essentially I'll say the same thing about the next plan because what it means is that we want to substitute the plan that you've already approved. When the staff reviewed this they didn't realize that the landscaping plan that was in, and it was our fault. We should have given them another copy along with that. The landscaping plan for the peripheral area covers that area and that's why the landscaper for this project didn't include it. Superimpose the landscape plan from the peripheral area onto this plan that we have actually more trees and shrubs shown on this plan.. .staffreport recommended. Our landscaper misunderstood my instructions and didn't... The only other thing I'll say is... I would like to talk about the trash enclosure but I'd like to save that for the next project. Aanenson: I'm not aware of any discussions. Generous: Yes, this is part of the hardscape, landscape plan. And I just, we didn't have the detail on that area. It does meet the...provided they put that landscaping in. Aanenson: Sorry. Miscommunication. I wasn't aware of that change... Peterson. Right. Kevin. Joyce: Let me ask one question before I say anything. Now the trash enclosure, we're going to talk about on Building #4 correct, so we don't even have to deal with that right now? Aanenson' It includes both buildings... Joyce. I have mixed feelings about this thing, to tell you the truth. I'm not as adamant as Allyson is about the looks of the building. My concern is the view shed, where this is going to anchor our view shed. Building #3, #2 and #3 that will be on either side of that pond, come in to our Villages on the Pond so it's really two anchors to this whole concept. So as we were talking about the importance of this building, I think it's rather important. Rather than a side note. With that said, I feel like I'm in the position that I was back with the American Inn. I think it can be improved. I don't feel like I have a grasp on the design itself. I know you were talking about, the original thing that we received in our pamphlet, we had some rock facades on there. I certainly ltked more. I know there's economics involved here Vernelle but this is what's going to stand out when people look at the thing. I think it's worth the investment. I'm interested in what the other commissioners have to say because I think there can be improvements here and I don't feel like I can really give any direction as far as that. I'm not real comfortable right now. So I would listen to what the other commissioners would have to say. Peterson: With that, LuAnn. SIdney: I think I'm sitting in the confused section too. I have mixed feelings about what has been proposed. I agree that the design of the building could be improved and what I mean by 1111])1'0\ eel IS that it might be closer to what's currently in the PUD design character reference 34 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3, 1997 book. And I think what we saw today, or this evening is going the other direction. I'd like to see the use of river rock, if possible. ...but not in detail the building in Maple Grove and I said, oh that's nice. At least I recognize that it was a nice built building and I guess I would echo the fact that this is going to be an important view on Highway 5, representing the Villages. And I'm wondering if there are other alternatives to what's been proposed as currently shown to us this evening. I'd like to hear what the other commissioners have to say. Brooks: .. .I'm pretty adamant about my feelings. I do not feel as though the design fits their reference book, at all. I mean I have mixed feelings too because I appreciate that Famous Dave's as a franchise wants to conform to a certain image. Unfortunately in the spot that it's in, I think that we set a certain tone for the development. I'm not sure that what I'm looking at, I'm not comfortable that this corresponds to it. The other thing is, we reviewed a mstic sign... It was a boarding sign and that was mstic and my understanding was the City Council turned that down because they didn't like it and they thought it... Well this is a lot bigger than a sign. This is a rustic looking building and I don't know ifl'm as comfortable with that image and location that it's in considering what the whole purpose of the project... Peterson: A I1son. Bbckowiak: I guess I'm not really comfortable with this either. I went up to look at the Maple Gro\'e property. I liked that a lot better than I like this. I heard the comments or the questions, can the Villages absorb Famous Dave's and I think that's the wrong question to be asking so carly 111 the process. I think that when we get around to building 18 or 19 or something, then you can talk about possibly absorbing a smaller building somewhere on the interior and making it fit. But this is right at the comer of Highway 5 and Great Plains. Lots of people are going to be seell1g it and it's an early building and it would set the tone so I don't think you want to talk about absorbing a building at this point in the process. So I would not be comfortable with mo\'ing forward this evening. I would like to see another revision utilizing more, I guess I liked ~1aple GrO\ e so more in that direction. Peterson: Ladd. Conrad: I'm not going to be voting. I guess I just have a comment. Just a perspective. Famous Dave's is fun. The Villages can't be stodgy. Just stand back and say, tell the developer what design to follow. Buca's? Is that what you're looking for? Give them a restaurant. This is a 5,000 square foot restaurant, and I'm going to stop talking but 5,000 square feet. The design optIons, they can change these but you should, I think we need to give them some guidance if we don't like this. It's not a 30,000 square foot shopping center. Think about a visual that you have ofa restaurant that you'd like here. You should let them know what that is. My only other perspecti\ e is, I think when it fits with the lake and other buildings, there is variety. Sameness doesn't, sameness, there's a limit to sameness so I'll stop there. Peterson: (,,1)' comments I think are pretty simple in the fact that I'm not comfortable with what I've seen and I don't think I've seen enough. Talked about changes. I don't think staffs up to speed so I do think we need to see it back again. But back again with the comments of my fellow 35 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3, 1997 commissioners along with I think architecturally I'm not comfortable with the lines and that are within the guidelines set forth. I mean these, there's a lot oflanguage here, a lot of verbiage that clearly can, a building can be built and hopefully it is Famous Dave's that can meet those architectural standards. You know I think that building materials, even though the colors have changed, I think the same rustic feel is still going to eminent from that. You know the chimney doesn't seem to fit. The metallic roof like it is doesn't seem to fit. The railing doesn't seem to fit. I do see a lot like I did with the AmericInn in that I want to ride my horse up and tie it up to the railing, and I don't think that's the neo traditional look we're trying to achieve. So I would offer that I'd like to send it back to the drawing board to try to be more creative within the budget constraints that are there. So those are my comments. With that, may I hear a motion? Blackowiak: Okay. I'll recommend the Planning Commission table Site Plan #97-11 for a 5,300 square foot building on Lot 1, Block 1, Villages on the Pond 2nd Addition. Brooks: Second. Peterson: Any discussion? Joyce: Yeah, 1 just want to make a quick comment. Being the first to speak I got a little bit of a feci from other commissioners and I have to agree with Ladd. I think this can work. I really do. I think this isn't bad and Ladd picked on something and I agree with. It can't be stodgy. It can't be, once you start becoming too restrictive on this thing, it's going to look phony. Brooks: .. .happy medium. Joyce. Thcre is a happy medium. Absolutely. And so my direction here is, I think we tweaked the Amencan Inn. I did not like the American Inn. Okay. I like Famous Dave's a lot better than Amcrican Inn when we started. When we started with American Inn, that came a long ways. So I thll1k twcaking here can get this through and I think this needs to be cleaned up before we can scnd this to thc City Council. I think that was the problem here. That there was some cleaning up to do and I think that's all it is. I really do. But I think there's going to have to be a little morc in\'l;~stment. I just think with a little bit ofrock face there that we had, that river rock, whatever. I think that's the kind of tweaking that's going to go a long way. So that's my comment, but I agree with, I don't want to look at this Villages on the Pond and say oh that was a planned unit. I mean we planned it. I mean you couldn't make a move. Let's have a little bit of fun with it too. Peterson: Other than the rock, give them any more direction? Joyce: Well for instance, there was a suggestion about the screening. Now I didn't see that. I don't know what it's going to look like. I think it's a good idea. Ifit looks right. I think you're going to want some alfresco t;l)e of dining. I did not get that. I mean you know, you can't see that \\ ell seell1g it. There's another issue that you know I think this whole concept was to bring people out. I mean I love to, except for the neighbors. I don't know, you know we have to put 36 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3, 1997 some parameters on that obviously but it'd be fun to have screened in, a place to dine screened in like that. I think that's a good idea. But it wasn't on there. Brooks: Alison...in Maple Grove and it's a little more modem. It's still fun. Ifwe want to be fun, fine. It's still fun. It's still Famous Dave's. But I would say that style fits in a lot better than... St. Paul every day and it's cute. I mean I'll admit it, it really is a cute design but not for where we're putting it. And I think, I mean I understand...what they've done in Maple Grove... Joyce: You know I've seen Maple Grove and it is nice, but I don't mind this. I don't mind the concept. The look. Even the little bit of western in it. It's just, there has to be more, looking at detail. I mean that's the whole, that's what we've all looked at this thing is we've got to look at detail and what's going to have to go back, I don't' want to sound like a broken record but you go back to American Inn. It was very plain looking. Very ordinary looking. Once they started fiddling around with some of the stuff, I mean it came out to be pretty nice. And I don't think this needs as much tweaking if you will as the American Inn. Peterson: We have a motion and a second. Blacko\\ ink moved, Brooks seconded that the Planning Commission table approval on Site Plan #97-11 for a 5,300 square foot building on Lot 1, Block 1, Villages on the Ponds 2nd Addition. All voted in favor, except Conrad who abstained, and the motion carried. Peterson: The next one is the office building. Blackowiak: Mr. Chairman, can I clarify one point? I think we overlooked. Do we need to address the issue of the 70% roof slope before we move on? \'erneIJc Clayton: That's on the next building. Generous' That's on Building #4. Blackowiak' Okay. So do we need to say anything about that before or do we just want to deal with that? Generous: That's part of your discussion for Building #4. Blackowiak: Okay, thank you. Vemelle Clay~on: Thank you. Before I start, would anybody think that we have summarized your thoughts tonight wrong if we bring back this plan tweaked? Peterson. Define tweaked. I mean. \'ernelle CL1\'ton: Well, that's the hard part. But you're not saying start over. 37 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3, 1997 Joyce: Oh no. I'm not. Peterson: You've got a dispersion of opinions here. I mean I am concerned as far as architecture and all that. That doesn't necessarily mean start over but Ijust don't see it fitting in to the... Brooks: It would be nice if the options of other styles... Vernelle Clayton: Well Famous Dave's is evolving and their prototype is the one that you passed every day on West ih in St. Paul and if you go to Stillwater you'll see the same one. That's the one they'll be building all over the country. This is not the one they'll be building all over the country. Maple Grove is not the one they'll be building all over the country. Aanenson: But every city has different standards. V cmelle Clayton: Right. The one in Minnetonka will look a little bit different, but very similar to the one on West 7th. So there is some, they want some continuity. Brooks: Wlllch is fair but we can stilL.see the options... Vemelle Clayton: You wouldn't like them. This is it. I mean this basically what, we changed, that's basically it. Maybe we went too far. Maybe we should go back and simplify it. Well, we didn't, you didn't agree to become architects when you signed on for the Planning Commission so I just wanted to see. I don't think I know, but we'll work on it. With respect to Building #4, again I would like to have Mika Milo talk about the elevations. I'll talk a little bit about the bndscaping. We went a little fast over the site plans when we talked about it. I think in the interest of time, because it's now almost 10:00, I won't just talk about the site plan but I certainly \\'Ill answer qucstions if you have any. Would like to talk a little bit about the trash enclosure first bccause wc deferred it to this portion. Do we have the colored copy of it somcwhere? We ha\ c a bbck and white copy I think. Did I give you a colored one with that? It probably looks a l1ttle better. I'm looking for the... The staff report says we had trouble... There didn't seem to be any obVIOUS place that worked that wasn't right in the way of something. It was either in the way of neighbors. In the way of the people looking from Highway 5. Or in the way of the people walking across the ponds. Or walking up from the north. And so we got out some pictures that wc had taken from Celebration and they had the trash enclosures right in the middle of the parking lots, and therefore they could have far fewer and it seemed to work for them. It seems to work here we think. We decided that we'd put a roof on it to match, to coincide with, there's a language in our covenants that say that any other, I forget what the wording is but it's in your staff report. Auxiliary stmctures have to be, have to coordinate with the architectural style of the surroundings. And we put a standing seam roof as we have, will have on many stmctures in the Vllbge and have on one of the adjacent buildings. I just want you to take a good look at the bndscapll1g now so we don't have to talk about it again. Our thought was that we would hide it quite \\ ell with large hedges. Again, the staff didn't have this when they wrote up the report and so staff, yOU know using good judgment suggested we put a couple trees there. We've got on our bndscaping plan we've drawn in the trees. We'll go either way. Although there is something to be saId for a large hedge. With two trees we'll have to have lower plantings, or we can ha\ c a 38 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3, 1997 large hedge and it's just an option I'll just point out to you. I guess I'd like to have Mika talk about the, oh no. I would like to talk just a little bit, ah however I changed my mind. I'll come back and talk about the roof thing after you've seen the elevations. Then you can have it in perspective. Mika Milo: .., we are going to propose that building to be a building.. .more of a traditional, old town. The main street buildings are composed of these taller buildings and.. .other than just one single building and one shopping...The building really looks like being composed of three... three buildings. The north building, middle building and the south building. The north building is the one that is closest to the Highway 5 and the face of that, narrower face of that building is that elevation.. .elevation in the north end of that building. The building you have the smaller... And so that is the north building we are talking about and the south building. The forms are different, because they look like the buildings are composed of three buildings. The only thing that is...unifying is the standing seam sheet metal roofthat...north and the south. The middle buildmg looks like a flat roof building from outside. The middle building is also what we're projecting... presenting you almost to seeing north and south. But in general tem1S... We don't see that directly relationship. We could possibly... than the sheet metal and that would be really e\'en more di fficult. So the way we have it now, there is some homogeneous approach.. .here but yet there is a different amount... But there is quite a bit of variety. The north building here is the stucco building. The middle building is the brick building and the south building is the siding... The stucco building or... temporary looking element here that... but it is very stylistic and more in the modem sense of why it just actually all glass... That will have also the sheet metal roof like the other buildmgs. At night it will be lit. It's going to.. .roof of that building will be a signature building. That way, and we have said and that's actually the.. .The a\vnings are rather very lively and playful. Stronger colors that will bring... The materials for the buildings are more, not attention crymg type of colors and materials but the awnings are really colorful and therefore... On the north end of the building.. .glass element, we are suggesting to use that light green glass... It can be a little bit clear glass but I think a light green would be nicer. The other buildmgs may be also light in the gray or the clear glass.. .so they don't like too much to have colors you know and this is.. .so I think the light green or the light gray would be acceptable for the retail. The north building, the middle building is brick building with some.. .stone type of brick which is... Very good quality and... On the one side, on the facing parking we are proposing that those be... On the other side facing the street, that could be a darker green or teal color...connecting the building with the roof. You see the buildings are in general oftenns looking.. .on the side facing the Great Plains Boulevard and the parking because this is one building. The north building here. North building here... The south building is the... wood sided building with very light.. .and also darker colored stain for the framing around the windows and we are using a... On the south side, we're using the same, probably the same color of the awning. And the wood siding, and you see at the base of that building we are proposing the... that one but I think it will be very good idea... The colors are blending and working together even though they're \'cry dIfferent. We think they are good combination and give enough spark and interest... We belie\c that that building will be a good projection of the main street architecture...and connect the office building that wc havc planned for the... 39 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3, 1997 Vemelle Clayton: I would then like to address just briefly the issue of one person hearing one thing, another person hearing another thing when you're reading the same language, and that's with respect to the overall roof. I, and a whole lot of the rest of us, assumed when we were talking about that condition, the 30170% condition, we were talking about what you saw when you walked up to a building. Is this looking like it's a flat roof... That was my assumption. And if I would, I would have said you're crazy if it was anything else. I mean that's just what I understood and the rest of us understood. Staff, and possibly... so you'd have their rating before we went through this process. We still can do that. We can take it to them as part of their review when we take the building to them. Nancy's question was, you know I understand what you're saying. Tell me what the down, tell us what the down side would be. And so I said to Kate, that's going to be your role to tell them what the down side is because I guess I don't, just frankly I don't understand why we care what we see from looking down from the air. I'm kind of baffled. I have to say that and I don't mean to be, I'm not trying to be difficult but I don't understand it so. The reality of this particular building is that it wouldn't look like this if we made the roof steeper from... Aanenson: \\' e 're not asking... the other office building was improved. .. We're not saying you ha\'e to... I guess we're saying that was our interpretation... A couple ways we can handle it... Peterson: How much of the HV AC will you see as it's designed right now? Vcrncllc Clayton: Well this is all, it will all be shielded because this is actually the top of the roof. The HV AC will just be down in here like this. Aanenson: So it acts as a parapet. Vernelle Clayton: A parapet. And someone asked earlier, would you be able to see it from the rest of the Village and the two story buildings. Actually Bob I don't think so because of the grade. Gencrous. ... four story. Aanenson. Or from the neighbors. Generous: What's residential. Vemellc Clayton: Except that the elevation goes down so dramatically from here. Mika Milo: .. .so there is practically, there is no way that anybody will ever see the equipment... \'emel!e Clayton: Any questions on that? Joyce: Kate, just to clarify then. If wc were to approve this, we would strike condition 67 40 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3, 1997 Aanenson: Maybe it'd be better if you'd add some modification, and again the intent is to screen the equipment so if you want to put, a pitched roof with the intent, as shown on the site plan... mechanical equipment. That would exclude the neighboring residential property. I guess I'm not sure that you're making that interpretation for all the future uses but based on this... Joyce: I mean a PUD, it's kind oflike a variance but not a variance type of situation. Aanenson: A variance within the PUD, or interpretation of those standards. So if you agree and acquiesce to say well... but we want to modify 6 to say. Joyce: But we're not, my only concern is we don't have a problem with other sites saying well there's precedent set here or something like that. Vernelle Clayton: Now that you've said that, it's in the Minutes and we agree. We'll take each C3se by case. rvlaybe it will never come up again, we don't know. Peterson: Othcr questions? Bl.:1d:o\\'i3k I have a question. What is the downtown standard? You were alluding to that e3rlier. Can you clarify that please Bob? Do all buildings have to have 70% roof slope in down town? Generous: J\ot downtown. Within the Villages on the Ponds. Bl.:1cko\\ i3k: Okay. What's the downtown standard, or is there any such thing? I mC3n you t3lkcd about Crossroads Medical Building. Aanenson: Pitched roof clement. Bl.:1cko\\'i3k: Okay, so you don't have a percentage. Gencrous: Wc were hying to quantify it within the Villages on the Ponds design standards condition. That's why we put the exception in that created the occupiable space if you will... B1ackowiak: But basically you intended to say 70%, not from where you stand on the street but overall? Okay. Joyce: Thanks. Vcrnel1e Clayton: The only other thing I have on landscaping then is number 4 relates to \\ h3tc\'er you want to decide with respect to the trash enclosure landscaping. Number three, add an o\'erstory trec and shrubs or hedges at the north end of the parking lot. And I just want to show you wh3t, where did it go? Can you hand me that one. What we have, which is... Iandsc3pll1g which is essentially taken...there's a slight modification in the...landscaping which 41 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3, 1997 is essentially taken from the...but there's a slight modification in the boundary here but this was, this plan... taken from the landscape plan that you approved for the overall project. Aanenson: And we haven't seen those. \Ve'd like to get a chance to review those before they go to Council to make sure... Vernelle Clayton: That would be fine. You do have the plans that we submitted. Aanenson: Sure. Wejust haven't had a chance. Vernelle Clayton: Yeah, that's right. Aanenson: If you just want to modify that condition to... we thought the tree element with the trash enclosure would help as far as reducing. ..and also kind of create kind of an island out there. That's what we were looking for. And again we're open to discussion on that. That's kind of what we were thinking on that... Peterson: This item is also open for a public hearing. May I have a motion for the same and a second please. Sidney 1110\ ed, Brooks seconded to open the public hearing. The public hearing was opened. Peterson: This is a public hearing. Anyone wishing to address the Commission, please come forward and state your name and address please. Seeing none, may I have a motion and a second to close the public hearing. Brooks l11o\'Cd, Joyce seconded to close the public hearing. The public hearing" as closed. Peterson: Commissioners. LuAnn. Comments. Sidney: I have a few comments. I had been looking at the design as it's presented and the... drawing and I was a little concerned but after I saw your color sketches and the materials, I really warn1ed up to the building. I guess I don't have a great concern about the roof at this point. I understand the intent and it does serve the function of the retail building. I do have some concerns however with the element of the silo, and I can understand it might lend some interest but still I don't know if that's the kind of thing I want. That's right at the comer of that entrance to the Villages. So I would suggest maybe something else, I was thinking.. .maybe different landscaping or some other elements other than a silo because to me that's again, back to the Famous Dave's argument of it looks kind of western. This looks kind of farmstead. I'd like to have it more European looking if possible. And I guess about the trash enclosure. I guess I'm a little concerned about having that as an island. I really don't like to drive into a parking lot and see that type of thing in the middle of a parking lot. I'd rather see a tree, or some type of other piece of plantings. And also that type of enclosure might work in Florida, but I'm not sure at 30 below in :.linnesota somebody's going to be willing to tote trash out that far into the parking lot. 42 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3, 1997 I can see people just kind of putting it outside the door for you know, a convenient time so I'd question that as one of the things in the plan. Aanenson: Mr. Chairman, can I comment on that? We had a lot of internal discussions on that, and maybe I can tell you where we ended up on that. If you look at the retail building, it's almost a triple sided building. You've got the presence on Great Plains, which you want to have,.. You've got the presence on Highway 5 and you've got the other entrance road coming in... It really limits the design of the building, what they're trying to do..,but the other one that really gets difficult. ..so in putting it in the middle, we really.., It's nice to have it inside the building.., but for the retail building, that's really tough to have the look we're trying to get there and still accomplish that. If anybody's got any suggestions, we spent a lot of time on this. Joyce: Have you had any problems with...? Aanenson. No. Haven't. And they have to walk it across. Peterson: There's one by Subway too. Aanenson: Wendy's is actually between the buildings. Like some of them we have been requiring to actually put in the building. That's a first choice. To try and put it in the building. But because of the presence we're trying to create with the awnings and that, it just seemed to detract from the building. We struggled with it. Peterson: Okay, thanks. Brooks: Well I like this building. Now this is a building that I think of as fun. This is more fun, and I actually hke the glass silo. I think this is where we're taking an element of American architecture and doing something funky with it. So instead of taking a ranch building and making it look like a ranch building, we're taking a feature from our past and playing with it, without I thmk.. .Disneyesk. I mean there's no neon involved here. We're making a glass silo and I think that's cool. I think you want to do something fun. I think it's fun without doing the main street replica thing. But I have to say that I really liked this building and this is the type of design that when we talk about Villages on the Ponds, that I think we're looking for. Not Disney World. It's funky and it's still a small town feel. It's pedestrian friendly, and it has some interesting elements that you don't see in other places. So those are my comments. Peterson: Alison. Blackowiak: ! agree. I like the building. I'm not an architect but I'm just the type of person that I know what I like. Famous Dave's, I didn't have a lot of affection for but this I like. I like the silo. The issue of the trash enclosure. I don't think there's a good place to put it on the building. So in thc middle of a parking lot, although it might not be my first choice, I think is a good compromlsc. The landscaping I will let staff and the people work out because that's just somcthmg that's going to have to be decided later but I think that that's a good spot for the trash. I don't thm1\: you want to put it on the building because just like Kate said, there's not a good 43 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3, 1997 place to put it and the building is nice the way it is. I like it. The 70% roof area, I would tend to side v'lith what staff said. In other words that overall it should be 70% sloped but I don't even know if I want to tackle that issue. I think City Council can have a work session and can work it out so I will kind of I guess defer to what they think but my interpretation would be 70% overall and not 70% from the street because ifit would have been 70% from the street, they would have said 70% from the street and not made exclusions for roof patios or that type of thing so I can see where the issue is but I don't even think I want to get into that. I like it overall. Peterson: Ladd. Conrad: Yeah, it's a neat building. Peterson: Beat that. Joyce: I \yas going to say. This is exactly what I envisioned the Villages on the Ponds. It's great I think three facades. I really do, and that leads up to my, the business about the 70%. The interpretation I had is what the staff said. However, I can definitely see putting in a condition allowing this to avoid that because I think it would deter, if we forced the 70%. I like this very, \'ery much. I wouldn't want to fool with it. I like the silo I'm sorry to say LuAnn. I think It's cool. I really do. I think it's a real nice, it could be kind ofa trademark or something of thc, of our Villages on the Pond. I think the trash enclosure's kind of neat too. I would suggest wc really do a nice job on it. I don't know how you do a nice job on trash enclosures but if it \\orks we can use it in other places. But I think it's a good idea. I mean it's what this is all about. It's trying to find different ways of handling things and the fonn to functionality situation so I liked the idea of the trash enclosure. I suggest that you really do a good job on it, however you do a good Job on trash enclosures, I think will work. Great job. Peterson: I also think it's a great building. My first impression was I didn't like the silo. And the second impression was I liked it so I think it's going to be one of those controversial things \\ here half of your audience is going to think it's great and half of your audience is going to think it's just totally off the wall. As it relates to the roof line, I think it works in this case if properly screened. Ifit's not properly screened...work. With regards to the trash enclosure, it's proven that it will work not cOlU1ected to the building. You know I'm leaning more towards shrubs for what it's worth. I think that if your primary reason Kate was heat, 105 degrees outside, whether it's sunny or cloudy isn't going to make a great deal of difference if there's shade. ..hide it more pleasantly with the shmbs. With that, can I have a motion and a second please. Joyce: Well I'll make a motion. The Planning Commission recommends approval of Site Plan #97 -12 for a 14,849 square foot building on Lot 2, Block 1, Villages on the Pond 2nd Addition, plans prepared by Milo Architecture Group dated 7/23/97, subject to the conditions 1 through 11. Adding onto condition 3 that the staff review the landscape plan. Is that right Kate? Aancnson: Yes, Actually it's 3 and 4. 44 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3, 1997 Joyce: Adding onto 3 and 4, the staff review all the landscape plans. Kate could you help me on item number 6, or condition number 6. To provide a pitched roof element to screen equipment and then. As shown on site plan. Aanenson: Dated September 3rd. Joyce: I just want to make sure this is, going site by site on this. That it's just this project only. Aanenson: .. .remaining silent on it, I mean the general interpretation on the 70%... Joyce: Exactly. Thank you. Okay? That's mine. Is there a second? Sidney: Second. Peterson: Any discussion? Joyce moved, Sidney seconded that the Planning Commission recommend approval of Site PIan #97-12 for a 14,849 square foot building on Lot 2, Block 1, Villages on the Ponds 2nd Addition, plans prepared by l\Iilo Architecture Group dated 7/23/97, subject to the follo\\ ing conditions: I. Increase width oflandscape islands. Landscape islands less than 10 feet in width must have aeration tubing installed with the trees. ') The de\ eloper shall enter into a site plan agreement and provide the necessary security requm.::d by the agreement. 3. Add an overstory tree and shmbs or hedges at the north end of the parking lot area and have staff review the landscape plan. 4. Add t\\ 0 trees to parking lot landscaping in landscape islands adjacent to trash enclosure and have staff review the landscape plan. 5. Add planter boxes to west and south sides of building. 6. pro\'id~~d roof element to screen the rooftop equipment as shown on the plans dated r3,1997. 7. Provide the City with a detail on the trash enclosure for approval. All accessory stmctures shall be designed to be compatible with the primary stmcture. s. The appltcant will need to develop a sediment and erosion control plan in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook and the Surface Water Management Plan requirements for new developments. The building setback line and erosion control fencing 45 Planning Commission Meeting - September 3,1997 shall be denoted on the final grading and drainage plans prior to issuance of a building permit. The plan shall be submitted to the City for review and formal approval. 9. All areas disturbed as a result of construction activities shall be immediately restored with seed and disc-mulched or wood fiber blanket or sod within two weeks of completion of each activity in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook. 10. The sidewalks and trails on the site shall be constructed in conjunction with the overall site improvements and prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy unless inclement weather conditions prohibit. 11. The sanitary sewer and water lines and storm sewer on the site will be privately owned and maintained by the property owner and not the City. The contractor will be responsible for obtaining the appropriate sewer, water and plumbing permits from the City's Building Department. Cross access easements for the utilities and driveways shall be dedicated over the lot. All yoted in fayor, except Conrad who abstained, and the motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: ..-\1'\ Al\IEl'\Di\lENT TO THE CITY CODE, CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE XXX. TO\VERS A~D A1'\TENNAS. TO ALLO\V FOR TEMPORARY MOBILE TO\VERS. Kate Aanenson presented the staff report on this item. Peterson: Any questions of staff? ConrJd. So tell me where it can be located. It said non-residential. Aanenson: So it's consistent with the underlying district. So we don't allow those in a reSidential district except for city parks, so they're not allowed in any residential single family district. But they are allowed in city parks. ...the City Council can do a lease. That would still be the. . . Conrad: But it's on a truck. So it's located in a parking lot. Aanenson: Well whatever the site's going to be. It's in close proximity while they're under construction. Conmd: And normally there's a fence around all our sites. So there's a fence around the truck. Generous: lvl1'. Chainnan. The site that was on Quattro Drive, they had a.. .Eden Prairie water to\\ er Jnd reJlly it's a trailer. 46 ~ ~~ a:.~ ~ ~cs i!:Q ~ ~~ <: mo (!J~ :5C1) ~ :s I "'L -1__ - J ~ --">. _ - r = _ _ L J-'m~ .< --"t\ -. ~ - .,,,,,~, _ _ _ ...... " -"""- . -~ .~.~ --~. ." - ~ ''''-, ,'" - " " v., .....:: _ ",~ ". , ".' ~ . . "'~,~ \ I \. \ ,-- \ \ \ \ \ ~ I I",v L ..J i -- .. J ~ J I ! I I i 1 : ~ i i ! 1 I .. 1 J t I i 1 f J I J ' { 1 I I t I J I t I ! ! ~ ! t ~ f ii I ~ 'i I Ii 3 . J I'.. :t U! ~J ~i R ;.. it ~ ~i ,; ~ :! ~i I.. h ~! .: ~ J I , t! 1! :1 fIt IJ! hi lit Ije ill I-I i lIt 1. t ~~;]I J hl!1 J 1', f f t hI 'I !n le~ ;n I,. ill n: It- _..t t I .. ft'l I I 1 f I ii I.. Ji II j~ " ~ f ] I ! f i.~ I ] I II i ~ J II I a 1 .. t 1 J I i t ~ 1 ] I ! f I ! i1 l. & G J ~i II iu I · !:I, I ml UI~ Ii: I I;' ~ I ! I 1 I! I ! J 5 ~ ~fI ~ I: t J ~ , I" ~ I J J I I I i 1 ! .. I ! f .. ; ~ I fl I ~ i i: J. : l 1 J l ~ , ~ I I I g J l i. I. il J! ii I ~i I f j 14 :';.I!:,c ;J jlc}!~!1 c~f~IIIJi!~: ~JJ i~: Ill: Jil j ! ... J ,.. ! J II q' p' P It l~ nJ d ~ J ~ ~I ~~, _ , 1 ". I 11 i City Council Meeting - September 22, 1997 13. Street sight triangle regulations shall apply to the monument sign location on the intersection of the private driveway and TH 101. 14. That the pylon sign shall be no more than 15 feet in height. The signage is 64 square feet and that the base be redesigned so that the structural supports are not exposed. The coverage should be architecturally and aesthetically designed to match the building. Councilman Mason and Councilman Berquist voted in favor. Mayor Mancino and Councilman Senn voted in opposition. The motion failed with a tie vote of 2 to 2. Mayor Mancino: So two yea's and two no's. It does not pass. Next item on the agenda. VILLAGES ON THE PONDS DEVELOPMENT, NORTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 5 AND GREAT PLAINS BOULEVARD, LOTUS REALTY SERVICES: A. FINAL PLAT/REPLAT OUTLOT C INTO TWO LOTS. B. SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR A 14,848 SQ. FT. RETAIL BUILDING. C. APPROVE ADDENDUM "A" TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT/PUD AGREEMENT. Bob Generous: Thank you Madam Mayor, Council members. This IS a three part request tonight. It's the final plat for approval for Outlot C into two lots, 1 and 2 and Outlot A.. .2nd Addition. A site plan review for Lot 2, Block 1, Villages on the Pond 2nd for an 18,849 square foot commercial building. ThiS parcells located in the northeast comer of Villages on the Pond. It's on the west Side of Great Plains Boulevard and south of Highway 5. It is the gateway to the Villages project from the northeast. The design of the building is such to appear to be three separate buildings. It's similar to the old downtown.. .One building has a vmyl sidmg, the other stucco and the third has the brick siding. Two of the elevations have sloped roof and the third, the middle one has a cornice flat treatment. The only real issue that we had with the deSign was really an interpretation of the Villages on the Pond design standards that 70% of the roof area had to be sloped. The Planning Commission felt that the way this building IS being presented, met the intent of that ordinance and so we're recommending approval of the site plan as shown. Staff IS stllllookmg for interpretation.. .Council whether or not... It would appear to be 70%. .but It would actually be 6. Mayor Mancmo: PerceptIOn and actual. Bob Generous: Yes. So staff, we believe in your packet you did receive an 8 Y2 x 11 copy of how they intend to provide the screenmg at the end of the north side of the parking lot. This landscaping actually shows up within the Villages on the Pond's landscaping scheme rather than on the individual site plan. It does provide some views from Highway 5 and we believe it meets the intent of the ordinance and also the conditions that we have in the staff report. Staff is recommending approval of the site plan for Building #4. And finally there.. .an amendment on Addendum "A" to the development contract which incorporates the conditions of Villages on the Pond 2nd Addition. With that I'd be happy to answer any questions. Mayor Mancino: So Council members, any questions? Bob, on the overall comprehensive landscaping plan. How is the, on the south side of this Building #4, how is the parking lot being screened from the street? 26 City Council Meeting - September 22, 1997 Bob Generous: It is with some boulevard trees on the south end, in the driveway. And then potentIal, there's a patio type area up above that retail buildmg. Mayor Mancino: Okay. Next to the sidewalk? Bob Generous: Yes. Mayor Mancino: I'll ask more to the applicant about that. The 70% roof. I saw where the Planning Commission said a site plan, each site plan they'll make, they'll decide, correct? Bob Generous: Yes. Mayor Mancino: How do you feel with that? How comfortable do you feel with that? Does that mean you're going to be going into definitions all the time on every site plan that comes up or? Kate Aanenson: Well the 70% rule, what we're trying to do if continue the flavor of the pitched roof that we have downtown. ..as we've done buildings based on the massing and size. We spent a lot of time internally looking at those districts. If you look at lots in this area, right here. Excelsior, Wayzata. A lot of them do have flat roofs. If you see the newer construction that has come in, there is pitched roofs. There are parts of the country based on snowload that do have a lot more pitched roofs. I guess what we'd like to see the pitched roof element. We think that maintains the integrity of what we're trying to do. But I guess what we felt on, maybe you have to look more at the design of the building itself and we feel comfortable if they can make some compelling argument, that the 70% doesn't apply, that we're wIlling to look at that. Certainly that's our goal to have pitched... In some circumstances it's going to .. to try to do that. I think they came in with a pretty intriguing.. .as you saw in the other office bUIlding when they've got the other, or actually the pitch is such that it's not completely enclosed but it gIves the perceptIon. I think that's hopefully what... Mayor Mancino: Okay. You know what would be helpful for me when you present again to the Council, other projects that we have okayed. Renderings. Color renderings that we have okayed, to have them here. You know out so we can see because that pulls us into the whole Kate Aanenson: .. .but we've got that, of all the buildings in town so if you want. Mayor Mancino: But especially in Villages on the Ponds so as we go from one building to the other, and if we are going to be making some, whIch is fine with me, some. Kate Aanenson: It's relief from the ordinance. We think it maybe... Mayor Mancino: That makes sense to have the flat here or whatever, okay. Great. Any other questions at this time? Would the applicant like to approach the City Council? Vernelle Clayton: Thank you. As you know I'm Vernelle Clayton and I'm happy to be here tonight to talk about another building that we're proud of. However, the Planning Commission decided that they would take the plat first and then the site plan. Is that what your plan is too? Mayor Mancino: Yes. That would be fine. Vernelle Clayton: I will talk first to that. 27 City Council Meeting - September 22, 1997 Mayor Mancino: If you've already done that before. Vernelle Clayton: Yeah. I think I can handle it again. We don't have any objections to any of the conditions except that when we were with the Planning Commission I asked to defer a response to item number one because we had at that point not had a chance to talk to any of the representatives from St. Hubert's and I was quite sure that they would feel that it would impact them given that they are in dialogue and have had meetings with staff and have also brought the issue to the attention of Council back in December. The fact that there is a great deal of perceived agreement already as to the handling of Outlot L and it was my feeling that St. Hubert's would feel that if we acquiesced without at least bringing it to your attention to this request for a condition, that St. Hubert's would feel that we have somehow or another side stepped that issue for them. AUSMAR itself is not directly involved except as a facilitator. AUSMAR would not benefit one way or the other. It doesn't make any difference to AUSMAR if there is nothing that can be developed on that land. But it makes a great deal of difference to St. Hubert's and, that issue. Not so much whether, the fact that we might do something that would preclude their continuing dIalogue is my concern. I talked to Don just before the meet 109 because I know that Dave Pokorney was trying to get a hold of him last week and Don was gone. Dave Pokorney who IS the City Admimstrator for the City ofChaska, as you probably all know, is the one that's been heading up the Buildmg Committee for St. Hubert's and therefore this issue. He is here tonight. I see that Don is away at the moment but what I suggested to Don was that I was go 109 to ask that item number one be deleted tonight as a condition of approval of this plat, given that we will be having several more plats before the project is completed. And therefore I don't thmk that you would be, as a Councilor the City, would be at any disadvantage 10 waiting for another plat Now I think if you have questions, you might, is Don commg back or? Mayor Mancino. Yeah, I'm assuming he does and you do have, sure That'd be a good idea. Kate Aanenson: .. . really we don't want to put It.. .address before we get too far down the road. Mayor Mancmo: But we also have a legal rendering from Roger that we all received from the Mmutes of the conditions from the City CounCil on the final plat for Villages on the Pond. So we do have that. I don't now If it's in our packet tonight but I know that I have a letter from our legal counsel on that outlot and what the City Council requested. Kate Aanenson: It's not in the packet tonight. Mayor Mancino: Okay. Vernelle Clayton: With the condItions of approval of the overall plat, that all outlots have a conservation easement. At the time. Mayor Mancino: No, just this one. If the trail could be moved to the north, then the leftover on this outlot would be a conservatIOn easement. I mean I'm sorry Vemelle. I don't have the. Vernelle Clayton: They asked them for others too. Maybe I misspoke. I'm saying all because probably not the street but. Kate Aanenson: A dramage easement, not a trail easement. 28 City Council Meeting - September 22, 1997 Vernelle Clayton: But Outlot H I think you wanted a conservation easement over too. Kate Aanenson: I think it's a drainage easement... Vernelle Clayton: Well in any event, Don is back and Don is the one that's been having dialogue with Dave and I don't know if you would like to address this issue Don or if you would like to have Dave Pokorney come and talk with you a little bit. I'm sure he'd be willing to. Don Ashworth: I guess since Dave is really more familiar with the background and really kind of had initiated the discussions with me, it'd probably be a little better for him to summarize how we got to where we got to. Mayor Mancino: Well also we do have a letter addressed to the City Council from Roger on this particular conservation easement and we do have a copy of it in my office and you took right from the Minutes of the conditions of approval for the final plat for Villages on the Pond. So I think that we need to enter that into evidence too, but I don't think we have that tonight. Dave Pokorney: Mrs. Mayor. Mayor Mancino: Would you state your name and address please. Dave Pokorney: I'm Dave Pokorney. I'm on the Building Committee at St. Hubert's. I'm not the City AdmInistrator in Chanhassen, or in Chaska. Not tonight at least. Mayor ManCInO: You look like him. Dave Pokorney: My main missIOn in life is building churches. Councilman Senn: Can we talk about hockey first? Dave Pokorney: And notice I was trying to aVOid that one too. Mayor ManCInO: You're a renaissance man. Dave Pokorney: The church though, we don't disagree that one of the conditions is Outlot, is it L now? Was going to be, end up being public control. Whether it's a conservation easement or just outnght dedication. The issue though, If you go back to when the first plat was being considered and when St. Hubert's site plan was being considered. I think the sole issue really with that whole project was what was going to happen with the "soccer field". And the church's original plan was to construct a soccer field on this outlot as kind of a detached facility and your Parks Commission recommended that we not do that and that we relook at the site plan, which we did. And what we ended up doing was redefinIng the grading and moving to create kind of a soccer field on the north side of the trail. In doing that, we agreed that the 2.2 acres which we, well we paid the same price with or without the 2.2 acres. That we would, we or the Ward's would donate that to the City. We also agreed, and let me step back. The letter that I passed out is the letter that we distributed the night of approval of the final site plan for the church. And at least we left assuming that that was the agreement. And so the first thing we agreed that is either St. Hubert's or the Ward's would donate the 2.2 acres, or place a conservation easement on it. That we would also pay $16,000.00 in park and trails fees as part of the plat, which was paId. And then at the time that the church came in for a building permit, as long as we continued to build our park on our site, 29 City Council Meeting - September 22, 1997 we would not be required to pay additional park and playground fees. And then lastly the Ward's would be granted future parkland credIts up to $90,000.00 which would be credited against their future plattmg fees. And so that as you have plats like you'd be having tonight, they would not be required to pay 100%, however they'd be given credits for this outlot. The one change, okay. Then after that meeting we went back and renegotiated our agreement with the Ward's. We made two changes. One change was that we agreed to pay any added cost in the public improvements that would result in moving the soccer field to the north, and there were considerable costs associated with that. And secondly we agreed that any credits that the AUSMAR or the Ward's would gain from future parkland credits as a result of dedicating this particular outlot would be credited to the church. So the $90,000.00 would come back as a reductIOn in our public improvement costs. So if you take action tonight requiring that to be dedicated, and then require AUSMAR to pay 100% of the parkland fees, It would be inconsistent with at least what we felt the agreement was back m December of 1996 and also would result in the church losing $90,000.00 under our purchase agreement. Mayor Mancino: Okay. Dave Pokorney: And I guess the question we would have is, if that's not the agreement, then we wonder what the agreement was back in December of 1996 because, and as you all recall, this was, I think I'm correct in stating It was the only Issue and it actually, we continued the site plan to allow us to go back and work out this agreement with the staff and with the Ward's which the church did do and then came back and got the sIte plan approved. Mayor Mancmo: Okay. Any questions for Mr. Pokorney? I thmk we're going to have to look at some Minutes and research this to some degree. Let's go ahead Are there any other questions on the subdivisIOn? Vernelle Clayton: I don't have any other comments. Mayor Mancino: Okay. CouncIlman BerqUIst: Do you remember the date of that meetmg? This letter was written after that. Was It not? I think It was. CouncIlman Senn: Where's the Mmutes? Dave Pokorney: Well I thmk this was written, this letter was available to the Council the night of the final sIte plan approval. Councilman Berquist: Was it? Dave Pokorney: I think. Again, I don't recall the exact dates in '96 but this, what happened was that this came to the City Council for final site plan approval. It was continued for two weeks to go and work this out, whIch is what happened in that, between two dIfferent meetings. And the exact dates of those meetmgs I don't recall. Mayor Mancino. Okay. CouncIlman Senn: I find it really difficult to even look at this or address this without the Minutes from the meetmgs at that time in front of us and everythmg else. 30 City Council Meeting - September 22, 1997 Mayor Mancino: I do too. Councilman Senn: I propose to table this element until next meeting when we can have that. Mayor Mancino: I agree. Michael. Councilman Mason: Well yeah. I mean we need to check it out. Mayor Mancino: So we will go ahead and table this until the next meeting when we can have all the information before us. The Minutes, etc. Roger Knutson: Just a question of the applicant. You're not proposing to start construction on anything shortly are you? They have to get the final plat approval before they can do anything else. Councilman Senn: Well, there's not much you can do about it. Vernelle Clayton: It probably won't make any difference if you table the whole thing. We were hoping to do it along with Famous Dave's and that will be in October. We'll be, hopefully bringing somethmg back to you in October. What is the next meeting that you're contemplating for this? Mayor Mancino: Second Monday in October. Vernelle Clayton: I think that will be fine. Otherwise I would say you could delete number 1 for the moment but I thmk that's fine. Mayor Mancino: Does that work for you, so that we can have everything together. October l31h and we have time? Kate Aanenson: You're looking for documentatIOn of this? Councilman Senn: Yeah. I mean there were very specific discussions at those meetings and I'm assuming the Minutes will be very detailed and reflect the discussions. Mayor Mancino: And I think It means a lot to the Ward's, the church and the parties mvolved so we want to make sure that we have all the information we can and review the Minutes. So may I have a motion please. Councilman Berquist: Move to table. Councilman Senn: Second. Mayor Mancino: Thank you. All those in favor of tabling the final plat approval for Outlot C into Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 and Outlot A, Villages on the Pond 2nd Addition. And the site plan. We might as well do. Vernelle Clayton: You're going to table the site plan too? I wonder if we could. Mayor Mancino: Do you want to go ahead and proceed? 31 CIty Council Meetmg - September 22, 1997 Vernelle Clayton: I would really like to because it would save Mika a trip from San Diego. Mayor Mancmo: Okay, that's fine. All those signify by saying aye. Councilman Senn: Whoops, what are we doing? Mayor Mancino: So what we are doing is tabling the final plat approval for Outlot C into Lots 1 and 2. Roger Knutson: A and C I would assume. Kate Aanenson: You have to table C also. Councilman Senn: Items A and C, okay. Mayor Mancino: Okay, thank you. A second? Councilman Senn. It was seconded. Mayor Mancino: I want to make sure we all know what it is. A and C. Councilman Berquist moved, Councilman Senn seconded to table the final plat and replat of Outlot C for Villages on the Ponds and the Addendum "A" to the Development Contract/PUD Agreement until the next City Council meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Mayor Mancino: Then we will go onto sIte plan. Vernelle Clayton: I think I will talk about a couple of things perhaps, and kind of clean up but initially I just would like to mtroduce Mlka Milo to come forward and talk about the buildmg itself. Mlka Milo: City Council and Mrs. Mayor. It's a pleasure for me to present this design for a building #4 which is our second building that we are proposing in short period of time for the Villages. One is from the south end. It was the office building Just a few weeks ago and now at this time we are talking on the north end of the Village, near TH 5 and Great Plains Boulevard would be the retail building. And you have received the material and you are hopefully... I would like just to highlight some points regarding that buildmg As I said in my comments that the idea from the very beginning, from the onset was that we don't want to produce a retail buildmg that is a typIcal suburban retail building. All the same from one end to the other end. We decided, even though that building is not dIrectly on the main street, that we would that our main street starts with that building even though it is... and so we conceptualized that buildmg more of a main street concept building. Retail building, which is more in the historical mam street. Consists of segmented smaller buildings and so we decided that building to compose additionally which looks like.. .so that even the materials, the roof and everything is a fairly different and so it does blend together but still is distinguishable three segments of the building. Three different buildings. It looks like.. . somebody came and over time developed one piece and then another and the.. .over the time. So that was the main idea and that was the philosophical approach was the base of that design that emerged here. And not only the bUIlding forms are different in these three segments of the building but also the materials and colors. As you see on the building mostly facing the north end, which is facmg the freeway. The building is proposed to be in essence a stucco building. The middle portion, and WIth a sloped roof. The middle portion, a building to be a flat roof building. Like many here in Midwestern cities and WIth brick or a block, I think the decision of the Planning Commission and our 32 City Council Meeting - September 22, 1997 presentation... will be brick. Brick building in the middle and then on the southern portion we would have a wood siding that will be covered with a solid stain color. The base of that building on the south we are proposing to have in the river rock type of stone. This is a stone that is produced artlficially...with the iron type of tracings and...so that it is very hard to distinguish from the real river rock. And however it is much lighter and it is, the cost of the application is approximately a quarter...natural stone if you don't mind I would like to pass that picture around... Councilman Berquist: Does it have the same durability? Mika Milo: Same durability. The same, It is a cement product and the colors do not fade. There is a... Mayor Mancino: And this is also going to be on the trash enclosure for the outside? That would make a great trash enclosure. Mika Mtlo. The trash enclosure IS already looking like office...building a trash enclosure that looks like a huge butlding but that would be maybe too much. But in any case, I was showing the cover on the slope roofwe are proposing is being standing seam metal. However, I already said that the Planning Commission and I would like to repeat here, I really think that we should go on the southern portion of that where we have the wood sidlllg, replace that shown standing seam sheet metal roof. Replace it with the asphalt shakes so that that part of the building becomes even more different than the northern portIOn. I think It would work rather well with the residential feel of that wood siding that we have on that building. So maybe we can have it like that but if you in condition would al10w us to include language that that roof can be replaced with the asphalt shingles...help to really break the building into three... The brick is being produced, not only the middle building but also the base of that northern building, which can be either brick or a brick tile. Possibly the tile or bnck. As you have noticed, there is a feature here on the northern face of the building made entirely of that north building. Mayor Mancmo: That faces Highway 5, correct? Mika Milo: That is facing Highway 5 is the.. . form of a silo. Farm architecture wluch I think is very inspiring and real high quality architecture. And I think that it becomes remimscent, reminiscence can be repeated in.. .architecture and should be inspired and we felt, I felt inspired from that. When I proposed that to happen and this is all glass silo. All glass. It's not real1y silo... It's all glass.. .probably some tinted glass and... building has more considering the tenants that are going to be there, we are tlunking to go a little more of the residential feel and warm feel. With patios and possibly little terraces so It looks like there's going to be some kmd offood... Vernelle can tell you a little more information about this prospect. This is probably all that I can say in the first shot about the building elevations design concept. Are there any questions? Oh, I forgot to mention the process of their design. . . we worked closely with Kate and Bob and we have a number of solutions.. .and then develop that. Thank you Vernelle for bringing... The building on the north is that dark color brick of the building on the north. This is the middle building and the southern building... The southern building is either wood siding, have two different colors. One is lighter wood siding and the darker from the street. The color right now proposed... And down below in general, what you see is pretty strong colors and the very lightly colors of the awnings. The reason we are doing that is. Mayor Manclllo: In the awnings? Okay. That's fun. Mika Mtlo. The building colors are rather.. .subdued and more like the background, but the awnings, instead of doing the bright colors on the building. . . we decided the buildings keep more of the subdued 33 CIty Council Meeting - September 22, 1997 and... The north building we are proposing.. .retailers normally like clear glass, but also they accept occasionally... very nice to have the silo have the light green glass. The stucco will be painted wIth the darker.. .and then we would have down below we are proposing the.. .and the middle building would see the... brick wIth the stucco or... The building that is facing the parking is the same way facing the street so the building is. Mayor Mancmo: Has two fronts? Mika MIlo: Has two fronts. Both the street and the parking and those are matching so that you see... Mayor Mancino: Will there be awnings on the west, on the east side? Mlka MIlo: This IS the east side elevation facing the Great Plains Boulevard. ObVIously the same awnings that you see here are applied on the other SIde. Also on the street and they are some different awnmgs but they are also placed also. So there is no second phase here or back side or anythmg on any of these buildings. All four sides are highly emphasized and these will not be the least expensIve bUIlding, I can tell you. Mayor Mancino' So they're gomg to cost a lot to rent. Vernelle Clayton: Ijust thought while you're standing up... Was this in your packet? The trash enclosure. Mayor Mancmo. Did it say somethmg about, oh yes. I thmk it was but it wasn't, there wasn't a color rendering so we really couldn't tell what it was. Vernelle Clayton: ...handing out. One of the reasons I should tell you that I was handing out the trash enclosure is that there's an issue, there's a questIOn WIth respect to landscapmg relating to the trash enclosure that will come up when we talk about landscaping. Basically the trash enclosure is a covered. Mayor Mancino: Where is it on the parking lot? Vernelle Clayton: It's really hard to remember that the camera IS on that. Mayor Mancmo: Just give us the sIte location of It. It's right in the middle? Vernelle Clayton: Right. Kate Aanenson: She's going to tell you why. Vernelle Clayton: So far I think everyone agrees that although at first blush having a trash enclosure in the middle of a parking lot might not seem ideal. Given this site, we couldn't come up with a better idea. We didn't really want it on Highway 5, so the first thing people would see would be a trash enclosure. We didn't want it on this side of the building because this is what people would see as they're walking from... across the boardwalk and coming up here. And there isn't room on the south side of this buildmg or on that side of the building. We really weren't left WIth any alternatives. And so I dug out my pIctures from Celebration and said Bob, look. Here's what they do in Celebration and we saId well, it's probably a solution. 34 City Council Meeting - September 22, 1997 Councilman Senn: So you're going to put, effectIvely that's the restaurant's dumpster too? Verne lie Clayton: Yes. Councilman Senn: So you're going to have a sanitized dumpster in there and grease storage and everything? Kate Aanenson: We've got that other places in town where it's not attached to the building. Taco Bell on West 78th. Mayor Mancino: And it looks terrible. Kate Aanenson: This one's got more landscaping. The problem is if you want to maintain the integrity of the sides of that building with the awnings, you really compromise it. We spent a lot of time working that out. Mayor Mancino: I can understand. Kate Aanenson: ... the building. And same with the other restaurant. What we tried to do here is really make it, the buildings themselves make the statement. By puttmg that appendage on it, it didn't work with the awnings and everythmg else with what we're trying to do so I think they've come up with a pretty good idea. I'll let Vernelle...looking at what other communities have done with newer, ...put a roof on... best solutIOn. Councilman Senn: Well it's a little hard to judge without the elevations of that restaurant. Kate Aanenson: Yeah. As far as? Councilman Senn: I mean when you say this is the best place to put it, I mean I don't even know what the south elevation of the restaurant's going to look like. I mean as to whether it would handle an inner buildmg you know, or effectively a trash enclosure that would be built effectively as part of the building or whatever. Kate Aanenson: .. .decided that they would go... patIO side. Vernelle Clayton: The patio side is the north side though. Councilman Senn: What's on the south side? Vernelle Clayton: The kitchen. But the problem is, that's also sort of the front door to everyone walking up from the core of the village. Kate Aanenson: You'd be walking right past it which again we didn't think that was the best presence. Mayor Mancino: Vernelle my concern is, and I'm not saying yes or not at this point because I understand logistically where does it go, but you know Celebration works and anything that Disney does works well because they're there in 5 minutes and they clean up any weed they find. I mean if you go to Disneyland, why does everybody go there? Because the aesthetics. The cleanliness. They pay attention to detail, etc. and that's why you can do things in the Disney operations as far as I'm concerned. There is 35 City Council Meeting - September 22, 1997 nothing that isn't just well manicured and well kept. The dumpsters, you know the dumpster sites in most cities aren't like that so my concern is, you know what's going to happen when a door's left open. When you know the trash people pick it up and don't quite get all the trash and it's around in the parking lot. That's, my concern is actually maintenance and how practical that really will be for you. Vernelle Clayton: I'm not sure though it would be any different if it's here or if it's attached to a building. I've seen at those buildings in town that have it basically attached. I've seen the same thing happen. Kate Aanenson: I guess we struggled with that same issue. I don't think. ..different. Actually Wendy's is the same situation where it's not attached. Obviously spatially this is further apart but. Vernelle Clayton: Wendy's the Edina bUIlding share. Kate Aanenson: Sure, and they have their type of, one's got... We struggled with It a lot. I mean you have to kind of.. . explore some other options. I guess we've looked into that. Vernelle Clayton: What we'll do so we can get all four of the various types of containers IS where you see a line drawn through there, there won't be one so you can have all four and we'll just have to have maybe daily pick-ups if we have to but we'll grease, cardboard, recyclables and trash. Councilman Senn: What's your largest container going to be? A two or a four or what? Vernelle Clayton: Oh, it would have to be more than a two. Councilman Senn: More than a four? Vernelle Clayton: Maybe not. But where's room for, this IS two car widths so there would be room. Councllman Senn: I mean you get any bigger than a four, they can't roll them out so I mean you have to have a set-up where they can actually drive in and get them. Vernelle Clayton: Well that's why we'd have two and two. Mlka Milo. There won't be.. .and it rolls out. Councilman Senn: So they're four's now? Mika Milo: I would really not be happy With that if that was, I would be really concerned if the trash enclosure was In the middle of the parking lane, sitting there in the parking, but I think the landscape.. . make it much more acceptable so I'm willing... Councilman Senn: Is that as planted or how many years from now? Is that as planted or how many years from now? Mlka Milo: It doesn't need to be very high. 3-4 feet tall so, I mean 4 or 5 feet of a hedge really more looking.. . Councilman Senn: And what are you using? Some kind of a finer arborvitae or what? 36 City CouncIl Meeting - September 22, 1997 Vernelle Clayton: We had, in talking with our landscaper, he prefers this scenario with, and I told you I was going to come back to this with a question relating to landscaping. Without the benefit of having seen this staff suggested that we add a couple trees. In all fairness they hadn't seen this when they made that recommendation. The Planning Commission discussed it a little. I think Peterson said that he would prefer to see the hedge. We said we didn't care if you had 2 trees or the hedge but I guess our landscaper thinks that there would be more, there's a greater likelihood of the hedges growing to the density that you'd need to screen it without the trees than with them there. Councilman Senn: Well what I'm trying to get at is what kind of a hedge are you talking about? One that's going to be there 3 months or 4 months of the year or one that's going to be there 12 months of the year? Mayor Mancino: An arborvitae. Councilman Senn: I mean if you're keeping this whole proposal on landscaping, I mean effectively that's the kind of detail I guess I would expect to see because if you're talking about formal...it Isn't gomg to be there. Verne lie Clayton: I understand. We got a little derailed, our landscape architect got a little bit derailed on this issue because he saw the condition and then changed his plan to put the two trees in and so we brought it to the Planning Commission and say hey. We don't care. We'll do this or we'll do your two trees, and we're still taking the same position where we're perfectly willing to put an evergreen type hedge here. Kate Aanenson: I guess the reason we suggested the trees, from staffs perspective, is it would reduce the heat there. It also creates kind of a different environment to get away from kind of focusing on that site also. In the summer it's going to heat up and we thought that would help with that environment. You can use the combinatIOn of, one to screen and one to provide a different climate. Councilman Senn: You don't have any other overstory trees in the other Island areas or anythmg in the parking lot? Kate Aanenson: No we do. ... it' s in our rule, an island require overstory trees so we just wanted to make that. . . Mika Milo's statement was not picked up by the tape. Vernelle Clayton: Well, only if we adjust the parking which we don't want to do. It'd have to be. Councilman Senn: Well I don't know. I mean if, Vernelle I mean unfortunately hadn't witnessed situations like this before with that out in the parking lot and I know what it is and I know what it becomes and it's, it detracts from everything unfortunately ultimately. And I wish you could say you control it but you don't. I mean your tenants are going to control it. Vernelle Clayton: No they won't. The Association will control it. The Association that will be controlling everything up and down main street. I mean they're going to have to, we're not going to be having a landscaping company out there. We're going to have a gardener out there so, I mean it's not typical. You want a job? 37 City Council Meeting - September 22, 1997 Mayor Mancmo: Kate, could you just look at one other site for a minute and that would be, as I'm lookmg at this, right up here on this comer where it says Parking Lot 20. And you put this buildmg on here so that the back and the side. Vernelle Clayton: In Parking Lot 20. Mayor Mancino: Yes, right there. Well no, hold on. Just listen for a minute. Yes. It would be you know near the wetlands but what you would see from Highway 5 would be this with arborvitae all the way you know, 5-6 feet tall. So you would see a little bit ofroofline. A little bit of vent. Maybe actually there could be something else on the roof to give it a little detail there. And you could also see it on the side. You know I don't know if you put it this way, that's what you would see commg east and the side would be again completely you know arborvitaes here and this is what you'd see, only one place m the parking lot and it would be right up here on the comer. Kate Aanenson: That was our original... but we discounted that for public... Looking straight from Highway 5, taking away the restaurant's half... and we wanted to make the building... Mayor Mancino: Well you still have this view corridor. You have this view corridor. You have this view corridor. There's one little area here. I mean how big is this trash and how tall is It? Kate Aanenson: I guess we thought putting It further back into the site... this is between the two. I mean you're right. It could go there. I guess we thought we'd rather have the nice looking building... We had it on there origmally but this is what they came back With too. It could be done landscaped but I guess we wanted to look at the... Vernelle Clayton: The problem though... the trash comes out this door and that was one of the reasons. Mayor Mancino: I'm sorry, the traffic's gOing to what? Vernelle Clayton: The trash will come out this door... Mayor Mancino: Excuse me. Our City Manager has a questIOn for us. Don Ashworth: It's not really a questIOn. I'd like the City CouncIl to think about, behind Pauly/Pony/ Przymus we really didn't have an alternative spot so we did exactly the same thing. We put the trash container thing kind of in that island back there. To the best of my knowledge in all the years that those two restaurants operated and the three residential pieces, I don't know of any complaint that we ever had about doors being left open. Trash being out. Quite frankly I don't think anybody even knew the trash container was there. And it's huge. I mean it's a big roll in and out type. You could drive over there when it was open. I don't think you ever knew it was there. Mayor Mancmo: Well I'm not going to name the companies where I've seen it open and it is not pleasing but, around town. Mlka Milo: Probably you.. .maintenance issue. Wherever you put it, if you don't maintain really... Mayor Mancino' Vernelle, when they take garbage out of the restaurant there, how do they do It? I mean they have to walk with garbage bags? 38 City Council Meeting - September 22, 1997 Vernelle Clayton: Yes. That's what they do. Mayor Mancino: No I mean, I was just trying to figure out the big deal about going from you know, from one end of the building to the other or right in the middle of the parking lot. You're just saying you wanted their trip to be shorter. I didn't know if there was some other. Vernelle Clayton: The longer it is, the less likely that the trash is going to get here. It's going to sit out there in back for a little while ifit's real cold some night or raining or whatever, or until the other kid comes so the first one doesn't have to do it. Mayor Mancino: I'm still not convinced of that placement. Any other questions for Mika or Vernelle on the site plan? Councilman Mason: What were the comments from the Plannmg Commission about the trash enclosure there? Vernelle Clayton: I think that mitlally a couple of them were a little skeptical and they decided that yeah, I see what you mean sort of thing. There's not a better place. That was kind of the consensus of everybody. CouncIlman Senn: But isn't this going to be a recurring problem throughout the development? Vernelle Clayton: Well, some of them will have basements and WIll have the trash in the basements. Mayor Mancino' Underground parking. Vernelle Clayton: There are two situations that are alike. There's not going to be another situatIOn where they're along TH 5 for example. Councilman Senn: No, but you're gomg to be where your buildings have basically fronts and backs to two streets. Vernelle Clayton: True, and most of those, we're hoping that most of those WIll have trash dumpster areas in the basements. The core area will have parkmg lots. Underground parkmg and we'll devote a stall or two to the trash. Mayor Mancino: Yeah, you could elongate the restaurant and you know put trash inside. Councilman Senn: Well I mean that's the typical solution I'm used to seeing is you build it into the building. Vernelle Clayton: I don't think we have any like that here in Chanhassen. Councilman Senn: Well I know we don't but we don't have anything like Villages on the Ponds in Chanhassen. I mean you're creating a new concept with fronts all over the place and facing everything. Maybe we ought to be looking at incorporating the trash into the buildings. 39 City Council Meeting - September 22, 1997 Vernelle Clayton: I misspoke. We do have one, and the people have asked that they take it out. Have it outside. Ridgeview has it in the office building and now Ridgeview Medical needs the space so they've asked that they convert it to useable space. But that's not the most attractive situation either because then you have a bUilding that all of a sudden has this, these two doors that have to open up. Kate Aanenson: Yeah, this building's a three sided building where you really have a presence view. Three sides. . . Councilman Senn: Which building now, the big one or the little one? Kate Aanenson: The big one. The restaurant obviously... Vernelle Clayton: Yeah, putting this In this building would not solve the problem here and here we really don't have a place where he could drive a truck right up to the building. Yeah, the silo. You could Just fill It up. Councilman Mason: I think we're spending a lot of time on trash enclosures, and I guess my feeling about that is, statY seems to think it's the best place for it. The architect and the developers think It'S the best place for it, and the Planning Commission thought it was the best place for it so ['m okay with where it IS. Mayor ManCinO: Any other comments or questions? Vernelle Clayton: We haven't talked about landscaping specifically. If you have any questIOns about that, we'll be happy to answer it. Mayor Mancino: Do you want to go over that with us and kind of overall. On the wetlands and then on the outsIde of the trash. Make It look like something other than a trash thing, and put a httle.. .smell very well. Kate Aanenson: Like a little gazebo? Mayor Mancino' Not a gazebo but Just a little fetes and feeding area. So if you get a bad woof. Vernelle Clayton: You want an eating around... Kate Aanenson: No, by the wetlands. Mayor Mancino: Just being funny. Vernelle Clayton: The landscaping plans.. .the trees are placed here in accordance with the.. .and we have over here, which is a question that is.. .these are the same trees as were.. .and the overall landscaping plan for a project which was... This happens to be that corner. Trying to compare exactly, it was a little bit different than the plans that we approved for the overall project because we changed the parking lot...show anything here because it's on the overall plan. Now we've shown some. Mayor Mancino: Conceptually Vernelle, are we going to, one of the things that we had talked about overall in the comprehensive landscaping plan was making sure that from Highway 5, etc. that we made a hedge wall around the parking. And that would kind of define areas also. 40 City Council Meeting - September 22, 1997 Vernelle Clayton: I've been thinking about.. .I'm not sure that I was relating it to Highway 5. Specifically I think the language says that parking lots shall be shielded by hedges as much as possible. This really. .. Highway 5 too much because... which we did discuss specifically at the other comer and. . . Mayor Mancino: Okay. So it should be somewhat, okay. And what about internally in here? Are there going to be hedges around internally that kind of segregate the parking area? Vernelle Clayton: We haven't got much parking over here so we don't have anything in-between here. Mainly because, to answer your question is no, we don't have any hedges right in here. We're hoping to keep an eye on the hedge situation and have more where it's more, where it can be used. We can't create a blind corner here on this one. It just isn't...on both sides of the trash enclosure, we don't have any type of... So again this whole landscaping is all done... Mayor Mancino: Any questions from council members? Any other, anything else you'd like to show us? Vernelle Clayton: No. If something comes up that I don't have... what you ask me. I might have forgotten something... Mayor Mancino: When do you expect to be building the retail building? Vernelle Clayton: Ben Merriman has been SItting here watching this and he's III charge of all of the leases. We're basically in, we'll know tomorrow about one fairly large user. And if that's a go, then we'll speed up the process on some of the smaller ones and I would think in oh, 30 to 60 days we'd be done with that, which is about the same amount of time that we'll need to complete the financing. We're hoping to complete this as one package, both Famous Dave's and this and so if we get them approved III say October, that would be like a 60 day time frame for that process and under construction hopefully yet this year. Mayor Mancino: Comments from commiSSIOners. Councilman Berquist. Councilman Berquist: Well I'm just struck, I'm always amazed at how the mundane necessities of life have a tendency to. Mayor Mancino: Take all of our time. Councilman Berquist: Create all of the problems. I don't really have any real big questions. This building was set up for maximum, we're... the building architecturally so that it would have 12 tenants possibly. Likely to be that. Unlikely to be that many but. And the 70% appearing roofline. If! were to project that out so that it had a roof pitch similar to Market Square or to a Market Square II. Edina Realty? Mayor Mancino: The Medical Arts building. Councilman Berquist: The Edina Realty building. That sucker would be about a third again as high as it is now, yes? Is that about right? And I, in my opinion that would be too high. From a builders point of view, I understand absolutely why having the flat roof area is essentially to the operation. The overall operation of the building from a tenant's perspective.. .Flat roofs work much better. And they might be cost effectIve... tenant down the road and what not. I like it. I'm wondering as we move further down 41 City Council Meeting - September 22, 1997 main street, are we kind of seeing the concept emerging in your mind and at what point are we going to begin to individualIze the retail with the tendency...the residential above. And that's certainly not a question that needs answenng from you during this evening but a question that I've thought about. Vernelle Clayton: Do you want an answer or should I sit down? Councilman Berquist: Have you got an answer? Great. Vernelle Clayton: We were meeting with KKE and another architect on the, who specializes. KKE is sort of the specialist in retail layout and so forth. We've just had two meetings with them, including this afternoon. That's because we need their input to attract some national, key national tenants that we really want who have expressed an interest so it will be a few months before you see a plan but. Councilman Berquist: They're the recognized national, experts on. Vernelle Clayton: Retail design plans and then we have another architect that is an expert on residential apartments so they're collaborating. Councilman BerqUist: Really. Vernelle Clayton: He still will be responsible for writing the overview to see that they get It right. COllncilman BerqUist: Good. But no, I have no overriding concerns. I think it looks like a very nice project. Mika Milo. .., from one standpoint, yes you are right. We are trymg with these buildmgs to separate the apartments for the main street. That's what we said. We believe that main street... We would like that the roof forms and forms here give some pretty good idea of what's going to happen on the main street even though main street has a residential...In terms of forms, roof forms.. .especially about reSidential but there will be definitely a need for some both architectural and functionally for some portIOn of the roof to be flat roof. ...even on these buildings is that contrast of the flat roofs and the slope roofs. The whole village was never meant, never. If you look at the initial overall view and concept, there was always combmation of flat roof and slope roof. It really brings to some.. .addition for architecture. Councilman BerqUist: Well in my mmd's eye I can add a story there and put in some windows for reSidential and It looks good. Mayor Mancmo: Councilman Mason. Councilman Mason: It's really interesting watching all this take shape. Obviollsly I think a lot of good people have put a lot of good time into it. I'm comfortable with the way things are going. Mayor Mancmo: Councilman Senn. Councilman Senn: I guess I share most of the comments made. However mundane it is, I do get a lIttle concerned about what's the ongoing solution to some of the mundane problems are going to be. I've got a question for Milo. As an architect, how do you feel about wood sided commercial buildings? Mika Milo: The sidmg of the commercial bUilding? 42 City Council Meeting - September 22, 1997 Councilman Senn: Yes. Mika Milo: I feel considering the character of the Village and the main street architecture that we are trying here to mimic, that I feel good about that. That's why I'm proposing, I think it brings a little bit more of the warm residential and character if you wish so and wood siding has been already always traditionally, historically part of the main street architecture. So we would however not have a raw wood. We would have a stain with a solid stain so it is kind of like painted almost. But it permeates more deep stain so it is more permanent. So I think it's some certain limited applications it's fine. I don't see the whole main street would be wood. There will be probably also a property for residential units on the top as we have 2-3 floors of residential. There would be wood siding also.. .as far as when you come down to the lower floors where the retail is, probably there will be an area below of the wood... So if it even happens that sometimes it drops down to a retail level or first floor, then it is a nice connection between.. .so I think wood siding works fine as an additional reaching more the architectural look and diversity of architecture m the... Councilman Senn: Why did you originally design vinyl instead of wood? Mika Milo: Oh, I'm saying that the wood would be preferably but I'm saying even some vinyls nowadays, because of maintenance, they look really almost like wood. I would prefer wood siding. I'm saymg here vinyl has bemg an option. Being used so much here for durability purpose and from TH 5 you really don't see what... I would not have hard feeling if that was vinyl siding but I would prefer definitely wood. And maybe for that limited application here, it's probably more.. .most appropnate though because of large surfaces. But for that small, little building here, I would say I don't have any problems with saying wood siding. Councilman Senn: Nothing more. Mayor Mancino: Okay, I just have a few comments. I like the wood siding. I think it's natural. It's a good material. I have no problem with using a different roofing material on that last one instead of the siding, the seam siding for the roof. Because I think it will give it a different texture, which would be nice. I have concern, the only concern that I have that I think the Planning Commission raised too, and it stIll isn't really quantifiable is that we won't be seeing any rooftop HV AC anywhere from anyplace on site or on Highway 5. So whether that means we have to look at elevations from different places in the City, I'd like the staff to do that. Making sure. Kate Aanenson: The one place I think you can, Grandview possibly. Those homes. Bob Generous: You have to be up on the hill. Kate Aanenson: Up on Grandview, those homes up there. Because of the pitch of the proposed roof. Bob Generous: It's at least 8 feet.. .behind the parapet. Mayor Mancino: I want to know how much, because the people on Grandview right now you know, their property now looks directly down on St. Hubert's which you know, their views are up on rooftops, equipment. So I am concerned about that. Kate Aanenson: We'll make sure we check on that. 43 CIty Council Meeting - September 22, 1997 Mayor Mancino: Would you? A display of artwork on the rooftop. No, but you know really, senously, their views have been very altered and so I'm concerned about, for thIs. What were some of the other? Oh! I'm not convinced, and I'm sorry about this but I must say I'm not convinced of putting the trash in the middle of a parking lot and the smells and everything else when you are going to a restaurant and when you're going to retail, that you're going to have this smell sitting out right in the middle of parking lot. I think it should be at an end and kind of off so that's my concern and I think that architecturally it can be worked in so that it doesn't, it has a look that faces TH 5 or the wetland that is very pleasing to the eye. Mike has done a wonderful job with all the other buildings. I know that he could make the trash area look good too. I just think for the general public who comes in to park, and to park near one and to smell it, it's just not a welcoming thing so that's my point of view. I don't have any other comments. I think it looks great. I'm excited about it. I like the combination of roof lines and what's working there. So I thmk it looks great, and I also like the ideas of the awnings bringing the color and the spirit and letting the buildings kind of recede. I think that's a wonderful architectural statement and I will very much look forward to seeing the glass silo. So what is in the glass silo? Are you filling it up with grain? Vernelle Clayton's answer could not be heard on the tape. Mayor Mancino: Okay. I would very much say about the trash enclosure and where it goes, depending upon other City Council members, that It certainly be very specific about using arborvitae or some, not deciduous or coniferous edge around It to help camout1age the look. Great. I think this IS excIting. A motIOn. Councilman Mason: I would move approval of the site plan. Site Plan #97-12 for a 14,849 square foot buildmg on Lot 2, Block 1, Village on the Pond 2nd Addition, plans prepared by Milo Architecture Group dated 7/23/97 with conditions as stated in the staff report with condition number 12 being that the landscaping around the trash enclosure be coniferous and it wIll do the Job it IS meant to do upon planting. Meaning that it's not going to take two years to grow. Councilman Senn: And be year round in nature. Counctlman Mason: Yes, thank you. And be year round m nature. CouncIlman Berquist: So your motion includes trash enclosure where it IS proposed at this tIme? RIght? Councilman Mason: Sure. CounCIlman Berquist: Second. Councilman Mason moved, Councilman Berquist seconded to approve Site Plan #97-12 for a 14,489 square foot building on Lot 2, Block 1, Villages on the Ponds 2nd Addition, plans prepared by Milo Architecture Group dated 7/23/97, subject to the following conditions: 1. Increase width of landscape islands. Landscape islands less than 10 feet in width must have aeration tubing installed WIth the trees. 2. The developer shall enter into a site plan agreement and provIde the necessary security required by the agreement. 44 City Council Meeting - September 22, 1997 3. Add an overstory tree and shrubs or hedges at the north end of the parking lot area and have staff review the landscape plan. 4. Add two trees to parking lot landscaping in landscape islands adjacent to trash enclosure and have staff review the landscape plan. 5. Add planter boxes to west and south sides of build mg. 6. Provide a pitched roof element to screen the roof top equipment as shown on the plans dated September 3, 1997. 7. Provide the City with a detail on the trash enclosure for approval. All accessory structures shall be designed to be compatible with the primary structure. 8. The applicant will need to develop a sediment and erosion control plan in accordance WIth the City's Best Management Practice Handbook and the Surface Water Management Plan requirements for new developments. The buildmg setback line and erosion control fencing shall be denoted on the final grading and drainage plans prior to issuance of a building permit. The plan shall be submitted to the City for review and formal approval. 9. All areas disturbed as a result of construction activities shall be immediately restored with seed and dIsc-mulched or wood fiber blanket or sod within two weeks of completion of each activity in accordance with the City's Best Management PractIce Handbook. 10. The SIdewalks and trails on the site shall be constructed in conjunction with the overall sIte Improvements and prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy unless inclement weather condItions prohibit. 11. The sanitary sewer and water lines and storm sewer on the site will be privately owned and maintamed by the property owner and not the City. The contractor will be responsible for obtaining the appropriate sewer, water and plumbmg permits from the CIty's Building Department. Cross access easements for the utilities and driveways shall be dedicated over the lot. 12 The landscaping around the trash enclosure be coniferous and year round in nature and that the landscaping be complete upon planting. Councilman Mason and Councilman Berquist voted in favor. Mayor Mancino and Councilman Senn voted in opposition. The motion failed with a tied vote of 2 to 2. Mayor Mancino: So we have two no's and. Councilman Berquist: I'll amend the motion to say trash enclosure to be, the location of trash enclosure to be worked out and granted administrative approval and see if they buy that. Councilman Mason: Well that's okay with me but, I'll go back to what I said before. It seems to me if Plannmg Commission is okay with it, and developer is okay with it and staff is okay with it, I'm okay with it and I think, I disagree with the two no votes. Now if this, so yeah. 45 City CouncIl Meeting - September 22, 1997 Councilman Berquist: Well I'll move approval predicated on the location of the trash enclosure being discussed, bandied about and concluded and approved on the administrative level. Kate Aanenson: How about this. You're going to see Famous Dave's come back. How about between now and when we come back with Famous Dave's, we just leave that and we'll try to work something out.. . Mayor Mancmo: I think that's a good way to do that. Councilman Berquist: So the motion is to approve the site plan with no approval on the trash enclosure and we'll work the trash enclosure out when Famous Dave's comes back. Have something figured out by then. Mayor Mancino: And maybe, you know just show a couple different options. I mean that's all, but show Just a couple dIfferent optIOns What It is and when, I think that's a motion I could second. So it changes it a little. Councilman Berquist moved, Mayor Mancino seconded to approve Site Plan #97-12 for a 14,489 square foot building on Lot 2, Block 1, Villages on the Ponds 2nd Addition, plans prepared by Milo Architecture Group dated 7/23/97, subject to the following conditions: I. Increase width of landscape islands Landscape islands less than 10 feet in width must have aeratlon tubmg mstalled With the trees. 2. The developer shall enter into a site plan agreement and provide the necessary secunty required by the agreement. 3. Add an overstory tree and shrubs or hedges at the north end of the parking lot area and have staff review the landscape plan. 4. Add two trees to parkmg lot landscapmg in landscape islands adjacent to trash enclosure and have staff reVIew the landscape plan. 5. Add planter boxes to west and south Sides of bUll ding. 6. Provide a pitched roof element to screen the roof top equipment as shown on the plans dated September 3, 1997. 7. ProvIde the City with a detail on the trash enclosure for approval with the Famous Dave's site plan and bring in different location options for City Council to review. All accessory structures shall be designed to be compatible with the primary structure. 8. The applicant will need to develop a sediment and erOStOn control plan in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook and the Surface Water Management Plan reqUlrements for new developments. The building setback line and erosion control fencing shall be denoted on the final grading and drainage plans prior to issuance of a building permit. The plan shall be submitted to the City for review and formal approval. 46 City Council Meeting - September 22, 1997 9. All areas disturbed as a result of construction activities shall be immediately restored with seed and disc-mulched or wood fiber blanket or sod within two weeks of completion of each activity in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook. 10. The sidewalks and trails on the site shall be constructed in conjunction with the overall site improvements and prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy unless inclement weather conditions prohibit. II. The sanitary sewer and water lines and storm sewer on the site will be privately owned and mamtained by the property owner and not the City. The contractor will be responsible for obtaining the appropriate sewer, water and plumbing permits from the City's Building Department. Cross access easements for the utilities and driveways shall be dedicated over the lot. 12. The landscaping around the trash enclosure be coniferous and year round in nature and that the landscaping be complete upon planting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Mayor Mancino: And we'll see you again on the Famous trash, we'll see you again on trash. No, but seriously I just think a couple options would be. And I know you've gone through them so I don't discount pleas any. Verne lie Clayton: I don't think we're... Mayor Mancino: Exactly. Thank you. thank you for your patience. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS: None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: UPDATE ON TRIAX CABLEVISION, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER. Don Ashworth: I don't see Todd. ...I passed out earlier this evening a report or letter that she had faxed over to us earlier in the day. This was based on some information that the City Council had requested when you had met with Triax representatives from a week ago. And that should be somewhere in front of you. If you don't find it, let me know and I'll see if! can find another. Mayor Mancino: No, we're fine thank you. Does everyone have theirs? Councilman Senn: It was given to us tonight? Is that what you're talking about? Mayor Mancino: Yes. Don Ashworth: Very short. Jane, did you wish to say anything more? Mayor Mancino: Would you like to come in front of the Council please. Jane Bremmer: Madam Mayor, members of the Council, I'm Jane Bremmer. I'm legal counsel for Triax Cable. Delighted to be here. Thank you very much. I will keep this short. You've had a long night. ThiS is part of a series of steps that Triax and the City have collaboratively undertaken to address what 47