13. Consider Discontinuance of Lake Ann & So Lotus Lk Park Gate Attendant Programs CiTY OF, CI. .......,.. ..1........:..' . - < .' ,. ',':'~ :,;~i:;;;, 'IB' Ci', ..,:~ ",:~,/~ '", "')'~ ::;.: i\,~1 "2 . . ' 13j ....c J,' 6$0' COUI.;TERDRtVS. P.d: eQx 147.* cHAHHAsseH.MtNNESOTA 56317 . (51!) 931..1900.FA)t:{ej~ 937..5739 ' MEMORANDUM TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager Todd Hoffm~ PaI:k "~Reereation DirectOr October 7, 1997 Coosider Discontil1ua.nce of the Lake A~ Park and SOUth Lotus.Lake Park Gate Attendant Programs FROM: DATE: SUBJ : For over twenty years the city hastnaintained a gate 8tt~ and gate fee .atL8ke Ann Park. For over ten yearst the city has maintaiheda gaie attendantprosnu>> ,with no fe~ at the South Lotus Lake public boa. .access; Per city cQde; the Lake Ann gate feeiS;re~iewed at;1d,,~tab.lished by city council annually. Tt1I4itionally we have taketttb.is opportunity to al$orevieW the South Lotus Lake Gate Attendantfrogt:am. It is common belief that the~e' Arir1 p~ fee wasori~Rr.e&,tabi~tohelp off~"t the ~ts of employing lifeguards at the.l,)eacll. 1be8~uth .Lotus Lake<b~.~pte program wa$.putitt place to calm fears that 'an ~\mcontrolled"pUbUc access.\vmtId-~tyaff.Uh~:lqe'. Later the gate attendants were also charged with the task of Vi$UIIIy inspecting bOat:s and trailers for Eurasian water milfoil.' ' ' . . , In reviewing the effectiveness of these gate p~, the :Patk &. RecreatiOil CollUlrission weighs CO$ts vs; benefits. The progrimls cost th~ city $'~36 t86'ln 1997 in salanes, materi$ls, and supplies. Add administritjoncosts ($~,$()O ~nservative1y};.,.our cO$tSrise to11early . $12,000. 1997 gate revenues totaled$l~409t nettinr_:dtYS3,548--almosteverypennyof which was ,extracted fr(m) park users who were'~ that they had 'to pay.,; Again in 1997, commissioners are left asking themse!ves,"Istheneptivep\1blic reaction to the Lake Ann gate fee worth $S~OOt'J.t in mmualrevt;nues?" FQf tlieSecond cOtlSeCu:tive year, their . response is no. Likewise, the cdlmnissioo.~ nQt believe that the expense of providing . ";'ilaffing levels at the South~s Lake boat access is a good irives~. Milfoil exists 1, . . .,~ huno aff~ on the future of this issue. Additionally" the - , public..~.:gtlOd11eighbQrtothe~ty~ .~~;i~. -~ '-~~'~-;~ '("_: ~ - ' ~. J<_.,_~ :,';1', ~;;;<~,~>. - ".; "r ~~~ ~;:_~,~"; _ t" -,~'...- ----';~~ .. , , , '" i.-, Mr DO' 'M~"""'" . ft,. .~.. . October1,!",' :,c Page 2 ;;';' M ;. ~;."~' ;.~ ::~~ ~ parking in nO ped!isI&--; ~.nei~,~ ~~Y. $taff i:onc:un With~~ ' " offheM&~tionC "'" .lntiJJies'...~iL,.,~~~'~~~ our~~-". '''"'- . , , ..~,. '" ~~. .... ..~.~~~, better invested. ' " '~,,>,' " " .\ )1.-',;-.', Uponconchision of the commi~ion'sdiscuSsion ofthi& item on ,September 23td,tIle foUowing recommendation was made.' . ',' i .' RECOMMENDATIQN ',>- i ~.' ' "Com.n'lissioner Mandets moV'.et1 Conun~si~Me.F' ~~ a~tion to the city council to t~iriate the uikeArin Park imd LotliSl:.e,~jate;'atintkmts fot fllt 1998 season. ' All voted in favor antUh~ motion eamed" ' ATTACHMENTS L ., >; \ 1. Staff report. dated Septt?J11Per' 17, 1997. 2. Documents re.lated to the 199~ reviewofthe~'sgate~. ') . ' ( ,- MANAGEa"SCOMMEN~ ~ ,- Todd's anal~i8 doesnot'include theCOsts()fcountin'$~tolt,OO()everyMom1ay., making a . deposit evertMonday ~, andmore'bpoi1antly. fW.~'lisk.thatwe put both the~ attendant and~'mbYb$viilt that ntueh;mottoy~i~~~, Au additicmal factor is the fact thatmc;~' e~cotlS~())i 4estlo7'to.l. ' ;,the....v;~~~~lJ~at take Am. 'If the ".' g .,," . ,.. ~.., "'!t'"""\"-IUlj".-, . ' . program i~ cootimie4tanew pteho~'w~dhit~~t*,~~ei<<fat a'eottOf~Y $5,000.' " . ' g:\park\th\ptepr08l'8m$.~ ~ ~.F ~" ;. CITY OF CHANHASSEN fob - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM FROM: ~eO: ::::::~~::r:a:::r:::::::~ctO>l R September 17, 1997 TO: DATE: SUBJ: 1997 Summer Gate Report; Lake Ann Park/South Lotus Lake Park The 1997 gate revenues of $15,000 were very close to those of 1996. There were some days that gates were closed due to rain and. Disruptions due to the Lake Ann Parkway project also cut into revenues. As you are aware, the Lake Ann gatehouse has been permanently removed as part of the parkway project. A center Island and new gatehouse will be constructed by the st311 of the 1998 gate season. The location of the new gatehouse in the center island will allow the gate attendants to better serve our guests as they enter and exit. All operations at the Lotus Lake gatehouse remained the same this year. I question the effectiveness of staffing the gatehouse at Lotus Lake. It is my recommendation that the gate attendant program at Lotus Lake be terminated. I would like to get the Park and Recreation Commission's opinion regardll1g this. On a yearly basis, the city spends approximately $3800 to staff the Lotus Lake gate house and $4,200 to staff Lake Ann's gate house. Illustrated belO\\! are the gate attendant revenues collected at Lake Ann Park and the gate attendant hours and wages paid. REVENUE Lake Ann Passes Pass Type Sold Number Sold Cost of Pass Total Revenue Daily Seasonal (resident) Seasonal (non-resident) 2877 833 116 $2.00 $5.00 $15.00 Sub-Total $5,754.00 $4,165.00 $ 1 ,740.00 $11,659.00 Softball League Summer Number of Teams 50 Cost Per Team $75.00 Total Total Revenue 53,750.00 $15,409.00 Todd Hoffman September 16, 1997 Page 2 EXPENDITURES 1997 Gate Attendant Total Hours and Wages Gate Attendant Total Hours Wage Per Hour Total Wages Paid Mark Albrecht Scott Albrecht Joe Fox Aaron Kellogg Jessie Kussard John Whiteman Shane Willeke Ryan Wardle 211.25 190.50 61.50 106 236.50 144 248.50 49 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.25 $6.00 $6.00 $6.25 $6.50 Total $1,267.50 $1,143.00 $369.00 $662.51 $1,419.00 $864.00 $1,553.65 $318.50 $7,597.16 Lake Ann Passes - Printing Costs Printing Pass Type MasterCraft Labels Kennedy Graphics Seasonal Daily Quantity Total Cost 5,200 $439.88 2,000 $324.82 Total $764.70 Revenue $15,409.00 Expenditures $8,361.86 TOTAL +$7,047.14 g:\park\gatcs\9 7Su mmerRev& Expends CITY OF CHANHASSEN L/.d- 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor '1~ DATE: September 19, 1996 SUBJ: 1996 Gate Attendant Report The 1996 gate attendant season wasn't as busy as last season. Overall, daily and seasonal permits decreased. I believe our cold spring directly affected revenues. The month of August is generally a slow month and this year, by the end of the month, revenues were non-existent. It is my recommendation that the gatehouse at Lake Ann and South Lotus be closed for the season the week prior to Labor Day or when the lifeguards close for the year. This decision would save the City money in staff and administration. Illustrated below is the gate attendant revenues collected at Lake Ann Park and the gate attendant's hours and wages. Revenue Passes Daily Seasonal (Res) Seasonal (Non-Res) 2662 x $2.00 930 x $5.00 104 x $15.00 $5324.00 4650.00 1560.00 Sub- Total $11,534.00 Picnic Parking Fees 322.32 Softball 53 teams x $75.00 3,975.00 Total $15,831.32 Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director 09/19/96 Exoenditures 1996 Gate Attendant Total Hours and Wages Jennifer Hall Aaron Kellogg Jessi Misslin Andy Pace Anthony Weber Shane Willeke 107.5 hrs. @ $6.00 219 hrs. @ 6.00 143 hrs. @ 6.00 199.75 hrs. @ 6.00 198.5 hrs. @ 6.25 111.5 hrs. @ 6.00 Sub- Total Printing Costs - Lake Ann Park Stickers Mastercraft Labels Kennedy Graphics g:~ark~eny\96gateattnrep Sub-Total $ 645.00 1314.00 858.00 1198.50 1240.63 669.00 $5925.13 $ 703.75 620.00 $1323.75 Net + $8582.44 SUMMARY MINUTES CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 24, 1995 PAGE 3 2. Full park and trail fees shall be waived. 3. JMS shall be entitled to remove up to 13,000 cubic yards of fill material from the outlot. 4. JMS shall restore and seed the outlot. 5. JMS shall be responsible for silt fence installation. The motion carried on a 4 to 3 vote. ANNUAL REVIEW OF LAKE ANN PARKING PERMITS. SECTION 14-59 OF CHANHASSEN CITY CODE. This item reviewed a second time at the request of the City Council. Following discussion, Commissioner Andrews moved, Commissioner Scott seconded to: Retain the current gate system and establish the 1996 parking rates at the following levels: Daily Parking Pass Seasonal Parking Pass - Resident Seasonal Parking Pass - Non-resident $ 2.00 $ 5.00 $10.00 All vehicles, with the exception of those transporting participants and/or spectators of sanctioned/organized youth events, 17 years of age or under, shall be charged a parking fee. SEPTEMBERFEST - TO BE OR NOT TO BE Based on the observation that the money being invested in Septemberfest could yield a better return, Commissioner Berg moved, Commissioner Roeser seconded to recommend that Septemberfest be discontinued. All voted in favor and the motion carried. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1996. WAS ESTABLISHED AS A DATE TO MEET WITH THE WEST MINNEW ASHT A AND STONE CREEK NEIGHBORHOODS TO DISCUSS THEIR RESPECTIVE PARK PLANS. CITY OF CHANHASSEN s 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHAf\.:HASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM FROM: Todd Hoffman, CLP, Park & Recreation Director -//I TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager DATE: September 18, 1995 SUBJ: Unfinished Business, Annual Review of Lake Ann Park Parking Permits, Section 14-59 of City Code This item was reviewed by the City Council on September 11, 1995. The minutes of the discussion are attached. Also attached is a photocopy of page 786 of the city code that specifies Section 14-59 parking permits. As you will recall this item was tabled due to a split vote; two council members favored the elimination of the Lake Ann parking permit program and two council members favored the retention of the fees at some level. RECOMMENDATION Regarding the annual resolution establishing the fee amount in the event that the parking permits are retained, it is recommended that the following fees be established: Daily Permit Seasonal Permit (Resident) Seasonal Permit (Non-Resident) $ 2.00 $ 5.00 $15.00 (an increase from $10) In addition, may it be recognized that participants and spectators of all organized youth events (17 years old and under) are granted free access to the park. Additionally, the gate has traditionally been closed at 6 p.m. each 4th of July granting fireworks spectators free access. ATTACHMENTS 1. City Council minutes dated September 11, 1995 2. Section 14-59 of City Code 3. Report dated August 16, 1995 C ITV OF CHANHASSEN (; 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Park & Recreation Commission . Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director ~/ DATE: October 18, 1995 SUBJ: Annual Review of Lake Ann Park Parking Permits, Section 14-59 ofChanhassen City Code On Monday, September 25, 1995, the city council received the attached report regarding the aforementioned issue. The council had previously reached an impasse on this issue on September 11, 1995. Upon completing their discussion: "Councilman Berquist moved, Councilman Mason seconded to direct the Park & Recreation Commission to review the Lake Ann Park parking permit fees within a 60 day time period looking for an equitable resident/non-resident method of raising revenues from Lake Ann and/or the rest of the parks within the community. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously." STAFF COMMENTS Equity strikes me as the key concept in Councilman Berquist's motion. On average, approximately $10,000 in net revenues have been earned through the gate program for the past five years. Applying 1995 revenue figures, the city could have closed down the gate house, collected parking fees from softball players ($4,725), and company picnickers (approximately $6,000) and surpassed the five year average in revenues. Fiscally, this approach would make a great deal of sense, but charging two select groups over all others is far from equitable. To accomplish equity, I believe the city has one choice, charge all groups (at various levels based on policy). Another choice is to treat all groups equal and charge no fee. Park & Recreation Commission October 18, 1995 Page 2 The parking policy at Lake Ann Community Park is fairly unique among local govenunent facilities. Many cities charge admissions at beaches or pools. A few others, such as Excelsior, maintain parking meters on their waterfront parks. The presence of a gate house and parking attendants, however, are nonnally associated with county, state or federal facilities. RECOMMENDATION If the commission concurs with my analysis, I believe you have one choice-continue to charge parking fees at the gate based upon a policy of what user groups are charged, what user groups are not charged, and who is charged at what rate. This assumes that you concur with a majority of the council and City Manager Ashworth that this user fee must be retained. Therefore, it is recommended that the Lake Ann Park parking fee ordinance be retained and that the 1996 parking fees be established at the following rates: Daily Parking Pass $ 2 Seasonal Parking Pass - Resident $ 5 Seasonal Parking Pass - Non-Resident $15 All vehicles with the exception of those transporting participants and/or spectators of sanctioned/organized youth events, 17 years of age or under, shall be charged a parking fee. City Council Meeting - September 25, 1995 Todd Gerhardt. The detailed information of specific dollar amounts are under the control of the architect and the construction manager. It's one of the frustrations with the project as being a second party to the contractor. They don't share all the detailed information. We ask and continue to ask. Mayor Chmiel: Okay, let's move to unfinished business. ANNUAL REVIEW OF LAKE ANN PARK PARKING PERMITS. SECTION 1"-59 OF CITY CODE. Mayor Chmiel. I think there was discussion at the last specific meeting and you weren't at the last meeting and I'm sure you've had. Councilman Berquist: Believe me I was thinking of you. Mayor Chmiel: I bet you were. Driving back. But with the review that you've had with it. Rather than go through the whole combined discussion, do you have any specific questions? Councilman Berquist: Well I have some specific comments. I wish Todd were here. What I'd like to do, rather than simply approve what we have done in the past, which is I think what would happen if I had to make a motIOn right no\\, it would be a 3 to 2 vote. I would really like to challenge the Park and Rec Commission to come up with some other method by which to collect fees that's more equitable and more easily managed. There's got to be a way besides Just saying well we're going to do this or we're not going to do this. That seems kmd of bogus to me. We need to have user fees for areas or for services that are provided withm the city and I believe that Lake Ann IS a premiere park and that there should be user fees attached to it. If in fact the majonty of the user fees can be garnered from non-residents, baseball teams, softball teams, that sort of thmg, and we can conceivable do awa) with resident fees, great. On the other hand, if the revenue stream cannot be mamtamed by doing that, then I'm in favor of lea\'1ng it in a similar fashion but I believe that there's another method by which to charge the, to make the revenue stream come out. And I just don't thmk the Park and Rec Commission has given it any thought. They haven't been charged with giving it any thought and I would charge them With trying. CounCilman Mason Make a motIOn. Ma) or Chmiel Why don't you do that. Councilman Berquist. I will move to ask the Park and Rec CommiSSIOn to give it some thought and come back to us within a 60 day time period with a equitable resident/non-resident method of raising revenues from Lake Ann and/or the rest of the parks within the community. Councilman Mason: It's a good motion. I'll second it. Ma) or Chmiel. There's a motion on the noor With a second. Any discussion? And I think I agree with that part of it because of the fact, as I mentioned the last time The amount of dollars that are available, or will be available in the years to come will be pulled away from it as we continually go through. Each community that I see, Just alone in having swimming pools and S\\"lmmmg beaches, are bemg charged" Just to go in and go s\\"lmming. Maintenance for the upkeep of that beach as well as lifeguards and everything else as well So I guess that', one of my reason, for more or less sticking to lookmg at a way of den\'1ng those funds Once those funds are gone, the) 're gone No way you're gOIng to pick It up and I think It'S a good motion that) ou made 28 City Council Meeting - September 25, 1995 Councilwoman Dockendorf: Could I make one comment? Just to give some direction to the Park and Rec Commission. My issue with the fees at all is the annoyance of pulling up to the gate and not realizing that there is a fee. So if we can do away with the expense of the gate attendant. Do away with that unexpectedness of the fee, somehow maybe get those revenues with user fees, Maybe just through the teams utilizing the fields. I thmk we're spending too much money on the gate attendant and creating an annoyance at the same time that it's not work it. So I guess the charge is to find out a different method of collecting those fees, Councilman Berquist: To that issue, the gate attendant provides some small modicum of security and the security issue is going to do nothing but escalate and the costs associated with that are going to do nothing but escalate so you've got to maintain some presence. Councllwoman Dockendorf. Right, you've got a 16 year old kid out there at the gate who is so far removed from what's going on further in the park. a modicum of security is exactly what it is, Mayor Chmiel Well, I've even seen that happen Colleen where people will come up to the gate attendant and told them a given problem. All he does is use the phone and dIal 911 and we have our officer there to take care of the situation. Councilman Mason: Well I think a couple of issues have been raised. I mean we do, and we talked about it two weeks ago, I think we need to look at the security angle and I think Steve raises some very good points as well. Mayor Chmiel' Okay. There's a motion on the noor with a second. Councilman BCn}uist mond, Councilman Mason seconded to direct the Parle and Recreation Commission to review the Lake Ann Parle parldng permit fees within a 60 da)' time periodlooldng for an equitable rcsidenllnon-resident method of mising revenues from Ll\l.:e Ann and/or the rest of the parl.:s within the communi!)'. All voted in fa....or and the motion carried unanimousl)'. PRELTMTNARY PLAT TO SUBDIVIDE A 2.22 ACRE PARCEL INTO" LOTS. 6660 POWERS BOULEVARD. GOLDEN GLOW ACRES. JAMTS RAVIS. Puhlic Present: Name Address James Ravis Jeremy Steiner Russ Kohman BlIl Infanger Larry Kerber 6660 Powers Boulevard SUite 400 Norwest, Minneapolis 6730 Powers Boulevard 6740 Powers Boulevard 6420 Powers Boulevard Sharmin AI-Jaff. Mr. Mayor, members of the City CouncIl. The site is located west of Powers Boulevard, approximately 500 feet south of the mtersection of Lake Lucy Road and Powers Boulevard. The applicant is proposing to subdiVide 2.2 acres mto 4 single family lots. The property is zoned ReSidential Single Family, The average lot size IS 23,304 square feet With a resulting net density of 1 87 units per acre, Access to the subdl\'lslon 15 proposed to be pronded \'ta a private street which will serve all four lots. One of the main Issues 29 City Council Meeting - September 1I, 1995 10. Obtain a permit and secure escrow to install a pool fence prior to recording the final plat. 1 I. Full park and trail fees shall be paid at the time of building permit approval in the amount in force at the time of building permit application. 13. A thirty (30) foot front yard setback shall be maintained from the dedicated right-of-way. 12. Tree and branch overgrowth along Ridge Road shall be trimmed to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshal. 14. The Meyer's are obligated to bring the break away fence or gate up to a standard that's maybe set by the State parks. 15. The Meyer's present to the city staff some brush removal plan to clear as much of that road and give the staff and the City Council some kind of assurances that this can be maintained in the future All voted in favor and the motion eanied unanimously. ANNUAL REVIEW OF LAKE ANN PARK PARKING PERMITS. SECTION 14-59 OF CITY CODE. Todd Hoffman: Thank you Mr. Mayor, members of the City Council. By resolution each year the City Council is, by city ordinance, asked to establish Lake Ann Park parking fees. It's an annual debate therefore which has been picking up some steam over the past fe\v years, specifically members of the Park and Rec Commission have heard from their constituency and as from residents of the city that if anything should be free, getting into Lake Ann Park which is the city's premiere and most widely public park, should be free. In addition, the fees are somewhat arbitrary. Over the years since that ordinance was established, numerous user groups have lobbied the city successfully to receive free entry into Lake Ann Park. Such groups as youth athletic association groups, both those participating from in town and out of town. Simply inform the gate attendant that they are there to participate or watch a youth oriented event and they're allowed in free. The same goes for those who participate in swimming lessons sponsored by Minnetonka Schools, which are contracted by the city through Minnetonka Schools. Other instances of free entry. I believe that covers those. But on an annual basis we have a report prepared for the city. The Park and Recreation Commission and City Council which talks about gross receipts and why the fee was established in the first place and I've heard a variety of stories on that. And then there's the issue of the park was established in part with Federal monies and we have a public access on Lake Ann and therefore charging unequal fees based upon resident and non-resident may not be possible at Lake Ann Park either, due to Federal regulations governing that money being put into Lake Ann Park for it's establishment and it's furnishings. A variety of issues but what it comes down to is that the Park Commission again, for a second year has recommended that the City Council eliminate all Lake Ann parking fees. Allow the park to be free of charge to any park user, resident or non-resident. But in addition to that, that a park ranger position be included in the 1996 budget to assist guests, enforce park rules and provide general visibility and security. That motion passed unanimously by the Park and Recreation Commission. The reasoning behind the park ranger is that they've often thought that the gate attendant provides some sort of security or a gate guard against activity which is unwanted in Lake Ann Park. But they're beginning to realize that that is not the case. And both the commission and residents are beginning to see increased levels of unwanted activities taking place at Lake Ann Park, both in the parking lot areas and beach areas. The picnic grounds is really where the action is taking place, not a quarter of a mile away at the gate house where that person cannot provide much control for the park. So with that you have my comments, which go over gross receipts. Interesting enough, you have $16,00000 Il1 gross receipts really to date and if you look at that, the softball players or the softball teams are 36 City Council Meeting - September II, 1995 each nicked another $5.00 per player for an annual parking permit. That generates about $4,700.00 in revenues of that $16,000.00. In addition, many company picnics are sponsored at Lake Ann Park and again they're nicked for either more often a $2.00 daily permit for each of their guests. But they either pay that in a couple of ways. They present a business card or a pass at the gate. Those are collected by the gate attendant and then our staff bills the company for the individual receipts. Or they ask their guest to pay that as they come in through the park, and that collects again in 1995 approximately $6,000.00 of that $16,000.00. So we have a total of close to $11,000.00 of this $16,000.00 which is just really being collected through other means or other avenues than actual just cars coming in to park to go to the swimming beach or use other areas. At least one of the original reasonings behind the fee program, which I find most plausible is that, at the time that the lifeguards were furnished at Lake Ann, they figured you know we need to pay those costs. That lifeguard contract was up to about $18,000.00 a year through Minnetonka Community Services and here we have net revenues of approximately $6,000.00-$5,50000 so we're not recouping. We're about a third of the way there to recoup those costs so if that was the reason the job isn't getting done, but nevertheless you will have net revenues of about $6,000.00 at Lake Ann Park this year through this program. Interestingly, net revenues per day are about $5,800.00 and if you break that out per hour that the gate guard sits at that gate shack, you earn about $6.00 per hour. You have a manager's comment as well, which I also heard from City Council members in this regard that during the audit process, with the reduction in federal and state aids, city's are encouraged to keep their user fees up. User fee levels up, both in dollar revenues and in the amount of user fees. User fee programs, so this recommendation ~omes perhaps in an untimely moment. Nevertheless, I bring you the recommendation of the Park Commission to abandon Lake Ann parking permits. Mayor Chmiel: Thhnk you. Any discussion? Councilwoman Dockendorf: Sure. Councilman Senn: Sure. Mayor Chmiel' You bet. Councilwoman Dockendorf: I hate this annual discussion, but nevertheless I'm standing with what I've said in pnor years. This is more hassle than it's worth. You know What I hear from people, or not so much that, well first of all they're annoyed \\'Ith, and I think it's unfair but it's the, they don't anticipate it. I mean they drive up and they don't expect to pay a fee and that's what rcally annoys them. They don't have the extra cash or whatever but anyway I guess in a nutshell it's just not worth the hassle. I'm not certain that a roving park ranger expense will make it through the budget process but for $5,50000, let's find it somewhere else. And now for an opposing point of view. Councilman Mason' You've got it. I personally, well no. I don't think we should change it. I understand all the reasons for letting people in free, and I think that's all fine and well. We're talking, you know I look at the manager's comment and I happen to agree \\'Ith it. I remember when I first started cross country skiing at county parks which was back in the mid 70's, and I think a park sticker was a buck and you didn't have to have a license to ski. Well, I certainly hit the roof when I had to get a cross country ski license but by god, I buy one every year, you know to use the trails. The trails are maintamed and it may be only recouping a small part of what it costs to run that park but I think that's a revenue stream, albeit small. I have not had one person, and that includes my \\'Ife when she took the kids to swimming. I didn't even know we could get in free if we had kids takmg SWimming lessons. We paid the permit anyway. No one's ever said one thing good or bad to me about It. I'm 111 favor of maintaining the fees. 37 City Council Meeting - September II, 1995 Mayor Chmiel: Okay, Mark. Councilman Senn: I haven't changed my idea either, or I guess my mind from last year and that is I think we ought to ash can the parking fees. I think what we really need to do, in my mind, is modify or redefine the situation and let's quit, you know let's quit calling them parking fees. I don't think we should be charging residents a parking fee to enter a city park. No more than we charge them a parking fee to enter anyone of the other city parks. I think there's a good case to be made in the case of Lake Ann to recognize that that park services some broader purposes other than most of the other parks in Chanhassen. But to me the way to accommodate that is to do something a little differently than we are. Well, it's not really different. I think again it's just really more a definitional or redefining the process. I think we should keep the gate attendant. I think we should keep $16,000.00 or more in revenue a year and I think we can do that. And I think we simply redefine the $4,725.00 that we collect from the softball teams as a user fee. I suggest we continue to charge the user fees to the sponsors and guest company picnics. Okay. At the same time, I think we should institute a user fee to non-residents of Chanhassen and I think that's going to make up the difference and I think what we're going to be doing is sitting here a year from now and saying okay, we've got another $16,000.00 in revenue. $6,000.00 in staff cost and we haven't lost a blasted thing, except what we've lost is charging our residents for parking in their city park. And it seems to me that that's the idyllic, idyllic? I don't know if that's the right word or not but idyllic solution? To the dilemma. You know at the same time I think there's been' a number of complaints lately about behavior activities at the park. I don't know, that's something I think we're going to have to deal with as a separate issue when it comes in in relationship to the budget. I don't think we should probably get that mixed in here at -this time so I guess I'm saying I agree with the manager. I agree with the auditor. I guess I'm agreeing with everybody but It seems to me that's the solution. Let's look at it-that way' rather than simply do we have a parking fee or don't we have a parking fee. Mayor Chmiel. Okay. I guess I'm in the same position as I was the last time, not relinquishing the fees but staying with what we have only because Lake Ann Park is a park that is, far exceeds a lot of parks around this p:lrticular metro area. I think it's something we'd be proud of and continue that kind of maintenance and upkeep. And the cost, because of all the cutbacks that are coming, I don't think it would even be a thing to do this year at all So my suggestion, recommendation is to keep it as we have and to continue with it rather than, and to review it to see if there's ways that it would also benefit the city in years to come but no longer taking it and reviewing the parking permit aspects. Councilwoman Dockendorf I have a question. Todd, have we ever looked at the breakout between resident and non-resident? Todd Hoffman: Some of those are In your packet. 1994 it's non-resident revenues of $3,700.00 out of a total of $19,000 00 that year. Daily passes are far and away just over $10,00000 that year, out of $19,000.00 so approximately half. Councilwoman Dockendorf- Where are you reading these numbers from? Todd Hoffman: It's further back in the report. Each 1994 gross revenues figure for Lake Ann. $24,000.00. It's labeled 4C on the lower right hand corner It lists 1994, $24,000 00 and in the back side as revenues collected, It lists daily passes, seasonal and resident seasonal, non-resident. It should go back each year in a similar fashion. 1993, $20,00000 gross revenues. 1992, $18,00000. And $18,00000 in '91. Some of the biggest years are the drought years. We had $3,00000 on Single weekends in the month of May and June. 38 . J :j "1 \. 11 \ , \ , ~ City Council Meeting - September 11, 1995 Councilwoman Dockendorf: But we don't break it out for the daily pass, whether that's resident or non-resident? Do you have a feel for that? Todd Hoffman: No I don't. Mayor Chmiel: Okay. Any other questions? If not I'll call the question. All those in favor. Councilman Senn: No. We don't' even have a motion on the table yet. Do we? Councilwoman Dockendorf: No. Mayor Chmiel: Oh I thought, I'm sorry. I thought you made a motion. Councilman Mason: No, but I'd be happy to. I'll make the motion that we retain the Lake Ann entrance fees and I'd suggest that we continue to search new ways to obtain revenue from Lake Ann Park. Mayor Chmiel: Is there a second? If not, I'll second it. Councilman Mason movcd, Ma)'or Chmicl seconded to retain the Lake Ann Park entrancc fces for 1996. Councilman Mason and Ma)'or Chmiel voted in favor. Councilman Scnn and Councilwoman Dockcndorf votcd in opposition. The motion was tied with a 2 to 2 ,'ote. Mayor Chmiel: That mean it's going to go back to Council.at the next meeting on the 25th. RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING CERTAIN FEE POLICIES. CHANHASSEN RECREATION CENTER. Todd Hoffman: Mr. Mayor, members of the Council. The Chanhassen Recreation Center officially opened, along with Bluff Creek Elementary School on Tuesday, September 5th of this month. The center is experiencing a trial opening if you will. An open house effective through the 24th of this month. We took ownership of the building 2 months late...contracts so all furnishings are not available All the equipment isn't there and so we couldn't offer the complete product at the posted price until we had the building fully outfitted. But in the meantime we're still working through policies of operation and one which has certainly received a lot of attention on the administrative level is who's going to be charged what to use the particular components of the building. The City Council has authorized policies relating to the rental of the meeting spaces within the community center, or the recreation center. However, in regard to user fees for what is called the punch card system, exercise with options program, there are still some outstanding questions which we would like the City Council to answer for us. Specifically, how would you like to charge resident, excuse me. How would you like to charge employees of the city of Chanhassen. Those people who work within the city of Chanhassen and how would you like to handle employees of the City of Chanhassen itself. Obviously one of the main inquiries comes from school teachers who happen to be teaching at that particular building. They think it's very convenient but we also have how many employees within this city that work here, I 0,000-12,000 jobs. However many jobs we have within the community. Those folks are wondering what basis they're going to be charged for usmg the bUilding so we have a very functIOnal center, from 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. on nearly 7 days per week so we can cater to those alternate shift people. When they get off work in the morning from any one of our industrial buildings. They can come over and participate in recreation. But are they going to be charged, if they live outside the community, at a non-resident rate or are they going to be charged as a resident of Chanhasscn, since they do work here? And then the other question is, how would you like to handle the 39 ~~ CITY OF 9 CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor DATE: August 16, 1995 SUBJ: 1996 Lake Ann Entrance Fees The Lake Ann gate attendant has been a hot topic with the Park and Recreation Commission and the City Council this past 'year. The time to decide whether or not to co_ntinue the Lake Ann entranc~ fee and t.he ga~e ~ttendant prog~in is upon us again.. The major concern for discontinuing the program is the loss of the $15,000 - 25,000 in gross revenues. Our department is currently working on the 1996 budget. Direction will need to be given whether the Lake Ann gate revenues be included in the 1996 General Fund. Lake Ann gate revenues as of August 15 is $14,909.81. The projection of gross revenue for the remaining summer will be approximately $17,000 which is down $3,000 from 1994. The Park and Recreation Commission likes the security of the gate attendants visible at Lake Ann and Lotus Lake. Staffing of the gates totals $6,000 per year. An alternative the Park and Recreation Commission suggested last year was a roving type of "park ranger." This person would be visible at Lake Ann to assist our guests and enforce park rules. This class of employee would be in the $8-$10 per hour range. Projected salaries for a park ranger would be approxirn.ately $8,500: This is"based on 8 hours per day for 15 weeks, between Memorial and I:aoor Day. The park ranger would be included in our 147 Lake Ann Operations budget:<'.":"',>.~, . Lake Ann gate fees have been the subject of many discussions by the Park and Recreation Commission and City Council. The pros and cons must again be weighed whether the gate attendant program and fees continue. ~ Park & Recreation Commission Update (9-6-95): The Park & Recreation Commission reviewed the Lake Ann entrance fees at their August 22 meeting. After discussing the revenue loss, security issues and the rest of the pros and cons, the Park & Recreation Commission made the following motion: Lake Ann Entrance Fees Page 2 - )~ "A motion was made by Commissioner Manders and seconded by Commissioner Meger that the Park & Recreation Commission recommends that the City Council eliminate the entrance fee to Lake Ann Park and the gate attendant program. It is also recommended that a Park Ranger position be included in the 1996 budget to assist guests, enforce park rules, and to provide general visibility and security. Motion unanimously approved." Director's Comments: The Lake Ann Park parking permit program has been teetering on a fine wire the past few years. The question at hand-is it worth the bother to collect $2 per car from selected individuals as they enter Lake Ann Park? In my attached memorandum dated January 4, 1995, I discussed the impacts of eliminating the "gate" program. At the time my comments were based upon 1994 financial figures. An assessment of the 1995 figures reveals the following: Revenue 1995 Gross Gate Receipts* $16,012.55 (*Note: This includes $4,725 collected from softball team sponsors at a rate of $5 per player to p'ay for an amiual pass; and $6,000 collected from the sponsors and guests of company picnics to pay for their parking permits.) Expenses Seasonal staff (gate attendants*) $ 6,000.00 (*Includes the cost of limited staffing at the South Lotus Lake Gate House.) Full time staff (Administration, Park & Recreation & Finance) $ 3,200.00 Printing of Passes $ 1.275.00 Net Revenue $ 5,537.55 Approximate net revenue per day of operation Approximate net revenue per hour of operation $ $ 58.29 6.00 The minutes of the August 22, 1995 Park & Recreation Commission meeting are not available for your review. However, members of the commission will be present at Monday's meeting to discuss the issue. TH(9-7-9~ Lake Ann Entrance Fees Page 3 Managets Comments: I have always been a supporter of public parks being free. I am sure someone could find various memorandums written by myself advocating that position over the years. However, I would be derelict in my duties if I did not remind the city council of the advice from our city auditors, i.e. "User fees are the only means by which cities will be able to survive with continuing reductions in federal/state aids." Additionally, I am anticipating that this budget year is going to be more difficult than previous. Specifically, many of the special revenue funds used to pay a portion of our operating costs will have fewer dollars available. Accordingly, many of these costs/programs will either be cut or shifted to the general fund. Approval of keeping the existing parking permit program in place is recommended. DWA (9-7-95) Lake Ann Gate Income 1995 Date 5/30/95 6/5/95 6/12/95 6/13/95 6/15/95 6/16/95 6/19/95 6/20/95 6/21/95 6/23/95 6/26/95 6/27/95 6/30/95 7/3/95 7/5/95 7/10/95 7/11/95 7/13/95 7/14/95 7/17/95 7/18/95 7/19/95 7/20/95 7/21/95 7/24/95 7/25/95 7/26/95 7/27/95 7/31/95 8/1/95 8/2/95 8/3/95 8/7/95 8/8/95 8/9/95 8/10/95 8/11/95 8/14/95 8/15/95 8/16/95 8/17/95 8/18/95 8/21/95 8/22/95 8/23/95 8/24/95 8/28/95 8/30/95 8/31/95 9/1/95 9/5/95 Amount $519.00 $1,341.00 $328.00 $494.25 $1,547.96 $657.00 $2,341.40 $530.10 $561.10 $264.00 $834.00 $144.00 $96.05 $322.00 $654.00 $711.00 $195.00 $132.00 $411.05 $30.00 $68.00 $158.00 $6.00 $133.00 $375.00 $122.00 $102.00 $128.00 $885.90 $19.00 $50.00 $68.00 $283.00 $8.00 $16.00 $86.00 $55.00 $214.00 $100.00 $69.00 $6.00 $76.00 $283.00 $44.00 $54.00 $40.00 $91.00 $2.00 $22.00 $4.00 $331.74 Total $16,012.55 City Council Meeting - January 9, 1995 33. The applicant shall investigate modification of the landscaping plans to further intensify planting along the northern Timberwood property line to enhance the screening effect from existing Timberwood development, particularly those dwellings at 8001 Acorn Avenue and 2050 Oakwood Ridge. 34. Applicant shall adjust the alignment of the roadway at the southern end of the parcel to adjust the roadway alignment at the southern end of the parcel within the right-of-way to minimize the impact to the existing wetland in that area. 35. Staff will present to Council the different options and costs available for sewer extension to Timberwood at the time of final plat. All voted in favor and the motion earned unanimously. Councilman Senn moved, Councilman Be"luist s~conded to approve Conditional Use Pennit #94-4 to pennit the placement of fill and excavations and alterations within the flood plain subject to the following condition: 1. The applicant shall comply with the wetland fill/excavation and wetland mitigation conditions as stated in Corps of Engineers Section 404 permit. Mitigation work shall be implemented prior to or concurrent with wetland fill activity in future phases of the project. All mitigation work shall be limited to the Bluff Creek corridor and not in the wetland located at the sduthwest corner of the site. All voted in favor and the motion earned unanimousl)'. Councilman Senn moved, Councilman Be"luist seconded approval of Wetland Alteration Pennit #94-4 to pemlit filling and replacing wetlands on the site subject to the following conditions: 1. All buffer areas shall be surveyed and staked by the applicant in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. The City will install wetland buffer edge signs before construction begins and will charge the applicant $20.00 per sign. 2. Wetland buffer areas are required around the wetlands in accordance with the City Wetland Ordinance. The applicant shall revise the development plans to include a 50 foot buffer around Bluff Creek with a 100 foot building setback and a 10 to 30 foot buffer with a minimum average of 20 feet around the tributary to Bluff Creek with a 50 foot building setback. All voted in favor and the motion earned unanimousl)'. REVIEW OF LAKE ANN PARKING FEES, Todd Hoffman: Mr. Mayor, members of the Council. Thank you. Section 14-59, Parking Permits of your city code requires that Lake Ann Park fees be established by resolution each year. So following each summer season an annual report of gate attendant activities, gate receipt activity is prepared. That's presented to the Park and Recreation Commission in the fall and is then reviewed by the commission in order to make a determination or to at least initiate the discussion for the subsequent establishment of...fees, Those items took place at the November and December meetings by the Park and Recreation Commission during 1994. As you may be aware, the debate over the Lake Ann gate program is spirited and lively on nn annual basis simply because the number of publ1c comments which are received both by commissioners, Council members, staff members <lnd 39 " City Council Meeting - January 9, 1995 then obviously the first source of attack, the gate attendants or the employees that work the gate. So we receive a number of corrunents throughout the year. Specifically, the negative corrunents which we hear are, this is just another user fee. We've already paid taxes' for these services so why are you charging us again. And when we have out of town visitors, our parks are free. Speaking specifically to most municipal parks, why do we have to pay to get into yours? On the other hand, it is a positive, it has a positive impact on the city because it is a revenue source. It grosses about $25,000.00 a year, netting approximately $15,OOO.00:t on an annual basis. It creates some employment for the city of Chanhassen, specifically our youth. However, now with Target and Byerly's and Festival, we're not quite as worried about that as we were 6 or 7 years ago. We can't find' employees any longer. And then it does provide, and the one which is most intangible but most discussed is that it does provide a gate keeper type security to the entrance of Lake Ann Park. So the Park Corrunission, to cut right to the chase, finally took the dive and would like to make a recorrunendation that the fees be struck in their entirety but then to attempt to retain this gate keeper effect, they would like to see some sort of park patrol maintained within the city of Chanhassen. That does not have to be exclusively for Lake Ann Park but could be for the park system in it's entirety. That motion passed unanimously. At first glance this may seem severe. This action. But again as my prelude pointed out, they've been debating it year in and year out since I've been here. Really what it comes down to is the financial impacts. If the City Council endorses would be that you'd lose approximately 520,000.00 to 525,000.00 in revenue from the revenue stream for '95. We'd save about Sl,500.00 in printing costs for the entrance passes and then by their recorrunendation, keeping a gate attendants or this park patrol if you will, you wourd still need to retain some expenditure of approximately 57,200.00. So in other words, we operate to the good now about 515,000.00 and they want to put you in the red about $7,000.00 to 510,000.00. For your information I did attach an annual budget, which is part a th~ general fund budget for Lake Ann Park which totals 563,000.00 so you can see the $15,000.00 in revenue offsets that by a percentage, but nearly enough to pay for the entire operation of Lake Ann Park. So again the recommendation from the Park Corrunission is to strike the entrance fees in their entirety and retain the gate attendant program modifying it to a park patrol. You will note the manager's comments, which I accept and which I knew this issue would come up. In that the adopted 1995 budget includes those gate receipts so that revenue is included in our budget. Should the Council wish to change something, we would have to cut an item so the item should have really been included in the 1995 budget request but the process just on an annual basis does not work th:lt way so we either have to amend our budget or set ourselves up for the 1996 budget. Mayor Chmiel: Oby. thank you. Colleen. Councilwoman Dockendorf: I don't even go to my husband's softball games anymore. I get such an earful on this iSSl.!e. I would agree with the Park and Rec's recommendation. However, I know that we are used as regional park. There are a lot of non-residents and did the corrunission discuss just a non-resident fee? Todd Hoffman: No, they did not. Councilwoman Dockendorf: Is there anyway it could be worked into softball fees or any other league fees? To somehow offset our costs for the gate keeper. Todd Hoffman' Sure. At present we charge the softball players 52.00 per person on top of their regularly charge to go into the parking fee so we already charge the adult softball. By policy we do not charge youth or youth participants or youth spectators so anybody coming into the park involved in a youth swimming lesson or a youth bal1game or spectator, drives in free anyway. Councilwomnn Dockendorf: So it would just be the spectators of the adult softball? 40 City Council Meeting - January 9, 1995 Todd Hoffman: Correct. Councilwoman Dockendorf: That I hear from basically. Councilman Senn: Clarification. You said the softball players also have to have a parking permit though. So if they're a non-resident, there is a separation. Or there could be a separation, to answer her question. Todd Hoffman: Yeah, for another $2.00 they each receive, each roster player receives a sticker. there's a minority of our softball players who are non-residents. Only up to 4 players per team can be a non-resident so there's a minority there but yes, they are. Councilman Berquist: But they still get the sticker? Todd Hoffman: Correct. Excuse me, it is $5.00 because they pay for an annual permit. Councilwoman Dockendorf: I don't think we can do it for this year, for '95 but I would say let's, well. In the greater scheme of things this is probably the worth the lack of headache, not collecting them and not having them. The printing costs, etc. However I do like the idea of keeping someone at the front gate, just to direct traffic if nothing else and changing into a roving security element so I guess I'd support the recommendation but not for '95. - Mayor Chmiel' Okay, Michael. Councilman Mason: Well, I've paid the Lake Ann Park fee every year I've lived here and I figure it's just, I mean it's a nice park. It comes with the territory. I think Colleen's conunents about it being used as a regional park are well put. I know an awful lot of people from Eden Prairie that camp out there in the summer. Having said that, if Park and Rec doesn't want it, I certainly understand. I agree with the Manager's and Colleen's comments. I think if they don't want it for next year, I think they've got to find the money because, and I know that's kind of hardball and all that but I mean that is mine, yeah and we've got kind of tight budget the way it is so. I guess 1'11 defer to that judgment but I don't think it's that big a deal Paying a $5 00 fee to use that park as many times as I've go to it in a year. Mayor Chmiel: Okay, thanks. Mark. Councilman Senn: Well I guess my position hasn't I guess really changed from last year. I would really like to see us get rid of the charge for residents. I'd like to see us get rid of it this year because last year when it came up, we said we'll look at it and maybe get rid of it next year and it seems like every year we just put it off another year. I however would like a different approach than what the Park Commission is reconunending because I would like to see a charge for non-residents to maintain some of that revenue and some of that cost. guess I'm used to paying for that wherever else I go to use park systems. Directly or indirectly. A wonderful example of that is Excelsior. I mean you go up to the Commons Park, whether you know it or not you're paying for it because you're putting the quarters in the meter. Every resident of Excelsior has a sticker on their car which means they can park at those meters without putting quarters in those meters. Okay. And you can call that reverse stickering or whatever but it is reverse stickering, whatever but. CouncIlman Mason A phrase has been coined here folks. 41 '" City Council Meeting - January 9, 1995 Councilman Senn: It does work and I buy my pennits to Hennepin County parks every year and I buy my pennits to several other parks and I even, I suppose some of them that don't charge me, I make donations to anyway. I mean I think from a standpoint of our residents, they pay their taxes. Something that ought to be included in that. I don;t think we ought to be charging them to go in and use their park system. As far as non- residents go, I have absolutely no qualms about charging them to use it and I could care less even if you raise the fee a little bit higher to help offset some of those costs and Todd, I somehow think you could probably be ingenious enough to find a way to take care of that revenue this year. And he's shaking his head yes. And we could get this thing implemented and get on with it. I think it's a silly issue to come up every year. I think the only way we're going to get rid of the issue is to do what we should do and that is get rid of the fee. Mayor Chmiel: Okay, Steve. Councilman Berquist: Well I wasn't aware that it's been such a thorn in everyone's side as it appears to have been. My thought is that $15,000.00 is $15,000.00. Where else can you make $15,000.00 and $25,000.00 worth of revenue? How much time is actually spent policing this thing? That's question one. Question two, how much money is made off of concessions? I mean there's certain things that are done at that park to generate income: I've never, I'm not privy to all these complaints that you folks apparently have been. I'm sure because of the positions that you've been in for much,_ much longer than I have. Councilman Mason: I quite honestly have never heard a complaint. Councilwoman Dockendorf: Oh really? Councilman Senn: You haven't? Mayor Chmiel: In my 6 years I've not heard one complaint about the cost of parking. Councilman Berquist: I mean if you look at Lake Ann Park and you compare that to some of the other city parks that are here and in other cities, Lake Ann Park is, I mean there's no comparison. It's silly to even say let's compare it because it's far and away a superior facility. I understand your concern Todd. You say it would make your job that much easier. I believe it. But that's not our problem. One thing that I've got a question about. How many times has that gate keeper perceive a threat or get an implied threat and is there any of that that comes up as this security aspect of it? Todd Hoffman: There certainly is. In fact when I was first employed, that person was responsible for taking the money and then transporting it to City Hall. That has since been discontinued. The deputies now pick it up from that person. It is a very difficult position. We work with those people on their public relation skills when people enter the park and they're confronted to pay an entry fee to get into the park because obviously there are a number of folks who would just as soon drive right in. A comment on which way you go, I would say please don't separate the thing and just charge non-residents and not charge residents simply based on, we don't get rid of any of the administrative issues and we drop our revenues, at least based on the last 5 years, season non- residents made up $3,700.00 last year. Daily passes were $10,000.00. If you split that in half and give non- residents $5,000.00, you've got about $9,000.00 in non-resident fees coming in. Your softball teams were $5,100.00 so that's a pretty big chunk that is tacked on as a surcharge on your softball teams. So if we only charge non-residents, we will recoup all our costs but not much more than that. To answer your question, the first couple of years of concessions we averaged $5,000.00 to $7,000.00 in revenue at the concession and that does not designa tc profits. I can't quote you on the profits. 42 City Council Meeting - January 9, 1995 Councilman Berquist: And who mans the concessions? An employee? Todd Hoffman: Concession employees, yes. Councilman Berquist: Much the same as these people that run the gate? Todd Hoffman: Correct. Councilman Berquist: And if the gate keeper system is abandoned, you're looking at paying $5.50-$5.25 an hour for a gate keeper. What are your costs per hour? How much is that going to go up if you have a traveling, a roving security person? ." Todd Hoffman: At least $2.00 an hour. $8.00 an hour. You're going to be looking for a different caliber person so a gate attendant is going to be an enforcer of some type and that's going to be a different caliber person. Mayor Chmiel: Yeah but we have our, some of the security within the park in itself. We have our CSO's going through there. They're driving through on a constant basis. And Sheriff Deputies are driving through there as well as well as our own. Councilman Senn: In fact they go through a great deal because they usually have to clean up the accidents out at the entry first. Mayor Chmiel: Yeah, that's the next thing we've got to take care of. Todd Hoffman: That's what the gate attendants do, they dial 911 a lot. Mayor Chmiel: Do you have anything else? Councilman Berquist: No, I don't... Mayor Chmiel: I guess you know, parks really are an amenity within the city and as beautiful as Lake Ann Park basically is, and maintained, even with the upkeep of the fields and everything else that we have, there are some additional costs incurred with that, just as it is with any park. But that one I think is just a little bit more. I think with the Park and Rec Commission coming back and asking to drop these fees probably should have been brought to us much earlier in 1994 for the budgeting purposes. I'm of the same opinion that Colleen is. Not for this year. I don't see that, and maybe I don't even see it for next year. But to be able to pick up additional dollars as such is one less way for us putting things into our budget and increasing our budget and raising taxes to a certain point as well. And I just feel that the way we have it, I think we should just keep it as is and continue in that particular vein. I guess I would be, and Don and I did have discussions on this as well, regarding what we should do with it and I think he expressed my position rather well here as well. So I would ask for a motion. In fact I'd evcn make the motion to kecp and rctain our daily park passes and seasonal pass for residcnts as well as seasonal passes for non-residents at the cxisting fees that we have and is there a second? Councilm:m Mnson Second. M3) or Chnllcl Moved and seconded. Any other discussion? 43 " City Council Meeting - January 9, 1995 Mayor Chmiel movetl, Councilman Mason secontletl to keep the Parking Fees for 1995 at the same rate as the 1994 fees: 52.00, Dail)' Park Pass; 55.00, Seasonal Pass for Resitlents; and SI0.00, Seasonal Pass for Non- Resitlents. All ,'otetl i~ favor, e:tcept Councilman Senn and Councilwoman Dockendorf who opposetl, anll the motion earned with a vote of 3 to 2. Mayor Chmiel: Would you like to clarify as to why, other than what you've probably already had said. Councilwoman Dockendorf: Well you know in listening to Mark I think, I liked his solution. Just charging non-residents because the complaints you get are from residents who think they're being double taxed. Mayor Chmiel: $5.00. Councilwoman Dockendorf: Plus the daily. I mean if you're not expecting it and you drive up and you just want to use the lake and you're hit for $2.00, you won't go back because that's a negative experience. However, for non-residents, you know as I said, it's viewed as a regional park system and I wouldn't have a problem charging non-residents. Mayor Chmiel: Okay, Mark. Councilman Senn: Maybe it's the area I live in but the f~vorite comment I get from that area is, and I get it every year because we raise their taxes every year but, you know they raise my taxes but they still charge me to get into my park and I tell you, talk about a negative PR for this city, I think that's right up there as the number one and I spoke strongly about this last year. I'm going to speak strongly about it every year until we do something about it. If not, I see no problem... Mayor Chmiel: Well as I said, let them come in a little sooner and present it. Councilman Senn: Well I'm sorry. I'm going to take issue with that because I brought this up last year. We were going to study it. We were going to look at it and it was going to come back to us. And this year it was supposed to be gotten rid of and there's absolutely nothing that's happened except I talked with Todd and Todd tells me that we can pull this off and it's not going to hurt the budget. Mayor Chmiel. Did you follow through with it? Councilman Senn: Yeah. Mayor Chmiel: To make sure that it came to us in time for the budget... Councilman Senn: Brought it up again at budget time. That was in September-October. I mean I don't know what more follow-up I can do other than keep bringing it up, Okay. Mayor Chmiel: Okay, Mike. Councilman Mason: You know what, I can ride my bike over there on the trails and I don't have to pay .:tn) thing to get into the park. Councilm;1n Senn \Veil you're lucky) ou ha\'c trails too. 44 ~/l--2~~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN ~ - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM Don Ashworth, City Manager 'tllf Todd Hoffman. Park and Recreation Director "j/y TO: FROM: DATE: January 4, 1995 SUBJ: Review Lake Ann Park Parking Fees Section 14-59. Parking Permits of Chapter 14, ?irks and Recreation, of the Chanhassen City Code requires that Lake Ann Park parking fee {be '~s,tablished by resolution each year. This annual review process has resulted in some spirited discussions at the Park and Recreation Commission debating the pros and cons of the fee program. In the interest of brevity, the major points of discussion on an annual basis in each category are: PRO CON Revenue source Another user fee Creates jobs "We have already paid taxes for these services. " "Gate keeper" secu:ity "Our parks are free, why do we have to pay to get into yours." /' "~" In addition, by policy, the parking fees are not uniformly charged across the board, i.e. participants/spectators of youth sporting activities are allowed to enter the park free of charge, whereas participants in adult sporting activiti~~ ~~ charged. ~-"~J:;! .~~ An annual report of gate activity and parking permit revenues is prepared each fall. This report was presented to the Park and Recreation Commission this past November. At their December 15 meeting, the commission took up the issue of establishing a recommendation for the 1995 fee schedule (see attached report from Jerry Ruegemer dated December 7, 1994). For your information, I have also attached the 1993, 1992 and 1991 reports. Upon conclusion , . Don Ashworth January 4, 1995 Page 2 of their discussion on the 15th, Chairperson Andrew moved and Commissioner Manders seconded to strike the entrance fees in their entirety and retain the gate attendant program modifying it into a park patrol. The motion passed unanimously. At fIrst glance, this action may seem severe, however, the debate over being "hit up" to enter Lake Ann Park has been raging from some time. The commission does not take their recommendation lightly and recognizes the loss in revenue this change in policy would bring. Likewise, they recognize that the retention of a gate attendant/park patrol program will consume similar resources while cutting all revenues. However, they believe the presence of a "gate keeper" at Lake Ann Park greatly reduces the likelihood of vandalism at the park. The commission's bottom line is they believe the public deserves the opportunity to utilize the services offered at Lake Ann Community Park without being charged an entrance fee. Entrance fees are common in county, state and national park systems but are used less frequently on the local level. The financial impacts of endorsing the commission's recommendations are: 1. The loss of approximately $20,000 to $25,000 in revenue. 2. A savings of approximately $1,500 in printing costs (entrance passes). - 3. The retention of approximately ~7 ,200 in personnel costs. In other words, under current policy, the program operates approximately $16,000 to the good, whereas, under the new recommendation the gate program would operate $7,000 to $10,000 in the red. The benefit would come in an unmeasurable amount of good public relations. For your information, a copy of the Lake Ann Park Operations Budget totaling $63,250 for 1995 is attached. This function includes the gate attendant program, concession and equipment rental employees, shelter cleaning and the provision of lifeguards and swimming lessons. General maintenance of the park is not included in this function. Revenues from food and beverage concessions, equipment rental, swimming lessons, and the entrance fees offset a percentage of the expenditures required to provide these services. All revenue, however, is deposited in the city's general fund. RECOMMENDATION The Park and Recreation Commission recommends the City Council strike the entrance fees in their entirety and retain the gate attendant program modifying it into a park patrol. Manager's Comments (1-4-95): The adopted 1995 budget includes gate receipts. Should the council wish to change, something would have to be cut This item should really have been included in the 1995 budget request process and considered with other budget items. DWA Park and Rec Commission Meeting - December 13. 1994 Ruegemer: We had talked about that when those were approved for the businesses. I think triple we're pricing ourselves right out of the market. That would be an option for the businesses for the...60. That's high for that anyways so. Hoffman: At $345.00 they wouldn't be waiting in line. Do the schools come in and ask for a 25% discount right away? Ruegemer: The schools weren't. no. Hoffman: So you don't count them as a non-profit? Ruegemer: No. Non-profit is like the... Andrews: They're not filed as non profit. Ruegemer: Schools? No. Andrews: No. Hoffman: Boy I consider them non-profit. Andrews: I'll move to approve the reservation fee schedule as outlined by Jerry. Huffman: Second. Andrews moved, Huffman seconded that the Pruk and Recreation Commission approve the establishment of the 1995 Group Picnic ReSelyation Fees as presented by staff. All voted in favor and the motion callied unanimously. C. ESTABLISH 1995 GATE ATI'ENDANT PROGRAM AND LAKE ANN ENTRANCE FEES. Ruegemer: We briefly discussed on this issue at our November 15th meeting and I know everybody has an opinion...program again. I know there's a lot of. everybody has been weighing the pros and cons since our November 15th meeting so this should be a topic of discussion that we can breeze through tonight. We've had a lot of discussions last year just about security of the building if we do disband that program and... Those type of issues we can discuss tonight if you choose to do so. The gate attendant program report was included from the last meeting just for your information to review if you have any questions on that. And then also if, after the discussions on the Lake Ann and South Lotus Lake gate programs. 26 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - December 13, 1994 If the Park and Rec Commission so chooses to adopt a 1995 Lake Ann entrance fee, it is staffs recommendation to keep the following prices. The daily park pass of $2.00. Seasonal pass for residents at $5.00 and seasonal pass for non-residents at $10.00. Andrews: Well I've come full circle on this I think finally after years. I was one that wanted to charge these fees and I would like to see the city provide every Chanhassen residence with a season pass for Lake Ann. I don't think, I no longer think we should be charging our own citizens fees for the park. That's an opinion but it's too good of a park to be denying anybody that's a Chanhassen resident a chance to go to. Meger: I would agree. I guess I would feel a lot more comfortable waiving the fees if we knew that we had a referendum that passed that was going to give us some additional... Manders: I guess I agree with that and to carry the question or the comment one step further. That gray line of enforcing who's not a resident. I mean if you come in with somebody that you know or you're, it's that whole maze of, and I know it's the same thing as it is today. Trying to define who's a resident and who isn't. . Andrews: I guess my concept is that in one of the regular mailings that would go out to all households in the city, that they would get a pass. A sticker for a car and then it would be a simple process. When you come to the gate, if you don't have a sticker, you either can buy a daily or a season. Lash: Well why bother having one? Andrews: For non-residents. Lash: I think that, I don't know. Do we ever have a breakdown of the money that comes in resident. Huffman: Right here. Revenues collected at Lake Ann. Lash: I mean it's not even worth it to have somebody stand around...for the number of non- residents that... Manders: That's kind of what I was getting at. Lash: I mean we pay more passes than we would collect. Hoffman: S372.00. 27 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - December 13. 1994 Huffman: The only place it does make sense to me is at the Lotus Lake where you have a problem with boats. People actually needing some direction and guidance. I know where the ballfields are. If I'm going to the beach. I walk past people who can help me. I'm going to defer to smarter heads here but somebody sitting at that gate. I know how to drive to the parking area. If I need help I get help from people who are in areas. I need help. Lash: I think the past the discussion has been not so much money that we make or. it had more to do with. Larry was a strong supporter and I know he's gone but it has to do with that there's someone there that people feel is making them a little more accountable for their actions and their behavior within the park. That there are rules and that there's someone there who can, whether they help enforce the rules or not. It's just the mindset that there's someone at the gate. That the money thing is. what do we end up clearing on the whole deal? $11,000.00 is fairly insignificant in the overall city budget. I feel for Lotus Lake. I think because that's so close to neighborhoods and with boats going in and out all day and milfoil and all that. I guess the weekend. I think we adjusted the hours this year didn't we? Just evenings and then all day on the weekends. That seemed to make sense to me. I guess I'm going to be open for once on the attendant at Lake Ann. If we want to just can the whole idea for a year and try to see what happens, let's just do that and see what happens. If we don't want to, if we feel that the gate attendant sends a message to people who are coming in, then we have to, we either need to just pay someone to be a gate attendant and forget the fee, or hire someone as more of a park service type person. Hoffman: Park police. Lash: Yeah, park ranger. Someone who kind of distributes rules and tries to enforce rules. That kind of a thing maybe we can do. Manders: I guess one comment I'd like to make is kind of pulling a reverse here but. Andrews: Somebody's got to do it. Manders: I'll volunteer to do that. Just recently I just read in the paper about Minneapolis' plight and what their plan is to charge attendance at six of their parks. Now I don't know what that means here necessarily but it's just an observation. Lash: One of the down things that I picked up over the last year or so since the shelter's been open is the irritation by people coming in who are paying to reserve the shelter and then getting milked for another $2.00 to get in and that's an irritation and I was thinking if that's the biggest problem, one solution would be automatically if there's a reservation for the Smith family, you pull up to the gate. You don't have a pass. You say I'm with the Smith family. 28 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - December 13, 1994 The guy at the gate has got the list of who's got the reservation. You get in without having to buy a permit. I don't know that that's the only problem we have. There's a public perception problem there and I think in a year also where we're going to be asking for a referendum, it's hard to say to people that you're going to be paying taxes for all these improvements and all these parks but you're also going to have to pay to get into it. Andrews: Personally I'd like to see the attendant stay and I would see us quit the fees. One advantage would be, that the attendants don't have to man the gates, is they can walk the park. At Lake Ann in particular that could be valuable. Give somebody a. Manders: Just be a more visible member. Andrews: A walkie talkie or a cell phone and say, your job is to watch over this piece of property. You know walk up to the ballfields. Walk over to the park pavilions. Make sure people are where they're supposed to be and. Lash: And that can be the method to motivate gate attendants. Andrews: Yeah, it's better use of their time. Lash: ...much more motivation and if we have...brochure up of the different facilities at Lake Ann and if the person's carrying around a little bundle of those, he can come up and say, where are the... But then what we're faced with then is where are we going to be coming up with the $7,000.00 to the park attendants. Huffman: The golf course. Andrews: We'd have to make a budget amendment in order to come up with that to plan money because that wasn't part of our original budget proposal. Hoffman: No, you would not. It's under Lake Ann. Lake Ann Park. Lash: I still have a concern with Lotus. Andrews: I want an attendant there too. Lash: Right. I want an attendant at Lotus. There's no parking fee over there is there? Hoffman: No there is not. 29 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - December 13, 1994 Lash: I think we need to finance an attendant there. Andrews: We need control and I think the weekends, what we did there was fine. That solved the problem. To waste the money during the day. Hoffman: The employees are all budgeted in the Lake Ann operations and the revenue is not shown to offset that. So the money is available to hire the employees, at least at a gate attendant status. If we're, you know we're not going to have a full force park ranger but we're going to have a person there of a different caliber than a gate attendant and who would most likely work with our public safety department to go ahead and staff these locations more than. Andrews: Right. I don't think you can have a 16 year old. Hoffman: Right, or the roving park patrol. There would be a minor loss in revenues which is very easy to recoup as far as the city's revenue. Lash: Considering this is a yearly revenue and we've been slowly over the years progressing to this spot, maybe we need to just go -with it one year and face our fears. Andrews: Once you do it, it's permanent. Hoffman: Once you do it, yeah. You're not going to flip flop this thing around. Huffman: An idea, help me walk through this. Scouts, Explorers. There are law enforcement posts. There are medical posts. There are other posts. Part of their activities, training, what they prepare to do, it's young boys and girls in career type settings and situations. Can we find out if there are any out in this area? Can we tie into those kind of, I mean they are trained in medical, you know minor medical emergencies. They are trained in helping people. I mean that is their orientation and I don't know, you know you don't want a quasi military running around. We have to identify that we have to find them. Roeser: Which group? Huffman: Explorers. Through scouting. But it's a boys and girls senior high school, post high school career oriented organization and they form in clusters of whatever the current broadcasting accounting whatever. Maybe we could identify, tie in and that's what they do in their summer and they come prepared in health and I don't know. We'd have to walk through that a lot deeper but that's a way of maybe finding some people who have a little more training than maybe what you would have...A thought. 30 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - December 13, 1994 Lash: My fear with public safety is that we're going to have to be paying through the nose to have a public safety officer... Andrews: $10.00-$12.00 an hour. Hoffman: Yeah, I don't know that we'd necessarily go with a full fledged community service officer. Ruegemer: A good area might be to look for students in training that are going to law enforcement school. This might be an opportunity for them to gain some of that valuable expenence. Andrews: Maybe they'll hire them for less than what we're paying the gate attendant. Huffman: Yeah, I don't want to put, like I say, a quasi military person out there either walking around in a little uniform and stuff. Well I'm saying, an 18 year old)n a uniform is going to give me all the confident of what? I'd feel more comfortable. Andrews: All he needs is a walkie talkie to the city here. That's all he's got to have. We need to make a motion on this. Hoffman: You bet. This will go right up to Council. Andrews: Well I'm going to do this because this is a complete reversal for me. I can't believe it but I move that we strike the Lake Ann fees entirely and that we do retain gate attendants, or park attendants I'll call them, at Lake Ann and Lotus Lake as, either following the same hours that we did last year. Lash: No. South Lotus we adj usted. Andrews: For the amended hours at South Lotus. Ruegemer: I can put those. Huffman: For out of city fees? Andrews: I just waived the whole thing. It isn't worth monkeying with it. It was $350.00 and it isn't worth. Lash: Actually that should say S3,OOO.00. 31 Park and Rec Commission Meeting - December 13, 1994 Andrews: $3,000.00? Still. Lash: It's not worth trying to print up passes. If you want to have a daily fee or something but still I think, unless you're going to have someone sitting there all the time, there's no point in having it. Manders: I second that motion. Andrews: Okay. Any more discussion? Andrews moved, Mandel'S seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend to waive entrance fees at Lake Ann PaJk and to retain paIk attendants at both Lake Ann PaIk and South Lotus L'lke PalK. All voted in favor and the motion callied unanimously. Lash: Did you ever think we'd live to see the day Todd? Hoffman: I haven't seen the day yet. Andrews: You're looking at the guy who was the most motivated collect the fee: Nail them. Make them pay to use. Huffman: No kidding. And you made this amendment? Andrews: Yes I did. Huffman: Wow! Roeser: How long ago was that? Andrews: The last 4 or 5 years. Hoffman: We're going to have to draw straws for that first meeting, first Council meeting in January. Lash: Do you think there will be that much? Hoffman: Sure. Huffman' Why? 32 C ITV OF CHANHASSEN if C!-. 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM DATE: Todd Hoffman, Parks and Recreation Director (j Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Supervisor /'/,/ ~) December 7. 1994 \ ~ TO: FROM: SUBJ: Establish 1995 Gate Attendant Program and Lake Ann Entrance Fees The gate attendant program was discussed briefly at the November 15 Park and Recreation Commission meeting when the annual gate attendant report was presented. The Park and Recreation Commission debates the effectiveness of the gate attendant program annually, and it is again time to review the program. " Similar comments from previous years will be discussed this year and the Park and Recreation Commission will weigh the pros and cons. I will include the gate attendant report from our last meeting for you and the Park and Recreation Commission. If the Park and Recreation Commission is going to adopt 1995 Lake Ann entrance fees, staff recommends the following fees be approved. Daily Park Pass Seasonal Pass for Residents Seasonal Pass for Non-Residents $2.00 $5.00 $10.00 1'19/ if J J/, j1/ t1tpl/! r;f,,()51 , Mr. Todd Hoffman November 10, 1994 Page 2 Illustrated below is the watercraft totals, gate attendant hours/wages, and revenues collected at Lake Ann Park from parking fees. 1994 Watercraft Totals Speed boats 677 Fishing boats 639 Personal watercraft 57 Canoes 7 Pontoon 5 Kayak 1 Sailboat 1 Total 1993 Total 1,387 1,361 Revenue Collected from Lake A.nn Parking Fees Daily Passes - 5098 x $2 ;:: $10,196 Seasonal (Resident) 1061 x $5 = 5,305 Seasonal (Non-resident) 372 x $10 3,720 Subtotal 6531 passes = $19,221 Softball Registration 68 teams x $75 5,100 1994 Grand Totals $24,321 Printing expense-Lake Ann passes $1,284.35 1993 Passes $14,947 1993 Softball Reg. 67 teams x $75 5,025 1993 Grand Totals $19,972 1994 Gate Attendant Total Hours and Wages Lucy Atkins Pat Brown Angela Dorfner Mark Ozeck Stacey Pauling Stefania Stokke 195.75 hrs x 5.25 = 249.00 hrs x 5.25= 247.50 hrs x 5.25= 255.75 hrs x 5.50= 299.75 hrs x 5.50= 81.50 hrs x 5.25= $1,027.69 1,307.26 1,299.38 1,406.63 1,648.88 427.88 1329.25 hrs worked $7,117.49