4. Tobacco Licensing, Consider Transferring Authority to Carver County C ITV OF CHANHASSEN Lf - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900. FAX (612) 937-5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Don Ashworth, City Manager DATE: December 2, 1997 SUBJ: Tobacco Licensing, Consider Transferring Authority to Carver County This past year, the Legislature adopted strict tobacco sales legislation to conform to FDA standards. I've asked the city attorney's office to compare the requirements in state law to our existing ordinance. Similarly, I have discussed the new requirements with the county attorney's office who will be responsible for violators on a county-wide basis. Both Mr. Fahey and I believe that having the county adopt an ordinance (copy attached) incorporating the requirements included in state statute would be more easily enforced than having every city adopt a separate ordinance that may have special provisions that are unique to individual cities. Additionally, the new law establishes a system of administrative penalties, hearing processes, and compliance checks-neither of which are in our city ordinance. The requirement "to create an alternative penalty system to petty misdemeanor prosecution to minors..." is also a provision which appears to be more easily administered on a county-wide basis. My first reading of requirements regarding tobacco vending machines led me to believe that we may have a giant loop-hole that needs to be closed. After further discussion with Roger's office, he assures that the only place that a vending machine would be allowed would be in an establishment that never allows an individual under 18 to be on the premises, i.e. an adult book store. Roger also assures me that establishments that are typically thought of as adult establishments (such as a bar) would not qualify for the statelFDA exemption. Approval of a resolution transferring the authority to license tobacco products within the City of Chanhassen to Carver County is recommended. g:\mgr\tobacco.doc , i CAMPBELL KNUTSON C r ~- ,~ [:]7 Professional Association Attorneys at Law Thl1mas J Camrhdl Roger N Knutson Thomas M. Scutt James R. Walstl1n Elliott B. Knetsch Suesan Lea Pace cr, (612) 452~5000 Fax (612) 452~5550 J<,el J Jamnik Andrea McDllwell Poehler Matthew K. Brnkl* John F Kelly Matthew J. FoB Marguerite M. IvlcCarrnn Ge()rge T. Stephenslln October 1, 1997 Mr. Don Ashworth City Manager City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Don: .:\l.~(! li~I..'71~d III \\'i~tlll\.'iil! ( If (:Ul!I1"d. Gary G Fuchs You asked for advice regarding the new state tobacco law and County Attorney Michael Fahey's letter dated September 10th regarding the possible alternative of a county-wide licensing system. The new state law will require amendments to the City's licensing ordinance. The existing features of the City's ordinance and the new law are contrasted below: City Ordinance 1. Requires cigarette license, but not for smokeless tobacco. 2. Fee imposed, set by resolution of council. 3. Does not provide for monetary pena~ties, only suspension, does provi~e for administrative hearings. 4. Does not require compliance check nor specify how enforcement would occur. New Law Requires license to sell any tobacco product. Fee must cover full cost of licensing and enforcing requirements . Requires establishing a system of administrative penalties and hearing processes. At least one unannounced compliance check is required per year; ordinance should specify requirement and procedures. Suite) 17 · Eagandale Otfice Center · 1 380 Cl1r~~or<lte Center Cur\"\.: · Eagan, ,\1N :; j 121 Mr. Don Ashworth October 1, 1997 Page 2 5. City Ordinance New Law Bans vending machines and other automated dispensing devices. Bans machines unless minors are "at all times" prohibited from entering the establishment. 6. Bans self-service merchandising of tobacco products, except in establishments closed to unaccompanied minors. Same, drafted to complement FDA regulations, which pre-empt state and local regulations. 7. Prohibits under age 18 retail clerks. No similar provision. 8. Makes it illegal to sell to persons under 18. Same. 9. License suspension for first offense. Fines first, then suspension. Requires creation of an alternative penalty system to petty misdemeanor prosecution of minors who buy or possess tobacco products. After reviewing the City ordinances, the new state law, and the FDA regulations, the only provisions of the City Code that are not met or exceeded by state or federal law are the complete ban on vending machines, the progressive license suspension provisions, and the restriction on licensees allowing clerks under age 18 to sell cigarettes. The Council may want to evaluate whether these minor differences warrant continued local licensure. The proposed county ordinance may be an acceptable alternative to city regulation. If the City decides to retain licensing authority, several actions will be required. These include: 55921 Mr. Don Ashworth October 1, 1997 Page 3 1) The City will have to consult with interested educators, parents, children and court officials to fashion an alternative penalty system for minors who violate the law. 2) The alternative system will then have to be incorporated into an ordinance revision which would also extend the licensing requirement to all tobacco products, provide that the fee for licenses fully recovers all City costs (the fee can still be set by resolution), modify the City's existing hearing system, and make the other technical amendments required by the new law. The ordinance amendments would be adopted under the new notice and hearing requirements imposed by the state. With the exception of establishing the alternative minor penalty system, these charges would not consume an inordinate amount of City staff or attorney time. Ongoing administrative costs are more difficult to estimate, given the annual compliance check requirement. Please contact me if you need additional information. I will wait for your direction regarding the preparation of any ordinance revisions. Very truly yours, CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association ~~7- / ' , By: ~~// /" -' ~.gel--J. J amnik JJJ:cjh 55921 DEC-02-87 13,44 FROM, CARVER COUNTY ATTY 10, 812 381 1413 County Attorney Michael A Fahey PAGE 2 c . I ~ CARVER COUNTY Office of Count)' Attornc.y Government Center, Justice CerMr 600 Enst Fourth Street Ch.\Skll, Minnc:.oln 55318-2188 (612) 361-1400 (612) 361.1413 Fnx Chid' Deputy COLlnly ^tto:n~:, Kari LS, t'vIyrolJ Crimin~l Di\'i'~i'J1:' CI',',I !) '" '" Peier Iv), Head t:a~, J < 7, 1., I 'I.!, I; "1 Tar:! E Kcr;;hr S':.!!'I i :-" ,,: Gina ?>.t Brandl EJ:l!\ ',1 /'1' I " ;,;.1,' l\lu\ J, John"on Victim Witness CoordiflJlnr; Christopher WeldO;l J lIH'1111 ' J i.' } "01' 1;1 h~~1 I 1',;\,' (':.11', Ii ';I! To Retnil tobacco merchants from Mike Fahcy. Car\'cr County AlIome) \l,\~r Re Ncw State Tohacco Law ;\1)(1 I'roposed Coullt)' Ordinance Patc, No\'ember 4,1997 As lIl:lI1Y of YOll already kno", thc MilUlesola Icgislalme during the 1997 session p:I~s~d Cl ~1,1l<: 1,'.1 desif,nee! to reduce illcglll youth Rccess to lObacco products, The I,\w requircs Iicen5illg (If ,IIi 1',1.1:1.:1" \',1\" sd \ tob;1CC:O or tobacco prolluCls, Counties lllUst implement a hcensing i>)'SICIll for ret,ld"I~, 11 ' :111 " I' to\\'llships do 1\01 hnvi: or adopt all ordinance th,lt complies WiUl at least the minimulll s!:1I1c1,lld', ~".,; I... tli. stale);1\\ Carvcr County. throngh the COllnty board OiCQlllll1issioncl's, plans to adopt su:li, Ill" :I.:,::k' B:- 1c\\\ the COllllty must provide noticc of their mtent to act on the ordmance TIns mCl:jQ IS Ii 1.;1 1:'.[ ..\: I i I dllm\ ) Ollr comlllents, fillgg~~tions llnd concerns \0 b; heard by the COllllt)' boad kft)r~ tl\;; Iii :11I1.i.l: I, enacted, ) ou rue Invited to a mceling of tlle county board. The meeting will be held 01\ DCl.:l'Illh, I x, I 'J'I-; n17:3U p.m. at the Chnllhasscn Recreation Ccnter located llt 2310 Coultcr 80111('\:\1'11111 ( Il.lllh.I""1I (~7~.()().~ ~). The l'CC ccntcr is <lUnched tll Bluff Creel, clcmentH\')' school. Attach('t] i, :l III ,Iji 1',1 r di rcl;\ioIlS. Fncl'iSCcI you mil find a cOl1Y ur the proposed ordllHUlcc, Please re\ic\\ tIus priol lllllle ll\c<'ll I ',('I D::ccmkl' H Spec.ific ;Hens of tll::: Ulthll:llll,;l: that will bc of interest to )'ou, lh~ rcta:le; d:"::\' ! ,1 i, ;'" 11\ the e\'cnt there is an illegal sn1e of tobacco or tob:lcc:O proclllcl~ to:1 p-:r ,1':\ \ I I I 1i', .".... I : 18 by cith~r the hccllsec (thi.: holder orth~ lnhtlrro l1(cll~IJ. l!SIl:\ill tk r~t:I::crl : ; ,I;, (.'Illplo)ee ofllle llcel\~,ee, 111":11.: will be an ac(milllStrati\,C' filll.: The ne;\ SLOT, 1,,\\ j' .:1.:,:. : ll\lniJlllllll ildministrat!\'c fin.; of $75 for the first \iolalioll or the orclil:,u' .,:, :,1"'. [, . .,,'! oITcll:,c within a t\'.cnly.four month period and $250 for a third or ~1;h'2'11l~11; .,':. i;". I, I';, ,,', t\\'Cllt)'.iollr lliUlIllt jJl.:limJ III ackl1tion, after the third orrcnsc th:::' 11(<:Jls-: ~!::11I1.. 1"1:'" ,: for not less 111<111 se\'en d:l)s Thc~c lll'C minimum amounts. The (nuJ11~ 1,u.11'(1 r/lllll! illcrcil~~ the fillC~ if it deems appl'oIH'intt. " ^ t [ens! 011(1.: a :- cal thl.: COllllty tlu'ougll the shen n- s clcpartment \\ ill cc:,',~,I,,1 L' 111 Ii'! i , I:.: chccks b) sendHlg into ~our Idail e;;liIblisluHcHt n11110r5 o\er 15 \\lIo \\Il, ;1il"II;,1 \'11';:I.il.' tobilCCO These \\ ill be Ill\anl\Olll\Ccd ViSIts, '; 'I'll..: C~ll\l1t) ordin,wee IS contcmpl,ltlIlg the c~lI\\plctc b:lll on sclf.scnL: crwb ", ,I, \',':,,.1 IliI' Illl:~Hb i~ lltm YOllr cw:rClmcrs would Hot 11<1\ l,: ,KI.:l:;" (,.! tobacco, !nb:12';C : :',-dll. t.. \,; :..; ',J .'." rcl,\t(:J cle\"lL\~:; \\ ithuut ha\.ing tn request the Item hOIl:) uur ":Hlf1I,i:- ~'-' ~:::..1 fin ! p' 1 ,: - !: C:--clt,lllge nf the pmducl to t;lke pL\Ci:, "111;: orC!11l;U1Ce is :l1~,n gOll\.(! W r:, j' ': ': tL.. I: ,'. I ".,: i, l:1\Ili.:r be storcr! hc>hilll\ f! l'Ullllkror otil.:r :u'C:ll\ot rreel~ ,lCcl:~~ib:~ (0 I!.: ~::).~",' ,II,' , A.~rtrn:dU\:..' .L:/:'r)1::'F.qIL:! nrro''-!Iu:I:--1 cn:r1,\\ ",' frinr~lll {'n JUt,/,. !'t",,;(-Cc./;s;o:u..'r 1~\\.'\I.."I('d rt~p..,: ~.~ DEC-02-87 13,44 FROM, CARVER COUNTY ATTY 10, 8 1 2 38 1 14 1 3 PAGE 3 Page Iwo 4. Vending machincs. You will nOlc On page 7 that the coullty bonrd \\.ill be 'onsi(krini~ 1\'., diffcrcilt options. Option # I includes the total ball on the salL: of lob:lcco. t..1bacco prudu..l'; I'J tobacco relatcd (b'ice:) b) the means of H \'ending Illachinc. OptIOn H2 woule! ,liso prOhl!! I vcnding machine sales except in tho~c establishments where minor~, (In.: ,II :i1J timcs prohlhit, ..: from cntering the cstablislllllcnt (contrary to populM belicf, minors ate nul prohjbit~d U) 1.1\. from entering 1Jquor e~tilblishmenls). S. Qlle proposal that l.~ not present illlhc or(Unancc ,,'hich 1 will be diSCUSSIng with Ihe COUIIi\ board is a prohibition of persons undcr 1 & selling tobacco prodUCE. Wlla1 this IlIC;ln.', j~ rh ,I II YO\1 havc all Clllplo)'ee who is under 1~. this person could not sclllllbacco products (. License fees. Undcr the law, thc counl)' call set license fees in rul amount 10 covel' the administrative expenses ilssoclated with the ordllHlnce. which "QuId induJ.: the cost of Ii:.: complinncc checks. Again, the exact 1l1ll0lUlt of tho license fee will h:1\'c to b~ !;cl b) the COUlIt} board. (';lr\'er Coullty hopes to have lhis ordlllance in effect by Jilllll<U)' of 199~, Il is cOlltCltlplalCcl th:ll you \\ \ d I be isslled your rctail tobacco liccnse at that time. It would be good for the remainder of 1995, Renew.: 1 \\ollld b~ on nil nnnual ba!;i'i. Till.' COUlll) 4llldltor's ofIict: would hnutile the licensing This ordinance is njoinl cffon of the Office of the Cnf\'cr COUllt} Allornej', tllc COllll{) Allditor, the Shcrlffs l1epartJllcnt, Can'er COllnty Public Health and your County Board of COlll111155Ioll\:rs. It IS tll goal of all of 115 to reduce the US~: of lobncco by tecnagers, Ulcreb} decreasing deaths "..IJ hcallh Cill'L: L. ,',1, ns.welCltcd with tObacco use. If )ou]tl\'C tiny questiollS prior to l)ccclllber S, plca5c feel fIee 10 contact Hl,' during th; d.l) at 3(il-}.;II.I (;" c!unng the evcnillg at 448-2320. IfYOll cannot attend the lllt.:cling 011 December ~ aile! ~II)J \\bli 10 rOl\ll11cnt, please feel free to sellll yonI' written comments to me nt the addn.:ss :-It the top o~ th:- IdLer I \' II' Illake sur~ 111(.') arc passed 0.1 to the COUllt)' c0ll1111issiol\crs for their cOllside!"aliml 'j lie filer that) 011 Ilm'c received tlus notice IlICiln;; that tll", tOWJlship or citv in which )'0\; lire )OCiHC'! /1<1 . (kciclr'd (0 Jlot i1fluJ.lI or .ullcnd its 0\\"11 c1rdin,lIlL:c dcallllg wah tnklL.' 0 sale.;; t(1 comp!:- \dtll the II~\\' ~.t: ;,. 1.1\\ ce. tv!:irt Lundgren. COLlllly Amlltor Sl\l:nrr AI \Vallll1 Dcplll\ C'hri 5 nOor<lt;~ G~orgiaHllc LO\\ 11~}', R.N.. Dlreclor, Public Heallh (iil) Ie Vugd. R.N , F{'Hnil) Ht:illU\ Supel\ j)or, Publlc Health Clllllll) Board of COlllmissioners Richard Stoll, COllnt)' Adlllllllsttnlur t.J .1 " I DEC-02-87 13,45 FROM, CARVER COUNTY ATTY 10, 612 361 1413 PAGE 4 "-.J (j Q ~ E~ ...~ .. l:'.'J:J :;0 ...~ "d9 r..- -< e;j . 04.l:p 1Jy .8.t~ . .. ... - ...- CIJ 1""\ et ~ DN:DnIV d I _ J ,. . d '-.. - \-, 3 ,:: > ~ (':j Q t'" .. a' , ~ r , ..,....... . . I' C/"J ~ ~ ~ =: ~ ~ Ul >",.'\01 - ~~T-> ~ g ~z ,-... ~ ~ t;"\ .,.:....:;a. ~'2U) t...l ..... (Ij -' ~,..; (";1 ~~"'; '7' z ,:-1 ;..=.. " ."" ~~ <' b f' ~~ [..;\ C:::-J ~c'_ 1./1 c.,'""\ U1 -'-. '/1 t....J n <i ~n " ,.... t',j -.I ...... !....) ." - ~ C -? n ~ c ""l ~ ., C -~ .L r: '^' - ~~ r~~ I"'-' n .... ~ ".., eo-' a ., "- c: ~1-: r "",. 1lI"._ t~. ,-. .. i ..... ~.. '. -2 -. ~~. n ".~ '.- ~ \._' .. ~) ~'- .t.~ ; ,.", I.. , ,~ "... '--.J ~H , DEC-02-87 13,45 FROM, CARVER COUNTY ATTY 10, 812 381 1413 PAGE 5 MODEL TOBACCO ORDINANCE ORDINANCE # An ordinance relating to the sale, possession, and use of tobacco, tobal'\.'() pI'11du.:l ':, and tobacco related devices in Carver County and to reduce the illegal :-d\." possession, and use of such items to and by minors. \VHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Carver COLll1ty may adoJ1llll1 ordinance to reduce youth access to tobacco pursuant to Minn. Stat. Sl'C_ LI() 1.12; and WHEREAS, the County Board recognizes that teen tobacco use is a cUlllpk-x problem and that by adopting this ordinance the youth of Carver County IIl:1.\ hL' prevented from beginning to use tobacco; and WHEREAS, the County Board recognizes that by taking measures sllcli :1" adopting th1s ordinance, deaths and health care costs associated with tohdl'LIl U:'\.' may be decreased. The Board of Commissioners of Carver County, Minnesota hereby orcb:nc:' Sl'ction lon. TJurpose. Because the County recognizes that many perS\l!1', lll/tkr the age of eighteen (18) years purchase Or otherwise obtain, poss~ss, arl\11h'..~ tobacco, toba<:co products, and tobacco related devices, and such ::;ales, p,l~ "\,'~::jO:'1 t.md use arc violations ufboth State and Federal laws; anJ because studi~'l, v:hicll arc hereby ncc.eptcd and adopted: "Cigarette Smoking Attributablt:, Mortality and Years of Potential L! Ie I Wl - United States 1990,11 in AflvJWR, CDC7 DHHS, 42(33 ):645-649. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Preventing Tobacco Use A III, 'fig Young People: A Report o/the Surgeon General, U.S. Clovemmcnt Pl J]I(j:l~l Office, Washington, D.C., 1994. Johnston L. Backman 1. O'Malley P. "Cigarette smoking among AI11C1'ican teens rises again in 1995," Ann Arbor, Michigan: University orMich;~~~11 News and Information Services, December 1 I, 1995. "l'vlirmcsota Estimates of.Mortulity and Economir Costs DLll' [0 .smokir~.:::. Based On 1995 Data," I\.1innesota Depm1ment of I Icalth, Center of I Ic21lth Promotion, November] 996, . , o~ , " ,. . (tJ DEC-02-97 13,46 FROM, CARVER COUNTY ATTY I D' 612 361 14 1 3 PAGE 6 The Cicorge H. Gallup IntC'rm~tional Institute, Teenage Attitlldes mh! Uc,hlv!{!,J' Concerning Tobacco, September] 992, have shown that most smokers begin :;moking before they have readh:d thl' :!;~l' td 18 years and that those persons who rcuch the age of 18 years without II:: \'ill~:. started smoking are significantly less lik.ely to begin smoking; and lK'C;III';l' smoking has been shown to be the cause of several serious health pruhk'nh wLich subsequently place a financial burden on alllcvds of government; thi; urdil1:l!\l'l' shall be intended to regulate the sale, possession, and use of tobacco, tUh<\l'l'() products, and tobacco related devices for the purpose of enforcing and rllrlhcrin~ exi5;ting laws, to protect minors against the serious effects associated with th~ illegal use of tobacco, tobacco products, and tobacco related devices, ,1Iltl It I I'mthlT the official public policy of the State of Minnesota in regard to prevcntirlt:, Y{l'ln!; people from starting to smoke as stated in rv1inn. Stat. Sec, 144,391. Section 200. Definitions and Interpretations. Except as may othcrwi'-,c b,: provided or clearly implied by context, all tcrms shall be given their C(In1111l)l1l) accepted definitions. The singular shall include the plural and the' pht.d ',h,d] include the singular. The masculine shall include the feminine and Ill'uk,,, ,t11l1 vicc-versa. The term "shall" means mandatory t-md the term "may" mt..~(m-; permissive. The follovving term~ sh~ 11 have the definitions given to the!ll: Subd. 1 Tobacco or Tol,weco Vrorlllds, "Tohacco" or "Tobacco pr(hllll':--." shall rnean any substance or item containing tobacco leat~ including kit nelt limited to, cigarettes; cigars; pipe tobacco; snuff; fine cut or other Chl:\\'in:' tob~c('o; cheroots; stogies; perique; granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, I,\!dy rubbed, ~md other smoking tobacco; snuff flQ\,ycrs; cavendish; ShUl b, \)~u,:..: and twist tobaccos; dipping tob;~~cos; refuse scraps, clippings, cuttings_ ~lfld svvecpings of tobacco; and other kinds und forms of tobacco leaf prc'p:"::-t..'d 111 such manner as to be suitable for chcvving, sniffing, or smoking, Sub.{1.2 Tobucco related dc\'ice~, IITobacco related deviees" shall llk.tt; "11) tohacco product as well as a pipe} rolling papers, or other device inkllti\)t,,111> designed or intended to be used in a manner which enables the che\\ ill:' ~Ilifting, or smoking oftobaccn or tobacco products, ' Subcl. 3.self-Servic~ lVlerch,~!ll(lisin~. "Self-Service Mercha:-:disin/' : 1, .1l mean open displays of tobacco products, or tobacco related devicl's I!' " :', manner where any person shall have access to the tobacco, tobacco jl'\ll:"!' ~" (): tob~cco related devices, without the assistancE' or intervention ofthc' Illl"1 ,,',' \)'" ~ ~' ~ (~. ") DEC-02-87 13,47 FROM, CARVER COUNTY ATTY I D, 812 381 1413 PAGE 7 the licensee's employee. The assistance or intervention sh~l1ll'jl:aillhl' nellled physical exchange ofthe tobacco, tobacco product, or tob8,-'Cll :\!:tkd d\.'\ iLC' between the cllstomer and the licensee or employee. Sel f"'~;\;:l \'i~'\.' 1111..'1 L'11'ltld i " i n.' shall not include vending machines. ~ubcl. 4.ycnding M~l,!;.'bine. "Vending Machinell shall mC,\11 (illY IllCl'llLllliL';'ll. electric or electronic, or other type of device which dispen'-;l~,\ U)b~ll'C(), !t)h:H,:('U products, or tobacco related devices upon the insertion ofmol1cy, tUkL'l1-" or other form ofpaymenl directly into the machine by the pcr~on ~cckillg lu pllrchase the tobacco, tobacco product, or tobacco related device. Sub(lt..5 Individually paC)1.11ged. "Individually packaged" sklllllll'an tIll' practice of selling any tobacco or tobacco product wrapped ir.diviclually f()j' S~ilL:. Individually wrapped tobacco and tobacco products shall ini.'ll.1i.k, 1)111 !:i)llk' limited to, single cigarette packs, single bags or cans of 100.'iC' t! hll'l'() in :ltlY form, and single cans or other packaging of snuff or chewi!!g lIJ:UC\,\l. ('clriC)ll', or other packaging containing more than a single pack or 011H.'1" C()1l1;lilll'1 a\ described in this subdivision shall not be considered inclividu;:1:) p:h,k;I.~l'd Subd. 6 Loosies. "Loosies'! shall mean the common term used tu n.'fLI' tu (~ single or individually packaged cigarette. Sub,!). 71VIiI1Qr. tI!\1inor'! shall mean any natLlI'Dl person \Vlll) L.t, Illll y\:l reached the age of 18 years. fiuhd. 8,RC'tuiI_~stablisJ1)Ilent. tlRetail Establishment" shed] 1'J':..\lll .In) Pl.:l'\: of business where tobacco, tobacco products, or tobacco rel:llcd dl'\'Ii.T,~ .Ire availahlc kif sale to lhe general public. Retail establi::;hment~; sheLll ilJ('lL~i..lt:, !ill: not be limited to, grocery stores, convenience stores, and n.:st~u:-allb. Su bel. 9 M OYCHlJ.)'C Place of nusine~~. "!\111vcable Place of Hu<: inc,,,,,,," ~,hnll refer to any form of business operated out ofa truck, van, 1:l11:(lrJl,lhik-, (lJ lllh:'i' type of vehicle or transportable shelter ::md not a fixed addrl..'s~, ~ lure Illll:t or other permanent type of structure or authorized for sales traIi~~:~'lluns, Su bd. 10 SaJe, A "sale!1 shall mean any transfer of good~ for 111 (I1ll'Y , tr:irl,', barter or other consideration, Subd. 11 Compliance Checks. "Compliance Checks" shall mCC!:l thl' Sy.....tC]l) the County uses to investigate and ensure that those authori7crl tu sell t\)b.:\.'L'(l, ( ~ . , .' I / ~ 0,\ DEC-02-97 13,47 FROM, CARVER COUNTY ATTY I D' 612 361 1413 PAGE B tobacco products, and tobO-cco related devices are follo\ving and \..I}'llp!) il]~! wi th the requirements of this ordinance. Compliance checks shlll) 1!l \ l d '. l' llh:' use of minors as authorized by this ordinance. Compliance checL', ~,h:tllll1'" 1 mean the use of minors who attempt to purchase tobacco, tohaCI..'(ll'l\Jl\llt'h, UJ tobacco related devices for educational research and training purjh):l.'>, :h authorized by State and Federal laws. Compliance checks may ~L1 ,,' h... conducted by other units of government for the purp6se of entorl'ill~' appropriate Federal, State, or local laws and regulations relating III 1( lhlCC(), tobacco products, and tobacco related devices. Section 300. License. No person shall sell or offer to sell any tob:lLLll. tU],:ll'CO products, or tobacco related device without first having obtained a lil'CI1";I' ll) d() so from the County. Bubel. 1 Application. An application for a license to sell tobacc(" [()b~\l''-'() products, or tobacco related devices shull be made on a form prc}\ idc'l] hy llw County. The application shall contain the full name of the applic;')ll. tlll.: ~lpp1icantls residential and business flddresses and telephone nll1nt-'~'r;,) till' n:lilL' of the business for which the license is sought, and any additionnl inl\)llllLlli()11 the County deems necessary. Upon receipt of a completed applicllic)n, the County Auditor shall forward the application to the County Admiui.)LI'2::U:. fUi action at the next regularly scheduled county board meeting. Ifth: CUllnly Auditor shall determine that an application is im:ompktc, he or ~,~ l' :;!i;.'!: J\.'llll'll the application to the applicant with notice of the information nel..',-",>':I:') ll) n1C'lke the RpplIcation complete. Sllbd.2_.Action. The County Board may either approve or deny t;)~, lice-w.,..:, OJ' it may delay action for such reasonable period of time as neceSSRr~\ ti I l \)J llJ1lL,tt - :lny itwestigation of the application or the applicant it deems neec. "\1.\. ] l1LI_' COllnty Board shall approve the license, thc County Auditur :..,hnll i, "',li',: 11:" license to the applicant. If the County Board denies the license, n'-ltil'C 0:' tht..:, tkni81 shall be given to the applicant along with notice of the app: iC;tr,'\ I i~d 1\ t() appeal the decision. ~tLbd. ~ T erll1.. AILHccrx~e~ j ~sue.dliIl(ler.this 'Qrdin arfc'e ,shall be \' ,,\I I d ill!' on c calendar ye'~t,{tbl:ii~tlre-:aate"ofisslle. S\U,?tl. 4 Hevocatiol1 01' Suspension, Any license issued unucr th 1, I!' dli I,ll~\,'(' m~IY h~ revoked or suspended u:, provided in the Violations amI Pc!ulJ i~',- seclion of this ordinance. ~ ~ ' C tD DEC-02-87 13,48 FROM, CARVER COUNTY ATTY 10, 612 361 1413 PAGE 8 Subd.5NTrnnsfers. Allliccnses issued under this ordinance sho.ll hl, \'dlj(~ (111) on the premises for which the license was issued and only for the Pl:l:-,Ul, tll whom the license was issued. No transfer of any license to another 1\ \l'(ltilli I (II person shall be valid vvithout the prior approval of the County Bmud Sut>cl. 6 Moveab)(}J)lu<.'c of Bus,incss. No license shall be issued h) a moveable place of business. Only fixecllocation businesses shall h. l'l if.' i hll' tu be licensed under this ordinance. Subd.7J)jsplay. All licenses shall be posted and displayed in pI~jn \ il'W (II the general public on the licensed premise. ,Subd. 8 RcnewaJ~. The rcnew~l ofa license issued under this sec1illT1 :-,k1li h...: handled in the same manner as the original application. The requesLlol' ,! renc\-val shall be made at least thirty (30) daYl:) but no more than si>.ty (ClUj dil)'~' before the expiration of the CUlTent license. The issuance of a licct1':;" i~sl.l~'d under this ordinance shall he considered a privilege and not an abSl\lutL' l'ifr,Jll of the applicant and shall not entitle thc holder to an automatic rcnew;.i! or the 1 j cense. Section 400. :Fees. No license ~hall be issLled under this ordinance until tht', appropriate license fee shall be pt"\id in full. The fee for a license Ulllk!. tJw ordinance shall be $__....__ Sn'tiun 50U. Basis for Denial of License. The following shall be groLlIHJ<; f~~,l' denying the issu~lIlce or rCllcwnl of a h(,:cnsc under this ordinance; how(','('r. except as may othenvisc be provided by law, the existence of any part kuLl!" ground for denial does not Illcnn thM the County must deny the liccns'.'. I j ~~ ] icense is mistakenly issued or rcnc\ved to 0. person, it ~hall be revoked Llpl\ll th..: discovery that the per~on was ineligible for the license under this Section. A. The applicant is under the age of 18 year~. B. The applicant has been convicted \vithin the past 5 years of any \'i(l!~l!..j():l ()! a Federal, State, or local law, ordinance provision, or other reglllctlli_1,; relating to tobacco OJ' tobacco products, or tobacco related devL.l:.", ( c: ') o ,./ I DEC-02-87 13048 FROM, CARVER COUNTY ATTY 100 812 381 1413 PAGE 10 C. The applicant has had a license to sell tobacco, tobacco products, or tobacco related devices revoked within the preceding twelve months of the date of application. D. The applicant fails to provide any information required on the application, or provides false or misleading information. E The applicant is prohibited by Federal, State, or other local law, ordinance, or other regulation, from holding such a license. Section 600. Prohibited Sales. It shall be a violation of this ordinance for any person to sell or offer to sell any tobacco, tobacco product, or tobacco related device: A. To any person 'under the age of eighteen (18) years. B. By means of any type of vending machine, except as may otherwise be provided in this ordinance. C. By means of self-service methods whereby the customer does not need to make a verbal or written request to an employee of the licensed premise in order to receive the tobacco, tobacco product) m tobacco related device and \\ hereby there is not a physical exchange of the tobaCl~(), tobacco pruc.luct, or tobacco related device bet\rveen the licensee or the licensee's employc't: and the customer. D. By means ofloosies as defilleu in Section 200 of this Ordmancc. E. Containing opium, lnorphine,jimson weed, bella donna, strychnos, cocajfl~, marijuana, or other deleterious, hallucinogenic, toxic, or controlled substances except nicotine and other substunces found naturally in tohacco or added as part of an otherwise lawful manufactmlng process. F. Dy any other means, to any other person, on in any other manner or form prohibited by Federal, State, or other lucallaw, ordinance provision, or other n:gulation. ( (') o. .y ~ DEC-02-97 13,49 FROM, CARVER COUNTY ATTY I D, 6 1 2 36 1 14 1 3 PAGE 11 Section 700. Vending 1\1achincs. .Qption #1.; It shall be llnlmvfLll for any person licensed under this OrdJ!1:ll!\..'C' 1(1 allow the sale of tobacco, tobacco products, or tobacco related de\'il~c',; h.\ the means of a vending machine. Optiop #2: It shall be unlawfLl! for any person licensed llnder this orclin:lIll'L' to allow the sale of tobacco, tobacco products, or tobacco related devicC'.'; hy the means of a vending machine unless minors are at all times prolIibilt..'d from entering the licensed establishment. Section 800. Self-Service SnIt\s. It shall be unlawful for a licensee under thi~; ordinance to allow the sale oftobacco, tobacco products, Or tobacco rcbtl'd devices by any means whereby the customer may have nccess to slIch iklllS without having to request. the item from the licensee or the licensee's employee and whcr\.~by there is not a physical exchange of the tobac(.:(), tobacco p;"oduct, or the tobacco related device between the licensee or hi,.- 0:- her clerk and the customer. All tobacco, tobacco products, and t()haccu related devices shall either be stored behind a counter or other area nol 1l-l'l~ly accessible to customers, or in a case or other storage unit not left open ;;1)<1 accessible to the general public. ,Any retailer sell ing tobacL:o, tobacco products, or tobacco relnted de v il'C"o ~l; the' time this ordinance is adopted shall comply with this Section with Iii i rl:/ (30) days. S ceHoB YOU. RlWflB'fi'sibil itY~1 AlIA icensees.'ul1d~L.thj,s:o.rdil1an~j;;:_~J.l::i.11, be responsib1e'fdf'~h'e~lcti6ns bftheir CI1'lployees.ilt;regard;{(j the'sale"of h'"lbac'l'\', t'oba-cco-pr6ducts,"or tobacco l-clate't!'device~ on'the 'licensed prell1ise~, Lind t] I..: ~~le 6fsu'ch1ti"tf'item by an employee shall be"considered a sale oy,the I il:\,:il',l' hoJdeL Nothing in this section shall bl~ construed as prohibiting tbe ('u,mt)' from also subjecting the clerk to whatever penalties are appropriate wHkr thi ,; Ordinance, Stall' or Feclcrallaw, or other applicable law or regulation, SC'ction 1000. Compliance Ch('c){s and Inspections, All licensed prel1li:;C3 shall be open to inspectic'l11 by the Carver County Sheriffs Dcp3rtment (II' other authorized official during regular business hours, From time to ti l'I1,'. but at least once per yenr, the Coullty shall conduct l'omplianc:e l'I1ccb h:, engaging, vvith the written i..:un<.;ent of theIr parents or guardians, mino!'., (/\'\, r the age of fifteen (15) years but less than eighteen (H:l) yenrs, to enter t:l,-~ licensed premise to attempt to purchase tobacco, tobacco products, or ti)h:1C\~() (") -) ~) ( ..) t DEC-02-87 13,50 FROM, CARVER COUNTY ATTY I D, 612 361 14 1 3 PAGE 12 ,l.;,I:t related devices. Minors used for the purpose of compliance checks ~;h'.dl ht.~ supervised by designated law enforcement offIcers or other dcsigrwLl'd ('(ll!l1t) personnel. Minors used for compliance checks shall not be guilty 01 lhe unlawful purchase or attempted purchase, nor the unlawful possession (d tobacco, tobacco products, or tobacco related devices when slIch itclll', ,1J"l' obtained or attempted to be obtained as a pa11 of the compliance chclL. No minor used in compliance checks shall attempt to use a false identificl.ll1ll11 misrepresenting the minor's age, and all minors lawfully engaged ill ,l compliance check shall answer all questions about the rninor's age n..;L",:d hy the 1 icensee or his or her employee and shall produce any identifieotlll!l, i I allY exists, for which he or she is asked. Nothing in this Section shall pruhibil compliance checks authorized State or Fedcralla'ws for educationnl, rl'sc:m'l1. or training purposes, or required for the enforcement of a particular St:ltl' (ll' l:edcrallaw. Sedioll 1100. Other Illcgnl Acts. Unless otherwise provided, the follp\\,lllh' ,il:h shall be a violation of this Ordinance. Su bel. 1 Illegal Sales. It shall be a violation of this ordinance for any Pl'f:,O:l to sell or otherwise provide any tobacco1 tobacco product, or tobac<.;o 1'e!a:cd device to any minor. f;llb,d~2 TlIl'gal Possession. It shall be a violntion of this ordinJollce fu: <:ll;, winor to have in his or her possession any tobacco, tobacco proclu,- t. tY tohacco related device. This subdivision ~hall not apply to minor~, h\\ full) invl>lvcd in a compliance check. SllP~l. 3 nl~gnl Use. It shall he a violation of this ordinance for any 11 i,-,(); l() smoke, chew, snift~ or otherwise llse any tobacco, tobacco product U:' tobacco related device. Sll h(l. 4 Illsr,al Pl"OCUrcment. It shall be a violation ofthis ordiwUll'l' j n:' ~! Ii) minor to purchase or attempt to purchase or oth~rwjse obtain any h)b~l.CC,', tobacco producl, or tobacco related device, and it shall be a violatl\l:l (llthi, ordinance for any person to purchase or othcrwis(; obtain sllt.:h ikl'i-' llll bthalf uf (1 minor. It shall further be a violati,on for un)' person to c\ ',-'I'LL' or aLl2mpt to coerce a minor to illegally purchase or otherwi'5e obtain (I; U>,,' :\ny tobacco, tobacco product, or tobacco related device. This sub,:! \', "i.. '! I shed I not apply to minors lawfully involved in a compliance chcc I ( c:;: '\, ~ ~ !_) DEC-02-S7 13,50 FROM, CARVER COUNTY ATTY .p;} (f' ,1 t, ffi 10, 612 361 14 1 3 PAGE 1: Snbd. 5 Use of False IJJentification. it shull be n vjolntiull of this nrdin::-uJl't: for mlY minor to attempt tu disguise his or ht:1' true nge hy tIlL' lhl' (l(':l f:d'1~' form of identification, whether the identi ficatiol1 h lhitt (If ~:Il()ll1cr Pi...'l' ,Ull or one on which the age of the person h<lS been modi flt..'d or hmp"'l"l'll with to repi'csent an age older than the al'tu~'111:lgc of the pl'l'S,llJ. Section 1200 Violations. Subd. 1 Notj~. Upon discovery ofa SlI.5pt:cted violation, the [dkgcd vill/Mor shall be issued, either personally or by mail, i:l citmioll th:ll Sl'ts 1urth Ow alleged violation and which shal1 inform the alleged vlolal<11' ufhic.; or h,,,, right to be heard OIl the acclIsation. Subd.2 tlearines. If a person accllsed of violating tllis nrdin:llkl' so I\',pw',h, a hearing shall be scheduled, the time and plac~~ of \vllich ,<-,)]:111 hl' Pllhlishl'd and provided to the accused violator. Subd. 3 HA,hmn:u~er The Carver County Aclrninislra!or u:' Ills/he!' ('hie/' Assistant shall serve as the hearing officer. ,Subd. 4 Decision. If the Hearing Officer determines t)wt a viol:ition (lftl1i:; ordinance did occur, that decision, along \\'itl1 the I IC,lri I1g n (I i l-'n's 1\ \::;,llh for finding a violation and the penalty to he imposed UndL'l' ~C\.:tjl}l. J -\()(J oj this ordinance, shall be recordeu in \\'fiting, H cUP.\' of whkh :',[;L!1; he provided to the accused violator. Likewise, if the I Tearing Of1i('I.;'r Ji'-I(b that no violation occurred or finds grounds for not il11flCl~~illg ~ll1)' f'~'J::dty, such findings shall be recorded and a C(lj1)' pwvi<..k'd to tIll: ,: -'LJ~li:l,,{: accused violator. ~ubd.~5 Appeal~, Appeals of any del.~jsioI1 rmlcIe hy the }-karilJ,~: ()j'iil:('1' ',kill be filed in the district court for the jurisdiction of tJ1l..' (.'uLllll) III wli 1(:!1 tIll" alleged violation Occurred. Subd. 6l\lisdcmeapor Prosecutiol1. Nothing in this Sectioll :-ilc111 prnllihit illL' County from seeking prosecution as a III j sckmeanor for aJ)~' ill I Cgl'c! violation of this ordinance.[jftht.' Count> elcct~, to ::-'l'c..'k LI],d,:il1l\J!I\ll' prosecution, no aclministrati\'e penalty skll] !)(.: i!l'1p(}"t'd..~'~ SubtL 7 Continued Viohltion. Each viohtiol1) and e\'l'1')' ci,-iY il', \\11 il'11 ~. violation OCcurs or continues, shall constitute u sep~ll'ilk (dL';hl.' ( (1) ~ ~ ~ } )EC-02-87 13,51 FROM, CARVER COUNTY ATTY I D' 612 361 1413 PAGE 14 Section 1300 Penalties. (Note: The amounts set forth below are thl' St:lll..' minimums. Counties may impose higher fines, etc., although re~l';I)il:11d_'lk"'" lllust still be the standard. In addition, some entities prefer to ad')j 1': a fllll' schedule which could be referenced here instead oflisting each lith',) Subd. 1 Licensees. A~icenseelm:f{{d''l(rnllvevlO1a'fed tHis'ordinance, ur whd~e:employee"shall-hnve'vi6Iated.-thisordiIWt"h"t'e'/.'shall be'clHlrged :111 a~lmiuistrativ.e-fine:(jf.$7'5 for a first violation ofthis ordinancl', i>2()1l fur a second offense at the same licensed premises within a twenty..j(IUr Illonth period; and $250 for a third or subsequent offense at the same loe;\( inn within a twenty-four month period, In addition, after the third u!'ll_'I1';C, the 1 iccnse shall be suspended for not less than seven (7) days. S u bel. 2._0thcr Il\!liv i II ua 18. Gth-e1'lindiYidt:11ilsTdthe'f, than 11'1irl'of"s 'ref' tI Lit cd II)' f>tih'aivH;'Cn"3~oflhis''Sl1b-sec.tion};f6tTffdJt(Y'lSe1fFvTolaliOn b'fUli:, ord i na II ::(' sb.~.ll,~Q9.:.chat:ge-d-arcaclItdnistrative,fe-e,~f~$50. (Note: The StaLe: Li\'. imposes this administrative penalty on anybody other than the I il'Ci 1',('1..' \\ h< 1 sells tohacco to minors. The law is silent on imposing adminbl~llj\~. penalties to those who provide but do not sell tobacco to minm's. ('uunties, cities, and townships, however, could impose an administrativC' pCfi:t11y <1'-' provided in this subdivision.) SuhtV''3:M.iri1:jrs:. 1\1ino1's f01.md in unlawful possession ot~ or w1w l1nh\\fully pun:hase or attempt to purchase, tobacco, tobacco products. or tl)h:-ICCO related devices, shall be Suhr1. 4. Misdcm~anor. Nothing in this Section ~hall prohibil the C'(lunty hOUl seeking prosecution as a rni~dcmeanor for any violation of this n: l~: '1:\11(,~~ S(.~ction 1400. Exceptions and Defenses. NothiIlg in this ordinance ~,kd I prevent the providing of h)bacco, tobacco products, or tobacco rdatcd (:",\'j,:c" l( I (t minor as part of a InWfl1lly recognized religious, spirituul, or Clll:L!r<.d ..:('1\211'\)'1). Jt shall be an affirmative defense to the violation of this ordinance fOO' ~j lX':'~'U~~ t<! have r(,':(:'(sonably reliec1 nn proofofage as described by Stall;) law, ';" J. ; " It 1-'" DEC-02-S7 13,52 FROM, CARVER COUNTY ATTY 10, 612 361 14 1 3 PAGE 1~ It shall be an affirmative defense to the violation of this ordinance for a J-wr:-'\):I to have reasonably relied on proof of age as described by State law. Section 1500. Severability and S~lVings CJause. If any ~cction or portion oj' tl1 i.., ordinance shall be found unconstitutional or otherwise invalid or unenforcCil!I!." by a court of competent jurisdiction, that finding shall not 1)erve as all inval jebti')11 or effect the validity and enforceability of any" other section or provision of thi<-; ordinance. Section 1600 Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect I \ 1P (' I J". )EC-02-87 13,52 FROM, CARVER COUNTY ATTY 10, 612 361 1413 PAGE 16 :-: (.-, :;q.,./If:--=t,.,I.-. . ::::Ilt....~-,'~~I,...I'~ ...._..:,~:.:..=-_.....~,.a:::':"""""--=...:.;;_.:~.. . INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM ~.c:::=::~',,,,,,,~- -----'Vl'~ ~'~~.,r/r'~~"'- ....;.'~... -....r..--...-- TO; MICHAEL FAHEY, CARVER COUNTY ATTORNEY FROM: SHARON MITCHELL SUBJECT: TOBACCO SELLERS IN CARVER COUNTY DATE: 10/21/97 cc: MARK LUNDGREN, CARVER COUNlY AUDITOR BECEIVEJ:i OCI 2 2 1997 COUl'IfY ATfORNc'l Listed below are the names and addresses of those businesses located in Cm'v2t' County which currently sell tobacco products. These businesses arc in tf\e "townships end the smaller cities of Carver, Cologne, Hamburg, New Germany, Norwood Young Arnct'ICQ , and Victoria, Twp/City F e.e Amcl:t:~. F.. ;'If'iltion Business Nome/Address .--. Dahlgreer, Golf Club, Inc. Attn: Joyce Tessmonn ../ Dahlgren Twp Nor,e ," .~( nl~ 6940 Dahlgr'en Rd \ Cr,oskc. MN 55318 I A~S~?tl'Q~-Ger,~r~1 Store ~Attn: N;;ianie De.~~ .....- 117455 Co Rd 33 \ [.re~r, Isle. Mi'J 5533S I H-)llywood RC:'1ch H.)use, Inc" Mtn: BrucE'''dJohnson I :'.475 Co ~~d 33 _l___ Hancock Twp N:Jf,e ~. :.~ c :- ~HOIIYWO;d hl';'~,e ._J. I r L:"t: t\)CI'i Germcr.y. M~..J 55367 ~ lollywood i N(")r,c -T--' r...:;,.~ HDII~'wo~(j S'pc,rts C~~ple.x - Attr,: J;;eph P Sw~~tu.t" Jr 1~'9;)8 Co Fd IZZ \'/Cltcrtowr" MN 55388 :0 'L~'" .1"1 '\., ,,' r DEC-02-97 13,53 FROM, CARVER COUNTY ATTY 10, 612 361 1413 PAGE l' -_.. Star Operations, Inc (The Hollywood Star) "-.'f '~HY\'iood-- -I I L-'" Attn: Alon Panning or Karin Stoeckmann 17535 Hwy 7 New Germany, MN 55367 __._1 Laketown Waconic Lakeside. Inc - Attn: Ricky Wagener i~ 8155 Co Rd 30 Wa.:onia, MN 55387 - -'. River's Edge Country Club, Inc - Ann: Tom Hol/onder ,..... ---- -..~-- Watertown Twp 1455 Co Rd 27, PO Box 698 Water'town, MN 55388.0698 . .- ----.'.,.....--- - Timber Creek GolF Course - Attn: 5tcph(1I'lie O'Cor;nor ,. i ...-....-/ Watertown Twp . I I 9750 Co Rd 2.1 Watertown, M~J 55388 "p.' ... 5kluzocek's Restaura"t & Truck Stop ."~"-"'.' :/ Young Arner Twp 17550 HIVY 212 Nor'wood Young Anlerica, MN 5536B Dog House Bar - Attn: .~urt Zarth I .. --CO;"' ciiY'l I -I Carv.,ffiY- I '.----..,','--.- ) 313 Broadway, PO Box 158 Cor'ver, MN 55315-0158 -'-'~... Gary'~ Plcce - Attn: Gary Lund 1..' 205 Broadway, PO Box 3 I Ccr'ver, MN 55315-0003 t Ho;v~y'.s Bol' ;f CClrv~r I ./ , 22,) Gr'Qc.dwoy. PO Box 174 I Co,-v~r', ',\i'-; :>5315-0174 i........_._.. .. C';lr'v"r City -r I , I -"-.,..-- -- .--. "- ----. 2 t'.l(Jri~ -'-.-,-. Nor.c t'J"l1i' --',..-- '-"."- . N,,:c 110'1(: -_. a._ _.__ r ~(;f:(': , I ... I L\: '. t~() I L,,'I! h:t w - - ~. id I ~., 1') l l:-! ( ;':; '( \" ~,; ;', ~ t> \' \' t I r .:) _. ~: ?..; .c'l.~l .. 1;'/3,/)/ :;. I; ) ().-J 1 . /:'1 / ) $!f'J I:,n i___ j.' I J: / _,I / .'~. ,;r),l\:_r I ,--" .-. 1 { .' 7. : / :. :' 1ft DEC-02-87 13,53 FROM, CARVER COUNTY ATTY ., 10, 612 361 1413 PAGE 18 ~/ Carver CI1y Just opened Patty (It COl"'. ..:;' . Uf,swre if they wil! l.w ';('!i"'~) cigar'!:: t tcs, Ccrver. MN 55315 Cologne $1200 L'I.-u'~;/ Schep's ,,/ 202 Paul Ave N Cologne, MN 55322 Cologne $1200 .. 1(/ ?(,/'.) i 212 Club v 505 Lake St W . Cologr.e, MN 55322 C J's ...-. / ---.". -".-- Cologne $12.00 12/,~i.,Jc;/ 114 Paul Ave 5 Cologne, MN 55322 Pavilion , ~/ Cologne $12,00 12/ ::(.,IC; / 209 Playhouse St W ColQgne, MN 55322 ---h,::/c... / ;i Ccncx Cologne $12.00 "09 Paul Ave. 5 ColQgne, MN 55322 $12.00 1('/,''',/~;: lnr, Town II i L.- IllI', Paul Ave S \ CQ:~~~e. MN 55322_ . \ .<;cht>f.l's - Attn Robe~t ~\ Corol Scnepers- V' 1490 H\::rJr'lf.:tta Ave. I ),jo,'r\uurg NJ~ 55339 Cologne I'" Homburg $12 00 11~/ .J . 1.__... ,I " p I I DEC-02-S7 13,54 FROM, CARVER COUNTY ATTY r D, 812 381 14 1 3 " Hamburg Fire Dept (Bowling Alley) - Attn: Harriet Latzke 1/ 351 Henrietta Ave Hamburg "- r - t ;" h:~ - - I Hamburg, 1\\1'1 55339 ~urg Baseball Park - Attn: Wendell Stuewe. V Harnburg 401 Sophia Ave Hamburg, MN 55339 .... --- HCr"ms Bar - Attn. Russell & Linda Harms NYA "---"''''--... .... v 227 Elm St W NQrwood Young America, MN 55368 Kube's SLipper Club ~'Att;,~ & Greg Kub~ II --f---~_.,_ NYA 320 Hwy 212 W Norwood YOlJ/19 America, MN 55368 -...---.,--. ----...... Good Time Liquor" - Attn: Dale Bruers V -".-- 512 Fo.>(on Rd N NYA Norwood YO~lng America, MN 55368 .--.'...-.....-....-.....-.,.--,.-- Smith Oil- Att,,: Russ Smith --""'-. \/ NYA 503 Faxon Rd 1'1 Norwood Young America, MN 55368 -"- .- -".--. --....- LC1'"O LCl,'1C;; \/ --f-..__._. NYA 30J Vii/son 51' E N:'''Ivood YounD Amer"ica, MN 553M -- - -.- 1 he Flame Lounge - At1'r,: Jane Lorraine Maki ) 210 Elm St \AI NYA II'IClt'l'/ood Young America, MN 55368 I -- -~.... .- -._.~_...---..-.--._._.. 4 .....-. - 1 1_- U.I fc,' $1;.> 0,) ,1.12 I:) .$:2 C(: $1~ j, ,) ... ;. L; (i, $1 / CI.~) PAGE IE .,- ._- ._- N()r.~ r J.;,~,.~ l(/'~l/~")I 1:~13!1 ;/ -. 1 ;/31/ ;j 1?/3;/_.... J. .-, /1; '.- I j2q: / -. ,~ n i NYA ~,12.C(l 'i 12/31/'-J7 \ ..... L I-..lYA ~:.I') C J 1/ i , ':,1 " "' DEC-02-97 13,54 FROM, CARVER COUNTY ATTY 10, 812 381 1413 'I '~i .Ii . -I" 'S'r'lyder Drug - Attn: WaYM Chapman v NYA t.12ll'.! 309 Faxon Rd N Norwood Young America, MN 55368 Don's Food NYA $17 U!) II 508 Faxon Rd N Norwood Young America, MN 55368 Elm St~~et StotlO~ - Att,,: John & Debra Barnes 7- NYA ~,12.()(1 325 Elm St W Norwood Young America, MN 55368 Citgo Stction L/,/1 ....---.... $12.(1[1 NYA 502 Faxon Rd N Norwood Young America, MN 55368 NYA $:? oel Young America Hcws - Attn: Virginia Knops & Debra SwenSon' 105 Main St E Norwood Young Amet'ica, MN 55397 Lost Call - Attn: Mark Anhalt L/ llB Main St E Norwood Young Amerlco, MN 5539'1 r-;sthOl.:se. A-t'tr, Vern"S Zeman'. / \ 223 Main St E 11")O~.waod Young America, MN 55397 I FIl'lyd's [Jar' {kG Lea's Bar V ! rt5l3 Arboretum Blvd, PO Box 206 $ ~ -/ C .:1 Victoria Vlctl'l:"IC1, MN 55::l!)6-0206 5 PAGE 20 \ I i I L .- 1 ~~ I'<,l/'~i'" 1.?l.31,'.I/ --I 1213l/~li I I i .__L I I .- 12/3;: :)',' 1.'/31/9: l/I";'~-' ~ (~ DEC-02-97 13,54 FROM, CARVER COUNTY ATTY I D, 612 361 1413 PAGE 2 Victoria House v 1715 Stlll~ger Lake Lt1, PO Box 154 Victori;--- -"$ 000"- ..---.... ,~ 12/3119; Victoria, MN 55386-0154 Food N'Fuel . Attn. Ed Bird V -""--- Victoria $120'.1 .- -"- -..- 1?/31/91 4366 Round Lake Rd W Arden Hills, MN 55112 Cobin Fever Sporting Goods v ....._, Victoria $1? (;1.) -'--..- 12/3119/ 1550 Arboretum Blvd, PO Box 70 Victoria, MN 55386-0070 MN Victoria Od (Ccnex) V-p.- - Victor'ia ~,12J:(} - -.'.- 1793 Arboretum Blvd, PO Box 37 l,UJ :/0; Victoria, MN 55386-0037 Schmitty's Taverli V "--"'- Victoria $lr' c.~; J:~/:{1/9/ 7900 Quamoc/it, PO Box 418 Victoria, MN 55386-0418 Norwood Baseball League - Attn: Jim Ze:l/morln V ......_-.'. "'-'., ,---...~- - I __ !!ill , j ..... r .. c:., 1 ~ . . .. .-, ... . (.. ... Ba$"b':JI, 1<.u;i ,>. _'.:..1 (ISid. ,fl. I, baIl90;;-".'S fur.' L!;:;::;',: If th:, ho, C! I:UT,':,:: tc ,;(1 t:o, _L _ 215 Park Place Non'lood Youny America, MN 55368 .-....--- ---'---..--..., --"'---""---'-- It you have any questions on this list, please call me at Ext 1909. _.J'__ (, .. () "} . . !,