1c NPDES Phase II
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1110
Building Inspections
Phone: 952.227.1180
Fax: 952.227.1190
Phone: 952.227.1160
Fax: 952.227.1170
Phone: 952.227.1140
Fax: 952.227.1110
Park & Recreation
Phone: 952.227.1120
Fax: 952.2271110
Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone: 952.227.1400
Fax: 952.227.1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phone: 952.227.1130
Fax: 952.227.1110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone: 952.227.1300
Fax: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phone: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
Web Site
To: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
The City 01 Chanhassen . A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play.
From: Lori Haak., Water Resources Coordinator
Date: May 22, 2006
Re: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit Application
Staff is requesting the City Council review the City's draft NPDES Phase II MS4
Permit Application and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) and
authorize the Mayor to sign the City's NPDES Phase II MS4 application for
submittal to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) by June 1,2006.
In 2003, the CityQf Chanhassen applied for and obtained a permitforthe
discharge of stormwater from the Minnesota PollutionControlAgency(MPCA).
The City has been operating under this permit for over three years. Inthose
intervening three years" a lawsuit was broughtagainsttheMPCAbythe
Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy (MCEA). .,Generally,thelMCEA
alleged that the MPCA's permit was not incompliance with the United States
Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) requirements for theperrnit.The..
court decision resulted in the MPCA being required to modify theoriginalpenIlit
to incorporate some additional items. Amongtheadditionalitemsthat\ViUb~
required by the new permit are a non degradation plan andpublic'noticeatth.e
state level.
The City's application for this permit is similar to the one ,submitted forthe
Origi~alperrnitin 2003, but is. not identical. Theapplicatidn andStormWatel'
Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) must be submitted to the MPCA by June
Storm water carries large amounts of sediment and other pollutants from a wide .
variety of sources (non-point source pollution). Common non-point source
pollutants include oil, grease, salt, sand and litter from roadways and parking
areas, pesticides and pet waste from lawns and sediment from construction sites.
Todd Gerhardt
NPDES Phase II Permit Application
May 22, 2006
Page 2 of 3
Polluted storm water runoff is often transported to storm sewer systems and, ultimately, local
water bodies without adequate treatment. When the storm sewers deposit polluted runoff into
nearby waterways, the pollutants can impair water quality. Impaired water quality can decrease
aesthetic values, discourage recreational use, contaminate drinking water supplies and interfere
with fish and wildlife habitat.
For the reasons stated above the MPCA issues NPDES permits to municipalities as a way of
allowing discharges into the waters of the state. The permit holder, the City of Chanhassen, is
then required to inspect the system for proper use and maintenance, as well as implement best
management practices (BMPs) to reduce the impacts of stormwater to waters of the state.
The City is required to submit a permit application to the MPCA by June 1, 2006. The
application requires each MS4 to develop and submit a Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Program (SWPPP) for their MS4. Chanhassen's SWPPP (Attachment 1) is very comprehensive
and incorporates input from every City department. The SWPPP addresses 6 Minimum Control
Measures (MCMs), as established by the EPA.
The 6 MCMs are:
1. Public Education and Outreach;
2. Public Participation and Involvement;
3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination;
4. Construction Site Runoff Control;
5. Post-Construction Runoff Control; and
6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations.
For each MCM, the City has identified the best management practices (BMPs) it is using or will
begin using to improve stormwater quality in that area. Then, the City must establish measurable
goals for each BMP. The goals are not necessarily based on scientific water quality data, but
they are measurable in other ways (number of brochures distributed, etc.).
Once the application, with the accompanying SWPPP, is received by the MPCA, the MPCA will
place the applications up for review and comment by the public. After receipt of public
comment, the MPCA will review the applications and issue permits. The City will be covered by
the NPDES Phase II MS4 Permit for 5 years (until June 1,2010). During those 5 years, the
BMPs in the SWPPP must be implemented.
In addition to the basic permit application and SWPPP requirements, thirty (30) permitted
municipalities are required to undertake a nondegradation analysis. These thirty permitted
municipalities are referred to in the permit as "Selected MS4s." The selection process developed
by the MPCA was based on the population growth experienced by communities during three
Todd Gerhardt
NPDES Phase II Permit Application
May 22, 2006
Page 3 of 3
time periods: from 1990 to 2000, based on census data; from 2000 to 2003, based on State
Demographer and Metropolitan Council projections; and from 2000 to 2020, based on State
Demographer and Metropolitan Council projections. The Commissioner of the MPCA also
considered the size of the community as represented by the 2000 census in determining the list of
30 municipalities.
The nondegradation requirements require the City of Chanhassen to develop a loading
assessment that will identify if the City of Chanhassen has any new or expanded discharges to
waters of the state above and beyond the conditions that existed in 1988. The loading
assessment will be a water quality model that is able to predict any changes that may have
occurred or may occur between 1988 and 2020 in three parameters: 1. Average Annual Flow
Volume; 2. Total Suspended Solids; and 3. Phosphorus.
If new or expanded discharges are determined to exist, a nondegradation plan must be developed
and submitted to the MPCA. The nondegradation plan will identify the reasonable and practical
BMPs that the City will implement to reduce new or expanded discharges to the maximum
extent practicable. The nondegradation plan must take public comment into consideration before
being submitted to the MPCA for review. Upon final approval, the SWPPP will be modified to
address the items in the nondegradation report and must then be implemented.
The nondegradation plan for the City of Chanhassen will be due no later than 20 months after the
effective dated of the revised NPDES permit (February 1,2008).
The loading assessment and nondegradation report will be a separate modeling study from the
City's current Surface Water Management Plan. Staff is presently developing a Request for
Proposals (RFP) for this work. The RFP will appear on a future City Council agenda for Council
review and authorization.
Staff recommends the City Council adopt the following motion:
"The Chanhassen City Council authorizes the Mayor to sign the City's NPDES Phase II MS4
General Permit application as compiled by staff and submit the application and all required
materials to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency by June 1,2006."
1. NPDES Phase II MS4 Permit Application.
2. City of Chanhassen's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program.
3. NPDES Phase II MS4 Permit, effective June 1,2006.
g:\eng\lori\npdes phase ii\ms4 permit\2006 revised permit\cc 052206 v2.doc
General Stormwater Permit (MN R 040000)
Application for Small Municipal Separate
Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s)
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
520 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, MN 55155-4194
Application deadline: June 1, 2006
PLEASE READ: As you complete this form, read the instructions carefully. Use your keyboard's "Tab" key to move
through the fields of this form. Select check,,-boxes and enter text as indicated. Save, and print.
I. MS4 Information
A. Application Type
D New applicant (this MS4 has no previous application for MS4 coverage on file at MPCA)
IZI Application for re-issuance of coverage (this MS4 applied in 2003)
B. MS4 Owner General Contact (the community, municipality, agency or other party having ownership or
operation control of the MS4)
City of Chanhassen
Community, municipality, agency or other party having ownership or operational control of the MS4
P.O. Box 147
Mailing Address
Zip Code
Federal Tax ID
State Tax ID
C. General Contact (official, staff member, consultant or other) for all general correspondence about Permit
compliance issues between the MPCA and your MS4
Haak Lori Water
Last Name
First Name
P.O. Box 147
Mailing Address
MN 55317
State Zip Code
E-mail Address
Telephone (include area code)
II. Certification of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP)
A. Have you developed a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program for your MS4? [8JYes
Municipalities must demonstrate how their Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program will be
implemented and enforced over the term of the five-year Permit. SWPPPs must incorporate appropriate
educational components, all required BMPs and the measurable goals associated with each. Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Programs must address the specific requirements contained in Part V. G. of the
Permit. SWPPPs must outline how the six minimum control measures will be addressed, the contact
person, department in charge, timeline and measures that will be implemented to meet the schedules
required by the Permit. Attach a BMP Summary Sheet to this application for each BMP in your SWPPP.
B. Does your SWPPP address all of the six Minimum Control Measures as outlined in the Permit? [8JYes
The General Permit requires that you incorporate all six of the defined Minimum Control Measures in
your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program. You are required to implement mandatory BMPs which
are directly associated to each of the Six Minimum Control Measures.
C. Have you attached the included BMP Summary Sheets, one for each of the Best Management [8JYes
Practices required by the Permit?
There are 34 required BMPs all of which require that the provided BMP Summary Sheet be filled out
completely and included with your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program. If any of these required
sheets are missing, your application will not be considered complete and will be returned to you.
III. Reporting and Recordkeeping
A. I have read and understand Part VI Evaluating, Recordkeeping, and Reporting of the MS4 General [8JYes
Permit and certify that we intend to comply with the applicable requirements of those sections as
well as the Permit as a whole.
B. Where will your SWPPP be available to the public for review?
City of Chanhassen www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us
Name of Location If your SWPPP is available electronically, indicate location
7700 Market Boulevard
Street Address
Lori Haak
Contact Name
ZIP Code
Contact Phone Number
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, excepting legal holidays
Hours of Availability
IV. Limitations of Coverage
A. Part II Limitations on Coverage and Appendix C
I have read and understand Part II Coverage Under This Permit and Appendix C Limitations on
Coverage of the MS4 General Permit and certify that we intend to comply with the applicable
requirements of those sections as well as the Permit as a whole.
B. Outstanding Resource Value Waters (ORVWs)
Please refer to the Guidance Manualfor Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) to
complete this section. An interactive map is available on the MPCA Web site that identifies Special
Waters: http://pca-gis04.pca.state.mn.us
1. Prohibited Waters
Does the MS4 discharge into Prohibited Waters as defined in Minn. R. 7050.0180, subp. 3,4, DYes C8:!No
and 5? See Attachment Four of the Guidance Manual for Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer
Systems (MS4s) for further information.
2. Restricted Discharge
Does the MS4 discharge into waters with a Restricted Discharge as defined in Minn. R. DYes C8:!No
7050.0180, subp. 6, 6a, and 6b? If yes, please list below and comply with Part IX, Appendix C,
Item B. See Attachment Four of the Guidance Manual for Small Municipal Separate Storm
Sewer Systems (MS4s) for further information.
3. Prohibited or Restricted Waters
If you answered "yes" to either Question 1 or 2, have you included a map that outlines, at a DYes DNo
minimum, the DNR minor sub-watersheds in your jurisdiction with ANY discharges to
Prohibited or Restricted Waters? You are required by the Permit to provide this map along with
your application. [lX.B.2.b]
Identify aU discharges to Outstanding Resource Value Waters (ORVWs) from your MS4:
4. If you answered ''yes'' to either Question 1 or 2, who is the person responsible for ensuring
compliance with this Permit condition?
C. Special Waters
1. Trout Waters
Does the MS4 discharge into Trout Waters as defined in Minn. R. 6264.0050 subp. 2 & 4? If DYes C8:!No
yes, please list below and comply with Part IX, Appendix C, Item C. See Attachments Two
and Three of the Guidance Manual for Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems
(MS4s) for further information.
2. Wetlands
Does the MS4 discharge into Wetlands as defined in Minn. R. 7050.0130, subp. F?
3. Environmental Review
Does the MS4 have a process to assure coordination with appropriate Agencies and to
evaluate discharges that require applicable Environmental Review as required by State or
federal laws? See Part IX ofthe Guidance Manualfor Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer
Systems (MS4s) for further information.
Who is the person responsible for ensuring compliance with this Permit condition?
Position: Development Director
C8:!Yes DNo
C8:!Yes DNo
Name: Kate Aanenson
4. Endangered or Threatened Species
Does the MS4 have a process to assure coordination with appropriate Agencies and to
evaluate discharges whose direct, indirect, interrelated, interconnected, or independent
impacts may jeopardize a listed Endangered or Threatened Species or adversely modify a
designated critical habitat? See Part IX of the Guidance Manualfor Small Municipal Separate
Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) for further information.
C8:!Yes DNo
Who is the person responsible for ensuring compliance with this Permit condition?
Name: Kate Aanenson Position: Development Director Phone: 952.227.1139
5. Historic Places and Archeological Sites
Does the MS4 have a process to assure coordination with appropriate Agencies and to
evaluate discharges which may adversely affect properties listed or eligible for listing in the
National Register of Historic Places or affecting known or discovered archeological sites?
See Part IX of the Guidance Manual for Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems
(MS4s) for further information.
Who is the person responsible for ensuring compliance with this Permit condition?
Position: Development Director
[8JYes DNo
Name: Kate Aanenson
6. Drinking Water Sources
Does the MS4 have any discharges that may affect Source Water Protection as defined in part
IX.H of the General Permit?
If "yes," does the MS4 have BMPs incorporated into the SWPPP to protect drinking water
sources that the MS4 discharge may affect?
DYes [8JNo
DYes DNo
V. Owner or Operator Certification
The person with overall, MS4 legal responsibility must sign the application. This person shall be duly authorized to
sign the application and may be either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. (see Minn. R. 7001.0060).
I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision
in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information
submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons, who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible
for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and
complete (Minn. R. 7001.0070).
I also certify under penalty of law that I have read, understood, and accepted all terms and conditions of the National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Storm Water Permit for MS4s that authorizes storm water
discharges identified in this application form.
I understand that as a Permittee, I am legally accountable under the Clean Water Act to ensure compliance with the
terms and conditions of the NPDES General Storm Water Permit for MS4s.
I also understand that MPCA enforcement actions (pursuant to Minn. Stat. ~ 115.07, 116.072, and Section 309 of the
Clean Water Act) may be taken against me or the MS4 if the terms and conditions of the NPDES General Storm Water
Permit for MS4s are not met.
C. General Contact (official, staff member, consultant or other) for all general correspondence about Permit
compliance issues between the MPCA and your MS4
Authorized Signature
Last Name
First Name
P.O. Box 147
Mailing Address
Telephone (include area code)
ZIP Code
E-mail Address
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program
The City of Chanhassen is a suburb of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Its 24 square mile area
supports 20,321 residents, according to the 2000 census. The city's land use was
predominately agricultural until about 20 years ago when it experienced an influx of
single family residential development. Approximately two-thirds ofthe land within the
city is developed, with a sizeable portion of the undeveloped areas within the Minnesota
River bluffs or floodplain. As it grows, residential land uses will continue to dominate
Chanhassen's landscape. At ultimate land use conditions, 67% will be residential, 11 %
will be undeveloped, 10% will be parks and open space, 1 % will be commercial and less
than 10% will be office/industrial. Consequently, this Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Program (SWPPP) focuses primarily on educating and changing behaviors of residents,
municipal officials and municipal employees.
Chanhassen contains 11 lakes, over 400 depressional wetlands and over 350 storm water
ponds. Its southern border is the Minnesota River, whose valley contains a very rare
natural community: the Seminary Fen. The soils in Chanhassen tend to be high in clay
content, making infiltration impractical in many situations, and the water table tends to be
high. Four major creeks wind through Chanhassen: Bluff Creek, Riley Creek, Purgatory
Creek and Assumption Creek. Chanhassen is home to the Minnesota Landscape
Arboretum, a county-owned regional park, a summer camp, a public golf course, a
portion of the Raguet Wildlife Management Area, a portion of the Minnesota Valley
National Wildlife Refuge, four elementary schools (St. Hubert, Chapel Hill, Bluff Creek
and Chanhassen) and two junior high schools (St. Hubert and Minnetonka West).
Sanitary sewer and municipal water are available to approximately two-thirds of the City.
There are currently approximately 350 individual sewage treatment systems (ISTS)
within Chanhassen's city limits.
Before beginning to select BMPs and measurable goals for the 2003 NPDES Phase II
MS4 Permit, City staff undertook a self-assessment ofChanhassen's storm water system.
This was an evaluation of conditions, needs and practices in Chanhassen. The objective
ofthis process was to provide a knowledge base upon which to structure the SWPPP in
order to meet the permit's Maximum Extent Practicable standard.
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program
City of Chanhassen, Minnesota
June 1,2006
The self-assessment was guided by materials included in the League of Minnesota Cities
NPDES Phase II MS4 Guide Plan. This self-assessment process had two major
. The first workshop session organized as part ofthe LMC Guide Plan project
included a self-assessment component led by Pat Collins of AMEC Earth &
Environmental. This included:
o A discussion of physical and socio-political watershed and organizational
conditions and issues that should guide the selection ofBMPs and measurable
o A review of two examples of cities with different characteristics to
demonstrate how local conditions should shape the selection of BMPs and
measurable goals; and
o A series of exercises in which our city staff considered the local conditions for
our community and how they should guide our selection ofBMPs and
measurable goals.
. After the workshop session, we worked with the NPDES Phase II Program
Assessment Questionnaire that was included in the LMC Guide Plan notebook.
This was a twelve-page document with a comprehensive list of questions that we
used to guide us through a self-assessment activity, including consideration of a
wide range of storm water approaches.
The results of this process include:
. A better understanding ofthe Phase II program among city staff;
. Written notes; and
. Questionnaires that were completed by various members of City staff.
Together, these items represent our knowledge of our local storm water system and the
conditions that shape it. We have used the results of this self-assessment process to guide
our selection of BMPs and measurable goals that make up the SWPPP for our Permit
Based on this self-assessment process, our staff has considered the following factors in
order to meet the Maximum Extent Practicable standard set forth in the Permit:
. Sources of pollutants;
. Potentially polluting activities being conducted in the watershed;
. Sensitivity of receiving waters;
. Uses of receiving waters;
. Specific local concerns;
. The size of Chanhassen;
. Climate;
. Implementation schedules;
. Current ability to finance storm water programs;
. Hydrology;
. Geology;
Page 2 of7
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program
City of Chanhassen, Minnesota
June 1, 2006
. Capacity to perform operation and maintenance;
. Local land uses;
. Rate and type of development;
. Characteristics of our watershed; and
. The organizational characteristics of our city.
In addition to the self-assessment process discussed above, our staff has also considered
the following non-storm water discharges to determine whether they should be identified
as significant contributors of pollutants to the MS4:
. Water line flushing,
. Landscape irrigation,
. Diverted stream flows,
. Rising ground waters,
. Uncontaminated ground water infiltration,
. Uncontaminated pumped ground water,
. Discharges from potable water sources,
. Foundation drains,
. Air condit,ioning condensation,
. Irrigation water,
. Springs,
. Water from crawl space pumps,
. Footing drains,
. Lawn watering,
. Individual residential car washing,
. Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands,
. Dechlorinated swimming pool discharges, and
. Street wash water, discharges or flows from fire fighting activities.
During the self-assessment process, the City of Chanhassen did not find any of the
additional referenced non-storm water discharges listed above to be significant
contributors of pollutants to the storm water system.
Below is a summary ofthe best management practices (BMPs) chosen by the City of
Chanhassen to attain the permit requirements of the MS4 permit. Each BMP is
categorized into a Minimum Control Measures to meet the Maximum Extent Practicable
standard set in the permit requirements.
Page 3 of?
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program
City of Chanhassen, Minnesota
June I, 2006
MCM 1: Public Education and Outreach
Distribute Educational Materials
Arbor Day
Storm Drain Marking
Implement an Education Program
Education Program: Public Education and Outreach
Education Program: Public Participation
Education Program: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
Education Program: Construction Site Run-off Control
Education Program: Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New
Development and Redevelopment
Education Program: Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for
Municipal Operations
City of Chanhassen Website
Chanhassen Connection
Chanhassen Clean Water Hotline
Presentations to City Council
Coordination of Education Program
Annual Public Meeting
MCM 2: Public Involvement and Participation
Comply with Public Notice Requirements
Solicit Public Input and Opinion on the Adequacy of the SWPPP
Consider Public Input
MCM 3: Illicit Discharge, Detection and Elimination
Storm Sewer System Map
Regulatory Control Program
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Plan
Program to Detect and Address Sanitary Sewer Overflow
Program to Detect and Address Failing Septic Systems
Program to Detect and Address Illegal Dumping
Carver County Recycling Center Program
Christmas Tree Collection
Public and Employee Illicit Discharge Information Program
Identification of Non Stormwater Discharges and Flows
Page 4 of?
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program
City of Chanhassen, Minnesota
June 1, 2006
MCM 4: Construction Site Runoff Control
Ordinance or other Regulatory Mechanism
Construction Site Implementation of Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs
Waste Controls for Construction Site Operators
Procedure for Site Plan Reviews
Establishment of Procedures for the Receipt and Consideration of Reports
of Stormwater Noncompliance
Establishment of Procedures for Site Inspection and Enforcement
Communication between Chanhassen and CSWCD
Site Inspection Criteria
MCM 5: Post-Construction Runoff Control
Development and Implementation of Structural and/or Nonstructural BMPs
Regulatory Mechanism to Address Post Construction Runoff from New
Development and Redevelopment
Long-term Operation and Maintenance ofBMPs
MCM 6: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping
Municipal Operations and Maintenance Program
Street Sweeping
Presentations to City Staff
Annual Inspection of All Structural Pollution Control Devices
Inspection of a Minimum of 20 Percent of the MS4 Outfalls, Sediment
Basins and Ponds Each Year on a Rotating Basis
Annual Inspection of All Exposed Stockpile, Storage and Material
Handling Areas
Inspection Follow-up Including the Determination of Whether Repair,
Replacement, or Maintenance Measures are Necessary and the
Implementation of the Corrective Measures
Record Reporting and Retention of All Inspections and Responses to the
Evaluation of Inspection Frequency
Fleet Oil and Materials Management
Municipal Landscaping and Lawn Care
Municipal Vehicle Maintenance
Municipal Vehicle Washing
Hazardous Materials Management
Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
Road Salt Application
Road Salt Storage and Handling
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Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program
City of Chanhassen, Minnesota
June 1, 2006
The BMP Summary Sheets of the BMPs outlined above can be found at the end of this
Part VI of the permit contains several additional requirements relative to evaluation and
assessment; recordkeeping; public availability; annual reporting; and reporting submittals
for the MS4 permit. Below is a description of the City ofChanhassen's plan for adhering
to these requirements.
Evaluation and Assessment: The City will use the preparation of the annual report as an
opportunity to evaluate and assess program compliance, the BMPs that have been chosen
and implemented, and the City's progress towards achieving the identified measurable
Recordkeeping: The City will keep records related to the NPDES MS4 permit for no less
than three (3) years.
Public Availability: The City's SWPPP will be available on the City's website
(www.cLchanhassen.mn.us). Other records related to the City's NPDES MS4 permit will
be available at City Hall (7700 Market Boulevard, Chanhassen, Minnesota) during
regular business hours. Copies will be made upon request; a reasonable charge will be
assessed for copying.
Annual Reporting: An annual report meeting the requirements set forth in Part VI-D will
be submitted by June 30 of each year of the permit cycle.
Reporting Submittals: All materials required under this permit will be submitted to the
address set forth in Part VI-E ofthe permit.
Part IX (Appendix C) of the permit sets forth limitations on discharges meeting certain
criteria. One of these criteria is related to Outstanding Resource Value Waters
(ORVWs). Special permit conditions apply to Waters with Prohibited Discharges,
Discharges to Waters with Restricted Discharges and Discharges Adversely Impacting
Trout Waters.
The City ofChanhassen contains a Water with Restricted Discharges (Seminary Fen) and
a Trout Water (Assumption Creek). These resources are in the southern part of
Chanhassen, in an area that is relatively undeveloped. The City of Chanhassen' s MS4
has not added new or expanded discharges to these listed waters since January 1, 1988.
For this reason, Chanhassen rebuts the presumption that it must comply with the
provisions of Parts IX-B and C.
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Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program
City of Chanhassen, Minnesota
June 1, 2006
There are a number of outfalls into the area near the Seminary Fen and Assumption
Creek; however, they are not under the City ofChanhassen's operational control. A
majority of them are owned by either the Hennepin County Railroad Authority (regional
rail corridor currently used for recreation) or the Minnesota Department of Transportation
(Trunk Highway 212). A portion of the runoff from Bluff Creek Drive does discharge to
the west; however, it does not discharge into the Seminary Fen or Assumption Creek.
The City of Chanhassen intends to revise its City Code in 2006-2007 as part of its Third
Generation Surface Water Management Planning Process. At that time, the City will
include a provision in its code that requires parties proposing new or expanded discharges
to Waters with Restricted Discharges or Trout Waters to first determine that there are no
prudent and feasible alternatives to the new or expanded discharge. This will ensure that
Chanhassen remains compliant with Parts IX-B and C ofthe permit.
The City of Chanhassen is a Selected MS4 under Part XI (Appendix E) ofthe permit.
For Chanhassen, the items listed in Part X (Appendix D) ofthe permit must be submitted
twenty (20) months after the effective date ofthe permit, which is February 1,2008.
In order to ensure compliance with Parts X and XI of the permit, the City will develop
and implement a nondegradation plan, as set forth in Part X-A through 1. This will
include the preparation of a loading assessment and nondegradation report that reflect
public comments received on the draft nondegradation report and modified Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Program.
Page 7 of7
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: la-I
*BMP Title: Distribute Educational Materials
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will distribute educational materials to the community or conduct
equivalent outreach activities about the impacts of storm water discharges on water bodies and
the steps that the public can take to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff Many of the other
education program BMPs will also address this permit requirement.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Distribution of educational materials during each year of the permit cycle.
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Implement other BMPs related to education in accordance with timelines/implementation schedules
established in BMP summary sheets.
Specific Components and Notes:
Website (I c- 7)
Annual public meeting (Ie-I)
Arbor Day (la-2)
Chanhassen Connection (Ic-8)
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the
application due to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: I b-l
*BMP Title: Implement an Education Program
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will implement an education program that individually addresses each minimum control
I. Public education and outreach;
2. Public participation;
3. Illicit discharge detection and elimination;
4. Construction site storm water runoff control;
5. Post-construction storm water management in new development and redevelopment; and
6. Pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations.
The BMPs related to this permit requirement are BMPs numbered lc-l through lc-6.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Implementation of educational programs for each MCM as outlined in BMPs I c-l through I c-6.
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Implement other BMPs related to education in accordance with timelines/implementation schedules established in
BMP summary sheets.
Specific Components and Notes:
Website (lc-7)
Annual public meeting (Ie-I)
Arbor Day (Ia-2)
Chanhassen Connection (lc-8)
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
MS4 Name:
Minimum Control Measure:
Unique BMP Identification Number:
BMP Summary Sheet
City of Chanhassen
*BMP Title: Education Program: Public Education and Outreach
* Audience(s) Involved:
Residents and property owners within Chanhassen
*Educational Goals for Each Audience:
Increased awareness of storm water issues and how individuals can make a difference with regard to water quality;
Decrease in negative storm water impacts from individual properties; Increase awareness about the causes of
nonpoint source pollution; Provide information and resources to encourage reductions in polluting behaviors; Gain
support for the City in the implementation of its SWPPP; Involve residents in activities to improve the quality of
stormwater runoff
* Activities Used to Reach Educational Goals:
Quarterly articles in Chanhassen Connection; City ofChanhassen Web Page
* Activity Implementation Plan:
Implement BMPs in accordance with BMP Summary Sheets for each activity
*Performance Measures:
Annual survey of residents through enclosure of survey in quarterly utility bill
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
MS4 Name:
Minimum Control Measure:
Unique BMP Identification Number:
BMP Summary Sheet
City of Chanhassen
*BMP Title: Education Program: Public Participation
* Audience(s) Involved:
Residents and property owners within Chanhassen
*Educational Goals for Each Audience:
Provide opporturIities for the general public to be involved in stormwater decision-making and stormwater
* Activities Used to Reach Educational Goals:
Presentations to City Council (I c-l 0)
Annual Public Meeting (Ie-I)
Arbor Day (la-2)
Website (lc-7)
Storm Drain Marking (la-3)
* Activity Implementation Plan:
Implement activities as outlined in BMP summary sheets
*Performance Measures:
Comments received on annual report
Number of parks cleaned
Number of volunteers cleaning parks
Number of volunteer groups marking drains
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. F ai/ure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
MS4 Name:
Minimum Control Measure:
Unique BMP Identification Number:
BMP Summary Sheet
City of Chanhassen
*BMP Title: Education Program: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
* Audience(s) Involved:
Residents and property owners within Chanhassen, Business Owners, Contractors
*Educational Goals for Each Audience:
Educate and inspire the public to change behavior to reduce the amount and frequency of illicit discharge to the
storm sewer system.
Alert the public to the clean water hotline for use in reporting illicit discharges
* Activities Used to Reach Educational Goals:
IDD&E information program (3d-I)
Clean Water Hotline (lc-9)
* Activity Implementation Plan:
Inform employees, businesses & general public (3d-I) in accordance with BMP summary sheets.
Maintain clean water hotline (1 c-9) in accordance with BMP summary sheets.
*Performance Measures:
# of illicit discharges reported.
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
MS4 Name:
Minimum Control Measure:
Unique BMP Identification Number:
BMP Summary Sheet
City of Chanhassen
*BMP Title: Education Program: Construction Site Run-off Control
* Audience(s) Involved:
Contractors, Consultants and Developers
*Educational Goals for Each Audience:
Inform developers, their engineers and their contractors about stormwater issues, erosion and sediment control
concerns and ways to minimize site exposure.
* Activities Used to Reach Educational Goals:
· Sponsor workshops
. Defray the cost of workshop attendance for developers, etc.
. Site plan review process
· Web site (links to resources)
* Activity Implementation Plan:
2006: Meet with other agencies that have sponsored and helt workshops.
2007: Plan workshop
Spring 2008: Hold Workshop
Fall 2008: Evaluate workshop and schedule 2nd workshop.
*Performance Measures:
Number of participants at workshops
Number of agencies cooperating to hold workshops
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
MS4 Name:
Minimum Control Measure:
Unique BMP Identification Number:
BMP Summary Sheet
City of Chanhassen
*BMP Title: Education Program: Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and
* Audience(s) Involved:
Developers, Consultants, Inspectors (CSWCD, City, City's Consultants)
*Educational Goals for Each Audience:
Awareness of permit requirements; know ledge of controls that can be put in place; ability to couple on-site or
design issues with potential solutions.
*Activities Used to Reach Educational Goals:
Training for street crew on O&M?
Website (City code with rules)
* Activity Implementation Plan:
Sponsor workshop
Hold training
Maintain Website
Continue to develop ed. Program as permit from progresses.
*Performance Measures:
Number enrolled in workshops
Pre-Post test for training
Website includes code
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. F ai/ure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
MS4 Name:
Minimum Control Measure:
Unique BMP Identification Number:
BMP Summary Sheet
City of Chanhassen
*BMP Title: Education Program: Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
* Audience(s) Involved:
City Council, Commissions and employees (Parks and Recreation, Streets, Utilities, Engineering and Community
*Educational Goals for Each Audience:
Awareness of storm water issues; phase 2 strategies for public works.
* Activities Used to Reach Educational Goals:
Training (lc-5)
Presentation to City Council (lc-lO)
Presentations to City Staff (6a-3)
* Activity Implementation Plan:
Implement activities in accordance with BMP summary sheets.
*Performance Measures:
Presentations made.
Pre-Post tests for training
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: Id-l
*BMP Title: Coordination of Education Program
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will coordinate its education program with other agencies that are endeavoring to increase
stormwater awareness and change behaviors to improve stormwater quality. These agencies may include, but are
not limited to: WaterShed Partners, watershed districts, Carver County Water Resource Management Area, Carver
Soil and Water Conservation District and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Financial contribution to WaterShed Partners or other similar organization
Meetings held with agency staff to discuss existing and proposed educational programs
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Annually: Contribute to organization with focus on stormwater education
Annually: Meet once each with staff from watershed districts, CCWRMA and CWSCD to discuss the educational
programs they support that may dovetail into the City's SWPPP
Specific Components and Notes:
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: le-l
*BMP Title: Annual Public Meeting
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will solicit public input and opinion about the adequacy of the SWPPP from the annual
public meeting to be held during a City Council meeting. The staff report will include a brief summary of the City's
storm water management strategies. As well as a report on the accomplishments ofthe preceding calendar.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Completed Meeting
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Annually: hold meeting in conjunction with City Council Meeting (Spring).
Specific Components and Notes:
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
Additional BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: lc-7
*BMP Title: City ofChanhassen Website
*BMP Description:
The City ofChanhassen's website (www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us) will include its Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Program (SWPPP). The website will also include applicable City ordinances, projects and programs referenced in
the SWPPP. The web site will include educational materials on nonpoint source pollution and how residents can
minimize pollution. Information on the public comment process and public involvement opportunities will be
provided as well.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Updated website
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Fall 2006: Update website
Fall 2007: Update website
Fall 2008: Update website
Fall 2009: Update website
Fall 2010: Update website
Specific Components, and Notes:
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP)
Applicable City ordinances
Public involvement opportunities
Nonpoint source pollution educational materials
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
Additional BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: lc-8
*BMP Title: Chanhassen Connection
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen publishes a quarterly newsletter for its residents. At least one issue per year will contain
an article pertaining to nonpoint source pollution in one of the general areas listed below.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Articles appeared in Chanhassen Connection
Number of articles appearing
Number of newsletters mailed
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Effective immediately
Specific Components and Notes:
What is stormwater?
What causes stormwater pollution?
What is nonpoint source pollution?
What can residents do to prevent nonpoint source pollution?
What is the City doing to prevent nonpoint source pollution?
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
Additional BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: lc-9
*BMP Title: Chanhassen Clean Water Hotline
*BMP Description:
The City ofChanhassen will maintain a telephone hotline (952.227.1351) that allows residents to listen to and/or
record voicemail messages to report issues related to the specific components below. Messages will be retrieved
daily and forwarded to appropriate City personnel.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Number of calls received
Number of issues resolved
Number of illicit discharges reported
Number of calls regarding erosion and sediment control
Number of suspect ISTS reported
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Effective immediately
Annually: Promote clean water hotline through Chanhassen Connection and Cable Channel 8
Annually: Assess hotline effectiveness each year of permit cycle
Specific Components and Notes:
Current water quality projects
Illicit discharges
Erosion and sediment control
Storm water infrastructure
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
,to incompleteness.
Additional BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: I c-l 0
*BMP Title: Presentations to City Council
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will prepare a presentation to the City Council on an annual basis to address the specific
components below. The presentation will increase Council awareness of stormwatyr runoff issues and justifY the
importance of SWPPP implementation. The presentation will be given at a City Council meeting, prior to the
public hearing on the NPDES Phase II MS4 Annual Report. City Council meetings are aired on Cable Channel 8
(and re-aired throughout the week), so the presentation will be available to the general public.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Completed presentations
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Annually: Give presentation regarding stormwater runoff and annual report
Specific Components and Notes:
NPDES Phase II MS4 regulations
Impacts of urban stormwater on water resources
SWPPP components
Progress toward SWPPP implementation
Challenges in SWPPP implementation
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
Additional BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: la-2
*BMP Title: Arbor Day
*BMP Description:
Each spring, the City of Chanhassen hosts an Arbor Day celebration that includes a park clean-up, storytelling,
presentations on environmental issues, environmental displays and outdoor crafts.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Number of parks cleaned
Number of volunteers cleaning parks
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
April/May 2007: Hold Arbor Day celebration
April/May 2008: Hold Arbor Day celebration
April/May 2009: Hold Arbor Day celebration
April/May 2010: Hold Arbor Day celebration
Specific Components and Notes:
This BMP also addresses issues for MCMs 2 and 3: Public participation and involvement; and Illicit discharge detection and
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1133
E-mail: jsinclair@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
Additional BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number:
*BMP Title:
*BMP Description:
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Specific Components and Notes:
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 2a-l
*BMP Title: Comply with Public Notice Requirements
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will follow applicable public notice requirements by preparing a notice of public
informational meeting at least 30 days prior to the meeting.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Completed meeting notice to public
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Spring 2007: Print public notice in the Chanhassen Villager and put on Chanhassen's web site at least 30 days
prior to the public meeting.
Spring 2008: Print public notice in the Chanhassen Villager and put on Chanhassen's website at least 30 days
prior to the public meeting.
Spring 2009: Print public notice in the Chanhassen Villager and put on Chanhassen's website at least 30 days
prior to the public meeting.
Spring 2010: Print public notice in the Chanhassen Villager and put on Chanhassen's web site at least 30 days
prior to the public meeting.
Specific Components and Notes:
Prepare notice
Publish notice in Chanhassen Villager and on City web site (I c- 7)
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Karen Engelhardt, Office Manager
Department: Administration
Phone: 952.227.1104
E-mail: kengelhardt@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 2b-l
*BMP Title: Solicit Public Input and Opinion on the Adequacy of the SWPPP
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will solicit public input and opinion about the adequacy of the SWPPP from the
annual public meeting during a City Council meeting. The City will allow the public a chance to submit
written comments and materials as part of the input and opinion process.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Completed meeting
Recorded any oral statements in meeting notes
Received any written material
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Spring 2007: Hold annual meeting in conjunction with a City Council meeting; receive written comment
Spring 2008: Hold annual meeting in conjunction with a City Council meeting; receive written comment
Spring 2009: Hold annual meeting in conjunction with a City Council meeting; receive written comment
Spring 2010: Hold annual meeting in conjunction with a City Council meeting; receive written comment
Specific Components and Notes:
Schedule a location; Prepare notice (2a-l); Distribute notice in Chanhassen Villager and on City web site (1 c-
7); Hold meeting; Provide public comment period; Prepare minutes
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 2c-l
*BMP Title: Consider Public Input
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will analyze the comments and written material and adjust the SWPPP as appropriate.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Adjustments made to SWPPP
*Timeline/lmplementation Schedule:
Public input considered in each year of the permit cycle.
Specific Components and Notes:
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
Additional BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number:
*BMP Title:
*BMP Description:
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Specific Components and Notes:
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 3a-l
*BMP Title: Storm Sewer System Map
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will keep current the storm sewer system map. This map will be used to locate outfalls
and infrastructure required for annual inspections and associated maintenance.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Complete and updated MS4 map
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Winter 2006: Update map
Winter 2007: Update map
Winter 2008: Update map
Winter 2009: Update map
Winter 2010: Update map
Specific Components and Notes:
Lakes, ponds, streams and wetlands, Structural pollution control devices (grit chambers, separators, etc.)
Pipes and conveyances greater than 24" diameter (x-y-z), outfalls and overland discharge points that are
outlets, but not diffuse flow areas.
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 3b-l
*BMP Title: Regulatory Control Program
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will update and enforce ordinances and regulatory mechanisms that prohibit illicit
connections, potential discharges from septic systems, illegal dumping and other non-stormwater discharges.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Ordinances in place
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Effective immediately: Ordinance in place (Section 19-128 through 130)
2006-2007: Review ordinances and update as necessary
Ongoing: Enforcement actions as necessary
Specific Components and Notes:
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Jerry Mohn, Acting Building Official
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1196
E-mail: jmohn@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 3c-l
*BMP Title: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Plan
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will develop and implement a program to detect and address nonstormwater
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Number of illicit discharges detected
Number of illicit discharges addressed
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Effective immediately: Inspect infrastructure in accordance with BMP Summary Sheets 6b-2 and 6b-3
Specific Components and Notes:
Program to Detect and Address Sanitary Sewer Overflow (3c-2)
Program to Detect and Address Failing Septic Systems (3c-3)
Program to Detect and Address Illegal Dumping (3c-4)
Carver County Recycling Center Program (3c-5)
Christmas Tree Collection (3c-6)
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
Additional BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 3c-2
*BMP Title: Program to Detect and Address Sanitary Sewer Overflow
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will develop and implement a program to prevent and address sanitary sewer
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Prioritize sanitary sewer maintenance tasks
Number of maintenance actions taken
Pump hours log
On-call log (responds to malfunctions)
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Effective Immediately: Procedures in place to detect and address.
Specific Components and Notes:
Record keeping/tracking system implementation
Develop sanitary sewer inspection schedule
Develop sanitary sewer maintenance schedule
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Kelley Janes, Utilities Superintendent
Department: Public Works
Phone: 952.227.1311
E-mail: kjanes@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
Additional BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 3c-3
*BMP Title: Program to Detect and Address Failing Septic Systems
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will implement a program to detect and address failing septic systems. The program
components will also serve to maintain proper function in non-failing systems.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Number of septic systems inspected
Number of failing systems detected
Number of reminders sent to homeowners
Monthly pumping lists from contractors
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Effective Immediately
Specific Components and Notes:
Reminders sent to homeowners to inspect and maintain (pump) their systems; On-site inspections at time of
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Jerry Mohn, Acting Building Official
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1196
E-mail: jmohn@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
Additional BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 3c-4
*BMP Title: Program to Detect and Address Illegal Dumping
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will implement a program to prevent illegally dumped materials from being washed
down storm drains. The City will publicize its Clean Water Hotline so residents and businesses can report
illegal dumping.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Number of dump sites identified
Number of dump sites cleaned up
Number of hot line calls
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Effective immediately
Specific Components and Notes:
Assessment of potential dump sites
Clean Water Hotline (lc-9)
Carver County Recycling Center Program (3c-5)
Develop follow-up procedures
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
Additional BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 3c-5
*BMP Title: Carver County Recycling Center Program
*BMP Description:
Carver County operates a recycling facility where county residents can drop off household hazardous waste
and yard waste at nominal prices. The City of Chanhassen will issue $10 coupons to all Chanhassen residents
in the Chanhassen Connection for use at the county recycling center.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Number of Chanhassen residents using coupons
Amount of household hazardous waste collected
Amount of debris/yard waste collected
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Effective Immediately
Specific Components and Notes:
Distribute coupons to public
Gather participation/collection data from facility
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Jill Sinclair
Department: Environmental Resource Specialist
Phone: 952.227.1133
E-mail: jsinclair@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUlREDjield. Failure to complete any requiredjield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
Additional BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
UniqueBMP Identification Number: 3c-6
*BMP Title: Christmas Tree Collection
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will work with local Boy Scout troops to conduct a Christmas tree pick-up so
discarded trees can be composted at no cost Chanhassen residents.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Number of trees collected
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Effective Immediately
Specific Components and Notes:
Notify residents of program and dates, organize pick-up location and document results
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Jill Sinclair
Department: Environmental Resource Specialist
Phone: 952.227.1133
E-mail: jsinclair@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 3d-l
*BMP Title: Public and Employee Illicit Discharge Information Program
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will develop and implement a program to inform employees, businesses and the general
public of hazards associated with illegal discharges and improper disposal of waste.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Program developed
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Winter 2006: Develop program
2007 - 2010: Implement program
Specific Components and Notes:
Web site (lc-7)
Chanhassen Connection (lc-8)
Cable Channel 8
Storm Drain Marking (la-3)
Carver County Recycling Center Program (3c-5)
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUlREDjield. Failure to complete any requiredjield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 3e-l
*BMP Title: Identification of Non Stormwater Discharges and Flows
*BMP Description:
The City does not identify any of the following nonstormwater discharges or flows as significant contributors of
pollutants to its MS4: water line flushing, landscape irrigation, diverted stream flows, rising ground waters,
uncontaminated ground water infiltration (as defined at 40 CFR S 35.2005(b)(20)), uncontaminated pumped ground
water, discharges from potable water sources, foundation drains, air conditioning condensation, irrigation water,
springs, water from crawl space pumps, footing drains, lawn watering, individual residential car washing, flows
from riparian habitats and wetlands, dechlorinated swimming pool discharges, and street wash water, discharges or
flows from fire fighting activities.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Reevaluate annually
Specific Components and Notes:
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
Additional BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number:
*BMP Title:
*BMP Description: '
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Specific Components and Notes:
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 4a-l
*BMP Title: Ordinance or Other Regulatory Mechanism
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will conduct a review of the current city ordinances regarding appropriate erosion and
sediment control, including the specific components below.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Document meetings regarding review
Ordinance amendments due to review
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
2007: Assess adequacy of current ordinance
2007-2008: Develop changes to Ordinance
Specific Components and Notes:
Hold meetings and gather input regarding ordinance coverage of erosion and sediment control; Present
proposed changes to the City Council; Timelines for proposal, installation and inspection of erosion and
sediment control. Comparison of City's erosion and sediment control ordinance to those of similar and
surrounding communities
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 4b-l
*BMP Title: Construction Site Implementation of Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will ensure compliance with applicable ordinances through consistent enforcement
and encouraging appropriate construction site management.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Enforcement procedures identified
Number of enforcement actions taken
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Effective immediately: Inspection of construction sites
2007: Determine enforcement costs and complete development of inspection and enforcement program
2008: Develop ordinance and procedures
2009: Implement enforcement program
Specific Components and Notes:
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 4c-l
*BMP Title: Waste Controls for Construction Site Operators
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will assess current construction site waste disposal practices and ordinances and
determine if a system exists and, if so, determine if the current system is being fully utilized and enforced.
The system may address discarded building materials, concrete truck washout, chemicals, litter and sanitary
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Whether or not an ordinance is adopted
Established inspection criteria
Established inspection program
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
2007: Evaluate current waste disposal system for utilization and enforcement
2008: Develop and recommend changes to the system.
2009: Adopt ordinance changes as needed; Implement changes.
Specific Components and Notes:
Ordinance review
Determination of enforcement costs
Determine ins,pection criteria
Determine timelines for compliance, incentives and disincentives
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
wq-strm4-50 3/06
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 4d-l
*BMP Title: Procedure for Site Plan Review
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will ensure that plan review adequately considers potential impacts to water quality.
This will be done by undertaking a review of current plan review procedures.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Set forth requirements for submittals
Defined the criteria needed for plan review
Developed a timeline for plan review
Specialists reviewed plans
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
2007: Review current plan review procedures
2008: Develop checklists
Specific Components and Notes:
Review by wetland, erosion, forestry and hydrology specialists
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 4e-l
*BMP Title: Establishment of Procedures for the Receipt and Consideration of Reports of Storm water
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will take information regarding construction site issues and complaints to ensure that
construction issues and complaints are received, documented and addressed. The primary avenue for receipt
of complaints will be through calls placed directly to City Hall or the Clean Water Hotline.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Implementation of database
Administration of hotline-based complaint system
Inspection/enforcement reports
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
2007: Implement tracking system for noncompliance complaints. Develop roles for City staff in inspection and
enforcement program.
Specific Components and Notes:
Clean Water Hotline (1 c-9)
Develop database
Establish inspection/enforcement procedures
Notify other agencies
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952-227-1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 4f-l
*BMP Title: Establishment of Procedures for Site Inspection and Enforcement
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will work to establish procedures for site inspection and enforcement. The City will
cooperate with the Carver Soil and Water Conservation District. City staff will inspect sites occasionally on
"off-weeks" when CSWCD staff is not scheduled to inspect sites.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Inspection logs for all projects requiring NPDES construction permits
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
2006: Biweekly inspections by CSWCD staff. Occasional off-week inspections by City staff.
2007: Evaluate and implement changes as appropriate
Specific Components and Notes:
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952-227-1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
Additional BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 4f-2
*BMP Title: Communication between Chanhassen and CSWCD
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will work to develop efficient communication between agencies to support an
effective erosion and sediment control program. The City has signed an agreement whereby the CSWCD
conducts erosion and sediment control inspections on behalf of the City.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Meetings to improve communication
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
2007: Meet with CSWCD staff to review procedures and adjust, as necessary
Specific Components and Notes:
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952-227-1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
Additional BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 4f-3
*BMP Title: Site Inspection Criteria
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will develop site inspection procedure of what to look for, critical areas of concern,
definitions and compile BMP details to assist contractors in proper BMP installation
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Site inspection procedure developed
BMP details compiled
*TimelinelImplementation Schedule:
2006: Determine site inspection criteria
2007: Compile details for BMPs
Specific Components and Notes:
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952-227-1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 5a-l
*BMP Title: Development and Implementation of Structural and/or Non-structural BMPs
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will develop and implement strategies for new development and redevelopment that will
prevent or reduce water quality impacts.
Location( s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Ordinances reviewed
Projects implementing structural and/or nonstructural BMPs
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Effective immediately: Ordinances in place
2006 - 2007: Review of City Code to determine whether current requirements are adequate
2007: Update ordinances, ifnecessary
Specific Components and Notes:
Structural: Ponds, infiltration/filtration basins, grit chambers, swales, buffer strips, etc.
Non-structural: Impervious surface limits, street sweeping, etc.
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952-227-1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 5b-l
*BMP Title: Regulatory Mechanism to Address Post Construction Runoff from New Development and
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will review its development and redevelopment ordinances and assess whether they
are adequate to ensure effective implementation of permanent BMPs and therefore prevent or reduce nonpoint
source pollution. This will include a comparison of Chanhassen' s ordinances to those of similar and
surrounding communities and a check to ensure consistency between the City's SWMP and its ordinances.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Zoning ordinance
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
2006 - 2007: Review zoning ordinance for effectiveness or updating.
2007: Update ordinance, if necessary.
Specific Components and Notes:
Shoreland overlay district; Tree/woodland protection; Bluff protection; Bluff Creek Overlay District;
Impervious surface limits; Wetland protection requirements; Infiltration/filtration requirements; Water quality
and water quantity standards
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952-227-1139
E-mail: kaanenson@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. F ai/ure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 5c-l
*BMP Title: Long-term Operation and Maintenance ofBMPs
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will inspect and maintain in accordance with the permit requirements.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Annual report of ponds cleaned
Annual report of inspections made
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Effective immediately
Specific Components and Notes:
This BMP coincides with many of the requirements of MCM 6, specifically BMPs 6b-l through 6b-7.
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Mike Wegler, Street Superintendent
Department: Public Works
Phone: 952-227-1303
E-mail: mwegler@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
Additional BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City of Chanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number:
*BMP Title:
*BMP Description:
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Specific Components and Notes:
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City of Chanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 6a-3
*BMP Title: Presentations to City Staff
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will prepare a presentation to City staff on an annual basis to explain the specific
components listed below. This presentation will increase staff awareness of storm water issues and justify the
importance of implementing the SWPPP.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Completed presentations
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Annual presentation each year of permit cycle
Specific Components and Notes:
NPDES regulations, Impacts of urban storm water or water resources, SWPPP components, Progress toward
SWPPP implementation, Challenges toward SWPPP implementation, Departments responsible for
*Responsible Party for ,this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-13
*BMP Title: Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will, when prudent, purchase products with recycled content.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Policy in effect
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Effective immediately
Specific Components and Notes:
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1133
E-mail: jsinclair@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-8
*BMP Title: Fleet Oil and Materials Management
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen with encourage proper disposal of spent fluids and materials for its fleet management.
Education and encouragement for alternative methods of disposal will be provided.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Gallons of used oil recycled
Spill records
Material recycling records or receipts
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Oil recycling and spill reporting effective immediately. As alternative methods of material disposal become
available, the City will determine feasibility of use.
Specific Components and Notes:
Provide dedicated recycling containers for municipal use
Create standardized spill report and containment form
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Harold Brose, Equipment Superintendent
Department: Public Works
Phone: 952.227.1306
E-mail: hbrose@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City of Chanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 6a-2
*BMP Title: Street Sweeping
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will employ street sweeping practices to minimize pollutants in street runoff.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Number of times entire city swept
Length of pavement swept
Amount of debris removed from streets
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
2006: Develop schedule and tracking system for street sweeping activities.
2007: Increase street sweeping to twice a year throughout the city.
Specific Components and Notes:
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952-227-1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City of Chanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-9
*BMP Title: Municipal Landscaping and Lawn Care
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will employ proper maintenance of municipal landscaped areas through. the
implementation ofthe specific components listed below.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Performed soil analysis on municipal turf areas.
Amount of fertilizer used
Amount of pesticides applied
Amount of herbicides applied
Maintained buffers around water resources
Planted native plants
Planted salt-tolerant plants
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Effective immediately: Wise use oflandscaping practices by municipal departments (soil tests, zero
phosphorus fertilizers, mulch, etc.).
2006: Establish soil analysis schedule/plan
Specific Components and Notes:
Use of chemicals: Amounts, types, locations
Plant selection: Native or non-native, salt-tolerant
Soil analysis on municipal turf areas
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Todd Hoffman, Parks and Recreation Director
Department: Parks and Recreation
Phone: 952-227-1129
E-mail: thoffinan@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City of Chanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-lO
*BMP Title: Municipal Vehicle Maintenance
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will protect against spills and leaks through. proper vehicle maintenance and clean-up
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Percentage of vehicles inspected for leaks
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
2006: Assess current spill and reporting procedures
Annually: Inspect vehicles for leaks
Specific Components and Notes:
Regular use of drip pans
Spill reporting forms
Provide spill clean-up materials
Fleet Oil and Materials Management (6b-8)
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Harold Brose, Shop Superintendent
Department: Public Works
Phone: 952.227.1306
E-mail: hbrose@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City of Chanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-ll
*BMP Title: Municipal Vehicle Washing
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will minimize detergents and grit in storm water runoff from municipal facilities by
employing the specific components below.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Whether or not vehicles are washed indoors
Whether or not indoor wash areas are served by sanitary sewer
Amount of soap used to wash vehicles
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Effective immediately: Minimizing effects of vehicle washing with dedicated indoor washing areas and
reducing use of soaps.
Specific Components and Notes:
Dedicated indoor washing facilities
Reduce soap use
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Harold Brose, Shop Superintendent
Department: Public Works
Phone: 952-227 -1303
E-mail: hbrose@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
Additional MP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City of Chanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-12
*BMP Title: Hazardous Materials Management
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will develop procedures and programs for proper handling of hazardous waste to
prevent spills and leakage and will address proper disposal of hazardous waste.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Number of regularly inspected storage units
Establishment of containment protocol
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
2006: Assess current procedures and storage areas
2007: Update procedures and address storage concerns
2008: Develop inspections and tracking for hazardous materials
Specific Components and Notes:
Establish containment protocols
Regularly inspect storage areas and facilities
Review material handling practices
Provide spills clean up materials and reporting forms
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952-227-1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
Additional MP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City of Chanhassen
Unique BMPIdentification Number: 6b-14
*BMP Title: Road Salt Application
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will develop procedures to address proper application of road salt to minimize
overspreading, which could impact water resources.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Percentage of spreaders calibrated
Frequency of calibration efforts
Whether or not a schedule is developed to inspect road salt applicator vehicles
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
2007: Develop calibration schedule
2008: Begin calibrating in accordance with schedule
Specific Components and Notes:
Develop a calibration schedule
Schedule inspections of road salt applicator vehicles
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Paul Oehme, Public Works Director/City Engineer
Department: Public Works
Phone: 952-227-1169
E-mail: poehme@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
Additional MP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City of Chanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-15
*BMP Title: Road Salt Storage and Handling
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will develop proper storage and handling techniques for road salt to minimize surface
water contamination.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Percent of total salt material stored under cover
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Effective immediately: Covered storage facility in place
Specific Components and Notes:
Establish containment protocols
Regularly inspect storage areas and facilities
Review material handling practices
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Paul Oehme, Public Works Director/City Engineer
Department: Public Works
Phone: 952-227-1169
E-mail: poehme@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
Additional MP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City of Chanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-2
*BMP Title: Annual Inspection of All Structural Pollution Control Devices
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will annually inspect all structural pollution control devices to maintain optimum
pollution control benefits.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Inspection of all structural pollution controls completed
Tracking documents of completed inspections
Number of devices inspected
Number of devices requiring maintenance
Number of devices maintained
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
2007: Develop and implement inspection schedule and criteria for structural pollution controls
Specific Components and Notes:
Sump manholes
Grit chambers
Floatable skimmers and traps
Other small settling or filtering devices
Trash racks
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Paul Oehme, Public Works Director/City Engineer
Department: Public Works
Phone: 952-227-1169
E-mail: poehme@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-3
*BMP Title: Inspection of a Minimum of 20 Percent of the MS4 Outfalls, Sediment Basins and Ponds Each
Year on a Rotating basis
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will inspect 20% of the MS4 outfalls, sediment basins and ponds annually to provide
a method for guaranteeing all outfalls, basins and ponds are inspected within a permit cycle.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Inspection of 20% of the MS4 outfalls, basins and ponds is completed each year
Tracking documents of completed inspections
*Timeline/lmplementation Schedule:
2007: Develop/implement inspection criteria and schedule
Specific Components and Notes:
Establish an inspection program (criteria and schedule)
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Mike Wegler, Streets Superintendent
Department: Public Works
Phone: 952-227-1303
E-mail: mwegler@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City of Chanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-5
*BMP Title: Inspection Follow-up Including the Determination of Whether Repair, Replacement, or
Maintenance Measures are Necessary and the Implementation ofthe Corrective Measure
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will determine need for repair, replacement or maintenance actions on structural
pollution control devices, MS4 outfalls, sediment basins and ponds through the establishment of procedures
and criteria used to make consistent decisions regarding need for and extent of maintenance actions. Any
necessary corrective measures will be implemented.
Location( s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Summary of determination results in annual report
Number of inspections requiring follow-up
Number of follow-up measures implemented
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
2006: Develop procedures and criteria for repair/maintenance determinations
Annually: Review procedures for updating
Annually: Determine actions necessary; Implement corrective measures
Specific Components and Notes:
Establish procedures and criteria for determinations
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Mike Wegler, Streets Superintendent
Department: Public Works
Phone: 952-227-1303
E-mail: mwegler@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will J:esult in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City of Chanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-6
*BMP Title: Record Reporting and Retention of All Inspections and Responses to the Inspections
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will summarize inspection results and include this information in the annual report.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Report completed
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Annually: Summarize results of inspections and include in annual report
2006: Develop method for summarizing inspections
Specific Components and Notes:
Compile inspection results
Analyze results and develop summary for annual report
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952-227-1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. F ai/ure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City of Chanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-7
*BMP Title: Evaluation of Inspection Frequency
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will utilize inspections and maintenance records to evaluate and determine inspection
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Updated list showing inspection frequency
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Annually: Evaluate and reassign inspection frequency as necessary
Specific Components & Notes (optional):
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Mike Wegler, Street Superintendent
Department: Public Works
Phone: 952-227-1303
E-mail: mwegler@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection o/the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 6a-l
*BMP Title: Municipal Operations and Maintenance Program
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will provide training for its public works and parks employees, as well as its plan review
staff, to prevent and reduce storm water pollution from MS4 operations.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Training held
*TimelinelImplementation Schedule:
2008: Develop training
2009: Hold training and require attendance
Specific Components and Notes:
Education Program: Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment (lc-5)
Education Program: Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations (I c.6)
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952-227-1135
E-mail: Ihaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City ofChanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: 6b-4
*BMP Title: Annual Inspection of All Exposed Stockpile, Storage and Material Handling Areas
*BMP Description:
The City of Chanhassen will inspect all exposed stockpile, storage and material handling areas annually to ensure
stormwater pollution is prevented or reduced.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Inspection log
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Summer 2006: Inspect areas; Develop inspection checklist
Summer 2007: Inspect areas
Summer 2008: Inspect areas
Summer 2009: Inspect areas
Summer 2010: Inspect areas
Specific Components and Notes:
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Mike Wegler, Street Superintendent
Department: Public Works
Phone: 952-227-1303
E-mail: mwegler@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
BMP Summary Sheet
MS4 Name: City of Chanhassen
Unique BMP Identification Number: la-3
*BMP Title: Storm Drain Marking
*BMP Description:
The City ofChanhassen will recruit volunteers to affix curb markers with the message "Dump No Waste - Drains
to Wetlands" to storm drains throughout the city. Volunteers will also distribute door hangers that explain the
markers and provide storm water educational messages in the neighborhoods where markers are installed.
Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP:
*Measurable Goals:
Number of volunteer groups marking drains
*Timeline/Implementation Schedule:
Effective immediately
Specific Components and Notes:
*Responsible Party for this BMP:
Name: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator
Department: Community Development
Phone: 952.227.1135
E-mail: .lhaak@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any requiredfield will result in rejection of the application due
to incompleteness.
1 of 33
Permit No: MNR040000
,- -::0/ ~
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
In compliance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act, as amended, (33 D.S.C. 1251
et seq.; herein,after, the "Act"), 40 CFR 122, 123, and 124, as amended, et seq.;
Minnesota Statutes Chapters 115 and 116, as amended, and Minnesota Rules Chapter
This permit establishes conditions for discharging Storm Water and specific other
related discharges to Waters of the State. This permit is required for discharges that
are from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems, as defined in this permit.
Upon approval by the Commissioner applicants who submit a completed application in
accordance with the requirements of this permit, are authorized to discharge Storm
Water from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems, under the terms and
conditionso:~ ~
Szgnature: a
Sheryl A. Corrigan
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Issuance Date:
J / :J ItJ-b
If You have questions on this permit, including the specific permit requirements, permit
reporting or permit compliance status, please contact the appropriate Minnesota Pollution
Control Agency offices.
Storm Water Management Unit
Storm Water Section
Municipal Division
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
520 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, MN 55155-4194
Phone (651) 296-6300, or
Toll free in MN 800-657-3864
Fax (651) 297-2343
2 of33
Permit No: MNR040000
Table of Contents
I. Permit Go als "................. .......".... ..."............ .... ....... ........................ ............" ....... ......... ...".... ..3
II. Coverage Under This Permit ......................................................................................3
III. Application Requirements (Notice of Intent) ...........................................................5
IV.. Rights an d Respo nsib ilities .... ...... ....... ......... ........ ......................... ............ .......... ... ....... ..... 6
V. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program ...........................................................7
VI. Evaluating, Recordkeeping and Reporting ..............................................................15
VII. Appendix A: Standard Conditions ...........................................................................17
VIII. Appen dix B : Definitions.. ....... ........ ....... ..... ............................. ............. ..... ........... ......... ..... ..2 0
IX. Appendix C: Limitations on Coverage ....................................................................25
X. Appendix D: Nondegradation for Selected MS4s ...................................................30
XI. Appendix E: Selected MS4s ........................................................................................33
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Permit No: MNR040000
The primary goal of this permit is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical,
and biological integrity of Waters of the State through management and
treatment of urban Storm Water runoff. This is accomplished by management
of Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems through a Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Program. The purpose is to maintain water quality
standards where there is compliance, and help bring waters that do not meet
water quality standards into compliance. It should be noted that when there is a
discharge to waters where there are limitations on coverage (Part II.B), there may
be more stringent requirements that must be addressed. You may also voluntarily
adopt more stringent measures to meet local goals.
A. Eligibility
This permit, including appendices, authorizes discharges of Storm Water from Small
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems as defined in 40 CFR S 122.26(b)(16).
B. Limitations on Coverage
I. This permit does not authorize discharges other than Storm Water. Non-
Storm Water discharges may include: combined sewer overflow, noncontact
cooling water, sewage, wash water, scrubber water, spills, oil, hazardous
substances, fill, commercial equipment/vehicle cleaning and maintenance
wastewaters. A separate National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) permit may be required for these discharges.
2. This permit does not authorize the discharge of Storm Water when a separate
NPDES permit is required for these activities. For example, while Storm
Water from industrial activity or construction activity may be discharged
from a MS4 with authorized Storm Water discharges, this permit does not
replace or satisfy any other permits required for those discharges.
3. This permit does not authorize the discharge of Storm Water from any other
entity located in the drainage area or outside the drainage area. Only your
system and the portions of the storm sewer system that are under your
operational control are authorized by your permit.
4. This permit does not authorize the following discharges as described in
Appendix C unless the requirements of Part IX (Appendix C) are met:
a. Discharges to waters with Prohibited Discharges as defined in Minn. R.
7050.0180, subp. 3,4, and 5.
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Permit No: MNR040000
b. Discharges to waters with Restricted Discharge as defined in Minn. R.
7050.0180, subp. 6, 6a, and 6b.
c. Discharges to Trout Waters as defined in Minn. R. 6264.0050, subp. 2
and 4.
d. Discharges to Wetlands as defined in Minn. R. 7050.0130, subp. F (see
also Minn. R. 7050.0186).
e. Discharges requiring Environmental Review required by Minn. Stat. ch.
116D and 42 U.S.C. SS 4321 - 4370 f.
f. Discharges Affecting Threatened or Endangered Species or Their
g. Discharges Affecting Historic or Archeological Sites.
h. Discharges Affecting Source Water Protection Areas.
5. This permit does not allow discharges if the requirements of Part X
(Appendix D) and schedule of Part XI (Appendix E) are applicable, unless the
MS4 is in compliance with those appendices.
C. Obtaining Authorization
In order for Storm Water discharges from Small Municipal Separate Storm
Sewer Systems to be authorized to discharge under this General Permit:
I. Submit an application with the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program
You intend to implement under this permit, in accordance with the
requirements of Part III, using a form provided by the Commissioner (or a
facsimile thereof).
2. Where the ownership or significant operational control of the MS4 changes,
after the submittal of an application under Part III, a new application must be
submitted in accordance with Part III.
3. The Commissioner will review the application and Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Program for completeness and compliance with this permit. The
Commissioner shall determine whether to approve coverage or to deny
coverage to dischargers who submit a complete application. In accordance
with the procedures of this permit and requirements of Minn. R. ch. 7001, the
Commissioner shall provide public notice with the opportunity for hearing on
the determination. Upon approval by the Commissioner, dischargers are
authorized to discharge Storm Water from Small Municipal Separate
Storm Sewer Systems under the terms and conditions of this permit.
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Permit No: MNR040000
4. The Commissioner may deny coverage under this permit and require
submittal of an application for an individual NPDES permit based on a review
of the application or other information, in accordance with Minn. R. ch. 7000
and 7001.
A. Deadlines for Application
IfY ou are an Owner or Operator of a Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer
System regulated under 40 CFR S 122.32(a)(I), You must apply to obtain coverage
under this permit within 90 days after the permit issuance date on page I of this
permit. If You fail to make the application deadline, You are out of compliance
and must submit an application. The Owner or Operator of an MS4 that is not
designated for coverage by federal rules, but has been designated under Minn. R.
ch. 7090, must apply by the date specified in the Commissioner's designation
B. Signature
The Application shall be signed in accordance with application forms provided by
the Commissioner and shall include the following information:
1. The street address, county, and the Owner or Person with operational control
of the MS4 for which the notification is submitted; and
2. The name, address, and telephone number of the individual responsible for
overall permit compliance.
C. Application Attachment: Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program
The proposed Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program for implementing the
permit shall be attached to the application on forms provided by the Commissioner
(or reasonable facsimiles), including:
I. The Best Management Practices or BMPs that You will implement for each
of the Storm Water minimum control measures at Part V.G ofthis permit;
2. The measurable goals for each ofthe BMPs, including, as appropriate, the
months and years in which You will undertake required actions, including
interim milestones and the frequency of the action, in narrative or numeric
form, as appropriate;
3. Estimated timeline(s) (months, years) in which You will implement each
BMP; and
6 of33
Permit No: MNR040000
4. lndividual(s) responsible for implementing and/or coordinating each
component of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program. This should
be the individual You want the Agency to contact for the particular
component; it may be the overall coordinator or other individual.
D. Where to Submit
Applications signed in accordance with Part lII.B of this permit, Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Programs submitted under Part IILC, annual reports under
Part VLD, and submittals under Appendices C, D, and E, are to be submitted to the
Commissioner at the following address:
Storm Water Management Unit
Storm Water Section
Municipal Division
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
520 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, MN 55155-4194
Phone (651) 296-6300, or
Toll free in MN 800-657-3864
Fax (651) 297-2343
E. Record Retention
The applicant shall retain copies of the permit application, the Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Program, all data and information used by the applicant to
complete the application, and any information developed as a requirement of this
permit or as requested by the Commissioner, for a period of at least three (3) years
beyond the date of permit expiration. This period is automatically extended during
the course of an unresolved enforcement action regarding the MS4 or as requested
by the Commissioner.
A. The Commissioner may modify this permit or issue other permits, in accordance
with Minn. R. ch. 7001, to include more stringent effluent limitations or permit
requirements that modify or are in addition to the minimum control measures in
Part V. G of this permit, or both. These modifications may be based on the
Commissioner's determination that such modifications are needed to protect water
B. Additional MS4s may be designated for coverage under this permit in accordance
with Minn. R. ch. 7090. The Owner or Operator of an MS4 that is designated for
coverage must comply with the permit requirements by the dates specified in the
Commissioner's designation documents.
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Permit No: MNR040000
C. You may request individual permits based on Minn. R. ch. 7000, 7001, and other
applicable rules.
D. Section 303(d) listings and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
If your MS4 discharges to a Water of the State that appears on the current USEP A
approved list of impaired waters under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act (33
U.S.C. S 303 (d)), You must review whether changes may be warranted in your
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program to Reduce the impact of your
discharge. If a USEP A-approved TMDL(s) has been developed, You must review
the adequacy of your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program to meet the
TMDL's Waste Load Allocation set for Storm Water sources. If the Storm
Water Pollution Prevention Program is not meeting the applicable requirements,
schedules and objectives of the TMDL, You must modify your Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Program, as appropriate, within 18 months after the TMDL
Waste Load Allocation is approved.
A. You must develop, implement, and enforce a Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Program designed to Reduce the discharge of pollutants from your Small MS4, to
protect water quality, and to satisfy the appropriate water quality requirements of
the Clean Water Act. Upon approval by the Commissioner, the Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Program shall be implemented as specified in the permit or
in the Commissioner's approval letter.
B. Your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program must be designed and
managed to Reduce the discharge of pollutants from your storm sewer system to
the Maximum ExtentPracticable (MEP). You must manage your municipal
storm sewer system in compliance with the Clean Water Act and with the terms and
conditions of this permit. You must manage, operate, and maintain the storm sewer
system and areas You control that discharge to the storm sewer system in a manner
to Reduce the discharge of pollutants to the MEP. The Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Program will consist of a combination of Best Management
Practices, including education, maintenance, control techniques, system design and
engineering methods, and such other provisions as You determined to be
appropriate, as long as the BMPs meet the requirements of this permit.
C. You shall submit an annual report on the implementation of the Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Program by June 30 of each year, or on another later date if
established for your MS4 by the Commissioner. The report shall cover the entire
previous calendar year, in accordance with the reporting requirements of Part VI.D.
D. Your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program must include BMPs that
control or Reduce pollutants, as appropriate for your community. In the
development ofBMPs for your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program,
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Permit No: MNR040000
You must consider the sources of pollutants, the potentially polluting activities
being conducted in the watershed, and the sensitivity of the receiving waters. For
MS4s that have discharges to waters listed in Part ILB.4, see Part IX (Appendix C)
for additional requirements. For MS4s listed in Part XI (Appendix E), see Part X
(Appendix D) for additional requirements.
E. For each minimum control measure, there shall be a description of the BMPs for
this measure, responsible department in charge, an implementation schedule,
including any request by You for consideration by the Commissioner of an
extension or exemption from any deadlines and timelines set forth in this permit,
and measurable goals that will be used to determine the success or benefits of the
F. The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program shall become an enforceable
part of this permit upon approval by the Commissioner. Modifications to the
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program that are required or allowed by this
permit (see Part V.H) shall also become enforceable provisions.
G. The six minimum control measures to be included in your Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Program are listed below. You must define appropriate BMPs for
these minimum control measures and measurable goals for each BMP. The Storm
Water Pollution Prevention Program must include all BMPs required below,
must include annual schedules or procedures for implementation, and, where
appropriate, must be implemented or established in ordinance, plan or policy by
June 30, 2010, unless other timelines have been specifically established in this
permit Part V.G.I-6, or by the Commissioner under Part IV.B, or under other rules
and authorities.
1. Public education and outreach on Storm Water impacts. You must select
and implement a program of appropriate BMPs and measurable goals for this
minimum control measure consisting of, at minimum:
a. You must implement a public education program to distribute
educational materials to the community or conduct equivalent outreach
activities about the impacts of Storm Water discharges on water bodies
and the steps that the public can take to Reduce pollutants in Storm
Water runoff.
b. You must specifically implement an education program that individually
addresses each minimum control measure (Part V.G.1-6):
I) Public education and outreach;
2) Public participation;
3) Illicit discharge detection and elimination;
4) Construction site Storm Water runoff control;
Permit No: MNR040000
5) Post-construction Storm Water management in New
Development and Redevelopment; and
6) Pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations.
c. For each control measure, your education program must identify:
I) The audience or audiences involved;
2) Educational goals for each audience in terms of increased
awareness, increased understanding, acquired skills, and/or desired
changes in behavior;
3) Activities used to reach educational goals for each audience;
4) Activity implementation plans, including responsible department
in charge, entities responsible for given activities, and schedules;
5) Available performance measures that can be used to determine
success in reaching educational goals.
d. You must describe how your education program is coordinated with and
makes effective use of other Storm Water education programs being
conducted in your area by other entities as appropriate for your MS4,
including, but not limited to: community groups, nonprofit
organizations, lake conservation districts, soil and water conservation
districts, watershed districts, watershed management organizations,
school districts, University of Minnesota Extension, and county,
regional, state, and federal government.
e. You must hold at least one public meeting per year addressing the
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program. You must hold the
public meeting prior to submittal to the Commissioner of the annual
report required in Part VLD.
I) Location. The public informational meeting must be held in the
general vicinity ofthe MS4 that is the subject of the permit.
Otherwise, the public informational meeting must be held in a
place that is generally convenient to Persons expected to attend the
2) Notice. You must issue a notice ofthe public informational
meeting at least 30 days prior to the meeting. The notice must
contain a reference to the Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Program, the date, time, and location of the public informational
meeting; a concise description of the manner in which the public
informational meeting will be conducted; and shall indicate the
location where a copy of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Program is available for public review.
3) Distribution of notice. You must publish the notice in a
Newspaper of general circulation in the general vicinity of the
Permit No: MNR040000
MS4, and shall make available a copy ofthe notice to the Agency,
the appropriate city and county officials, and all other Persons
who have requested that they be informed of public meetings for
the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program.
4) Joint meetings. You may consolidate two or more matters, issues,
or related groups of issues, or hold joint MS4 public meetings with
other permittees to meet the requirements of this part. These
public meetings may be part of a larger public meeting, such as a
city council meeting, provided that adequate public notice and
opportunity to participate is provided.
2. Public participation/involvement. You must select and implement a program
of appropriate BMPs and measurable goals for this minimum control measure
consisting of, at minimum:
a. You must comply with applicable public notice requirements of Part
V.G.1.e.2 when implementing the provisions ofthe Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Program.
b. You must solicit public input and opinion on the adequacy of the Storm
Water Pollution Prevention Program, including input from the public
meeting, described in Part V.G.1.e, each year prior to submittal of the
annual report to the Commissioner, which is described in Part VI.D.
I) You must afford interested Persons a reasonable opportunity to
make oral statements concerning the Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Program.
2) You must consider timely, relevant written materials that
interested Persons submit concerning the Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Program.
3) You may establish procedures and processes for each speaker's
presentation, require speakers with similar views to select a
spokesperson, specify the timing and format of written materials,
or make similar rules to help ensure an opportunity for full and fair
consideration of all views.
c. You must consider the public input, oral and written, to the Storm
Water Pollution Prevention Program and shall make adjustments You
find appropriate.
3. Illicit discharge detection and elimination. You must develop, implement,
and enforce a program to detect and eliminate illjcit discharges as defined at
40 CFR S 122.26(b)(2) into your Small MS4. You must also select and
implement a program of appropriate BMPs and measurable goals for this
minimum control measure consisting of, at minimum:
Permit No: MNR040000
a. You must develop, if not already completed, a storm sewer system map
by June 30, 2008, or on another date established by the Commissioner,
showing the location of:
I) Ponds, streams, lakes and Wetlands that are part of your system;
2) Structural pollution control devices (grit chambers, separators, etc.)
that are part of your system;
3) All pipes and conveyances in your system as a goal, but at
minimum, those pipes that are 24 inches in diameter and over; and
4) Outfalls, including discharges from your system to other MS4s, or
waters and Wetlands that are not part of your system (where You
do not have operational control); structures that discharge storm
water directly into groundwater; overland discharge points and all
other points of discharge from your system that are outlets, but not
diffuse flow areas.
b. You must, to the extent allowable under law, effectively prohibit,
through ordinance or Other Regulatory Mechanism, non-Storm
Water discharges into your storm sewer system and implement
appropriate enforcement procedures and actions.
c. You must develop and implement a program to detect and address non-
Storm Water discharges, including illegal dumping, to your system.
d. You must inform employees, businesses, and the general public in your
MS4 area of hazards associated with illegal discharges and improper
disposal of waste.
e. You must address the following categories of non-Storm Water
discharges or flows (i.e., illicit discharges), only if You identify them as
significant contributors of pollutants to your Small MS4:
water line flushing, landscape irrigation, diverted stream flows, rising
ground waters, uncontaminated ground water infiltration (as defined at
40 CFR S 35.2005(b)(20)), uncontaminated pumped ground water,
discharges from potable water sources, foundation drains, air
conditioning condensation, irrigation water, springs, water from crawl
space pumps, footing drains, lawn watering, individual residential car
washing, flows from riparian habitats and Wetlands, dechlorinated
swimming pool discharges, and street wash water, discharges or flows
from fire fighting activities.
4. Construction site Storm Water runoff control. Within six months after
extension of coverage under this permit, You must have developed and must
have commenced to implement and enforce a program to Reduce pollutants in
any Storm Water runoff to your Small MS4 from construction activities
12 of33
Permit No: MNR040000
within your jurisdiction that result in a land disturbance of greater than or
equal to one acre. Controls on Storm Water discharges from construction
activity disturbing less than one acre must be included in your program, if that
construction activity is part of a larger Common Plan of Development or
Sale that would disturb one acre or more. You must also select and
implement a program of appropriate BMPs and measurable goals for this
minimum control measure consisting of, at minimum:
a. An ordinance or Other Regulatory Mechanism to require erosion and
sediment controls, as well as sanctions to ensure compliance, to the
extent allowable under law;
b. Requirements for construction site operators to implement appropriate
erosion and sediment control Best Management Practices;
c. Requirements for construction site operators to control waste, such as
discarded building materials, concrete truck washout, chemicals, litter,
and sanitary waste at the construction site that may cause adverse
impacts to water quality;
d. Procedures for site plan review which incorporate consideration of
potential water quality impacts;
e. Procedures for receipt and consideration of reports of noncompliance or
other information on construction related issues submitted by the public;
f. Procedures for site inspection and enforcement of control measures.
5. Post-construction Storm Water management in New Development and
Redevelopment. You must develop, implement, and enforce a program to
address Storm Water runoff from New Development and Redevelopment
projects within your jurisdiction that disturb greater than or equal to one acre,
including projects less than one acre that are part of a larger Common Plan of
Development or Sale that discharge into your Small MS4 by June 30, 2008,
or on another date established by the Commissioner. Your program must
ensure that controls are in place that would prevent or Reduce water quality
impacts. You must also select and implement a program of appropriate
BMPs and measurable goals for this minimum control measure consisting of,
at minimum:
a. Develop and implement strategies which include a combination of
structural and/or non-structural BMPs appropriate for your community;
Permit No: MNR040000
b. Use an ordinance or Other Regulatory Mechanism to address post-
construction runoff from New Development and Redevelopment
projects to the extent allowable under law; and
c. Ensure adequate long-term operation and maintenance ofBMPs
installed as a result of these requirements.
6. Pollution prevention! good housekeeping for municipal operations. You must
select and implement a program of appropriate BMPs and measurable goals
for this minimum control measure consisting of, at minimum:
a. An operation and maintenance program that includes a training
component and has the ultimate goal of preventing or Reducing
pollutant runoff from MS4 operations. Training materials that are
available from the USEP A, state and regional agencies, or other
organizations may be used as appropriate or modified for your
community. Your program must include employee training to prevent
and Reduce Storm Water pollution from activities such as park and
open space maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new
construction and land disturbances, and Storm Water system
b. You must also:
I) Operate and maintain your Storm Water system in a manner so as
to Reduce the discharge of pollutants to the Maximum Extent
2) Inspect annually all structural pollution control devices, such as
trap manholes, grit chambers, sumps, floatable skimmers and traps,
separators, and other small settling or filtering devices.
3) Inspect, at minimum, 20% of the MS4 Outfalls, sediment basins
and ponds each year on a rotating basis, during the effective period
of this permit.
4) Inspect all exposed stockpile, storage and material handling areas
at least annually.
5) Based on your inspection, determine if repair, replacement, or
maintenance measures are necessary for proper operation and to
prevent environmental impacts such as erosion. The necessary
measures shall be completed as soon as possible, usually during
the same year as the inspection. When this is not practicable, the
reasons and a schedule for completion shall be submitted in the
annual report.
6) Summarize the results of all inspections in the annual report. Keep
records on the dates of inspection and responses to the inspections,
including the date of completion of repairs and major additional
protection measures.
Permit No: MNR040000
7) Keep records of inspection results, including as appropriate, the
date, antecedent weather conditions, sediment storage and capacity
remaining, and any maintenance performed or recommended.
After two years of inspections, if patterns of maintenance become
apparent, the frequency of inspections may be adjusted. If
maintenance or sediment removal is required as a result of each of
the first two annual inspections, the frequency of inspection shall
be increased to at least two (2) times annually, or more frequently
as needed to prevent carry-over or washout of pollutants from the
structures and maximize pollutant removal. If maintenance or
sediment removal is not required as a result of both of the first two
(2) annual inspections, the frequency may be reduced to once
every two (2) years.
H. Modifications to the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program
1. The Commissioner may require You to modify the Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Program as needed, in accordance with the procedures of Minn.
R. ch. 700 I, and may consider the following factors:
. a. Discharges from the storm sewer system are impacting the quality of
receiving waters;
b. More stringent requirements are necessary to comply with state or
federal regulations;
c. Measures are necessary to meet the applicable requirements of
Appendices C and D, or
d. Additional conditions are deemed necessary to comply with the goals
and requirements of the Clean Water Act or water quality standards.
2. Modifications that You wish to make in your Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Program, other than modifications allowed in Part H.3 below,
must be approved by the Commissioner in accordance with the procedures of
Minn. R. ch. 7001. All requests must be in writing, setting forth schedules for
compliance. The request should discuss alternative program modifications,
assure compliance with requirements of the permit, and meet other
requirements ofthe permit and applicable laws.
3. The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program may only be modified by
Yon without prior approval of the Commissioner, provided it is in
accordance with the following:
a. A BMP is added, and none subtracted, from the Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Program; or
Permit No: MNR040000
b. A less effective BMP identified in the Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Program is replaced with a more effective BMP. The
alternate BMP shall address the same, or similar, concerns as the
ineffective or failed BMP; and
c. The Commissioner is notified of the modification in the annual report
for the year the modification is made.
A. Evaluation and Assessment
F or each annual report, You must evaluate program compliance, the appropriateness of
your identified Best Management Practices, and progress towards achieving your
identified measurable goals.
B. Recordkeeping
You must keep records required by the NPDES permit for at least three (3) years beyond
the term of the permit. You must submit your records to the Commissioner only if
specifically asked to do so.
C. Public Availability
You must make your records, including your Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Program, available to the public at reasonable times during regular business hours (see
40 CFR S 122.7 for confidentiality provision). You may assess a reasonable charge for
copying. You may require a member of the public to provide advance notice.
D. Annual Reporting
You must submit annual reports to the MPCA by June 30 of each year. The report must
cover the entire previous calendar year. Your annual report must summarize:
I. The status of compliance with permit conditions, including an assessment of
the appropriateness of your identified Best Management Practices and
progress towards achieving your identified measurable goals for each of the
minimum control measures. Your assessment must be based on results of
information collected and analyzed, including monitoring (if any), inspection
findings, and public input received during the reporting period;
2. The Storm Water activities You plan to undertake during the next reporting
3. A change in any identified Best Management Practices or measurable goals
for any of the minimum control measures; and
Permit No: MNR040000
4. A statement that You are relying on another entity to satisfy some of your
permit obligations (if applicable), and what agreements You have entered into
in support ofthis effort.
E. Reporting Submittals
The applications, annual reports, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program, and
other submittals required by this permit shall be submitted to:
Storm Water Management Unit
Storm Water Section
Municipal Division
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
520 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, MN 55155-4194
Permit No: MNR040000
A. The Agency's issuance of a permit does not release the permittee from any liability,
penalty, or duty imposed by Minnesota or federal statutes or rules or local
ordinances, except the obligation to obtain the permit.
B. The Agency's issuance of a permit does not prevent the future adoption by the
Agency of pollution control rules, standards, or orders more stringent than those
now in existence and does not prevent the enforcement of these rules, standards, or
orders against the permittee.
C. The permit does not convey a property right or an exclusive privilege.
D. The Agency's issuance of a permit does not obligate the Agency to enforce local
laws, rules, or plans beyond that authorized by Minnesota statutes.
E. The permittee shall perform the actions or conduct the activity authorized by the
permit in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Agency and
in compliance with the conditions of the permit.
F. The permittee shall at all times properly operate and maintain the facilities and
systems of treatment and control and the appurtenances related to them which are
installed or used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the conditions ofthe
permit. Proper operation and maintenance includes effective performance, adequate
funding, adequate operator staffing and training, and adequate laboratory and
process controls, including appropriate quality assurance procedures. The permittee
shall install and maintain appropriate backup or auxiliary facilities if they are
necessary to achieve compliance with the conditions of the permit and, for all
permits other than hazardous waste facility permits, ifthese backup or auxiliary
facilities are technically and economically feasible.
G. The permittee may not knowingly make a false or misleading statement,
representation, or certification in a record, report, plan, or other document required
to be submitted to the Agency or to the Commissioner by the permit. The
permittee shall immediately upon discovery report to the Commissioner an error or
omission in these records, reports, plans, or other documents.
H. The permittee shall, when requested by the Commissioner, submit within a
reasonable time the information and reports that are relevant to the control of
pollution regarding the construction, modification, or operation of the facility
covered by the permit or regarding the conduct of the activity covered by the
I. When authorized by Minn. Stat. ~~ 115.04; 115B.17, subd. 4; and 116.091, and
upon presentation of proper credentials, the Agency, or an authorized employee or
agent of the Agency, shall be allowed by the permittee to enter at reasonable times
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upon the property of the permittee to examine and copy books, papers, records, or
memoranda pertaining to the construction, modification, or operation of the facility
covered by the permit or pertaining to the activity covered by the permit; and to
conduct surveys and investigations, including sampling or monitoring, pertaining to
the construction, modification, or operation of the facility covered by the permit or
pertaining to the activity covered by the permit.
J. If the permittee discovers, through any means, including notification by the
Agency, that noncompliance with a condition of the permit has occurred, the
permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize the adverse impacts on human
health, public drinking water supplies, or the environment resulting from the
K. If the permittee discovers that noncompliance with a condition of the permit has
occurred which could endanger human health, public drinking water supplies, or the
environment, the permittee shall, within 24 hours of the discovery of the
noncompliance, orally notify the Commissioner. Within five days of the discovery
of the noncompliance, the permittee shall submit to the Commissioner a written
description of the noncompliance; the cause of the noncompliance; the exact dates
of the period of the noncompliance; if the noncompliance has not been corrected,
the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce,
eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance.
L. The permittee shall report noncompliance with the permit not reported under item K
as a part of the next report, which the permittee is required to submit under this
permit. If no reports are required within 30 days of the discovery of the
noncompliance, the permittee shall submit the information listed in item K within
30 days of the discovery of the noncompliance.
M. The permittee shall give advance notice to the Commissioner as soon as possible of
planned physical alterations or additions to the permitted facility (MS4) or activity
that may result in noncompliance with a Minnesota or federal pollution control
statute or rule or a condition of the permit.
N. The permit is not transferable to any Person without the express written approval of
the Agency after compliance with the requirements of Minn. R. 7001.0190. A
Person to whom the permit has been transferred shall comply with the conditions of
the permit.
o. The permit authorizes the permittee to perform the activities described in the permit
under the conditions of the permit. In issuing the permit, the state and Agency
assume no responsibility for damage to Persons, property, or the environment
caused by the activities of the permittee in the conduct of its actions, including
those activities authorized, directed, or undertaken under the permit. To the extent
the state and Agency may be liable for the activities of its employees, that liability
is explicitly limited to that provided in the Tort Claims Act, Minn. Stat. S 3.736.
Permit No: MNR040000
P. This permit incorporates by reference the applicable portions of 40 CFR SS 122.41
and 122.42 parts (c) and (d) and Minn. R. 7001.1090, which are enforceable parts of
this permit.
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The definitions in this Part are for purposes ofthis permit only.
"Agency" or "Agency members" means the Commissioner and the eight persons
appointed to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, pursuant to Minn. Stat. S 116.02,
subd. I.
"Best Management Practices" or "BMPs" means practices to prevent or Reduce the
pollution of the Waters of the State, including schedules of activities, prohibitions of
practices, and other management practices, and also includes treatment requirements,
operating procedures and practices to control plant site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge,
or waste disposal or drainage from raw material storage.
"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
or the Commissioner's designee.
"Common Plan Of Development Or Sale" means a contiguous area where multiple
separate and distinct construction activities are planned to occur at different times on
different schedules under one plan, for example, a housing development of five one-
quarter-acre lots (40 CFR S 122.26(b)(15)(i)).
"Designated MS4" means an MS4 designated in accordance with Minn. R. ch. 7090.
"EPA" means the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
"Expanded Discharge" means a discharge that changes in volume, quality, location, or
any other manner after January 1, 1988 or the effective date an outstanding resource
value water was designated as described in Minn. R. 7050.0460 and 7050.0470, such that
an increased loading of one or more pollutants results. In determining whether an
increased loading of one or more pollutants would result from the proposed change in the
discharge, the Agency shall compare the loading that would result from the proposed
discharge with the loading allowed by the Agency as of January I, 1988 or the effective
date of outstanding resource value water designation. This definition does not apply to
the discharge ofbioaccumulative chemicals of concern, as defined in Minn. R.
7052.0010, subp. 4, to outstanding resource value waters in the Lake Superior Basin. For
purposes of Minn. R. 7050.0180, an expanded discharge ofa bioaccumulative chemical
of concern to an outstanding resource value water in the Lake Superior Basin is defined
in Minn. R. 7052.0010, subp. 18.
"General Permit" means a permit issued under Minn. R. 7001.0210 to a category of
permittees whose operations, emissions, activities, discharges, or facilities are the same
or substantially similar.
"Maximum Extent Practicable" "MEP" is the statutory standard (33 U.S.C. S
1342(P)(3)(B)(iii)) that establishes the level of pollutant reductions that an Owner or
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Operator of Regulated MS4s must achieve. The USEPA has intentionally not provided
a precise definition of MEP to allow maximum flexibility in MS4 permitting. The
pollutant reductions that represent MEP may be different for each Small MS4, given the
unique local hydrologic and geologic concerns that may exist and the differing possible
pollutant control strategies. Therefore, each permittee will determine appropriate BMPs
to satisfy each of the six minimum control measures through an evaluative process. The
USEP A envisions application of the MEP standard as an iterative process.
"MPCA" means the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
"MS4" means a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System.
"Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System" means a conveyance or system of
conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins,
curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains):
I. Owned or operated by a state, city, town, borough, county, parish, district,
association, or other public body (created by or pursuant to state law) having
jurisdiction over disposal of sewage, industrial wastes, Storm Water, or other
wastes, including special districts under state law such as a sewer district,
flood control district or drainage district, or similar entity, or an Indian tribe or
an authorized Indian tribal organization, or a designated and approved
management Agency under section 208 of the CW A (33 V.S.C. 9 1288) that
discharges to waters of the United States;
2. Designed or used for collecting or conveying Storm Water;
3. Which is not a combined sewer; and
4. Which is not part of a Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) as defined
at 40 CFR 9 122.2.
"New Development" means construction activities that create new impervious surface.
"New Discharge" For all waters that are not outstanding resource value waters New
Discharge means a discharge that was not in existence before January I, 1988. For
outstanding resource value waters New Discharge means a discharge that was not in
existence on the effective date the outstanding resource value water was designated as
described in Minn. R. 7050.0460 and 7050.0470.
"Newspaper" means a publication containing news of general interest in the vicinity of
the MS4. It can include other publications if the distribution includes the general
population of potentially interested parties.
"Notice of Intent" as referenced in the USEPA documents is synonymous with the term
"permit application" for the purposes of this permit.
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"Other Regulatory Mechanism" means any legally enforceable document, such as a
contract or other agreement that has penalties such as withholding payments, fines or
other measures to prevent non compliance.
"Operator" means the Person with primary operational control and legal responsibility
for the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System.
"Outfall" means the point source where a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System
discharges from a pipe, ditch, or other discrete conveyance to receiving waters, or to
other Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems. It does not include diffuse runoff or
conveyances which connect segments of the same stream or water systems.
"Owner" means the Person that owns the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System.
"Person" means the state or any agency or institution thereof, any municipality,
governmental subdivision, public or private corporation, individual, partnership, or other
entity, including, but not limited to, association, commission or any interstate body, and
includes any officer or governing or managing body of any municipality, governmental
subdivision, or public or private corporation, or other entity.
"Physical Alteration" except as used in Part VII.M, means the dredging, filling,
draining, or permanent inundating of a Wetland. Restoring a degraded Wetland by
reestablishing its hydrology is not a Physical Alteration.
"Rebuttable Presumption" is a presumption that may be rebutted by the evidence.
"Record of Decision" means a record of the comments and the permittee's response to
comments where such record is required in this permit.
"Redevelopment" refers to alterations of a property that change the "footprint" of a site
or building in such a way that results in the disturbance of equal to or greater than one (I)
acre of land. The term is not intended to include such activities as exterior remodeling,
which would not be expected to cause adverse Storm Water quality impacts and offer no
new opportunity for Storm Water controls.
"Reduce" means Reduce to the "Maximum Extent Practicable" unless otherwise
defmed in the context in which it is used.
"Regulated MS4" means an MS4 that is regulated pursuant to 40 CFR S 122.32(a)(1), or
an MS4s that is designated for coverage by the Commissioner.
"Selected MS4" means MS4s listed in Part XI (Appendix E).
"Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System" means all separate storm sewers
that are:
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1. Owned or operated by the United States, a state, city, town, borough, county,
parish, district, association, or other public body (created by or pursuant to
state law) having jurisdiction over disposal of sewage, industrial wastes,
Storm Water, or other wastes, including special districts under state law such
as a sewer district, flood control district or drainage district, or similar entity,
or an Indian tribe or an authorized Indian tribal organization, or a designated
and approved management agency under section 208 of the CW A that
discharges to waters of the United States.
2. Not defined as "large" or "medium" Municipal Separate Storm Sewer
Systems pursuant to 40 CFR g122.26 paragraphs (b)(4) and (b)(7) or
designated under paragraph (a)(1)( v).
3. This term includes systems similar to separate storm sewer systems in
municipalities, such as systems at military bases, large hospital or prison
complexes, and highways and other thoroughfares. The term does not include
separate storm sewers in very discrete areas, such as individual buildings.
"Small MS4" means a Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System.
"Storm Water" means Storm Water runoff, snowmelt runoff, surface runoff and
"Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program" or "SWPPP" is a compilation of
BMPs to address the six minimum control measures and other provisions ofthe MS4
permit, that is designed and managed to Reduce the discharge of pollutants from your
MS4 to the Maximum Extent Practicable as appropriate to your community.
"Total Maximum Daily Load" or "TMDL" is the process established by the USEP A
for the allocation of pollutant loads, including Storm Water, to a particular water body
or reach of a water body.
"USEP A" or "EP A" means the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
"Waters of the State" means all streams, lakes, ponds, marshes, watercourses,
waterways, wells, springs, reservoirs, aquifers, irrigation systems, drainage systems and
all other bodies or accumulations of water, surface or underground, natural or artificial,
public or private, which are contained within, flow through, or border upon the state or
any portion thereof.
"Wetlands" are those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface water or
groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal
circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in
saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and
similar areas. Constructed Wetlands designed for wastewater treatment are not Waters
of the State. Wetlands must have the following attributes:
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1. A predominance of hydric soils;
2. Inundated or saturated by surface water or groundwater at a frequency and
duration sufficient to support a prevalence of hydrophytic vegetation typically
adapted for life in a saturated soil condition; and
3. Under normal circumstances support a prevalence of such vegetation.
"Yon" means the Owner, Operator or permittee as appropriate.
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Contents of Appendix C:
A. Discharges to Waters With Prohibited Discharges (pages 25-26)
B. Discharges to Waters With Restricted Discharges (pages 26-28)
C. Discharges to Trout Waters (page 28)
D. Discharges to Wetlands (page 28)
E. Discharges Requiring Environmental Review (page 28)
F. Discharges Affecting Threatened or Endangered Species or Their Habitat (page
G. Discharges Affecting Historic or Archeological Sites (page 29)
H. Discharges Affecting Source Water Protection Areas (page 29)
This part describes more stringent requirements for discharges that meet the following
specified criteria, A through H. Whenever two or more requirements, restrictions, or
prohibitions apply, both or all must be met. Whenever two or more requirements,
restrictions or prohibitions conflict, the more restrictive conditions must be met.
A. Discharges to Waters with Prohibited Discharges (Minn. R. 7050.0180, subp. 3,
4 and 5). This permit does not authorize New or Expanded Discharges to waters,
or discharges adversely impacting waters, where the applicable water quality
standards prohibit New or Expanded Discharges as described in Minn, R.
7050.0180, subp. 3, 4, and 5 unless the following requirements are met:
1. List. You must identify as part of your application for permit the Waters with
Prohibited Discharges to which your MS4 discharges. The list must be
included with your application, to be submitted within 90 days after the permit
effective date on page 1 of this permit or for Designated MS4s in accordance
with Part IV.B.
2. Map. You must mark on U.S.G.S. watershed or topographic maps of
1 :24,000 scale or better at minimum the DNR minor subwatersheds in your
jurisdiction that discharge in whole or in part to Waters with Prohibited
Discharges. You must provide a narrative estimate of the percent impervious
surface based on current land use, the percent expected future impervious
surface based on zoning or comprehensive plans, and other information that
may significantly affect your fUnoffto the listed waters. The map must be
included with your application, to be submitted within 90 days after the permit
Permit No:MNR040000
effective date on page I of this permit or for Designated MS4s in accordance
with Part IV.B.
3. Assessment. You must then assess how your Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Program can be reasonably modified to eliminate New or
Expanded Discharges to Waters with Prohibited Discharges. This
assessment must be developed for New or Expanded Discharges created
from 1988 until the year 2020. You mustpresent this assessment, together
with your proposed changes to your Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Program, for public comment during the annual public comment period
required in the permit, prior to your first annual report (see Part VLD) or prior
to the schedule in Appendix E for Selected MS4s.
4. Assessment Submittal. You must submit the assessment from Part IX.A.3
above, including your response to any public comments and proposed changes
to your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program, (a) with your first
annual report, (b) on another later date if established for your MS4 by the
Commssioner, or (c) in accordance with the schedule in Appendix E for
Selected MS4s. The assessment will be reviewed by the Commissioner, who
will provide opportunity for public input and hearing prior to denial or
approval of your proposed Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program.
The MPCA reserves the right to incorporate as much available information as
possible in the decision making process, including the right to independently
develop and evaluate potential alternatives to the discharge.
5. Implementation. You must implement your approved plan, including all
approved BMPs, in accordance with the schedule in the approved Storm
Water Pollution Prevention Program.
B. Discharges to Waters with Restricted Discharges (Minn. R. 7050.0180, subp.6,
6a, and 6b). This permit does not authorize New or Expanded Discharges to
waters where the applicable water quality standards restrict New or Expanded
Discharges, unless such discharges are in accordance with Minn. R. 7050.0180,
subpart 6, 6a, and 6b, and other applicable rules, and the following requirements.
For MS4s that have discharges to outstanding resource value waters listed in Minn.
R. 7050.0180, subp. 6, 6a or 6b (listed waters, or Waters with Restricted
Discharges), the MPCA makes a Rebuttable Presumption that those MS4s have
or will create a New or Expanded Discharge to a listed water. The following
requirements create a schedule to bring discharges to listed waters into compliance:
1. In order to allow a New or Expanded Discharge to Waters with Restricted
Discharges, the MPCA must determine that there are no prudent and feasible
alternatives to the New or Expanded Discharge. The determination will be
based on your demonstration. This demonstration should include, but is not
limited to developing a plan to address prudent and feasible alternatives to the
discharge. If You intend to argue that there are no prudent and feasible
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alternatives to the discharge to these waters, You must develop a plan to restrict the
discharge to the extent necessary to preserve the existing high quality, or to preserve
the wilderness, scientific, recreational, or other special characteristics that make the
listed water an outstanding resource value water.
2. Here are the specific actions You must take:
a. List. You must identify as part of your application for permit the waters with
restricted discharges to which your MS4 discharges. The list must be included
with your application, to be submitted within 90 days after the permit effective
date on page I of this permit or for Designated MS4s in accordance with Part
b. Map. You must mark on U.S.G.S. watershed or topographic maps of 1:24,000
scale or better at minimum the DNR minor subwatersheds in your jurisdiction
that discharge in whole or in part to waters with restricted discharges. You
must provide a narrative estimate of the percent impervious surface based on
current land use, the percent of future expected impervious surface based on
zoning or comprehensive plans, and other information that may significantly
affect your runoff to the listed waters. You must submit this map with your
application within 90 days after the permit effective date on page 1 of this
permit or other later date if established by the Commissioner.
c. Assessment. You must then assess how your Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Program can be reasonably altered to eliminate New or Expanded
Discharges to waters with restricted discharges. This assessment must be
developed for New or Expanded Discharges produced from 1988 until the
year 2020. Where You intend to argue that there are no prudent and feasible
alternatives to New or Expanded Discharges to these waters, You must
propose measures You will implement to restrict the discharge to the extent
necessary to preserve the existing high quality, or to preserve the wilderness,
scientific, recreational, or other special characteristics that make the listed
waters outstanding resource value waters. Measures that can be proposed
include ordinances and zoning changes or other BMPs. You must present this
assessment, together with your proposed changes to your Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Program, for public comment during the annual public
comment period required in the permit, prior to your first annual report (see Part
VI.D) or prior to the schedule in Appendix E for Selected MS4s.
d. Assessment Submittal. You must submit the assessment from Part IX.B.2.c
above, and your response to any public comments, with your plan and proposed
changes to your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program and submit it
with your first annual report, or on another later date if established for your
MS4 by the Commissioner, or according to the schedule in Appendix E for
Selected MS4s. The plan and proposed changes to the Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Program will be reviewed by the Commissioner, who will provide
opportunity for public input and hearing pursuant to Minn. R. ch. 7001 prior to
denial or approval of your proposed Storm Water Pollution Prevention
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Program modifications. The MPCA reserves the right to incorporate as much
available information as possible in the decision making process, including the
right to independently develop and evaluate potential prudent and feasible
alternatives to the discharge.
e. Implementation. You must implement your approved Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Program, including all BMPs in accordance with the schedule
described in the approved Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program.
C. Discharges Adversely Impacting Trout Waters (Minn. R. 6264.0050 subp. 2 and 4).
The following requirements apply to Trout Waters listed in Minn. R. 6264.0050, subp. 2
and 4:
1. This permit does not authorize New or Expanded Discharges adversely impacting
Trout Waters unless, at minimum, You establish administrative procedures or other
measures to assure that You make the following determinations and document the
basis for your decision:
a. That there is no feasible and prudent alternative to the proposed discharge; and
b. All prudent and feasible measures needed to avoid or Reduce impacts to Trout
Waters, and to preserve the existing high quality of the water will be
implemented (see Part IX.Co2 below).
2. If the discharge cannot be avoided, You must consider measures to protect water
quality and prevent temperature increases. Acceptable measures include reduce the
impervious surfaces, diversion away from the stream and use of filter strips,
infiltration, biofiltration, or enhanced grass swales to treat runoffbefore discharge to
the Trout Water. Innovative alternatives to ponds are specifically encouraged for
Trout Water discharges if they provide equivalent treatment.
D. Discharges to Wetlands (Minn. R. 7050.0130, subp. F; also 7050.0186). This permit does
not authorize Physical Alterations to Wetlands, or other discharge adversely affecting
Wetlands, ifthe alteration will have a significant adverse impact to the designated uses of
a Wetland. Any Physical Alterations to Wetlands that will cause a potential for a
significant adverse impact to a designated use must be implemented in accordance with the
avoidance, minimization and mitigation requirements of Minn. R. 7050.0186 and other
applicable rules.
E. Discharges Requiring Environmental Review (Minn. Stat. ch. 116D, and 42U.S.C. $$
4321 - 4370 j). This permit does not replace or satisfy any environmental review
requirements, including those under the Minnesota Environmental Policy Act (Minn. Stat.
ch. 116D), the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. SS 4321 - 4370 f), and rules
implementing those laws. Any environmental review required of You by law, including
preparation of environmental review documents such as environmental assessment
worksheets, environmental impact statements, or environmental assessments, must be
completed in accordance with those requirements.
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F. Discharges Affecting Threatened or Endangered Species. This permit does not replace
or satisfy any review requirements for Threatened or Endangered Species, from discharges
whose direct, indirect, interrelated, interconnected, or independent impacts would
jeopardize a listed Threatened or Endangered Species or adversely modify a designated
critical habitat. For any project resulting in a discharge having the potential to adversely
impact Threatened or Endangered species, or their critical habitat, You must conduct your
required review and coordination with appropriate agencies in accordance with those
G. Discharges Affecting Historic or Archeological Sites. This permit does not replace or
satisfy any review requirements for Historic or Archeological Sites from discharges which
adversely affect properties listed or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic
Places or adversely affecting known or discovered archeological sites. For any project
resulting in a discharge having the potential to adversely impact Historic or Archeological
Sites, including significant anthropological sites and any burial sites, You must conduct
your required review and coordination with the Minnesota State Historic Preservation
Officer or other appropriate agencies in accordance with those requirements.
H. Discharges Affecting Source Water Protection Areas (Minn. R. 4720.5100-
4720.5590). You shall incorporate BMPs into your Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Program to protect any of the following drinking water sources that your MS4 discharge
may affect, and You shall include the map ofthese sources with the Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Program if they have been mapped:
1. Wells and source waters for drinking water supply management areas identified as
vulnerable under Minn. R. 4720.5205, 4720.5210, and 4720.5330, and
2. Source water protection areas for surface intakes identified in the source water
assessments conducted by or for the Minnesota Department of Health under the
federal Safe Drinking Water Act, U.S.C. SS 300j - 13.
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The requirements of this section apply only to MS4s called Selected MS4s as described in Part
XI (Appendix E). Certain MS4s have been selected to perform the requirements of this part
because their size and growth may be closely correlated with increased Storm Water flows and
pollutant loading. Nondegradation review applies to all significant New or Expanded
Discharges to all waters but does not negate the applicable requirements for outstanding
resource value waters, requirements for special classes of waters, other requirements in
Appendix C or the general requirements of the permit.
A. Selected MS4s
The basic requirement for all MS4s regulated under this permit is to develop a Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Program that meets the requirements of the permit. An additional
process is required of a limited number of permittees (30) that are listed in Appendix E. These
Selected MS4s must submit to the Commissioner information described below to determine
whether additional control measures beyond those of the permit Parts I through IX can be
reasonably taken to minimize the impacts of the discharges. Selection, for purposes of this
permit, is described in Appendix E.
B. Loading Assessment
Each Selected MS4 must assess the change in Storm Water discharge loading for its permitted
area using a pollutant loading water quality model that, at minimum, addresses changes in
Average Annual Flow Volume, Total Suspended Solids, and Phosphorus. This modeling will be
based on two time periods: from 1988 (1988-1990) to the present (2000-2005), and from the
present to 2020. The Selected MS4s must use a simple model, or another more complex model
that they find to be more appropriate, that addresses the parameters of concern. This may
include a model that the Selected MS4 has already used. Other assessment methods may be
used if they can be shown to be as effective at quantifying the increase in loading as the
modeling methods. The models and/or other methods will be used as part of the assessment to
develop the Nondegradation Report, to help in selecting appropriate BMPs that address
nondegradation, to determine whether additional control measures can reasonably be taken to
Reduce pollutant loading, and for a few Selected MS4s that elect to do so, to evaluate the
significance of the New or Expanded Discharge.
C. Nondegradation Report
Selected MS4s that have significant New or Expanded Discharges are required to complete a
Nondegradation Report and, upon approval, to incorporate its findings on BMPs that address
nondegradation into their Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program. The BMPs shall
address changes in pollutant loadings as far as is reasonable and practical through future
development. Additionally, the BMPs shall address, as far as is reasonable and practical, the
negative impacts of increased Storm Water discharge volumes that cause increased depth and
duration of inundation of Wetlands having the potential for a significant adverse impact to a
designated use of the Wetland, or changes in stream morphology that have the potential for a
significant adverse impact to a designated use of the streams.
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The Nondegradation Report must include consideration ofthe Loading Assessment, which must
include analysis of flow and may include removal of pollutants by BMPs already initiated. For
purposes of this General Permit, 1988 levels consistently attained means runoff that would have
been produced under approximately average conditions of rainfall. Local Storm Water
management plans and other pertinent factors may also be considered. BMPs implemented by
other parties may be considered when those BMPs affect the Storm Water from the area of the
Selected MS4. If the pollutant loadings cannot be Reduced to levels consistently attained in
1988, the Report must describe reasonable and practical BMPs that the Selected MS4 plans to
incorporate into a modified Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program. The Selected MS4
must consider alternatives, explain which alternatives have been studied but rejected and why,
and propose alternatives that are reasonable and practicaL The Report must give high priority to
BMPs that address impacts of future growth, such as ordinances for New Development. Where
increases in pollutant loading have already occurred due to past development, the Report must
consider retrofit and mitigation options (BMPs) that the Selected MS4 determines to be
reasonable, practical and appropriate for the community. The Selected MS4 is responsible for
developing any site specific cost/benefit, social, and environmental information that the Selected
MS4 wishes to bring to the Agency's attention. The Selected MS4 must incorporate the BMPs
into a modified Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program and include an implementation
schedule that addresses New Development and retrofit BMPs it proposes to implement.
D. Public Participation
Prior to submittal to the MPCA, the proposed Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program
modifications to address nondegradation will be public noticed at the local level as required in
the permit (Part V.G.1.e). Each Selected MS4 shall also submit its Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Program modifications to address nondegradation to the appropriate local water
authority (e.g. watershed organizations or county water planning authority) in time to allow for
their review and comment. The Nondegradation Report explaining the proposed BMPs and the
entire Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program must be made available to the public and
local water authority upon request.
E. Submittals for Selected MS4s
Selected MS4s must submit their proposed changes to the Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Program, reports addressing nondegradation for all waters (and restricted waters or prohibited
waters if applicable), together with other supporting documents, to the MPCA in accordance
with the schedule in Appendix E. This submittal must include:
I. The Loading Assessment;
2. The Nondegradation Report;
3. The proposed Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program modifications to
address nondegradation;
4. The public and local water authority comments on the proposed Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Program modifications to address nondegradation, with a
Record of Decision on the comments; and
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5. An application to modify the permit.
F. MPCA Review
The MPCA will review the above submittals in accordance with Minn. R. ch. 7001. After
consideration of the Loading Assessment, the Nondegradation Report, public and local water
authority comments, the Record of Decision by the Selected MS4, and other pertinent
information, the MPCA will make a determination on the preliminary approval of the proposed
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program. The role ofthe MPCA during the review
process will generally be limited to reviewing the information presented by the Selected MS4
and comments made by others during the review process. However, the MPCA reserves the
right to incorporate as much available information as possible in the decision making process,
including the right to independently develop and evaluate potential reasonable and practical
G. Notice and Preliminary Determination
The MPCA will provide statewide public notice and opportunity for hearing on any MPCA
determination of intent to deny or approve the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program
modifications to be implemented under this permit. The MPCA will provide public and MPCA
comments to the Selected MS4. The Selected MS4 will have the opportunity to respond to the
comments prior to the MPCA making a final determination.
H. Final Determination
The Commissioner will make a final determination on the modifications to the Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Program in accordance with Minn. R. ch. 7001.
I. Implementation ofthe Approved Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program
Following approval by the MPCA (as described in Part X.H above), the approved Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Program modifications, including any changes required by the MPCA,
must be implemented by the Selected MS4 in accordance with the schedule in the approved
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program and modifications.
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This part describes the schedule of submittals of the items listed in Part X (Appendix D), item E
to the MPCA for review and approvaL The Commissioner has selected the MS4s listed below
for further nondegradation review. The selection was based on the population growth
experienced by the community during three time periods: from 1990 to 2000, based on census
data; from 2000 to 2003, based on projections by the State Demographer and Metropolitan
Council; and from 2000 to 2020, also based on the State Demographer and Metropolitan Council
projections. The Commissioner also considered the size of the community as represented by the
2000 census. The Commissioner may also determine that additional MS4s be selected based on
the same factors, or other factors in accordance with Minn. R. ch. 7001 and other applicable
The following Selected MS4s shall submit the items listed in Part X (Appendix D), item E, to
the MPCA for review and approval, postmarked on or before the listed dates.
Selected MS4 Submittal date
1 Rochester 15 months after the effective date of the Permit
2 Woodbury 15 months after the effective date of the Permit
3 Maple Grove 15 months after the effective date of the Permit
4 Lakeville 15 months after the effective date of the Permit
5 Eden Prairie 15 months after the effective date of the Permit
6 Eagan 16 months after the effective date of the Permit
7 Plymouth 16 months after the effective date of the Permit
8 Blaine 16 months after the effective date of the Permit
9 BloominQton 16 months after the effective date of the Permit
10 Duluth 16 months after the effective date of the Permit
11 Brooklvn Park 17 months after the effective date of the Permit
12 Shakopee 17 months after the effective date of the Permit
13 Apple Valley 17 months after the effective date of the Permit
14 St. Cloud 17 months after the effective date of the Permit
15 Burnsville 17 months after the effective date of the Permit
16 Prior Lake 18 months after the effective date of the Permit
17 Maplewood 18 months after the effective date of the Permit
18 Coon Rapids 18 months after the effective date of the Permit -
19 Andover 18 months after the effective date of the Permit
20 Elk River 18 months after the effective date of the Permit
21 SavaQe 19 months after the effective date of the Permit
22 FarminQton 19 months after the effective date of the Permit
23 St. Louis Park 19 months after the effective date of the Permit
24 Edina 19 months after the effective date of the Permit
25 Minnetonka 19 months after the effective date of the Permit
26 Chanhassen 20 months after the effective date of the Permit
27 Chaska 20 months after the effective date of the Permit
28 Inver Grove HeiQhts 20 months after the effective date of the Permit
29 Rosemount 20 months after the effective date of the Permit
30 CottaQe Grove 20 months after the effective date of the Permit