FEBRUARY 10, 2003
Mayor Furlong called the work session to order at 6:05 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilman Lundquist, Councilman
Peterson, and Councilman Ayotte
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Tom Scott, Justin Miller, Teresa Burgess, Matt Saam,
Kelley Janes, and Bruce DeJong
PUBLIC PRESENT: Mark Ruff and Jessica Cook, Ehlers and Associates; Chad Hill, Black and
Veatch; and members of the Water Treatment Plant Task Force
Teresa Burgess gave a power point presentation continuing discussion started on Monday,
February 3, 2003. Staff was requesting council direction on whether to further develop and
explore the central plant concept and the dual plant concept as outlined, whether to initiate a
public involvement process, and placing a 2003 rate increase identified in the no treatment
scenario on a future council agenda for discussion and implementation. Background information
was given for each directive. Chad Hill from Black and Veatch provided technical information
and recommended that the City go with the Iron and Manganese Removal Oxidation/Gravity
Filters option as opposed to the Sequestering of Iron and Manganese. Mark Ruff and Jessica
Cook from Ehlers and Associates presented their findings on fee comparisons with comparable
cities and cash flow projections with and without water treatment. Council members asked for
clarifications on the pro's and con's listed for a city water treatment plant. Due to time
limitations, it was decided to continue discussion after the regular City Council meeting.
The work session was recessed at 7:00 p.m. The work session reconvened at 8:45 p.m.
Council asked for clarification on Well//9 and Well 4/10, and if their site placement needed to
coincide with a water treatment plant. Kelley Janes drew a schematic of how the city's well
system works and how placement of new wells is determined. Council members expressed
concern over involving the public with so many unanswered questions. Todd Gerhardt provided
results from the community survey taken 2 years ago as it related to people's perception of city
water and paying for a new water treatment plant. It appeared that taste and smell were not a
major issue. The results were inconclusive, split nearly in half on raising taxes for a water
treatment plant. Councilman Peterson suggested that in 10 years time the technology will change
drastically as it relates to water treatment and stated he was not in favor of moving too fast on this
issue. Council's consensus was not to hold any public open houses at this point, and would prefer
to educate the public through the city's newsletter, newspaper articles, direct mailings, etc.
Direction was given to finish the process with Black and Veatch to complete a master plan to the
city per their contract. Teresa Burgess asked for direction on the 2003 rate increase. Council
stated they preferred to wait until the master plan was finished and then discuss it at a future work
City Council Work Session - February 10, 2003
Justin Miller passed out a handout showing the results of the council members' priorities. Mayor
Furlong asked to meet prior to the joint meeting with the commissions to discuss a consensus on
the City Council's view of the role of the commissions. It was decided to meet after the EDA
meeting on February 25, 2003. Mayor Furlong asked if staff saw any inconsistencies with the
priorities. Todd Gerhardt stated he was a little surprised at the low priority given to the land trust
and the waste hauler contract issues. Councilman Ayotte expressed surprise at the low priority
given to the pavement management program. Mayor Furlong provided staff with direction on
how to proceed with high priority items.
The work session meeting ended at 10:00 p.m.
Submitted by Todd Gerhardt
City Manager
Prepared by Nann Opheim