B. Highway 212 Update, Project 03-09
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Todd Gerhardt, CIty Manager
Paul Oehme, P.E., Director of Public Works/City Engineer
oYff .
June 29, 2006
Highway 212 Update, Project 03-09
On February 13, 2006, the Council approved a work order for Installation of
decorative lighting on the Powers Boulevard Bridge.
On February 27,2006, staff updated the CouncIl on the progress of the TH 212
improvements and discussed potential changes to the City's scope of work.
These changes included improvements to the anticipated future satellite fire
At the February 27, 2006 work session, staff presented the Council with
potential changes to the City's scope of work included in the TH 212 contract.
The main changes to the scope of work included improvements to the
anticipated future satellite fire station. Staff has since received better estimates
for the work and also updated costs for the work already included in the
contract. Staff also has identified additional needs that should be included in the
TH 212 contract. Council also requested additional cost estimates for adding
railing on the three main bridge structures over TH 212.
Currently, Powers Boulevard, Lyman Boulevard, and TH 101 bridges only have
railings on one side of the bridges, the trail side. No railing was included on top
of the concrete railing on the non-trail side since it did not meet Federal
Highway Association (FHW A) design standards. The design standard requires a
raIsed separation from the traveled way to metal rails if constructed on top of a
concrete railing. To include a metal railing on the non-trail side of the bridges
would reqUIre the railing to be fastened to the outside of the concrete bamer.
The railing could only be 2 ft. tall and have a security cable strung through the
railing. The concrete railing is stamped at the location were the railing would be
connected, whIch would make it more difficult to connect and may look odd.
The cost staff received from the contractor for installation of the raIling is
$150/lf or $140,000 to install the 2 ft. railing on all three bndges. Staff does not
The City ot Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautitul parks. A glBat place to live, work, and play
Highway 212 Update
June 29, 2006
Page 2
recommend including the railing on the non-trail side of the bridges since it
could not look hke the other railings, and is expensive.
Staff is continuing to work with MnDOT on acquiring the land for the proposed
satellite fire station and hopes to have a purchase agreement for Council
consideration In the near future. However, staff would like to move ahead with
installation of some infrastructure at this time since it will be more expensive to
Install the improvements after the TH 212 project is complete. Staff has
received updated cost estimates for the Improvements to the fire station
property. The additional Improvements proposed include a turn lane, storm
water pond expansIOn, and sanitary sewer stub. The prevIOUS estimate Included
lowering a 16-inch Magellan pipeline. The Magellan pipeline was recently
unearthed and elevations taken when the pipeline in the TH 212 comdor was
lowered. Based on this elevatIOn informatIon, It appears the line may not need
to be lowered for the fire station. The driveway could be raised slightly over the
pIpe to obtaIn the necessary clear distance requirements. The driveway grades
would still be acceptable. The original turn lane estimate assumed a full 14 ft.
width turn lane and significant gradIng and soil correctIOn. The original
estimate did not take into account an 8-ft. shoulder already planned for this area,
which can be used for the some of the turn lane. Also, the turn lane grading and
soils correction was over estimated. The ongInal estImate for this work was
$180,000. The cost estImate for all the work now is $83,772.00.
Bluff Creek Dnve will be realigned to the west, thereby eliminating the City
bridge costs over Bluff Creek and some traIl length. The savings to the City is
$260,000. The alignment of Bluff Creek will take advantage of the grade
change at Bluff Creek and will be aligned under TH 212. The water distributIOn
comprehensive plan calls for a future watermain to be extended south along
Bluff Creek Dnve. A steel casing pipe should be installed under the TH 212
bridge at this tIme to plan for the future extension. If the casing is not put in at
this tIme, the cost to extend the watermain in the future will be more expensive
and permitting WIth MnDOT will be complicated. The concrete slope paving
under the bridge would need to be removed and a portion of Bluff Creek Dnve
would need to be replaced during the watermain installation if the casing pipe is
not put in at this time. The cost for installatIOn of the casing pipe is $30,646.00.
At the last meeting, staff discussed changing the location of the decorative street
lighting and adding one street light to the TH 101 Bridge. The current deSIgn
has all the street lights on one side of the bridge. The proposed change would
stager the lights on the bridge to distribute the hght over the bridge more evenly.
The cost for this change is $26,250.
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Highway 212 Update
June 29, 2006
Page 3
Staff is recommending painting all seven signals being installed in Chanhassen
to the standard brown color consistent with the downtown signal color. Also,
staff recommended changing all the signal intersection lights to a shoe box
fixture consistent with the downtown signal intersection lights. The cost for
these signal changes are $14,802.42.
The final costs for the sewer and water installed on Powers Boulevard is
projected to come in under the preliminary estImate. The sewer needed to be
relocated and raised because of poor soils along the original alIgnment. The
only impact of these changes would be a need for a future lift statIOn in the
Meadow Lark Lane area if this area were ever to be served. The Meadow Lark
Lane area is a large lot development and is in the 2020 MUSA area. The
estimated cost savings is $80,000.
Additional sewer and watermain improvements or changes to the original
contract are recommended to plan for future development. The SouthWest
Metro development has changed the layout of the sewer and water
improvements and is in the City contract. These costs were mcluded in the
Development Contract for the project and will be 100% charged to the
development. However, a work order WIll need to be approved by the City
Council for this change. Also future sewer and water stubs should be stubbed to
the property north of the new extensIOn of Lake Susan Drive. These stubs
should be extended at this time so City streets and TH 101 will not have to be
excavated in the future for the connections. These stubs will be 100% charged
to the future developer.
The summary of the changes to the TH 212 project are estimated as follows:
Improvement Items Cost (+/-)
Deduct- Bluff Creek Bndge - $260,000
Add - Lights on Powers Blvd. (Council Approved (Feb. 13th) + $120,000
Add - TH 10 1 Bridge Light Changes + $26,250
Add - Estimate of SatellIte Fire StatIOn Improvements + $83,772
Add - SIgnal Improvements + $14,802
Deduct - Sewer and water Improvements on Powers Blvd. - $80,000
Total - $95,176
The changes bemg proposed would be under the contract amount with MnDOT.
Funding for the TH 212 improvements IS being financed with the State of
Minnesota Loan agreement.
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Highway 212 Update
June 29, 2006
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Staff will give a PowerPoint presentation on Monday evenmg that will cover
more specIfic mformation about the projects.
Trail Improvements on Lvman Blvd.
Trail improvements are planned on the north side of Lyman Boulevard from
TH 101 to Quinn Road in conjunction with the TH 212 project. These
improvements will provide pedestrian service to properties north of Lyman
Boulevard and east of the future park & nde. The trail line is antICIpated to be a
highly used corridor because of the park & nde and future retail in the area.
Also, this trail will connect into the City's traIl system and the regIOnal traIl
system. A trail exists on the south side of Lyman Boulevard east ofTH 101, but
a trail is recommended on the north side of Lyman to service the existing and
future resIdents. Traffic projections on Lyman will increase as new
developments are added, so minimizing pedestnans crossing Lyman Boulevard
is important. The City receIved very favorable costs for the traIl improvements
in the TH 212 contract. The cost for traIl improvements from the east property
line of the park & ride to Quinn Road IS $2,900. If the City elects to remove this
trail segment from the contract and constructed it at a later date, the cost would
be approxImately $14,500 at present day costs.
Staff has been working with the property owners east of the park & nde to try to
mItIgate some of the impacts from the Lyman Boulevard and trail
improvements. This property owner had been concerned about the trail width,
loss of trees, the right turn lane in theIr dnveway, and the close proximity of the
trail to their property line. The origmal design called for a 12-ft. wIde trail 4-ft.
berm between the back of curb and the traIl, and a 200-ft. right turn lane into the
park & ride. Staff has been workIng MnDOT to modify the design to limIt the
impacts. The new design calls for a lO-ft. wIde traIl, no berm, and a 100-ft. turn
lane. The design change will limit the number of trees that will need to be
removed and moves the turn lane away for the driveway. Two trees at the
southwest comer of the property may stIll need to be removed.
1. Lyman Boulevard Right Turn Lane & Park & Ride Drawing.
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