Date Msrch 8, 1993
Motion By Wing
Seconded By
WHEREAS, the City has previously entered into an Option to
Purchase with Walter Zimmerman dat'ed December 31, 1986, and
recorded with the Carver County Recorder on December 31, 1986, as
Document No. 83529, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit
"A", for the exclusive option to purchase for the sum of One Dollar
and 00/100 ($1.00) certain land within the city of Chanhassen,
Carver County, Minnesota, and legally described in the attached
Option to Purchase; and
WHEREAS, the City has elected to exercise its option to
purchase the aforementioned property.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City
of Chanhassen:
City Staff is hereby authorized and directed to execute any
and all documents necessary to exercise the City's option
under that certain Option to Purchase dated December 31, 1986,
and to take whatever action is necessary to procure the real
property under the Option to Purchase in accordance with the
terms set forth therein. ~
ADOPTED this 8th day of
Council of the City of Chanhassen.
, 1993, by the City
Don Ashwo rth ,~er~/Manager
3379 r03/08/93
· ·
THESE PRE,lENTS', that IValter ~!~...morman, also k
Walter H. Z{mmerman and 1V.H. Z{mmerman,.a single person~' her'eafter "il, rna{or" h~nke.~
the follow{ag rec{tals~ . ..
V/I{EREAS~.Grantor {s the owner of 'the real'property s{t,ated {n the City. of'
Chanhassen, Carver County, {~-l{nnesoia and legally described ~s follows~.to-wlt{ ..
That part of the'SouthweSt quarter of the N¢"thWest Qt,~rter,:"Sectior~ Nine
(9), Township One Hundred Sixteen (116) North, Range ~Fwenty Three (23)
',',est'.of the 5th.Principal ~,-teridan, described as follows{ ,- ·
Commencing at the southeast corner of sa}d. Southwest Quarter-of' the
Northwest 'Quarter{ thence North. 69~42'15'' ',Vest (based on a .bearing of
North 00°35'15'' West for a straight line between the northwest co,'ner nnd
the southwest corner of said Section 9) a distance of 750.15 feet to thc poinl '
of beginning of the land to be descrlb~3d{ thence continue, North 69~42'15'' '
{Vest a distance' of 228.35. feet{ thence South 36°06'10'' ',Vest n distance
of 18.7.7. feet to .the northerly corner of the easterly cad.of Field {,nne,'
dedicated in SUNSET.IIILL .ON LAKE MINNEWASIITA, nceor¢{ing to Ihe .'' '"""':.
found monumentation of the recorded plat thereof; thence South 38021'{9''-.
~'.:' . - . .
East, along said easterly 'end.of Field Lane, a distance of 4fl.0ll feet to tho. ' .'i'-. ~. '
southerly corner of said easterly end of land-as monumented; thence North.· ~ ' ' ..'
69.°13'44'' ',Vest, along the southerly line'of snid Field l.nne ns mom,mente~l, . -- ="'"'"
a distance of 283.38 feet; thence South 1(}~'46'11],' West n'distnnce of 411.fi2 -~ ."~j~-;J="-'-
· f~et; thence South 7I°39'26'' East'a distance'of 486.30 feet; thence North -..:.
I0°46'16'' East n distance' of 60.84 feet to said point or beginning. And . -
.. .
. .
~ViIEREAS, said real property lies adjacent to. tho dnster{y (~n~l nn¢! tile SOtlll]orlv
boundary or Field Lane, a road dedicated to the public' In tl!o plat of SUNSI.iT ill-I.{,
ON LAKE HINNEWASIITAt and which propel;tY inelude~,rlghtsi"t~3 the public for Pi,blip'
road purposus to the width or aciual use.and maintenance pursuant to the p~'ovislons
or ~llnnesota statute §160.~]5, and : ~, -." '-
r...., . . -_ ¥; _ . ,-
~t -
WIIEREA2{, Grantor contemplates that the portion or.$,lid property not presently-:' :': "' ''
'used for p,,bl'i'e roa'd purposes may bo dedicated to tho PUblic for stlch purposes by ¢;rnntnr-...
or his suc'iessors or assigns, or, alt,ernat, lvely tha:' the' CI.ty o{; ( .nnhnss.~n- ~ny ¢!o~i,o-..:.':.'.':.i ':.' ':-
blOW TIIERE?ORE, In con.~ideratlon or one Dollar nnd o'tl,er gOOd nnd vnluabl'e
~;on.~idernt Ion, includln~ the toregoing rucital~, ' .~ .:..-.."
TIll8 day of D~cember, 1988, WALTER ZI~MER~AN, also known ns Walter ' ....
'lI, Zlmmermnnnnd W. lI. Zlmmerm~n,.n~lnglepe~son, herentter~rantor, " .~ . -"
llgREBY GRAN~ to the City of C~n~n, n munlcipnli(5- Iving nad being in Carver.. ~ ' '. -
(~ounly, ~llnnes°tn, hereafter Grnntee, an exclusive option to purchase the following .' -
dcscribedproperiyinCnr',orC~t~nly, Minncsolu' Io-wll~ -' I'- "' -
T~mt p. rt of the ~uthwo~t quarter of tho Nortlnvest ~unrte~. Section Nine; ':' '
(~]), Township Ono ilundred Sixteen (116) No~th, llnn~e Twenty Threo (2:!)
West or ~he 5th Principal Merldan, described as rollows~ ,. .
(tommenclng nl the southeast corner of said Southwest-quarter of.'the
Northwest Qunrterl.the~ce North 69~42'lS";~Wcsl (bnsed on ~ bearing .of .-
North 00035'{5'' West for a straight line between tile northwest corner nnd '-. .=~... :'~..'-:.:; .-:
the~-southwesl corner of sa{d Soot{on 9) a distunce of 750.15 foci lo. Ibc point ~",
of beginning of lhe lnnd to ~e de~cHbed, lhence continue ~o~lh fl~l°4O'lh''
West a distance of 228.35 feet~ t'henco South 3~08'1fl'' West n distance ..:-... -
of 18.7T feet to the northerly corner oF the enstefi~' end of FioI,I Lane,
dedlented in SUBSIST IlILI, ON I,AKg MI~NEWASliTA, nccording 1~ tl~e. -. .. ~
round monumentntion or tim rocorded plat thereor~ thence Sou.th 38~21'19" .. -
East, along said easterly end of' Field Lane, a distance of 4{l,fl(I feet to the
.souihorly corner of snid ousterly end of lund us monumenied~ tlwnco Horth .... -- -~--
a~°I~'44" West, nlong the southerly line. or snld Field I.ane as monumented, -~ ':'''.~:'
n distance of 283.38 feet{ thence South 1O°4q'l~'' West a distance of 411.62 ~ '~.:;'.:. -..
feetl lhcnce South 71°39'26'' Enst n disinnco of 480.-a0' feet lhcnco ~orth'- -t .:'.'..
lll°~'l~'' East a distnnce or ~.84 ~eet to said point or,beglnning. -' ~}~{~. ' .~"....
Which option Is subject to the follow[n~, terms nnd conditions~.. ~. ¢
I. MANNER OF EXERCISE~ This optlnq may be exercised .bY :Grnntee only hv '.;..:..: ." -
deliver}ag to Grantor or his successors or assigns, n 'written not{ 'its intent to exercise ..- ,: ~::.{~-~.:-, ~,.,~:-.'~.
said optio~:'logether wltli a ResOlution of said mt~nlclpality-nt~thorizing procurement ' "." J::-?':';~:.:'-'
or said p~opert~ for tlie ~mmed[ate e~t~bli~hment and construeti~n 0r a public
and public utilities thereonl which public-~oad and utilltlo~ a~e to bo e~tablished
"'-' Constructed In 'accordance with the requirements therefore ns set forth in tim s~i~ivi~ion~jj tJ'~(};~j:~'~'. '~-'''
price shall be One and no/lOOths (1;1.00) Dollars. ..
3. MANNER OF-PERFORMANCE~ Upon the receipt by~ Clr.~in,tor, or his successors
or asslgnS~ of the documents and consideration required for exercise of the option herein,
Grantor, or his successors or assigns, shall within 30 days; execute and deliver to Grantee
a WARRANTY DEED c. onveying the premises herein foe the purposes herein expres.'~ed.
4. TERMINATION OF OPTION{ The option granted herein shall be perpetual, provided
however, that it may be terminated upOn.the occUrrence of any of t,he following events{.
ia) The approval bY Grantor herein of a plat subdividing th'e property
of Grantor herein{ which subdivision shall include the propdrty which is the
subject of the Option herein, or . -. · , ,: ..
· .
(b) By a deed of conveyance from Grantee ext[gnuishlng the rights grunted
herein. . ,
5. NONABSlGNABILIT¥~ The option and the rights herein granted shy'be exercised
by Grantee herein for the express purposes herein and Shall not be'subject to transfer
· .
.or assignment. . . .
6. NOTICES.' Any Notice which may be or Is required t° be given pursuant t° tho
.provisions' of this option, or the delivery of' ar, y documents required hereun'der, .shall
be delivered or sent by certified mall, postage preps{d, return reCeli~t' requested,' and
'addressed as follows~ ' . '
To the Grantor, tog Walter H. Zlmmerman --
317 Horl:h Oak Street .
Chaaka, Hinneaota 55318
To the Grantee to{ City Clerk, City of Chanhassen ~ ' '
690 Coulter Drive '-
Chanhassen, MN 5531'{;' /:.,. ~
'{'. RECORDIHGt Either Party shall be entitled to record this OI~iTON TO PURCIIASE{
which re~ordin~, shall serve as notice to all third parties of th~ rights .granted herein.
and the Terms and Conditions including events of terminatiOn herein set forth.' -
"8. BINDING EFFECTs- Except-as here and above otherwise Pr~ylded, this Agreement
"shall 'inure to the benefit of the .grantee, without rights of ,~sslgnment, und Shali bird
.. -
the Grantor herein, and his iuCcessors and assigns and shall remain a burdefi"Upon {~he
"' ~ real 'proPert~, desCrlbed'hereln Unless terminated according to the provisions hereof. ~ ~"--~-' ~.:~---:-~::.~:~::--~:; ..'
~' '~:..:.-' ~', ~_. ~'j~;~(";.5~;:: IN '~,TE~MONY. WHEREOF,.~.tho ,-Grantor< has hereunto ~_~$~hl~<~:::~s'~;~y_~(~<~~5:.~}
'~ ' "C: ....-~>?,.~ ...... ~/:-'~~ :' .- "--J::~:.;~-t.:'-,~.:..-.-" --'~< :~-/;?~-.:.:~= ,.-~:~-?:: -=:~ .... ~:~;~:~J~:~?~L~'~/~<~:~:~;~~;~~:·
' " ' ':i" 'r ','., ' - . - _? *'
- -. . . '''. ~ '.~-
this I~, day or December, I~86 ~orore moa Notary I'ubIie, Within und l'or ..!d
¢'.ounty, personally .ppe.red Whiter ~'.lmmerm-n, n/k/. W.Iter !1. gimmerman, nnd '
!1. Zlmmermun, a single per~on~ to ma known to be tho. person described.In and who '.
c?x(,(.ut(t~l tim rurc't;.ini~ Irl.,<trllnlent Ilml ,eknowle(~ed Ilml Im exerulecl the snme
. .
,. ,COUNTY OF CARVER ' '- '- - - ~.: