WS 2000 11 13aCITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION NOVEMBER 13, 2000 Mayor Mancino called the work session meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Mancino, Councilmember Senn, Councilmember Jansen, and Councilmember Labatt MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager; Bruce DeJong, Finance Director; Teresa Burgess, City Engineer/Public Works Director PUBLIC PRESENT: Craig Peterson, Councilman-Elect CITY MANAGER QURTERLY TASK PLAN REVIEW: The City Manager and Council performed their quarterly task plan review. The City Manager discussed those topics that had been completed since the September task plan review, and those that are yet to be completed in the month of December. The Council made no additions to the task plan. The final discussion on this topic related more to the establishment of the task plan for 2001. SOUTHWEST DRUG TASK FORCE: Todd Truax was present to discuss the creation of the Southwest Drug Task Force and the city's participation in it. As it was indicated previously, the city, as it no longer has its own independent law enforcement operation, is not eligible for membership in the Southwest Drug Task Force pursuant to their bylaws. However, this drug task force submitted a grant application counting on the $8,000 commitment from the city. The Council consensually agreed that the city should maintain its $8,000 commitment to the Southwest Drug Task Force and staff agreed to process the payment within the year 2000. 2001 BUDGET DISCUSSION: The following department budgets were discussed: Engineering/Public Works Department: Teresa Burgess discussed the shift in salaries back to engineering and combining consulting budgets for control purposes. The Pavement Management Plan has been completed, which will tell us where to put our money to get the "best bang for the buck" and to determine where to start projects in 2001. She noted that the Public Works garage is running out of space and that they will use space that does not require hoists to complete some of the work; but that is something that is included in the CIP. Mayor Mancino asked whether we should bring back a referendum for a new facility and Ms. Burgess stated that she was not sure, but that it is in the CIP and that could be determined after the completion of a CIP study. She also discussed the fact that the feasibility study may be combined with a new well and treatment facility that is scheduled for 2004, with construction scheduled for 2005 in the CIP. Ms. Burgess discussed the Wellhead Protection Program. She noted that the seal coating was the most questioned project this year. Primarily questions revolved around using chipped rock versus the pea rock, and that we had tremendous tracking problems this year. She noted that next year we would go to a performance based measurement system versus measuring the amount of gravel and oil. We also will require a two-year warranty. Work on West 78th Street was defective in that the seal coating came off and will be repaired by the contractor. She noted that the 2001 budget has included new software for CAD (Computerized Automated Drafting), and that the hardware that exists in the department today will run this software. Mayor Mancino noted that infrastructure replacement should be discussed as part of the CIP, and by the next Council. · Administration: Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager discussed the Administration Budget noting that Travel & Training was up to $10,000. Craig Peterson asked what the salary increase was projected to be and it was noted that 3.5% was the approximate increase in the budget and that merit is based on a percentage of the midpoint. The salaries in the Administration Department are up simply because of the transition to moving staff members back to their department from the TIF districts and other areas where they can't be for next year. It was noted that the CSO position would be upgraded to full-time status at the beginning of the year.