WS 2000 03 06CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION March 6, 2000 Mayor Mancino called the work session to order at 5:30 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Mancino, Councilman Senn, Councilwoman Jansen, Councilman Engel, and Councilman Labatt. COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Scott Botcher, City Manager; Steve Torell, Building Official; Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; John Wolff, Fire Chief. NEW ENERGY CODE: Building Official Steve Torell presented the requirements of the new Energy Code that will go into effect on April 15, 2000. The presentation included information on; the history of energy code development, new requirements, plan review and inspection changes, problems associated with the new code, and what steps are being taken to inform contractors of the changes and begin implementation of the new rules. This has been a very controversial issue and more changes may be in store before the effective date. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR POLICE CONTRACT, SHERIFF OLSON: Sheriff Bud Olson was present to discuss performance standards as contemplated when the city executed the agreement between the Sheriff' s Office and the City for the provision of policing services. Sheriff Olson distributed a document entitled, "Work Plan 2000, City of Chanhassen" wherein the Sheriff, following consultation with City staff, delineated work plan items to be a focus in the next contract year as well as items to be measured for performance purposes in the next year. The City Manager led a brief discussion with the Council concerning statistical measurements of public safety data and the pitfalls of interpretations that may come through differing interpretations of the identical statistical data. This item will be placed on a future agenda for adoption by the City Council. HOUSING FUNDAMENTALS, KATE AANENSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: Staff reviewed with the council the housing trends of the city including the historical development and future projections. The housing element of the comprehensive plan was examined as well as the Livable Communities Act. A map was also presented that revealed vacant or undeveloped residential property. 800 MHZ RADIO FREQUENCY DISCUSSION/STUDY, FIRE CHIEF WOLFF: John Wolff, Fire Chief, stated that Jeff Nelson from PSC Alliance has been hired by the Chanhassen Fire Dept/City of Chanhassen to assist the city with an evaluation of issues related to the 800MHz regional trunk radio system. His fee is $5,250.00 plus expenses, not to exceed $500.00. The 800MHz radio system is slated to be in operation in Carver County for police and fire use as well as in the greater metro area serving the State Patrol, MnDOT, Hennepin County, and City Council Work Session - March 6, 2000 possibly other jurisdictions as the phase-in target dates approach. Mr. Nelson was hired by the Fire Dept/City to conduct a third party analysis to ascertain the strengths and weaknesses of the system, as well as the financial impact to the fire department. A number of counties and cities in the metro area have chosen not to go with this 800MHz system, and it is felt that Mr. Nelson will provide the City with technical data that will aid in our commitment to the new system VERBAL REPORT - PLEASANT VIEW ROAD PILOT PROGRAM: The City Manager gave a brief report on the Pleasant View Road pilot program. He reported that Mr. Steve Beddor and City staff were getting close to the point to make a formal presentation to the Council as to the program. The City Manager reported that he had some work of his own to do on the project, most notably, the development of a name for the program. The City Manager indicated that he would continue to keep the Council apprised of the process. MARCH 11 COLLABORATIVE MEETING W/CHASKA SCHOOL DISTRICT 112: The City Manager gave a brief report on the collaborative meeting with District 112. He indicated that a majority of the discussion focused on the issue of overlapping debt and capital financing issues across the entities involved in the collaborative meeting. He also indicated that there did not appear to be much interest in coordinating capital purchasing schedules so as to control or massage the issue of overlapping debt to the taxpayers. LAKE LUCY ROAD WATER TOWNER- PLANS AND SPECS: The City Council reviewed the Lake Lucy Road Water Tower Plans and Specs. Jerry Boucher, Water Superintendent, addressed the City Council regarding the need fro watering restrictions. CONTINUED PERFORMANCE REVIEW OF CITY MANAGER - CLOSED SESSION: The City Council went into closed session for continued performance review of the City Manager. The work session was adjourned at 9:00. Submitted by Scott Botcher City Manager