JUNE 1, 1999
Mayor Mancino called the work session to order at 7:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Mancino, Councilman Labatt, Councilman Engel, and
Councilwoman Jansen
MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Senn
STAFF PRESENT: Scott Botcher, City Manager; Todd Gerhardt, Assistant City Manager;
Anita Benson, City Engineer; and Charles Folch, Public Works Director.
The presentation began at 7:00 p.m. with Public Works Director, Charles Folch, providing the
City Council with a brief history of the Public Works Building Expansion issue including the
facility needs study completed last fall. Folch then discussed the pre-design schematic plans which
had been prepared by the consultant Amcon CM. Folch discussed the primary reconstruction and
expansion elements to the Administrative/Support, Repair, and Vehicle/Equipment/Materials
Storage Areas of the facility. Folch then discussed other general design considerations, including
a new roof for the entire building, a new front mansard over the administrative area, and new
phone and computer system upgrades. Todd Christopherson of Amcon Corporation then
provided a presentation of a proposed project schedule and estimated costs from the pre-design
schematics. Following some discussions, City Manager, Scott Botcher then inquired from the
Council as the direction or next steps that should be taken. It was concluded that the phone and
computer system upgrades are issues which will need to be integrated with forthcoming system
improvements proposed for City Hall. Therefore, the phone system and computer system issues
will be discussed in more detail with the Council in the near future. The Council concluded by
directing the City Manager to meet with the Public Works Director and the Finance Director to
put a financing package together for the project and bring back to City Council for review and
Roger Gustafson, Carver County Public Works Director, gave an update on the status of the
trunk highway turnback agreement between MnDOT and Carver County. Both MnDOT and
Carver County are currently drafting a turnback agreement for Trunk Highway 101 north of
Highway 5. Further, Carver County will continue to work with MnDOT on the turnback of
Trunk Highway 101 south of Trunk Highway 5. It is expected the turnback agreement between
MnDOT and Carver County for TH 101 north of TH 5 may take up to six months to process.
Rather than wait until the turnback agreement is fully executed between MnDOT and Carver
County, Council provided staff with direction to proceed with the public involvement process as
previously approved providing the jurisdictional status of TH 101 be conveyed to all residents.
City Council Work Session
June 1, 1999
Page 2
City Manager Botcher presented his request to the council seeking guidance so staff may begin
preparing budget requests for the Fiscal Year 2000 Municipal Budget. Following discussion, it
was the consensus of the group that while the city may certainly utilize the strategy of publishing
the maximum allowable levy as a part of the Truth in Taxation notice, that at the same time staff
was directed to prepare budgets with a certified levy increase above Fiscal Year 1999 of 3.5% to
4%. It was mentioned that with the growth in the community (which has yet to be certified by the
county), it is very possible that a 3.5% to 4% growth in levy may in fact result in a tax rate
decrease for our taxpayers. It was also mentioned that the HACA credits will probably be
reduced from last year and that this would be taken into account while generating budget figures.
Additionally, a discussion was held regarding the availability and utilization of alternative revenue
There were no miscellaneous items discussed.
Mayor Mancino adjourned the work session meeting at 8:30 p.m.
Submitted by Staff
Prepared by Gina Burmeister