OCTOBER 4, 1993
A special meeting of the Chanhassen City Council was called to order by Mayor Donald ~I.
Chmiel at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, Octob~ 4, 1993. The following memlxa's were present:
Mayor Chmiel, Council members Dockead~, Mason, Senn: and Wing.
AWARD OF BIDS, 199:3 BONDS, SI~11~ B-R: A bid tabulation was t~s~ted by Dave
MacC. dllw~ from Springsted Corporation.
A motion was made by Councilman Mason and seconded by Councilwoman Dockendorf to
approve the following resolutions:
Awarding the sale of $5,630,000 General Obligation Tax Inca~aent Bonds,
Series 1993B; fixing their form and specifications; directing their execution
and delivery;, and providing for their payment.
Awarding the sale of $1,635,000 General Obligation lmprov~t Bonds,
Series 1993C; fixing their form and spe6'Wwatfions; directing thdr exeeufi~
and delivery; and providing for their payment
Awarding the sale of $680,000 General Obligation Tax Incten~nt Bonds,
Series 1993D; fixing their form and specifications; ~g their
execution and deliverT, and providing for their payment.
Awarding the sale of $2,015,000 Geaeral Obligation Tax lacanmm~t
Rmeunding Bonds, Series 1993E; fixing their form and specifications;
providing for their payrmnt; providing for the escro~g and inv~t
of the proceeds thereof; and providing for the redemption of bonds
The following voted in favor:. Mayor Chmie.1, Councilman Mason, Councilman W'mg, Counc:d
woman Dockendorf. Councilman Senn voted against Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Wing and seconded by Councilwoman Doclcendm'f to
adjourn the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Motion carried.
Don Ashworth
City Manager