1f. Resolution to Adopt Carver County Mitigation Plan CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard POBox147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone 952,227.1100 Fax 952,227.1110 Building Inspections Phone 952,227.1180 Fax 952,227.1190 Engineering Phone 952,227.1160 Fax: 952,227.1170 Finance Phone 952,227.1140 Fax 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone 952.227.1120 Fax 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952,227.1400 Fax 952,227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone 952,227.1130 Fax 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952,227.1300 Fax 952,227.1310 Senior Center Phone 952.227.1125 Fax 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us J:i- MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Ed Coppersmith, Emergency Manager ()~, . September 24, 2006 DA TE: SUBJ: Resolution to Adopt Carver County All Hazard Mitigation Plan BACKGROUND Carver County Emergency Management has asked all cities and townships to adopt by resolution the Carver County All Hazard Mitigation Plan. Staff has reviewed the plan and finds it to be a very concise document detailing the hazards which could affect the City of Chanhassen as well as the other communities in Carver County. This document explains what actions we as a city need to take to reduce or eliminate long term risk to life and property in the event of a hazardous event. The City of Chanhassen has been complying with these guides and there would be no change to the city's operation. A mitigation plan is now a requirement for federal funding and, after November 2003, local governments applying for pre-disaster mitigation funds must have an approved local plan. After November 2004, a plan will also be needed for post-disaster mitigation funds under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. A copy of the complete plan is available in my office for anyone who would like to review it in detail. RECOMMENDA TION It is my recommendation that the City of Chanhassen adopt this plan by resolution to be the City of Chanhassen's Hazard Mitigation Plan and there by complying with all federal requirements for local government to have a Hazard Mitigation Plan and making the City of Chanhassen eligible for hazard mitigation funding. ATTACHMENT 1. Resolution Approving the Carver County All Hazard Mitigation Plan 2. Letter from Scott Gerber dated August 1,2006 The City 01 Chanhassen . A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks, A great place to live, work, and play, C:\Documents and Settings\karene\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK 17D\hazard mitigationplan,doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: October 9. 2006 RESOLUTION NO: 2006- MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE CARVER COUNTY ALL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN WHEREAS, the County of Carver has participated in a hazard mitigation planning process as established under the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000; and WHEREAS, the Act establishes a framework for the development of a county hazard mitigation plan; and WHEREAS, the Act as part of the planning process requires public involvement and local coordination among neighboring local units of government and businesses; and WHEREAS, the Carver County Plan includes a risk assessment including past hazards, hazards that threaten the county, maps of hazards, an estimate of structures at risk, estimate of potential dollar losses for each hazard, a general description of land issues and development trends; and WHEREAS, the Carver County Plan includes a mitigation strategy including goals and objectives and an action plan identifying specific mitigation projects and costs; and WHEREAS, the Plan was shared with the Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management and Federal Emergency Management Agency for review and comments; and WHEREAS, FEMA has approved of the draft plan pending final adoption by the county; and WHEREAS, the Carver County All Hazard Mitigation Plan will make the county eligible to receive Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) project grants; WHEREAS, this is a multi-jurisdictional Plan and cities and townships that participated in the planning process may choose to also adopt the county Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City ofChanhassen supports the Carver County hazard mitigation planning effort, wishes to adopt the All Hazard Mitigation Plan for Carver County as presented. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 9th day of October, 2006. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor YES NO ABSENT August 1, 2006 Carver County Cities and Townships, As you are aware, we have been in the process of developing a Hazard Mitigation Plan for Carver County for the past few years. This is the plan that we have talked about at various township, city, fire, EMS, and other public meetings. This plan will be a County plan and if each community adopts the plan by resolution, it will become the "official" plan for each community. The importance of this plan to each city, township, and the overall County is as follows: . Allows communities to better plan for disasters . Helps reduce the potential costs of disaster response and recovery . Strives to reduce tax dollars . Allows each community to meet the Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of2000 . Provides eligibility for mitigation funding as a result of a future presidential disaster declaration We have received "conditional approval" from the State and FEMA. Today, August IS" the County Board of Commissioners adopted the plan as the official County plan. In order for us to complete the process with the final adoption of the plan. we need your help --When we started this process all communities (cities and townships) indicated they planned on participating and adopting the County plan as their community plan, and each community passed a participation resolution indicating this action. Now we need you to adopt the plan as the final plan. Therefore. if yOU still plan to adopt the plan as your "community plan" we need yOU to pass the attached resolution (ifvou would like it electronic. please let me know and I will send it to you). This resolution needs to be passed bv the end of Au!!ust. If the plan is not adopted bv each city or township. the entity would not be eligible mitigation fundinf! that would be available as a result of a future presidential disaster declaration. The other option would be to develop vour own plan in order to complv with the requirements. Thank you in advance for your time and effort to meet the requirements and complete this planning process. Please provide a copy of the completed resolution to the Risk/Emergency Management Department by Friday, August 28th. Please contact me with any additional questions or concerns at 952-361-1528 or sgerber@co.carver.mn.us. Sincerely, Scott M. Gerber RisklEmergency Management Director Attachment