2006-52 . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DA TE: AU2Ust 14,,2006 RESOLUTION NO: 2006-52 SECONDED BY: Lundquist ~L..4. Y;! Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor NO None A RESOLUTION APPROVING ELECTION JUDGES AND ESTABLISHING THE RATE OF PAY FOR ELECTION JUDGES FOR THE PRIMARY ELECTION ON SEPTEMBER 12, 2006 & THE GENERAL ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 7, 2006 WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen is required by law to adopt a resolution appointing the election judges for the Primary & General Elections and establishing the rates of pay for such. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen that the election judges for said Elections are as established on the attached Exhibit A, with the rate of pay established at $9.00 per hour for the head judges, $8.00 per hour for assistant head judges, and $7.00 per hour for the other judges. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this14th day of August 2006. ~>~ MOTION BY: Peterson ABSENT None YES Furlong Lundquist Peterson Tjomhom . . . ELECTION JUDGES PRIMARY ELECTION ON SEPTEMBER 12, 2006 GENERAL ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 7, 2006 Precinct 1, Main Fire Station ElectionsIHours Name (Only Noted if Not Workin2 the Whole Day) Reuben Kelzenberg, Head Judge Both Kenny Larson, Assistant Head Judge Both Barbara Martini Both Jill Ahrens Both Andrew Aller Both Norma VanHaften Both Linda Ginsbach Both Lois Anderson Both Paul Luehr Both Deb Roberts Both (1/2 day only) Joan Tam Both (1/2 day only 2 p.m. - Close) Fred Prinz Both (1/2 day only-either shift) Cathy Guthrie General Only Mel Kurvers Both (1/2 day only 2 p.m. - close) Bill Brechtel Both Precinct 2, City Hall (Lower Level) ElectionsIHours Name (Onlv Noted if Not Workin2 the Whole Day) Joanne Meuwissen, Head Judge Both Shirley pzynski, Asst. Head Judge Both Pat Donnay Both Sally Johnson Both Grace Tripp Both Patricia Flakne Both Dick Berg Both Nancy Manarin Both (4 p.m. - close) Rita Roiina Both Kathleen Wendland Both Rolland Neve Both Joyce Heuer Both Betty Jorgenson Both Kathy Schroeder General Only Marion Anderson General Only Ann Fox General Only Precinct 3, St. Hubert Church Name Paula Rice, Head J ud e Jean Stecklin Diane DePoe Adell Glaser Mar Jo Kamerud Odie Winkel Frederick Potthoff, Sr. Debra Wendorf Ma Bracho Ellis Thomas ElectionsIHours (Onl Noted if Not Workin the Whole Da ) Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both . . . " Marcia Eland Both Alan Fox General Only Precinct 4, Livine Christ Lutheran Church Elections/Hours Name (Only Noted if Not Workin2 the Whole Dav) Jan Thomas, Head Judge Both Carol Hersman, Asst. Head Judge Both Marianne McCord Both L ynell Ahlstrom Both James Waletski Both Jan Lundquist Both Darlene Kerber Both Andrew Punch Both Carol Berg Both Lloyd Anderson Both Ken Wencl Both Sandy Hesalroad Both (8:30 a.m.-Close) Elaine Neve Both (6 a.m. - 2 p.m.) T.J. Zilka Both (2 p.m.-close) Anne Crystal General Only Joan Clapp Both of Christ Lutheran Church ElectionsIHours (001 Noted if Not Workin the Whole Da ) Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Name Lou Krue er, Head Jud e Richard Rice, Assistant Head Jud e Lola Ka 01 Patricia Kinkel Barbara Solum Conrad Winkel Anne Cecko Sharon Koenen Jack Kre er Gloria Cox Shirle Livin ston Vera Brad Jud Prinz Catherine Lam Both (112 da ) General Onl General Onl General Onl Precinct 6 Chanhassen Recreation Center Name Sheila McShe , Head Jud e Ann Kleve, Assistant Head Jud e Julie Te stra Chris Drahos Ben Gowen Kathleen Huntin ton Doroth Comer Nanc Nelson Bobbie Headla Florence Raser Eileen Simonette Randi Diedrich Jo ce McFarland ElectionsIHours (Onl Noted if Not Workin the Whole Da ) Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both General Onl . . . General OnI (will work Prim if needed) General Onl (will work Primar if needed) Precinct 7, Chanhassen Recreation Center ElectionsIHours Name (Only Noted if Not Workin2 the Whole Day) Betty Eidam, Head Judge Both Kim Meuwissen, Asst. Head Jud~e Both Merlyn Kinkel Both Gary Harmon Both Mary Kraft Both Linda Mady Both Richard Keller Both Carol Dunsmore Both Carol Bues~ens Both (12 pm-Close) Fran Scheffel Primary (possibly General) Paul Brady General Only Pat McGough Both Carol Hed General Only Substitutes: Rosie Peitz Ginny Koehnen