WS 2007 01 22 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JANUARY 22, 2007 Mayor Furlong called the work session to order at 5:40 p.m.. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilman Peterson, Councilman Litsey, Councilwoman Ernst and Councilwoman Tjornhom STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Laurie Hokkanen, Kate Aanenson, Paul Oehme, Todd Hoffman, Lori Haak, and Greg Sticha UPDATE ON TH 101 CORRIDOR SCOPING STUDY, P2067F4. Paul Oehme introduced Mike Kotila with SEH who reviewed the project limits, which have been broken into sub-areas of the 101/212 intersection and the corridor north of that intersection. He reviewed intersection alternatives, pointing out the pros and cons of each alternative. Councilman Litsey asked about the priority of free flowing traffic on 101 and the impact of land acquisition. Mayor Furlong asked how turn back talks with the State and County affect the different options, and how alignments affect the comprehensive plan update. Mike Kotila then reviewed the 101 corridor alignment alternatives as no build, Powers Boulevard alignment, western alignment and eastern alignment. Showing the corridor scoping and environmental matrix, the central and eastern alignments were preferred by a majority of comments received from the public open house. SEH's recommendation is for the central alignment as the preferred alignment. Mr. Kotila reviewed the final scoping study steps and future steps involving official mapping, addressing environmental concerns, discussions with MnDot and the County, funding and program improvements. Todd Gerhardt asked for clarification on the intersection of 101 th with West 96 Street and phasing options. Councilman Litsey asked realistically when funding would become available. Mayor Furlong asked to see the curves in the 101 corridor design be reduced, noting that a 45 mph speed limit is more realistic than 40 or 55. DISCUSSION OF AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE, CHAPTERS 1, 7, 13, 18, 19 & 20 AS A RESULT OF ADOPTION OF THE SECOND GENERATION SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN. Lori Haak clarified the definition of impervious surface, wetland buffer and setback requirements. She showed a comparison chart of impervious surface requirements in other communities, noting installation and maintenance are the biggest concern for most cities. Councilwoman Ernst asked about absorption rates with different soil types. Councilman Peterson stated he was still confused over what staff was recommending. Lori Haak stated the changes were being requested to accommodate and encourage "new pervious technologies" but that the city needs to be vigilant in installation and maintenance standards. Kate Aanenson clarified that people will not get extra credit for the use of pervious technology. Councilman Peterson stated that in looking at the comparison chart, he would prefer Chanhassen be in the middle of the road with their standards and look at the possibility of giving credit for the use of pervious surfaces. Kate Aanenson asked that the City Council consider adopting the sections City Council Work Session - January 22, 2007 that don't deal with impervious surface and setbacks and that staff will bring those items back for further discussion. Mayor Furlong recessed the work session at 7:05 p.m.. The work session was reconvened at 9:10 p.m.. REVIEW CITY CENTER PARK IMPROVEMENTS/VETERAN'S MONUMENT AND PERFORMANCE STAGE. Todd Hoffman delivered the bad news that monuments for veterans cannot be built by public entities, but will have to be done by a private organization such as the American Legion or private agency. Todd Gerhardt clarified that the monument can be built on public property, but the City cannot use public funds without approval of a referendum. Councilwoman Tjornhom asked what input the City Council will have on the design. Councilman Peterson asked for clarification on the seating capacity for the performance stage. Mayor Furlong asked for clarification on the specifics of the stage design and location and asked for feedback from the council on the performance stage. Councilwoman Tjornhom expressed concern with parking. Councilwoman Ernst felt it was a great project but had concern with the number of people that would be served. Councilman Litsey felt it was a good central location with good public visibility. Councilman Peterson noted that anything the City can do to gather people together is good. Mayor Furlong expressed concern that it not look like an after thought, but encouraged staff to continue working to keep the project moving forward. KEY FINANCIAL STRATEGIES: ANNUAL GOALS AND LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES. Todd Gerhardt asked for council feedback on the priority ranking for the goals. Councilman Litsey asked why all the principles can't be completed. Councilman Peterson noted that some of the items need clarification before they can be completed. He also asked for clarification on the ranking that was done by some of the other council members. Mayor Furlong stated that the items ranked 1.8 or higher will be given the highest priority, and asked for council discussion on the items ranking 2 or lower. Councilwoman Ernst noted confusion on the wording of some of the principles and explained her rationale behind her rankings. Councilwoman Tjornhom stated she wanted to concentrate on infrastructure items and gave those her highest priority. She also expressed the desire to have staff look at implementing some sort of call log. Councilman Litsey noted his highest priority was establishing a public safety task force, and explained his view of the difference between a task force and commission. He also volunteered to get information regarding the code of ethics, ward system and in providing background checks if appropriate. Councilman Peterson noted he was willing to spend more time on public safety items if needed, but would prefer to get the information from the public directly rather than having it filtered through another entity. Mayor Furlong agreed that he would prefer to see public safety discussions stay at the council level. He also noted that the public works expansion, and facility needs and park land acquisition, especially the addition of athletic fields, were his top priorities. Councilwoman Ernst stated she felt the inflow/infiltration project should be the top priority of the city, explaining how she associated the principles with their dollar value. Councilman Peterson asked for feedback from staff on how many of the items they feel can be worked on and 2 City Council Work Session - January 22, 2007 finished this year. Todd Gerhardt explained how the city staff needs to provide more public information about accomplishments of the city, and that the Park and Recreation Commission should look into additional revenue sources and support options. He reviewed the legislative priority list and updated the council on the Fox appeal process. Mayor Furlong adjourned the work session at 10:10 p.m.. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim 3