4 2007 Fourth of July Fireworks Contract CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone 952.227.1180 Fax 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us Lf .......-41J~ MEMORANDUM TO: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent Nate Rosa, Recreation Supervisor N~ FROM: DATE: February 16, 2007 SUBj: 2007 Fourth of July Fireworks Contract In preparing for the upcoming Fourth of July Celebration, our department solicited quotes for the 2007 fireworks show. We received quotes from Premier Pyrotechnics Inc. and Melrose Pyrotechnics. Both companies prepared and submitted the necessary quote information and returned it by the established due date. After reviewing both quotes, it was apparent that both companies met the specifications; however, Melrose's show appears to have more value for the dollar amount spent. Their opening body, main body, and grand finale had more selection and variety. Additionally, Melrose offers a unique feature-a mid- show barrage and a pre-finale teaser. The City of Chanhassen has contracted with Melrose Pyrotechnics for over 20 years. Staff is comfortable with the safety and quality of the products they provide. Staff has also developed a great working relationship with the lead technician from Melrose and, over the years, everyone's expectations have been met. This has saved the city staff time and money by not having to go through set up and event details year after year. RECOMMENDA TION It is staff's recommendation that the Park & Recreation Commission recommend the City Council approve the Fourth of July Fireworks contract with Melrose Pyrotechnics in the amount of $23,000. This amount is included in Fund 1600 of the 2007 Budget. The fireworks display will take place on Wednesday, July 4 at 10 p.m. at Lake Ann Park. G:\PARK\4TH\2007\fireworks pre memo.doe The City ot Chanhassen' A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. 7 3" Sparklin - 3 " BfightColoredStrobes ~.......'''.-.' ,.; . . ~- , ~ An Ping 7 Dahlia Shells d/P~~ny Shells ,. . 7- 3" Brilliant Multi-:Colo themum..Shells - 3 "Radiant Assort "",-, ' ",^ , _'_'0 -, - " " >' '," ~ :' , .-,' " _ d_~'" ,', ",,- ", . -.. - ;-0", "'-,' ^ " .'_ ' c" 0- Salute Comets ~........ /0.'., '...J ....;~. ti:'*& , , ::--....... An Ping oit;Shei#; . 0_'" 'c, _, - -'-/ , - - . . Red Stars Shells ,. Magnesium Dahlia Shells ""."-,, --; :....6" 1 - 10" q,1!tterirtg;2 COlD rysanthetflztm Shell ;:'( " 25 110 240 30 60 40 40 545 Main Program... " , ' ~ m ," 0" "'; 3'~(lssortedaerial sh~lls ~ < 'r" , ;::;,' ': " '~ ~;, 0, <' " ;<>~ tC ~ 11811. -- - '. White , Brocade .. ny wI Green Tail; Golden reen Tai ittering Silver to Green Coconuts wIRed Tails ~', ; , ; Mine MultJsolor; Mine Mine White;N11ne Red ....:.r::::If8... . . . ~ Yello Titanium S Serpentin '.: CABALLER >'-/'>0--""";' '-",;"",- :;j> i~', ~J1i~ =;:::;':Bt Total y.f:?asso . Main Progrtl"m. 4" assortedaeritil shells 160 . i ^ , < ~,',' ,-'-';r<~,,>"; , Multi-Color wi White Rays wi Piocha Tai . Tail; Aqua Come. 12 tC ~..... Reports; Whirl . 35 45 ,",'" .' " , ' ,,-' ,- , ," '" , ~ . - . 'ilver CroYinwl Strobe Pi~tii~1 rackling. ", s; Gold . . ite Peon olor Chrysanthemum':. _c ' /'c\,! 15 Phoe and 16 An Ping 22 h~'...'..'.'.."~ ~ .,'---' ,. ,/' Silver pangler Ring; Red Do Tail; Green C 15 4~(,fd::, 7~i::';:~ ,,' --,;';, ,/: >' , ,,"u ,"-','" Tota14" assorted 15 c(~~~ Main Program 5" assorted aerial shells GI .>" "'\, -:"~'.'~.' OIl",,"""""""""" \, "- Red to Silver Crac Tail; Yellow D Kamuro wi T . 30 30 15 , ~' '" ' " -'," it; 5 Color Chrysanthemum wi Sil~er Tailj:!: 1 ; Sunflo' wi Rising Jets; Brocade CroWl1 lor Ch" g Saturn . 18 ::CA8ALLJ:R _',_0,',; ',. epoit; Mine Rainbow wi Reports; Mine wi Report~. S Ire Blue Orchid; Ye wi Ruby Re "-, e; Cardinal Purple wi Silver Cros~ette tte; Twilight Glitter to Sapphire Blue ,',~-: '/:",. . c; '-;', ' 20 128 Tota/:"J:'" as orted 20 20 18 12 20 18 108 . AnP!n Red Gamboge Crossette; Willow; wi Golden wi Willow wi Strobin Waterfall wi Tail Totaf6':' a 8" 10" 10 6 3 16 8 4 6"~G"~ ~'::: , :'^"-'~ ;,,' is 5 12" :, '~:'; ~<;,} o p<'-"i ers; Thous,@4Flow~[S wI Purple · er; .j;::::' :, ~ '" ",',~ ,-,<,;~:~-;'^' ,~:~~~~; G i_,<, " >i:,' , -:-<'-^~- 8 ing; GoldimWillow to Gr~~fRed t6~: lue Peony; Blue Chrysanthel'liutn wI Yellow .. ver Peony~~een Peony w/).>atm Tree Pistil;' eony wI ~~lrnTree Pistil .~~ . . ::::,',':; ;:'~>:: '''"'';0 ; '<-,' ; '~;' ""n, ._:.' G ~ The following is a list be incorporated (i V ety All our produ tested for sa , ,:" . Splcial "Elfed' w ",,:,:-:,'._,'> fJ..:i';:;SS,: Some of t~e , s which will' besf' ':," ,'_ _~__,' ' ; '_ -,"," , "i""- ,": >;'- Italian ~tyl(!;canis16r Sh Kamuro Shells, Sp h mad "obal Sh Saturn Sh Is, Planets s, Japanese Nishikf lis, ", elrose American , He?lrts, Stars, Rings, " Tourbillionsand Pre-Finale !I(@ :':",:;: . ,~.. / ./ , . ~ A 1~!1., .., . ~f::1 , .~;...,..,.. TM ~(?~ VULCAN ~ ~ An Ping 200 Red, White & Blue Tailed Comets With Artillery Reports 50 Assorted Peonys with Silver Rising tails 2 - 4" Purple Ring Shells 2 - 4" Lemon Ruby & Sea Blue Shells 2 - 4" Silver Crown Shells 2 - 4" Green Strobe Shells 2 - 4" Ruby, Blue & White Flashing Shells 2 - 4" Chrysanthemum to Silver Dragon Shells 2 - 4" Stained Glass Shells 2 - 4" Red to Silver Diamond Shells 2 - 4" Purple Rays & Green Strobe Shell 20 Atomic Salutes . Pre-Finale Continued JJ.~ . . ,. ........ ~..., ) ...... ~~ . -{ . : .~..r., .... ~ \ I .. 1fJe:. ~ @!ij) . 1 - 5" Gold Wave to Crackling with Green Palm Shell An Ping 1 - 5" Rainbow with Reports Shell 1 - 5" Dispark Chrysanthemum Shell 1 - 5" Nishiki Kamuro Shell 1 - 5" Red, White & Blue Flying Stars Shell 1 - 6" Gold Flitter with Purple Pistil Shell 1 - 6" Lemon Peony with Silver Tail Shell 1 - 6" Blue to Morning Dew with White Strobe Shell 1 - 6" Silver Crossette Shell 2 - 6" Orange with Diamond Rain Shells 1 - 8" Crackling Nishiki Karnuro Shell 20 -,8 " An Ping anthemum Shells 4 " Sil a il:Sh ells 4 - 4" Purple & T r Shells 2c-4 5 ,!ft,.: .,@ ~ An Ping 2- 4' 2 6 - 'Gold 2 - 8" Three 2 - 8" Golden Flashin 2 - 10" Kiil'fl:uro ony Sh e Pistil.~fiells Additivnal. C(Jmments.:,,:,;,~::,:; - 0'" - '/ '--~^-, @:jJ (II' ...ii.;...'...... .. .~ ..:)> " :'(::"',:}/ ~ '/""', ,- >,:;~,:'-:- i;:~h:~~r<y' /1 -;"L . CABALLJR The moment event, Mel zrework${or your already has an . in ter1ftational S outfront---- :;'0:-0;/') We want to dial-up the event wrp;:areiftvrtu -~ ,:_,):;>~:_;,'-<, ne st yeg;!' 'round: travel ing ^y~- ';-,,"'< ,'- ,~,-,"> etand.'seek out the :<.:>;,' "'- ,':,',.',", ~ " - "',',;' - , due ". n the pyro Our II r the world to deve itemf1nt level of any a part of MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. AGREEMENT This contract entered into this 23rd Day of January AD 2007 by and between MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. of Clear Lake, MN and City of Chanhassen (Customer) of City Chanhassen State Minnesota . WITNESSETH: MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. for and in consideration of the terms hereinafter mentioned, agrees to furnish to the CUSTOMER.Q!!!L. Fireworks Display(s) as per agreement made and accepted and made a part hereof, including the services of our Operator to take charge of and fire display under the supervision and direction of the Customer, said display to be given on the evening of Julv 4. 2007 Customer Initial , weather permitting, it being understood that should inclement weather prevent the giving of this display on the date mentioned herein the parties shall agree to a mutually convenient alternate date, within six (6) months of the original display date. Customer shall remit to the first party an additional 15% of the total contract price for additional expenses in presenting the display on an alternate date. The determination to cancel the show because of inclement or unsafe weather conditions shall rest within the sole discretion of MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. In the event the customer does not choose to reschedule another date or cannot agree to a mutually convenient date, MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. shall be entitled to 40% of the contract price for costs, damages and expenses. If the fireworks exhibition is canceled by CUSTOMER prior to the display, CUSTOMER shall be responsible for and shall pay to MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. on demand, all MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC.'s out of pocket expenses incurred in preparation for the show including but not limited to, material purchases, preparation and design costs, deposits, licenses and employee charges. MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. agrees to furnish all necessary fireworks display materials and personnel for a fireworks display in accordance with the program approved by the parties. Quantities and varieties of products in the program are approximate. After final design, exact specifications will be supplied upon request. It is further agreed and understood that the CUSTOMER is to pay MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. the sum of $ 23.000.00 (Twenty three thousand and 00/100 dollars) . A service fee of 1 Y2 % per month shall be added, if account is not paid within 30 days of the show date. MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. will obtain Public Liability and Property Damage and Workers Compensation Insurance. Customer will provide the following items: (a) Sufficient area for the display, including a minimum spectator set back of 700 feet at all points from the discharge area. (b) Protection of the display area by roping-off or similar facility. ( c) Adequate police protection to prevent spectators from entering display area. (d) Search of the fallout area at first light following a nighttime display. It is further agreed and mutually understood that nothing in this contract shall be constructed or interpreted to mean a partnership, both parties being hereto responsible for their separate and individual debts and obligations and neither party shall be responsible for any agreements not stipulated in this contract. Customer agrees to pay any and all collection costs, including reasonable attorneys fees and court costs incurred by MELROSE NORTH PYROTECHNICS, INC. in the collection or attempted collections of any amount due under this agreement and invoice. The parties hereto do mutually and severally guarantee terms, conditions, and payments of this contract, these articles to be binding upon the parties, themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. CUSTOMER By Date Signed: January 23. 2007 By lis duly -.;zed agem, who represents helsbe bas fulllIUIhority to bind the <Ullom<<. Date Signed (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT) Mark C. Hanson 9405 River Road SE Clear Lake, MN 55319 (800) 771-7976 Name Address Phone 8 , ,~ " /- ~, DtltdMr ~1~~Wb~KAb~SRATOR CERtIFICATE 008 e~rtlf1c"tQNOIO 04rU JAMES1JPULS 1"42t>E~RWo6b DRlVI': t:AGAN IUItU8i22 Et'UlCtlljbDate Eltl'll'ltlon DAte 12/31/2004 ' 121M/2MB . .. . . ACORD,,, CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I DATE CMMIDDIYYYVI 1/16/2007 PRODUCER Phone: 440-248-4711 Fa):: 440-:248-5406 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Britton-Gallagher and Associates, Inc. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND. EXTEND OR 6240 SOM Center Rd. ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES BELOW. Cleveland OB 44139 i INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAte # ------,-_.~" ,~-~- J - INSURED !INSURERA: Lexington Ins Co" Melrose pyrotechnics, Inc. ! INSURERB: Granite State Insurance Co. 9405 River Road SE i INSURERC: Arch Specialty Ins Co Clear Lake MN 55319 !INSURERD: MN we Assigned Risk Plan i INSURER E: COVERAGES ~'HE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUEO TO THE INSURElJ NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWiTliSTAA"DING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CE.RTIl'lCA'l'E MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERT.!>.IN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUC:! POLICIES. AGGREGJ>.TE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HA~ BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. I~: D'!:! "1 POl-ICY NUMBER ! POl-IeY"EFFECTIVE POl-ICYEXPlRATION i LAllTS A GENERALUAB1UTY 16990166 1/15/2007 $ 1,000,000 X I COMMERCIAl. GENERAl. LIABIUTY : S 50, 000 - ~: Ct.AlMS MADE (!j OCCUR ' one S sl,OOO,OOO I GENERALAGGREGATE S 2,000,000 PRODUCTS-COMPIOPAGG IS :2,000,000 B CA62659315 1/15/2007 COMBINED SINGl.E UMlr I' s 1, 00 0 , 000 lea ac:d<lenl) BODILY INJURY (PerpelSOl\) $ X HIREOAlTTOS X NON-<lWNED AUTOS BOOIlYINJURY (Per_l s PROPERlY DAMAGE (Per acc:kI8nt) S 4/1/2007 I AlITO ON\. Y.EAACCIOENl S EAACC S AGG S . S 4,000,000 i $ <4,000,000 ;$ $ S OTH- OTHER THAN i AlTTOONl-Y: c [ULP0005662 I '1/15/2007 I i1/15/2008 i i I j 1 I EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE MNAR0000007157 (MN) 4/1/2006 D X WCSTATU- E.l. EACH ACCIDENT $ 5 0 0 , 000 E.L. OISEASE. EA EMPl-OYEE $ 50 0 , 000 . E.L. OISEASE _ POl-ICY UMIT $ 50 0 , 000 uth, Minnesota estival; City of Plymouth. MN; Plymouth Civic League Your Name Your Address - Anywhere Your City, State Zip CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REl'RESENTATlVE ~~ @ACORDCORPORATION 1988 ACORD 25 (2001/08) Our Mission... "A Dedication To Pyrotechnic Perfection" City of Chanhassen July 4th 2007 OPENING This show will open with the following Red, White and Blue shells. This is a very patriotic opening for your show. This opening will consist of2.5" shells breaking low and 5",6",8" and 10" shells breaking high. This is one of the many layered effects we will use in your show. 72- 2.5" Red, White and Blue shells 1 0- 5" Special Import Red Gamboge wIPistil shells 10- 6" Special Import Red to White to Blue Gamboge shells 4- 8" Special Import Red Gamboge to Green to Red Twinkling 1- 10" Red and Blue Falling Leaves to Lamp with Small Red and Blue Flowers MAIN BODY The main body of this show will consist of a wide variety of high quality oriental and American made shells. These shells will be an assortment of chrysanthemums, peonys, multi report shells, special effect canisters, and a variety of long duration willows and brocades. We will use shell modules to build the body of your display. Please see the catalog on page's 12- 15 for complete shell listings. 1- 3" shell module A, (72- 3" shells) 2- 4" shell modules A, B, (72- 4" shells) 3- 5" shell modules A, B, C (72- 5" shells) 4- 6" shell modules A, B, C, D (36- 6" shells) 3- 8" shell modules A, B, C (18- 8" shells) 2- 10" shell modules A, B (8- 1 0" shells) Main body continued on next page Midwest Sales Office 305 Lewis & Clark Tr. Yankton, SD 57078 Northern Sales Office (218) 281-4169 528 South Ash St. Crookston, MN 56716 Corporate Office Toll Free (888)647-6863 25255 Hwy K Richland, MO 65556 Our Mission... "A Dedication To Pyrotechnic Perfection" SPECIAL IMPORT ITALIAN STYLE CANISTER SHELLS: We will include the following canister shells. These shells have amazing colors and effects. Canister shells are about twice the size of a normal shell because they are canister shaped instead of round allowing the shell to be packed with more composition. These canister shells produce an effect which lasts one to two times longer than a similar sized ball shell. These shells are a great focal point for your show. We count these shells as two shells as they are often multible breaks and are about double the price of a normal ball shell. For complete canister shell listings please see our catalog on pages 16 and 17. 6- 5" special effect canisters (equal to 12- 5" shells) 4- 6" special effect canisters (equal to 8- 6" shells) SPECIAL EFFECT SECTIONS: We will also add the following special effect sections. These shells are of top of the line quality. I will give a brief description of each section. GOLDEN WILLOWS: Charcoal color tentacles making a weeping willow effect in the sky. We will use a layered effect here with 2.5" shells breaking low and larger shells breaking high. 72- 2.5" Golden Willow shells with Strobe Pistil 6- 4" Golden Willow to Green shells 6- 5" Golden Willow to Green shells 4- 6" Golden Willow to Blue shells 2- 8" Golden Willow to Silver Crown shells 1- 10" Golden Willow to Silver Crown shell RINGS: Shells making rings in the sky. Simultaniously firing these shells gives a multi dimentional ring effect. We will also use 2.5" shells breaking low and larger shells breaking higher in this section. 72- 2.5" Assorted Color Ring shells 6- 4" Assorted Color Ring shells 6- 5" Assorted Color Ring shells 2- 6" Assorted Color Ring shells 2- 8" Saturn Ring 1- 10" Saturn Ring Main body continued on next page Midwest Sales Office 305 Lewis & Clark Tr. Yankton, SD 57078 Northern Sales Office (218) 281-4169 528 South Ash St. Crookston, MN 56716 Corporate Office Toll Free (888)647-6863 25255 Hwy K Richland, MO 65556 Our Mission... "A Dedication To Pyrotechnic Perfection" SPECIAL EFFECT SECTIONS CONTINUED: DARK PEONY SHELLS: Dark shells open up with with there full color and then go out like the shell is done but they light back up a second time. This effect amazes people with there in and out nature. We will shoot a few of these to intensify the effect. 6- 4" Purple Dark Purple Peony shells 6- 4" Red Dark Red shells 4- 5" Red Dark Green shells 2- 6" Red Dark Silver shells 2- 8" Red Dark Silver shells FALLING LEAVES: Falling leave shells are shells that light up and come down looking like burning leaves with durations of 10- 14 seconds. This effect will be done in red, white and blue for a patriotic effect. 4- 4" Red Falling Leave shells 4- 4" White Falling Leave shells 4- 4" Blue Falling Leave shells 2- 5" Red Falling Leave shells 2- 5" White Falling Leave shells 2- 5" Blue Falling Leave shells 1- 6" Red Falling Leave shell 1- 6" White Falling Leave shell 1- 6" Blue Falling leave shell STROBE SHELLS: Strobe shells have a unique chemical composition that makes them strobe in and out like a flittering light. These shells also have long durations over 10 seconds. 3- 4" Red Strobe shells 3- 4" White Strobe shells 3- 4" Lemon Strobe shells 2- 5" Red Strobe shells 2- 5" White Strobe shells 2- 5" Lemon Strobe shells 2- 6" Silver Glitter Strobe shells 2- 8" Twinkling Willow 2- 10" Glittering Silver to Red to Twinkling Chrysanthemum Main body continued on next page Midwest Sales Office 305 Lewis & Clark Tr. Yankton, SD 57078 Northern Sales Office (218) 281-4169 528 South Ash St. Crookston, MN 56716 Corporate Office Toll Free (888)647-6863 25255 Hwy K Richland, MO 65556 Our Mission... "A Dedication To Pyrotechnic Perfection" SPECIAL IMPORT YUNG FENG SHELLS: We will also add the following special import shells from Yung Feng. Ask anybody about Yung Feng shells and they will tell you they are the best shells available in the Oriental market. Yung Feng shells are Japenese style ball shells which have amazing effect durations. Some of the following shells have durations of 14 seconds or more which is incredible. 3- 3" Silver Silk Chrysanthemum 3- 3" Nishiki Kamuro 3- 3" Orange Chrysanthemum to Twinkling Star 3- 3" Silve Royal Ceiling Lamp 3- 3" Red Gamboge to Twinkling and Red 3- 3" Crackling Royal Ceiling Lamp 3- 3" Glittering Silver to Red to Green Chrysanthemum 3- 3" Rising Twinkling Tail to Red Gamboge 3- 3" Red Gamboge to Twinkling Red Chrysanthemum 3- 4" Crackling Silk Chrysanthemum 3- 4" Golden Twinkling Chrysanthemum 3- 4" Green Twinkling Chrysanthemum 3- 4" Red Gamboge to Blue to Red Chrysanthemum 3- 4" Nishiki Kamuro 3- 4" Red Crackling Balls 3- 4" Red Sunflowers 3- 4" Crackling Silk Chrysanthemum 3- 4" Red Gamboge to Blue to Red Chrysanthemum with Green Pistil 3- 4" Glittering Green with Crackling Flower 4- 5" Blue Saturn with Royal Ceiling Lamp 4- 5" Colored Bulbs to Crackling 4- 5" Red Crackling Balls 4- 5" Green Crackling Balls 4- 5" Nishiki Kamuro 4- 5" Red Gamboge to Blue to Crackling with Red Pistil 3- 5" Red Gamboge with Multi Layer Pistil Main body continued on next page Midwest Sales Office 305 Lewis & Clark Tr. Yankton, SD 57078 Northern Sales Office (218) 281-4169 528 South Ash St. Crookston, MN 56716 Corporate Office Toll Free (888)647-6863 25255 Hwy K Richland, MO 65556 Our Mission... "A Dedication To Pyrotechnic Perfection" SPECIAL IMPORT YUNG FENG SHELLS CONTINUED: 2- 6" Blue Cycas Blooms 2- 6" Red and Green Parachute Flowers 2- 6" Nishiki Kamuro 2- 6" Saturn Rings 2- 6" Smile Faces 2- 6" Green Cycas Blooms 2- 8" Crackling Royal Ceiling Lamp with Rising Falling Leaves 2- 8" Golden Silk Chrysanthemum 2- 8" Nishiki Kamuro 2- 8" Purple to Blue to Twinkling Peony 2- 8" Orange Chrysanthemum with Flashing Pistil 1- 10" Crackling Royal Ceiling Lamp 1- 1 0" Green Swimming Tadpoles with Crackling Pistil 1- 1 0" Orange Chrysanthemum to Five Reports 1- 1 0" Nishiki Kamuro PRE FINALE WITH SPECIAL EFFECT LAMPARE'S: The pre finale will consist of shells called Lampare's. Lampare shells are 4" in size and make a very large fire ball in the sky. To make this effect manufactures use a mixture of diesel fuel and gasoline secured within the shell. When the shell bursts it makes a large fireball that will definitely wow your crowd. We will start this effect like a normal finale and then fire all of the Lampare shells up at once over about five seconds. 10- 4" Lampare Canister shells 50- 3" Red Gamboge Yung Feng shells 10- 5" Red Gamboge Yung Feng shells 10- 6" Red Gamboge Yung Feng shells 10- 8" Red Gamboge Yung Feng shells 2- 10" Glittering Silver to Red to Twin Pistils Grand finale on next page Midwest Sales Office 305 Lewis & Clark Tr. Yankton, SD 57078 Northern Sales Office (218) 281-4169 528 South Ash St. Crookston, MN 56716 Corporate Office Toll Free (888)647-6863 25255 Hwy K Richland, MO 65556 Our Mission... "A Dedication To Pyrotechnic Perfection" GRAND FINALE: A great show needs to be finished off with a great finale which is exactly what this will be. This finale will be huge many layering effects. Once again we will use 2.5" shells as the bottom layer of the finale. We will gradually intraduce larger shells to this finale with a large amount of 8" and 10" shells especially. This finale will also have some noise as well to compliment the color shells. 144- 2.5" Red, White and Blue Salute shells 200- 3" Red, White and Blue Salute shells 32- 4" Assorted Color shells 32- 4" Titanium Salute shells 23- 5" Assorted Color shells 22- 5" Multi Salute shells 11- 6" Assorted Color shells 11- 6" Multi Salute shells 20- 8" Assorted Color shells 6- 1 0" Assorted Color shells Shell counts and price information on next page Midwest Sales Office 305 Lewis & Clark Tr. Yankton, SD 57078 Northern Sales Office (218) 281-4169 528 South Ash St. Crookston, MN 56716 Corporate Office Toll Free (888)647-6863 25255 Hwy K Richland, MO 65556 OUT Mission... "A Dedication To Pyrotechnic Perfection" City of Chanhassen Shell counts 2007 All mortars, 5 million dollar insurance, computer firing systems, professional shoot team, set up and clean up fees included OPENING 2.5" shells= 72 5" shells= 10 6" shells= 10 8" shells= 4 10" shells= 1 Total shell count MAIN BODY 2.5" shells= 144 3" shells= 99 4" shells= 147 5" shells= 137 6" shells= 69 8" shells= 36 10" shells= 16 Total 2.5" shells= 360 Total 3" shells= 349 Total 4" shells= 221 Total 5" shells= 202 Total 6" shells= III Total 8" shells= 70 Total 10" shells= 25 PRE FINALE 3" shells= 50 4" shells= 10 5" shells= 10 6" shells= 10 8" shells= 10 10" shells= 2 Grand total of 1,338 shells Bid Price $23,000.00 FINALE 2.5" shells= 144 3" shells= 200 4" shells= 64 5" shells= 45 6" shells= 22 8" shells= 20 10" shells= 6 We at Premier bring you Service, Quality and Variety that are second to none in the industry. Premier backs this up with a 100%>> guarantee, If you or your committee are not completely satisfied for any reason, if your show is not better than anyone you have had in the past, your show will be free! 76wr f-t.--L-- Midwest Sales Office 305 Lewis & Clark Tr. Yankton, SD 57078 Northern Sales Office (218) 281-4169 528 South Ash St. Crookston, MN 56716 Corporate Office Toll Free (888)647-6863 P.O Box 487 Richland, MO 65556 Our Mission... "A Dedication To Pyrotechnic Perfection" . Estimation of tenth of Show: The estimated length of your show will be 20 minutes. With our computer program we can design the program to last as many minutes as we wish. In your case we will design the show to be 20 minutes exactly. Timeline for preparing pre-event staging area: If possible we would like to start setting up our larger mortars a day or two before the event but if this is not possible we can have a large enough crew to start setting up at 8 a.m the day of the event. Storage and security: In the even of a cancellation we would have our own security watch the site until the following night at which time the show would be shot. If we do not shoot the show the following night we will take the product back to our secure magazines until we set a mutually agreeable date for the show. Midwest Sales Office 305 Lewis & Clark Tr. Yankton, SD 57078 Northern Sales Office (218) 281-4169 528 South Ash St. Crookston, MN 56716 Corporate Office Toll Free (888)647-6863 25255 Hwy K Richland, MO 65556 00 o o IX o ~ \.. W /:!! .~ 0. ~ 11 0 ~ <5 ~!!: rx:~ OW ~o W a: u: ': , '~~'~"'~"''''-~''-'~''-'~'1 I ~ '" ~ ~ o o z s B Ii: :e CI) o $ 1'0 GO 08 5t! co :;:l M ,.. .1: N a-.... W ~ ~ ~ :z: fg ~ ~ z ~ :z: :E ~ ~ z ~ 0 e -.ot U) U) .... GO lIl:: ~ NO ~"'O$ C 58g ~ ~!::! :UM :!~ W ~ .'ill Certificate of Insurance 17388 Issue Date: 12/29/2006 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND Combined Specialties International, Inc. CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE 8362 Tamarack Village DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR LATER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE Suite 119 POLICIES BELOW. Woodbury Minnesota 55125 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURER A: Underwriters, Uoyds of London INSURED INSURER B: Premier Pyrotechnics, Inc. INSURER C: P.O. Box 487 Richland Missouri 65556 COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE NAMED INSURED ABOVE FOR THE PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE FOLLOWING: LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS: 1) THE INSURANCE EVIDENCED BY THIS CERTIFICATE IS LIABILITY INSURANCE ONLY, IT IS NOT A BOND OR ANY FORM OF SURETY AGAINST WHICH SOMEONE OTHER AN "INSURED" MAY ASSERT A CLAIM OR BRING ANY ACTION. SUBJECT TO POLICY TERMS, CONDITIONS, DEFINITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS THE INSURANCE ONLY INDEMNIFIES AN INSURED AGAINST CERTAIN LEGAL LIABILITY. 2) THE INSURANCE DOES NOT COVER CLAIMS FOR BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE OF THE NAMED INSURED'S SHOOTER(S) ASSISTANT(S) OR ANY OTHER PERSON(S) INCLUDING ANY VOLUTEER(S) PARTICIPATING IN ANY WAY IN ANY DISPLAY OR SPECIAL EFFECT PERFORMED OR EXECUTED BY THE NAMED INSURED. 3)COVERAGE DOES NOT APPLY TO CLAIMS FOR BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ARISING OUT OF THE INSURED'S FAILURE TO FOLLOW NFPA OR OTHER APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS, LAWS OR RECOMMENDATIONS, INCLUDING THOSE RELATING TO POST DISPLAY OR SPECIAL EFFECT SEARCHES OR CLEAN UP. CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS LTR DATE (MM/DDNY) DATE (MMlDDIYY) A GENERAL LIABILITY 1123173657/006 August 15,2006 August 15, 2007 EACH ACCIDENT $5,000,000 CLAIMS MADE MEDICAL EXP $5,000 (anyone person) FIRE LEGAL LIABILITY $50,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $5,000,000 PRODUCTS-COMP/OPS AGG $5,000,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ (Ea accident) ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY $ ANY OWNED AUTO (Per person) SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per person) EXCESS LIABILITY EACH ACCIDENT $ FOLLOWING FORM AGGREGATE $ WORKERS COMPENSATION WC STATU- OTHER AND TORY LIMITS $ EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY E.l. EACH ACCIDENT $ E.l. DISEASE-EA EMPLOYER $ E.L DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS Lakeside Ballroom and City of Glenwood are Additional Insured as respects the December 31, 2006-January 1, 2007 Fireworks Display at Lake Minnewaska CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION Lakeside Ballroom SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE 116 First Street NE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 10 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE Glenwood, MN 56334 CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES ;;J ccl---- /' /"'? AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ~.I . -