Fox Hill Citizen Action Request and ResponseSubmission #2014404 IP Address Submission Recorded On 10/09/2022 7:29 PM Time to Take Survey 19 minutes, 42 seconds Page 1 Complete this form and submit it prior to the City Council meeting date you wish to present your request. 10/10/2022 Note: The City Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month with the following exceptions in 2022: March 28 - Meeting Rescheduled to March 21 December 26 - Meeting Cancelled Printable 2022 City Meeting Calendar View and/or print this calendar to assist with determining when city council meetings are held in order to make your date selection above. Resident Information *Name Geoff and Janelle Schrof *Address 671 Broken Arrow Dr Chanhassen MN 55317 *Phone (612) 387-0525 schrofs@msn.com Council Action Requested * We are residents of the Carver Beach neighborhood. We have met with several other neighborhood residents, and we have concerns about the potential development on Fox Hill. We would like to discuss with City Council unique aspects related to the approval of the proposed development on Fox Hill. The city has the opportunity to preserve this valued resource. Summary of Information * We are concerned about the wetland representation, and concerned about how the this wetland currently drains to the northwest edge of the property. How will the development change this drainage pattern, and if there are resulting issues with stormwater that affects neighboring properties, who is liable: The city of Chanhassen, or new property owners? We remain concerned about the excessive removal of trees, in our city named for its Sugar Maple Trees. This lot has a very high concentration of these trees, and the current development proposal would only retain 38% "canopy" of these trees. We seek further explanation of the City Code that states: "Priority shall be given to retaining stands of trees and undisturbed wooded lands over individual specimen trees, that will be incorporated into the development." The developer is asking for a variance. In turn, what should the variance be that the City is asking of the developer for tree preservation? What Happens Next? Immediately upon submission of this form, staff will be notified by email and will provide copies to the City Council prior to the selected meeting date. Contact Questions? Contact City Clerk Kim Meuwissen at 952-227-1107 or by email. 10/09/2022 11:00 PM City Council Meeting Date ? Email Provide a brief description of the action you are requesting from the City Council. Provide a narrative of the request including need, costs, timetable, background, etc. Date and Time From: Aanenson, Kate <kaanenson@chanhassenmn.gov> Sent: Monday, October 10, 2022 2:16 PM To: schrofs@msn.com Subject: Fox Hill Citizen Action Request Geoff and Janelle, This item has been rescheduled to a future City Council meeting. Therefor the City Council will not be discussing this item tonight. Below are answers to your questions from the Citizen Action Request you submitted. The wetland boundary was delineated by a certified professional wetland professional and was reviewed and approved by the technical evaluation panel which includes the watershed district, Board of Soil and Water Resources, DNR and City of Chanhassen. The subdivision design must show how the wetland is protected which includes hydraulic and hydrologic analysis showing how the drainage patterns are maintained. The stormwater as designed must meet City and watershed district rules which are set up to protect residents and properties from issues related to stormwater and how it is conveyed to public infrastructure. The city code gives preference for retaining groups, or stands, of trees in a development site over preserving individual trees since the survival rate of the trees is higher when saved as a group. The long- term survivability of a tree after development is dependent not just on the fact that it wasn’t removed, but on the construction impacts and final environment surrounding the tree. Individual trees that are preserved on-site run a higher risk of being negatively impacted by construction activities and also have a significant adjustment to their environment post-construction. It takes time for a tree to adapt from life in a forest to life in a front yard lawn where it is hotter, drier, and windier with more soil compaction and less soil health. The city code recognizes that these challenges are reduced by protecting stands of trees. Tree replacement requires 55% canopy coverage. With the replacement, city ordinance will be met. Therefor a variance is not required. The City Code requires a 60-foot Right-of-Way (ROW) width. All connecting streets in the immediate vicinity range between 40 and 50 feet in width. Staff directed the applicant to dedicate a 50-foot-wide ROW. The reduction of ROW requires a variance. Kate Kathryn Aanenson, AICP Community Development Director CITY OF CHANHASSEN PH. 952.227.1139 FX. 952.227.1110 www.chanhassenmn.gov