E-mail from DarioFrom:Dario Klasic To:Al-Jaff, Sharmeen Subject:190 Dakota Retail Date:Friday, September 23, 2022 9:54:14 AM Attachments:2017-04-26_16-07-54.png Chanhassen Coffee EEE WS 9.8.2022.pdf Chanhassen Coffee EEE WS 9.8.2022.pdf Klasic Dakota Retail Final.pdf Hello Sharmeen, Thank you for taking my call earlier this week to discuss this. Below is a recap of our conversations as well as issues that we are trying to get resolved. I will try to be as brief as possible in my email so please let me know if you need anything else from me. Current status We received estimates from few companies just on pipe work that has to go underground to be able to complete this project. First estimate we received was from a company called Triple E Water and Sewer LLC. Their estimate came to out to a whopping $335,000 (JUST FOR THE PIPE WORK estimate attached) Second estimate we received was from a company called Kusske Construction Company LLC. Their estimate came out to a whopping $424,480 Estimate to complete black top as well as concrete work necessary for this project was from Plehal Blacktopping in the amount of $145,926 for phase one and additional $80,000 to add the 10 parking spots that came in as phase 2. (Erik the owner of the company is willing to honor his pricing from last year to help us with this project. Landscaping estimate came to $40,000 Re-building the trash enclosure $35,000 Engineering -$45,000 Total for project if there are no unknown issues $680,926 I contacted Scott with water shed as well as Mike the architect to get their opinion on the piping work in particular the both said that they did not think that it was going to cost this much they felt like it would be half that just like we did. After wrapping our head around this huge amount of money we have to invest in this property we decided to move things forward and get it all done since we already invested over $800,000 into our Tono Restaurant buildout. Next challenge - When started siding these contracts with the companies mentioned above the issues is that the pipes for the work needed to complete phase 2 is about 12weeks out. When we received this information we new right away that there is no way to complete the phase 2 of the project in time before winter. Currently we are sitting with a completed restaurant where we are losing $11,000 per month since we are not open and also investing $680,926 into this project. What we are asking of the city We are still planning on doing the entire project BUT are not able to get phase 2 of the project completed by next spring which means that our restaurant would stay closed. We are in process of completing the phase 1 which will widen the drive through into 2 lanes as well as add 2 new parking spots to the development. So we would have to do Phase 2 with adding 8 more parking spots in spring. I would like to ask the city to allow us to open conditionally after we complete phase 1 which will allow us to have a two lane drive through and additional 2 spaces or at minimum at least allow us to open for delivery and in store pick up until phase 2 is completed. Please let me know if you need anything else and who I could talk to to come to some sort of agreement on this. Unfortunetly we are being hit form all angles and are asking the city to help us stop the bleeding at least on the restaurant she where we are loosing $11,000 per month until we can open. Dario Klasic CEO | Owner p: 651.356.6226 m: 612.214.2069 a: 905 Jefferson ave Unit 101 Saint Paul MN 55102 w: www.klasicpropertyservices.com