10-25-2022 PRC Agenda Packet A.7:00 P.M. - CALL TO ORDER B.ROLL CALL C.APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioners may add or delete items at this time. D.PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS E.VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Commission Procedures allow for presentations from the audience at this time. If a motion is required, the item will be forwarded to the next available agenda to allow for publication and review prior to consideration. F.APPROVAL OF MINUTES F.1 Meeting Minutes: September 27, 2022 G.GENERAL BUSINESS G.1 Lake Ann Park Preserve Update H.REPORTS H.1 Halloween Party Preview H.2 2022 Picnic Season Evaluation H.3 Establish 2023 Picnic Reservation Fees I.COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS AGENDA CHANHASSEN PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2022 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD 1 J.COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS K.ADMINISTRATIVE PACKET L.ADJOURNMENT 2 Park & Recreation Commission Item October 25, 2022 Item Meeting Minutes: September 27, 2022 Item No:F.1 Agenda Section APPROVAL OF MINUTES Prepared By Amy Weidman, Admin Support Specialist SUGGESTED ACTION "Approve the Park & Recreation Commission meeting minutes dated September 27, 2022." SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION Approve the Park & Recreation Commission meeting minutes dated September 27, 2022. ATTACHMENTS September 27, 2022 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes 3 CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 27, 2022 Chairman Tsuchiya called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Karl Tsuchiya, Jim Peck, Don Vasatka, Dan Eidsmo, Heather Markert, Matt Kutz,, and Youth Commissioner Alex Jerdee. MEMBERS ABSENT: Scott Fischer. STAFF PRESENT: Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director; Priya Tandon, Recreation Coordinator; Mitchell Czech, Recreation Supervisor, Jodi Sarles, Recreation Center Manager; Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator; Adam Beers, Park Superintendent. PUBLIC PRESENT: None. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Vasatka moved, Commissioner Peck seconded to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Ruegemer shared about a community buckthorn removal day at Greenwood Shores on October 8, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Gloves and tools will be available to clean the buckthorn in the new Lake Ann Park Preserve. They will be cutting it and treating chemically. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: APPROVE PARK & RECREATION MINUTES DATED AUGUST 23, 2022 Commissioner Eidsmo moved, Commissioner Markert seconded to approve the Minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission Meeting dated August 23, 2022 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. GENERAL BUSINESS: 1. Carver County Southwest Regional Trail Master Plan 4 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – September 27, 2022 2 Park and Recreation Director Jerry Ruegemer stated Marty Walsh, Parks and Recreation Director for Carver County is present tonight. He noted Chanhassen has partnered with Carver County in the past on many projects. Mr. Walsh gave a presentation on the Master Plan. He gave history on the Southwest Regional Trail going back to 2006, noting in 2016 they entered another Master Plan for the section of trail in Chanhassen between Bluff Creek Drive and Highway 61. Mr. Walsh noted Chaska has an active project this fall at the intersection of Highway 41 and will put an underpass at that location. Commissioner Kutz asked if it is more desirable to have the blue trail rather than the green trail along the river. Mr. Walsh replied there are pros and cons to each. He spoke about the trail options. They see this as a safety benefit for people who want that corridor and are trying to access some destination features such as the grocery store, McDonald’s, and other convenience areas. The green trail will remain as part of the City trail system so that option will be available, they are not eliminating that option, but are eliminating some of the issues. Mr. Walsh said again, they are showing that section of trail, the solid blue line, the rail corridor, and eventually staying on the trail long enough it would go to Hopkins, then to Minneapolis, and Stillwater. Commissioner Vasatka asked how far east the trail would go, and whether it would be to the border of Carver and Hennepin County. Mr. Walsh replied in the affirmative. Commissioner Markert asked about a master plan of all the trails Carver County has. From what she can tell, many of the trails go around Chanhassen and asked if any trails go through north/south or east/west. Mr. Walsh replied the one trail they thought about years ago was if the Twin Cities Western Rail would ever abandon itself, it was identified as a potential east/west trail corridor. That is not the case anymore so they are now asking what are the east/west trail corridor possibilities. Commissioner Markert clarified the one they are talking about runs through Chanhassen near Potbelly. She asked about how they work with neighboring counties such as Hennepin County. Her children go to school in Excelsior on Highway 7 and they have done extensive surveys trying to figure out how to better connect the south side of Highway 7 with downtown Excelsior to make that more pedestrian-accessible. 5 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – September 27, 2022 3 Mr. Walsh spoke about Three Rivers Park District and conversations about that, and noted when one gets to the Metropolitan Council level all the implementing agencies have a chance to take a look at what is being proposed. Commissioner Markert noted citizens have to go to the edge of Chanhassen to get to most of these trails. Mr. Walsh noted through the local trail system they would be able to access the trail system. Commissioner Markert stated signs would also be helpful in the future. Mr. Ruegemer noted with the Arboretum Trail going through that was a major gap that was missing and is now added to the east/west corridor. He said people can kind of hop on the local trail system to carry them east and west with multiple underpasses underneath Highway 5. They are putting segments in place to house people going east/west and north/south. Commissioner Markert asked with all the trail systems managed by different people (local, county, regional), if someone wants to bike somewhere how can they piece it all together to see what the options are. Mr. Walsh stated they are working on a mapping system to communicate trail sections. Commissioner Markert suggested interacting between the County and City websites, as well. Mr. Ruegemer noted they are also trying to do the same with the City trail map in making it more interactive versus just a PDF. He spoke about agreements for plowing trails noting they have worked on a winter-use agreement with the County, Park and Rec Commission, and County Board and it is all ready to go. The City of Chanhassen will be plowing that corridor to make it accessible in the southern part of the community. Commissioner Kutz is trying to understand if Mr. Walsh is trying to build consensus because none of this really affects Chanhassen or is happening within Chanhassen. Mr. Walsh noted a portion of the corridor in Chanhassen is paved from County Road 61 to Bluff Creek Drive and there is a section that is not paved. By bringing this fully into the regional park system it makes them eligible to [inaudible]. He said there is a small parking lot facility off Bluff Creek Drive and that would also become eligible There are opportunities for some interpretation off the regional corridor to highlight that particular feature. Commissioner Kutz moved, Commissioner Vasatka seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission makes the motion that the Chanhassen City Council draft a resolution of support of the Carver County Southwest Regional Trail Master Plan. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. 6 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – September 27, 2022 4 REPORTS: 1. 2022 Lake Ann Park Concession & Watercraft Rental Evaluation Recreation Supervisor Czech noted Lake Ann is a very popular destination and concession and watercraft rental is very popular. Despite inclement weather, sales remained strong throughout the summer. He shared they had just under $23,000 in watercraft revenue, a little over $17,000 in food sales revenue, a $3,000 payment to Great Outdoor Paddleboard, just under $3,000 in sales tax, and a new expense for Square transaction fees. Overall the City received $33,758 in total revenue. Mr. Czech spoke about the agreement with Great Outdoor Paddleboard noting they had 502 rentals this summer. He stated they also added a Square cash register for people to utilize cards and 33% of sales were made with a card. They added a tandem kayak which was rented 63 times over the season bringing in $1,300 in revenue which has already accounted for the purchase. Mr. Czech spoke about candy and ice cream additions, as well as healthier options for concessions. He is looking to reinstate the Concession Manager position which went unfilled over the summer again and Mr. Czech took on some of those duties. They are looking at purchasing another tandem kayak and potentially reducing the canoe fleet, updating signage, and getting a new trolling motor. He shared a breakdown of graphs and reports noting Square will allow him to pull many reports to compare years, and that will help with ordering. The Commissioners discussed the success of the Square platform, possibly extending hours of rentals for paddleboard in the evening, the addition of an Icee machine, and adding freeze pops, carbonated water, and coffee. 2. Recreation Center Quarterly Report Recreation Center Manager Sarles gave updates noting air handling units have been on their last legs and due to supply chain issues that has been pushed to the next year. She noted the previous week it was 77 degrees and people were not happy to work out in the fitness center. She hopes this will be resolved in the spring. She spoke about the STAR program for those 18-21 with special needs and had two students who come twice a week to help out and learn job skills. Ms. Sarles shared about Community Day in August, the Barnyard Boogie, and the 23 classes currently happening at the Rec Center with 199 registrations. Numbers have been up this year for activities and sports programs. She noted pickleball lessons are popular. It is a growing sport and she cannot keep up with it; people love it. Ms. Sarles noted the Chanhassen Bone Adventure where one can get out on the trails, take a picture of their dog with the bones, and then bring it to Chuck and Don’s for a treat and to be entered into a prize drawing. This Thursday, sponsored by Kwik-Trip is a Start Your Engines: 7 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – September 27, 2022 5 Healthy, Fit, and Thriving 55+ Expo, and Ms. Sarles shared about the upcoming 2022 Artisan Fair on Saturday, November 5, and the 2022 Holiday Boutique on Saturday, December 3. 3. Park Maintenance Quarterly Update Park Superintendent Beers shared they are in the process of rebuilding the Lotus Park hockey rink replacement and noted the playground replacement at Roundhouse Park will not be delivered in time to install it this fall. He noted regarding the 78th Street irrigation system they were able to receive a grant through the Riley Purgatory Watershed District for just over $20,000 to help with the project. Overall they expect to see a 20% savings in water use which is a benefit for all. Mr. Beers shared about maintenance including fall fertilizing, over-seeding, fall tree pruning to prepare for winter plowing, and the irrigation shutdown including maintenance checks and repairs. He spoke about seasonal employees on the maintenance team and gave kudos to them for how important they are to the operations. 4. Senior Center Quarterly Report Senior Center Coordinator Blazanin shared about many trips taken this summer noting the y have all filled very quickly and she has had a positive partnership with Chaska Park and Recreation Lodge. She noted over the summer she worked hard on gathering and re-connecting events, including: Coffee with the Cops and Detective Josh Baker, who is very popular, Coffee and Rolls on the plaza, weekly game clubs, and wellness related programs. All of which leads to an average of 350 people utilizing the Center per month. Ms. Blazanin noted an inter-generational event with the Chanhassen Library over the summer to bring local teens together with seniors to share stories and life lessons or skills with each other. There was not a huge turnout but those present asked to have the event again, and they will work on how to market the event and get word out a little better for a better turnout next year. She spoke about the 30th Anniversary Celebration in August, noting 125 guests attended. COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS: None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: Mr. Ruegemer thanked the Commissioners that came tonight before the open house to represent the City and the Park Commission. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Kutz moved, Commissioner Vasatka seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. 8 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – September 27, 2022 6 Submitted by Jerry Ruegemer Park and Recreation Director Prepared by Amy Weidman Administrative Support Specialist 9 Park & Recreation Commission Item October 25, 2022 Item Lake Ann Park Preserve Update Item No:G.1 Agenda Section GENERAL BUSINESS Prepared By Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director SUGGESTED ACTION SUMMARY On Tuesday, September 27, the City of Chanhassen scheduled an Open House for the Lake Ann Park Preserve. The format of the Open House was established to provide information on the history of the project, to recap the 2019 Feasibility Study, to answer questions, and most importantly, to gather feedback and comments from the attendees. *35 people attended *19 online comments were completed *Residents had the opportunity to complete online comment form for one week after Open House *Many comments indicated to keep the preserve "As-Is" and maintain a "Natural" feel *Desire year round walking paths *Would love to complete a trail all the way around Lake Ann Staff will provide a more in depth update of the project at the October 25 Park and Recreation Commission Meeting BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION 10 ATTACHMENTS Lake Ann Preserve Open House Boards 9-27-22 Online Comments - Open House Update Presentation Open House 9-27-22 11 ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊProposed Lake Ann Park Expansion and Trail Loop Concept PlanLake Ann Parkw 78th st / cr 16park expansion boundarycr 117powers blvd arboretum blvdlake annlake lucyContinue Trail Loop around Lake AnnMake trail connection to neighborhoods (Route TBD)Make trail connection to neighborhoods (Route TBD)Connect to existing trailContinue Trail Loop around Lake AnnLegendExisting TrailExisting SidewalkProposed Bituminous TrailFuture Bituminous TrailBridgeBoardwalkPark RoadFuture Park ExpansionWetland5000 500 FeetLake Ann Park PreserveLake AnnLake LucyArboretum Blvd / 5Arboretum Blvd / 5Galpin BlvdGalpin BlvdHazeltine BlvdHazeltine BlvdPowers BlvdPowers BlvdLake Ann ParkGreenwoodShores ParkA HISTORY OF PLANNING FOR THE FUTURENone of the land around Lake Ann has been heavily developed. Historically, it has been farmed or kept in a more naturalized state of forest or prairie. Private property owners have preserved the land, which remains a unique asset for the community. The trees and open space along the edges of the lake in all directions contribute to the ecological, recreational, and scenic value of Lake Ann within the FRPPXQLW\7KHVLWHKDVORQJEHHQLGHQWL¿HGLQ&LW\SODQQLQJGRFXPHQWVIRUDWUDLOWRFRPSOHWHDORRSDURXQG/DNH$QQ1960s - The development of the Greenwood Shores neighborhood also brought the dedication of Greenwood Shores Park, with a public beach on Lake Ann, as well as frontage on Lake Lucy.19697KH&LW\DFTXLUHGWKHSDUNODQGIRU/DNH$QQ3DUNLQWKURXJKDUHIHUHQGXPFKRRVLQJWRSUHVHUYHWKHVKRUHOLQHIRUQDWXUDODQGZDWHUEDVHGUHFUHDWLRQDQGORFDWLQJEDOO¿HOGVWRWKHVRXWKEHWZHHQWKHODNHDQG+LJKZD\1970s - At least as earlyDVWKHVDFRQFHSWXDOWUDLODURXQG/DNH$QQLVVKRZQLQWKH&LW\¶V&RPSUHKHQVLYH3ODQ1980sZLWKWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIWKHSDUFHOWRWKHHDVWRI/DNH$QQWKH&LW\RI&KDQKDVVHQZDVDEOHWRVHFXUHSURSHUW\DORQJWKHODNHto create a paved trail and continue the loop for the public. 2016-2020:KHQWKHSURSHUW\WKDW/DNH$QQ3DUN3UHVHUYHVLWVRQEHFDPHDYDLODEOHIRUGHYHORSPHQWWKH&LW\ZRUNHGZLWKWKHhousing developer that purchased the property to dedicate and otherwise preserve the eastern half of the site, including approximately DFUHVRIZHWODQGDQGDFUHVRIXSODQGZLWKRYHUDPLOHRIVKRUHOLQHRQ/DNH$QQDQG/DNH/XF\Future - Development of the Lake Ann Park Preserve Property will create unique recreation opportunities, continue to protect the shoreline of Lake Ann, and extend the vision for a trail loop around the lakeFuture7KLVORQJWHUPDSSURDFKWRWKHSUHVHUYDWLRQRI/DNH$QQ¶VVKRUHOLQHIRUDWUDLOORRSZLOOKDYHSUHVHUYHGDSSUR[LPDWHO\WKVRIWKHZD\DURXQGWKHODNHZLWKDGHVLUHWRFRPSOHWHWKHORRSLIZKHQWKHFXUUHQWRZQHURIWKHSULYDWHSURSHUW\GHFLGHVWRVHOORUVXEGLYLGHthe land. A sign at Lake Ann Park showing the planned eventual connection of a trail loop around the lake.1957Lake Ann Park Preserve | History and Vision12 The CreekThe OverlookThe EdgeThe CathedralHigh Quality ForestVisual ImpactsVisual ImpactsViewsCompelling HillLake ConnectionsGreenwoodShores ParkEdges of Forest, Wetland, & GrasslandNative Species7KHODQGLVDSSUR[LPDWHO\DFUHVDSSUR[LPDWHO\VSOLWZLWKDFUHVRIZHWODQGDQGDFUHVRIXSODQG7KHUHPDLQLQJacres is largely used for grading and stormwater management related to the new neighborhood development.7KHVLWHERDVWVDSSUR[LPDWHO\IHHWRIVKRUHOLQHRQ/DNH/XF\DQGIHHWRQ/DNH$QQThe proposed trail is located within undeveloped land, which is bordered by two lakes, single-family residential development, and city parkland. The western portion of the property is dominated by a DFUHZHWODQGcomplex, which ÀRZVQRUWKLQWRLake Lucy through DQDWXUDORYHUÀRZThe site has been isolated from public access for many years, which has allowed a high quality maple basswood forest WRÀRXULVKLQWKHcentral area of the property. Invasive species, such as a buckthorn and garlic mustard are creeping into the site along the edges of the property, but much of the area is high quality, and represents historic vegetative communities.American Hog PeanutIronwoodPennsylvania Sedge Ostrich FernIronwoodSmartweedSugar Maple Sugar MapleZig Zag Goldenrod Lindley’s AsterGarlic MustardReed Canary GrassCommon BuckthornGlossy BuckthornJack-in-the Pulpit Spreading Wood FernInvasive SpeciesLake Ann Park Preserve | Existing Conditions13 WHAT DOES A FEASIBILITY STUDY CONSIDER?• Opportunities• Challenges• Constructability•Costs• Environmental• Regulatory• PhasingIn 2019, The City of Chanhassen completed a Feasibility study for the future of the Lake Ann Park Preserve Property. After exploring different options for the property and gathering public input, the City developed a plan that included:• Paved and unpaved trails• Boardwalks across the wetlands• A bridge across the creek betweenLake Ann and Lake Lucy• Enhancements to natural resourcesand removal of invasive species•,QWHUSUHWLYHVLJQDJHDQGZD\ÀQGLQJsignage• Connections to the water• Parking closer to the propertyWHAT WERE THE KEY PRINCIPLES FOR THE FEASIBILITY STUDY IN 2019?• Continue trails around Lake Ann to allow for aneventual loop• Preserve the land as a valued natural area inChanhassen • Connect residents with nature, trails, and parks• Protect the ecological functioning (habitat,water quality) of the site• Celebrate Lake Ann, Lake Lucy, and thisproperty as community amenitiesWHAT HAS CHANGED SINCE THE STUDY WAS COMPLETED?• Adjacent Neighborhood Development•,QÁDWLRQ/DERU 6XSSO\&KDLQ,VVXHVaffecting costs• Existing infrastructure is 3 years older•7KH&LW\ZRXOGOLNHWRFRQÀUPWKDWWKHplan is still in line with the community’s desires for the siteLAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE FEASIBILITY STUDYNOVEMBER 25, 2019Lake Ann Park Preserve | Feasibility Study14 PRESERVES A LARGE NATURAL SANCTUARY AREA ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE SITE (~35 ACRES OF WETLAND AND UPLAND) WITHOUT ACCESS TO PEOPLECONCEPT DESCRIPTION: LIMITED TRAILS THROUGHOUT THE SITEONE MAIN TRAIL CORRIDOR WITH AGGREGATE SURFACEMINIMAL AMENITIES ON THE SITEHIGH INVESTMENT IN NATURAL RESOURCES PROTECTION AND RESTORATIONLIMITED WINTER USEPAVED TRAIL TO BE BUILT IN THE FUTURE AROUND THE ENTIRE LAKE ANN PERIMETERSanctuaryAccess PointNatural Surface Hiking TrailShared-Use Aggregate TrailShared-Use Paved TrailBoardwalk/BridgeDevelopment Node/OverlookWetlandForestLEGENDPRESERVE NATURE CONCEPTPRECEDENT IMAGERYPRESERVES A NATURAL SANCTUARY AREA ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE SITE (~22 ACRES OF WETLAND) WITHOUT ACCESS TO PEOPLECONCEPT DESCRIPTION: ONE MAIN PAVED TRAIL CORRIDOR CONNECTS GREENWOOD SHORES TO NORTHERN AND WESTERN ACCESS POINTSONE SECONDARY SOFT SURFACE HIKING TRAIL THROUGH THE MAPLE BASSWOOD FORESTAMENITIES WILL INCLUDE A FISHING PIER ON LAKE ANN, AN OVERLOOK AND FISHING PIER ON LAKE LUCY, AND ONE OR TWO BENCHES ALONG THE TRAILSMODERATE INVESTMENT IN NATURAL RESOURCES PROTECTION AND RESTORATION, FOCUSED ON BUCKTHORN MITIGATIONMAIN PAVED TRAIL MAY BE CLEARED IN WINTER FOR WALKING AND BIKINGPAVED TRAIL TO BE CONTINUED TO THE SOUTH IN THE FUTURE AROUND THE ENTIRE LAKE ANN PERIMETEROverlookOverlook + FishingBenchOveOOrlookOveOvOrloook ok ok + F+ F+ F+ F+ F+ FishingBenBenBenBenBenennchchchchchchchBenBenBenechchchOSanctuaryAccess PointNatural Surface Hiking TrailShared-Use Aggregate TrailShared-Use Paved TrailBoardwalk/BridgeDevelopment Node/OverlookWetlandForestLEGENDEXPERIENCE NATURE CONCEPTPRECEDENT IMAGERYPRESERVES A SMALL NATURAL SANCTUARY AREA ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE SITE (~13 ACRES OF WETLAND) WITHOUT ACCESS TO PEOPLEPRECEDENT IMAGERYCONCEPT DESCRIPTION: ONE PRIMARY PAVED TRAIL CORRIDOR WITH ADDITIONAL PAVED TRAIL CONNECTIONSBOARDWALK TRAIL THROUGH EMERGENT LAKE VEGETATION ON LAKE LUCY AND ALONG WESTERN EDGE OF WETLANDS ON THE SITEAMENITIES INCLUDE FISHING PIER ON LAKE ANN, TWO CANOE LANDINGS ON LAKE ANN, AN OVERLOOK AND FISHING PIER ON LAKE LUCY, AND MULTIPLE BENCHES ALONG THE TRAILSLIMITED INVESTMENT IN NATURAL RESOURCES PROTECTION AND RESTORATIONWINTER USE MAY INCLUDE CLEARED PAVED TRAIL FOR WINTER WALKING AND CROSS-COUNTRY SKIINGPAVED TRAIL TO BE CONTINUED TO THE SOUTH IN THE FUTURE AROUND THE ENTIRE LAKE ANN PERIMETERNATURE PLAYLOT FEATURES IN THE SOUTH PART OF THE SITE TO SERVE AS SMALL NEIGHBORHOOD PLAY AREAOverlook + FishingBenchPrairie OverlookCanoe LandingCanoe Landing + FishingNature PlaylotOveOverlorlorlorlookokokokok okoo+ FishingBenBenBenBenBenBeBechchchchcPrairie OOOOOeOvervvevloolkCanoe LandininingggCCCanoe Landing +gggg CFishinhinhgtNatNatNatNNatuureuureure PlaPlaPlaPlaPlaaaayloyloyloylotttPSanctuaryAccess PointNatural Surface Hiking TrailShared-Use Aggregate TrailShared-Use Paved TrailBoardwalk/BridgeDevelopment Node/OverlookWetlandForestLEGENDPLAY IN NATURE CONCEPTDuring the 2019 Feasibility Study, different ideas were considered for the park preserve. All were in line with a park preserve designation, but varied in terms of intensity of human use and built elementsLake Ann Park Preserve | Feasibility StudyPUBLIC INPUT7KURXJKRXWWKH&LW\¶V3DUN6\VWHP3ODQSURFHVVWKHGHVLUHIRUDFRQQHFWLRQDURXQG/DNH$QQHPHUJHGDVDNH\LQLWLDWLYHIRUWKH&LW\/DWHUDVSDUWRIWKH)HDVLELOLW\6WXG\SURFHVVWKHSODQQLQJWHDPVROLFLWHGLQSXWIURPUHVLGHQWV7KURXJKLQSHUVRQDWWHQGDQFHDWHYHQWVDQGZLWKDQRQOLQHVXUYH\WKHWHDPJDWKHUHGresponses.5HVLGHQWVZHUHRႇHUHGDOWHUQDWLYHVWRGLႇHUHQWGHYHORSPHQWDSSURDFKHVRIWKHSURSHUW\7KHNH\¿QGLQJVIURPWKHSXEOLFLQSXWZHUH»Strong desire to protecting the natural environment, especially sensitive habitat »People are excited about trails. - Sentiment mixed about material, but leans toward paved trails»9DULHGH[SHULHQFHVIRUWUDLOXVHUV LQWHUDFWZLWKWKHODNHGLႇHUHQWYLHZVVHHXQLTXHDUHDV Surveys were provided online and in person to solicit input from the public15 Lake LucyLake AnnLake Ann ParkGreenwood Shores ParkGalpin BlvdMajestic WayTopaz DrUtica LnUtica LnTecumseh LnBrinker StWindmill DrLucy Ridge LnRuby LnSapphire LnPaved Trails - Built by CityPaved Trails - Built by DeveloperPaved Trails - Rebuilt by CityBoardwalkPrefabricated BridgeNatural Surface TrailsReconstructed Trail to Lake Ann Park - WidenReconstructed Trail to Lucy Ridge Ln - Address drainageNatural Resource Preservation/Invasive Species ControlProtect center of site from Buckthorn ExpansionManage/Treat/Remove invasivesPreserve wetlandsField align trails to retain tree canopySignage and WayfindingNatural resources/historical educationTell the story of Lake Ann trail loop planningProvide directional signage for trail usersNatural Surface Trail Waterbars and drainage crossings as neededNew paved trailNew paved trailBoardwalkSet elevation >floodOrient for viewsBoardwalkSet elevation >floodNew Paved TrailBuilt by developerNew Paved TrailBuilt by developerCoordinate grading for pond and boardwalkBridgeSet elevation to allow watercraft underParking6-10 spacesN200’600’400’Lake Ann Park Preserve | Feasibility Study Plan16 LAKE ANN/LAKE LUCY CROSSINGThe creek between Lake Ann and Lake Lucy will be traversed with a prefabricated pedestrian bridge set on precast concrete abutments. The bridge should be wide enough to accommodate two ZD\WUDႈFDQGSHRSOHVWRSSLQJWRHQMR\WKHFUHHNDQGODNHYLHZVRQERWKVLGHV7KLVFRXOGLQFOXGHspace for seating.7KHEULGJHQHHGVWREHEXLOWKLJKHQRXJKWRVWD\RXWRIWKHÀRRGSODLQDQGWRDOORZIRUWKHSDVVDJHRIVPDOOZDWHUFUDIW FDQRHVND\DNV¿VKLQJERDWVHWF XQGHUWKHEULGJH7KHGHVLJQRIWKHDSSURDFKHVWRWKHEULGJHVKRXOGFRQWLQXHWKHUDLOLQJVIHQFLQJZHOOEH\RQGWKHbridge so that users have committed to staying on the bridge and are not drawn down to the ZDWHU¶VHGJH7KLVLVWRUHGXFHHURVLRQDQGGHJUDGDWLRQRIWKHEDQNVRIWKHFUHHNPARKING AND ACCESS TO THE SITE3DUNLQJLVZLOOEHSURYLGHGDWERWKHQGVRIWKHSUHVHUYHZLWKLQWKHQHZQHLJKERUKRRGDQGat Greenwood Shores. This will help mitigate visitor parking in the neighborhood and allow UHVLGHQWVWRSDUNYHKLFOHVZKLOHXVLQJWKHWUDLOVRURWKHUSDUNDPHQLWLHV6FUHHQLQJIRUDGMDFHQWODQGXVHUVLVNH\DQGZLOOEHLQFRUSRUDWHGLQWRWKH¿QDOGHVLJQINTERPRETIVE SIGNAGEInterpretive signage should be incorporated into the park preserve along the trails in appropriate ORFDWLRQVWRKHOSWHOOWKHVWRU\RIWKHSDUNODQG7KHPHVVKRXOGLQFOXGH»Site Ecology»Site History»&LW\7UDLODQG3DUN3ODQQLQJIn locations where natural surface trails intersect with paved trails, foot cleaning stations should be paired with informational signage about invasive species to help prevent their spread.WAYFINDING SIGNAGEWhile many people may get to know the trail system in the park preserve, the new land will draw YLVLWRUVDQGZD\¿QGLQJVLJQDJHZLOOKHOSWKHPQDYLJDWHDQGEHWWHUXQGHUVWDQGZKHUHWKH\DUHDQGhow to get to where they want to go. Signage should be located at entries to the park preserve and at decision points where trails split.*Precedent photos are intended to illustrate the general character of development, not necessarily an exact designBoardwalks Paved TrailsBridgeConnect to the WaterNatural ResourcesNatural Surface TrailsSignageParking/AccessWATER ACCESSWhile the best location is to be determined, there is an opportunity to FRQQHFWSDUNXVHUVZLWKWKHODNHV7KLVFRXOGRFFXUZLWKD¿VKLQJSLHUor a bird blind. When locating this feature, it is important to consider both the views it provides to users and also the views the dock will EHFRPHDSDUWRI ZKDWGRHVLWORRNOLNHIURPDFURVVWKHODNH" BOARDWALK DESIGN%RWKERDUGZDONVZLOOEHGHVLJQHGWRDFFRPPRGDWHZD\SHGHVWULDQDQGELF\FOHWUDႈF7KH\DOVRQHHGto be able to handle vehicle loads such as maintenance pick-up trucks. The boardwalks should be at OHDVWIHHWFOHDUZLGWKZLWKIRRWUDLOLQJV%RDUGZDONVVKRXOGDOVRLQFRUSRUDWHORRNRXWVWRDOORZWUDLOXVHUVWKHFKDQFHWRHQMR\DQGH[SHULHQFHWKHVFHQHU\7KHERDUGZDONVDUHDQWLFLSDWHGWRXWLOL]HKHOLFDODQFKRUVXSSRUWHG+GHVLJQZKHUHDQFKRUVDUHessentially drilled into the ground until they reach soils that will support the design load. As discussed above, a portion of one boardwalk will need to be removeable to allow for occasional PDLQWHQDQFHWRWKH0HWURSROLWDQ&RXQFLO,QWHUFHSWRU,QWKLVLQVWDQFHWKHVSDQEHWZHHQKHOLFDODQFKRUVis lengthened and the structure of the boardwalk under this section is supported with steel I-beams.7KHHOHYDWLRQRIWKHERWWRPRIWKHERDUGZDONQHHGVWREHVHWDERYHWKHÀRRGSODLQHOHYDWLRQVVRDVQRWWRLPSDFWWKHÀRZRIZDWHULQÀRRGHYHQWVPAVED TRAILSA continuation of the paved trails at Lake Ann Park will allow a wide range of users to use the trail system and experience the park preserve. Paving allows walkers, runners, those in ZKHHOFKDLUVRUZLWKZDONHUVELF\FOLVWVDQGVNDWHUVWRHQMR\WKHWUDLOV7UDLOVDUHGHVLJQHGWREHIHHWZLGHWRVDIHO\DFFRPPRGDWHYDULRXVXVHUVJRLQJLQHDFKdirection./D\RXWRIWKHWUDLOVRQWKHSODQLVJHQHUDOL]HGDQGD¿QDODOLJQPHQWZLOOUHTXLUHDQRQVLWHÀDJJLQJRIWKHWUDLOWREHWWHUUHWDLQWKHYHJHWDWLRQDQGWUHHFDQRS\RQVLWH7KLVDOVRKHOSVcombat the spread of invasive species, many of which thrive in disturbed areas and outcompete native species in these locations. NATURAL SURFACE TRAILSIn addition to the paved trail system, some of the natural surface trails will be preserved and enhanced to provide users with a secondary experience of the natural areas of the site. In some instances there are locations where water must be managed. In these cases, minimal improvements such as small culverts, waterbars, and plank boardwalks will be required to avoid negatively impacting the trails. The trails that exist today see minimal use and are not degraded as quickly as could happen with the transition to public park land. A key to preventing the degradation will be to manage water and avoid erosion.NATURAL RESOURCE PRESERVATIONSHORELINE MANAGEMENTWith the beaches that are available to the public at Lake Ann Park and Greenwood Shores Park, the new park land design is not focused on EULQJLQJSHRSOHWRWKHZDWHU¶VHGJHXQOHVVWKH\DUHRQDVXVWDLQDEOHsurface such as a bridge, boardwalk, or dock. This will help reduce erosion and degradation of the shoreline as well as minimize the opportunity for the spread of invasive species to these locations.FOREST MANAGEMENTEducation, signage, and paved trails will direct future park users to avoid accessing the high quality areas of the property in order to preserve the existing natural resources of the site. Encroachment into these areas will directly damage vegetation, but can also spread invasive species. 7UDLOVVKRXOGEHFOHDUO\GH¿QHGDQGGLUHFWYLVLWRUVWRDFFHVVRQO\DUHDVwhere trails exist rather than promoting hiking through the high-quality areas of the park.INVASIVE SPECIES MANAGEMENTThe highest priority for management of natural resources on the property is to address the existing buckthorn. Garlic Mustard and Reed &DQDU\*UDVVDUHDOVRFRQFHUQV0DQDJHPHQWPHWKRGVVKRXOGEHevaluated based on cost, success rate, and the size of existing trees. Every invasive species management plan should include a phasing plan to ensure that initial and follow up treatments are planned.Screening to adjacent propertiesUse of landscaping and relocated gate to prevent unauthorized vehicular accessMinimize impacts to existing trees as much as possibleNew Neighborhood Greenwood Shores ParkPPLake Ann Park Preserve | Feasibility Study Plan17 HELP US REFINE THE DESIGN! TELL US WHAT YOU THINK!KWWSVZZZVXUYH\PRQNH\FRPU/DNH$QQ3DUN3UHVHUYH2SHQ+RXVH - or take a paper version -ACTION NOTESSecure FundingDesign and EngineeringSoil Borings Wetland borings should be done in the early winter Permitting&DQEHGRQHDW3ODQ&RPSOHWLRQRIGHVLJQHQJLQHHULQJBidding Preferred bidding environment in the fall for construction the next year&RQVWUXFWLRQSet Boardwalk Structural Supports Should be done in Winter&RQVWUXFW%RDUGZDON7RS 6KRXOGEHGRQH6SULQJ6XPPHU)DOO&RQVWUXFW7UDLO 6KRXOGEHGRQH6SULQJ6XPPHU)DOOor use the TUFRGHComprehensivePlan Park System PlanAcquireParklandFeasibilityStudyParkMaster PlanSecureFunding5HÀQHG'HVLJQWork and PermittingSubdivision of PropertyConstructionWeAreHereLake Ann Park Preserve | Next Steps18 Chanhassen L ake Ann Park Preserve Open H ouse 1 / 6 Q1 What do you envision for the future of the Lake Ann Park Preserve? Answered: 15 Sk ipped: 4 #RESPONSES DATE 1 A plac e for ev eryone, but k eep as natural as possible. It is a beautiful piec e of property and should be kept as natural as pos s ible. 10/3/2022 8:17 PM 2 A scenic nature pres erv e wit h ac c ess to hik ing, biking, and fis hing where we can do family activities. 10/2/2022 8:48 AM 3 I envision the pres erv e to be maintained but to be lef t as is leaving its natural beaut y 9/30/2022 9:59 PM 4 Leave as-is, don’t c hange anyt hing. Neighborhood wants NO PUBLIC PARKING LOTS!!! Any thing public will bring crime and loitering, NO. We’ll f ight this legally if we have to 9/30/2022 9:58 PM 5 Maintain as much natural land as possible with trails . Thank you for our wonderful park and rec land in Chanhas s en. It is why my family moved here and has lived in Chanhassen f or 35 years. We are very proud of our green space! 9/30/2022 1:14 PM 6 Exac tly this .9/30/2022 10:04 AM 7 Walking path 9/30/2022 8:45 AM 8 A park that s erv es the whole c ommunity and provides a natural preserv e ex perience.9/30/2022 8:42 AM 9 Walking path all around Lake Ann. Snows hoe trails.9/30/2022 6:14 AM 10 I would lov e to s ee more trails and a s plash area. But my bigges t concern is safety. You c an't park there or go there in t he middle of the day anymore without worry ing/feeling uneasy. There needs to be surveillance c ameras and safety s tat ions . I shouldn't feel nerv ous taking k ids there when it's des erted. 9/30/2022 12:31 AM 11 Peac eful, well maintained.9/29/2022 10:14 PM 12 Pav ed trails that are access ible in the winter. It would be great if it was similar to EP Starring Lake path, where it goes all around the lake, a s ledding hill, park ect , and some offshoots for cros s c ountry skiing/hik ing. It would be great if this connec ted to other s urrounding neighborhoods and another way to c onnect to downtown Chanhas s en 9/29/2022 12:31 PM 13 While I appreciate the setup of Lak e Ann Park , I'd lik e to see as muc h of the natural area/paths maintained in the Pres erve portion. Part of "the draw" of this s pecial place is to feel it's nat ural beaut y and remoteness right here in the c it y. 9/29/2022 10:27 AM 14 A completely natural setting with t rails and pic nic sites , but no homes and motoriz ed v ehicles.9/29/2022 9:35 AM 15 We lik e t he c ombo natural and pav ed ac c es s.9/27/2022 6:54 PM 19 Chanhassen L ake Ann Park Preserve Open H ouse 2 / 6 Q2 Are there things you would like to see at the Lake Ann Park Preserve that are not currently shown on the feasibility study plan? Answered: 17 Sk ipped: 2 #RESPONSES DATE 1 Continue with no motorized vehicles on t he paths and on the water at Lak e Ann. Keep no park ing signs on the road by Greenwood shore beach. Keep natural paths through the pres erv e. Thank s for all the work the park and rec program/committee has done to make the happen! 10/3/2022 8:17 PM 2 It would be nice to hav e t he entire Lak e Ann loop connec ted, including the SW part that is n’t shown to have a trail, but I’m guessing that’s not an option. Also des ired, but probably out of scope for this is adding a path to the east s ide of Galpin road t o hav e a walking path connec ting Della Drive and Pearl Driv e 10/2/2022 8:48 AM 3 Flower gardens by seas on with s tones to buy for a mess age on it (idea from friends of loring park down town.) 9/30/2022 10:38 PM 4 No 9/30/2022 9:59 PM 5 NO, LEAVE AS-IS 9/30/2022 9:58 PM 6 How are you keeping c urrent residents in mind? People who have lived in these neighborhoods sinc e they were built? Ev er since Prince died and that land has been “turned over”, it has been nothing but issues . People s neaking bac k there to camp, teenagers throwing parties, all sorts of t hings happening at the small beach lik e people from “outside” coming in and doing drugs, needles found in the sand. Plus the amount of people coming through on thos e neighborhood roads where there are no sidewalk s to keep our k ids and elderly s afe? 9/30/2022 2:41 PM 7 Just in the past few y ears the traffic on Tec umseh Lane and Utic a Lane has gotten out of hand for it being a neighborhood with MANY s mall kids . People come fly ing through to get down to the lake and it is only going to get wors e now. There are no sidewalks, s treetlights, etc . in the neighborhood and it is only a matter of time unt il a child get s hit. The speed limit needs to be dras tically lowered, speed bumps, or something. It is not safe! 9/30/2022 2:33 PM 8 Lots of dogs on thes e trails . Should inc lude poop stations so owners can pick up and dis pose of stools . 9/30/2022 1:14 PM 9 Gett ing it done fas ter. Lighting coming in and out of the forest. Any sort of s afety but ton for hurt people. Lik e a Mot orola radio that could c ommunicate wit h public s afety. 9/30/2022 10:04 AM 10 A specific beach area for Dogs. To many people ignore the postings for no dogs on the swimming beach. Cleared viewing areas for benches to overlook the lakes and wetlands. 9/30/2022 8:42 AM 11 Dog beac h, to keep dog owners off public beac hes 9/30/2022 6:14 AM 12 Yes, more s ecurity/s afety features and a s plas h pad 9/30/2022 12:31 AM 13 No parking at Greenwood s hores park. The woods are a big high school hang out where they are smoking and drinking. 9/29/2022 10:14 PM 14 Would like a c onnection t o the Majes tic /Windmill/Walnut Curv e/Brinker neighborhood. Maybe add a s ledding hill sinc e the clos es t one is Power Hill. Have a res t s top where people could pic nic, us e bathroom Have trash cans so people c an put their pet was te or tras h in it . 9/29/2022 12:31 PM 15 Whenever there are pav ed paths with garbage/recycling cans, I'd like to s ee dog waste bag stations. From a water qualit y pers pec tive and the inc reas ed us age on the trails it just mak es sense to enc ourage k eeping dog poop out of the water. If maintenanc e of the containers is an iss ue, consider utiliz ing neighbors , like my s elf (Sharon McCott er), who walk the trails 4-5 times a week and would be willing to refill the bags. 9/29/2022 10:27 AM 16 Just the completion of the paths around the lak e.9/29/2022 9:35 AM 20 Chanhassen L ake Ann Park Preserve Open H ouse 3 / 6 17 NA 9/27/2022 6:54 PM 21 Chanhassen L ake Ann Park Preserve Open H ouse 4 / 6 Q3 Are there things currently shown on the feasibility study plan you would not like to see at the Lake Ann Park Preserve ? Answered: 16 Sk ipped: 3 #RESPONSES DATE 1 Continue to work with land owner to allow the path to go all the way around Lak e Ann.10/3/2022 8:17 PM 2 We would prefer the fis hing pier over the bird blind 10/2/2022 8:48 AM 3 Small park ing spaces in our neighborhood 9/30/2022 10:38 PM 4 I do not want to s ee park ing lots added to greenwood s hores . There does not need to be additional connec tions between Greenwood Shores and lak e Ann. 9/30/2022 9:59 PM 5 NO-LEAVE AS-I S 9/30/2022 9:58 PM 6 Parking s pac es at Greenwood Shores Park. The beach is not big enough for that many people.9/30/2022 8:48 PM 7 Safety. How is this k eeping residents safe. When they purc hased these homes , they didn’t sign up for this. 9/30/2022 2:41 PM 8 The park ing at Greenwood Shores . There are no parking s igns for a reas on (that no one follows or enforc es). It is way too s mall of a beac h for now even more people. People cons tantly hav e dogs, are smoking, doing drugs , etc . down t here. It has already become over populated from jus t a few years ago and it is no longer family friendly. Adding parking there is only going to mak e that wors e. That beach used to be soley for that neighborhood. The traffic coming through on Tecumseh and Utic a is going to increase and it already has no s idewalks , s treet lights , skinny roads wit h c urves . It is only a matter of time until someone is serious ly injured. 9/30/2022 2:33 PM 9 The Greenwood Shores proposed park ing spots gives me pause. As a RN and Chanhas sen citiz en who has s erv ed on our Public Safet y Commission, I worry about all the pedal bikers (lots of k ids )on the trail between the regional Lake Ann park, Greenwood Shores park (has a steep hill at top of park ) and the neighborhood; now navigating through parked cars c oming and going. I also worry about how parking closer c ould inc reas e the party act ivity -do not have t o carry liquor, tents and gasoline so f ar (the word will get out). I underst and that loc k ing a park gates at night will not happen. If park ing spaces are allowed at the bottom of the hill, who is going to enforce only 4 - 6 spots? Lot s of gras s to park on. If park ing at all, limit t o four s pots on top of hill (street lev el) before bollards to control park ing. The park is open to all and mainly used by 72 households as a neighborhood park . There are lots of s urface parking at regional Lake Ann with a trail that connec ts , s o do we really need parking spots? Greenwood Shores neighborhood is not as k ing for any amenities - just leave it as natural as poss ible. Please do not reopen adjacent s treet parking - a public s afety nightmare if change is made. I live nearby and every one attending a baby /bridal shower at my house or family gathering has to park a little way s away and walk to my hous e. This is jus t fine with me as it keeps everyone safe as they c ome round the curve and up the hill on a narrow road, es pecially the kids on skat eboards, carry ing f loating dev ice while riding their bikes, and oc c as ionally pulling their younger s ibling in a wagon by a rope tied behind t heir bik e, etc . 9/30/2022 1:14 PM 10 No its a good s tart 9/30/2022 8:42 AM 11 Parking Greenwood Shores Park 9/30/2022 6:14 AM 12 No parking at the Greenwood shores park . It’s disappointing this is being c onsidered. You need to keep your promise to the neighborhood not to allow parking. 9/29/2022 10:14 PM 13 I don't want all grav el paths . I want them maintained in winter and a paved for easy bik ing/walking and a good connec tion to the main park at lake ann. 9/29/2022 12:31 PM 14 As someone who lives on Lake Lucy, from a nois e and priv ac y pers pec tive, I would not like to have a fis hing pier or birdwatching blind on Lak e Luc y. Sinc e putting in the temporary bridge over the creek, we hav e seen and heard a s ignificant uptick in people walk ing the trails through the woods. I lik e a quieter atmos phere and added feat ures to the water would att rac t more 9/29/2022 10:27 AM 22 Chanhassen L ake Ann Park Preserve Open H ouse 5 / 6 people and more noise. I know it sounds selfish, but you asked. I could s ee an obs ervation station of some s ort on Lak e Ann, off the trail. On your map above, on Lak e Ann, it say s , New Pav ed Trail. Right where New is, t he lake bows out into a little bay. I k ayak there regularly and that area us ually has s ome of the bigger birds like herons, os prey and owls, es pecially early in the morning. There are als o a number of fish on that side too, although the water is a litt le more shallow and has a good deal of thick plant growt h. I 'm as s uming people c an and will utilize the new park ing spots and launch their waterc raft f rom Green Shores beac h so not s ure I see a need for a s pecific launch. Today, they often park at the closed gate and walk the c raft down already. Or they park at Lak e Ann main park ing and paddle ov er. 15 No, it looks great!9/29/2022 9:35 AM 16 NA 9/27/2022 6:54 PM 23 Chanhassen L ake Ann Park Preserve Open H ouse 6 / 6 63.16%12 21.05%4 10.53%2 5.26%1 Q4 What best describes your relationship to the property? Answered: 19 Sk ipped: 0 TOTAL 19 #OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY)DATE 1 Todd Hoffman and now J erry Ruegemer make us proud!! Thank you f or your y ears of s erv ice!9/30/2022 1:14 PM 2 I will be moving to the west of the park in the s pring.9/29/2022 9:35 AM 3 Is t here any eta on the S W ‘farm’ selling and or of fering ac c ess to complete the loop?9/27/2022 6:54 PM 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%1 00% I l ive in the Greenw ood... I live in the neighborhood... I live elsew here in... I live outside of Chanhasse... ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES I live in the Greenwood Shores neighborhood eas t of the park preserve I live in the neighborhoods just west of the park pres erve I live els ewhere in Chanhas sen I live outs ide of Chanhass en but am interested in the park preserve 24 LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE 25 TONIGHT: • Review Project History • Updates on Changes LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE 26 PROCESS OVERVIEW Comprehensive Plan & Park System Plan Acquire Parkland Feasibility Study We Are Here Park Master Plan Secure Funding Refi ned Design Work and Permitting Subdivision of Property Construction LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE 27 PROJECT OVERVIEW FEASIBILITY STUDY: • Opportunities • Challenges • Constructability • Costs • Environmental • Regulatory • Phasing LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE 28 KEY PRINCIPLES FEASIBILITY STUDY - KEY PRINCIPLES: • Continue trails around Lake Ann to allow for an eventual loop • Preserve the land as a valued natural area in Chanhassen • Connect residents with nature, trails, and parks • Protect the ecological functioning (habitat, water quality) of the site • Celebrate Lake Ann, Lake Lucy, and this property as community amenities LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE 29 CONTEXTGalpin BlvdGalpin BlvdPower s Bl vdPowers B lvd Arboretum BlvdArboretum Blvd LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE 30 SINCE THE STUDY (2019): • Adjacent Neighborhood Development • Infl ation & Supply Chain Issues • Existing infrastructure is 3 years older LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE DISCUSSION 31 LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE Lake Lucy Lake Ann Lake Ann Park Greenwood Shores Park Galpin BlvdMajestic Way Topaz Dr Utica LnUtica LnTecumseh LnBrinker St Walnut Curve Windmill DrLucy Ridge LnRuby LnSapphire LnPaved Trails - Built by City Paved Trails - Built by Developer Paved Trails - Rebuilt by City Boardwalk Prefabricated Bridge Natural Surface Trails Reconstructed Trail to Lake Ann Park - Widen Reconstructed Trail to Lucy Ridge Ln - Address drainage Natural Resource Preservation/ Invasive Species Control Protect center of site from Buckthorn Expansion Manage/Treat/Remove invasives Preserve wetlands Field align trails to retain tree canopy Signage and Wayfi nding Natural resources/historical education Tell the story of Lake Ann trail loop planning Provide directional signage for trail users Natural Surface Trail Waterbars and drainage crossings as needed New paved trail New paved trail Boardwalk Set elevation >fl ood Orient for views Boardwalk Set elevation >fl ood New Paved Trail Built by developer New Paved Trail Built by developer Coordinate grading for pond and boardwalk Bridge Set elevation to allow watercraft under Parking +/- 6 spaces N 200’600’400’PLAN 32 BOARDWALKS (2) & BRIDGE LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE WATER CROSSINGS 33 BOARDWALKS (2) & BRIDGE LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE WATER CROSSINGS 34 BOARDWALKS (2) & BRIDGE LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE WATER CROSSINGS 35 BOARDWALKS (2) & BRIDGE LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE WATER CROSSINGS 36 BOARDWALKS (2) & BRIDGE LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE WATER CROSSINGS 37 BOARDWALKS (2) & BRIDGE LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE WATER CROSSINGS 38 LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE Lake Lucy Lake Ann Lake Ann Park Greenwood Shores Park Galpin BlvdMajestic Way Topaz Dr Utica LnUtica LnTecumseh LnBrinker St Walnut Curve Windmill DrLucy Ridge LnRuby LnSapphire LnPaved Trails - Built by City Paved Trails - Built by Developer Paved Trails - Rebuilt by City Boardwalk Prefabricated Bridge Natural Surface Trails New paved trail New paved trail N 200’600’400’PAVED TRAILS 39 LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE PAVED TRAILS 40 LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE Lake Lucy Lake Ann Lake Ann Park Greenwood Shores Park Galpin BlvdMajestic Way Topaz Dr Utica LnUtica LnTecumseh LnBrinker St Walnut Curve Windmill DrLucy Ridge LnRuby LnSapphire LnPaved Trails - Built by City Paved Trails - Built by Developer Paved Trails - Rebuilt by City Boardwalk Prefabricated Bridge Natural Surface Trails Natural Surface Trail Waterbars and drainage crossings as needed N 200’600’400’NATURAL SURFACE TRAILS 41 LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE NATURAL SURFACE TRAILS 42 LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE CONCEPT DIAGRAMS 43 LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE NATURAL SURFACE TRAILS 44 LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE Lake Lucy Lake Ann Lake Ann Park Greenwood Shores Park Galpin BlvdMajestic Way Topaz Dr Utica LnUtica LnTecumseh LnBrinker St Walnut Curve Windmill DrLucy Ridge LnRuby LnSapphire LnPaved Trails - Built by City Paved Trails - Built by Developer Paved Trails - Rebuilt by City Boardwalk Prefabricated Bridge Natural Surface Trails Reconstructed Trail to Lake Ann Park - Widen Reconstructed Trail to Lucy Ridge Ln - Address drainage Natural Resource Preservation/ Invasive Species Control Protect center of site from Buckthorn Expansion Manage/Treat/Remove invasives Preserve wetlands Field align trails to retain tree canopy Signage and Wayfi nding Natural resources/historical education Tell the story of Lake Ann trail loop planning Provide directional signage for trail users Natural Surface Trail Waterbars and drainage crossings as needed New paved trail New paved trail Boardwalk Set elevation >fl ood Orient for views Boardwalk Set elevation >fl ood New Paved Trail Built by developer New Paved Trail Built by developer Coordinate grading for pond and boardwalk Bridge Set elevation to allow watercraft under Parking +/- 6 spaces N 200’600’400’PLAN 45 INPUT OPPORTUNITIES Paper Comment Cards Online Survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ LakeAnnParkPreserveOpenHouse LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE 46 QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? LAKE ANN PARK PRESERVE 47 Park & Recreation Commission Item October 25, 2022 Item Halloween Party Preview Item No:H.1 Agenda Section REPORTS Prepared By Priya Tandon, Recreation Coordinator SUGGESTED ACTION SUMMARY The 38th Annual Halloween Party will be held Saturday, October 29th at the Chanhassen Recreation Center from 5:30-7:30pm. This is the final of four community events held throughout the year and is open to kids ages 12 and under, plus their families. Typically, around 400 kids attend the Halloween party, with 800 total including family members. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION Participants and their families are invited to join in a variety of activities, including: trick-or-treating, carnival games, face painting, hayrides, refreshments, a spooky room, and a live performance of the Spooky, not Scarrry Magic Show by Brian Richards at 6:30pm. Seven local businesses have generously offered to be involved and hand out candy and trinkets to event participants this year. Event cost is $6/child, with adults and family members free. Pre-registration for the event is being offered online, and registrations will be accepted at the door via cash, check, or debit/credit card. The event is being advertised and promoted on the City's website, via social media with a Facebook event and individual posts, to local schools via the online newsletter PeachJar, and in the local Chanhassen Villager newspaper. Volunteers are needed for this event, and opportunities are offered to local volunteer organizations. 48 RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Halloween Flyer 2022 49 CityofC h a n h a ssen’s CityofC h a n h a ssen’s 38thAnnual 38thAnnual Saturday, October 295:30 - 7:30 PM Chanhassen Recreation Center Ages 2-12$6 per child (Free for Adults & Children ages 1 & Under) chanhassenmn.gov/halloween 50 Park & Recreation Commission Item October 25, 2022 Item 2022 Picnic Season Evaluation Item No:H.2 Agenda Section REPORTS Prepared By Mitchell Czech, Recreation Supervisor SUGGESTED ACTION SUMMARY We had another successful picnic reservation season in 2022, with paid picnic reservations totaling 138. The picnic sites hosted family reunions, weddings, anniversaries, graduations, birthdays, baptisms, school groups, and company parties. The most popular site this season was the Klingelhutz Pavilion at Lake Ann, (50 reservations) followed by the Lakeside Pavilion at Lake Ann, (49) and the Picnic Shelter at Lake Susan (39). The reservations generated $19,456.25 in revenue. These paid reservations resulted in the city hosting over 10,704 picnickers. Many other picnics take place weekly at all locations, as some groups choose not to make a reservation. We are pleased that the community is utilizing the picnic facilities for multiple programs, special events, camps, and picnics. New this season, staff implemented an online reservation system via our registration software, ActiveNet. Park users seeking a reservation were able to go to our website to check availability of shelters and submit a reservation request. Once a request was submitted it was reviewed by staff, and the park user was issued a permit along with payment options for their reservation. Although some users had difficulty navigating the website, many found it beneficial and more efficient. In total, 98 online reservation requests were submitted this season. It is estimated that roughly 68% of the reservations that took place during the 2022 season were made via the online portal. Attached is a summary of all picnics held in 2022, including reservation categories, facility breakdown, the type of customer making the reservation, and the day of the week reserved. This information is needed to review future facility improvements, fee structures, and operational procedures. Upon completion of every picnic, staff sends out evaluation forms seeking feedback from park users. 51 Responses from these evaluation forms are attached as well. The information collected is largely positive with comments relating to facility processes and fees. Staff reviews all comments and works together to address any concerns or issues our customers may have. In an effort to continue the availability of parking, staff has continued the practice of not scheduling the Lakeside and Klingelhutz pavilions during the months of June and July when athletic tournaments have been scheduled. These tournaments have been larger in scale and have put pressure on the existing infrastructure at Lake Ann Park. The Lake Susan Park Picnic Shelter is not scheduled for reservations on the Sundays that we host Adult Liga Latina De Beisbol games. The 2022 picnic reservation season was successful, with the overwhelming majority of our guests having a positive experience. Staff welcomes any input or ideas from the commission on ways to improve our procedures and facilities to ensure our customers have a good experience and seek to return in the future. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 2022 Picnic Reservation Summary 2022 Picnic Survey Results 52 Picnic Reservations 2022 Picnic Reservation Summary Reservation Overview In 2022 we had 138 total reservations across our 3 picnic shelters that can be reserved. This total is 12 more than 2021, and the highest number since 2014 when we had 131 reservations. Revenue from reservations exceeded last years total by $99. Roughly 77% of park users renting shelters are residents of Chanhassen. Roughly 43% of reservations are for weekend dates of either Saturday or Sunday. 53 Picnic Attendance Picnic Revenue 54 Reservations by Day Reservations by Group Reservations by Shelter 55 2022 Picnic Reservation Survey Results Key Findings: Overall, customers appear to be satisfied with our facilities, the process for reserving a pavilion, and the cost associated with reservations. Roughly 29% of those that had a reservation completed the survey. Survey's are distributed via email approximately 1-2 weeks after the reservation date. Many users raved about the beauty of the pavilions, the location of the pavilions, the ease of reserving, and how large the space was. Common critiques among customers included full garbage/recycling cans during their reservation, a difficult online registration system, and inadequate signage. Lakeside Pavilion Klingelhutz PavilionLake Susan Picnic Shelter 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Park & Recreation Commission Item October 25, 2022 Item Establish 2023 Picnic Reservation Fees Item No:H.3 Agenda Section REPORTS Prepared By Mitchell Czech, Recreation Supervisor SUGGESTED ACTION The Park and Recreation Commission recommends that the City Council approve the 2023 picnic reservation fees for group picnics. Approval requires a simple majority vote of members present. SUMMARY BACKGROUND Annually, the Park and Recreation Commission reviews many aspects of group picnic reservations, such as total revenue, reservation categories, customer types, and other related items. A large-group fee for groups of 100 or more was implemented in years past to cover the additional expense related to these groups. The large-group fee has not been met with opposition and should continue. Reservation fee comparisons with local agencies showed that the City of Chanhassen's fees are comparable, and a majority of feedback found that customers believe the fees are reasonable. The City of Chanhassen's picnic reservation fees were last increased in 2020, and staff recommends not increasing the group picnic reservation fees for 2023. DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION The Park and Recreation Commission recommends that the City Council approve the 2023 picnic 64 reservation fees for group picnics. ATTACHMENTS 2023 Chanhassen Picnic Information 2022 Picnic Fee Survey Results 65 CHANHASSEN PICNIC INFORMATION City of Chanhassen, 7700 Market Blvd., P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-227-1129 LAKE SUSAN PARK SHELTER  Available April 29-October 1  Accommodates 50-200  Group receives exclusive use of the shelter area. All other park facilities are subject to use by the general public. Amenities 25’ x 45’ covered shelter has lights, electrical outlet, water spigot, bathrooms, picnic tables, trash receptacles, play area, sand volleyball court, ball field, basketball court, tennis courts, fishing pier and boat access. LAKE ANN PARK LAKESIDE PAVILION  Available April 29-October 1  Accommodates 25-175  Group receives exclusive use of the shelter area. All other park facilities are subject to use by the general public. Amenities 40’ x 40’ covered shelter has lights, electrical outlets, access to water, bathrooms, ball fields, play areas, grills, trash receptacles, swimming beach, boat access, fishing pier, boat rentals, concessions, tennis court, and birds eye view of Lake Ann. AL KLINGELHUTZ MEMORIAL PAVILION  Available April 29-October 1  Accommodates 100-400  Group receives exclusive use of the shelter area. All other park facilities are subject to use by the general public. Amenities 50’ x 100’ covered shelter with lights, electricity, picnic tables, grills, trash receptacles, portable restrooms, water spigot, ball fields, play areas, swimming beach, fishing pier, boat access, boat rentals, concessions, and tennis court. Group Reservation Rates (Including Tax) Type Monday-Thursday Friday-Sunday Resident $125 $150 Resident School $45 $50 Non-Resident $225 $275 Non-Resident School $100 $150 Non-Profit/Senior Group Discount 25% 25% Large Group Fee (100+ Guests) Chanhassen Resident $50 NR Chanhassen $100 66 2022 Picnic Reservation Survey Fee Question Results 67