Stormwater Maintenance Agreement 10-24-22 recordedOocument Number: A753732 Filed and/or Recorded on ft 25, 2022 3:35 PM Omce of tie County Recoder/Registrar of Titles Caruer Crunty, Minnesota Kaaren LerYb, County Recorder Deputy DL Docu,nent RecordirE Fees $ 46.00 Document Total $ 46.00 Requesting Party: City of Chanhassen Pages:13 This co/er page h6 been added to this docurnent by Carver County Lard Records and is now an officlal part of this recorded document STORMWATER MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT/ BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE F'ACILITIES TIIIS AGREEMEN? is made and enterc d ina as of the Z&ay "f 1Zldbt 2022, by and between DAKOTA R-ETAIL, LLLP, a Minnesota limited liability limited partnership, hereinafter rsferred to as the "Owner" and the CITY O[' CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "City". RECITALS A. The Owner is the owner of certain real propcrty located in Carver County, Minnesota, legally described as follows: Lot 1, Block 1, Dakota Retail B. The Owner is proposing construction and implementation of a underground stormwater (Best Management Practice) BMP system within the Properyi and C. The submittcd permit applicotion, hereinafter called the "Plans", which are expressly made a part hereof, as approved by the City, provides for filtration/infiltration of stormwater within the confines ofthe Property via a underground system; and D. The City and the Ovmer agree that the heallh, safety, and welfare ofthe residents of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, requirt that on-site stormwater management/BMP facilities be constructed and maintained on the Property; and E. The City rcquires that an on-site underground stormwater filtration/infiltration sysam ('Stormwater Facilities") as shown on the Plans be constructed and adequalely maintained by the Owner as a condition of City approval ofthe Amendment to Site Plan Agre€ment 2014-11; and F. The Owner is required to enter into this Agreement and grant to the City a license to enter the Prop€rty to inspect and, if necessary, complete work required under the terms of this Ag(eemenl. NOW, THEREFORE, in considcration of munral covenants of the parties set forth herein and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sulliciency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: l- Owner shall construct the Stormwater Facilities in accordance with the plans and specifications identified in the Plan. I 221548!2 ('Property'); and 2. Maintenance of Storrnwater Imnrovements. A. The Owner shall adequately maintain the Stormwater Facilities in accordance with the City engineering standards for stormwater treatment facilities attached hereto as Exhibit A. This includes all pavement, pipes, channels, and other conveyances built to convey stormwater to the facility, as well as all slructrrres, impmvements, and vegaatlon provided to control the quantity and quality of the stormwater. Adequate maintenance is herein defined as good working condition so that these Stormwater Facilities are performing their design functions, B. The Owner will perform the work necessary to keep thcsc Stormwater Facilities in good working order as appropriate. In the event a maintenance schedule for the Storml\,ater Facilities (including sediment removal) is outlined on the approved Plans, the schedule will be followed and comply with all applicable federal, state, and local rcgulations relating to the disposal of material, such as sediment. 3. Insoection nnd Regorting. The Owner shall inspeot the Stormwater Facilities and submit an inspection report annually and shall be responsible for the payment of any associated costs. The purpose ofthe inspection is to assure safe and proper functioning ofthe facilities. The inspection shall cover the entire facilities. Deficiencies shall be noted in the inspection report set forth in Exhibit A. A. The Owner hereby grants a license to the City, its authorized agents and employees, to enter upon the Property to inspect the Stormwater Facilities whenever the City deems necessary as shown on Exhibil B, and to complete any maintenance, ifnecessary subject and pursuant to the terms of subparagraph B, below. The City shall provide written notice to the Owner fourteen (14) days prior to entry, The City shall provide the Owner, copies of the inspection findings and a directive to commence with the repairs ifnecessary ('Inspection Report'). B. In the evenl the Owner fails to maintain the Slormwater Facilities in good working condition acceptable to the City and such failure continues for 60 days after the City gives the Owner wrilten notice ofsuch failure, the City may enter upon the Property and take whatever steps necessary, including excavation and the storage of materials ar-rd equipmen! to correct deficiencies identified in the lnspection Report. The City's notice shall specifically state which maintenance tasks are to be performed. The City may charge the costs, including assessing the City's costs to the Owner's property taxes, to the Owner. This provision shall not be construed to allow the City to erect any structure of pefmaneht nature outside of the area of tlle Stormwater Facilities. It is expressly understood and agreed that the City is under no obligation to routinely maintain or repair said Stormwater Facilities, and in no event shall this Agreement be construed to impose any such obligation on the City. In addition, Owner agrees that it is, and will be, solely responsible to address complaints and legal claims brought by any third party with regard to thc maintenance and operation and the consequences there frcm the Stormwater Facilities. The Owner shall defend and hold the City harmless from any such third-party claim, except to the extent of the City's or its agents', conlractors' or employees' negligence or willful misconduc.t. 2 223348v2 4, City Acccss and Maintenance Rights, 5. Reirnhur.sement of Cosb. Thq Owner shall reimburse the City for all costs rcasonably incurred by the City in the enforcement of this Agreement, or any portion thereof, including court costs and reasonable attomeys' fecs. 6. hdeU3iliCeliOn This Agreement imposes no liability of any kind whatsoever on the City. The Owner shall indemnifo and hold harmless the City and its agents and employees against any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, and expenses (including reasonable attomeys' fees) arising out ofor resulting from the Owner or the Owner's aggnls' or employees' negligent or intentional acts, or any violation of any safety law, regulation or code in the performance of this Agreement, without rcgard to any insprection or review made or not made by the City, its agents or employees or failure by the City, its agents or employees to take any other prudent precautions, except to the extent of the City's or its agents', contractors' or employees' negligence or willful misconduct. In the evenl the City, upon the failure of the Owner to comply with any conditions of this Agreement, performs said conditions pursuant to its authoriry in this Agreement, the Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its employees, agents and repr€sentatives from any cost, damage or harm, except to the extent resulting from lhe City's or its agents', or emptoyees' negligent acts in the performancr ofthe Owner's required work under this Agreement. Failure to perfonn xny of the Owner's required work shall not be considered negligence by the City, its employees, agents or representatives. 7. Nqliq All notices required under this Agreement shall either be personally delivered or be sent by certified or registered mail and addrcsscd as follows: To the Owner: Mr. Dario Klasic, Managing Partner 905 Jefrenon Avenue, Unit l0l Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 To the City:City of Chanhassen Attention: Water Resources Coordinator 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 553 I 7 All notices given hereunder shall be deemed given when personally deliver€d or two business days after being placed in the mail properly addrcssed as provided hertin. E. @,Thetermsandconditionsofthis Agreement shall run with the Property. All duties and obligations of Owner under this Agreement shall be duties and obligations ofOwner's successors snd assigns,jointly and severally. 9. CC1gDesE &;g-Uit BJA19{I. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall run with the Property and shall be binding upon future owners ofthe Property. 3 12)548v2 KO WE NOTARY Pi,,BLIC MINNESOTA l*y Cctl'tlin ECr. &.l, 31, 2@5 OWNER: DAXOTA RETAIL, LLLP, a Minnesota Limited Liability Limited Partnership By: Managing Partner STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The foregoing instument was acknowledged before me this llt- day of .0U@0&- , 2022, by Dario Klasig the Managing Partner of Dakota Rebil, LLLP, a Minnesota Limited I.iability Limited Partnership, on behalf of said SS, ) ) ) N 4 223548\2 .d*rdilr'"'lrr,. . ' -.i' ,;:,,"'.., ".i4 -:" .,+ ,'"-.. " I 12,: r. '. at_' "= -'.' f-., .-;f-"r.. ' r ;-- *.- 'i,, :-;.'; ,- i- r ,. -!-:.: '1 i --; i:= . j* i l:;-') '--,,:. . - -.':'1.7 -r ,r '..,",.r.f;L:, r .{ir" rrr,*..!\'. ""'..rr, i.".,r.i.+rut- - CITY: CITY OF CHANHASSEN By ise Ryan, Mayor UL^lfr4-Ll+lWa/t\w)By Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COI.JNTY OF CARVER ) The torcgoing anstrumen. was mknorvledgcd before me trriL}#i aav or&fuFf: 2022, by Elbe Ryen and hurie Hokkrnco, respectively, the Mayor and City Managcr, of the City of Chenhesscr, a Minncsota municipal colporstion, on behalf of rlrc corporation and pursuant to the authority grantcd by its City Public KIM T. t\4 Notaw ri EUWISSEN ,c- Mlnnssota t Y 0o. 'Jtt 31,2025 DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhasscn 7700 Markel Boulevard P.O. Box l,l7 Chanhassen, MN 551 l7 5 22.15.rt!2 EXIIIBIT A TO STORMWATER MAINTENAIICE AGREEMENT Operations and Maintenance of Stormwater Facility The Owner, shall be r.ested with and shall be responsible for conducting an annual inspection of the stormwater facility as depicted and attached hereto, utilizing the stormwater facility nraintenance inspection checklist, attachcd hereto, and shall make any rcpairs to the stormwater facility necessary for its intended design and function, as determincd by the City's Water Resources Coordinator for tle remaining lifo of the Stormwaler Facility. 6 22154Ev2 Stormwater Facility Maintenance fnspection Checklist BMP #l Und erground Detentioo System (ADS StormTech Chamber System) Date:Time:Weather: Inspector: Maintenance Item Comments on Condition Actions to be Taken Romove Trash aM debris Stabilize tributary drainag€ sr6a wtren erosion is evident Infrow and outflow at inlet and oudet slruclures ar€ clean Catch Basins arB funciioning prop€rly and troo of litter and debris Semi Annually (Or Afier several slorm evenls/exlreme slotm evefl*) lnsp€ct inflo r/oumoYv and pre- lrealm€nt systBms brclogging (off- line systems) and removeany sediment Annually in Fall lnspect and lemove any s€dinent and debris build up in prefeatnent areas lmpect inffow points and surface for buildup ol road sand associated with sorinq melt, remove as needed Note sigrE of polhltion, such ss oil she€ns, discolored water, or unpleasant odors. Commenrs and Acilons Required: 7 22):AEv2 As Needed INSPECTION FORM BMP #IA Water Quality Vault (ADS BayFilter) Date:Time:\ eather: Inspecton Maintenance Item Comments on Condition Actions to be Taken As Needed Remo\r€ Trash and debris Stabilize fibutsry drainage area wh€n erosion is gvident lnflow and oudow at inl€t and ouu€t stru€fures ara clean Catch Basins are functioning properly and freg of litter aM dsbris SemiA nuualllt (Or Afier sevetal slotm evenls/eircme slom eyents) lnsp€61 inflowou$c,Y/ and pre- treatnent systems forclogging (off- llne systems) and ramov€aDy sediment Annaolly in Fall lnsp€ct and remove any sediment and debrb build up ift pEtseainent areas lnspect innow points and surface for buildup ot mad sand associated with sprino melt. remove as n€eded Note sigrB ofpollution, such as oil shoens, discolored water. or unplessant odors. Comments and Acrtons Required: 8 223548!2 INSPEC'TTON T'ORM BMP #2 Prinsco Preserver I)ate:Time:Westher: Inspector Maintensnce Item Comments on Condition Actions to be Taken As Needed Remow Trash and debris Stabilize tsibutary drainage area wh6n €rosion b widont lnflow and outflow at inlet and outlet structurBs are clean Catch Basins ar6 tunctbnjng properly and frBe of liter and de&is Semi Annually (Or Afler several slorm evenls/etrcme storm events) lnsped inflo r/outfo,v and pre- tr€alrnentsysbms brclogging (otf- lioe syst€ms) and r€moveany s€diment Annually in Foll Inspect and remove any sedim€nt and debris build up in preteatneot aleas lnspect inffow points and surfaca for buiHup of road sand associated with sp{irE m6ll removo as n€€ded Nots signs oi pollution, such es oil shegns, diocolored water, or unpleasant odors. Commenls and Ac'lions Required: 9 223548v2 f,XHIBIT B STORMWATER BMP EXHIBIT 223548r2 l0 .1tr]Ere*Ba6.r.ql*l .-sb-i5{&..r.- 6 I I !;t I ffi ) I li li I PRELIMMRY - NOl f OR C()NSTRUCTIO{ 1 z, ,, .! v+!i:, 's- sI 0 1I liI E!: !x ; !E r,. i , r 1r l! Itt; iI i ,\. '.\.1 'l'- t..i I t. ,, I .,- - 1.\1''tj ,1 @ ! otrFEE tltoP ItEvE THRII IIIPRo!'EI'EI{TS XLAStC PROPER.IY ONSITE STOR]$WATER BIIPS eyDHornKim ,i ,,i I :i_ -: t' ] .4,t i 1t \. i.1" $ -r MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO STORMWATER MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT EIAWATEA NATIONAL BAIIK,a i,,ji fr,v.-rl-erlit Prr,rjL , which holds a Mortgage on all or part of the Property more particularly describcd in the foregoing Stormwater Maintena[ce Agreement, which Mortgage is dated October l, 2021, and was recorded November 22, 2021, as Carvcr Couoty Docuncot No. A737561, and ar Assignment ofRents dated October 1, 2021, and was recorded Nov ember 22,2027,as Cawer County Document No. A737562 (collectively 'Mortgages'), for good and valuable consideratioq the receipt ard sufficiency of which is hereby aohowledged, does hereby join in, consents to, and is subject to the foregoing Stormwater Maintenance AgreemeDt. GRANTOR: IIIAWATHA NATIONAI, BANK By 'n"'l'Ct lir'oi-' f'^ ( Wr.s{6NSlN STATE OF }{EBES€}F*- ) Its rVltlNr\6trrib r)rf;t.rcrd-,ltitlel -+{before me this t- ss.( )couNryoF 3r- eeoiv 2022, by The foregoing instrument was acknowledged l.^f-the vna- DRAFTEDBY: City of Chenhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 on behalf of said entity. A-?"oal Notary Pu ,(5w."'-. exp Z -ia re f of t1 Itg MARY C. RICCI Notary Publlc Stata d Wb@lldn 711\l8v7 [prirt uome] Iliawatha National dayof Glober , STORMWATER MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT/ BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE FACILITIES THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into u, ot tn" 24tuy .f Ot ltfuet2022, by and between DAKOTA RETAIL, LLLP. a Minnesota limited liability limited partnership. hereinafter referred to as the "Owner" and the CITY OF CHAIIHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "City''. RECITALS A. The Owner is the owner of certain real property located in Carver County, Minnesota, legally described as follows: Lot l, Block I, Dakota Retail C'Property"); and B. The Owner is proposing construction and implementation of a underground stormwater (Best Management Practice) BMP system within the Property: and D. The City and the Owner agree that the health, safety, and welfare ofthe residents of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, require that on-site stormwater management/BMP facilities be constructed and maintained on the Property; and E. The City requires that an on-site underground stormwater filtration/infiltration system ("Stormwater Facilities") as shown on the Plans be constructed and adequately maintained by the Owner as a condition of City approval of the Amendment to Site Plan Agr€ement 2014-l l; and F. The Owner is required to enter into this Agreement and grant to the City a license to enter the Pmperty to inspect and, if necessary, complete wo* requirtd under the terms of this Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants of the parties set forth herein and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: l. Owner shall construct the Stormwater Facilities in accordance with the plans and specifications identified in the Plan. lliilr\l C. The submitted permit application, hereinafter called the "Plans", which are expressly made a part hereof, as approved by the City, provides for filtratior/infiltration of stormwater within the confines ofthe Property via a underground system; and 2. Maintenance of Stormwater Imorovements. A. The Owner shall adequately maintain the Stormwater Facilities in accordance with the City engineering standards for stormwater treatment facilities attached hereto as Exhibit A. This includes all pavement, pipes, channels, and other conveyances built to convey stormwater to the facility. as well as all structures, improvements, and vegetation provided to control the quantity and quality ofthe stormwater. Adequate maintenance is herein defined as good working condition so that these Stormwater Facilities are performing their design functions. B. The Owner will perform the work necessary to keep these Stormwater Facilities in good working order as appropriate. In the event a maintenance schedule for the Stormwater Facilities (including sediment removal) is outlined on the approved Plans, the schedule will be followed and comply with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations relating to the disposal of material, such as sediment. 3. IllDgcllialld.BeDqtrilg. The Owner shall inspect the Stormwater Facilities and submit an inspection report annually and shall be responsible for the payment of any associated costs. The purpose of the inspection is to assure safe and proper functioning of the facilities. The inspection shall cover the entire facilities. Deficiencies shall be noted in the inspection report set forth in Exhibit A. 4. Citv Access and Maintenance Rishts. A. The Owner hereby grants a license to the City, its authorized agents and employees, to enter upon the Property to inspect the Stormwater Facilities whenever the City deems necessary as shown on Exhibit B, and to complete any maintenance. ifnecessary subject and pursuant to the terms of subparagraph B, below. The City shall provide written notice to the Owner fourteen ( l4) days prior to entry. The City shall provide the Owner. copies of the inspection findings and a directive to commence with the repairs if necessary ("lnspection Report"). B. In the event the Owner fails to maintain the Stormwater Facilities in good working condition acceptable to the City and such failure continues for 60 days after the City gives the Owner written notice ofsuch failure. the City may enter upon the Property and take whatever steps necessary, including excavation and the storage of materials aqd equipment. to correct deficiencies identified in the Inspection Report. The City's notice shall specifically state which maintenance tasks are to be performed. The City may charge the costs. including assessing the City's costs to the Owner's property taxes, to the Owner. This provision shall not be construed to allow the City to erect any structure of permanent nature outside of the area of the Stormwater Facilities. It is expressly understood and agreed that the City is under no obligation to routinely maintain or repair said Stormwater Facilities, and in no event shall this Agreement be construed to impose any such obligation on the City. In addition, Owner agrees that it is, and will be, solely responsible to address complaints and legal claims brought by any third party with regard to the maintenance and operation and the consequences there from the Stormwater Facilities. The Owner shall defend and hold the City harmless from any such third-party claim, except to the extent of the City's or its agents" contractors' or employees' negligence or willful misconduct. 1 2215{8v2 5. BeinD111gene11[-OI&SE. The Owner shall reimburse the City for all costs reasonably incurred by the City in the enforcement of this Agreement, or any portion thereof, including coun costs and reasonable aftomeys' fees. 6. IdCruilieeliq. This Agreement imposes no liability of any kind whatsoever on the City. The Owner shall indemnifr and hold harmless the City and its agents and employees against any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, and expenses (including reasonable attomeys' fees) arising out of or resulting from the Owner or the Owner's agents' or employees' negligent or intentional acts. or any violation of any safety law. regulation or code in the performance of this Agreement, without regard to any inspection or review made or not made by the City, its agents or employees or failure by the City, its agents or employees to take any other prudent precautions. except to the extent ofthe City's or its agents', contractors'or employees' negligence or willful misconduct. In the event the City, upon the failure of the Owner to comply with any conditions of this Agreement. performs said conditions pursuant to its authority in this Agreement, the Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its employees, agents and representatives from any cost. damage or harm, except to the extent resulting from the City's or its agents'. or employees' negligent acts in the performance ofthe Owner's required work under this Agreement. Failure to perform any of the Owner's required work shall not be considered negligence by the City. its employees. agents or representatives. 7. Nglifs. All notices required under this Agreement shall either be personally delivered or be sent by certified or registered mail and addressed as follows: To the Owner: Mr. Dario Klasic. Managing Partner 905 Jefferson Avenue. Unit l0l Saint Paul, Minnesota 55 102 To the City:City of Chanhassen Attention: Water Resources Coordinator 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 553 l7 All notices given hereunder shall be deemed given when personally delivered or two business days after being placed in the mail properly addressed as provided herein. 8. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall run with the Property. All duties and obligations of Owner under this Agreement shall be duties and obligations of Owner's successors and assigns.jointly and severally. 9.@ThetermsandconditionsofthisAgreementshall run with the Property and shall be binding upon future owners ofthe Property. l 12151812 KOWE NOTAFI/ PUBLC MINNESOTA y Calnilin E4iB Jdl 31, OWNER: DAKOTA RETAIL, LLLP, a Minnesota Limited Liability Limited Partnership By KI AS ic, Managing Partner STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ?Xl' day ot 0(,{tr0&- , 2022. by Dario Klasic, the Managing Partner of Dakota Retail, LLLP. a Minnesota Limited Liability Limited Partnership. on behalf of said ) ) ) ss. N 4 223548v2 .].,...".'. --.,.'' -., : .1.' CITY: CITY OF CHANHASSEN B1 ise R1an. Malor B)' Laurie Hokkanen. Cirr- Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COLNTYOFCARVER ) 2022. City puBuant to the authoritv granted b1.' ir Ciry- C DRAFTED BY: Ciry of Chanhassen 7700 Ma*et Boulevatd P.O. Box 147 Chanhas.sen. MN- 55317 The foregoing instument was ackno*'ledged u.ror" rn" tr,iL]#i aat orOCfuFl] by Elire Ryen and hurie Hokkenen. respectivel)'. the Mayor and Citv- Manager. of the oi Ch-h..*o, a Minnesota municipal corporation. on behalf of the corporation and )ss. Public KIM T Notan; My Cc' . t\tEuWISSENI .-Minn€6ota ..Dr* Jdl 31 , 2@5 5 ::t5.rt\: LI",v,w)+tvkLxvr) EXHIBIT A TO STORMWATER MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Operations and Maintenance of Stormwater Facility The Owner, shall be vested with and shall be responsible for conducting an annual inspection of the stormwater facility as depicted and auached hereto. utilizing the stormwater facility maintenance inspection checklist, attached hereto. and shall make any repairs to the stormwater facility necessary for its intended design and function, as determined by the City's Water Resources Coordinator for the remaining life of the Stormwater Facility. 6 2235'18Y2 Stormwater Facili(v Maintenance Inspection Checklist BMP #l Underground Detention System (ADS StormTech Chamber System) Date:Time:Weather: Inspector: Maintenance Item Comments on Condition Actions to be Taken As Needed Remove Trash and debris Stabilize tributary drainage area when erosion is evident lnflow and outflow at inlet and outlet structures are clean Catch Basins are functioning properly and free of litter and debris Semi Annual$ (Or Afier several stom evenls/efrrcme slorm etents) lnspect infodoutf o!\, and pre- treatnent systems fcrclogging (off- line systems) and removeany sediment Annually in Foll lnspect and remove any sediment and debris build up in pretreatnent aleas lnspect inffow points and surface for buildup of road sand associated with sprinE melt, remov€ as needed Note signs of pollution, such as oil sheens, discolored water, or unpleasant odors. Comments and Aclions Required: 7 285aEv2 I\SPECTIO\- FOR}I BMP #lA Water Quality Vault (ADS BayFilter) Date:Time:Weather: Inspector: Maintenance Item Comments on Condition Actions to be Taken As Needed Remove Trash and debns Stabilize tributary drainage area when erosion is evident lnflow and outflow at inlet and outlet structures are clean Catch Basins are functioning properly and free of litter and debris Semi Annualll, (Or After several slotm events/exfieme slom events) lnspect inflowoutllo,v and pre- treatmenl systems brclogging (off- line systems) and removeany sediment Annually in Fall lnspect and remove any sediment and debris build up in pretreatnent areas lnspect inffow points and surface for buildup of road sand associated with sprino melt, remove as needed Nole signs of pollution, such as oil sheens. discolored water. or unpleasanl odors. Comments and Aaions Required: 8 :liri\\l I\SPECTIO\ FOR}I BMP #2 Prinsco Presener Date:Time:Weather: Inspector: Maintenance Item Comments on Condition Actions to be Taken As Needed Remove Trash and debris Stabalize tributary drainage area when erosion is evident lnffow and outllow at inl€t and outlet struclures are clean Catch Basins are functioning properiy and ftee of litter and debris Semi Annually (Or After several storm events/etreme storm everrts) lnspect inilowoufiow and pre- treatment systems br clogging (off- line systems) and removeany sediment Annually in Fall lnspect and remove any sediment and debris build up in prelreatrnent areas lnspect inflow points and surface for buildup of road sand associated with spring melt. remove as needed Note signs of pollution, such as oil sheens. discolorcd water, or unpleasanl odors. Commenls and Aclions Required: 9 ::351811 EXHIBIT B STORMWATER BMP EXHIBIT 2235a8v2 IO \, : I aIi 1tai I wI- I\r H Hzixl lf 19]> ! I T i E i ! o &; 9... a7iti4r IttiI : I ci !E /"i "" ')o"tt otfi PRELIMINARY. NOT FOR CONSIRUCTION ffio COFFEE SHOP OR'VE T}IRU IUPROVEIEIITS XLASIC PROPERTY ONSITE STORII,IU'ATER BMPS Kimley>Horn tiilii'i : ilt t I IUORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO STOR]\IWATER I\{AINTENANCE AGREEMENT HIAWATHA NATIONAL BANK.which holds a Mortgage on all or part of the Property more particularly described in the foregoing Stormwater Maintena[ce Agreement, which Mortgage is dated October 1,2021, and was recorded November 22, 2021, as Carver County Document No. A737561, and an Assignment ofRents dated October I, 2021, and was recorded November 22,2021, as Carver County Document No. A737562 (collectively "Mortgages"), for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufticiency of which is hercby acknowledged, does hereby join in, consents to, and is subject to the foregoing Stormwater Maintenance Agreement. GRANTOR: HIAWATHA NATIONAL BANK a,'i Br''r.rJ,(- By ''E Its "ff>ak'.M( r)t[i(fCri'- [print oanlc] Ititlc] wrc{6NSlN STATEOFIT{SFE€'O*+- ) corJNTyoF 3r Qeoiv (ss ) The forego 2O22, by V.,'"'. Hiawatha National DRAFTEDBY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 V-behalf of said entity. --Y1\r-( E-Ru-.<=N"""ffi$zln lr.s ing instrument was acknowledged before -" thi. f d"J orG.[obe-r l.^f-the rna ae r a +, ,Q.ovh /Y'\ €x 0 MARY C. RICCI Notary Publlc Stato d Wisconsln 12354812 of