PC Staff ReportPlanning Commission Item November 1, 2022 Item 695 Pleasant View Road: Consider a Request for a Variance from Wetland Buffer Standards File No.Planning Case 2022-15 Item No: B.1 Agenda Section PUBLIC HEARINGS Prepared By MacKenzie Young-Walters, Associate Planner Applicant Applicant/Owner: Ryan Johnson Present Zoning Single Family Residential District (RSF) Land Use Residential Low Density Acerage .65 Density NA Applicable Regulations Section 20-406, Wetland Buffer Strips and Setbacks. Section 20-411, Placement of Structures. Section 20-615, Lot Requirements and Setbacks. Chapter 20, Article II, Division 3. Variances Chapter 20, Article XII, “RSF” Single-Family Residential District SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen Planning Commission approves a 10-foot averaged wetland buffer for the construction of a sunroom, subject to the conditions of approval, and adopts the attached findings of fact and decision." SUMMARY The applicant is requesting a variance to permit a 10-foot averaged wetland buffer in order to facilitate the construction of a 210 square-foot sunroom. The applicant is proposing to restore a significant amount of wetland and provide a buffer where no buffer is currently present in order to offset the 3 impact of the requested variance. Granting this variance would also remove the nonconforming status of the existing home by brining it and the proposed addition into compliance with the required 40-foot primary structure wetland setback. BACKGROUND Country records indicate that the house was constructed in 1963. On June 11, 2001, the City vacated a portion of the roadway easement adjoining the property and designated the front lot line as the east property line, the rear lot line as the west property line and the north and south lot lines as side lot line. On July 3, 2001, the City issued a permit for a detached garage. On October 22, 2015, the City issued a demolition permit for a pool (pool appears on 1969 aerial photos and predates zoning code). Numerous other permits for interior maintenance and improvements are on file. The previous owners of the property filled the wetland up and portions of it have been restored by the Johnsons (current homeowners). DISCUSSION The applicant is requesting a variance to permit the use of a 10-foot averaged buffer strip instead of the required 40-foot minimum buffer requirement to allow an addition of 11’ x 20’ sunroom on a lot zoned Single-Family Residential. The house was built in 1963 and predates the 1972 adoption of the zoning ordinance. The current home is within the 40-foot primary structure setback requirement from the required wetland buffer. The applicant has stated that enforcement of the buffer requirement would create practical difficulties and impose unnecessary burdens on them as it would prevent any additions to the south side of their home. The applicant feels that the presence of a preserve class wetland over the southern portion of the property and nonconforming location of the home create a practical difficulty which necessitates the requested variance. They have noted that a shed or other accessory structure of the same size and located in virtually the same spot as the project would comply with the City’s 20-foot accessory structure wetland buffer setback requirement for accessory structures (Section 20-411(b)) and could be built. The applicant believes that the size of the sunroom they are proposing is reasonable and notes that their home is significantly smaller than the neighboring houses. It has been the City’s general practice to require properties with existing nonconforming wetland setbacks to maintain those setbacks and not encroach further into the required wetland setback and the applicant’s proposed sunroom would be intensifying an existing nonconformity. This case is unique in that the Johnsons are proposing restoring a wetland that was removed by previous owners and to establish a buffer where no buffer is currently present. The applicant’s proposed wetland restoration and 10-foot averaged buffer will result in 5,218 square feet of restored wetland and 1,220 square feet of new buffer. Since the total of 6,438 square feet of restored wetland and established buffer are significantly more than the 4,732 square feet of buffer that would be required under ordinance, staff believes that granting the requested variance for a 10-foot averaged buffer will actually result in a superior result for the City. The requested variance will also result in the home no longer being a nonconforming structure, which will mean that future modest improvements would not require variances. For these reasons, staff supports the requested variance. 4 A full discussion can be found in the attached staff report. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the requested 10-foot averaged wetland buffer and adopt the attached findings of fact and decision, subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The delineated wetland edge and required wetland buffer and structure setbacks shall be shown on the building permit survey. 2. A permanent 10-foot native vegetated buffer with permanent buffer signs must be installed as outlined in the variance exhibit submitted by the applicant. The buffer may be configured around the path and stairs. The buffer design and vegetation must be approved by the water resources engineer and installed in conjunction with the proposed home addition project. 3. A wetland buffer agreement describing the precise location and extent of the buffer strip, as well as the restrictions for activities within the buffer strip, shall be signed by the property owner and the City and shall be recorded against the property at the county recorder's office. The property owner shall be responsible for all costs and fees associated with the buffer strip dedication. 4. The installation of any improvements on the Site shall meet all applicable jurisdictional requirements, including but not limited to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District, and all applicable permits shall be obtained prior to any site improvements. 5. The applicant shall obtain all required permits from review agencies with jurisdictional authority. ATTACHMENTS Staff Report Findings of Fact and Decision Variance Application for Development Review Narrative 695 Pleasant View Survey Wetland Buffer & Wetland Enhancement Map WRE Memo Affidavit of Mailing 5 CITY OF CHANHASSEN PC DATE:November 1, 2022 CC DATE: November 28, 2022 REVIEW DEADLINE: November 29, 2022 CASE #:PC 2022-15 BY: OA SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting a 30-foot wetland buffer variance and the use of buffer averaging to allow the addition of a sunroom. The home is a nonconforming structure as it is located within the 40-foot primary structure wetland buffer setback. Granting the requested variance would also remove the home’s nonconforming status and allow the addition of the sunroom. LOCATION:695 Pleasant View Road APPLICANT: Ryan Steve Johnson 695 Pleasant View Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ZONING:“RSF” -Single- Family Residential District 2040 LAND USE PLAN: Residential Low Density ACREAGE:.65 acres DENSITY: NA LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The City’s discretion in approving or denying a variance is limited to whether or not the proposed project meets the standards in the Zoning Ordinance for a variance. The City has a relatively high level of discretion with a variance because the applicant is seeking a deviation from established standards. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. PROPOSED MOTION: “The Chanhassen Planning Commission as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals approves a variance for a 10-foot averaged wetland buffer for the construction of an addition, subject to the conditions of approval, and adopts the findings of fact and decision.” 6 395 Red Cedar Point Road November 1, 2022 Page 2 of 7 PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is requesting a variance to permit the use of a 10-foot averaged buffer strip instead of the required 40-foot minimum buffer requirement to allow an addition of a 11’ x 20’ sunroom on a lot zoned Single-Family Residential. The house was built in 1963 and predates the 1972 adoption of the zoning ordinance. The current home is within the 40-foot primary structure setback requirement for the wetland buffer. The applicant has stated that enforcement of the buffer requirement would create practical difficulties and impose unnecessary burdens on them as it would prevent any additions to the south side of their home. The applicant feels that the presence of a preserve class wetland over the southern portion of the property and the nonconforming location of the home create a practical difficulty which necessitates the requested variance. They have noted that a shed or other accessory structure of the same size and located in virtually the same spot as the project would comply with the City’s 20-foot accessory structure wetland buffer setback requirement for accessory structures (Section 20-411(b)) and could be built. The applicant believes that the size of the sunroom they are proposing is reasonable and notes that their home is significantly smaller than that of the neighboring houses. It has been the City’s general practice to require properties with existing nonconforming wetland setbacks to maintain those setbacks and not encroach further into the required wetland setback and the applicant’s proposed sunroom would be intensifying an existing nonconformity. This case is unique in that the Johnsons are proposing restoring a wetland that was removed by previous owners and will establish a buffer where no buffer is currently present. The applicant’s proposed wetland restoration and 10-foot averaged buffer will result in 5,218 square feet of restored wetland and 1,220 square feet of new buffer. Since the total of 6,438 square feet of restored wetland and established buffer are significantly more than the 4,732 square feet of buffer that could be required under ordinance, staff believes that granting the requested variance for a 10-foot averaged buffer will actually result in a superior result for the City. The requested variance will also result in the home no longer being a nonconforming structure, which will mean that future modest improvements would not require variances. For these reasons, staff supports the requested variance. APPLICABLE REGUATIONS Section 20-406, Wetland Buffer Strips and Setbacks. Section 20-411, Placement of Structures. Section 20-615, Lot Requirements and Setbacks. Chapter 20, Article II, Division 3. Variances Chapter 20, Article XII, “RSF” Single-Family Residential District BACKGROUND Country records indicate that the house was constructed in 1963. 7 395 Red Cedar Point Road November 1, 2022 Page 3 of 7 On June 11, 2001, the City vacated a portion of the roadway easement adjoining the property and designated the front lot line as the east property line, the rear lot line as the west property line and the north and south lot lines as side lot line. On July 3, 2001, the City issued a permit for a detached garage. On October 22, 2015, the City issued a demolition permit for a pool (pool appears on 1969 aerial photos and predates zoning code). Numerous other permits for interior maintenance and improvements are on file. The previous owners of the property filled the wetland up and portions of it have been restored by the Johnsons (current homeowners). SITE CONSTRAINTS Bluff Creek Corridor This is not encumbered by the Bluff Creek Overlay District. Bluff Protection There are no bluffs on the property. Floodplain Overlay Portions of the southern edges of the property are within the FEMA Flood Zone; however, no portion of the proposed project will take place within the area. Shoreland Management The property is located within a Shoreland Protection District and has Lake Frontage along the southern lot line. This district requires a 75-foot structure setback from the lake’s ordinary high- water level and limits the property to a maximum impervious surface coverage of 25 percent. It also requires 90 feet of lot width and a minimum 20,000 square feet of lot area. Wetland Protection There is a wetland on the property classified by the city as Preserve, which requires a 40-foot buffer and 40-foot wetland buffer setback. These are the highest value wetlands within the city and state area. They place a critical role in the protection of local water quality, wildlife habitat, and biodiversity. Even small impacts to Preserve Wetlands can have significant impacts to the health of our water resource communities. It is difficult to impossible to replace any lost function in Preserve Wetlands. 8 395 Red Cedar Point Road November 1, 2022 Page 4 of 7 The effectiveness of wetland buffers is directly connected to their width. The city buffer requirement for Preserve Wetlands is 40 feet. A reduced buffer could affect the function and health of this Preserve Wetland, and may have downstream impacts on Lotus Lake. The proposed development will not alter this wetland, but will rather restore some portion of lost wetlands; however, the wetland buffer requirements are not being met and a variance is required. Wetland Classification Principal Structure Setback from Buffer Edge (feet) Accessory Structure Setback from Buffer Edge (feet) Permanent Buffer Strip Minimum Width (feet) Percent of Buffer Strip in Native Vegetation Preserve 40 20 40 100% NEIGHBORHOOD The plat for this area was recorded in September of 1961. The immediate neighborhood is atypical in that access is provided to homes via a private drive partially overtop a communally owned outlot that was previously unutilized City right-of-way. Most of these homes in the immediate area are newer construction that meet the requirements of the City’s zoning code; however, the subject home is original to the development and nonconforming. The larger neighborhood is a mix of older and newer homes with most homes appearing to meet the requirements of the zoning code, though some structures are nonconforming. Variances within 500 feet: Case #Address Requested Issued Approved/Denied 2022-06 6430 Fox Path 4’ side yard setback (garage and house expansion)) Approved 5’ with additional 18" for eave Approved 2008-15 640 Pleasant View Rd.10' dock setback (dock) Replace dock that will cross 10' setback from extended property lines. Approved 2006-20 610 Pleasant View Rd.Denied 9 395 Red Cedar Point Road November 1, 2022 Page 5 of 7 Exemption from min lot size for second dock 1995-03 650 Pleasant View Rd.5' variance from 10' side yard (additional garage stall)- Denied ANALYSIS Wetland Setback: The City’s wetland ordinance establishes a 40-foot primary structure setback and 40-foot wetland buffer for preserve wetlands in order to maintain water quality, serve to reduce flooding and erosion, and act as sources of food and habitat for a variety of fish and wildlife which are an integral part of the community's natural landscape.Due to the important role that the setback and buffer play in protecting the quality of the City’s water resources and the potential for variances from these standards to impact the City’s water resources, the City has historically been very hesitant to grant wetland setback and buffer variances. When these properties with existing nonconforming wetland setbacks apply for variances to expand, staff has typically recommended that the expansion be required to maintain the existing wetland setback. In this case, the existing home does not meet the required 40-foot primary structure wetland buffer setback and is a nonconforming structure. The applicant is proposing to intensify this nonconformity by constructing a 11’x 20’ sunroom addition to their home. In order to do this, they are proposing restoring the wetland and creating a 10-foot averaged buffer. Granting this proposed variance would remove the property’s nonconforming status as both the exiting home and proposed addition would meet then the required 40-foot setback from the proposed wetland buffer. One of the findings necessary for granting a variance is that variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the Chapter and when the variances are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Chapter 20, Article 20-VI (Wetland Protection) under Sec 20-401(a) of the City’s Code which looks at findings; intent; rules adopted by reference states that “It is the intent of the city to promote the restoration of degraded wetlands”. The applicant has agreed to restore approximately 2,649 square feet of wetlands with native vegetation in addition the 2,569 square feet of native wetland vegetation that they have previously restored. They have agreed to maintain this area as vegetated wetland and the applicant has also agreed to install 1,220 square feet of wetland buffer. If the requested variance is approved, it will result to the restoration of approximately 5,218 square feet of wetlands and the addition of 1,220 square feet of wetland buffer. The applicant is doing this in exchange for a reduction of the required wetland buffer by approximately 3,152 square feet (i.e. the ratio of 10 395 Red Cedar Point Road November 1, 2022 Page 6 of 7 restored wetlands to decreased buffer is 1.65:1). From an ecological perspective, wetland restoration is often view more valuable than the buffer, which after all is only required to protect the wetland. It should also be noted that there is currently no buffer present on the property so the applicant’s proposed 10-foot averaged wetland buffer is an improvement to the existing conditions. Another findings necessary for granting a variance is when there are practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance. The practical difficulty is created by the existing home’s location in relation to the wetland. As earlier mentioned, the building was built in 1963 and predates the 1972 adoption of the zoning ordinance. Granting the requested variance will remove the existing nonconformity by bringing the home into line with the required principal structure wetland setback, since the requested a 10-foot average wetland buffer will allow the house to meet the 40-foot building setback. It should be noted that the applicant can currently build a shed or other accessory structure of the same size, located in a similar spot to the project which will be in compliance with City’s 20-foot wetland buffer setback requirement for accessory structures. The proposed addition is reasonable as sunrooms are typical feature of homes and existing home is of relatively modest size with 2,208 square feet of living area. As point of comparison the surrounding homes are 4,402 square feet (675 Pleasant View Road), 3,842 square feet (665 Pleasant View Road), 3,350 square (745 Pleasant View Road), and 4,497 square feet (735 Pleasant View Road). Even after the proposed 220 square foot addition the home will be significantly smaller than the other homes in the neighborhood. Finally, another finding necessary for granting a variance is that the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. The project involves significant wetlands restoration, which will benefit Lotus Lake and the adjacent wetland area in a manner that advances the city’s comprehensive plan and wetland management policy, and enhances the natural character of the area. The addition of rear sunroom would not be expected to impact neighboring properties. Again, the applicant’s home is of modest in size and will remain so at completion of the project. There is no reason to believe that a small addition on the rear of the property would negatively impact surrounding properties. Given the modest nature of the proposed addition and proposed improvements to the property’s wetland, staff believes that approving the requested variance represents an appropriate balance between protecting the City’s water resources and allowing the applicant reasonable use of their property. For the reasons stated above, staff supports the proposed variance. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, approve a ten-foot averaged wetland buffer for the construction of a sunroom and adopt the attached Findings of Facts and Decision, subject to the following conditions: 1. The delineated wetland edge and required wetland buffer and structure setbacks shall be shown on the building permit survey. 11 395 Red Cedar Point Road November 1, 2022 Page 7 of 7 2. A permanent 10-foot native vegetated buffer with permanent buffer signs must be installed as outlined in the variance exhibit submitted by the applicant. The buffer may be configured around the path and stairs. The buffer design and vegetation must be approved by the water resources engineer and installed in conjunction with the proposed home addition project. 3. A wetland buffer agreement describing the precise location and extent of the buffer strip, as well as the restrictions for activities within the buffer strip, shall be signed by the property owner and the city and shall be recorded against the property at the county recorder's office. The property owner shall be responsible for all costs and fees associated with the buffer strip dedication. 4. The installation of any improvements on the Site shall meet all applicable jurisdictional requirements, including but not limited to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District, and all applicable permits shall be obtained prior to any site improvements. 5. The applicant shall obtain all required permits from review agencies with jurisdictional authority. ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Decision 2. Variance Document 3. Development Review Application 4. Applicant’s Narrative 5. Certificate of Survey 6. Wetland Restoration Plans 7. WRE Memo 8. Affidavit of Mailing G:\PLAN\2022 Planning Cases\22-15 695 Pleasant View Rd\Staff Report-695 Pleasant View Road 12 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION (APPROVAL) IN RE: Application of Ryan Johnson wetland buffer variance for the construction of sunroom on a property zoned Single Family residential District (RSF) – Planning Case 2022-15. On November 1, 2022, the Chanhassen Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed variance preceded by published and mailed notice. The Board of Appeals and Adjustments makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Single Family Residential District (RSF). 2. The property is guided in the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan for Residential Low Density. The legal description of the property is: Lot 5, Block 4, Red Cedar Point Lake Minnewashta 3. Variance Findings – Section 20-58 of the City Code provides the following criteria for the granting of a variance: a. Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of this Chapter and when the variances are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Finding:It is the intent of the City Code and Comprehensive plan to protect the City’s water resources. For this reason buffers and setbacks are required from wetlands. In this case, previous owners have filled and degraded significant portions of the property’s wetland and no buffer is currently present. The applicant is proposing to reestablish a significant portion amount wetland and install a buffer meeting the City’s minimum standards in order to offset the impacts of the requested wetland buffer variance. Additionally, the proposed increase in lot cover is would be permitted under the City Code in a location even closer to the wetland, were the applicant to create a free standing greenhouse rather than an attached sunroom. Given the above, the requested variance represents an improvement to the existing conditions and allows a level of impact the wetlands comparable or less than what applicant would be entitled to without a variance. For these reasons, granting the requested variance is in line with the intent of the zoning code and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. b.When there are practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance. "Practical difficulties" as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by this Chapter. 13 2 Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. Finding:The buffer and setback requirements associated with a preserve class wetland prevent the applicant from constructing any additions to the southern portion of the home. These constraints prevent the property owners from adding typical improvements such as a deck or porch to their nonconforming home which is significantly smaller than the neighboring residences. c. That the purpose of the variation is not based upon economic considerations alone. Finding: The variance request is not solely based upon economic considerations. d. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner. Finding:The property was platted in 1961 and the home was built in 1963. Both the plat and home predate the City’s zoning ordinance and wetland protection standards. For this reason, the lot is configured in a way that would not permitted under the current zoning code and the home located in a place that would not be permitted by the current zoning code. The landowner’s plight is due to the nonconforming nature of the property and the preserve wetland located on the property. e. The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Finding: The applicant has no rear neighbors and the location of the other surrounding homes means that their view should not be impacted by the proposed porch. Additionally, the additional will be over 200 feet from the lake’s ordinary high water level (OHWL) and would not be expected to impact the view or experience of recreationists utilizing the lake. Finally, the applicant’s home is significantly smaller than the surrounding structures and a modest increase to its footprint would not impact the character of the neighborhood. Regarding the environmental impacts, the wetland restoration and buffer that are part of the project will represent a net improvement to the area’s existing conditions. These features will help preserve the function of the preserve wetland bordering the lake, as well as the health of the lake itself. Restoring the wetland will help preserve the essential character of locality. f. Variances shall be granted for earth-sheltered construction as defined in Minnesota Statutes Section 216C.06, subdivision 14, when in harmony with this Chapter. Finding: This does not apply to this request. 4.The planning report #2022-15, dated November 1, 2022, prepared by Olivia Adomabea, et al. is incorporated herein. DECISION 14 3 The Planning Commission approves a variance for a 10-foot averaged wetland buffer for the construction of an addition, subject to the conditions of approval, subject to the Conditions of Approval. 1. The delineated wetland edge and required wetland buffer and structure setbacks shall be shown on the building permit survey. 2. A permanent 10-foot native vegetated buffer with permanent buffer signs must be installed as outlined in the variance exhibit submitted by the applicant. The buffer may be configured around the path and stairs. The buffer design and vegetation must be approved by the water resources engineer and installed in conjunction with the proposed home addition project. 3. A wetland buffer agreement describing the precise location and extent of the buffer strip, as well as the restrictions for activities within the buffer strip, shall be signed by the property owner and the city and shall be recorded against the property at the county recorder's office. The property owner shall be responsible for all costs and fees associated with the buffer strip dedication. 4. The installation of any improvements on the Site shall meet all applicable jurisdictional requirements, including but not limited to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District, and all applicable permits shall be obtained prior to any site improvements. 5. The applicant shall obtain all required permits from review agencies with jurisdictional authority. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 1st day of November, 2022. CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: Its: g:\plan\2022 planning cases\22-15 695 pleasant view rd\findings of fact and decision 695 pleasant view road.docx 15 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA VARIANCE 2022-15 1. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City of Chanhassen hereby grants the following variance: The Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves a variance for a 10-foot averaged wetland buffer for the construction of an addition, subject to the conditions of approval, subject to the Conditions of Approval. 2. Property. The variance is for a property situated in the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota, and legally described as: Tract A, Registered Land Survey No. 18, Carver County, Minnesota, Also: An undivided one-third of Tract D, Registered Land Survey No. 18. 3. Conditions.The variance approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. The delineated wetland edge and required wetland buffer and structure setbacks shall be shown on the building permit survey. 2. A permanent 10-foot native vegetated buffer with permanent buffer signs must be installed as outlined in the variance exhibit submitted by the applicant. The buffer may be configured around the path and stairs. The buffer design and vegetation must be approved by the water resources engineer and installed in conjunction with the proposed home addition project. 3. A wetland buffer agreement describing the precise location and extent of the buffer strip, as well as the restrictions for activities within the buffer strip, shall be signed by the property owner and the city and shall be recorded against the property at the county 16 2 recorder's office. The property owner shall be responsible for all costs and fees associated with the buffer strip dedication. 4.The installation of any improvements on the Site shall meet all applicable jurisdictional requirements, including but not limited to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District, and all applicable permits shall be obtained prior to any site improvements. 5. The applicant shall obtain all required permits from review agencies with jurisdictional authority. 4. Lapse. If within one (1) year of the issuance of this variance the allowed construction has not been substantially completed, this variance shall lapse. Approved by Planning Commission: November 1, 2022 CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: Elise Ryan, Mayor (SEAL) AND: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2022 by Elise Ryan, Mayor, and Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager, of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to authority granted by its City Council. NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227-1100 g:\plan\2022 planning cases\22-15 695 pleasant view rd\variance document 22-15.docx 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Memorandum To:Olivia Adomabea, Community Development Intern From:Joe Seidl, Water Resources Engineer CC: Charles Howley, Public Works Director/City Engineer George Bender, Assistant City Engineer Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer Date:10/20/2022 Re:Variance Review at 695 Pleasant View Rd – Planning Case #2022- 15 Water Resources has reviewed the variance submittal for 695 Pleasant View Rd. These comments are divided into two categories: general comments and proposed conditions. General comments are informational points to guide the applicant in the proper planning for this project, to inform the applicant of possible extraordinary issues and/or to provide the basis for findings. Proposed conditions are requirements that Water Resources recommends be formally imposed on the application in the final order. Note that references to the “City Standards” herein refer to the City of Chanhassen Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. General Comments/Findings 1. Any and all plans submitted with this application have been reviewed only for the purpose of determining the feasibility of the project and that the proposal is in accordance with City Codes and Standards. A recommendation of variance approval does not constitute final approval of plans and/or details. The applicant is required to submit detailed construction drawings for the project, as applicable. 2.The applicant is requesting a variance from the 40 feet buffer requirement defined in Chanhassen Code, Section 20-411 to facilitate the construction of a small addition to the home approximately 220 square feet in size. The setback variance for a wetland buffer with a preserve classification is 40 feet 3. The existing home extends into the wetland setback area by approximately 10 feet on the west side of the property. The proposed addition would extend the home footprint another 11 feet to the south resulting in a wetland setback of approximately 19 feet to the 40 foot 26 buffer. The project site is located on the north shoreline of Lotus Lake. The wetland on the property acts to filter and absorb nutrients and pollutants before they enter the Lake. 4. Shoreland wetlands are critical to the health of lake ecosystems and have numerous benefits including shoreline protection, habituate enhancement, water quality improvement, and flood abatement. 5. The home was constructed in 1963 before the City of Chanhassen adopted city ordinance to create permanent buffer strips with new developments starting in May 2007. The City of Chanhassen’s Local Surface Water Management Plan and City Ordinance outline the process to create permanent buffer strips for older, non-conforming lots. The City of Chanhassen’s Local Surface Water Management Plan Policy 2.14 reads: “Protect shorelands and water resources. All properties are required to have native vegetated buffer adjacent to wetlands, storm ponds, and water resources. Non- conforming properties, and lots of record shall be brought into compliance when applying for permits or variances to improve the property. Non-conforming buffers should attempt to meet regulatory requirements whenever possible. The minimum non- conforming buffer width shall be 10’.” City Ordinance - Shoreland Management District Section 20-490 of states: In evaluating all variances, zoning and building permit applications, or conditional use requests, the zoning authority shall require the property owner to address, when appropriate, stormwater runoff management, reducing impervious surfaces, increasing setback, restoration of wetlands, vegetative buffers, sewage treatment and water supply capabilities, and other conservation-designed actions. 6. A wetland delineation was completed by the applicant and approved on September 20 th, 2022. The Wetland Buffer and Wetland Enhancement Map exhibit created by the applicant shows the wetland location and the proposed buffer areas. 7. The buffer plan proposed by the applicant conforms with City Code for a non-conforming lot. The area of the proposed buffer is approximately 1,220 square feet and the parcel length is approximately 86 feet resulting in an averaged buffer strip of 14 feet. As part of the project the applicant has agreed to reestablish the wetland area which was previously managed as turfgrass by the previous owner. The applicant has already intentionally restored approximately 2,600 square feet of managed turf in the wetland to native vegetation. 27 8. City code outlines the wetland buffer agreement required for non-conforming lots. The buffer agreement describes the precise location and extent of the buffer strip, as well as the restrictions for activities within the buffer strip. The agreement shall be signed by the property owner and the city and shall be recorded against the property at the county recorder's office. 9. The water resources department supports the variance request. The proposed variance request would create a structure setback of approximately 59 feet from the wetland boundary, and about 56 feet from the edge of the buffer. The project would reestablish the wetland on the property and create/memorialize the adjacent buffer strips acting to improve and protect the downstream water resources. The impact of the small home addition would be offset by the wetland and buffer areas created. More information is needed to confirm the native vegetation types to be planted as part of the project. See condition 1. The buffer strip shall be memorialized with an agreement as outlined in City Code section 20-411. See condition 2. Lastly, any and all improvements on the Site must meet applicable jurisdictional requirements. See proposed condition 3. Proposed Conditions 1. A permanent 10 - foot native vegetated buffer with permanent buffer signs must be installed as outlined in the variance exhibit submitted by the applicant. The buffer may be configured around the path and stairs. The buffer design and vegetation must be approved by the water resources engineer and installed in conjunction with the proposed home addition project. 2. A wetland buffer agreement describing the precise location and extent of the buffer strip, as well as the restrictions for activities within the buffer strip, shall be signed by the property owner and the city and shall be recorded against the property at the county recorder's office. The property owner shall be responsible for all costs and fees associated with the buffer strip dedication. 3. The installation of any improvements on the Site shall meet all applicable jurisdictional requirements, including but not limited to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District, and all applicable permits shall be obtained prior to any site improvements. 28 29 CITY OF CHANHASSEN STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COLTNTY OF CARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly swom, on oath deposes that she is and was on October 20,2022, the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City ofChanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy ofthe attached notice to Consider a request for a variance to construct i sunroom/greenhouse addition on property located at 695 Pteasant View Road Zoned Single-Family Residentiat @S$. ApplicanUOwner: Ryan Johnson. to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records ofthe County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. lm M ,C Clerk Subscribed and swom to before me this Z0 day ot hC10h,,.,2022. JENNIFER ANN POTTER Notary Public-Minnesota My Commi$bo Erdr.6 J.n 3t, 2027 t iotary Public AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE 30 =gEug:-i-iorOIg -'5 o oEE-5EF !U cE >EEEET€EEEf} EY ([5E*TE PE:SI6-aEo,;> H;;Eg-c >l,=,=o ct (D l,s a 8 *EI:-O ():., = Setg PE iBg o?cEi(l) oEc(! E (.1'o e n) o 3 E ta-E ttso EIE-Pt €l--". Ep pgsHefElEaEEHE€eEflHA E; EIE I EFHE! EEilE€ t-NNC!tr)o,o(,co-co,-o =ooEco .9. 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The City does not wanant that the GeogEphic lnformation System (GlS) Data used to prepare this map are enor free, and the City does not rcpresenl that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exactlng measurement of distance ol directon or precision in the depiction of geooraphic features. The preceding disclaimer is povided puBuanl lo Minnesol,a Statdes y66 03. Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map ackno/ledges that the City shall not be liable fo. any damages, and expressly vraives all claims, and agrees lo deiend, indemniry, and hold harmless the City from any and all daims brought by Ljser, its employees d agents. o. third parties whidl aise out of the use/s access or use of data provided (Next Record D(TAX_NAME), <TAX_ADD_Llr <TAX_ADD_L2r DLsclaimel This mep as neither a legally recotded map nor a survey and is not intended to te used as one. This map as a @mpilatron ol records, infomation and datra located in various city, county, state and federal oftces and other sources regading the area shown, and is lo be used for reference purposes only. The City does not wanant that the Geog€phic lnformation System (GlS) Data used to prepare this map are eror free, and lhe City does not represent that lhe GIS Data can be used for navigational, facling or any other purpose requiring exacijng measurement of distance o. direction or precision in lhe dedction of geographic features. The preceding dasdaimer is provided pursuant lo Minnesotra Statutes 5466.03, Subd. 21 (2000). and the user of this map ackno^/ledges thal the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims. and agrees to deiend. indemnify. and hold harmless the CiV lrom any and all claims broughl by User. tu employees or agents, or third parties whidl arise out of lhe usefs acaess or use of data provided. 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