CC MinutesCity Council Minutes – September 12, 2022 4 Recommendation. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 3 to 0. 2. Ordinance 696: Avienda-Consider a Request to Amend Planned Unit Development- Regional Commercial Ms. Aanenson reminded everyone that the original Environmental Assessment document was done in 2005 and most of the property was developed except for the last segment. If a property is inactive for a number of years, they must update those environmental documents. The Applicant is requesting an amendment to the 2020 approved PUD regional commercial zoning district based on looking at adding a movie theater, moving some office around, and the Applicant noted some of the uses in that district no longer met their marketing needs. Today they have approved outlots for all properties and have a preliminary plat on outlot C and a portion of outlot A. A neighborhood meeting was held on August 6, 2022 and combined with email concerns included the percentage of housing; Ms. Aanenson shared that the housing calculation does not exceed what was originally put into the PUD, and the Applicant has taken the opportunity to maximize all of those units. She spoke about access onto Lyman Boulevard, Mills Street, and the townhouse connection for fire access safety. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the PUD amendment and encouraged the City Council to fully consider the value, size, location, and configuration of a gathering place as an integral part of the project. Ms. Aanenson spoke about the large usage area noting the Planning Commission and Staff would like to see a mixed use of 10 acres or approximately 60% of District 3 developed as amusement, recreation, or entertainment use which could include a golf course, hockey rinks, indoor amusement arcades, and a convention/performance center, and should be constructed prior to approval of some of the other subsidies to ensure that it happens. Ms. Aanenson showed slides from the developer on screen of potential recreational uses as well as a slide showing potential new changes to the site. All of the uses have been combined into the District Master Plan which is part of the PUD; in each district those uses are described with updates/changes. Ms. Aanenson shared about the PUD ordinance which has all design standards, the five districts, engineering conditions, and traffic modeling. She clarified each project must come through for a public hearing and site plan review and will be measured against the PUD standards. Staff believes this is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and recommends approval of the PUD ordinance and adoption of the Findings of Fact. Councilwoman Rehm received an email from someone living on Powers Boulevard who was concerned about increased traffic from Avienda. Ms. Aanenson stated there will be less and asked to hear more about that. City Engineer Howley noted the statement about less traffic is based on the currently approved PUD, the zoning and uses of what currently is approved to be built compared to what they are proposing with this amendment, the projected traffic volumes are less. Not meaning that when the project is fully built out the traffic will be less than today, just comparing the approved project versus the proposed amended PUD, the traffic would be less. City Council Minutes – September 12, 2022 5 Ms. Aanenson clarified that traffic will change and there will be more; however, it was always anticipated since 2005. Also, MnDOT required that Bluff Creek Boulevard connect to Powers Boulevard. Mayor Ryan had a similar concern regarding traffic about people exiting this area and heading downtown. She thinks Powers Boulevard as it is today a concern with pedestrian crossings, and she noted the Traffic Safety Committee is looking at that and will continue to evaluate that situation. Mark Nordland is happy to see that things are moving forward and is looking forward to building happening soon. Mayor Ryan noted concerns are similar to what Mr. Nordland heard at the Planning Commission including increased housing, traffic, the entertainment space, and senior housing. She asked about one building for senior housing versus two buildings. Mr. Nordland replied that it really is the different operators and how they meet their residents’ needs. Initially they planned on one with senior services including assisted living and memory care with a small assisted-living component with a separate building that is 55+ independent living. He shared they have been working with a senior housing provider with a business model that combines those; they have a significant 55+ component plus assisted living and memory care all within the facility. That would mean a larger facility that is around 250 units that incorporates all of those. Mr. Nordland noted they feel very good about them as a user and operator, and it fits on the southern side rather than the northern side. He noted they are not sure which way it will go but wants to make sure the approval is in place if they come forward that they will be able to do it within the zoning. Mayor Ryan asked about the entertainment and green space. Mr. Nordland shared they are proposing a fairly large-scale central plaza at the center of the development surrounded by restaurants and other entertainment uses that would be programmed with things happening for the overall community. He noted they have been in discussion with the City about potentially doing a partnership on a larger recreational facility in the southeast corner of the project. Mayor Ryan asked about the transition of percentage of housing that was compared to the housing that is now proposed. Mr. Nordland replied the primary outside factor is the change in the way outside goods and services are received, especially since the pandemic. The overall square footage of retail space required in the United States has been reduced based on market demand. He noted they have tried to create other regional uses to help bolster that and they try to mix residential and entertainment retail uses in the appropriate way. He thinks adding the rowhomes is another step up in density but also adds nicely to the project and is a good transition to a regular apartment building. City Council Minutes – September 12, 2022 6 Mayor Ryan noted a grocer is still an element of the project. Mr. Nordland replied in the affirmative, they are working with a grocer right now and it is a critical component to the project. Councilwoman Rehm would like to hear more about the plans for the water. Mr. Nordland shared that Chanhassen has a lot of clay in their soil which does not infiltrate water very well. At the beginning they tried to do full infiltration on the project but after grading and tests throughout the site they have reworked the permit with the Watershed District to accommodate that. Because of the infiltration rates they must mitigate and will use a rainwater reuse system throughout the site for irrigation. There is a backup system for lack of rain, but a significant amount of rainwater will be collected and reused. Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Rehm seconded that the City Council approve amending the Planned Unit Development-Regional Commercial (PUD-RC) Ordinance 657 for Avienda and adopt the Findings of Fact. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 3 to 0. 3. Adopt the Preliminary Tax Levy, Budget and Establish the Truth-In-Taxation Public Hearing Date This item was postponed until September 26, 2022. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS: None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: None. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION 1. 2022 Building Permit Activity Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Rehm seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 3 to 0. The City Council meeting was adjourned at 8:04 p.m. Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen City Manager Prepared by Kim Meuwissen City Clerk