07-13-2022 EC Minutes1
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Chanhassen City Hall, Fountain Conference Room
6:00 pm
July 13, 2022
Members Present: Kristin Fulkerson, Leslie Elhadi, Scot Lacek, Julia Adams, Greg Hawks, Markus
Fischer, Kaisa Buckholz, and Scott Grefe
Members Absent:
Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
Visitors: none
Minutes: May minutes were approved.
Fall Education Event: The commission discussed their fall education event – trivia night at the
Chanhassen Brewery. Kristin received confirmation from the Brewery that the Oct. 4 event date works,
running 7-8p. Kristin will follow up with them to make sure it’s on their public event calendar. The
commission will begin compiling questions. Did a subgroup want to work on questions? Leslie, Kaisa
and Scott will put together local and global questions. Prize ideas included water -efficient shower
heads, paddle board rental at Lake Ann, and County Environmental Center items. Emcee host ideas
include Dave, Elise and Kaisa. Need to decide on how many teams, write out rules, decide on scoring,
and decide on format (how teams answer questions). The commission should have a centralized
scoreboard to keep track of points. Perhaps the commission could do a dry run in Sept at the meeting.
Need to decide if teams should register in advance.
July 3rd Trade Fair Review: The commission had good participation from visitors, probably the best
event yet. Lots of kids visited the table and played the games. The Tootsie Pops were a hit. The city
will donate the game boards to the watershed district.
Social Media update: Jill was unable to get the diagnostics from online postings and visits. The
discussion will be postponed to September.
Commission Updates: Greg gave an update on RPBCWD. The scheduling of the Upper Bluff Creek
feasibility study was approved. Commissioners also noted that the Avienda project was on hold due to
lack of fill. Scott G has submitted the fertilizer SM posts for August
General Discussion: None
Meeting adjourned at 7:00p
Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair