Letter from LandonNovember 14, 2022 Dear City Council Members, First and foremost, I’d like to thank everyone for listening to the residents’ concerns with the potential impact of the initially proposed development and coming up with a better solution. The beautiful natural habitat that Fox Hill Drive offers has been a unique and welcoming place to view for so many people all year around as they take family walks along the road, often pausing to enjoy the view, and even strangers taking their family photos with the beautiful trees as the backdrop is something that many people take for granted. I’ve reviewed the most recent plans for the 581 Fox Hill Drive pr oposal filed late October 2022. While I appreciate everyone’s understanding and accompaniment with the newly proposed plat, I, along with many neighbors, still have concerns that have not been adequately addressed. My largest concern is still in regards to the drainage. This year has been a very dry year with precipitation at a nearly all-time low. Below is the year-to-date precipitation chart from MN DNR’s website and the details showing this year being just one inch more than the driest year to date. With all required tests having been taken during a low precipitation year, therefore invalid as a typical baseline, my concerns are that there are still existing homes/property that, despite the new plans, will have issues when precipitation is back to normal. The neighbor near the bottom of Carver Beach and Fox Hill Drive will likely not experience as many issues as initially proposed with the new plans now having the home on the corner of Fox Hill Drive and Carver Beach Road eliminated. However, the immediate neighbor to the Awes’ future home doesn’t seem to get the attention and concerns it should. Originally noted in the 7-19-22 staff report was that drainage from the private south parcel drains to the wetland in the middle of the woods. This is not fully accurate, as there is a hill where the water drains towards the lake and private south homestead. With three homes from the top of the hill between 950-960ft elevation (per the City of Chanhassen’s GIS contouring site) and a quick drop to 930ft elevation (where the private south residence in question is), I fear the slope and water, as well as all the natural absorption of the mature trees, will only lead to water damage and ongoing issues for this homeowner. Additionally, this is a lot of change to a natural drainage space that has been here for hundreds of years. There are always unforeseen/negative impacts introduced when you change the variables within a naturally developed ecosystem. I would like to hear from the City and the owners what provisions and reparations will be made available when neighbors’ homes or roads have damage due to this construction project. What will the recourse be when the people who have lived here for decades are beginning to experience flooding, erosion, or other costly home issues? With so many warnings and reminders from those who live and have lived here about the land, who’s financially responsible for the mistakes? It should be not on those who have spoken up against this project if inaccurate information is being used to create plans for future development. Lastly, in a recent change.org petition regarding Lotus Lake Woods of which over 340 people have signed (over 100 of those within the first 24 hours)there are so many people who understand the rare beauty found here. To find that “wild, alluring and rare” gem in a suburban landscape, and to want to put houses rather than to enjoy the history and beauty it holds is beyond me. There are people who have spoken up who are interested in purchasing the lots to keep them as they are. I recall that Councilman Perry inquired whether the City could purchase a portion at fair market value in both the July and September meetings, with the owners suggesting they were not interested. Taking down what people have admired about this area doesn’t seem like a nature- first and neighbor-first way to come into a new community. There were, and still are, many lake options on the market that wouldn’t require the need to alter and permanently destroy the landscape that an entire neighborhood has banded together to love and protect. Thank you for your time and consideration. Francesca and Chris Landon 620 Fox Hill Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317