4. Planning Commission Interviews CITY OF CHANIlASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us [i] MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director DATE: March 6, 2007 SUBJ: Planning Commission Interviews Attached are the applications and questionnaires for the Planning Commission interviews along with a scoring sheet. After the interviews the Commission generally ranks their preference for candidates. The preference ranking, as well as the incumbents' applications, will be forwarded to the City Council for their interviews on March 12, 2007. The interviews will be conducted immediately following the Planning Commission meeting. The applicants are as follows: Thor Smith Corey Bergman Richard Simmons Thomas Koehnen Matthew Jones Phili p DeNucci Attachments: 1. Planning Commissioner Interview Scoring Sheet. 2. Planning Commissioner Applications and Interview Questionnaires (6). g:\plan\planning comrnission\pc interviews 3-6-07.doc The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. ~ > ~~ ~~ ~~ ~en ~~ o~...c~ - 0 OJ) en tE 0 en~_ ~ II IT V) - Q o~ uo o~ ~~ ~~ j ~ _ ell cj .... ...... l:::: o '0 ~~ E c Q) .- a l:::: Q) l::::a ::l ;> .- "0 a ;> 0 .s u Q) OJ) 1-< '"0 0 ell Q) .= Q) - cj ::l ~::::E ell 04-<~ l:::: 0 ~ .... l:::: l:::: Q) 0 a '.;:J .... ,- .- ell a 0 a~ o 0 u...... Q) C OJ) '"0 '2 ~4-<::l ~ 0 a o a l:::: 0 ~ U '"0 l:::: Q) Q) ;> ell ;J l:::: ~ ell ._ ...c 1-< l:::: cj cj Q) ...c >-< u u o '0 ti u .c VI 00 ,S C5 u VI ~ U "t u .5 .... u C .~ '5 E o u 00 c '2 c '" 3- @ ~ c '" 3- bh Q) a ell cj l:::: l:::: Z Q) l:::: 0 l:::: ell T.l cj a ...c Q) a u .8 Q) l:::: ::l ...c OJ) 0 0 z .... 1-< ~ ...... 's Q) en ~ Q) o:::l "E ell Q en cj Q) >. cj a ...c ~ 1-< e ...c .... 0 0 ...... u cj :.a ...c 0 i:i2 ...c ::::E ~ u ~ ~ APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN CITY COMMISSION Date: J. - j-07 COMMISSIONDESlRED: Plall" ;"j ALTERNATE: RECEIVED City ofChanhassen, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 ~I /. r S FEB 1 3 2007 //lDr c: . /VII' +~ BOdlde.r Name: Address: d 13/1 Road CITY OF CHANHASSEN Home Phone: lf10-6;)~{ WorkPh:!tSZ 7tf6- ?jJ-. \ Cel/Plu;;:?: J3q- e167 . Emai/:fJ1OrI!.SJt'VI ;-+l..~t/ajoo . CO VV\ No. of Years in Chanhassen: l' fS Highest Level of Education Attained, Plus Degrees, if any: SOMe_ LoIl'!-Jc., -;/I;) cia J r~e Employment History (State position, employer and brief description of duties: (t'-If t21v1p'/~i-.- - /'1/)'+4-"=1"'- 1)r2>ker cc"J ReA I ~ s + a te -:Lt111 e-~ -I fV'e.-Vl ~ .-J Activities and Affiliations (Include elective offices, honors, and recognitions received, if any): C~aVlkcU5eJ1. /(o+au\/ /Y)('_W\ be.r lb",,J ;lI1ew,be-r _/ I!JC.u II (<2- (,.~/ Saf'ILicf!.( f/:<ifJ luoJ4 4r.u,jQ -I-ipYl tPf ;11tJr 0':"4"- 3rolcCI5 -- tJ;'!lkC tI ReasonsforSeeking this Position: ::C ~ Iv\ /Jc?/y /lI\icf'C sft?J ;lr\ LahJ I J.. (e ; SS ue.f g. ~ -1-/'7'- QgJ'ta ;{io -f/.e. 1l1.a /1 ~J (!,<<eI1-f ~....J dp~/D PWO-l,,-i of' LL4k~ Q ~5eh . J. a"'-" /V\ ier~ s -I- e.d 1-0 ;'~r L I Iv c;-/a f-r 4'hJ ad/)/ ~ /0; -I-i..e- c-/ 'Iv L OUh (e- / / / -1L-c ~ SIGNATURE ~ e:; <C Z Z o "'"' E-< en ~ CI ~ g:J :> ~ ~ E-< Z "'"' ~ ~ o "'"' en en ~ o U ~ ~ ~ <C .....:l 0.. .c: ...... '6 en l-o o .c: E-< (l) E ro Z (l) .c: ...... o ...... OJ) ~ 'I:: ..0 ::l o >> o "0 c-. rJJ ~ ,~ ,9 :E 00 ro ,~ ::l E ~E ro 0 '0 U (l) OJ) o..~ rJJ ,_ ...... ~ ro ~ .c: ro ~p::; ...... (l) .c: ...... o ...... OJ) ~ ';;" 0- 0.. ro l-o <8 rJJ ~ o rJJ ro (l) l-o 5 c-. o ~ >>.9 ~ ~ ~ '6 ro E .c: 0 ~U C"l (l) (l) rJJ ~ <8 ::l ~c-. (l) rJJ l-o E B ~.2 ..0 (l) O.c: l-o ...... ~~ rJJ ,- ~~ OJ)rJJ ,_ rJJ ..0 ro (l).c: -5 a (l).c: l-oU ro OJ) (;j ~ .c: '0 ~~ M rJJ ~>> ...... '2 ::l E E o u (l) .c: ...... ~ ro (l) >- ,~ Q) c-. ..0 rJJ ::l ...... o ~ >>rJJ o ro "Oti ...... (l) ro ...... .c: ro ~ ~ '<:t >> i: ro '3 u '€ ro 0.. ::l o >> (l) l-o ro rJJ (l) ::l rJJ .~ C'. OJ)-5 ~ .- '2 ~ ~"O ro (l) O-E ...... (l) ro u .c: ~ ~ 8 tr) ...... rJJ (l) OJ) OJ) :E (l) c-. .c: rJJ ...... S ~..o rofn ~ 'Q) ,~ ~ Q) 5 ..0 0 ::l >> O'+-< >>0 o rJJ "0 E ...... (l) ro u .c: ~ ~ 8 \0 OJ) ~ '2 ~ ro p::; (l) .c: ...... (l) >- c-. .~ rJJ Q) (l) ..0-8 ::l ~ o 0 >> 'en o rJJ "0 '6 (;j E .c: 0 ~U r- ~ (l) rJJ rJJ ro .c: a .c: U (l) (l) rJJ o ...... (l) 3 ::l o >> "0 c-. -"0 ::l (l) o 0.. ~ 0 ~Q) o >- =r:.g 00 ,~ rJJ 'E ~ (l) .9 E ~ ~ .~ C". ,- E E E E (l) Eo.c: o ...... uU..c: (l) (l) ,-::: E -5 ~ ".= ~ 0 (l)O:O .c: l-o ro ......]1:: "gE<8 .s (l) E ~ E 0 (l) ro u "0 ::l ~ (l) 0 ::l..o >> ::l 0 ll) o ...... l-o >>rJJ ro 0]"0 Q .s a u o "0 1! .;; c c .~ <U ::l <:r ~ <U .~ <U .5 .... <U C .~ '@ e o u OJ) c '" c " 3- ~ J:: c; " 3- on 0'1 APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN CITY COMMISSION Date: "2/Z.5/() 7 COMMISSION DESIRED: PLANNING, ALTERNATE: City ofChanhass~n, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317RECEIVEn Name: L?t'~E; '( 'B,t!.(J..(J;mlr,v FFR 2 6 2007 Address: 67"l( R6t)WING t-tI Home Phone:q5'2..'l11..~St Work Phone: 7G'S"1f76~("o/~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN Cell Phone: 76~'" 'I9~" ~ 7J{ Email: C~Rbl.11~.. @ IYIfRA . ~om No. of Years in Chanhassen: 1- Highest Level of Education Attained, Plus Degrees, if any:-.B.~. C/lII" &NG/~~A.' r/rQ Employment History (State position, employer and brief description of duties: ?I(J Ii 8J<:JINIE ~ It. . . w /Yl FR~ . I:>RtiS't:<.-( D~"brJ .r CiM~~INAflo,d 'F"t2. c..'lI/L. ~/'J"'N~'I\/' ~4"T~^' I O~ C"mll1r;~lll I.:.A~~ ~I/~Lcf Ih&JT PR,o':).:cf'S . Activities and Affiliations (Include elective offices, honors, and recognitions received, if any): N. AI ReasonsforSeekingthisPosition: r JlAv~ Jr Desl~C ,,, (.,~'( (JJII(}t~"j) /1/; ,IJE. ~1)7'''hhJ ITV NJI\ ~~ifl -(JM It, A-~~r O(puRltANtT'I" Specific Qualificationsfor the Position: 1'a.l~DLlb\-\ I1lV c~~~a. ::r UAIJl: ,U~ orPoRT<Jftl,TV To NOO"," wl1H mAtl~ D.~~A1::~ ~JlNl-lI~ tso~~~S~ ~ ~ ,J./'G HA~ blllfN 11JE. A- TH1"-OlMj}J W'\h~'" 5rAN~1 N(~ of f H~ NA-NNt riP, rRoc.GJ<. ~).1i) ijo~ f(llfc"I{'(J4.tJf rr t) /0 Jr L()p1m CAN 11'r 7g~ ~ ~ z z o - E--; en ~ CI ~ ~ > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o - en en ~ o U d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l:::: C\l E (I) ;... o U (I) E C\l Z (I) ..c: ...... o ...... OJ) l:::: 'C .0 ::l o ;>.. o "0 C'" en l:::: .~ 0 :;:: . en - en C\l .- ::l E ~E C\l 0 'u u (I) OJ) o..l:::: CIl ._ ....... l:::: C\l l:::: ..c: C\l ~o::: ...... (I) ..c: ...... o ....... OJ) l:::: ';;'" - 0.. 0.. C\l ;... <8 en l:::: o en C\l ~ 5 C"- o l:::: ;>.. .~ (I) en ;... .~ ~ E C\l E ..c: 0 ~u C'1 (I) (I) en ~ <8 ::l ~C'" (I) en ;... E B ~..2 .0 (I) O..c: a....... ....... l:::: en .- ~~ OJ) en ._ en .0 C\l (I)..c: .s 8 (I)..c: ;...U ~ OJ) C\l l:::: ..c: . u ~~ M CIl ~;>.. ....... '2 ::l E E o u (I) ..c: ...... ~ C\l (I) ;> .~ Q) .o~ ::l ~ o en ;>..en o C\l "Oti ...... (I) C\l ...... ..c: C\l ~~ ~ ;>.. "'C C\l "3 u '€ C\l 0.. ::l o ;>.. (I) ;... C\l en (I) ::l CIl .~ C"o OJ).s l:::: .- '2 ~ l::::"O C\l (I) "O.E ....... (I) C\l u ..c: l:::: ~ 8 tr) ....... en (I) OJ) OJ) :E (I) C'" .s ~ (I) 0 ;....0 C\l..c: (I) .e.n ;> (I) (I) l:::: :.= ;... (I) ::l .0 0 ::l ;>.. 0....... ;>..0 o en "0 E ....... (I) C\l u ..c: l:::: ~ 8 \0 OJ) l:::: '2 l:::: C\l 0::: (I) ..c: ...... (!) ;> C'" (I) CIl :.::: <1) (I) 0 .0"0 ::l l:::: o 0 ;>.. 000 o CIl "0 .- ....... E C\l E ..c: 0 ~u r--- l:::: (I) en CIl C\l ..c: l:::: C\l ..c: U (I) (I) en o ...... (I) 3 ::l o ;>.. "0 "3 o ~ ~ o :::c: 00 .<;::: C'" "0 (I) 0.. o Q) ;> (I) "0 CIl -= l:::: (I) .~ E en ..... .;!: C'. .- E E E E (I) E 0 ..c: o ....... uU..c: (I) (!) .<;::: E.s ~ .;=....... (!) (1)0:0 .s ;... C\l "O]t l:::: E <8 .s (I) E ~ E 0 (I) C\l U "0 ::l l:::: (I) 0 ::l .0 ;>.. ::l 0 (I) o ...... ;... ;>..enC\l 0~"O Cl .s 8 u o "t:l e 0;; '" '" .g U'l u :::s C' ~ u 0;: ... u .5 ... u '" o OVi U'l Os E o u en '" oa '" ~ :9- ~ s; '" ~ :9- eo 0\ APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN CITY COMMISSION COMMISSION DESIRED: -=ri/\-l^I.L\~ Date: 2/z-:~/o'1r ALTERNATE: City ofChanhassen, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Name: Kll"-~e...r-~ CSl,^^-lM--~~ RECEIVED Home Phone: QS2 .L-\l{ 5"ll2.S"'Work Phone: Cfs2-' L{c)t.{. r;;7c) '3 Cell Phone: FEB 2 7 Z007 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Address: S-36 SVL\.M..VV\.U~Q..\...c?)"J)e...- Email: t0S\\M.\M.0".Yl.~~1vUA~\.C.c.).M.No. of Years in Chanhassen: -=;- Highest Level of Education Attained, Plus Degrees, if any: , 13 A ........ 4~~. 0tCc.;;; SC~oO\.lu--6cMe,M{I..C.~. Employment History (State position, employer and brief description of duties: 7fe$l~et-L--\ I f\--t.A.c.....l,-c*'.L.S. \v..LD.l2 ~.re-.~~J.. 2-t:>o 2- - Z-OO b \J l c...e..- ""?l t. ~.)~ t"" \.. ~ \.. '- M.c.. \Io-C<- CL~?c.Sv-- CJ.).-C.Av-ku.,,:>se-~ \pC<.<;'Qc.O.. CDlA.<;;,.......l~ ~~~ Activities and Affiliations (Include elective offices, honors, and recognitions received, i any): c.A- ~u~J' "1 Lu.. ~e..t ~ Q..k.,.L, b blcJ~ LJc.~l O~A-SU~Y\..~ '-1,,-,,-,-- ~ s ~D.p.,\-S ~"'" d.... Reasons for Seeking this Position: CL'-'---~ '^-~ -\-0 ~ e'C::--~" ~-....L--\-'C. - d<:L..U Q....\. b .e.l....e...:> ~ --\;:~ c. .:\- t C-e-......- ~ &... , ~,,"",<>.--.... c~-\--r.\o........~""^- ,........ ~'--;. ~J~---- - ') Specific Qualifications for the Position: S +-<6---... c.: ,^-cSu...., -\t c..J2- .::::<...~ \'> ~ lA., \A.A.O "> !A\.\~ , l v-c~.J, v.-J..\.l--X-t....e- a\o, \\.-\-L-{ ~ As-==,a.S-...s l,^~z;:.{V\.A.c:;.....~.O\.L ~~ \fv....v-\.~..p l-e...- ~av.u~ . 15'c..c\L..i~~ 1,^l':\CA-~ fee:::: lDyL~ ac.~"'c.C-s&<-......J &ev-e.\...Dt>~ ~..\..~,- ~ ke- 'oc.A..A l-;:) 1~ ~e..v--s ,:i- __ fe ...... \.....~.s ",-~~l)J~ l..U~ o.-~~r l.<.Chc..l~ se.ii-l'V S>e~.~ .... r"Sb\u"- d.~~f~\ ~~. S ATURE ~ ~ <C ~ o "'""" E-< CIl ~ CI ~ ~ > ~ ~ E-< ~ ~ ~ o "'""" CIl CIl "'""" ::E ::E o U d ~ Z Z <C ~ 0.. CIl = o E ,5 CIl "E ro ...c u C2 Q) E ro Z Q) ...c ...... o ...... OJ} = 'C ..D ::l o >-. o "0 c-. CIl c ,~ 0 .~ or;; "@ ,~ ::l E ~E ro 0 '0 U (]) OJ} ~= ...... '2 ro = ...c ro ~~ ....... (]) ...c ...... o ...... OJ} = ';;;" ....... 0.. 0.. ro I-< ..8 CIl = o CIl ro (]) I-< 5 c-. o = >-. ,~ Q) CIl ~ .~ ro E ~ E ...c 0 ~u N Q) Q) CIl ~ ..8 ::l ~c-. Q) CIl I-< E B ~..2 ..D Q) 8...c 0........ ...... = CIl ,- ~~ OJ}CIl ._ CIl ..D ro Q)...c -5 ~ Q)...c I-<U ~ OJ} ro c ...c ' 0 ~~ (") CIl ~>-. ...... '2 ::l E E o u Q) ...c ...... ~ ro Q) ;> .~ Q) c-. ..D CIl ::l ...... o ~ >-.CIl o ro "O~ ...... (]) ro ...... ...c ro ~~ ~ >-. "'i:: ro "5 u '€ ro 0.. ::l o >-. ~ ro CIl Q) ::l CIl .~ C"--. OJ}-5 = ,- '2 ~ ="0 ro Q) o.E ...... Q) ro u ...c = ~ 8 lr) ...... CIl Q) OJ} OJ} :0 Q) c-. ...c CIl ...... 5 ~..D ro~ ~ '0) ,~ c Q) 5 ..D 0 ::l >-. ~'O o CIl "0 E ...... (]) ro u ...c = ~ 8 \0 OJ} = '2 = ro ~ Q) ...c ...... Q) ;> c-. Q) CIl ;.:::: a.> (]) 0 ..D"O ::l = o 0 >-. . en o CIl "0 .- ...... E ro E ...c 0 ~u r- = (]) CIl CIl ro ...c = ro ...c U Q) Q) CIl o ...... Q) ~ ,- - ::l o >-. "0 "5 o ~ ~ o ::r: 00 .-<;::: C-. "0 (]) 0.. o Q) ;> Q) "0 ~ d = Q) .~ E ~ ~....... C'" ,- E E E E Q) Eo...c o ...... uU...c (]) Q) ...... E -5 .~ '.c '+-< Q) Q)O::O ...c I-< ro ......]t "gE..8 .s (]) E CIl E 0 I-< U .g ro ::l = Q) 0 ::l..D >-. ::l 0 (]) o ...... I-< >-.CIlro 0~"O Q .s ~ u o "0 .; ... ';;; :: :: .g '" 0) :> C" ~ 0) .~ 0) .5 ... 0) :: o 'Vi '" 's E o u 00 :: '2 :: co :9- g ~ :: co :9- on 0\ APPIJCATION FOR CHANHASSEN CITY COMMISSION Date:~ COMMISS~ON DESIRED:J] u nn i n~ ALTERNATE:_-PLlr' ~ + EeL City ofChanhassen, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Name: ---n;()VY('.>-<; '\:J. KlJe \-.Y\~ VI Address:-=t9 S RndevDSCL by-. OnoV\\n.o<)S'eV) HtJ 5S317 Home Phone:6C(J:) -I~( Work Phone: Cell Phone: Email: No. of Years in Chanhassen: ;;28 Highest Level of Education Allained, Pia, Degrees, if any:ili Hec6aaimi ~ j nl'eilV~ 1l~11 Employment History (State position, employer and brief description of duties: ~'? mployed '1V\ C ooc::f-\yl)(':ti(J{\ 13 '(0. v:s 30- ~d~ - LhLlV\ha<;S'~'h'lVlY)~-C~cch.Y5 5 '{-OfS Activities and Affiliations (Include elective offices, honors, and recognitions received, if any): H~:dGe.y- c~~~:t c.w. lla v'Y l_~ )\"hvD../'l C 1tt or-en (<a;cel<;io() V{ )y\ria~i' u lIrJ(~~r' --- < tn Reasons for Seeking this Position: f{ ~^ C/\CI C(r)IfV\rY\\ 'i/\ 'li-~.. -r {".(Ii -' ~,e\- <;e.xV1V"\{)..... ov\ . d . ~ ,J./) CL- '?JCC LO(~ -h, ~ r~~1'P ~ Cu^C\ .eA~UA(' p -hu --' ~~ l' j) 1 Y ) lJ.-1-R. n 0 ~ .Q..A'\ M' -rf: 4-P,J> 0 ct~Gl. -:c 'n{'5p~~ ~j)--, r.ho-vna:h:>/ ~ OL.l.X"" ~ cluV\~ ~ \^~X+- fP.-V1(),1 ot ~'---I Y VY\.~ hw-e 0 _ ('~~--'r\. . ~ ~ AJL-*a~' lJ....b,. . Specific Qualificationsfor the Position:-c. 'nCL~ Ci:.-- .Auc:,+O~O ~ COMr'Y\'\\-8L. LDO(e. ~ ~ O~ M. -:c l.QlA.S. 0.. ~ q -:f.1.u...., c:A-Drlf..l.\..4-c;urV\rO ~ ~e~ com m ; '{h~ () . t'IAr.d- r DVV'lVVl;~.p Q LGO-~ ~ j) ~'" rd:?l e...... ~nr B..u, d i ~('i bt..d- i ()Y\... ~ oJuorl \6 rn"dliCly) 6()\~-'--v-S \1"\ cA-ucl4d-~.:r: ~ ~o c.Abod 'o~D-r-e ~ ?-CtY\~\\,^~ Lommi %:1 ~ h O-~ Cu'\ n.rr\kCLtA.::t-. -r. La.\.~ i mprr<;sed I l)~fu eV'P.n(J'V\..k.. ~V\vol~ in ~- \:fb~~ CUAc\. l..ui~. to co~i.YI\..kJL.. -&.... ~irt+ 0& cLo.clAcc..b. "^- T u.>i't~~ ~ ~.l1 fu~\Js\ SIGNATURE ~ ~ -< z z o ..... E-- CI) ~ CI ~ S ;> ~ ~ E-- Z ..... ~ ~ o ..... CI) CI) ~ o u o ~ z z -< .....l 0... s:: 11) s:: ...c: 11) o ~ '" ro E o ...c: E-- 11) E ro Z 11) ...c: .... o .... on s:: "I:: .D :::l o >-. o "0 c--. '" s:: "~ 0 ;E . en ro "~ :::l E ~E ro 0 "13 U 11) on o..s:: en "_ .... s:: ro s:: ...c: ro ~o::: - 11) ...c: .... o .... on s:: "~ 0.. 0.. ro I-< <8 '" s:: o '" ro 11) I-< 5 c--. o s:: >-. "S e ~ ~ "s ro E ...c: 0 ~u C'i 11) 11) '" e <8 :::l ~ c--. 11) '" I-< E B ~<2 .D 11) O...c: a.... .... s:: '" .- 11) s:: on 11) on", "- '" .D ro 11)...c: .;: a ...c: eu ro .... on ro s:: ...c: '13 ~~ M '" ~ >-. .... 'S :::l E E o u 11) ...c: .... e ro 11) > .~ Q) .D~ :::l t) o '" >-.'" o ro "Ou; .... 11) ro .... ...c: ro ~~ ~ >-. "i: ro "3 u "€ ro 0.. :::l o >-. 11) I-< ro '" 11) :::l '" .~ C'. on';: s:: .- "S ~ S::"O ro 11) o..E .... 11) ro u ...c: s:: ~ 8 tr) .... '" 11) on on ;B 11) c--. ...c: '" .... 5 e.D ro~ ~ .~ .~ s:: Q) 5 .D 0 :::l >-. 0...... >-.0 o '" "0 E .... 11) ro u ...c: s:: ~ 8 \0 on s:: 'S s:: ro 0::: 11) ...c: .... 11) > c--. .~ '" Q) 11) .D.g :::l s:: o 0 >-. . tii o '" ~ 's ro E ...c: 0 ~u r- s:: 11) '" '" ro ...c: s:: ro ...c: U 11) 11) '" o .... 11) 3 :::l o >-. "0 "3 o ~ ~ o ::r: 00 .-::: c--' "0 11) 0.. o Q) > 11) "0 ~ d' s:: 11) .S E ~ ......, 01"""'1 C"-. .- E E E E 11) Eo...c: o .... uU...c: 11) 11).-;:: E .;: ~ ";:: ~ Q) 11)0:0 ...c: I-< ro .... 11) 1:: "O.Do s::E<+.:. l3 11) E ~ E 0 11) ro u "0 :::l s:: 11) 0 :::l.D >-. :::l 0 11) o .... I-< >-.",ro 0]"0 Cl l3 a g '0 e 0;; c:: c:: .~ .,d::l 0- ~ ., "t ., .5 ... ., c:: .~ Vl Os E o u on c:: Oc c:: " 3- ~ ~ c:: " 3- eo 0\ APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN ClTYCOMMlSSION COMMISSION DESIRED: :p [t\nnlV'\~ ALTERNATE: City ofChanhassen, 1700 Market Bouleva~ p.o. Box 147, Chanhtm'en, MN 55317 Name: M4TTH EW ~t-.JG'.s Address: l ~ I 0 -S t rc. + tUI1 c. +.J C h ~ '1. 1, ~ 5 oS €" IV J JIl tJ ~ s 3 I 7 Date: ;) I) 7/07 lIomePho"e:q5)-47'(-(~f7WoTkPhone: '1f'rJ-.,7.).'-I-"$,Wct&, Cd/Phone: c, I.1-JO;;J.-ooCi I Email: f.i\C\t+L.e~h.Ju(\.H?-S@~t..IA.~~....No. ofYearsiIJ Cllanhassen: ;; J6,. Highest Level of Education Attained, PIII$ Degrees, if any: . L '" l.V ...s Co l, v cJ J I ::r. i:J, J G] 9 R Employment History (State po~.ition, employer and brief description of duties,. D~Sot'\~ luc.o....\ ll\-+-roeJv~1, -Re~l CSf"TE l-:llj~ho..., ~"V"\1" c",-V'l On A-ttu....M +...u.(,J....l\~C-E" L:f,' t/O>1 Activities andAffdilltions (Include elective offICes, honors, and recognmom' received, if any): (11 li1" <.s 0 +~ S~ + E' 13 ",.e. It- SJ' 0 Co/,q. II ulir- l-J "t1 t1 C P'" . ~o "'"\ t Y i3~.,.. tIIs.sac 14. + IlrJ fVll"'''~ ~c)71t D,- -{("'tee L4~Y e-~ s t4JJOt:Il4l1 cJ.;J, HJ/i, ",,~I) 10,/ Mll'h1c'Sot; L4'-' '3't'uJ:~I'{;J c.. .e'..sII\J~ .51<=1..... IVl J-aOq.f-J-OOL, Reasons/or Seeking this Position: ..r ~....v<. ll\J~J ,'" C "'a", L.,l!.~.st:-N i)., t-t....o p",..I,l" )'1;.. 'J~'\"'.s .:r~~vc. " seecl~L<' IN,evc.~T IV\. ~v"J 'OQ"....r,:)1- ~ pl"V\t\.l-CVj 't-dove.lopMUlt1 '{Iro~"'~ IA. Ckc.",-\r..c..~~-<-",,\. r"yw;-\<. t-:c ""c..-u-t-~GL..:Lc.~lIt...,.t \/61Lue.. ,,\11 ~+ <'~""\"'-~\f"'l. "c.~ -p ~,,: +\....II"'...u.:I- 0+ \.oV~I...t'~ "....1::.$ ~~t~ hl)U5lJ.\. ...~~l. w';'"t\ C(l~ "~\u"'\L\I{..~l~vWLi Y".:lu.&. u.bovr- 1"'lu...c\.~ -Jo 1t..b. ~ l4Lt... p'\Ar.."'J o~~.(tu,^~'h(.~ ,~I.SI-for ,,~I4~H"'. T f...ut:. ~",........-J -\.> ~\")p."'" lit ~~d-rCl~ SpecifIC QualiflCationsfor the Position: .:c, r~ ell/... ~ J ~\J"'" Co lie. r- v.; 7f-t... t.., c:/Lr--u L '" v~llJ~:> otJ o.b{-t.l"'~~ <;, l"'..... J. v(.c...1V-~""'" -1"k U~,vc,(s~ l)1t'\t",\!f\.c)I1t't. t\.\.' (;Jr, tll\r 1~'1'-\ O"cA.t:h. (...C. ~c.v:Sa.~ c')"\ ~Cl,,\. 8'!rr~"i~ to (~~ Ti-uc-'"I"UM .lAw. :I. ~~ J{)-'--(....,.hc. c,'(.~""",",c."" l,.\.l,;:.2..~It..Jb (11\ ~l-t elf ~O\..~+:f"'- (.O~.......I(':lI.q k~l 1Z')1l't"Tt'" w:.,,~,,:>,..-ol)'~ - ~ \.:1....h~.... -\""-L5 <"~U1A"".L~ 0." \4.c... tJ-t \1~\\J~ -k::. -rev '{)l4Y\.N.~ C () W'\.lI/\ \.'5 S 10...... . ~. SIGNATURE 10 39IJd 80SSIJ NOSlO H SIJWOHl 6L8St>2:2:2:S6 2:2::El L002:/L2:/2:0 ~ e:; <t: Z Z o - Eo-< CI) ~ CI ~ ~ > ~ ~ Eo-< ~ ~ ~ o - CI) CI) ~ o U o ~ z Z <t: ~ 0.. en a) !::: o ....... ~ a) ...s::: ...... ...... c::l ~ a) E c::l Z a) ...s::: ...... o ...... 01) !::: .C .0 ::l o ;>. o "'0 c- . en !::: a) 0 :-20&; - en c::l .- ::l E ~E c::l 0 .u U <!) 01) o..!::: en ._ ...... !:: c::l !:: ...c: c::l ~o: - <!) ...s::: ...... o ...... 01) !::: .>-- 0. 0.. c::l I-< ..E en !::: o en c::l <!) 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(JJw.( mar}) !?q IsjereJ IJtl//Yld CIst {jtf0 Employment History (State position, employer and brief description of duties: If a f' 'f) VS sa Ie r / C t' ,c 'AIUPltlC f ftetllM I~SVV<<1ce / eli/fir - OtU/1~r .5/hCR CJ.OtlG. ca/e Ct7/JJv!-h'" -r tf/ld vt;,~ ~Rk,~. Activities and Affiliations (Include elective offices, honors, and recognitions received, if any): fre.Jr"Jeflr f" gear) /hemb.P, t)f [j",flefS;ftt ~f fJ7N !httfmAc-r; A-~,,; I ( J'rJcre 0 - /fP7 -;;... . (ele-cI-t'J I}slh::'/J.r h of-F IIwt:lrd - ",'~I'/;;f., n"""..rdecf ~QJ~.fJtv. 4(.1/MJ...r c:<f Pes MS rlOw DU"(rt!().r!d<.. R./ /, ()/fi24-17o/'V Ltrt/JnfJr -- >!n'J-be/d ^~9h~'/lhnj {)m4f/W"f: . Reasons for Seeking this Position: 1/1 e f)tJ!eI1-h;,! d () atJ1li1Crc..; tf I re -;.v,,{~~ /ledr};'! ~/JtlrWcI ;nr 1~('Jf . );,vf)/ved Vlf,u/JS l4111k ~ dt'lle~P1~ - 6~1l, .stOff IMj/ /~-k:M, Iff A liJca-1 kw~ fht. tlh,lr ft fo {Mfa c..f//;'wj~ Ik Jt/Il //1 of It//' !1l1thf.,{)(J l(;rf;k... If IYa/ fJ)Y1)I/41er1hI I II P'r//' ('/1A1-'1tma/ ,#,~ /' ~;e, Ckl1lt~./J('" /J I'll Ih Wf(J/{ If! kU/I1,' fN /lfKf '#u.r/er - tJt/J/lt'd' /ut!1 I I I \ n cJ 1/1 I :Jill Y!!f of- lIcit. h~/-; tf/'cq !tt1OJ 1/11 ~/Jh-tllif'~ go' fI.. ~ki i/Jky"':"'" .::.-"q/lw"!t/-t /V,'!1t l""jJr..r.c 'cv<-f CV'/J7ttJt?rc/ct( ~rPw~ pt/u( Specific Qualifications for the Position: t^t'J / .I~11 hid d -e IN ~ . / II) n~ikr or t?t1'7-II-h~S C) (Y/fy Cd t/J1 C./! ;nt. dJ7I J.s d f tfY1 Sf p...e f I hlVl'~ Man;{Je tt. ~~ "-sIGNATURE ~ ~ ~ z z o >-< E-< CI) ~ CI ~ S > ~ ~ ~ >-< ~ ~ o >-< CI) CI) >-< ~ ~ o u o ~ ~ j ~ 'u u :::l Z d) Cl ...... - ...... ..c ~ d) S ro Z d) ..c ...... o ...... on s:: '1:: .D :::l o ;>-. o "'0 c-' tI) s:: .~ 0 ;E .~ ro ...... :::l S ~S ro 0 'u u d) on o-s:: VJ ...... ...... s:: ro s:: ..c ro ~o:: ...... d) ..c ...... o ...... on s:: ';;" "P.. 0- ro I-< c.8 tI) s:: o tI) ro d) I-< 5 c-' o s:: ;>-. . ~ d) tI) '- .~ ~ S ro S ..c 0 ~u N d) d) tI) ~ c.8 :::l ~c-. d) tI) I-< S B ~.z .D d) O..c a...... ...... s:: tI) ...... ~~ ontl) ...... tI) .D ro d)..c -5 @ ..c ~u ~ on ro s:: ..c 'u ~~ ('<) tI) ~ ;>-. ...... 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