02-13-07 Minutes
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
February 13, 2007
Members Present:
Shirley McGee, Bill Fouks, Lee Scholder, Jo Mueller, Ron Olsen
Members Absent:
Dotti Shay, Jim Sommers
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
Marcus Zbinden, Carver County Environmental Services, Samantha Meuwissen,
Chaska HS E-Club
January minutes were approved.
Guest Presentation: Marcus Zbinden, Carver County Organics Project:
Marcus gave an
update to the commission on the project. The county recently mailed a survey to the participants
and the response rate is 27%. The deadline is in a couple of week so a higher rate is expected.
So far approval for the program is at about 95%. The county will send a second letter during the
second week of March which will address confusing items, give the survey results and a date of
delivery for the bags and kitchen bins. The program will start the second week of April. Before
then a starter pack of the kitchen pail, 3 rolls of bags, a magnet and letter will be delivered to
each home in the program. Marcus said the county was approved for additional funding from the
state to extend the program through the end of the year. During the program, the county may
offer $100 to whoever they find actively participating. The county may also do a phone survey
to gauge participation.
Renewable Energy:
Ron presented information on solar water heaters. He has compiled a
payback spreadsheet for the equipment, but needs some information from the city about usage.
The maintenance needs of the appliance are low. The useable life is unknown or indefinite. The
commission would like to get direction from the city as to the next step to take towards
presenting the information to the city council.
The Green Power program as spelled out on the state’s website is straight forward to follow and
could be put together fairly easily. The city’s website could be used to promote the program and
track participation. The commission could contact the paper about doing an article on the
program. Someone from the commission would need to spearhead the effort, but no one is
available to do so at the time so the commission will work on it collectively.
Newspaper liaison:
Bill offered to be the contact person for the paper.
Arbor Day planning/Poster Contest:
Jill updated the commission on the most recent
developments for the AD event. The commissioners will contact her with their availability for
the event.
General Discussion:
Choose to Reuse is the week of Oct. 14. Perhaps can promote it in Carver County. Have
Recycling Day that week? Information is available on the Henn. Cty website at:
www.hennepin.us and search for ‘choose to reuse’.
Samantha Meuwissen was introduced. She is a student at Chaska High School and a
member of the E-Club at school. She said the club is working on a canvas bag project and
getting a wind turbine at the new high school. The commission suggested that the club
have a table at the AD event or adopt a park for the morning.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:40 PM.
Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair
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