03-09-05 Minutes Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting March 9, 2005 Meeting Called to order 6:40 p.m. Members Present: Marcus Zbinden, Dotti Shay, Deborah Yungner, Ron Olsen, Jo Mueller, David Wanek Members Absent: Kim Grant Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist 3 Guests Present: J. Drake Hamilton, ME (Minnesotans for an Energy Efficient Environment) February Minutes: The minutes were approved. 3 Wind energy presentation from ME: J. Drake Hamilton explained to the commission that ME3 is a private, non-profit organization that started in 1991. Their goal is to get public policy made so that more wind and alternative energy is developed and used in the state. J. said that getting small-scale wind turbines is good for policy since they condition people to the presence of the turbines. An example of other, existing turbines includes one installed at Macalester College through a grant from Excel energy. The turbine is small-scale, cost about $30,000 and provides energy to power about 2-3 homes per year. J thought it would be a good idea to include an interpretive sign near the turbine to explain how it works, what it does, etc. Another example is in Moorhead which has a municipal utility. The city installed 2 turbines. J offered ideas for financing the turbine: grants from Excel, city resident contribution program, getting a discounted rate from Excel if a turbine is sighted in Chanhassen. J suggested that Excel be asked about distribution generated funds for the turbine. Resources for turbine information include Windustry and Wind Power America. Windustry is based in Minneapolis, funded by the US Dept. of Energy, and works with communities to walk through the analysis and spreadsheet info pertaining to turbines. Wes Slaymaker is the project engineer there and may be able to help the commission do the research. The website, Windustry.org, has FAQs and spreadsheets that will be helpful. Wind Power America is also funded by the US Dept. of Energy and may have info on getting wind energy in cities. The actual wind data on site determines the payback possibility. Energy produced by the wind is the rate of wind cubed, so that even a little increase in wind rate can dramatically effect the payback. Applicant interview: The commission interviewed Stacy Lee Scholder and will recommend her for appointment to the commission. 2005 Arbor Day planning: Dotti updated the commission on the status of the school participation in the poster contest. St. Hubert’s and Bluff Creek will definitely be submitting. Jill asked the commission for more ideas for the bird feeders. After thinking about the current design that was chosen, she wasn’t sure it was the best one. Commissioners offered alternatives: an oriole feeder (tray with dowel and nail for cut oranges), tube feeder made out of PVC, suet log made from cut branches/logs, mesh sock that would be filled with seed. Jill will research each and see which is the best choice. Recycle Day: The date is April 22. Marcus wants to make sure the event is advertised in the Villager. Jill will confirm that. Commissioners thought of other ways to promote the event. Perhaps putting advertising on grocery bags or offering Blue sky Guides to the first 100 customers. The commissioners thought it would be a good idea to have something for kids who come to the center that day. Dum dums or give away trees or seed packets maybe. General Discussion: The commission will tour the Eureka facility on March 30 at 1 pm. ? The following items should be added to the April agenda: look at educational brochures on recycling, ? discuss whether or not to implement the ‘Caught Recycling’ program, and adding an article on the FreeMarket to the Connection. Ron wants to nominate CFS Enterprises for this year’s EE Award. They advocate durable products ? and energy efficiency in home building. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm Prepared and submitted by Jill Sinclair G:\minutes\Env\03-09-05MIN.doc