06-08-05 Minutes
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
June 8, 2005
Meeting Called to order 7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Marcus Zbinden, Dotti Shay, Lee Scholder, Ron Olsen, Kim Grant
Members Absent:
David Wanek, Jo Mueller
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist, Don Asleson, Natural Resource
Approval of Minutes:
The minutes were approved with the addition of Lee Scholder to the ‘Members
Present’ in April and May
Fourth of July planning:
dotti will look into getting a Eureka recycling truck for the parade. Marcus had
called them and wasn’t able to get one, so Dotti will look into it. The commission decided they will use the
Woodsy Owl costume. Ron will wear it. Commissioners will hand out recycling coupons, Free Market
promo materials, pencils and candy.
P2 Week:
It was suggested that the StarTrib series on recycling be used . Dotti wil talk to the paper about
recycling issues. Marcus said the paper is very good about printing articles that are submitted so Dotti
should write something and send it in.
Wind turbine:
Ron brought system cash flow spreadsheets for the turbine. There is a 10 yr. payback.
Examples included 10 KW, 20KW, 35KW. Chan is in wind zone 3. The cost of the turbine could range
from $50K - $85K, assuming no financing. There are grants that could be applied for or sponsorships. The
county and city could contribute. With the city’s budget and outside sources, project costs are doable.
Next steps are pursuing funding, approaching sources, finding out what the wind resources are here. A
presentation should be made to the chamber to spur interest and sponsorship. Proposed sites should be
located. Ron will meet with a planner to find out where the turbines could be located.
General Discussion:
Dotti would like copies of everyone’s garbage bills.
The commission wants to add Arbor Day planning to the July agenda.
Marcus handed out info on ‘Caught Recycling’ programs from other cities.
Next meeting will be held at 560 W. 79 Street.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm
Prepared and submitted by Jill Sinclair