10-12-05 Minutes
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
October 12, 2005
Meeting Called to order 6:40 p.m.
Members Present:
Marcus Zbinden, Dotti Shay, Lee Scholder, Ron Olsen, Kim Grant
Members Absent:
Jo Mueller
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
Approval of Minutes:
The minutes for the September 2005 meeting were approved.
Meeting Day Change:
The commission unanimously voted to change the by-laws to reflect a new meeting
day change. The commission will meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm in the Courtyard
Conference Room.
Wind Energy Update:
Ron and Marcus updated the commission on the work they had done since the last
meeting. They haven’t managed to meet yet with Arboretum staff, but will continue trying to set up a
meeting. They are hoping to arrange something in Novmber. Jill passed out topographic maps of the
Arboretum that shows the high points within the property. Ron and Marcus will share the maps with the
Arboretum at their meeting.
Arbor Day Poster Contest:
Jill informed the commission that in order to submit the winning poster to the
national contest that it first needs to compete at the state level. The state deadline for entries is in February.
Local schools will then need to be contacted much earlier in order to have the winners selected and sent to
the state. Jill will pull together all of the information and will write a letter. Dotti will assist in contacting
the schools.
EE Award:
The commissioners discussed possible nominees. Dotti suggested that the County Board of
Commissioners and Environemtnal Services should receive an award for their commitment to recycling and
solid waste abatement. Their continued support over the years for city funding and the establishment of the
Environmental Center has made an important impact in Chanhassen’s quality of life. Ron suggested
resident Jim Kusak (sp?) who has built an environmentally home using a number of energy efficient
techniques. Ron will contact Jim and get more details on his project. Jill stated that an application was
received by the Dry Cleaning Station. They use non-toxic solvents, recycled plastic bags and recycle their
cardboard boxes and hangers. The commission voted to recommend awards for all three nominees pending
further information on Jim K. The commission will give a final vote to the recommendation at their
November meeting.
Chanhassen Recycles Day:
Marcus said they are expecting about 300 people that day. He invited
commissioners to come and help if they have time that day.
General Discussion:
Kim Grant was elected Vice-Chair.
Marcus said there was a good turnout (75 people) at the Environmental Preferable Purchasing
Lee gave a SWMP update. She said the big issues, because of recent events, is flooding but equally
important should be funding for the monitoring/personnel and chloride in the water. The
conversation always returns to flooding and erosion.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm
Prepared and submitted by Jill Sinclair