12-13-05 Minutes
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
Dec. 13, 2005
Meeting Called to order 6:30 p.m.
Members Present:
Marcus Zbinden, Ron Olsen, Jo Mueller, Kim Grant, Shirley McGee
Members Absent:
Dotti Shay, Lee Scholder
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
Approval of Minutes:
The minutes for the November meeting were approved.
Arbor Day planning:
The commission discussed possible changes and ideas for the 2006 Arbor Day
event. Jill informed the commission that the city will offer additional tree selections for sale besides the
potted spruce. Possible selections include bareroot crabapples and serviceberry. The commission debated
possible new crafts for the kids. Perhaps a barley straw project to incorporate water issues with Arbor Day.
Other ideas for the day included inviting a chainsaw artist, having Lori Haak in a dunk tank filled with
green pond scum, getting the Woodsy costume again if Ron will agree to wear it, Marcus will check to see
if Smokey is available too, creating a program especially for the scouts after lunch.
Wind turbine project:
Ron and Marcus updated the commission on their meeting with Peter Moe from
the Arboretum. They said he was receptive to the idea. Getting a turbine large enough to supply all the
power for the Arboretum would cost upwards of $1 million. The project would probably involve a smaller,
‘educational’ turbine. The arboretum has a grant writer on staff to help with the application. The Morris
campus turbines involved other colleges to help fund the costs. Perhaps the arboretum turbine could as
well. There is a grant from the PCA that the commission would like to apply for to help with the design
and installation costs. The application is due in February. The commission wondered if the council needed
to approve the application and if the city would dedicate any funds towards the project. Perhaps solid
waste funds could be used. Or ‘blades’ could be sold or sponsored by local businesses. Jo is acquainted
with the project manager from the St. Olaf turbine project and could ask him to come speak with the group.
Marcus will work on the grant.
2006 Work Plan:
Changes and additions were made to the 2006 plan. Visitor presentation ideas included
inviting Paul Gardner, RAM and also WM and BFI.
2005 Recycling Program:
Total spent through November was $10,527. There is approximately $2,500
left in the grant funds. Jill will bring a 2005 summary to the Jan. meeting. There were other expenditures
for the solid waste grant – Climb Theater and blue sky guides so the full grant amount will be spent.
2006 Arboretum class series:
Jill is waiting to confirm the classes and dates with the Arboretum. The
commission would like to set the price per class at $15.
General Discussion:
New resident packets: add Free Market flyer, coloring book for kids. Should give info about the
packet to associations and property managers so renters could be reached.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm
Prepared and submitted by Jill Sinclair