06-09-04 Minutes Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting June 9, 2004 Meeting Called to order 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Marcus Zbinden, Deborah Yungner, Dotti Shay, David Wanek Members Absent: Kim Grant, Ron Olsen, Jo Mueller Staff Present: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator Guests Present: None May Minutes: The minutes were not approved because a quorum was not present at the beginning of the meeting. The May minutes should be reviewed and approved at the July meeting. Strategic Plan: Deborah stated that she will work jointly with Dotti and Jo on the strategic plan. th July 4 Parade: Deborah will not be in town for the 4 of July Parade. Marcus and David will be present at the parade. Marcus stated that he would send an email so that a head count could be created. The float this year will be the same as last years float. Marcus stated that 250-300 people used coupons from the Connection to date this year. Marcus also stated that he would track the number of coupons used from the parade versus the coupons used from the Connection newsletter. Deborah asked if a disposal wheel for household products literature could be handed out in the parade. Marcus stated that he would check into the wheels. Marcus also stated that rulers with radon message, environmental center pens, magnets and th coupons were available. Marcus will get signs made and Dotti will get bunting for the July 4 float. The EC will meet at Dotti’s at 11:00 to decorate the float. Project HO: Lori gave update on current happenings with Project HO. Deborah inquired as to if a 2 2 videotape that has High School kids talking about their neighborhood project will be produced and made available at City Hall, library, etc. The EC expressed interest in being invited on the neighborhood tours to see the demonstration projects. Marcus suggested broadcasting a video on cable access. Business Discussion of EE Award Discussion: Marcus stated that last year the EC went to the Rotary Club and gave a presentation. He suggested that a similar presentation be scheduled at the Chamber of Commerce. Deborah advised that not all businesses are members and asked how they would be reached. Lori stated that mailings, paper, website, cable have been used in the past. Deborah then suggested that table tents be set up at local dining establishments such as Perkins, Applebee’s and Culvers. Dotti and Marcus volunteered to make a presentation to the Chamber. General Discussion: Deborah suggested the EC pursue a smoke free community. It was determined that the EC would have to receive authorization from the Council to pursue this. The EC decided to add this discussion as an agenda item for the July EC meeting. The $10 charge on BFI bills will be discussed at the next EC meeting. Marcus will write a response to the newspaper column that appeared in the Chanhassen Villager. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm Prepared and submitted by Lori Haak G:\ENG\Lori\Env Comm\06-09-04MIN.doc